Jeopardy Answers Part 1

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Justin Bieber and Beyonce both have a song with this title


This is the audio term for an extract from a recorded interview that summarizes a story in just a few seconds

Sound Bite

From 1954 to 2003, Strom Thurmond was a senator from this state

South Carolina

This state houses Badlands National Park

South Dakota

One of this country's biggest exports is K-Pop music, such as "Gangam Style"

South Korea

The stars on New Zealand's flag represent this constellation

Southern Cross

Aerobed is part of this camping company


His 1983 special at Carnegie Hall included his last recorded version of his famous bit, restricting himself to 7 words which weren't allowed on tv

George Carlin

This actor who played Batman was also in Monuments Man

George Clooney

Elizabeth Browning wrote that this French novelist is "A large brained woman and a large hearted man"

George Sand

1991's "The Secret Pilgrim" was the last of John le Carre's 8 novels about this spy

George Smiley

This Parisian garden remains though its palace was destroyed in 1871

The Tuileries

This ancient region on the Balkan Peninsula was later a Roman province


This numerical song was the Commodores biggest hit and first Number 1 song

Three Times a Lady

This is the name of Thor's only daughter, with his golden haired wife Sif


This is the force that propels a plane


This word to successfully oppose a plan has 1 word


This is the fictional man for Colombian Coffee Growers Federation, with his mule Conchita

Juan Valdez

"The Mufti Who Tried to Close Our School" is a chapter in the memori "I Am ____"


This cocktail contains rye whiskey, sweet vermouth, and angostura


The rodents include many kinds of rat, and this marsh dweller has rat in its name


Ghost Town DJs and Usher and Alicia Keys both have a song with this title

My Boo

In 1877 a war began between this tribe and the US in Idaho, ending when the US captured Chief Joseph

Nez Perce

This actress of 1968's "Plato's Stepchildren" was known for one of tv's first interracial kisses

Nichelle Nichols

This pope visited NYC in 2008, visiting the UN and a synagogue

Pope Benedict XVI

SA for short, this magazine published an article by Albert Einstein "On the Generalized Theory of Gravitation"

Scientific American

Haggisland is a nickname for this country


Reviewing Medicare is one of the matters relating to older members that this Senate committee deals with

The Special Committee of Aging

Sheri McCoy calling as CEO of this maker of beauty and home products


This heavenly body is the newspaper in Kansas City

The Star

Skirl is a shrill wailing sound, but as a verb it is the sound made by this instrument


This is the closest nation to the mainland US where cars customarily drive on the left


This Vegas edifice is the tallest tower west of the Mississippi River

The Stratosphere

Originally called "Salinas Valley" this Steinbeck novel is now known as this

"East of Eden"

This film is about Agu the African Civil War soldier, for which Idris Elba got a Golden Globe nomination

Beasts of No Nation

This is the total weight of plant species or plant material used as fuel


Superior National Forest has a 21 mile long blue lake named for this kind of silvery white tree


This last name is shared by both a 12 time NBA all star and a 9 time WNBA all star

Bird (Larry and Sue)

A kind of white wine is fittingly called Chenin ____


This technique, from the Latin for "to whiten" can be used to peel a peach's fuzzy skin


Fats Domino and New Order both have a song with this title

Blue Monday

This is the kind of fish that Dory from Finding Nemo is

Blue Tang

This is the surname of Cesare or Lucrezia


This 2016 movie's title character only appears in the last 2 scenes, and is named William

Bridget Jones' Baby

This city in North Africa is Arabic for victorious


33% of the world are of this religion


This ancient wonder of the world was toppled by an earthquake around 225 BC

Colossus of Rhodes

There's a maritime museum named for this river near its mouth in Astoria Oregon

Columbia River

This scotch brand named for a famously fast clipper ship began in 1923

Cutty Sark

In 1959, Greece reached an agreement with Great Britain and Turkey to make this British Crown colony independent


This letter on US coins indicates it was minted in the Mile High City


The world's largest producer of diamonds by value is this South African company founded by Cecil Rhodes

De Beers

Just like former House Majority Leader Tom's last name, you could be beset by one of these


From the Latin for "to wash away" this term means a heavy downpour or flood


A negative altitude in astronomy or an economic woe


This is the nature of a deity, though some universities have a school for it


Combing whiskey, kirschwasser, cynar, and amaro is grounds for this according to Mr. Boston


This is a wheeled platform with a mounted camera on it used to make a tracking shot


This term meaning to listen in on a conversation was originally where rain fell on a roof


This is an honorary title professors have after retirement


This woman is married to John Krasinski

Emily Blunt

The death of this emperor in 1989 ended the so called Showa period

Emperor Hirohito

This woman is married to Josh Duhamel


This technology has replaced copper wire in long distance telephone lines

Fiber Optic

The Sachs Bridge in this city was used by both Union and Confederate troops


Lake Volta provides irrigation of dry farmland in this West African country's Accra Plains


Elliott dresses E.T. up like this for Halloween in the movie


The bit of this lizard is venomous but not deadly to humans

Gila Monster

This artist never completed his painting of George Washington, the "The Athenaeum" portrait

Gilbert Stuart

Regular brushing can help this inflammation of the gums


The Masai subspecies of this mammal can reach 19 feet tall


JJ, Thelma, and Michael were the kids on this old sitcom

Good Times

This is the largest gulf in the world

Gulf of Mexico

She was Miss Teen Ohio and Miss Ohio before winning an Oscar for "Monster's Ball"

Halle Berry

This Shakespeare play has the lines "O my prophetic soul, my uncle"


The Pied Piper was of this city, surrounded by vermin


The 1066 battle of this port marked the start of William the Conqueror's conquest of England


Tia Carrere has 2 Grammy wins for music from this state


The address and date at a letter's beginning are called this, as well as it being a word for a ship's direction


A type of evidence that is not directly experienced but is secondhand evidence


This actress invented part of the tech to become part of cell phone security

Hedy Lamarr

This is the term for the model of the solar system with the sun at the center


This blacksmith Greek god must have been hurt by the infidelities of his wife Aphrodite


53 was the number of this Disney racing automobile

Herbie/The Love Bug

This term can only be legally applied to scotch distilled north of a line stretching from Greenock to Dundee


These 2 South Asian languages are sometimes abbreviated Hirdu, and have subtle differences

Hindi and Urdu

In a novel written by Douglas Adams, the Earth will be destroyed in favor of a new space express

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

In geometry, 3 equal side triangles are equilateral, no sides equal is scalene, and 2 equal sides is this kind


This is the Russian equivalent of a GI Joe


Magnolia trees surround the 1903 state capitol building in this city


Sir Walter Raleigh was once governor of this largest Channel island


The story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead is only found in this Gospel


This brand's elves bake their cookies in magic ovens in trees (Known as the Fac-tree)


This lake lies between Switzerland and France

Lake Geneva

This is the largest Egyptian lake

Lake Nasser

Sturgeon have returned to the St. Louis River, Minnesota's largest tributary of this Great Lake

Lake Superior

This minister skipped 9th and 12th grade before entering Morehouse College at age 15

Martin Luther King Jr.

These celebrity twins won Womenswear Designer of the Year in 2012 and 2015 for their label The Row

Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen

This actor who played Batman was also in Birdman

Michael Keaton

The first Crayola crayons in 1903 included this citrus color


This is the largest tree dwelling mammal, hailing from Sumatra and Borneo


Reggiano is part of the Italian named for this hard cheese that is grated over pasta dishes


This singer sang "Fire and Ice"

Pat Benatar

He's the hard-boiled detective who silently muses "You were dead, you were sleeping the big sleep"

Phillip Marlowe

Anne Geddes and Annie Leibovitz both share this profession


This sound in Washington is home to Whidbey Island

Puget Sound

Although some no use Regrets Only, many still use this 4 letter request instead


A place of protection or shelter from a storm


Abbreviated SAD, this disorder can crop u at specific times of the year, like Christmas

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Like the one in the nose, this is in the heart as a dividing membrane in the ventricle


When attorneys confer with the judge, out of jury earshot


Particles from fusion in the sun escape through the corona and create this

Solar Wind

The tribe spoke on this tv show that began in 2000


Way down upon this river, everyone can see Florida's largest whitewater rapids


This is the location of the Aaron's 499 NASCAR Race, as well as the title location for Ricky Bobby


Many schools have a policy against this 5 letter word for late


Carnegie Hall opened May 5th, 1891, with this world famous Russian composer making his only US trip


This city is home to the Arizona State Sun Devils


This is the border between Canada and the US from Minnesota to the Rockies

The 49th Parallel

James Truslow Adams popularized this phrase, for a hope for life richer and fuller with opportunity

The American Dream

In this Mozart opera, the wedding of Susanna is counterpart to the title

The Marriage of Figaro

As an adjective, it means caused by heat, as a noun it means a rising current of warm air used by hang gliders


1648's Peace of Westphalia ended this long conflict

Thirty Years War

This process allows water vapor to leave plants through their leaves


Sara Bareilles wrote the music for this 2016 show


This outermost layer of citrus rind contains the color and flavor of the fruit


This Police song says "Her friends are so jealous, you know how bad girls get"

"Don't Stand So Close To Me"

From the Grimm Brothers, this story ends with "And then everyone was dead"

"The Death of the Little Hen"

A novel other than Tarzan written by Edgar Rice Burroughs about dinosaurs

"The Land That Time Forgot"

The Winter Olympics in the Nagano prefecture took place in this year


Athens Greece held the Olympics in this year, 108 years after the first modern one


This is the alternate name for NYC's Queensboro Bridge

59th Street Bridge

This is the amendment that says you can't be compelled to be a witness against yourself in court of law

5th Amendment

This was the number given to the first Boeing jet

A 707

No compromising with Henry VIII proves fatal for Sir Thomas More in this Robert Bolt drama

