Jeopardy Set 5

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To the nearest minute, it's how long it took Secretariat to run the Kentucky Derby in 1973

2 Minutes

The minimum age of a member of the House of Representatives


Number of pieces of silver Judas received


On May 25, 1935 Babe Ruth swatted this number home run, his last in the Major Leagues, at Forbes Field in Pittsburgh


Number of continents whose names begin with "E" plus the number of degrees in a right angle

91 (1 + 90)

A junior member of Parliament, from the location of his or her seat

A Back-Bencher

Headaches & nausea may accompany this injury to the brain, often caused by a jarring blow to the head

A Concussion

In 1992 Madonna topped the charts with "This Used To Be My Playground", a track from this Penny Marshall film

A League Of Their Own

NBC (since the 1950s)

A Peacock

While in character as the African explorer Captain Spaulding, Groucho wore this type of distinctive helmet

A Pith Helmet

"America's Funniest Home Videos"

1990-1997 Bob Saget

The Playboy Foundation gives awards named for this free-speech amendment to the U.S. Constitution

1St Amendment

It's a recipe collection

A Cookbook

In the English translation of the writings of Suetonius, they're Julius Caesar's last words

And You, Brutus?

In a crooked position


Unusual names borne by these celestial objects include 3834 Zappafrank & 10221 Kubrick


"To Hell and Back"

Audie Murphy


Cannery Row

Churchill, Chandler, Chamberlain


The James, Potomac & Chester Rivers all flow into this bay

Chesapeake Bay

During this war, VMI cadets made up the only American student unit ever to fight in combat

Civil War

Manhattan & New England-style are 2 varieties of this soup

Clam Chowder

Bill Richardson, 2009


A parliamentary motion to test support for the government is a vote of this; if the gov't loses, a vote of "no" this


"Feline" imitator


Examples of these include Dr. Atkins, the Macrobiotic & the Scarsdale


Otology is the medical branch that deals with these organs


This Edd made his debut May 25, 1992

Edd Hall

Alert watchfulness: eagle ____


A 1974 referendum eliminated this post, giving the country a parliamentary government

King (Did Away With The Monarchy)

Fatal, deadly


Jack Lambert, Jack Ham


This unleavened bread is eaten (but not always enjoyed) during Passover


"Flotezart" is the fanciful title of a ballet danced to his flute music


Wild ones of these found on pizza include shiitakes, morels & chanterelles


"The Girl of the Golden West"

North America

This liquid is the first O carried by an O/B/O cargo ship


In Savannah, head for the Lady & Sons Restaurant run by this Food Network chef known for her "home cooking"

Paula Deen

This existentialist never finished the fourth volume of "Les Chemins de la Liberte", so it's a trilogy


When a maple tree loses its keys, it loses these


Under certain conditions, a Yale law grad making less than $28,000 in a year can have this paid for him

Student Loans

With a 212-foot wingspan, this jet from Boeing is the world's largest passenger aircraft in service

The 747

George Fox founded the religion nicknamed this because its followers trembled "at the word of the Lord"

The Quakers

Tragedy about a Roman general who cuts off his own hand & throws it into an old word for a spittoon

Titus Andronicuspidor

To endow a group with the power to do something, like wear part of a 3-piece suit


The high islands like Viti Levu in the Fiji group & Kao in the Tonga group were formed by these



Whit Sunday

Over there; often hitched with hither


Porthos & his pals

(10) Musketeers

This Alaska town was founded by prospectors in 1902 & named for a U.S. vice president

(Charles) Fairbanks

By Obama's choice, he remained Secretary of Defense

(Robert) Gates

In order to blind Polyphemus, Odysseus had to put out this many eyes


Voltage of one AA alkaline battery

1.5 Volts

Of 32, 62 or 132, the number of Hawaiian islands


Like voters in the USA, young women seeking to compete in the Miss Thailand contest must be at least this age


Gold seekers who rushed to California were nicknamed for this year


Lincoln's brief speech dedicating the Battlefield at Gettysburg as a cemetery was in November of this year


It's shiny & black & the hardest of all coals


An officer with the silly name of Silius shows up in the play named for these historic lovers

Antony & Cleopatra

On this date in 1999, England's Guardian newspaper announced a coup in the nation of San Seriffe

April 1St

The Persians wrote in this Northwest Semitic language related to Hebrew


You've got "men" in Armenia & a "gent" in this nation


Nymph motifs & whiplash curves are characteristic of this "new art" style popular around 1900

Art Nouveau

He wrote the script for the 1961 film "The Misfits"

Arthur Miller

Hydrogen bomb, atom bomb, Ritchie Valens' "La Bamba"

Atom Bomb, Hydrogen Bomb, Ritchie Valens' "La Bamba"

An endangered north African deer is called this, like an ape found on Gibraltar

Barbary Deer

George Orwell's oppressive "sibling"

Big Brother

"Dark" mixed drink of stout beer & champagne

Black Velvet

Stoker's sheeplings

Bram's Lambs

He designed the geodesic dome for the United States Pavilion at Expo '67 in Montreal

Buckminster Fuller

[Audio] Lerner & Loewe musical that featured the following:


In the '90s home fires caused by these nearly doubled, with almost half of them starting in the bedroom


This German composer of the opera "Alceste" taught singing to Marie Antoinette

Christoph Gluck

Go ahead, make my day & tell me the name of this actor who played "Pardner" in "Paint Your Wagon"

Clint Eastwood

Nearby, or to shut


A girl who cannot give up this hot drink is the odd subject of Cantata No. 211


One of the teeth in a gear


Fighting started April 19, 1775 with a battle in Lexington that spread to this nearby town


Contrapuntal is the adjectival form of this, the combination of melodic lines


Developed by astronomer A.E. Douglass, dendrochronology determines age in this way

Counting Tree Rings

Porfiry's problem in this story is to get Raskolnikov to confess

Crime And Punishment

In December 1962, this country agreed to let 1,113 POWs go in exchange for over $50 mil. in U.S. supplies


Hostess snack food seen here split in half


"Every lover is a warrior, and" this Roman god "has his camps"


It's the third name in Idi Amin's full name


He got an Oscar nomination for his role as Sal the pizza parlor owner in "Do the Right Thing"

Danny Aiello

Rising in the Black Forest, it's the second longest river in Europe


1985: This synth-pop band with "People Are People"

Depeche Mode

Gratiano is this "Othello" heroine's uncle


Of the 10 most populous U.S. cities, this Michigan city has the highest percentage of African-Americans


Off the coast of French Guiana, it became part of a penal colony in the late 19th century

Devil's Island

This mystery author was a racing correspondent for the London Sunday Express for 16 years

Dick Francis

In fundraising DM stands for this mail, which aims to scare up new donors

Direct Mail

Event a decathlon competitor always throws


From an 1859 song, it's a nickname for the Old South


This Belgian guitarist was a member of the Quintette du Hot Club de France

Django Reinhardt

David Letterman said the president loves to hear this 6-word McDonald's mantra

Do You Want/Would You Like Fries With That?

This dog named for its breeder originated in Apolda, Germany in the 1890s

Doberman Pinscher

Barbara Mandrell sang about "sleeping single in" one of these, also called a full-sized

Double Bed

Boston Red Sox player Jonathan David


Playful plant eater pictured here


Tarzan was the most famous creation of this Chicago-born writer

Edgar Rice Burroughs

Born in Bergen in 1843, he's been called "The most distinguished Norwegian composer of the 19th century"

Edward Grieg

It was futile to try to capture or pin down the man with this name

El Usive

People who cultivated this fruit often used to make wine were said to live to a ripe old age; hence its name


In 1950 this former first lady won the second Four Freedoms Award

Eleanor Roosevelt

Psychologist Carl Jung named a complex after this Greek woman famous for her attachment to Agamemnon


The panel


One tale tells of a place where these pachyderms go to die & the ivory lies around for the taking


A good treatment for an ankle sprain is "RICE" -- rest, ice, compression & this


The 4 main food groups where Will Ferrell comes from in this film are candy, candy canes, candy corn & syrup


Unable to vote, in 1869, she & Susan B. Anthony formed the National Woman Suffrage Association

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Elizabeth I of England, Louis XIV of France, Nicholas II of Russia

Elizabeth I Of England

Her sitcom ended in 1998 with a mockumentary celebrating her long career since Vaudeville

Ellen Degeneres

She did most of her own rollerskating as Bliss (aka Babe Ruthless) in "Whip It"

Ellen Page

This 5-word phrase was used to clear venues following performances by the King of Rock and Roll

Elvis Has Left The Building

This Cowboy has the most career rushing attempts with 4,409; he's not a bad dancer, either

Emmitt Smith

One of the couple seen here who assumed their historic duties November 12, 1990 (in Tokyo)

Emperor Akihito Or Empress Michiko

Alaska's richest company, Arctic Slope Regional, trades in this, also the name of a U.S. Cabinet department


From the Greek for "manifestation", it follows Twelfth Night in the West


It's a 10-letter word that can be used to describe the fractions 3/9 & 9/27


1973 brought Secretariat's triumph & this horsey Peter Shaffer play


Ydgrun is a goddess worshipped by residents of this Samuel Butler country


This former member of Cream wrote his 1992 hit, "Tears In Heaven", for his son Conor

Eric Clapton

If you want to know more about this "Tobacco Road" author, head for his museum in Moreland, Georgia

Erskine Caldwell

Oui! It's the 10-letter French word Americans sometimes use for a writing desk


Criminals, don't try fleeing to Malta, whose government signed this type of treaty with the U.S. May 18, 2006


Arnold Lobel took a page out of Aesop's book, publishing a book of these that won in 1981


In 1690 British navigator John Strong named the channel between 2 South American islands for Viscount this


Argentina's claim to this British south Atlantic colony dates back to 1820

Falkland Islands/Islas Malvinas

Female anatomical tubes named for an Italian doctor

Fallopian Tubes

...1939 & 1940 was when the USSR fought this country in "the Winter War"


The 2 items that make up the title of James Taylor's first Top 10 hit

Fire And Rain

If you're piscivorous, you eat this, which can "net" you some health benefits


Immortelles are these that retain their color & shape when dried


When he KO'd Ingemar Johansson, 6/20/60, he became 1st man to regain heavyweight championship

Floyd Patterson

Elly, John, Michael, Elizabeth & April Patterson

For Better Or For Worse

Newton's second law is expressed as the equation F=ma, where F stands for this, m is mass & a is acceleration


In movie titles it precedes "Amber", "Darling" & "Young"


Charles Barkley & other NBA stars had cameos in this 1995 film in which Billy Crystal played an NBA referee

Forget Paris

The point where a river splits into 2, or a part of a table setting


Called the "Citizen King", Louis Philippe was the last king of this country


In 1991 Edith Cresson replaced Michel Rocard, becoming this country's first female premier


Of France, Italy or Russia, the one whose national anthem begins, "Arise children of the fatherland"


1963: "Walk Like A Man"

Frankie Valli And The Four Seasons

In ancient times, Djibouti exported these 2 gum resins used in perfume that the Magi brought to the infant Jesus

Frankincense & Myrrh

What part did this Irishman play in "End of Days"? Could it be...Satan?

Gabriel Byrne

Frank Cooper got this new first name from his Indiana hometown

Gary Cooper

Knights of yore wore these heavy leather gloves, & they threw them down, too


This Swiss city's Clock & Watch Museum on Rue de Malagnou is open daily except Tues., 10 A.M. - 5 P.M.; be punctual


From the Latin for "bend the knees", not the cry of a ski instructor, but the act of showing reverence


He told Walter Matthau in "The Sunshine Boys", "You know what you are, Willie? You're a 73-year-old schmo"

George Burns

Nobel Peace Prize-winning American 5-star general

George C. Marshall

A confirmed hypochondriac, he was in constant pain because of false teeth

George Washington

Gom Gut & Plick et Plock were pseudonyms of this Inspector Maigret creator

Georges Simenon

The District's oldest neighborhood, it was named for a king


In 1997 this fashion designer known for his "Flash & Trash" chic was slain in front of his Miami Beach mansion

Gianni Versace

Elizabeth Taylor said to James Dean in this film, "Money isn't all, you know, Jett"


Brand names owned by this company include Paper Mate, Right Guard, Foamy & Trac II


The Holland type of this liquor first made in Holland is usually drunk straight


It's said this author of “The Human Factor†wrote 200 words a day then stopped, even in mid sentence

Graham Greene

The label of this liqueur indicates it's "made with orange & fine old cognac brandy"

Grand Marnier

In bridge it's winning all 13 tricks

Grand Slam

On "The Beverly Hillbillies", her real name was Daisy Moses


The Cedar Rapids Museum of Art houses the largest collection of this native Iowan's paintings

Grant Wood

Pip Pip hooray for this novel in which Pip learns that honest work is more rewarding than shallow dreams

Great Expectations

In 1974 voters in this country rejected the monarchy, dashing Constantine II's hope of returning to the throne


Shattering the myth of Japanese invincibility, U.S. Marines stormed this island in the Solomons on August 7, 1942


The American poet Hilda Doolittle used this 2-letter pen name


He was prime minister of Syria before winning its presidency in 1971

Hafez Al-Assad

After Dik Browne retired in 1988, his son Chris took over this Viking strip

Hagar The Horrible

Vaughan Williams is among composers who wrote music for Larry Adler to play on this instrument


This Louise Fitzhugh classic about a young female snoop was made into a 1996 movie

Harriet The Spy

It's what you've lost if you've been decollated


April 17, 1928: This author "grits teeth, beds nurse, fights in war, sits at bar, remembers nurse"


War correspondent Martha Gellhorn was married to this author from 1940 to 1945


Since the 18th C., brewers have used this device to measure the alcoholic, not water, content of their booze


The Krishna starts near one coast of this country & flows almost all the way across it


This country's northern border touches China, Bhutan & Nepal


Meaning not separable, it's the longest word in the text of the Pledge of Allegiance


In an Aug. 30, 1999 referendum, the people of East Timor voted overwhelmingly for independence from this nation


A movie special-effects company: ILM

Industrial Light & Magic

Bethlehem tourism was hurt by this Palestinian uprising that began in 1987


It was introduced as a way to "put 1,000 songs in your pocket"


African-American Keith Ellison of Minnesota is the 1st congressman of this faith, to which he converted at 19


Nat King Cole sang "When I Fall In Love" in the Errol Flynn film named for this Turkish city


Students looking at "Fall of the Angels" in a Rome museum noticed this problem, as it didn't match the guidebook photo

It Was Upside Down

R.E.M. may have had millennial fears in this song that begins, "That's great it starts with an earthquake"

It's The End Of The World As We Know It

This doggone physiologist discovered that the vagus nerve controls the flow of digestive juices

Ivan Pavlov

Ownership of the Kuril islands has been in dispute between Russia & this country


Patric, Priestley


(Alex: Take a look at the monitor. Film seen here:)


Ranger Smith works in this park

Jellystone Park

She played Azteca in "Antz"