A Man For All Seasons

Euclid's "Elements" begins with a definition of this, "That which has no part"

A Point

When he became Australian Prime Minister in 2007, Kevin Rudd issued a formal apology to this group


In Genesis 15, this man left the Euphrates city of Ur to found a new nation


A granite obelisk rises 117 feet over this man's family tomb in Springfield, Illinois

Abraham Lincoln

A division of the American Psychological Association is devoted to these, such as one for gambling


The word archipelago is from the Greek meaning "chief sea", meaning this part of the Mediterranean

Aegean Sea

2 weeks after 9/11, a CIA team entered this country to prep an invasion


A book by the head of the AARP urges everyone to speak out against this -ism


Jessye Norman is a soprano known to sing this title role in a Verdi opera about a slave to an Egyptian princess


Opening in 1932, Orly is this type of place to make a connection


A city was named for Bessemer in this US state near an industrial center in Birmingham


Regarding the Voting Rights Act in 2013, it was Shelby County of this state vs. Holder


This nation joined the Warsaw Pact in 1955 and NATO in 2009, and is alphabetically 1st in both


This was the earliest known name for Britain, as early as 300 BC


This letter not found in the Roman alphabet is used by mathematicians to identify cardinalities of infinite sets

Aleph (First Hebrew Alphabet Letter)

This man derived penicillin from mold

Alexander Fleming

Arkansas' Hunter Henry was named a consensus one of these


Adapted by Gallaudet, it is ASL for short

American Sign Language

Espresso topped with hot water is known by this name


This is another more official term for a painkiller


His grave in a New York cemetery has a Celtic cross from Scotland, made of stone instead of steel

Andrew Carnegie

This US President vetoed the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which was frowned upon

Andrew Johnson

This spinoff of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" starred Charisma Carpenter


This current world leader studied physics at the University of Leipzig

Angela Merkel

She is one of a handful of female pirates, with her last name being a Scottish term for pretty

Anne Bonny

This is the attribution of human characteristics to animals or inanimate objects


An epitope is the site on an antigen like a bacterium where this protective type of protein attacks and binds


Coumadin and heparin are in this class of drugs whose name means that they thin the blood


The 1862 Battle of Sharpsburg was fought over a Maryland creek that gave the fight this other name


This 3 syllable word is for any court considering the reversal of legal decisions


A Scottish clan tartan that is diamond shaped and is common patterning for socks


This moon of Uranus is named for a sprite in Shakespeare's "The Tempest"


Miranda vs. this state in 1966 was the talk of jurisprudence (and lead to the Miranda rights)


The cactus wren is the state bird of this state, in which the Cardinals play


The largest diamond found in the US was found in this state's Crater of Diamonds state park


This river rises in the Sawatch Range of the Rockies and flows 1460 miles southeast to the Mississippi River

Arkansas River

60% of the world are from this continent


This cheese comes from the Veneto foothills in Italy, not Asia


Stockton, California has a festival dedicated to this vegetable, to include the Great Spear-it Run


Sara Jane Moore and John Hinckley show up and sing in this Sondheim musical


These mountains of Morocco are home to an annual wedding festival in Tislit and Isli Lakes

Atlas Mountains

During World War II, known Communist Klaus Fuchs worked on this, before introducing it to the USSR after the war

Atomic Bomb

In 451 AD, at the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains, this general lost his only battle

Attila the Hun

For movie publicity photos in 1961, she wore the 128.5 carat Tiffany diamond

Audrey Hepburn

This is the story of your life, written by you


In Australia's Northern Territory, it is 1,141 feet high and 5.8 miles around its base

Ayers Rock

This is the alphabetic name for the video footage used to accompany a tv news story as a reporter speaks over it


Chemin de Fer and Punto Bunco are related to this card game that relies on number 9, take it to its bank


This Greek god was the god of fertility, wine, vegetation, and good times


John Ritter's last film appearance was in this movie, trying to keep the inebriated Billy Bob Thornton in check

Bad Santa

This type of vinegar is made from white Trebbiano grapes, heated in aged and wooden barrels


These 3 wise men following the North Star were Melchior, Gaspar, and this one


In 1828, the US got their first passenger railroad started in this city


This orange and black state bird of Maryland is also known as a firebird

Baltimore Oriole

Hungarian wax is the hot version of this pepper, more known for being sweet

Banana Pepper

In the bathroom, it's a sink. On a map, it's an area drained by a single river


General McDowell sent phony Union forces toward Confederate forces by a waterway that gave it its name

Battle of Bull Run

This is the name of the 1898 naval battle that made Admiral George Dewey a naval hero

Battle of Manila Bay

This US battle happened in the same year as the Battle of Waterloo

Battle of New Orleans

This TV host was named the youngest "Chief Scout" of British scouting in 2009

Bear Grylls

This is the word used to wish someone a happy birthday the day after


In 1919, this city became capital for the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes


Lake Como in Italy was the inspiration for this hotel in Vegas designed by Jon Jerde


This actor who played Batman was also in Gone Girl

Ben Affleck

This man donated his salary as postmaster general to the relief of the war's wounded soldiers

Benjamin Franklin

This is the nickname of the Red Sox player David Ortiz

Big Papi

This president had a family cat named Socks

Bill Clinton

This legendary baseball manager died on Christmas Day, but was the Yankees manager 5 times before that

Billy Martin

This Asheville North Carolina mansion was nearly finished after 6 years, so the Vanderbilts moved in


Some creatures glow under the sea thanks to the marine type of this heatless light


These 2 colors paired together refer to something you want in writing

Black and White

This guy was the CMA Male Vocalist of the Year for 5 years in a row starting in 2010

Blake Shelton

Maltaise sauce is made by adding the juice of this fruit to hollandaise sauce

Blood Orange

These are the 2 South American countries named for a real person

Bolivia and Colombia

In 1906, Mark Twain presided at this educator's Tuskegee Institute Silver Anniversary Lecture

Booker T. Washington

This "Boss" in New York in the 1860's lived in a mansion at 5th and 43rd

Boss Tweed

This well known orchestra is known for performing on the 4th of July with fireworks

Boston Pops

In North Central Kentucky, you'll find this county named for a corn whiskey


Etiquette for this activity includes to never _____ in street shoes


Neurospora crassa, a type of this fungus, was first found in French bakeries and led to many genetics discoveries

Bread Mold

A group of persons organized for a specific purpose, such as a bucket one to carry water to a fire


Per old nautical idiom, a place that is neat and tidy is in the fashion of what British port


A BTU is a unit of measurement, but is an abbreviation for this

British Thermal Unit

The Marine Parkway-Gil Hodges Memorial Bridge connects the Rockaways to this NYC borough


"Once I built a railroad, now it's done" precedes this 6 word question which is the title of a depression era song

Brother Can You Spare A Dime

A bronze statue in Hong Kong honors this martial arts legend who would have been 76 last year

Bruce Lee

Gifts from a Korean king to the Emperor Kimmei introduced Japan to this religion around 538 AD


This was the first animal other than an eagle to appear on a US coin, in 1913


The librarian at Sunnydale High School, Giles, was the watcher for this title character

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

The 1912 platform of this short-lived political party had ideas such as direct election of US senators

Bull Moose

This is either slang for a chubby person or the brand name for a Thanksgiving turkey


This actress plays Prissy in Gone With The Wind

Butterfly McQueen

This was the 2nd guy to walk on the moon

Buzz Aldrin

This auto named for the French founder of Detroit had its first test drive on October 17, 1902


This alkaloid is the most widely used psychoactive substance in the world


This South American crocodilian was imported when the American Alligator became a protected species


This university city is 60 miles up the M11 from London


This actress sang a song about Life Day "A Day of Peace" in the 1978 "Star Wars Holiday Special"

Carrie Fisher

Her album "Storyteller" dominated country music sales in 2015

Carrie Underwood

Rome razed this city in 146 BC


This Polish aristocrat died in 1779 fighting for the American colonies

Casimir Pulaski

75% of the world use this type of communication device

Cell Phone

In 1984 this activist gave a speech entitled "what the future holds for farm workers and Hispanics"

Cesar Chavez

The history of the progression of the evidence is known as this

Chain of Custody

In 2016, this disciple of Kanye West released his "Coloring Book" mixtape

Chance the Rapper

California's Santa Cruz Island is one of this group, where the British Isles have a group of the same name

Channel Islands

Juliette Greco made her mark on this style of song known simply by the French word for song


In 1429, Joan of Arc escorted this soon to be VII-th king of this name to Reims and was by his side as he was crowned


You can still see one of Air France's Concorde jets at the Paris airport named for this man

Charles De Gaulle

This river divides Boston from Cambridge, winding 80 miles from Hopkinton to Boston Harbor

Charles River

She matched the initials of her pen name of Currer Bell and married Arthur Bell Nicholls

Charlotte Bronte

This moon is the biggest one off of Pluto


This city located on the Tennessee River is home to one of the world's largest freshwater aquariums


This term for a personal driver originally meant someone who stoked a steam engine


These cheese semisolids are supposed to squeak when you bite into them

Cheese Curds

This North Carolina Indian tribe supported the British in the Revolutionary War, led by Chief Dragging Canoe


This is a short cigar that is flat rather than tapered at both ends


Alexander Pichushkin was branded this Killer after claiming 61 murders in Russia, 3 short of his goal

Chessboard Killer

This term for idle chatter comes from the little sustenance for the amount of mastication required

Chew the Fat

This show's 6 Merry Murderesses do the Cell Block Tango in Cook County Jail


Prince won the Grammy for Best R&B Group Performance in 1987 over this sports team

Chicago Bears

A New York Times recipe for this dish calls for small boneless chicken breasts wrapped around butter

Chicken Kiev

The town of Zhuji is known as Sock City and is in this country


This small Andean rodent, prized for its fur, is known to have the softest fur in the world


Before becoming the New Jersey governor in 2010, he was a US attorney

Chris Christie

This guy's TV roles included husband to "The Good Wife"

Chris Noth

An asteroid bears the name of this New Hampshire teacher

Christa McAuliffe

This actor who played Batman was also in American Hustle

Christian Bale

In the late 1400's, slaves of this religion were forced to convert to Islam and serve in an infantry called the Janissaries


This man designed the rebuild of London after the Great Fire of 1666

Christopher Wren

A 1922 deal dividing water from this western US river between 7 states overestimated its flow

Colorado River

Dame Joan Sutherland was acclaimed for her roles in this trilling style, from the Italian for coloring


Stop by Soren K, a restaurant on this city's harbor serving squid and cabbage


Which of the 3 orders of Greek architecture was named for a specific city rather than a region

Corinth (The other 2 being ionic or doric)

This island was home to Napoleon's birth, who hated France due to its conquest of the island


Abbreviated COLA, it is a wage increase to help workers keep up with rising prices

Cost of Living Allowance

The Supreme Court is the final version of this kind of court

Court of Appeals

The 1st NASA mission patch featured one of these 19th century transports in 1965

Covered Wagon

This novel about a murder was published in installments in the Russian Messenger

Crime and Punishment

This best known bird practitioner of brood parasitism lays its eggs in other birds empty nests


The Caribbean's ABC islands are Aruba, Bonaire, and this one


This 2 word term is the moment after a play where all of the actors come out for a final bow

Curtain Call

Montana's counties include Big Horn and this, named for a general who died in Montana in the 1800's


This company puts out Wonder Woman comics

DC Comics

This type of disc debuted in 1995, similar to a CD but with 4.7 GB of digital video


Matt Kenseth won NASCAR Rookie of the Year over this son of a legendary driver in 2000

Dale Earnhardt Jr.

Acts 9 is about Saul, later Paul, and his journey to this city that didn't go so smoothly


Either to dull one's spirits or to moisten a cloth


After this author wrote "Journal of the Plague Year" in 1722, he might have wanted to escape a desert island

Daniel Defoe

Stick is the name of a martial arts master who taught Elektra and this Netflix show title character


This author has written Pulitzer Prize winning biographies of John Adams and Harry Truman

David McCullough

Last name of a British poet laureate and her Oscar winning son


A reporter rushing to file a story to get it into a certain edition is on this


From the French for "Of good lineage" this is a synonym for sophisticated


This word from the French for "break up" describes scattered materials, ruins, and wreckage


The 2 titles of Natty Bumppo in works by James Fenimore Cooper are Pathfinder and this


A Crunchtada Tostada or grilled chicken taco costs only $1 at this chain

Del Taco

In freefall, skydivers assume this position, or the 4th letter of the Greek alphabet


According to Kessler and Kubler Ross, the 5 stages of grief begin with this and end with acceptance


This was Janet Napolitano's cabinet position, for which she was the 3rd

Department of Homeland Security

This was Robert Reich's cabinet position under Bill Clinton

Department of Labor

James G. Watt, a fan of coal mining in the 1980's, had this cabinet position

Department of the Interior

This was Henry Paulson's cabinet position

Department of the Treasury

A sheriff in the Old West might do this to someone, making them part of law enforcement


Silverware for this dish typically would be placed horizontally above the plate


From words meaning "through" and "speak", it's a regional form of a language often with its own words


"Feel That Fire" is a song from this country singer

Dierks Bentley

The OED calls this kind of bar a disreputable place of resort

Dive Bar

This is the name of the lead character in Mad Men, played by Jon Hamm

Don Draper

This is the name for a free-for-all fight that comes from the Irish fair known for its rioting


"Postmortem" by Patricia Cornwell was the first mystery featuring this female medical examiner

Dr. Kay Scarpetta

In the 19th century, this ancient Hellenistic monetary unit became equal to 100 lepta


This 2 word phrase in Latin denotes the cast of characters in a play

Dramatis Personae

Gimli is one of these in Lord of the Rings


In Greek Myth, she was half serpent and Sphinx mother. In zoology its a mammal that lays eggs


This is the author of "The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym", his only novel

Edgar Allen Poe

Her own "Age of Innocence" began when she was born wealthy on January 24, 1862

Edith Wharton

All of the living examples of the order Proboscidea are these


Kinswoman to Mary and mother of John the Baptist


This woman died in 1603, making her the last Tudor monarch

Elizabeth I

This can be a hug, or to accept willingly


From 1970 to 2011, "All My Children" starred Susan Lucci as this character

Erica Kane

This biblical man sold his birthright unto Jacob, his twin brother


This is the study of the origin and development of words


"Lazarus Laughed", a 1928 play by this Pulitzer Prize winner was preceded by his similar "The Great God Brown"

Eugene O'Neill

This moon of Jupiter is sometimes known as Jupiter II


The first scene of this book involves a fireman putting kerosene on a fire

Fahrenheit 451

In 1833, the Royal Navy threw Argentina out of this island group. 149 years later, they did it again

Falkland Islands

David Bowie and Irene Cara both have a song titled this


Moon Unit Zappa was a technical consultant on the short lived tv version of "_____ at Ridgemont High"

Fast Times

A French woman, fatale or otherwise


In the 1990's, rare heart valve lesions were found on women taking this diet drug, which shortly was no longer available


This term means approval over a finished film, add the word pro and you have an editing software

Final Cut

This Joyce novel begins with a sentence that is unfinished on the last page

Finnegan's Wake

This is the typical example for a Bernoulli trial, with 2 possible results of constant probability

Flipping a Coin

Casa Guidi is in this Italian city on the Via Maggio


This Daniel Keyes title refers to offerings left on a grave of a once small mouse

Flowers for Algernon

This compound prevents cavities when added to drinking water at 1 ppm


In 1928, the crowds went wild for the American debut of this family of high wire acrobats and its human pyramid

Flying Wallendas

Fractions in this part of the body are fairly common due to the amount of bones, such as the tarsals


This is where you would wear a slingback


Sammy Hagar and Kenny Loggins nabbed Tony nominations for composing this musical


The basement of this building in Washington D.C. houses a museum of Lincoln memorabilia

Ford's Theater

This group, with band members Lou Gramm and Mick Jones, sang "Cold As Ice"


Assets used to commit federal crimes are subject to seizure and this


Zinedine Zidane headbutted Mazeratti in the 2006 World Cup final for this country that lost to Italy


Taking place on a world almost completely covered by water, "The Lazarus Effect" was written by this "Dune" author

Frank Herbert

The first successful Salk vaccine was announced on the 10th anniversary of this sufferer's death

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

In 1863 he published the article "Men of Color, to Arms!" urging black enlistment in the army

Fredrick Douglass

This French military group that formed in 1831 had its first headquarters in Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria

French Foreign Legion

There are static and kinetic types of this force on objects that are in contact


Ice Cube started the catchphrase "Bye Felicia" in this 1995 comedy


Norwegian meteorologist Jacob Bjerknes discovered these zones where air masses meet in 1919


This phrase means to look disapprovingly on something

Frown Upon

This is the simple sugar found in honey


Thomas Hunt Morgan, who won a Nobel Prize for his heredity work with these insects in his studies

Fruit Flies

This 2015 Tony winner is set in a funeral home, given a slightly shorter nickname by the children of the family

Fun Home

This fried treat is named for the cone shaped utensil through which the batter is poured

Funnel Cakes

Demi Moore is the first female trainee for the Navy Seal program in this movie

G.I. Jane

Chelonodis nigra is the scientific name for a tortoise from these islands

Galapogos Islands

On the Beaufort scale this wind is stronger than a breeze bu not as violent as a storm


This slang term for a clumsy or uncouth person is often preceded by "Ya big ____"


Tossed away material, or Shirley Manson's band


Through greed or stupidity you might kill the goose that lays the ____

Golden Egg

To get rid of household items, donate them to this organization founded by Methodist minister Edgar Helms in 1902


This is a term for a 1 followed by 100 zeroes


Julian Fellowes penned this 2001 Robert Altman murder mystery showing Clive Owen as a valet

Gosford Park

In Memphis, bought for $100,000 in 1957, this site is on 3764 Elvis Presley Boulevard


The ruby rose and the Duncan are different varieties of this fruit


This is the kind of shark portrayed in Jaws

Great White

When only one side of the bone breaks it is known as this


Chicago's Weber Brothers Metal Works is well known for this product, though they originally made buoys


This president, from 1893, had a daughter Esther who was the first baby born in the White House

Grover Cleveland

This Greek god ended up with the underworld when lots were drawn to divvy up the universe


Byzantine Emperor Justinian oversaw a legal code and this "Holy Wisdom" church

Hagia Sophia

The small bone break known commonly as a stress fracture is this kind of fracture

Hairline Fracture

This is what a golfer has when he marks 2 numbers per hole


This kind of cloth named for the largest island of Scotland is by law made of Outer Hebrides wool

Harris Tweed

This 7 letter semisoft cheese is named for a Danish farm


This state has Kona storms with strong southerly winds and heavy rains


This is Lolita's last name in the Nabakov classic


This Broadway musical stars a Mrs. Levi, known her matchmaking potential

Hello Dolly!