Jennifer Lopez

Henson, Morrison, Lehrer


This Canadian comic appeared on "In Living Color" & in 2 Clint Eastwood films, "Pink Cadillac" & "The Dead Pool"

Jim Carrey

After she sang the anthem "We Shall Overcome" at a 1963 march, her version of it hit the charts

Joan Baez

This actress' TV character Alexis Carrington was once described as "starts with B, rhymes with rich"

Joan Collins

Long-suffering man's dressing gowns

Job's Robes

The account of Jesus turning water into wine appears only in this fourth gospel


These 2 great English romantic poets died while still in their 20s, one in 1821 & one in 1822

John Keats & Percy Shelley

Her books for kids include "Blubber", "Freckle Juice" & "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing"

Judy Blume

She played an airheaded blonde to whom William Holden had to teach manners in "Born Yesterday"

Judy Holliday

In a 2003 bestseller, A. Scott Berg "Remembered" this legendary actress who passed away at age 96

Katharine Hepburn

He's logged over 3,000 hours in the air & probably even more on the radio airwaves

Kenny G

This 17th century German astronomer's ist law states that the planets move in elliptical orbits around the sun


In 1943 Dr. Willem Kolff was the first to use an artificial one of these organs on humans


This 3-letter Kipling lad goes on a Himalayan journey with a Tibetan lama


North Korea went nuclear with this man as its leader

Kim Jong-Il

When this king married in 1938, Egypt issued a 100-piastre gold coin to commemorate the event

King Farouk

This "regal" penguin is second in size to the emperor penguin

King Penguin

The Holland Herald is this airline's in-flight magazine

Klm (Royal Dutch)

Hebrew for "assembly", it's what the Israelis call their parliament


On April 9, 1682 this Frenchman reached the mouth of the Mississippi River & claimed the region for Louis XIV

La Salle

Jerry Lewis has been hosting the Muscular Dystrophy Telethon on this holiday weekend since 1966

Labor Day

Matthew Maguire, a machinist, & Peter J. McGuire, a union founder, are credited with creating this holiday

Labor Day

Meaning "superior ones", it's the Tibetan Buddhist term for monks, like the ones seen here


One once spanned what is now the Bering Strait

Land Bridge

He had already published "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" when Vachel Lindsay discovered him busing tables

Langston Hughes

Wild Bill Hickok turns up in "Boone's Lick", a 2000 novel by this "Lonesome Dove" author

Larry Mcmurtry

A waterfall provides only temporary safety from the Hurons for Alice & Cora in this Fenimore Cooper novel

Last Of The Mohicans

A baby who hasn't yet got the hang of breast-feeding is said to have problems doing this

Latching On (Or Positioning)

The material that people are "hellbent for" when moving quickly


Sail the Mediterranean on your way to the Cedars or Laklouk ski resorts in this country


Last name of Declaration-signing Virginia brothers Richard & Francis; a later relative was a Southern general


Billy Bush, a first cousin to W., hosted a 2003 revival of this classic Monty Hall game show

Let's Make A Deal

In March 2011 world oil prices rose due to fighting in this OPEC member's oil cities, like Ras Lanuf


4-letter word for a charge or encumbrance placed on one's property to secure payment of a debt


Rainfall is rare in this capital of Peru


The 1909-S V.D.B. version of this coin is a grail to collectors; just watch out for counterfeits

Lincoln Head Penny

In a 1965 movie set in Africa, Clarence was a "cross-eyed" one of these


A rabbit's upper one is split, making it easier to gnaw at bark


This Baltic country's major cities include Kaunas, Klaipeda & Vilnius


This 6-letter test checks the acidity or alkalinity of a solution


Some officials in New Hampshire were unhappy that the title of this action film was a play on the state motto

Live Free Or Die Hard

One tasty type of this sausage made from spices & pork livers is called braunschweiger


The tale of these 2 cities is told in "A Tale Of Two Cities"

London & Paris

Remarkable news may throw you for one of these, also the name of an aeronautical maneuver


When he ruled England from 1653 to 1658, Oliver Cromwell went by this 2-word title

Lord Protector

Machiavelli wrote an entire dedicatory preface to "The Prince" to this "Magnificent" de Medici

Lorenzo De Medici

Jorge Garcia keeps the humor alive as Hugo "Hurley" Reyes on this enigmatic show


Nelumbo nucifera is the scientific name of this sacred flower of Buddhism


"To The Far Blue Mountains" was one of this western author's Sackett sagas

Louis L'amour

In "Frank Fairlegh" Francis Edward Smedley wrote "All's fair in" these 2 activities

Love & War

Sites associated with this author's heroine Anne of Green Gables are a tourist draw in eastern Canada

Lucy Maud Montgomery

In the 1930s this future U. S. president was secretary to former King Ranch foreman Richard Kleberg

Lyndon Johnson

Stonewall, Texas

Lyndon Johnson

These medical units located near the front lines were immortalized in a movie & a TV series

M*A*S*H Units

It's the last name of the gangster protagonist of Bertolt Brecht's "Threepenny Opera"

Macheath/Mackie Messer/Mack The Knife

Lad as a larch hare

Mad As A March Hare

According to the title of a 1953 film, it's what Ethel Merman wanted to be called


The 40-day display of the Michael Dukakis figure was the shortest in this London museum's history

Madame Tussauds

1 of "The 25 Most Intriguing People" of 1989, she celebrated her 31st birthday with Warren Beatty


Most of this state's potatoes are produced in Aroostook County


The Portland Headlight Lighthouse is in this state, the first one to see the morning sun


This New York island is named for the Indians who sold it to Peter Minuit in 1626


1 day before his assassination he remarked, "I've looked over, & I've seen the promised land"

Martin Luther King (Jr.)

"Two and a Half Men" star Charlie

Martin Sheen

This Scottish queen was beheaded at Fotheringhay Castle on Feb. 8, 1587


At the 1984 Summer Olympics, this West Virginia native won 5 medals in gymnastics

Mary Lou Retton

Executed in 1587, she was the last reigning queen of Scotland

Mary, Queen Of Scots

If you're studying mensuration, you're studying this


This sea was home base for all those Barbary pirates

Mediterranean Sea

This capital of Australia's Victoria state was founded in 1835 & named for England's prime minister


Though Nashville is the capital, this is Tennessee's largest city


Shortly after formulating the principles of heredity, he became abbot of Brunn Monastery


The Foo Fighters' "Big Me" is a spoof of this "Freshmaker" candy's commercials


This tripe soup, a favorite in Mexico, is often served with lime wedges, chopped chiles & onion


Campers & military personnel need this type of kit to eat in the hall with the same name


There are 3 types of RNA: transfer, ribosomal & this


Savior, from the Aramaic for "anointed one"


This marsh gas is the chief substance in firedamp, a gas that causes mine explosions


MS-DOS for short, this was introduced on IBM personal computers in 1981

Microsoft Disk Operating System

Mickey Spillane's "The Killing Man" was the 12th novel featuring this private eye

Mike Hammer

(AUDIO DAILY DOUBLE): In 1963 Eydie Gorme sang "Blame It on the Bossa Nova"; in 1989 this group sang the following: "Blame It on the rain...."

Milli Vanilli

Soprano Alma Gluck had one of her great successes as this coughing heroine of "La boheme"


This popular pie filling is a mixture of finely chopped apples, spices, suet & sometimes beef


Good students will know that this word is the one word that mispelled in this question


A city is named for the great falls of the Missouri River in this state


You may see bats & woodrats in the Lewis & Clark Caverns near Bozeman in this state


Appropriately, this 1935 T.S. Eliot play is often performed in churches

Murder In The Cathedral

Now Madam Speaker, she has represented California in Congress since 1987

Nancy Pelosi

Many companies that qualify for the NYSE choose to sell their stock on this electronic service instead


He took "Song Sung Blue" to No. 1 in 1972

Neil Diamond

The viceroy of India lived in the Rashtrapati Bhavan in this city; now the president does

New Delhi

This state university in Las Cruces took away the pistol from its mascot, Pistol Pete, & replaced it with a lasso

New Mexico State

The only state that's home to 2 Ivy League schools

New York (Columbia, In Nyc & Cornell, In Ithaca)

Frederick III, Nicholas II, Wilhelm II

Nicholas Ii

Bedtime headgear, or a bedtime beverage


During the 1959 "Kitchen Debate" in Moscow, Nixon told this Soviet premier, "I have been insulted by experts"

Nikita Khrushchev

To a group of Western ambassadors in 1956, he said "History is on our side; we will bury you"

Nikita Khrushchev

She learned that she had been cast as Tracy Turnblad in "Hairspray" while working at a Cold Stone Creamery store

Nikki Blonsky

Commander of the Pacific Fleet, this American signed the Japanese surrender in 1945


Hugh Grant is less than thrilled when he finds out that girlfriend Julianne Moore is pregnant in this comedy

Nine Months

Dutch astronomer Petrus Plancius named Columba for the dove sent out by this Biblical character


Incorporated in 1901, there's no place like this Alaskan city on Norton Sound



Nova Scotia

St. Ann's in this province is home to the Gaelic Mod, an annual festival celebrating Scottish culture

Nova Scotia

In chapter 1 of this aptly named book, God orders that the first census of Israel be taken


If your street address is 1234 & you were born 5/6/78, this -ology has a lot to say to you


An astronomical viewing facility, or Henry Fountain's column in Tuesday's Science Times


It's equal to 200 milligrams

One Carat

Quebec & this adjacent province are both on the board


Before it received its present name, this "colorful" South African river was called the Groot

Orange River

Until 1853 Washington was part of this territory bearing the name of the next state south


This innovative American director said, "Everybody denies I am a genius--but nobody ever called me one!"

Orson Welles

On 9/20/1904, about 9 months after making a great advance, these 2 made another advance by going in a circle

Orville And Wilbur Wright

Because of its many canals & rivers, this city is known as the "Venice of Japan"


As a young scamp, he was expelled from the school he attended with his brother Luke & sent to a military academy

Owen Wilson

The flexible neck of this bird of prey allows it to rotate its head an amazing 270 degrees


To spell this animal, just use a hug & a kiss from the bottom of a letter


People who live at high altitudes often have thicker blood, to deliver more of this gas to body cells


Appropriately, this word comes from Greek words meaning "sharp" & "dull"


This political wit who goes by 2 initials says, "God is a Republican and Santa... is a Democrat"

P.J. O'rourke

Ballerina Olga Koklova, & then Jacquiline Roque, but not Francoise Gilot, Paloma's mother

Pablo Picasso

The sinoatrial node of the heart, or an example setter


"Pay Joel"

Pal Joey

It can mean the roof of the mouth, or more generally the sense of taste


The primary wheat-growing area in South America is this fertile Argentine plain


In 1935 this airline built a prefab hotel on Midway as a rest stop for passengers flying on its China Clippers

Pan Am

In 1914 German troops came within 15 miles of this capital before being repulsed at the Marne


In the painting seen here, Édouard Manet showed himself and others in this city's Tuileries Gardens


The Parquet is the main trading area of this city's Bourse, founded in 1141


2-verb term for a system that gives train commuters a place to leave their cars


From French for "to ward off", it means to ward off a blow, especially in fencing


This plant has a large, white edible root


Blasted, it's the weapon of war seen here:

Patriot Missile

In 1987 he took his Graceland tour to Africa where the concert was captured on film

Paul Simon

This thickener of fruit jellies is obtained from apples


He dedicated his epic poem "Adonais" to fellow romantic poet John Keats

Percy Shelley

The 1980s program of reforms in the USSR included this, Russian for "restructuring"


In a Protestant wedding, it's the role of the father of the bride

Person Who Gives The Bride Away

AKA Laszlo Loewenstein, he was born on June 26, 1904 in Hungary, not in Casablanca

Peter Lorre

Former Tony nominee Cathy Rigby wowed the audience in 1999 with a high-flying number fron this musical

Peter Pan

This playwright hit the right note with "Amadeus" & then horsed around with "Equus"

Peter Shaffer

Sir Walter Scott wrote a tale called "The Talisman" in 1825; Stephen King & this man, a little more recently

Peter Straub

She's Porky Pig's "flowery" main squeeze


The MPAA gives this for any depiction of drug use & more than brief nudity


"Buster", "Hook", "The Genesis Concert Movie"

Phil Collins

By nationality, the guy in the foreground in the Biblical illustration seen here is a ____ : (David and Goliath)


A jardiniere is a decorative stand for holding these


The buildup of this is the major cause of gum disease


Itchy cashew relative

Poison Ivy

Though it's New Hampshire's largest port city, the naval shipyard of the same name is in Maine


This nation gave up its last major colonies in the 1970s & will give up Macao in 1999


A gland near birdie's tail is called the oil gland or this, the activity the oil is used for


Used one way, this word is one of the official titles of the Pope; used another, it's an order of mammals


At his royal wedding, his bride mixed up his 1st & middle names & called him “Prince Charles Arthur Georgeâ€

Prince Charles

They met in 1977; 4 years later, their wedding was viewed by billions

Prince Charles & Princess Diana

In 1985 he became the first heir to the British throne to begin his schooling outside the palace

Prince William

The Wright Brothers connected these to the engine with bicycle chains


This kind of voting allows a senator to cast a vote in committee for an absent senator

Proxy Voting

Cap-de-la-Madeleine, Sept-Iles, Trois-Rivieres


Rav is Hebrew for "teacher" or "master"; an "I" sound to mean "my" was added to create this word we use in English


It's the 1988 Dustin Hoffman movie containing the line "K Mart sucks"

Rain Man

His parents named him Rene Maria & dressed him in girls' clothes; he chose the name "Rainer" himself

Rainer Maria Rilke

This designer's flagship store on Madison Avenue is across the street from his Polo Sport Store

Ralph Lauren

It's widely believed that this great pharaoh is the one written about in the book of Exodus

Ramses Ii

The drink known as "Code" this is "everything you love about Mountain Dew with a smooth cherry flavor"


Albert Einstein announced his special theory of this in 1905 & his general theory in 1915


To restock depleted supplies


Michael Madsen sliced off a cop's ear while dancing to "Stuck in the Middle With You" in this '92 Quentin Tarantino movie

Reservoir Dogs

On a monitor, 1280 x 1024 pixels is called "native" this, the degree of detail & sharpness


This Certs ingredient is a mix of partially hydrogenated cottonseed oil, copper gluconate & flavoring


Bierce saw this, "An abrupt change in the form of misgovernment" in Mexico while following Villa's army


This comic strip doctor began his practice in 1948

Rex Morgan

President heard here: "We find ourselves rich in goods but ragged in spirit, reaching with magnificent precision for the moon, but falling into raucous discord on Earth..."

Richard M. Nixon

Hollywood Cemetery in this city is the final resting place of James Monroe, John Tyler & Jefferson Davis


This island between Queens & the Bronx has correctional facilities for men, women & teens

Riker's Island

A violent public crowd disorder


"Canada Bill" Jones was a 3-card monte wizard on these transports, where Iowans can now legally bet


In October the Senate rejected this former Watergate figure's nomination to the Supreme Court

Robert Bork

That old gang of his included Will, John & Tuck

Robin Hood

This Georgia city was founded in 1834 on a site that had 7 hills


The priestess Rhea Silvia had these male twins & set them adrift on the Tiber

Romulus & Remus

April 28, 1937: Tikrit, Iraq

Saddam Hussein

Smaller than a junk, this Oriental boat usually has a cabin with a roof made of mats


It works like a photocopy machine, but it copies images into the computer


"It Doesn't Take a Hero" is the autobiography of this commander of the Persian Gulf War


Volkswagen aficionados know this hot, dusty wind that blows from North Africa & affects Southern Europe


This product was born when a new 3M jet-fuel hose material spilled on shoes & made them waterproof & stain-resistant


Remains flung into this river include Joan of Arc's ashes & Marguerite of Burgundy's discarded lovers


George Balanchine created 10 ballets for this impresario's Ballets Russes

Sergei Diaghilev

According to Guinness, Deanne Sarre did this to 390 sheep in 8 hours, all by hand

Sheared Them

Santa knows the 2nd tallest one of these in the world was built for a nickel co. in Sudbury, my home town


The accusers in his 399 B.C. trial were Meletus, Anytus & Lycon


Jeremiah compared the false prophets he'd seen to the sinners of these 2 cities

Sodom & Gomorrah

Benaiah was commander of this wise king's army


Western Cape, Eastern Cape, Kwazulu-Natal

South Africa

With over 15 million members, this Baptist denomination is the USA's largest branch of Protestantism

Southern Baptist

This gladiator's slave revolt was crushed in 71 B.C. when he died in battle against Marcus Licinius Crassus


Urban battle sites include the house defended for 58 days by Sergeant Pavlov in this WWII battle


The origin of these instruments goes back to 55-gallon oil containers discarded by U.S. military bases

Steel Drums

Born in Mannheim, Germany in 1969, she's one of only 5 tennis players in history to win a Grand Slam

Steffi Graf

In 2010 she launched a children's line, yeah, yeah, yeah: SM

Stella Mccartney

"Camptown Races" is only one of the many popular songs written by this 19th century composer

Stephen Foster

Farmer Jabez Stone sells his soul in his classic story "The Devil and Daniel Webster"

Stephen Vincent Benã©T

The world's only national flag that is not a rectangle, Nepal's flag depicts these 2 heavenly bodies

Sun And Moon

Describes an egg fried without breaking the yolk or being turned over

Sunny Side Up



In 1954 Becton, Dickinson & Company created the first mass-produced disposable these items for vaccines


At No. 8 is this Asian country that caused controversy in 2003 by putting its name on its passport


This African country lost its beloved founding father Julius Nyerere in 1999


Descriptive word for a flag or dress, torn & hanging


Patti Page: "____ Waltz"


In a New York magazine article, Tom Wolfe gave the '70s this egotistical name

The "Me" Decade

It's the monetary unit of Suriname

The (Dutch) Guilder

This European operation that began in 1948 was the independent USAF's first major international challenge

The Berlin Airlift

Pool shark Vincent Lauria

The Color Of Money

The Gila River joins this river near Yuma, Arizona

The Colorado

In an apple, it's the "inside" name for the pericarp

The Core

This British act, whose first U.S. hit was "Glad All Over", appeared on "The Ed Sullivan Show" 12 times

The Dave Clark Five

On this day, October 1, in 2006, Jews are encouraged to eat & drink

The Day Before Yom Kippur

Under FDR, Frances Perkins became the first female cabinet member, heading this department

The Department Of Labor

Built between 1817 & 1825, it was 363 miles long 40 feet wide on top & 4 feet deep

The Erie Canal

This duo had 4 No. 1 hits, including "Cathy's Clown" & "Bird Dog"

The Everly Brothers

This event that began in 1789 embodied many Enlightenment ideas, but is thought to have ended the era

The French Revolution

In 1931, Ferde Grofe was "suite" on this natural wonder

The Grand Canyon

Called the "Eighth Natural Wonder of the World", it stretches over 1,250 miles off Australia's east coast

The Great Barrier Reef

As its name suggests, this body of water separates the Emerald Isle from England

The Irish Sea

"Movin' on up, to the Eastside"

The Jeffersons

Kaa, Shere Khan, Baloo

The Jungle Book

One of the highlights of this film was Sebastian the Caribbean crab singing "Under The Sea"

The Little Mermaid

In the 1850s Nobel lived in the U.S. & studied under John Ericsson, the builder of this first Union ironclad warship

The Monitor

This feature of the Louvre is made of nearly 800 diamond- & triangle-shaped glass panes

The Pyramid

In the 1600s the Manchu Dynasty introduced this hairstyle for men as a sign of submission to the emperor

The Queue (Or Pigtail)

To pass for a native of Danvers, Massachusetts, don't pronounce this letter in the town's name

The R (The "Ah")

If you missed an Olympic berth at the Worlds, your last chance is at this qualification racing event

The Regatta

Its functions include insight, imagination & control of the left hand

The Right Side Of The Brain

It's the state bird of New Mexico

The Roadrunner

Created by Herman Tarnower, this diet bears the name of an upscale NYC suburb

The Scarsdale Diet

2 of this famous group of 7 are the Pyramids at Giza & the Lighthouse of Alexandria

The Seven Wonders Of The World

The Amur tiger, aka this tiger, ranges from southeastern Russia to northern China

The Siberian Tiger

Israeli troops occupied this peninsula from 1967 to 1982

The Sinai

In the history of jazz, Dizzy Gillespie & Louis Armstrong were 2 of the greatest players of this instrument

The Trumpet

This Chubby Checker hit charted twice, both times reaching No. 1

The Twist

Part of this country was once Kievan Rus

The Ukraine

"Theodore the Meddler"

Theodore Roosevelt

Running from July 19 to August 17, this month was so hot... you could cook a lobster on the sidewalk


Vitamin B1


The word "fairlings" means presents bought at a fair in his novel "Tess of the d'Urbervilles"

Thomas Hardy

This third president had siblings who were fraternal twins

Thomas Jefferson

He spoke of the American Revolutionary era as "the times that try men's souls"

Thomas Paine

He wrote, "I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and spartan-like..."


When someone wishes you "good" these at Christmas, they may be referring to a group of magpies


The object seen here: you move it to port to turn the boat to starboard


He's the singer seen here

Tim Mcgraw

On Jan. 14, 2005 the Huygens Probe soft-landed on this largest moon of Saturn; photos reveal its surface to be orange




The "Black Spot" is a dreaded summons handed out by pirates in this 1883 Robert Louis Stevenson tale

Treasure Island

In 1953 Triangle Publications began publishing this media magazine...& boy was it successful!

Tv Guide

"Nephew to the Lady Capulet"


A book by Angie Sage is not called "Vampire Bat" but "Vampire" this type of annoying little kid

Vampire Brat

Locally, this world capital is spelled W-I-E-N


Many consider this Conde Nast magazine the world's fashion authority


It's the main ingredient in a candle


Charles Stone III's short film "True" was the inspiration for the series of Bud spots with this catchphrase


More than half of Manitoba's people live in this city


A branch of the Internet: WWW

World Wide Web

The America's Cup


Rip Torn ripped into the role of this supreme Greek god in the Disney film "Hercules"


This ancient religion founded in Persia is set forth in the "Zend-Avesta"


Jules Verne's "Mysterious Island" was named for this U.S. president who was assassinated

Abraham Lincoln

Mary Todd

Abraham Lincoln

A great Greek warrior, or a tendon attached to the heel


This tendon enables muscles at the back of the lower leg to lift the heel when walking or running

Achilles Tendon

Longfellow Deeds, Dink the Clown, Zohan Dvir

Adam Sandler

This "apple" is at the front of men's throats

Adam's Apple

For tax purposes, the total amount you earned less deductions: AGI

Adjusted Gross Income

In the '50s one of his running mates was Estes Kefauver

Adlai Stevenson

Vampire with a soul David Boreanaz


If you sell the Pentagon 3 jets at $1/2 billion each & are paid with a $2 billion check, you owe this many million in change

$500 Million

Men's 100 meters

(1988) Carl Lewis

She trilled for Svengali

(6) Trilby

It precedes cop, court & jam

(7) Traffic

Bell came up with the photophone, a device that transmits sound via this

(A Beam Of) Light

Frank Seiberling named his tire & rubber company after this inventor

(Charles) Goodyear

On March 17, 1989 the Senate voted 92-0 to confirm this Wyoming congressman as Secretary of Defense

(Dick) Cheney

1980s: "I'm Gumby, dammit!"

(Eddie) Murphy

David Strathairn, as him: "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves. Good night, and good luck"

(Edward R.) Murrow

Britannica notes that this French author's 1880 work "Nana" is known as "Nana" in its English translation

(Emile) Zola

"I taste a liquor never brewed-- / From tankards scooped in Pearl-- / Not all the vats on the Rhine / Yield such an alcohol"

(Emily) Dickinson

He never finished writing his novel "Netochka Nezvanova" because he was sent to Siberia

(Fyodor) Dostoevsky

"Major Barbara" & "Arms and the Man"

(George Bernard) Shaw

Around the same time, Leoncavallo & this man both wrote operas based on the novel "Scenes de la vie de boheme"

(Giacomo) Puccini

A student under Benjamin West, this American also did portraits of Presidents Adams & Jefferson

(Gilbert) Stuart

In "Play It Again, Sam", movie critic Allan Felix gets relationship advice from this movie star

(Humphrey) Bogart

This Russian physiologist published his first book, "Work of the Digestive Glands", in 1897

(Ivan) Pavlov

It's a dog's life for Buck in the Klondike in this author's "The Call of the Wild"

(Jack) London

The leader of the post-WWII style, sometimes called action painting; his work is seen here

(Jackson) Pollock

During this bachelor's administration, his niece Harriet Lane served as White House hostess

(James) Buchanan

In 1931 this Hull House founder was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, the first American woman so honored

(Jane) Addams

In 1961 this African-American soprano made her debut at the Met as Leonora in "Il trovatore"

(Leontyne) Price

This legendary Yankee ended his career in 1939 with 493 home runs & a lifetime batting average of .340

(Lou) Gehrig

In "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening", he wrote that he had "promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep"

(Robert) Frost

You're a religious symbology professor at Harvard?! Well, here's the Trebek code! 15 more 100-lb. bench presses!

(Robert) Langdon

In 1851 students at VMI couldn't stonewall this professor of natural & experimental philosophy

(Stonewall) Jackson

This teen with "Beautiful Eyes" was motivated by her opera-singing granny but chose to sing country music

(Taylor) Swift

The 1952 movie "Here Come The Nelsons" served as the pilot for this sitcom

(The Adventures Of) Ozzie & Harriet

The art of this center named for an oilman is housed in a Los Angeles hilltop complex designed by Richard Meier

(The) Getty (Center)

In 1831 he published a book of poems called "Les Feuilles d'automnes", as well as that hunchback novel

(Victor) Hugo

This Dane credited with discovering Alaska died during his 1741 expedition to the area

(Vitus) Bering

At 900+ pages, his 1998 novel "I Know This Much is True" is one hefty read

(Wally) Lamb

It's the value of the playing card just below a knave


Of 1/4 & 1/6


The term "hexadecimal" refers to quantities of this number


In this year Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan & Red China established the People's Republic


In this year, "Rock Around The Clock" was recorded, Roger Bannister beat the clock & Henri Matisse clocked out


Set on New Year's Eve: "___ Cigarettes"


1968: "'Hello, Dave' said HAL... 'Have you found the trouble?'"

2001: A Space Odyssey

This 1984 science fiction sequel directed by Peter Hyams contains the line "My God, it's full of stars"


Of 3,000, 30,000, or 300,000, the approximate number of beetle species in the world


Glenn Ford played Ben Wade in this 1957 film; 50 years later Russell Crowe took the part

3:10 To Yuma

Pluto's version of this Earth sitcom would be "9th (sometimes 8th) Stone if you Start Counting at our System's Star"

3Rd Rock From The Sun

Of 4-6 pages, 14-20 pages or 40-60 pages, the size of the typical Soviet daily newspaper

4-6 Pages

A scout troop hikes 3 miles due north, 4 miles due east & straight back this far to their starting point


3! means the product of all the integers from 1 through 3-- so it's this number


In a standard set of dominoes, the tiles range from double blank to this double number


The Braille system is based on the arrangement of up to this many raised dots per character


2 cubed equals this


Mark Twain noted a striking difference between a cat & a lie: "A cat has only" this many "lives"


Fabrics come in 3 basic categories: natural, synthetic & this, like cotton/polyester

A Blend

This citrus fruit grown in Mediterranean countries has a pink to red pulp & rind

A Blood Orange

It's the "bovine" term for a circus elephant, whether it's male or female

A Bull

A substance that speeds up a chemical reaction

A Catalyst

A place where social graces are taught

A Charm School

Henry IV said he wanted no peasant so poor that he couldn't have one of these "in his pot every Sunday"

A Chicken

A camel is a horse designed by this

A Committee

Canal St. boasts a statue of Ignatius J. Reilly, the hero of this prize-winning novel by John Kennedy Toole

A Confederacy Of Dunces

A decrease in economic activity; I couldn't bear it! I can't! I won't! I shan't!

A Contraction

It takes on a whole new light when you think of it as the belt you wear with a tuxedo

A Cummerbund

An almost black hammerhead

A Dark Shark


A Dictionary Writer

After 50 years as king, Beowulf dies slaying one of these mythical creatures; St. George had better luck

A Dragon

A "flash" one of these can be caused by persistent, heavy rainfall or the failure of a dam

A Flood

With a brown lunch bag, white yarn for the top stitching & a little imagination, you can make one of these; hike!