This Finnish capital's airport offers sleep pods, a spa, and more


This is the name for any half of the globe


Mutineers sent this man and his son afloat in a bay in 1611, the bay which is now named for him

Henry Hudson

The king who quarreled with Thomas Becket who fathered 2 kings

Henry II

"Daisy Miller" about a young American in Europe brought this author fame

Henry James

This man won the Grammy for Best Spoken Word in 1994 for Get In The Van: On The Road With Black Flag

Henry Rollins

This author's first book was "Typee" in 1846 about Polynesian Life

Herman Melville

This term meaning explosion affected people refers to atomic bomb survivors from Japan


Fuel cells made of this abundant element powered the space shuttle


This popular touring company was purchased in 1993 by Dorothy Hamill, before going out of business in 1997

Ice Capades

Del the Funky Homosapien is a cousin of this cool rapper of NWA fame

Ice Cube

More accurately known as crisphead lettuce, it grows in tight dense heads like cabbage

Iceberg Lettuce

This is a peculiar habit or mannerism


It can mean completely underwater or fully involved in


The Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha in India are part of this

Indian Parliament

The set of positive and negative whole numbers and zero are a set of these


In 2015, Greece signed a 3 year bailout program, and this fund agreed to help if Europe restructured the debt

International Monetary Fund

This flowery sounding name regulates the amount of light entering the eye


Alan Moore's "From Hell" speculated on the identity and motives of this deadly Londoner

Jack the Ripper

This title woman in a 1997 Tarantino film chooses to play the Delfonics during a scene with Robert Foster

Jackie Brown

This Caribbean nation is divided into 14 parishes, including Saint James and Kingston


This country gave birth to mento, rocksteady, dub, ska, and reggae music


Zadie Smith's novel "White Teeth" is about 2 immigrant families in London, 1 from Bangladesh and 1 from this nation


This individual joined Francis Crick to work on DNA structure in 1951

James Watson

A "Mansfield Park" trailer noted this author favored that story over "Emma" and "Sense and Sensibility"

Jane Austen

The Order of the Rising Sun is awarded by this country for exceptional civil or military merit


Robert Ladlum wrote the first 3 novels about this spy, while the last 10 were written by Eric van Lustbader

Jason Bourne

This NASCAR driver started driving the 24 car in 1992, before retiring in 2016

Jeff Gordon

In 2012, this actress and Ben Affleck welcomed their 3rd child

Jennifer Garner

This actress won an Oscar for playing Effie White in Dreamgirls

Jennifer Hudson

In "The Hateful 8" she played an outlaw being taken to Red Rock for hanging

Jennifer Jason Leigh

This Academy Award winning actress from Kentucky was "America's Kickass Sweetheart" in 2012

Jennifer Lawrence

For "Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie" Joanna Lumley reprised the role of Patsy, while this actress returned as Edina

Jennifer Saunders

"My Boyfriend's Back" is one of the songs in this show beginning in New Jersey in 1962

Jersey Boys

The City of David is also known as this city


This American was 2015's top ranked golfer with 5 wins in 27 appearances

Jordan Spieth

Readers had to wait 14 years between his "Catch 22" and "Something Happened"

Joseph Heller

This "Avengers" and "Age of Ultron" director has left Twitter several times

Joss Whedon

This is a flat bottomed Chinese ship with square sails


A hatching dino is the highlight in a trailer for this 1993 movie

Jurassic Park

This company that introduced fiberglass skis is named for a very high mountain and for brothers Bill and Don Kirschner


1954 saw Brown vs. The Board of Education in this state


Born in Germany, buried in London, this man's gravestone says "workers of all lands unite"

Karl Marx

IPS driver Doug Heffernan was a character played by this comedian in "The King of Queens"

Kevin James

This is the fruit element of Key West Chicken

Key Lime

Bright's Disease is an inflammation of these organs


This man found paths for John C. Fremont and Nevada's capital is named after him

Kit Carson

In 1950, this Israeli parliament passed the Law of Return, allowing Jews to go to Israel to get immediate citizenship


This lizard, discovered in 1910 by Lt van Hensbroek, is named for an Indonesian island

Komodo Dragon

This country is the most ethnically Albanian country outside of Albania


National Geographic says that without this small crustacean, most Antarctic life forms would be gone


In the 70's, Keye Luke played Master Po was a teacher on this show

Kung Fu

This spicy Chinese chicken and peanut dish derives from a Sichuan official

Kung Pao Chicken

Sociologist Emile Durkheim said The Division of _______ said specialized workers alienate themselves


The Latin for "tear" gives us this 10 letter adjective meaning mournful or easily tearing up


In the original Iroquois version of this sport, goals were miles apart and games had hundreds of players


A popular book by D.H. Lawrence

Lady Chatterly's Lover

Ohioans call Kelleys Island in this lake the Walleye Capital of the World

Lake Erie

The Peruvian part of this lake covers more than 1900 square miles

Lake Titicaca

This huge lake is partly in Uganda, and holds the Ssese islands, an 84 island archipelago

Lake Victoria

This birthing method developed by a French doctor in the 1950's involves breath control and pain reduction


In 2014 she released "Cruel World", while in 2016 she released "Ultraviolence"

Lana Del Rey

Montana State is an example of this kind of school, established on acreage donated to the states

Land Grant

To suffer hardship, many are said to do it in prison


She dealt with a cancer diagnosis on the cable drama "The Big C"

Laura Linney

This actress plays Litchfield prisoner Sophia Burset on the prison drama Orange is the New Black

Laverne Cox

The Republican Party, the government that governs best which governs _____


To enlarge the surface of a table, some tables have this, which are removable


As General Kuribayashi, Ken Watanabe defended an isolated Pacific Island in this movie

Letters from Iwo Jima

Because it was founded by freed American slaves, this African country is the only one with a red, white, and blue flag


In 1883 Melvil Dewey took this job at Columbia College


This Mark Twain memoir begins with Hernando DeSoto and his first sightings of the river

Life on the Mississippi

One of these travels a third of the speed of light but heats air in its path up to 50,000 degrees


This type of humorous poem was named after an Irish city


Despite the name, 1964's "The Incredible Mr. _____ becomes a fish, rather than a gastropod


This musical has a song called dentist, notably sung by Steve Martin in the movie version

Little Shop of Horrors

The "Big Dig" put 800k residents within a 40 minute drive of this airport


This New York island is named for the fact that it extends almost 120 miles

Long Island

"The Nature of the Beast" is one of the Armand Gamache mysteries by this author

Louise Penny

This small magnifying glass used by jewelers could also be a flawed gem


In Paris, on 40 acres by the Seine, this site has a sculpture of slaves by Michelangelo


"Anne of the Island" was the 3rd novel written by this author

Lucy Maud Montgomery

These brothers showed their first movie to a public audience at the Grand Cafe

Lumiere Brothers

20 minutes after a torpedo struck in 1915, this ship sank with 1,000 casualties


This is a musician who plays a lute


For the song, "The Lady is a Tramp" it was Lorentz Hart


Colonel Potter dresses as Santa in the "Death Takes a Holiday" episode of this sitcom


This characters defeat is foretold when "Birnam Wood comes to high Dunsinane Hill"


The Lost City of the Incas is also known as this

Machu Picchu

To be "built like" this, a truck of this brand such as a Pinnacle or Titan model, means to be solid or rugged


Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is the human form of this disease

Mad Cow Disease

Characters on this series include Sally Draper and office manager Joan Holloway

Mad Men

A 16th century Portugese navigator lends his name to these galactic clouds that his crew first recorded

Magellanic Clouds

The book "Tipping Point" from this author explains how little things make big differences

Malcolm Gladwell

This northeast Chinese region was handed over to Russia in 1858 and 1860 treaties


This Canadian province borders North Dakota and houses the International Peace Garden


Octavian sank the forces of this man at the 31 AD naval battle of Actium

Marc Antony

Books by this Italian educator whose name is on many schools in America include "The Absorbent Mind"

Maria Montessori

When Graham Nash wrote about this singer, he was too shy to use her real name so he chose one that rhymed with Carrie Ann

Marianne Faithfull

She is in wax at the Hollywood Wax Museum, while her "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" gown is at a museum nearby

Marilyn Monroe

Oscar Wilde withdrew his libel case against this nobleman while the publicity led to his own conviction for gross indecency

Marquess of Queensbury

Tuesday is named for this Roman god


In 1649 under Cecilious Calvert this colony passed an act saying that no believer in Jesus was to be troubled or molested


In 1819, "Implied powers" were central in McCulloch vs. this state


This Hawaiian island celebrates it's famous sweet onion with a recipe contest festival


At Wake Forest University, there is a presidential seat named for this person who read a poem at Clinton's inauguration

Maya Angelou

This international distress signal is used by ships and aircraft comes from the French for "help me"


Garneier and Doudart de Lagree left Saigon and journeyed up this river

Mekong River

This man is one of the few to ever EGOT, and has 3 films on AFI's funniest movies of all time

Mel Brooks

The Shamash is the 9th holder on this holiday item


52 is the international phone calls to this country


Just south of the Tropic of Cancer sits Mazatian, this country's largest Pacific port


Forbes ranked this former mayor the 8th richest American in 2015

Michael Bloomberg

The Mackinac Bridge connects the upper and lower peninsulas of this state


This French racing game, its name meaning "a thousand milestones" was introduced in the US by the Parker Brothers

Mille Bornes

This home state of Senator Al Franken has a Lake County and a Rock County


This state has 10,000 lakes


This Belarus capital houses Lee Harvey Oswald's apartment as a tourist attraction


This word is an ingrained prejudice against women


In this Strindberg play, the daughter of a Swedish count has an affair with the valet

Miss Julie

Since 1978, Judith Martin has dealt out etiquette advice under this name

Miss Manners

Mel Lazarus, who passed away in 2016 created "Mama" and this other comic strip about a teacher with this fruit name

Miss Peach

Lea Salonga won a Tony for her lead in this show, a modern "Madame Butterfly"

Miss Saigon

This is the main island of Canada's second biggest metropolis

Montreal Island

Home to the town of Bar Harbor Maine is Mount this island

Mount Desert

The Parnassus of Japan is another name for this

Mount Fuji

Crater Lakes created by glaciers can be found on this 2nd highest African peak

Mount Kenya

This browser ploy keeps users at a website by disabling the back button

Mouse Trap

This tv show introduced the world to a mysterious group known as fsociety

Mr. Robot

Oklahoma is rich in double E counties, such as this one that appears in a Merle Haggard song


When blood flow to the hears is reduced by plaque or a clot, the heart muscle is deprived of oxygen leading to a heart attack known as MI, or this

Myocardial Infarction

If you are "in the altogether", you are in this condition


"The Mystery at Lilac Inn" was the 4th novel to feature this detective

Nancy Drew

In what city is Fisk University, alma mater of W.E.B. DuBois and home to the Jubilee Singers


The Tenzing-Hilary airport in this country is 9200 feet above sea level


This planet has a moon called Nereid


This term is the opposite of buffing in video games, as well as the name of a popular toy brand


This state has the words Battle Born on its state flag having joined the Union in the Civil War


This was the prime minister for England right before World War II

Neville Chamberlain

This Caribbean island is the birthplace of Alexander Hamilton


The replace the silver half-dime in 1866, Congress authorized this coin


She was on the cover of The Rolling Stone as a Manic Diva after her verse on Kanye's "Monster"

Nicki Minaj

The Book of John is where you'll find this Pharisee's discourse with Jesus


These were the 3 ships that Columbus used to sail to the Americas

Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria

Dr. Troy and Dr. McNamara were often conflicted plastic surgeons on this FX show


Statoil, headquaretered in Stavenger, is the largest company in what country


Over 2/3rds of Connecticut is covered by this ind of tree, such as the Charter kind in the state's history


The American Museum of Science and Energy is in this Tennessee city

Oak Ridge

Peru's Huacachina has been called the only true one of these fertile desert areas in the America's


As part of this training with a whippet, I have to stand and call his name repeatedly


This can be divided into neritic, pelagic, and benthic zones

Ocean or Sea

This state is John Glenn's birth place and home to the NASA Glenn Research Center


This electrical unit of measurement is the only SI unit symbolized by a Greek alphabet letter

Ohms (Omega)

The warning from Paul Revere (One if by land, two if by sea) referred to lanterns hung at this church steeple

Old North Church

President Carter announced the boycott of this on January 20, 1980


On a penny, you won't find the word penny, but you'll find this instead

One Cent

This is the Canadian province with the highest population


Cav and Pag as they're nicknamed when presented as a double bill are notable one hit wonders of this genre


A pharmacy in 1805 isolated morphine from this narcotic, which is 10 times weaker


This Netflix series theme starts "The animals the animals trap trap trap"

Orange is the New Black

I'm versed in this public speaking skill and find that standing at a lectern works best


The same nest gets renovated every year, leading to 6 foot tall nests for these fish hawks


This 3 word phrase for being happy can be found in "Hey Diddle Diddle"

Over the Moon

This is the usual adjective for a library book that is late


This musician bit the head off of a bat mid concert

Ozzy Osbourne

100 cellists gathered in 1970 to pay tribute to this master by playing "Sardana" under his direction

Pablo Casals

This 19th century Italian violinist designed his "Napoleon Sonata" to be played on 1 string


At a funeral, the honorary ones of these leave the church before the non-honorary ones


Raffia fiber comes from the largest leaves in the plant world, found on this kind of tree


Legend says pirates spitting out date seeds gave us Vai, a forest of these trees on Crete


Regular passenger transatlantic service began from this company when the Dixie Clipper went from New York

Pan Am

In 1642 this Frenchman, who lent his name to a computer language, built a machine that could add and subtract


A bird named Martha was the last known living of this species of now extinct birds, who died in the Cincinnati Zoo in 1914

Passenger Pigeon

From the Latin for shepherd, this word means their way of life is based on keeping herds of animals


The title of this touch and feel board book by Dorothy Kunhardt is a command to babies, not the name of a hare

Pat the Bunny

To join this group founded in 1961 you must commit to working 2 years in the host country and learn the language

Peace Corps

This golf tournament on Monterey Peninsula was originally called the Crosby Clambake

Pebble Beach

Sparta led a league of city-states on this peninsula to combat Athens' Delian League

Peloponnesian Peninsula

This Showtime series stars Eva Green as a Victorian era medium with a troubled past

Penny Dreadful

This attack on Gettysburg is widely considered to have been a big mistake

Pickett's Charge

This 1891 Oscar Wilde novel paints quite a "Picture" of artistic London

Picture of Dorian Gray

The Bessemer process tries to refine iron that is named for this barnyard animal

Pig Iron

All 3 of Nicki Minaj's studio albums have this color in the name


The monotremes are one of the oldest orders of mammals, and include only the echidna and this animal today


In 2005, Steve Jobs said this was like TiVo for radio


This plant, Toxicodendron radicans, grows mostly at night

Poison Ivy

Nicolaus Copernicus was born in this country


This is the oldest bridge that goes across the Seine

Pont Neuf

This is what P.S. stands for, when you end a letter with it


This philisophical -ism stresses practical consequences


Lemurs and tarsiers are members of this order of mammals, just like us


JFK won a Pulitzer Prize for this series of biographies

Profiles in Courage

With both certified mail and registered mail, the postal service provides this

Proof of Mailing

Martin Luther was the first great leader of this movement that changed Christianity

Protestant Reformation

La Cueva del Indio, or the Cave of the Indian, is near Arecibo in this US commonwealth

Puerto Rico

In the eye, the size of this round opening is controlled by the dilator and sphincter muscles


This 1913 George Bernard Shaw play was based on an ancient Greek myth recounted by Ovid


This country capital declared its own time zone, 30 minutes behind South Korea


Aneto Peak is the highest point in these mountains that connect Spain and France


This is the object of a pursuit, like a hunted animal, with a rocky name


This queen who sponsored Columbus turned up on a commemorative coin in 1893

Queen Isabella

Balseros are those who attempt to come to the US on these, balsa in Spanish


Alliterative term for the rigorous and monotonous routine of daily working life

Rat Race

This company introduced Wayfarers, their most popular frames, in 1956


To rubricate is to highlight in this color, such as with Jesus' words in the Bible


This nickname inducing color of Manfred von Richthofen's Fokker triplane

Red (For the Red Baron)

This is what Snoopy dons on his head to fight the Red Baron

Red Scarf

All colors on a computer screen are generated by a combination of these colors

Red, Blue, and Green

During this bloody phase of the French Revolution, thousands of people literally lost their heads

Reign of Terror

In NASCAR when the green flag waves after a crash


This is what Napa Valley's French Laundry is


The return in 1660 of the monarchy and King Charles II is known by this term


This is the last book of the Bible


This capital is a day trip away from hot springs and Thingvellir, the past home of parliament


In a 12th century French epic, Bruin the Bear was outsmarted by this fox


These 2 states, the 2 smallest, have some variety of chicken as their state bird

Rhode Island and Delaware

His Virgin Atlantic airlines is one of the biggest British airlines

Richard Branson

This young boy enters a wedding ceremony along with the flower girl


A broadcaster who hasn't seen the wire copy until he speaks it aloud is said to "____ and read"


Either a Walter Scott novel or a drink made with scotch, sweet vermouth, and a dash of bitters

Rob Roy

This actor played attorney Larry Paul on "Ally McBeal"

Robert Downey Jr.

The 9 month siege of Petersburg resulted in the fall of Richmond and this Virginian's surrender

Robert E Lee

In this kind of birds nest, you may find distinctive blue eggs


The word robot comes from this language, originally meaning servitude


Co-written by Sylvester Stallone, this musical debuted in 2014


The target of a Michael Moore documentary, he was the head of General Motors from 1981 to 1990

Roger Smith

The Japanese word for 6 is the name for this tech company, because it is its founder Anthony Woods' 6th company


In 1964, the Beatles brought rock n roll to Carnegie Hall, opening with this song that is a bit cheeky to a great composer

Roll Over Beethoven

One of his addresses used the term Security Shield about international affairs as well as the golden years

Ronald Reagan

The first Bombay-born winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature wasn's actually Hindi

Rudyard Kipling

Goldcot apricots make a nice filling for rugela, the singular word for these pastries


Del Shannon wondered in 1961 why "My Little ______" took off


This is the only book of the Hebrew Bible named for a Gentile, a Moabite


This is a biennial golf tournament between the USA and Europe

Ryder Cup

This type of bread is made from the Secale cereale grain, with a same named whiskey


Burning this herb supposedly means you get rid of the bad energy and unwanted spirits


This was the location of Napoleon's death, also an island

Saint Helena

This letter starting greeting comes from the Latin for health


This is the number two student in a class, academically


This man said "I think the full tide of human existence is at Charing Cross" in conversation with James Boswell

Samuel Johnson

This city has been a US capital for the longest time and houses the oldest public building (Palace of the Governors)

Santa Fe

This city's Olympic Stadium is now a mass cemetery called Mezarje Stadion

Sarajevo (1984 Winter)

In "Paradise Lost" this character disguises himself as a cherub to sneak into the Garden of Eden


This country takes up most of the world's largest peninsula

Saudi Arabia

This river is next to Boathouse Row in Philadelphia

Schuylkill River

This kind of Sierra redwood lends its name to a forest of them in California, with over 30 groves


Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show's "Carry Me Carrie" and "Cover of the Rolling Stone" were written by this poet and author

Shel Silverstein

This set of woods in more well known as the location of Robin Hood

Sherwood Forest

This red wine can be called syrah, or this term


This author's haunting short story "The Lottery" appeared in the New Yorker in 1948

Shirley Jackson

Per Napoleon, the English are a nation of _______


Pee Wee Reese and Phil Rizzuto both played this baseball position, as well as being Navy buddies


This Russian region covers nearly 5 million square miles


The name of this west African country may refer to the shape of the nearby hills resembling a certain beast