A Football

Thing: Tin-y silverware

A Fork

It means "sword lily"

A Gladiola

You don't know this, if you don't know it's a brace on a topgallant mast

A Jack

This tropical American Mammal, potus flavus, is known for its long, prehensile tail & is related to the raccoon

A Kinkajou

A backpack for a hiker

A Knapsack

Growing more than 10 feet long & weighing more than 350 pounds, this Asiatic monster is the world's largest lizard

A Komodo Dragon

A moderate to brilliant shade of yellow is named for this citrus fruit

A Lemon

Contractors can have a mechanic's type of this placed against a property, assuring that they'll get paid for their work

A Lien

Antonio Egas Moniz won a 1949 Nobel Prize for introducing this procedure that affects the prefrontal lobes

A Lobotomy

Similar to a xylophone, it's the national musical instrument of Guatemala & other Central American countries

A Marimba

This 9-letter word for a procession of cars is often used to refer to that of the U.S. president

A Motorcade

It's another name for a mongrel dog, Jeff

A Mutt

10 penny, 16 penny or 20 penny, for example

A Nail

The "jewel" style of this part of a garment is simple & rounded

A Neckline

It can be a small piece of gold or a bite-sized piece of batter-fried chicken

A Nugget

Slang for a slot machine in Vegas

A One-Armed Bandit

This distance used in astronomy is abbreviated pc & is equal to 19.2 trillion miles

A Parsec

While there are over 5,000 varieties of this fruit, you probably eat the Anjou or Bartlett

A Pear

The brown type of this pouched bird plunges from the air to fish; the white one scoops up fish as it swims

A Pelican

To leave hurriedly is to take one of these, so have a puff ready

A Powder

Guy Noir knows the NEA gave early, critical funding to start this Minnesota Public Radio variety show

A Prairie Home Companion

Sometimes called a "Picture Frame" stage, this kind of stage has its own special arch

A Proscenium

The "Rubaiyat" in Omar Khayyam's title is the plural of rubai, this 4-line stanza

A Quatrain

The luckiest of these charms is supposed to be the left hind limb

A Rabbit's Foot

A sudden, short attack, like the Great Northfield, Minnesota one

A Raid

A postponement of punishment

A Reprieve

Field Marshal Barclay used this maneuver associated with defeat to lure Napoleon deep into Russia

A Retreat

A rotation, as on an axis, or a violent replacement of an established government

A Revolution

An Italian book

A Rome Tome

In this essay Virginia Woolf said women need money & privacy to develop as writers

A Room Of One's Own

Cowboys collect roaming cattle for sorting & branding at these "circular" events

A Roundup

This cactus that may grow 50 feet high & live hundreds of years has its own park in Arizona

A Saguaro

Odyssey Marine Exploration will sell you a $2,500 pickle bottle found on one of these from 1865

A Ship

Pie? Well, maybe just...not a slice, heavens no. I only want this, from ths Middle English for "split"

A Sliver

In his "Departmental Ditties", Kipling wrote, "A woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is" this

A Smoke

The cleanout plug is out, & Joe uses this long , flexible "reptilian" tool to clear debris

A Snake

Referring to an unsuspected danger, the Latin phrase "anguis in herba" literally means this

A Snake In The Grass

"There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold and she's buying" this

A Stairway To Heaven

A booth where items are displayed for sale

A Stall

If you aspire to the spire of a church, it's one of these

A Steeple

In 1902 in Montana, paleontologist Barnum Brown unearthed the first specimen of this dinosaur "king"

A T. Rex

Around 1908 tea merchant Thomas Sullivan hit upon this innovation that avoids the mess of straining leaves

A Teabag

Buffalo-skin covered homes of Plains Indians

A Teepee

Lifting or other violent abuse of a pinball machine gets you the "slam" type of this, ending the game

A Tilt

This roughly 5-inch-long tube conveys air to & from the lungs

A Trachea

Brother began by making sewing machines; it made its first portable one of these in 1961

A Typewriter

In 2007 a judge ruled that a Santa Barbara newspaper had illegally fired workers for trying to join this

A Union

In "Gulliver's Travels", Swift described this type of creature as "the most unteachable of all brutes"

A Yahoo

Thomas Jefferson's veep, he killed a famous man in a famous duel

Aaron Burr

When Alexander Hamilton & James Monroe nearly met in a duel, this man interceded & defused the situation

Aaron Burr

Ancient calculator seen here


Known as a humorist, this 16th president was also known for his bouts of depression

Abraham Lincoln

With a 4.0 GPA, tennis player Kristi Miller of Georgia Tech was named an AAA, which stands for this

Academic All-American

Winston Churchill's first House of Commons speech was about this continent in the aftermath of the Boer War


The Morrill Act of 1862 provided land grants to support colleges that emphasized these "A & M" fields

Agriculture And Mechanical (Arts)

World War II's Battle of the Coral Sea was the first naval battle that used only these


A New York City Fire Department fireboat is named for this 1928 pres. candidate known as the "Happy Warrior"

Al Smith

On May 5, 1961 he is launched from Cape Canaveral

Alan Shepard

Its official state sport is dog mushing


You are so cool, pristine & full of energy, you're like this biggest U.S. state


By then living in the U.S., he was offered the presidency of Israel in 1952

Albert Einstein

John Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress" is a work in this genre


These implied or indirect literary references are often made to Biblical or classical figures


In 1851 this yacht won the trophy that was to become the America's Cup


This airline's slogan is "Something special in the air"

American Airlines

Gravy served with Coleridge's "lucky" seabird

An Albatross Sauce

Juliette Lewis was first seen onscreen in the 1988 comedy "My Stepmother Is" one of these

An Alien

Populus tremuloides is the scientific name for this "quaking" species

An Aspen

An adjective meaning "first", or a letter like "F" in F. Murray Abraham

An Initial

Jung figured that though you're predominantly an extrovert or this, you still have tendencies to both

An Introvert

Michael Faraday introduced this term for an electrically charged atom

An Ion

Made of hollow metal, earthenware or plastic, this musical instrument is also called a "sweet potato"

An Ocarina

Nick Lowe's "cruel to be kind" or Ahnold's "girlie men"

An Oxymoron

A documentary film crew in the Amazon encounters a giant snake in this 1997 film


Mackinlay Kantor's novels of the Civil War include one about this notorious prison camp


This tiny nation in the Pyrenees is one of the 3 nations of Europe officially designated as principalities


After his breakup with Brooke Shields, he found a love match with Steffi Graf

Andre Agassi

Later French Minister of Culture, in 1923 he was arrested for removing some artifacts from a Cambodian temple

Andre Malraux

Chuck Jones received one for his over 50 years of work in this field


She gave readers "Breathing Lessons" & took home the prize for her efforts

Anne Tyler

In this 1977 woody Allen-Diane Keaton film, author Truman Capote had an uncredited bit as a Truman Capote look-alike

Annie Hall

Gail Davis did much of her own trick riding & sharpshooting on this 1953 TV series

Annie Oakley

She's the dynamic actress/producer for whom the Tony Awards were named

Antoinette Perry

In a work by this dramatist, Trepliov kills a sea gull, the symbol of his broken dreams

Anton Chekhov

Seen here, this dictator called his government the Estado Novo ("New State")

Antonio Salazar

From Greek for "to lift", it's the big artery that lifts blood out of the heart


A fresco by Raphael shows Pope Leo I pleading with this ruthless barbarian to spare Rome


This Berliner developed a cholera inoculation but is best known for his syphilis test

August Von Wassermann

It's a sailor's way of saying to a superior "I understand & will obey"


Of all fresh fruits, the U.S. imports more of this one than any other


Jesus was still dripping from this event when a voice from heaven called him "my beloved Son"


Her bio says she has "arguably interviewed more statesmen and stars than any other journalist in history"

Barbara Walters

With 3,307, Niek Vermeulen holds the record for the largest collection of these bags for people on planes

Barf Bags

The pot type of this grain retains more of the bran than the pearl type


A medical syndrome is named for this baron famous for tall tales about his exploits

Baron Von Munchausen

Mike Schmidt, Christy Mathewson & Ernie Banks


Though it started with just 31 flavors, this chain now has more than 1,000, including SPF 31


Maryland's state fish, the rockfish, is also known as the striped species of this


From the French for "low", it's the hound seen here

Basset Hound

Abbastanza, meaning "enough", is often shortened to this 5-letter word


In the 1850s, Empress Eugenie helped popularize Biarritz, a town on this bay, as a fashionable resort

Bay Of Biscay

Decades before Alanis Morissette's "You Oughta Know", Doris Day sang "You Oughta" this

Be In Pictures

A male turkey's snood hangs directly over this part of its body


Mung, snap, string


An angry King David is compared to one of these animals robbed of her cubs


The Kodiak is also known as the Alaskan brown type of this animal


City Lights Bookstore in San Francisco was a 1950s hangout for these itinerant writers & poets

Beat Writers

Ms. Potter, the author


His 1993 song "Loser" begins, "In the time of chimpanzees I was a monkey"


Peter O'Toole was Oscar-nominated for playing the same king in these 2 movies

Becket & The Lion In Winter

Fathered, biblically speaking


A graduate of Columbia Law School, she hung around the House for 6 years

Bella Abzug

"Ante-" this refers to the period before the Civil War; in Latin, this means war!


In 1876 this man seen here was created Earl of Beaconsfield

Benjamin Disraeli

Look at Kate Bosworth, she's Sandra Dee, Bobby Darin's wife, in this crooning biopic

Beyond The Sea

It's found in the Parliament Tower of Westminster Palace

Big Ben

Co-starring Phylicia Rashad, his new series is based on the British series "One Foot in the Grave"

Bill Cosby

Cosby's recreational dentistry equipment

Bill's Drills


Bob Denver

In April 1961 he played with John Lee Hooker at Gerde's Folk City in New York

Bob Dylan

This heavily populated port city & capital of Maharashtra state is the leading financial center of India


"Courageous Organ"


Traditionally the Lord's Supper is a ritual meal of these two items

Bread & Wine

11-letter word for one who supports a family, perhaps with whole wheat or sourdough


Know what Emmy voters like? Meth & murder! OK, not really, but they loved Aaron Paul as Jesse Pinkman on this AMC show

Breaking Bad

This longtime Green Bay Packer is the only QB to throw more than 300 career interceptions

Brett Favre

This daughter of a "Hulk"-ing wrestler entered the musical ring with her 2006 hit "About Us"

Brooke Hogan

This city that straddles the Danube was once called the "Queen of the Danube"


Next time you're roaming through North Dakota, visit the museum of this animal & its herd of about 30


This man brought his Wild West show, created in 1883, to Madison Square Garden

Buffalo Bill Cody

The Danube divides Romania from this Black Sea neighbor country to the south


This small stream, 30 miles from where we now stand, was the site of 2 Civil War battles

Bull Run

Rocky, a flying squirrel


Join a letter with union & it becomes this foot malady


George's posteriors

Bush's Tushes

You only need to add an "s" to the name of this 1977 film android to get his popular cereal


First Roman army to invade Britain was led by this general


This woman with a reputation as a hard-drinking, foul-mouthed ruffian claims she married Wild Bill Hickok

Calamity Jane

282 feet below sea level in Death Valley


The May 1970 Kent State protest was in reaction to U.S. troops entering this country


Jean Chretien, prime minister of this country, scuffled with a protester at a Flag Day celebration in February of 1996


To make a Canadian cocktail, add curacao, bitters & powdered sugar to this Canadian liquor

Canadian Whiskey

A person confessing info to police is known as one of these yellow songbirds


As you know from the movie "Medicine Man", the rain forests hold essential plants for treating this disease


This Halloween favorite that has bands of white, orange & yellow dates back to the 1880s

Candy Corn

The practice of weaving long strips of rattan or other material to make seats, backs of chairs, etc.


It's the genus of the plant known as marijuana


Keith Downey developed rapeseed into this cooking product, now a huge cash crop for farmers in Saskatchewan


Pope's "The Rape of the Lock" isn't divided into stanzas or verses, but these (also favored by Ezra Pound)


A geographic promontory, or the clothing article seen here


In 1620 the Pilgrims first landed in the New World on this peninsula & that's no fish story

Cape Cod

1937: Spencer Tracy for this rollicking adventure

Captains Courageous

These compounds may have "simple" molecules, like sugars, or "complex" ones, like cellulose


Side 1 of her album "Tapestry" starts with "I Feel The Earth Move"; side 2 ends with "(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman"

Carole King

Because he wrote his books in Latin, Swedish botanist Carl von Linne was better known by this Latinized name

Carolus Linnaeus

Caesar says this man "thinks too much: such men are dangerous" (No, it's not Brutus)


A Norman could say, "I'm the king of the motte-and-bailey style of" this


In the first scene of this Tennessee Williams drama, Maggie walks into the bedroom to change her dress

Cat On A Hot Tin Roof

Michael Douglas never forgets the birthday of this woman, his wife; it's September 25, the same as his

Catherine Zeta-Jones

Akin to "caught in the act", to be caught this way alludes to a murderer smeared with blood

Caught Red-Handed

This word for a ceremonial procession is from old Italian cavalcare, "to ride on horseback"


When participating in the 1970s fad for these, Betty Ford used the handle "First Mama"

Cb Radios

This "Eye" network's "Television City" is next to the Farmer's Market


A man released as many as 50 guinea pigs into this New York City area March 11, 1998

Central Park

The name of this city in Burgundy has become a synonym in the U.S. for a cheap white wine


In this game, a tug on the ear means "sounds like", and a touch on the nose: "you're right"


Related to the beet, this vegetable is grown for its spinach-like leaves & thick stalks


In 770 this king of the Franks married Desiderata, daughter of the Lombard king Desiderius


As Lucy Ewing, this petite star seduced her uncle Ray Krebbs, among others

Charlene Tilton

Tasmanian-born Harold Gatty taught navigation to Anne Morrow, the wife of this "Lone Eagle"

Charles Lindbergh

He revolutionized breakfast with his creation of a coffee substitute & Grape Nuts cereal

Charles William Post

The heroine of her 1849 novel "Shirley" was inspired by her late sister Emily

Charlotte Bronte

1952: On a farm in Maine, 2 animals with a total of 12 legs strike up an unusual friendship

Charlotte's Web

Hats in the shape of this food are a common sight at Wisconsin sporting events


Gov. Oliver Howard was the recipient of this Native American chief's "I will fight no more forever" message

Chief Joseph

A 1991 act "to make provision for...periodical maintenance payable by certain parents" is known as this 2-word act

Child Support

The 1st mechanical clock had no dial or hands but did this to indicate the time

Chimed (A Bell Rang)

Jet-lagged or just hung-over? Let's wake up your face with Wu Morning!, a mask from this Asian country


Near the end of the fifth century, the Japanese borrowed this nation's system of writing


In 1967 this South African surgeon performed the world's first human heart transplant

Christiaan Barnard

In 2007 this ex-Mouseketeer not named Britney was honored for her song "Ain't No Other Man"

Christina Aguilera

Arnie's 1958 Plymouth Fury goes by this feminine name


Having 4 large pairs of these makes the fruit fly a favorite subject for geneticists


Legends of riches led a set of Zuni villages to be dubbed the Seven Cities of this


Matthew Bourne's version of this fairy tale ballet, set in London during WWII, has an RAF pilot as the prince


"The Angel of the Battlefield"

Clara Barton

After classes of these were categorized numerically, number "nine" became a synonym for euphoria


A U.S. nuclear weapon using this element, Co, has been termed a doomsday device, as it would wipe out life on Earth


In April 1985 this company announced it was replacing its 99-year-old formula with a sweeter one


Your spine ends at this tailbone, formed by 4 fused vertebrae


In Dutch, apricots are abrikozen, figs are vijgen & this fruit is kokosnoot


2 angles that add up to 180 degrees are supplementary; 2 that add up to 90 degrees are this

Complementary Angles

In 2004 & 2005 this former university provost topped Forbes' list of the 100 most powerful women in the world

Condoleezza Rice

In billing order, this quartet's members were born in Los Angeles, Dallas, Blackpool & Toronto

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young

When 2 people are shooting guns & their aim intersects at you, you're caught in one of these


When it follows 3, this letter means having length, breadth & depth


Teng Hsiao-P'ing tried to unsuccessfully to persuade him to return to Tibet

Dalai Lama

Many afternoon papers have died out, including this Texas city's in 1991, leaving the field to the "Morning News"


This actor's father, poet laureate Cecil Day Lewis, wrote detective novels under the name Nicholas Blake

Daniel Day Lewis

Nationality of author Hans Christian Andersen


In "Dante's Inferno", Oliver Reed played this pre-Raphaelite artist & poet

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

In 1988 3 students sued this New Hampshire school for discriminating against them as white conservatives


A captain & his inexperienced crew patrol the Atlantic in a sub in this 1981 Wolfgang Petersen film with a German title

Das Boot

This soccer midfielder for Manchester United signed with Real Madrid on July 1, 2003

David Beckham

This talk show host's mom, Dorothy, published a cookbook

David Letterman

It was made a national park in 1994

Death Valley

She sang lead on the No. 1 hit "Heart of Glass"

Debbie Harry

Remove a hidden electronic device


In Latin, rosa, rosae, rosam, for example


2-word numerical term for burial at sea or just getting rid of something

Deep Sixing

To change one's loyalties, perhaps "from a Communist country", like Baryshnikov did


When Samson wouldn't tell her the source of his strength, she said, "Hitherto thou hast mocked me, and told me lies"


(Pat Sajak gives the clue) I enjoy the music & the message of this electropop band that got its name from a French fashion magazine -- because, you know, people are people

Depeche Mode



While trying to create these precious stones in a lab, Edward Acheson came up with carborundum


2005 & 2007: Julian McMahon as this comic book doctor who was struck by cosmic waves

Doctor Doom

The Errol Flynn western named for this Kansas town inspired the plot of Mel Brooks' "Blazing Saddles"

Dodge City

1959 & 2006: "The Shaggy ____"


The full title of this Dickens work begins, "Dealings with the firm of..."