Sierra Leone

Carrie Brownstein and Corin Tucker named this hyphenated alt rock band after a road in Lacey, Washington


This type of event, either rock or mud, killed thousands in the 2008 Sichuan earthquake


The shield on this nation's flag was added in 1992 to make it different from the Russian tricolor flag


During a 1721 epidemic in Boston, Zabdiel Boyston gave the first American inoculations against this eradicated disease


The common krait is this kind of animal, one of India's big four


Photokeratitis, or a sunburned eye, includes this condition occurring at high elevations

Snow Blindness

The Department of Energy says heating water with this kind of energy saves 50% on bills

Solar Energy

This is the term for a single diamond in a setting, from the French for alone


It was a poor decision to anchor this fleet off of Calais in 1588

Spanish Armada

The bestseller "The Private Life of Helen of Troy" takes place after Helen returns to this Greek city state


A name for the flat central support of a chair back


Gymnasts use this flexible device while vaulting


The size of a beach ball, this was launched from Kazakhstan on October 4, 1957

Sputnik I

In December 1947, Parliament passed the law granting independence to India, Pakistan, and this Asian island

Sri Lanka

This is a brilliant hilltop castle in Lisbon, Portugal

St. George's Castle

Moscow's Seven Sisters are buildings from the 1940's in the style named for this leader


This Russian says in "An Actor Prepares" that in the creative process, there is the father, the author of the play


Any of these echinoderms can have anywhere from 5 to 50 arms


NYC's highest point is Todt Hill, on this island only reachable by ferry

Staten Island

Emma Lazarus' poem "The New Colossus" is inscribed on the pedestal of this landmark

Statue of Liberty

He's won more Tony Awards than any other composer, such as his wins with "Company" and "Into The Woods"

Stephen Sondheim

Bobby Flay uses this strong dark beer for his beer can chicken


Dying childless in 1714 despite 18 pregnancies, Queen Anne was this dynasty's last monarch


In 1895 John Holland got a Navy contract to build the Plunger, an experimental one of these


A ring around the sun is known as a solar halo, with 2 bright images on either side with a canine term that occurs when light passes through icy clouds

Sun Dog

These are the 3 sports in the Olympic triathlon

Swimming, Cycling, Running

This performer, such as Dan Meyer from AGT, must learn to relax his pharynx and esophagus

Sword Swallower

Mozart's "Hafner" is one of these


Jade Mountain in this island republic is the highest point along the Tropic of Cancer


This long time Alaskan senator survived a 1978 plane crash that killed his wife, but died in 2010 from a different plane crash

Ted Stevens

This type of paint using egg yolk is not "the medium for swiftness"


This state's flag is sometimes accidentally flown upside down, such as once over its capitol building in Nashville


This stately named game is the most widely played poker game in casinos

Texas Hold'em

These islands were uninhabited when Portugal claimed them in 1431, now home to a quarter million people

The Azores

The Marquis de Sade wrote the novel "Justine" in this prison

The Bastille

A novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald includes the Damned with this

The Beautiful

Sandra Bullock won an Oscar for this movie

The Blind Side

With songs like "Saving All My Love" this musical about a singer and ex-secret service agent ran in London

The Bodyguard

Paul Krugers ultimatum in 1899 started this South African War with Britain

The Boer War

This woman represents a fruit brand wearing a hat full of fruit

The Chiquita Banana Lady

2 main Muslim holy sites were built on the Temple Mount after the fall of the Second Temple: the Al-Aqsa Mosque and this

The Dome of the Rock

Neil Armstrong provided the title of this 1975 Jack Higgins novel about a Nazi plot to kidnap Winston Churchill

The Eagle Has Landed

Seven Mile Bridge is a major link in this chain of islands stretching in a 150 mile curve of Biscayne Bay

The Florida Keys

In Beijing, this site has 178 walled in acres and was home to 24 emperors

The Forbidden City

This 1853 purchase is known in Mexico as La Venta de la Masilla

The Gadsden Purchase

This 1504 painting in Madrid's Prado is a triptych with one panel of Eden, one of Hell, and this third within the title

The Garden of Earthly Delights

This well known art museum that had an infamous heist is named for its patroness

The Gardner

A woman seeks to solve her parents' murder in this book, also the mythical home of Kubla Khan

The Hunt for Xanadu

Fredrick Forsyth wrote "The Day of ____"_, this beastly assassin who tried to take out Charles de Gaulle

The Jackal

This Senate committee deals with confirmations of Supreme Court nominations

The Judiciary Committee

In the 2015 movie "Legend" Tom Hardy played these 1960's twin Cockney gangsters

The Kray Brothers

Caesar looted scrolls from this Egyptian institution in 48 BC, which was later destroyed

The Library of Alexandria

The title of this novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett refers to Sara Crewe, from privileged to pauper

The Little Princess

The man in this identifying piece of headgear brings Curious George over from Africa

The Man in the Yellow Hat

This mascot is also sometimes called Bibendum

The Michelin Man

The last man to visit this location was Eugene Carman in 1972

The Moon

A monk turns detective for a murder at an abbey in this Umberto Eco work

The Name of the Rose

This country houses Keukenhof Gardens, full of tulips

The Netherlands

These are the Prairies of South America, deriving their name from a Quechua Indian word

The Pampas

This book was written by Charles Dickens, abbreviated T.P.P

The Pickwick Papers

This book was written by Mark Twain, abbreviated T.P.A.T.P

The Prince and the Pauper

As a kid, Kahlil wore a cross as a splint for 40 days and went on to write this 1923 mystical work

The Prophet

The song "I Wanna Be Sedated" is by this band

The Ramones

Margot Fonteyn, a world famous ballerina, spent her whole career with what institution

The Royal Ballet

This heavenly body is the newspaper in San Jose, followed by News

The San Jose Mercury News

This great commercial trail opened to between Missouri and New Mexico in 1821

The Santa Fe Trail

The 1857-1858 mutiny named for these native soldiers of India was marked by brutality by both Indians and Britons

The Sepoy

Justin Timberlake plays Napster founder Sean Parker in this movie

The Social Network

Camus began this novel "Mamma died today, or maybe yesterday. I don't know"

The Stranger

This heavenly body is the newspaper of Baltimore

The Sun

This book was written by Ernest Hemingway, abbreviated T.S.A.R

The Sun Also Rises

"Stop! In The Name of Love" was the 4th straight No. 1 hit for this group

The Supremes

In the 2007 film "I'm Not There" Mason Jennings sings this classic Bob Dylan Tune

The Times They Are a-Changin

Patti Labelle was a guest mentor with Christina Aguilera on this tv show competition

The Voice

This was Henry Stimson's cabinet position before it ceased to exist in 1947

The War Department

"Early Sunday Morning" is by Edward Hopper, and resides in this NYC museum for American Art

The Whitney

The cast of this show includes Idris Elba as drug kingpin Stringer Bell

The Wire

This 1970's tv animated film featuring Heatmiser and Snowmiser was remade in 2006 with John Goodman as the big man

The Year Without a Santa Clause

This soap opera's theme has been "Nadia's Theme" since it debuted in the 1970's

The Young and the Restless

In the Grimm Brothers tale "The Twelve Brothers" who ends up in a barrel of oil and snakes

Their Stepmother

"Murder in the Cathedral" by TS Eliot is about this man's slaying in 1170

Thomas Beckett

This prosecutor in New York won 72 of his 73 racketeering cases, as well as being a 2-time presidential nominee

Thomas Dewey

The Bolt DVR from this video recording pioneer allows for 500 GB of tv watching


This flower shares its name with a character from Peter Pan

Tiger Lily

This man helped produce Justin Timberlake's "FutureSex/LoveSounds" with a similar name


Don't drag your feet because ____ and ___ wait for no man

Time and Tide

Edgar Allen Poe used this term meaning the ringing of the bells in "The Bells"


This small green vegetable from Mexico is the essential ingredient of salsa verde


Systemically Important Financial Institution is an official status known more informally by these 4 words

Too Big To Fail

The Linzer kind of this is a small one filled with jam


This is where the British Crown Jewels and regalia are kept

Tower of London

This is the process of realigning bones with weights and pulleys


From the Latin to "write across" it tells how well you did in school


The concept of Rebirth found in eastern religions is also known as this: _____ of Souls


Either the broadcasting of electromagnetic waves or an important part of your car


In football, this signal is used for a false start, but in basketball it denotes this violation


This woman is married to Garth Brooks

Trisha Yearwood

Italy has several food festivals devoted to these fungi, an expensive delicacy in many cases


This individual is the only known 2 time recognized hibakusha

Tsutomu Yamaguchi

Japan's prime minister was fed toro tartare from the belly of this animal at the 2015 state dinner


TCM is short for this, where you can see old films

Turner Classic Movies

This woman was a cook in New York who spread deadly disease to 50 people between 1900 and 1915

Typhoid Mary

Peptic ones of these can be duodenal or gastric


The Latin for wave gives this verb meaning to move in a wavelike motion


This organization, found at, has raised over $4.5 billion to help needy students

United Negro College Fund

The UN's UDHR for short, says all are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Ted Kaczynski, known as the unabomber, focused on these 2 targets for his bombings

Universities and Airports

This 7 letter word describes a neighborhood full of luxury homes, or an elegant and trendy boutique


Scientifically known as dyspepsia, this is the more common term

Upset Stomach

A socialist newspaper sent him to investigate Chicago stockyards, with the result being "The Jungle"

Upton Sinclair Jr.