Dombey & Son

This "Funnie" middle school student got his first movie in March 1999


Former "Jeopardy!" host Art Fleming played W. Averell Harriman in a 1977 film with Gregory Peck as this general

Douglas Macarthur

There doesn't seem to be a patron saint of hawks, but David of Wales is the patron of these birds


2-word slang for the smallest continent

Down Under


Drink It

3-letter abbreviation for a type of line that keeps you constantly connected at high speed


Gold leads all metals in this property, the ability to be drawn into wires without breaking


When both people pay for dinner on a date, they go this nationality (& home alone, probably)


This president's 1961 farewell address warned of the influence of "The Military-Industrial Complex"

Dwight D. Eisenhower

It can be a permanent coloring, or a cube with dots--roll again


If your family resists change, keeps secrets & ignores conflict, it may qualify for this adjective


Before, in olden days, it meant before (3 letters)


Dangle, clip-on or pierced, for example


Akron, Ohio

Eastern Time

In Waukesha, Wisconsin you can actually live on this, a 2-word phrase for a life of comfort & security

Easy Street

Fortunato is the unfortunate victim in this author's famous horror story "The Cask Of Amontillado"

Edgar Allan Poe

He's known for his Martian & Pellucidar tales as well as the ones about that ape man

Edgar Rice Burroughs

The first 2 Pulitzers for writing these, to the N.Y. Tribune & Louisville Courier Journal, didn't name the authors


(3) Self-esteem, or a psychoanalytic term


Counting up from one, it's the first number that contains a "G"



Eugene Ionesco

The middle name of the actress who was "On the Waterfront" before she went "North By Northwest"

Eva Marie Saint

In Byron's Biblical drama "Cain", she's the first female character to speak


This 190-proof grain alcohol shares its name with a "Wonderful" Art Alexakis rock band


"Going out"; it's a book in the Bible


Sally Mann gained fame & controversy with the partly-nude series "Immediate" this (her own)


During its first season, Jaleel White joined this show as the ultra-nerdy Steve Urkel

Family Matters

An apple that the USDA grades "extra" this doesn't have a ribbon on it but is mature, clean & well-formed


A book by Frances Hodgson Burnett inspired the velvet suit for boys called "Little Lord" this


Joan Embery reports that all birds have these, "A characteristic shared by no other type of animal"


Among other things, this month is Cherry Month & Creative Romance Month


The major pressure point for leg injuries is where this artery crosses the joint between the pelvis & leg

Femoral Artery

Bette Midler sang in the chorus of this Broadway musical before she moved up to the role of Tzeitel

Fiddler On The Roof

In boxing it could be Caesars Palace or Madison Square Garden

Fight Site

On New Year's Day 2002, this school's Seminoles beat Virginia Tech 30-17 to win the Gator Bowl

Florida State University

14th U.S. president who changed careers & became a big-screen James Bond

Franklin Pierce Brosnan

This 1961 Salinger work was adapted from 2 New Yorker stories

Franny And Zooey

From the Latin for "foliage", it's the large, divided leaf of ferns & some palms


"They're gr-r-reat!"

Frosted Flakes

The Sun converts about 4,5 million tons of matter into energy every second by this type of nuclear reaction


The Trinity River in Texas

Galveston Bay

Famous rank of Tso, AKA Tao, a 19th C. warrior after whom a chicken dish was named


Highly diversified, it's the only co. in the Dow Jones Industrial Average that was included in the original index of 1896

General Electric

In 1848 Ellen Craft, a slave from Macon in this state, escaped north disguised as a top-hatted white man


On Feb. 12, 1733 James Oglethorpe founded Savannah, the first settlement in this new colony


In a nursery rhyme, this boy's name is followed by "pudding and pie"

Georgie Porgie

She's "Swingin' down the street so fancy-free, nobody you meet could ever see the loneliness there"

Georgy Girl

From 1974 to 1978 she was an assistant district attorney in Queens, New York

Geraldine Ferraro

George H.W. Bush faced off against this opponent in a 1984 vice presidential debate

Geraldine Ferraro

Although Switzerland has 4 national languages, 70% of the population speaks this one


It's a wine glass with a base & a stem


She was born in Kiev in 1898, grew up in Milwaukee & in 1969 became prime minister of Israel

Golda Meir

Sold in most pet stores, comets & veiltails are varieties of this type of carp


Dante begins his journey on this day, the anniversary of the crucifixion

Good Friday

Test the mineral olivenite & it will leave a streak of this color


For St. Patrick's Day, featured a recipe for this dish, also a Dr. Seuss title

Green Eggs & Ham

It’s the name of the 1976 field-goal-kicking mule that got booted up to title billing


Once denied a driver's license, this general secretary of the U.S. Communist party is usually driven to work

Gus Hall

This company's first Emmy came in 1958 for Art Direction in its "Hall Of Fame" production of "Twelfth Night"


This play's line "murder most foul" has been used as the title of mystery & crime books


This singer and jazz pianist acted in "Little Man Tate", the 1st film directed by Jodie Foster

Harry Connick Jr.

In this 2002 film, a house-elf named Dobby warns Harry Potter that great danger awaits him at Hogwarts

Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets

It represents one-seventh of the U.S. economy; President Clinton tried to reform it in his first term


"For him evidently Mr. Kurtz was not in his grave; I suspect that for him Mr. Kurtz was one of the immortals"

Heart Of Darkness

In mid-July 1995 this climatic extreme killed hundreds of Midwesterners, many elderly

Heat Wave

Residents of Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in Concord, Mass. include Emerson & this Walden Pond resident

Henry David Thoreau

Using a crane & a truck, thieves stole "Reclining Nude" by this English sculptor

Henry Moore

1989: Kenneth Branagh

Henry V

Showgirls in green sleeves--& little else--will accompany this king as he plays his legendary hit "Greensleeves"

Henry Viii

210 Parkside Drive, West Branch, Iowa

Herbert Hoover

In 1415 Czech religious reformer John Hus was condemned & burned at the stake for this crime


In 1984 this wife of the Governor was named Arkansas' "Young Mother of the Year"

Hillary Clinton

East Indians who never ask "Where's the beef?"


Nickname of Mr. Carmichael who wrote "Georgia On My Mind" & "Two Sleepy People"


The city of Fukui, on this largest of Japan's islands, was devastated by an earthquake in 1948


A hit in Amsterdam, it's the tribute perfume to Union general Joseph, English clergyman Richard & TV's T.J.


The horny casing of the toes of ungulates is called this


In 2007 this company lost a trademark suit against Spam Arrest, a Seattle maker of anti-spam software


Carl Stumpf & his student Oskar Pfungst debunked Clever Hans, one of these animals, who "counted" with its hoof


Scientists believe that eohippus, about the size of a small dog, was the earliest ancestor of this animal


Topped by a silver eagle with a 15-inch wingspan, a large silver mace is the symbol of authority of this U.S. govt. body

House Of Representatives

Of yardie, housie or barnie, what bingo is known as in Australia


Ernest Just, who received the first Spingarn Medal in 1915, was a biologist & professor at this D.C. university


Name shared by a cabinet department LBJ created & a Paul Newman movie that won 3 Oscars


Barbara Walters' "20/20" co-host, in 1998 he was awarded the Children's Champion Award from UNICEF

Hugh Downs

Thousands of these Protestants were killed by pro-Catholic forces in the Massacre of Saint Bartholomew's Day


Actress Jessica Tandy received the medal the same year as her husband, this fellow actor in the film "Cocoon"

Hume Cronyn

The flippers of this large whale known for its "songs" may be a third as long as its body

Humpback Whale

In 896 Prince Arpad led the Magyar people over the Carpathians & entered this land, their permanent home


The backward-curving horns of the Siberian species of this 4-letter goat may be nearly 5 feet long


The U.S. Navy had a ship whose sole purpose was to make this dessert

Ice Cream

Professional name of the punk rocker born James Jewel Osterberg; it sounds like a weird soft drink

Iggy Pop

The restaurant chain known by these 4 letters also serves Florentine, Danish & Swedish crepes


It's where you shouldn't put a wool product if the symbol seen here is on its label:

In The Dryer

Oops! The daughter of this nasty mean czar is killed by accident in "The Maid of Pskov"

Ivan The Terrible

Philip of Moscow foresaw that his post as primate of the Russian church might lead to martyrdom, as this man was czar

Ivan The Terrible

Louisa May Alcott wrote a book titled this boy-girl duo & sure enough, they go up a hill in Chapter 1

Jack And Jill

On radio, Dick York played Billy Fairfield, best friend of this all-American boy

Jack Armstrong

Sourdough or jumbo/ Ultimate Cheeseburger too/ Fajita Pita

Jack In The Box

He started playing LAPD detective Joe Friday on radio in 1949

Jack Webb

...And away he went June 24, 1987 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Jackie Gleason

She was not only the first woman to exceed Mach 1 & Mach 2 but also the first to land a jet on an aircraft carrier

Jacqueline Cochran

On Jan. 6, 2005 an international summit on tsunami relief opened in this city


1,200 quarts of ice cream & a cake 4 feet high were served at his March 4, 1857 inaugural

James Buchanan

Called the "Ragin' Cajun", this Louisiana lawyer & his partner Paul Begala helped get Clinton elected in 1992

James Carville

This author of "Gai-Jin" was no flash in the "Tai-Pan"

James Clavell

In 1769 this Brit found Tahiti by sailing west until he ran into it

James Cook

He played a stuntman-mobster in "Get Shorty" before becoming the big boss Tony Soprano

James Gandolfini

A relative of this inventor described him as a boy staring at the tea kettle for an hour watching it boil

James Watt

This naked chef established The Fifteen Foundation to help underprivileged kids learn to cook

Jamie Oliver

Made with sugar & crushed or chopped fruit, these preserves have a softer consistency than jellies


The 1978 move "Deadman's Curve" told the story of this musical duo, one of whom passed away in 2004

Jan And Dean

He's been seen on screen playing a "Loser" & in the title role in "Saving Silverman"

Jason Biggs

In 1939 the Helsinki Music Institute changed its name to honor this famed graduate

Jean Sibelius

Got to ask [email protected] what happened to this P.G. Wodehouse butler who used to work there


This Channel Island has a close-fitting knitted shirt or sweater named for it, in addition to a cow


This capital city is situated in the Judean Hills


At the 1912 Olympics, King Gustav V of Sweden called him "The Greatest Athlete in the World"

Jim Thorpe

The Croats opened fire again May 1, 1995 after the ceasefire negotiated by this ex-U.S. president expired

Jimmy Carter

A favorite in Tinseltown, this elegant & pricey line of women's shoes is named for a Malaysian designer

Jimmy Choo

This NYC mayor resigned in 1932, clouded by dy-no-mite headlines on corruption charges

Jimmy Walker

Richard Pryor played this title character in a 1986 film; his life was calling

Jo Jo Dancer

In 1941 this Yankee broke a 44-year-old record by hitting safely in 56 straight games

Joe Dimaggio

Though he was born near Lafayette, Alabama, the arena named after this boxer is in Detroit

Joe Louis

Killed by Communist forces 10 days after WWII, this U.S. Army captain has his own "society"

John Birch

Name shared by any Englishman & a composer credited with England's national anthem "God Save The Queen"

John Bull

In 1680 this "Pilgrims Progress" author published "The Life And Death of Mr. Badman"

John Bunyan

He had the year's bestselling novel a record 7 years in a row with 7 different titles, ending in 2000

John Grisham

Before starring in his own show, he played Dan Fielding on "Night Court"

John Larroquette

He introduced intelligence agent George Smiley in 1961's "Call for the Dead"

John Le Carrã©

This 3-named Brit's "General Theory" says unemployment is reduced with more government spending; how low can you go?

John Maynard Keynes

Born in Scotland in 1747, he sailed off as a cabin boy at age 12 & later became a naval hero in the Amer. Revolution

John Paul Jones

Buried in 1953, this leader was moved in 1961 to a less prestigious grave along the Kremlin wall

Josef Stalin

On Dec. 7, 1944 this Russian & de Gaulle were meeting in Moscow to sign a Franco-Soviet pact

Josef Stalin

These USTA rankings cover players from 12 to 18, in singles & doubles


Ganymede is one of its 4 Galilean moons


This letter of the alphabet represents 1,024 bytes


This term for a crude or unfair tribunal was first recorded in mid-19th C. America, not in Australia

Kangaroo Court

It is said that he "loved many strange women"; strange meaning foreign, like the Queen of Sheba

King Solomon

If you see a "K" in a triangle on your hot dog pack, it's been certified as this-- l'chaim!


At 4,710 feet deep, this African lake is the world's second-deepest lake, trailing only Lake Baikal

Lake Tanganyika

A catfish is one of the indigenous species of fish that inhabit this highest navigable lake

Lake Titicaca

LOL: "Laughing" this way

Laughing Out Loud

In 1941 she wrote "Little Town on the Prairie"

Laura Ingalls Wilder

This acting teacher was the artistic director of New York City's Actors Studio from 1948 until 1982, the year he died

Lee Strasberg

2 anatomical features common to all insects are 6 mouth parts & 6 of these appendages


(Alex: To set up the clue, here are some very talented performers from "Smokey Joe's Cafe") The musical "Smokey Joe's Cafe" features the work of this legendary song-writing team

Leiber And Stoller

In 1684 this German philosopher published the foundations of calculus, unaware of Newton's work on the subject


This British prime minister helped draft the Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War I

Lloyd George

Jenny tragically dies in this Erich Segal weepie

Love Story

The Captain & Tennille: "Liebe Halt Uns Zusammen"

Love Will Keep Us Together

St. Valentine is the patron saint of these, which "the world will always welcome"


David Bowie's astronaut Tom; psychology or journalism; a person of legal age


Bart Giamatti (once)

Major League Baseball

This former Cosby kid is the Malcolm in "Malcolm & Eddie"

Malcolm-Jamal Warner

Playwright David's collection of Dashiell's detective stories

Mamet's Hammetts

Bartholomew Gosnold named this Mass. island in honor of his daughter & its abundant grapes

Martha's Vineyard

The last name of aviator Glenn, it comes afer Lockheed & before Marietta


You'll find the Flying Monkey Bar & the Oz Buffet in the Emerald City area of this "grand" hotel

Mgm Grand

The 1930s Art Deco architecture of this Florida city with a 2-word name was featured in the December 1982 issue

Miami Beach

In Wexford County, 5 miles north-northwest of Cadillac


Our solar system lies on one of the spiral arms of this galaxy

Milky Way

Punning on a slogan of the United Negro College Fund, "A waist is a terrible thing to..."


You may see sharks swimming in the lobby aquarium in this Las Vegas hotel named for a desert illusion


In this film based on a Stephen King novel, Jimmy uses a statue to dispatch the woman who's been torturing him


Thriller director Costa-Gavras went for some quieter moments in this 1982 film


(Sofia of the Clue Crew at Ralph Waldo Emerson's house in Concord, Massachusetts) Emerson wrote his essays here, including the line "To be great is to be" this


Well, it winds from I-n-d to A-l-a / Ending at this city that has its own bay


"Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering whale"

Moby Dick

This natural-born mimic is the state bird of Tennessee


The stamp seen here representing the first decade of the 1900s features this automobile:

Model T

In 1915 Jacinto Benavente wrote a play called "The Smile Of" her, originally a Renaissance art masterpiece

Mona Lisa

Illegal logging in Mexico is endangering the lives of these "royal" butterflies that summer in Canada

Monarch Butterflies

In 1912, the year the Titanic sank, people were singing "We were sailing along" on this

Moonlight Bay

It's noted for its huge antlers

Moose (Mousse)

As one syllable: grumpy; as 2 syllables: a motorized bicycle


European capital that contains the Lenin Library, the Lenin Stadium & the Lenin Mausoleum


She immigrated to New York from Italy in 1889 & in 1946 was the first U.S. citizen canonized

Mother Cabrini

Relationship of Naomi to Ruth


The Creative Labs Nomad Jukebox can store over 100 hours of music in this popular format


Thomas Cadden wrote the jingle about this P&G personality who'll tidy "your whole house & everything that's in it"

Mr. Clean

In a 2009 book by Amanda Grange, Elizabeth Bennet discovers this title character's true nature (he's a vampyre)

Mr. Darcy

These mollusks, not oysters, are the most common source for freshwater pearls


Last 3 words in the title of the sitcom with William Shatner as cranky father Ed Goodson

My Dad Says

The Enola Gay dropped the bomb on Hiroshima; Bockscar dropped the bomb on this city


This house minority leader has routinely won 80% of the vote in her re-elections to California's 8th district

Nancy Pelosi

Though God asks him to go to this Assyrian city & speak to the people, Jonah shuns the command


In 1800, Humphry Davy wrote that this gas "appears capable of destroying... pain" & could be used in operations

Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas)

Scenes in this 1995 Oliver Stone film include the Checkers Speech & the summit in China


This Ibsen heroine leaves the "Doll's House" in which her husband keeps her


"The Naked and the Dead" (1948)

Norman Mailer

New Bern, Asheboro, Asheville

North Carolina

Though unable to navigate its full length, in 1846 Sir John Franklin found this long-sought route

Northwest Passage

"Giants in the Earth" is Ole Rolvaag's novel about immigrants from this country adjusting to life on the prairie


Olaf I Tryggvason, Olaf II Haraldsson, Olaf IV Haakonsson


One may run for eons

Nose (Eons)

When he wasn't busy rubaiyating, this 11th century renaissance man wrote a pioneering work on algebra

Omar Khayyã¡M

Trapped in the cave, Cassim yelled, "Open, Wheat!" & "Open, Barley!" when he forgot this phrase

Open, Sesame!

"Double Exposure" is a Joe Layton ballet based on this author's 1891 novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray"

Oscar Wilde

He wrote, "He looked upon the garish day With such a wistful eye; The man had killed the thing he loved, & so he had to die"

Oscar Wilde

From 1638 until World War I, Iraq was under the rule of this empire

Ottoman Empire

These colored chalklike sticks are made with a pigment & a weak adhesive such as gum tragacanth


1970 George C. Scott as this general


Ettelbruck, Luxembourg has a monument to this U.S. general known as "Old Blood and Guts"; he liberated it


Here at N.C. State you can find a course on "The Life and Letters of" this apostle from Tarsus


This singer & his wife Linda wrote the Oscar-nominated theme song for the 007 film "Live And Let Die"

Paul Mccartney

"Who You Are" by this Eddie Vedder band would really help me get my head straight

Pearl Jam

Glenn Miller could have opened a jewelry store in 1942 with his "String of" these


An equal, or a jetty


It's newest license plates remind us "You've got a friend in" this state founded by Friends


Italian for "pounded", this basil-y sauce originated in Genoa


If a circle has a radius of 7.3 inches, its circumference in inches is 2 X 7.3 X this


Sir Peter Maxwell Davies' concerto for this smallest member of the flute family lasts only 15 minutes


The name of this salsa means "beak of the rooster"

Pico De Gallo

In 1895, Marie Sklodowska married this French chemist

Pierre Curie

Joy of Cooking suggests jellying these pig extremities & serving them cold with remoulade sauce

Pigs' Feet/Knuckles

In 1967 this company bought Burger King for a lot of dough, boy


In 1961 a federal law banned the importation of this South American fish into the U.S.


Johnny Depp got gold caps for his turn as Captain Jack Sparrow in this 2003 film

Pirates Of The Caribbean

If this "fishy" sign is yours, your famous feet may be your best feature


Digital photographs are made up of millions of these tiny squares


Grimaldi's under the Brooklyn Bridge is often voted No. 1 for this; try a slice!


David G. Burnet, Mirabeau B. Lamar, Anson Jones & Sam Houston were the only ones to hold this office

President Of The Republic Of Texas

In the "Ice Age" movies, Manny the woolly mammoth is voiced by this sitcom star

Ray Romano

This Baroque artist painted dozens of self-portraits & went "Baroque" with a 1656 bankruptcy


You might expect decor by Michelangelo at the over 500-foot towers with this name in Dallas & Detroit


Now in white & black species, this animal had a woolly version during the last Ice Age


The "black" species of this large horned mammal can grasp twigs with its upper lip


The African & Sumatran species of this animal have 2 horns; the Indian & Javan species have one


After Pennsylvania

Rhode Island

Before independence, Zambia was known as the "Northern" part of this territory


In the Indonesian equivalent of smorgasbord, this grain is served with an array of meats & condiments


The James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy is on the campus of this Houston University


"Camelot" (1961)

Richard Burton

In 1862 he patented America's first practical quick-firing machine gun

Richard Gatling

After much skirmishing with Saladin, this English king made a truce with him in 1192

Richard I

This king takes the crown by murder & later laments, "Behold, mine arm is, like a blasted sapling, withered up"

Richard Iii

Arizona's Petrified Forest National Park includes part of the Painted Desert & a stretch of this historic road

Route 66

It means having no pity or compassion, or perhaps arriving without "the Babe"


It can follow "U.S." or "H.M.", as in the case of the Pinafore


If you were born under this sign, whose symbol is half-man & half-horse, you're probably an animal lover


This Newfoundland capital is the closest North American port to Europe

Saint John's

Though often referred to as a wine, this Japanese alcohol is actually brewed more like a beer


Mythologically, these terrestrial amphibians were supposed to live in fire


This is a measure of certain minerals in the water; for the deep waters of the Dead Sea, it's about 332 parts per thousand


After "The Flying Nun" was grounded in 1970, she went on to play "The Girl with Something Extra"

Sally Field

Christmas festivities in this Utah city begin with the lighting of Temple Square in November

Salt Lake City

General Augusto Pinochet led a military coup that overthrew this president in 1973

Salvador Allende

"There hath not come a razor upon mine head, for I have been a Nazarite unto God," he told Delilah


This "divine" French actress was the illegitimate daughter of a Dutch courtesan

Sarah Bernhardt

Uluwatu on Bali is never a skunkfest; neither is this Indonesian skewered meat dish served with a spicy peanut sauce


It's the only day of the week named for a Roman god


John Travolta received an Oscar nomination for his performance in this 1977 movie

Saturday Night Fever

This river forms most of the boundary between Georgia & South Carolina

Savannah River

In 2002 McTear's, founded in this country in 1842, sold a bottle of 62-year-old Dalmore whiskey for over $40,000


Ludwig Wittgenstein's "Tractatus" ends , "Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be" this


Paul McCartney said "Some people wanna fill the world with" these "and what's wrong with that?"

Silly Love Songs

Proverbial lining for a cloud


President Bush was upset when some of his staff posed for a photo with this "invisible twin" from Doonesbury


The stripes on Argentina's flag are in "celeste y blanca", this shade of blue & white

Sky Blue

Vonnegut novel in which Dresden is firebombed & Jack Nicholson orders a chicken salad sandwich, hold the chicken

Slaughterhouse-Five Easy Pieces

Though the Pres. doesn't have to okay amendments, Lincoln approved the 13th amendment, outlawing this


One nasty flagellate causes African trypanosomiasis, this disease marked by lethargy

Sleeping Sickness

An oarsman who's not as quick as the rest

Slower Rower

A deliberate slight blurring of a filmed image for effect

Soft Focus

In July 1997 CNN touted it as "the little rover that could"


James Brown could tell you that lemon is a popular variety of this flat-bodied food fish


It's "not liquid or gaseous", bro!


Modern novels with biblical titles include Jane Hamilton's "The Book of Ruth" & Toni Morrison's "Song of" him


This tobacco-related line beginning with "sometimes" is attributed to Sigmund Freud

Sometimes A Cigar Is Just A Cigar

Macon "Milkman" Dead is on a quest for his identity in this novel by Toni Morrison

Song Of Solomon

Kenny G does play tenor, but more often this type of straightened-out saxophone that looks like a clarinet

Soprano Saxophone

Often available on CD, it's the music & songs from a movie


In addition to marches, he composed an orchestral piece inspired by the novel "Ben-Hur"


This beloved country is the setting of Alan Paton's "Cry, the Beloved Country"

South Africa

An all-white palmetto tree appears in the center of this state's flag

South Carolina

The 66 counties of this northern U.S. state include Custer & Minnehaha

South Dakota

This state, the top U.S. oat producer, also gave us Tom Brokaw

South Dakota

Available in 100 proof & 76 proof varieties, this "Southern" potent potable is a peach-flavored bourbon liqueur

Southern Comfort

"Blood Wedding" author Federico Garcia Lorca was executed by nationalists in this country in 1936


In 1879 Marcelino de Sautuola discovered the Stone Age paintings in this country's Altamira Cave


A line drawn in 1493 settled claims in the New World between these 2 countries

Spain & Portugal

"The Attorney" Paul Madriani appears in several legal thrillers by this lawyer-turned-author

Steve Martini

A piece of wood from a tree, or to puncture with something pointed


August Strindberg's last home, in a building called "The Blue Tower", is now a museum in this capital


After pinching off its "green hat", slice this fruit with an egg slicer; "no stains on your fingers"


Iron while is the strike hot

Strike While The Iron Is Hot

Starting out as Edgefield County's Superintendent of Education in 1929, he retired from the U.S. Senate 74 years later

Strom Thurmond

In 1996 the sun went an exceptional 36 days without a visible one of these dark patches


This country formerly known as Dutch Guiana gained independence in 1975


A dog cools its body mainly by panting because these glands are only found on its feet

Sweat Glands

This island off Australia has been home to carnivorous "devils" & wolves


The 2 states that border Arkansas across the Mississippi River

Tennessee & Mississippi

"Sixteen Tons" & what do you get? A No. 1 hit for this old pea-picker

Tennessee Ernie Ford

With 627 turbines, the world's largest onshore wind farm is north of San Angelo in the wide-open west of this state


Canadians observe it the second Monday in October; we celebrate it on a Thursday in November


Michael Kelso, Steve Hyde, Fez & Donna Pinciotti

That '70S Show

When you were playing the best vaudeville houses, you'd "hit" this, also a Peter Gabriel song title

The "Big Time"

Called "the first psychedelic ballet", Robert Joffrey's "Astarte" premiered in this decade

The 1960S

It's the decade in which Baskin-Robbins introduced the flavor "Beatle Nut" & "Here Comes the Fudge"

The 1960S

When you daydream, you're said to build "castles in" this

The Air

Oceangoing boats can travel 2300 miles up this river to Iquitos, Peru

The Amazon

We'll tell you "diplomatically" that this L.A. hotel was the home of the Coconut Grove nightclub

The Ambassador Hotel

High heels & bikini bottoms are the dress code at this club on "The Sopranos" (for the dancers, not for Tony)

The Bada Bing Club

In 1996 Roberto Alomar of this baseball team spit on an umpire, who later threatened to kill him

The Baltimore Orioles

"Bob and Jillian lead community-wide fitness challenges in seven cities"

The Biggest Loser

The Crimean Peninsula is bordered by 2 seas: the Sea of Azov & this much bigger one

The Black Sea

Only the female of this spider species has the red hourglass figure on her abdomen

The Black Widow

In December 1899 Queen Victoria said about this war, "We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat; they do not exist"

The Boer War

(Hi, I'm Laura Lee Bell from "The Young and the Restless") My parents William & Lee Bell created both "The Young and the Restless" & this soap opera which premiered in 1987

The Bold And The Beautiful

From the Russian for "majority", this Marxist group opposed WWI as an imperialist conflict

The Bolsheviks

Whether he "did it" or not, he's the male head servant

The Butler

Of the genus Ranunculus, this grassland wild plant has large yellow flowers

The Buttercup

A flexor directs an appendage forward; an exception is the gastrocnemius in this part of the leg

The Calf

Architect William Van Alen put radiator caps on the 31st floor of this Art Deco landmark at 405 Lexington

The Chrysler Building

Innovation introduced in the Middle Ages to distinguish the small "i" from the m, n, & u

The Dot

Around 1890 Thomas Edison schemed to have this invention named after his rival George Westinghouse

The Electric Chair

72 years after this 1902 song was written, it went to No. 3 on the charts

The Entertainer

Tommy Lee Jones won an Emmy for playing Gary Gilmore in the TV adaptation of this book

The Executioner's Song

Prohibited by law from returning to Prince William Sound, it's now known as the Sea River Mediterranean

The Exxon Valdez

This Ken Follett novel begins with German spy Henry Faber killing his landlady with a stiletto, or "die Nadel"

The Eye Of The Needle

Michelle livened up the lounge act of piano-playing brothers Beau & Jeff Bridges in this film

The Fabulous Baker Boys

The mess is the area on a ship where the crew eats; this is the term for the kitchen where the cooking is done

The Galley

The Metro is from this line Chevrolet introduced in 1989

The Geo

In kiddy lit Jack didn't kill the titan or the colossus, he killed this

The Giant

The leaders of these clubs for young females now wear uniforms designed by Bill Blass

The Girl Scouts

Richard Burbage & Sam Wanamaker, about 400 years apart, were responsible for its building & rebuilding

The Globe Theatre

This Cuban dance is performed in slow double time

The Habaã±Era

Arthur's round table had a seat reserved for this knight who could find this

The Holy Grail

In this Hawthorne tale, Alice Pyncheon's ghost is said to play the harpsichord

The House Of The Seven Gables

In 1948 White House aide Lauchlin Currie told this committee he wasn't a Soviet spy; today we know he was

The House Un-American Activities Committee

It inspired 2 operas named "Esmeralda" & one called "Quasimodo"

The Hunchback Of Notre Dame

People born while this war continued include Chaucer, Leonardo da Vinci, and Joan of Arc

The Hundred Years War

With an estimated sellout crowd of 267,925 people, it claims to be the best-attended single-day sporting event in the U.S.