Gout is the elevated blood levels of this kind of acid

Uric Acid

James Dyson is most well known for inventing a bagless one of these


This actor who played Batman was also in Tombstone

Val Kilmer

This person was the first woman in space

Valentina Tereshkova

7 members of Bugsy Moran's gang were victims of this event on February 14, 1929

Valentines Day Massacre

In 1865, Maria Mitchell was the first female astronomer and professor at this university in NYC


In 1524, this Italian made it to the Cape Fear River mouth


In Hinduism, Kurma, Rama, and Krishna have all been avatars of this god


William G Morgan invented this team sport that is played indoors by 6 player teams


Caerphilly, a cheese named for a town in this UK country, is nicknamed "the crumblies"


This man's headstone at Arlington says "He gave to man control over that yellow fever"

Walter Reed

Under the pen name Diedrich Knickerbocker, this author wrote "A History of New York"

Washington Irving

A restaurant worker who is falling behind is said to be "in the _____"


This song by Warren Zevon about shapeshifters in England

Werewolves of London

Built by King Omri as his capital, Samaria is found in this region

West Bank

In movie titles, this pronoun precedes "Came to Dinner" and "Shot Liberty Valance"


This 3 named poet wrote "Thanatopsis"

William Cullen Bryant

This Scottish hero was defeated by Edward I at the 1298 Battle of Falkirk

William Wallace

After moving to Chicago, he wisely decided to stop selling soap and baking powder to concentrate on chewing gum

William Wrigley

"I Want It Now" and "Pure Imagination" are songs from this 1971 movie musical

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

A pilot's brevet (a badge pinned to the shirt) is in this form


This magazine focusing on tech and innovation coined the term crowdsourcing


Dungeons and Dragons comes from a company called this

Wizards of the Coast

Yeats called Rupert Brooke "The most handsome man in England". Sadly, the poet died young in this 20th century conflict

World War I

This novel by Max Brooks begins with "It goes by many names, the Crisis, the Dark Years, the Walking Plague"

World War Z

This German city is also known as the Mother of Diets


The first black woman to head a Fortune 500 company, Ursula Burns became its CEO in 2009


In 480 BC, this son of Darius invaded Greece, but was defeated by the Greek Navy at the Battle of Salamis as he returned to Persia


This Connecticut school has a $25.6 billion endowment


A view of Mount Ararat 32 miles away can be had from the Old Fort in this Armenian capital


This is where one would train to be a rabbi, a type of Orthodox Jewish college, from the Hebrew for sitting


This cellist is on the Board of Trustees at Carnegie Hall

Yo Yo Ma

This port in Tokyo Bay was destroyed in 1923 by the Great Kanto earthquake, and again by US bombing in WWII


This part of NYC's metro area was named for founder Adriaen van der Donck's nickname meaning young gentleman


This river runs east to west, bisecting Alaska and known for the Chinook salmon that spawn in its creeks

Yukon River

This French Christmas cake, buche de noel, literally means this

Yule Log

Therese Anne Fowler wrote "Z" about this woman

Zelda Fitzgerald

This NATO phonetic alphabet letter is also the name of an African indigenous people


The social games Farmville and Words with Friends were developed by this company


The shuffle model of this music player only has 2 GB of memory, but comes in pink


Electrons were first discovered in this kind of ray used in tv sets for decades

Cathode Rays

This French satirical magazine got its name partly from the Peanuts comic strip

Charlie Hebdo

Pablo Neruda was born in this country


A small group that lives and works together


During this process, a protein in the blood called fibrinogen is converted into fibrin threads


Pickelherring was a favorite German one of these merry makers from the old days


Emerson and Thoreau are buried in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in this town in Massachusetts


Many beauty pageants have a Miss this, meaning the woman was friendly and sociable with the other contestants


When the heart does not pump enough blood, other fluids clog up your body and you have this kind of heart failure


In Spanish, "y" is this part of speech


In 1457 this city became the capital of the Ottoman Empire and 60 years later the seat of the caliph


This bovine term means to bully and you'll wait until it come home


Elizabeth Gilbert's experience as a bartender became a GQ article and this 2000 movie

Coyote Ugly

As the name implies, this feature tracks at the bottom of a screen and goes slow enough to be readable


This was the full name of Henry Winkler's character on "Happy Days"

Arthur Fonzarelli

This TV ratings pioneer passed away at 82 in 1980

Arthur Nielsen

Named for a mythic king, this brother of Henry VIII married Catherine of Aragon before dying at 15

Arthur, Prince of Wales

In 2016, Terrence Howard and Taraji P. Henson won NAACP Image Awards for their roles in this series


In 2013, China's head of this department said that they were one of the world's 4 major dissapointments

Environmental Protection

These are shoulder adornments held by white pilot shirts with shoulder straps


Mylan NV bumped up the price of this product by 550%


This part of the ear ventilates the middle ear to keep pressure normal

Eustachian Tube

Mike Tyson bit off the ear of this boxer as a form of retaliation

Evander Holyfield

Edgar Leeteg was known as the American _____, due to his works featuring Tahitians


Marco Polo dictated his far east adventures while imprisoned in this city, Venice's rival


This type of dome is a shell structure with a tubing frame connected to hexagons, pentagons, and triangles


In 1727, this composer who became a British subject removed an umlaut and britainized his name

George Frideric Handel

One kind of peach is the Elberta, named for a peach grower in this state


This is a concert, NFL, and Atlanta Olympics venue

Georgia Dome

Richard Harris plays Marcus Aurelius in this Russell Crowe film


In the names of popular scotches, this word precedes Livet, Fiddich, and Morangie


This kids card game may be derived from an old Italian gambling game known as andare a piscere

Go Fish

The gratable cheese known as capricious is made from this animal's milk


This organic substance is found in soil and is formed from decaying matter, making it good for plants also eaten with pita


This submarine tale was the first of Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan novels

Hunt for Red October

This country has a piano competition named after Arthur Rubenstein, born in Poland but moved to the US


In 1902, the Wright brothers made over 1000 glider attempts from the slopes of this sand dune

Kill Devil Hill

The focus of a 1970's miniseries and its recent remake, he arrived at Annapolis in 1767 aboard the ship Lord Ligonier

Kunta Kinte

This letter stands for the currency in Albania

L (Lek)

From the French for light of hand, it is the art involved in sleight of hand


This is the Russian author of "The Death of Ivan Ilyich"

Leo Tolstoy

Born in Laurel Mississippi, this woman became one of the first world famous black opera sopranos

Leontyne Price

In 2013, Gabriela Isler became the 7th Venezuelan woman to become this

Miss Universe

This is the Karate Kid's teacher, or the Japanese prefecture containing Honshu


This 1936 Charlie Chaplin film was the last to feature his Little Tramp character

Modern Times

This black Oaxacan sauce typically goes with beef


This medical device converts liquid into spray


Extremely villainous or wicked, like a type of plot


This eponymous jacket has a stand up collar


Escoffier created a peach and ice cream dessert in honor of this Aussie opera singer

Nellie Melba

This man said "To make peace with an enemy, one must work with the enemy"

Nelson Mandela

This Greek Goddess for vengeance is also an unbeatable rival


This band, with songs like "Animal", takes its name from illuminated palms on the In-N-Out sign

Neon Trees

Carlsbad is a large area in this state

New Mexico

Oliver Cromwell's force that defeated the Royalists in the English Civil War

New Model Army

This Murdoch tabloid is the newspaper in New York City

New York Post

This is the MLB team with the most World Series wins, with 27

New York Yankees

The Hokitika Wild Food Festival takes place on this country's South Island

New Zealand

Made up of 2 parts, and joining the confederation in 1949, it is the newest of Canada's 10 provinces

Newfoundland and Labrador

A term for the center or core of something, that rhymes with Texas


Created in 1971, this company's logo has been likened to a wing and was supposed to connote motion


The story of David and Goliath appears in this biblical book


This man served in the Continental Congress for Massachusetts, later its governor

Samuel Adams

In December of 1864, William T. Sherman wired Lincoln that he was presenting a Christmas gift of this port city


This 2 word term for a redeeming feature that makes up for all bad stuff is religious sounding

Saving Grace

This country is where manchego cheese comes from


Supposedly an offering to Athena it was built by the master carpenter Epeius

Trojan Horse

This word, rhyming with hole, comes from the Old Norse for demon


This is the only golf Grand Slam tournament held in the same location every year in Augusta Georgia

The Masters

Mount Holyoke and Wellesley are a part of this group of women's colleges

The Seven Sisters

This group, founded in 1506, trekked from Canton of Ticino to St. Peter's Square

The Swiss Guard

Perhaps the Walden ones, it's what you're "out of" when you are relieved

The Woods

Loving vs. this state in 1967 was a decision on interracial marriage


BullGuard and the Kure are anti-this danger


A rainbow is a spectrum arranged by this, with red's being the longest


"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" is attributed to this legend known as "The One"

Wayne Gretzky

The NHL trade known as "The Trade" involved 5 athletes, but most notably this legend

Wayne Gretzky

The woman of the Bible was the mother of Cain and Abel


In 1977 she opened the first chocolate chippery in Palo Alto

Mrs. Fields

This band had an album called "The Wall"

Pink Floyd

It is not 100% sure where this town is actually located, known for its biblical wedding


Future leader Pierre Elliott Trudeau was born in this country


Audrey Tatou is a waitress at a Paris bistro in this film


The 3 elements of drama according to theater critic Gustav Freytag: Rising Action, THIS, Falling action


The bureau of the DOJ is the ATF for short

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms

This song states "Freedom's just another word for nothin left to lose"

"Me and Bobby McGee"

This king is well known for his weddings (6) and inability to have a son

Henry VIII

Jennifer Egan won a 2011 Pulitzer for fiction for this book

A Visit From the Goon Squad

Some play ball with reckless this, which also means to forsake


In this Physicist's 1910 paper on opalescence, he explained why the sky is blue

Albert Einstein

In 1981, this retired 4 star general became the 2nd military leader of the State Department

Alexander Haig

These mountains divided the civil war into 2 main theaters: east to the Atlantic and west to the Mississippi