The Indy 500

Several apps are available to test this, IQ for short

The Intelligence Quotient

Under David Dubinsky's leadership, this union grew from 34,000 members in 1932 to 404,000 in 1966

The International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union

Used to train military pilots in WWI & later to carry the mail, the Curtiss JN-4 was known by this feminine nickname

The Jenny

Soccer-playing teens are prone to Osgood-Schlatter disease, mainly seen as a swelling just below this joint

The Knee

In 1888 Mrs. Polk pushed a button in Nashville & these came on at the Cincinnati Centennial Expo

The Lights

Ray Milland says, "I'm not a drinker--I'm a drunk" in this 1944 classic

The Lost Weekend

This Paris locale featured in "The Da Vinci Code" opened in 1793

The Louvre

Jack Jones sang this series' theme song from 1977 to 1985; Dionne Warwick sang it the last season

The Love Boat

Mozart's sister-in-law was the first to play the Queen of the Night in this "instrumental" opera

The Magic Flute

This 1791 work is considered the greatest example in music history of the Zauberoper, or "magic opera"

The Magic Flute

Clara Barton, who had lunch on this ship a few days earlier, was in her Red Cross office when it exploded

The Maine

Shamans on this Southeast Asian peninsula, also called the Kra Peninsula, use quartz crystals for healing

The Malay Peninsula

Steller's Sea Cow was a relative of this rare aquatic mammal found in Florida

The Manatee

If 007 is coming over, better read the book "Shaken Not Stirred: A Celebration of" this cocktail

The Martini

This horn-shaped peak's English name is derived from the name of the nearby town of Zermatt, Switzerland

The Matterhorn

San Jose Succotz in Belize is the starting point for Xunantunich, famous for its ruins of this people

The Mayans

Though he left monastic life in 1432, Fra Filippo Lippi enjoyed the constant patronage of this family

The Medici

Until the euro debuted there in 2002, a builder would spend guilders to buy girders in this country

The Netherlands

Appropriately, this NHL team's mascot lists "Devil Inside" by INXS as one of his favorite songs

The New Jersey Devils

This baseball team was honored with ticker-tape parades in 1962, 1969 & 1986

The New York Mets

An angler named Santiago is the main character in this Hemingway tale

The Old Man And The Sea

These twins, actresses & entrepreneurs, were born June 13, 1986 in Sherman Oaks, California

The Olsens

This 1859 book was a "natural selection" for readers; the first edition sold out in one day

The Origin Of Species

Yeah, right... This type of stone, a mythical substance, was thought to turn base metals into gold

The Philosopher's Stone

Peter Sellers "Clouseaus" in on jewel thief David Niven at a ski resort in this 1964 film

The Pink Panther

Wayne Clough is the 12th secretary of this complex that includes the National Zoo

The Smithsonian

Folk-singing comic siblings Tom & Dick turn into a Dostoevsky novel

The Smothers Brothers Karamazov

Souvenirs sold at this attraction include 1962 World's Fair glassware & mugs boasting "I made it to the top"

The Space Needle

1956: The Red Sea is parted

The Ten Commandments

In a Disney cartoon this trio warns Red about the Big Bad Wolf

The Three Little Pigs

The 4th king of Rome, Ancus Marcus, is credited with building the 1st bridge across this river

The Tiber

The 19th century ballot pre-printed by political parties was called this, as in "voting the straight" one

The Ticket

The hypoglossal nerve controls its many movements, including wagging

The Tongue

Of the mother duck's offspring, he was the best swimmer

The Ugly Duckling

It consists of Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Ajman, Ra's Al Khaymah, Ash Shariqah, Umm Al Qaywayn & Al Fujayrah

The United Arab Emirates

Analyzing global business & tariffs: the USITC

The United States International Trade Commission

Bob Kerrey, Johnny Carson, Warren Buffett

The University Of Nebraska

When Custer marched into Charlottesville in 1865, faculty leaders convinced him to spare this university (whew!)

The University Of Virginia

This U.N. agency issues annual recommendations for the composition of new anti-flu drugs

The World Health Organization

The Lozi people move to higher ground during the annual flooding of this African river

The Zambezi

What a stretch--these twin sisters played twin sisters on the '90s sitcom "Sister, Sister"

Tia & Tamera Mowry

Among those to reach this fabled African outpost in the 19th century were Rene Caillie & Gordon Laing


This Mali trading post was rediscovered by Major Gordon Laing in 1826


Matthew Cooper, a reporter for this magazine, was almost jailed for refusing to reveal his source for Plamegate


After WWII the United States Time Corporation changed its name to this


It's the brand that takes a licking & keeps on ticking


One chapter in her book "Bossypants" is "30 Rock: An Experiment to Confuse Your Grandparents"

Tina Fey

He was Speaker of the Mass. House of Rep. 1948-1952 & Speaker of the U.S. House 1977-1987

Tip O'neill

In 1909, 3 years before the blimps, Goodyear started making these for airplanes


This 1962 classic was narrated by Kim Stanley, who provided the grown-up voice of Scout

To Kill A Mockingbird

Often done to trees, it's also done to people who are removed from their native land

To Uproot

This republic of West Africa with a 4-letter name has 3 green striped on its flag representing its natural resources


The instruments in a brass band range in pitch from the cornet to the bombardon, a bass one of these


The temporary symbols given to elements 113-118 all begin with a double this vowel


A major 1970 strike by federal employees in this "service" helped change it to an independent gov't agency

U.S. Postal Service

The Span. abbrev. for one of these is ovni (objecto volador no identificado)


Nuke Air


The first atomic bomb to be dropped in warfare used an isotope of this element as its explosive


On an alphabetical list of world nations, this country immediately follows the United States


Thackeray took a lot of "pride" in this novel; it was his first major work published under his own name

Vanity Fair

Thackeray's "A Novel Without a Hero"

Vanity Fair

William Cowper wrote this is "The very spice of life, that gives it all its flavor"


This Portuguese sailor was known as "The Admiral of the Indian Seas"

Vasco Da Gama

95 feet above sea level at the eastern shore of Lake Champlain


A cute dog named Crab appears in the comedy about "The Two Gentlemen of" this city


On April 17, 1524 he became the first European to sight New York Harbor; 440 years later a bridge named for him opened there


People complain there's too much of it in the movies: Nice love?


Your liver converts beta-carotene into this vitamin

Vitamin A

It's abbreviated V.O. & movies that tell coming-of-age stories use a lot of it


Romance languages are rich in diphthongs, combinations of these sounds, as in "sounds"

Vowel Sounds

In Salzburg you can visit the graves of his parents & his wife Constanze; his own location is uncertain

W.A. Mozart

In 1941 this "Father of the Blues" wrote a book on black musicians, "Unsung Americans Sung"

W.C. Handy

"She's Come Undone"

Wally Lamb

It has a Supercenter on South 9th St. in Salina, Kansas


A soupstrainer moustache is also known by this aquatic mammal's name


A weak & pale trumpeter bird

Wan Swan

The Aleje Ujazdowskie has been called the "Champs-Elysees" of this Polish capital


In 1901 this city dug up the plans Pierre l'Enfant drew up for its layout back in 1791 and followed them

Washington, Dc

This melon made it big--really big--as Oklahoma's state vegetable (yep, vegetable--they already had a state fruit)


Many of the figures Degas modeled in clay or this substance were cast in bronze after his death


In 2002 country fans mourned the death of this singing "Outlaw"

Waylon Jennings

This Norfolk-born Las Vegas superstar is part American Indian -- he's a descendant of Pocahontas

Wayne Newton

Jean Nidetch in 1963 lost 72 lbs. & started this company

Weight Watchers

This word for a type of liquor applies to a 1794 American rebellion


He may no longer play Captain Kirk but he's kept the name alive in a series of "Star Trek" books

William Shatner

This veteran actor loves to say his name as "Boston Legal" lawyer Denny Crane

William Shatner

We hope you're not missing -- missing this CBS series with Anthony LaPaglia

Without A Trace

This show's theme song says, "I'm living on the air in Cincinnati..."

Wkrp In Cincinnati

This animal that raised Romulus & Remus was the subject of one of the finest Etruscan sculptures


Skoll & Fenrir, both this type of fierce canine, will cause mayhem at Ragnarok, the end of the cosmos


To Hamlet, "Frailty, thy name is" this


It's the oldest age you can be & still be a sexagenarian


This word for a geographic dictionary once meant someone who writes for a newspaper

A Gazetteer

In 1797 Andre Garnerin became the first to use a parachute without a rigid frame when he jumped from one of these

A Hot Air Balloon

As a defensive mechanism, some of these "thousand-legged worms" exude hydrogen cyanide fluid

A Millipede

In 426 A.D. the Parthenon was converted into a Christian church; around 1460 it was converted into one of these

A Mosque

This particle in an atom's nucleus was discovered free of charge in 1932

A Neutron

In days gone by this game bird was popularly served "under glass"

A Pheasant

5-letter archaeological term for a broken scrap of earthenware

A Shard

An expert in EVAs, or extra-vehicular activities, Sherwood Spring exited one of these to perform an EVA in 1985

A Space Shuttle

Some say that "Ginny", the West Virginia northern flying this rodent, was delisted too soon & still needs protection

A Squirrel

Homer's hippie mom abandoned him, so he was raised by a non-hippie dad named this


Term for a person who studies or teaches the ABCs


Helen Hayes won Oscars for "The Sin of Madelon Claudet" & for this adaptation of an Arthur Hailey novel


NFL owners vetoed this owner's attempt to move his franchise from Oakland to L.A. in the 1980s, but he went anyway

Al Davis

This VP headed a bureaucracy-trimming effort called the National Performance Review

Al Gore

From 1980 through 1993, this "stately" group led by Randy Owen had 32 of its 42 charted singles reach No. 1


1 of the 3 singers on the 1993 No. 1 hit "All For Love" from the film "The Three Musketeers"

Bryan Adams, Rod Stewart & Sting

On Valentine's Day 1779, this English explorer was killed by natives in a struggle over a boat

Captain Cook

Game show on which you heard Richard Dawson say, "Our survey said..."

Family Feud

1984: Reckless jungle treasure hunter Jack Colton

Romancing The Stone

Sculptor Constantin Brancusi was born in this Eastern European nation


These people added "X" & "G" to the Etruscan alphabet & gave their name to the one we use


1983: Paul McCartney & Michael Jackson, "Sagen, Sagen, Sagen"

Say, Say, Say

2 men named "Sugar Ray": one became welterweight champ in 1946, the other in 1979

Sugar Ray Leonard & "Sugar Ray" Robinson

Alan, Merrill & Wayne, 3 of these Utah brothers, co-wrote their own 1972 hit "Crazy Horses"

The Osmonds

(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the front of the Temple de la Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, Spain) The facade named this, the word for Jesus' suffering & death, has sober design elements like columns that look like bones

The Passion Facade

Commercial fisherman George Clooney faces disaster in the North Atlantic in this fact-based 2000 film

The Perfect Storm

In 1974 Roddy McDowall starred in this show that brought the film series to TV--I love you, Dr. Zaius!

The Planet Of The Apes

The stations on the route of this old west mail service were set up about 10 miles apart

The Pony Express

It begins, "In the ancient city of London....A boy was born to a poor family of the name of Canty...."

The Prince And The Pauper

The corporate, financial & personal sectors make up this sector of the economy

The Private Sector

Hardcore fans of "Gilligan's Island" known that this character's real name is Roy Hinkley

The Professor

Juice Newton was "Playin' with" her, "knowin' it ain't really smart"

The Queen Of Hearts

The Space Launch Initiative is an effort to develop a reusable transport system as a successor to this one

The Space Shuttle

In 1998 Egypt unveiled the results of its 10-year-long facelift on this landmark built around 2540 B.C.

The Sphinx

Dorothy followed this colorful road in Oz to get to the wizard

The Yellow Brick Road

J. Wellington Wimpy often said, "I will gladly pay you" this day "for a hamburger today"


The classic western song that begins "See them tumbling down...."

Tumbling Tumbleweeds

September 13, 1996 in Las Vegas after a shooting

Tupac Shakur

26 nations united to draw up a Jan. 1, 1942 declaration that led the way for the creation of this in 1945

United Nations

George Harrison started Handmade Films to help make this Monty Python religious epic

The Life Of Brian

In 2003 the BBC did an extensive sonar search for this creature, first reported in 565 A.D.

The Loch Ness Monster

9-letter term for a large disk worn as an ornament on a chain around the neck

A Medallion

In the 1600s London's leading literary lights got lit at this tavern named for a fish-tailed female

A Mermaid

In Britain, toad-in-the-hole is this meat item baked in a coating of batter

A Sausage

Phillips head or flat blade

A Screwdriver

Approximately 2 million K-12 public school teachers in the U.S.