Appalachian Mountains

Named for the doctor who discovered it, an APGAR score is also an acronym for these 5 parts of a baby being assessed

Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, and Respiration

An Advisor to Henry VIII, thomas Cranmer was the first Protestant to hold this position

Archbishop of Canterbury

The nock and the upshot are terms in this sport


This Greek god defended his son Cycnus and took on Hercules, as the god of war


Jorge Mario Bergoglio was born in this country


This term regarding rival nations trying to develop superior weapons dates back to the 1920's

Arms Race

This stately dessert is sponge cake topped by ice cream and meringue

Baked Alaska

Propulsion, flight, and impact are some of what is studied by this science that looks at a discharged bullet's path


This is an Australian marsupial ending in -oot


This woman is married to James Brolin

Barbra Streisand

A trailer for this adaptation of a Neil Simon play opens with Robert Redford and Jane Fonda kissing in NYC

Barefoot in the Park

Whisky sold as scotch must be distilled in Scotland from water and malted this grain


Per their system of Roman numerals, the Romas kept 100 as this letter


The highest and Lowest points of the contiguous 48 states are within 100 miles of each other in this state


This was the first state to have a chemical element named after it


Found at the bottom of heavy furniture, it's a wheel that swivels to aid the movement


Beneath the clock is this Greek god of time whose name is similar to that of Zeus' father


This is the name of the road connection between England and France


January 1, 1971 was the last time these were advertised on TV


This American city is home to the Great American Ball Park


In this Grimm Brothers fairy tale, someone cuts off their toe to fit in a shoe


The sequence "Race, Color, Religion, Sex, or Natural Origin" Is in this 1964 law

Civil Rights Act

The front page of London's The Times was full of these rather than the news


Music symbol term following bass or treble


Peaches are classified as either freestone or this opposite, where the flesh adheres to the pit


This equine name for a fashionable dresser is also a rack for drying laundry


This Ivy League school is the only one that is a college


In 1929, "Wings" was the first Best Picture Oscar, and this man was the first Oscar host

Douglas Fairbanks

A terminal at Bilbao airport is nicknamed "La Paloma" due to its resemblance to this bird


Petula Clark and Macklemore and Ryan Lewis both have a song with this title


Some mammals can sleep standing up, but can only do this, from the Old English for joy, lying down


Champagne can be both doux (sweet) and sec (this characteristic)


The order Sirenia comprises manatees and these other gentle aquatic giants


Jim Carrey played Lloyd Christmas in this movie from 1994, though it's not a Christmas movie

Dumb and Dumber

This man gave a speech where he relinquished his title to marry the woman that he wanted to

Edward VIII

It sounds like it means rich, but it means flowing out


This is the main ingredient in Greek moussaka and Arab baba ghanoush


In 1798 to get at England, Napoleon's armies controlled this area to threaten trade routes with India


This puppet is a 3 time Grammy award winner for Best Music Album for Children


His 100th Top 40 hit was 1973's "Steamroller Blues", taken from his tv special Aloha From Hawaii

Elvis Presley

These are the 3 rings of the American government

Executive, Judicial, Legislative

This American poet to whom T.S. Eliot dedicated "The Waste Land" to spent 12 years in a mental institution

Ezra Pound

This infamous quartet implemented Mao Zedong's harsh policies during the Cultural Revolution

Gang of Four

According to Genesis 2, it had every tree that is pleasant to sight and good for food

Garden of Eden

This slogan goes with a drink, "How about a nice _______"

Hawaiian Punch

Greyhound, Bob Dylan, and Roger Maris all got their start in this Minnesota city


Before being absorbed by Napoleon in 1806, Francis II led this 1,000 year empire

Holy Roman Empire

Nicholas Brody gave intel that lead to the death of terrorist leader Abu Nazir in this show


If something is hippocrepis, it is shaped like this object


An international festival in Albuquerque New Mexico sees hundreds of these rise upward

Hot Air Balloons

There are 650 members of this British elected body, but only 427 seats inside

House of Commons

The Frejus tunnel connects traffic from Modane, France to the Piedmont region of this country


The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species banned the trade of this in 1989


This author of "Call of the Wild" served 30 days in jail for vagrancy

Jack London

Ujung Kulon National Park on this Indonesian island is home to an endangered species of rhino


The 1988 Democratic Convention included this non-nominee speech to "Keep Hope Alive"

Jesse Jackson

The Phoenician city of Sidon was home to this wicked queen in Kings I


This Austrian composer is most well known for his over 400 waltzes

Johann Strauss

In the early 1600's this man published "The Epitome of Copernican Astronomy" about planetary orbits

Johannes Kepler

In the 1670's, this Puritan thinker began writing "The Pilgrim's Progress" while in prison for illegal preaching

John Bunyan

This main author of the New York Constitution was an attorney and writer of 5 essays for the Federalist Papers

John Jay

A British airport named for this man in 2001 adopted the slogan "Above us only sky"

John Lennon

This Arizona Senator gained his seat in 1986

John McCain

America's first major naval success occurred when this officer captured the Drake in British waters

John Paul Jones

This capital and country is served by an airport in Nice, France


This tree is named for its prickly leaves that deter primate climbers

Monkey Puzzle Tree

This idiom implies that primates copy what they view

Monkey See, Monkey Do

This is the opposite of multitasking


The Downing Urn was the first memorial to be placed in this capital area that now has many

National Mall

This country's flag is a couple of stars and squares, and gained its independence from Colombia with the help of the US


This moon of Saturn is named for a mythical mischief maker


This is an unfettered view in all directions


This is the 3rd and last major section of Dante's Divine Comedy


Those who have this common form of schizophrenia often suffer from delusions of persecution


More than 1% of Americans over 65 have this condition, named for a physician named James

Parkinson's Disease

Capturing Mesopotamia in 1534 gave the Ottomans access to this large gulf to the south

Persian Gulf

South Dakota's state bird is the ring necked version of this bird originating in Asia


These particles take thousands of years to reach the surface of the sun, but 8 minutes to reach Earth from there


From the Greek for "light", this is the visible layer of the sun, about 300 miles thick


The carnation is from this family whose name is a color


This classic book is subtitled "The Tale of a Puppet"


A Roger Corman cult classic film about these killer fish that somehow made it to a US resort from the Amazon


A character in this comic opera boasts "I am the very model of a modern major general"

Pirates of Penzance

In 1847 William Kelly, independent of Bessemer, conceived the same idea in this US city


The collapse of a pyramid scheme, named for this Italian man, happens when no new investors add funds

Ponzi Scheme

This term, from the French for sliding door, is more commonly known as the grating protecting a castle


The first woman mayor of a major US city was Bertha Andes of Seattle; the second was Dorothy Lee in this city 172 miles away


The home in which John Paul Jones lived while his ship, the Ranger, was being built is now a museum in this NH city


Ted Tally's play "Terra Nova" is based on the journals and letters found on the frozen body of this Antarctic emplorer

Robert Falcon Scott

This cheese called pecorino _____ was written about by Pliny the Elder


The US has a HUD, or Housing and Urban Development, but China has a HURD, which includes this term


A megapack of 15 classic stories for Kindle costs $1, by Philip K. Dick in this genre

Science Fiction

In the 2000's he won Oscars for acting in "Mystic River" and "Milk"

Sean Penn

This is the subtitle for Halloween III and the title of a Donovan song

Season of the Witch

The red algae pepper dulse and landlady's wig are types of this


In the 1980's, SEIU, this organization, organized the first Justice for Janitors campaign in Pittsburgh

Service Employees International Union

The Japanese hari-boka is a small chest of drawers used when doing this


This is the world's busiest container port, while its name is also an English verb with criminal overtones


To heat just below boiling


In an 1815 letter, he declared that the tie binding South America to Spain had been severed

Simon Bolivar

This "Shaun of the Dead" writer and star left his Twitter to his PR team

Simon Pegg

In 1945, she and Jean-Paul Sartre founded a monthly revue called Les Temps Modernes

Simone de Beauvoir

The 1001 stories by Scheherazade had about 7 about this sailor


The 2 assassins that killed Indira Gandhi share this surname


This man disobeyed James I and attacked the Spanish in 1618

Sir Walter Raleigh

This kind of protest first appeared at a Greensboro lunch counter in 1960 by 4 students, lasting 6 months

Sit In

In a Bessemer converter, air is blown through liquid metal. Impurities then form this byproduct that is skimmed off


Similar to the presidential State of the Union, the governor gives this address

State of the State

Named for Sir Henry Bessemer of England, the Bessemer process allowed for the mass production of this metal


This worker builds or maintains high structures such as church towers or smokestacks


Most people in Pakistan are followers of Islam, in particular, this branch

Sunni Islam

The shows 77 and Studio 60 both took place on this street in LA

Sunset Strip

"Sister Carrie" uses this dessert phrase that now means to surpass all others in an unusual way

Take the Cake

A corpse character was the Master of Scaremonies for this HBO horror anthology

Tales of the Crypt

The eventual author of 40 books, James Michener didn't publish his first, these tales, until he was 40

Tales of the South Pacific

Yourselves is a 2nd person plural reflexive pronoun: this word is the third person type


Washington's surprise attack in December of 1776 on this town yielded no casualties and 900 prisoners


The first nuclear explosion was set off at the New Mexico site with this religious name


7% of the world have completed study at this kind of institution


In the green world, it means to create something from used goods, oft better than the original


In "Gulliver's Travels" a race of talking horses called Houyhnhnms have enslaved humanlike beings called these


The source for this longest Chinese river is a glacier high in the mountains

Yangtze River

The innermost bullseye on an Olympic archery target is this color


This is the color that sodium burns in a chemical flame test


This brand is known for being the official ice resurfacing machine of the NHL


The physical campus of this online shoe retailer is in Las Vegas


Yipes, the mascot for Fruit Stripes Gum, is this kind of animal


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