The National Education Association (Nea)

In 405 B.C. Spartan commander Lysander won the final victory over the Athenians in this war

The Peloponnesian War

With the haunting taking place in Coney Island, "Love Never Dies", the sequel to this musical, opened in London in 2010

The Phantom Of The Opera

In 1965 aeronautical engineer Own MacLaren made a folding aluminum one of these for his parents

A Stroller

The sentence "Harold and Kumar go to White Castle" has a plural compound one of these

A Subject

Need a little R&R? It's time for one of these, from the Latin for "to be free"

A Vacation

The action of a boy can ring a girl's bell, & the action of these can ring a buoy's bell

A Wave

An exploratory gas or oil well, or a nickname for a student from the University of Arizona

A Wildcat

Ekkenpinscher, Hauzzenpinscher, Affenpinscher, Didhepinscher


Come on, champ, you have to be brave & "keep a stiff" this

An Upper Lip

"Cab" is a shortened form of this 4-syllable French word for a light one-horse carriage


As The Denver Kid in a 1978 western spoof, Don Knotts was armed with "Hot Lead" & these title appendages

Cold Feet

Rejected earlier in its bid for statehood, it finally entered the Union in 1876


For this 1938 story Hemingway wrote, "No one has explained what the leopard was seeking at that altitude"

The Snows Of Kilimanjaro

It began in 1886 as an extension of an upper crust family's list of whose house they'd visit & who they'd receive

The Social Register

The Hinode mission showed magnetic waves are critical in driving the flow of charged particles called this wind

The Solar Wind

This John Updike novel of 1984 had women set for a spell in New England

The Witches Of Eastwick

He wasn't the boss but a boxer on "Taxi" & had a real-life pro record of 12-3

Tony Danza

His plays include "Caroline, or Change" & "Angels in America"

Tony Kushner

In Exodus it's "eye for eye," this for this, "hand for hand, foot for foot"

Tooth For Tooth

(VIDEO DAILY DOUBLE): Series that included this intro in its opening: "Anne Jeffreys as Marion Kirby, the ghostess with the mostess"


In 1939 the Hydra-Matic system made this automatic in the Oldsmobile


Wayne Rogers played this doctor in the 4077th M*A*S*H unit; Pernell Roberts played him post-Korea

Trapper John

To remove excess fat, or to add Christmas ornaments


After the British took over this island in 1797, the anglicized Puerto de Espana to Port of Spain


To avoid a shaky picture, use this device that stands on its own 3 feet


1989 by Dallas: this Bruin, seen here

Troy Aikman

Now an analyst for Fox, this '90s Cowboys QB won 3 Super Bowls & was elected to the Hall of Fame in 2006

Troy Aikman

It's how the president rejects legislation passed by Congress


This chilled leek & potato soup is traditionally topped with chopped chives


"While man is still a child God keeps him innocent", he wrote in "Les Miserables"

Victor Hugo

The doctor may have you say "99" to hear the vibrations of these cords go down into the chest

Vocal Cords

Take a look at this selfless group, VISTA

Volunteers In Service To America

These man & dog stars of "The Wrong Trousers" are made with a mixture of plasticine, wax & clay

Wallace & Gromit

Long, droopy branches give this tree, Salix babylonica, its weepiness

Weeping Willow

In this language of the British Isles, you'll see accent marks on the letter W


Of the 4 men who ran against FDR, he got the biggest popular vote

Wendell Willkie

In 1996 this "Heidi Chronicles" playwright wrote a children's book, "Pamela's First Musical"

Wendy Wasserstein

His "Thus Spake Zarathustra" says, "The world presented itself" as a "golden apple with a....velvety skin"

Friedrich Nietzsche

George III


"Mr. Gradgrind's Facts" was a possible title before Dickens "fell on" this as the name of his 1854 novel

Hard Times

Some claim he coined the word "normalcy" during his presidential campaign; he didn't, but he did popularize it


At the Barcelona Olympics Mark McCoy won the 110-meter vallas, these


Fluid dynamics is divided into aerodynamics, the study of gases in motion, & this study of liquids in motion


A tagline for this 2007 Will Smith film was "The last man on Earth is not alone"

I Am Legend

In a Lerner & Loewe song, this title lyric is followed by "And still have begged for more"

I Could Have Danced All Night

This 1977 movie about a schizophrenic girl was adapted from Joanne Greenberg's book of the same name

I Never Promised You A Rose Garden

An aviator contemporary of Amelia's was dubbed "Lucky" this; Amelia was "Lady" this


David Lean gave Omar Sharif a big-screen break when he shot this epic starring Peter O'Toole

Lawrence Of Arabia

In 1977 the Supreme Court ruled that John Bates, in this profession, had the right to advertise low fees


Lactuca sativa, it's also a slang term for paper money


Before putting on lipstick, gals sometimes use a pencil to apply this product to define & shape their lips

Lip Liner

In 1952 this company introduced the "Flo-Thru" tea bag


The 1748 Congress had global reach with agreements from Cape Breton to this fabric city of India, now called Chennai


Famous blonde of the '30s who said, "When women go wrong, men go right after them"

Mae West

While on his way to a prayer meeting in 1948, this "Great Soul" of India was assassinated

Mahatma Gandhi

Female found amid the household staff

Maid (Amid)

Massachusetts, Maine, Maryland


Called "The Valley Isle", its best beaches include Kaanapali & Wailea


Wolf 359, the fifth-closest star to Earth, takes the name "wolf" from this

Max Wolf (The Man Who Discovered It)

Teddy Roosevelt was the first to remark that this coffee was "Good to the Last Drop"

Maxwell House

"I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings" is a 1970 autobiography by this African-American poet

Maya Angelou

Jagger's ballpoint pens

Mick's Bics

A simple way to make a room seem bigger is to hang one of these glass objects on the wall


This Dickens novel about a foundling is subtitled "The Parish Boy's Progress"

Oliver Twist

Shortened from 2 Russian words, it was the supreme policy-making body in the USSR


Surfers & slackers rejoice! Reef Sportswear's "Dram" line holds secret shots in the heels of these beach items


One of the 2 "Santa" campuses in the University of California system

Santa Barbara (Or Santa Cruz)

To the Chinese, the 5 sacred grains are rice, wheat, barley, millet & this bean


A feud between the Earps & these brothers, Ike & Billy, resulted in the gunfight at the O.K. Corral

The Clantons

In a song from "The Music Man", the trombones & these total 186

The Cornets

This controversial bestseller by Dan Brown begins with a murder in the Louvre

The Da Vinci Code

This novel and its 2006 film version both start with a museum curator staggering through the Louvre

The Da Vinci Code

In the 1880s a windmill company started giving promotional BB guns to farmers; it's now this airgun company

The Daisy Company

Clement VII, born into this powerful family, was raised by his uncle Lorenzo the Magnificent

The De' Medicis

From the Latin for "support", it's a benefit given by the government to individuals in the form of cash or a tax reduction


Maybe they take tokens at this chain that offers Italian B.M.T. & black forest ham sandwiches


This Tokyo transit system is so popular, "platform pushers" make sure everyone gets on


The first to score in overtime wins the game between Hemingway's bull book & Debussy's hoofed deity at midday

Sudden Death In The Afternoon Of A Faun

For spots on this soft leather, blot with white vinegar & use a shoe brush to rework the nap


Her essays in "Against Interpretation" & "On Photography" call for an emotive response to creative works

Susan Sontag

Tenor Leo Slezak covered a staging mistake in "Lohengrin" by ad-libbing, "What time is the next" this graceful bird


The 2 words that precede "Less Filling" in slogans for Miller lite

Tastes Great ("Great Taste" Accepted)

Before he was president, he was "The Hero of San Juan Hill"

Teddy Roosevelt

He wrote, "I am as strong as a bull moose and you can use me to the limit"

Teddy Roosevelt

Ecologically minded golfers can get these golf ball supporters that are biodegradable


This state has 254 counties, the most in the USA, & is undoubtedly proud of it


Princess Stephanie of Monaco was born to the purple, so it's fitting that this is her birthstone

The Amethyst

After the golden calf was destroyed, Moses was directed to make this; it was later set up in the tabernacle

The Ark Of The Covenant

You can "ham" it up in the middle of this commonwealth in the Atlantic

The Bahamas

Hey, gang, let's put on a show in this building, like in the musical "Summer Stock"

The Barn

The English army's slings & spears were effective at this battle, but it ended for Harold II with an arrow in the eye

The Battle Of Hastings

The 2 creatures that appear on Canada's 5-cent piece are Queen Elizabeth II & this rodent

The Beaver

These title objects are "keeping time, time, time, in a sort of runic rhyme"

The Bells

____ & Tennille

The Captain

A performing arts center at Cal State Long Beach is named for the members of this "Close to You" duo

The Carpenters

Seuss Landing is home to a rollicking ride named for this famous feline

The Cat In The Hat

Georgia's main mountain system is this one, where Europe & Asia converge

The Caucasus

By Dec. 31, 2010 this Bureau will have submitted state population totals to the president (well, it better have)

The Census

This large sheet of muscle provides most of the power that moves air in & out of the lungs

The Diaphragm

Chitin is the main component in this supportive outer covering of lobsters & insects

The Exoskeleton

Nick Carraway & Tom Buchanan are characters in this classic by F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Great Gatsby

Protected by the patella, it's the body's largest joint

The Knee

Though the characters never mention it, the film "M*A*S*H" takes place during this war

The Korean War

To coax someone with flattery or artful persuasion


It's the color of manna, as described in Exodus


1954: "The Caine Mutiny", "White Christmas", "Rear Window"

White Christmas

This famous trick question is the title of C-SPAN's book on presidential gravesites

Who Is Buried In Grant's Tomb?

In "Snow White", it follows the line, "Magic Mirror on the wall..."

Who Is The Fairest Of Them All?

14 questions stand between you & the cash; would you like to ask the audience?

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

He fired Billy Martin 5 times

George Steinbrenner

His tales include "the Wild Swans", "The Swan's Nest" & "The Ugly Duckling", which is really about a swan

(Hans Christian) Andersen

A plaza in San Francisco is named for this politician who was a city supervisor when he was slain in 1978

(Harvey) Milk

A mop, one of these made from camel hair, is used for watercolors


The last line of her poem "The New Colossus" is "I lift my lamp beside the golden door"

Emma Lazarus

He gave us the line "Love means never having to say you're sorry"

Erich Segal

1904, 1908, 1912, 1920: Socialist Party

Eugene V. Debs

Tears were shed when the Teddy Bear Museum in Naples in this state closed its doors forever in 2005


He explained his "Decision Points" in the 2010 book of that name

George W. Bush

Ivanka's mom, the former Mrs. Trump, makes it legal with '70s chief justice Warren & becomes...

Ivana Burger

Dutch-born Protestant Prince William of Orange became king of England after this Catholic king was deposed & fled

James Ii

His tenure as president from 1817 to 1825 is often referred to as the "Era of Good Feeling"

James Monroe

(Cheryl of the Clue Crew at the beach) The birds remind me of this 1970 book by former Air Force pilot Richard Bach

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

His own disastrous trip to the Congo in 1890 was the basis for his "Heart of Darkness"

Joseph Conrad

This citrus pest was discovered in Florida in 1929; in the 1980s it reappeared in both Florida & California

Mediterranean Fruit Fly

From the Latin for "price", it's compassionate treatment or clemency


Producer David, or "Elephant Man" John (7)


Anatomist Caspar Wistar gave his name to this popular trellis plant


A paperless reservation for air travel

An E-Ticket (Or An Electronic Ticket)

"Worm" by Jill Bailey focuses on this kind of worm found in the soil

An Earthworm

"Dogs that" do this "at a distance seldom bite"


The number of days it took God to create the universe & everything in it (not resting)


In the last game of the 1961 season, Roger Maris swatted this number home run


According to the title of an animated 1989 film, "All Dogs" do this

Go To Heaven

Eisenhower died in this year, the same year his vice president took up residence in the White House


A Hitchcock thriller: "The ___ Steps"


A type of hammer used for beating metal

A Ball-Peen Hammer

I'll bet you didn't know he had one of these door-busting medieval devices with a ruminant name

A Battering Ram

In 1920 he celebrated the birth of his only child, Christopher Robin

A.A. Milne

God tells this king through Elijah that dogs will "lick thy blood" & "eat Jezebel by the Wall of Jezreel"


The biggest attraction at the Ronald Reagan library & museum is this presidential plane that you can walk through

Air Force One



DNA from Prince Philip helped prove that Anna Anderson-Manahan was not this woman, as she had claimed


In 1326 the Ottomans moved their capital to Bursa, which is in this Asian part of modern-day Turkey


This U.S. president earns a big $25,000 a year

Andrew Johnson

Mark Dinning sang about a "Teen" one; Peter Stampfel, about a "Surfer" one


At age 9 Ben Stiller made his TV acting debut on "Kate McShane" starring this actress, his mom

Anne Meara

Telly Savalas may not have had Mr. Onassis' money, but he did share this intellectual first name


Crater of Diamonds State Park


The biggest hunting parties in the animal kingdom are by these ants that can be over 200,000 strong

Army Ants

We wish we had stock in this Giants outfielder, who became the first player ever with 400 homers & 400 steals

Barry Bonds

4 out of 5 people living at 742 Evergreen Terrace on TV's "The Simpsons"

Bart, Homer, Lisa, Maggie & Marge Simpson

This 1932 Olympic gold medal winner is often called the greatest female athlete of all time

Babe Didrikson Zaharias

The most ever paid for a sports document was the $996,000 spent for the 1919 contract that sent this man to the Yankees

Babe Ruth

In 1783 he wrote, "There never was a good war or a bad peace"

Benjamin Franklin

Between Alaska & Russia

Bering Strait

No. 1: This Maryland town that's home to a naval hospital


Longfellow read his poem "Morituri Salutamus" at the 50th reunion of this Maine school's Class of 1825

Bowdoin College

A turn-of-the-20th century rebellion, or the last name of a U.S. senator


This island group in the north Atlantic makes up 2 Spanish provinces

Canary Islands

A man's home, proverbially (6)


The petals of a flower considered as a group, or a model of Toyota


This outer layer of your brain takes its name from the Latin for "bark", as on a tree


By the end of Reconstruction, production of this "king" crop in the South was nearly equal to pre-war levels


In Botticelli's "Primavera", this blindfolded cherub is ready to shoot an arrow at the 3 graces


Sounding like a guy who ranks medicines, it's someone who runs a museum


If a spy's taken a pill containing this poison, his breath will smell like bitter almonds


Nicosia & Limassol are the only 2 cities with a population of over 100,000 in this country


Alfred Uhry's "Driving Miss ____"


If ever a whiz of a wiz there was, it's this Tolkien wise guy who gets promoted from "the Grey" to "the White"


From the Hungarian for "shepherd", it came to mean shepherds' food, a stew of meat & vegetables


Privet, an evergreen shrub, is commonly grown as one of these to keep your garden privet


It means swill or worthless stuff, though it sounds like something you'd bathe pigs in


Go "Dutch" & tell me the name of this butter, egg yolk, & lemon juice sauce


Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor

Home Improvement

"Famous Potatoes"


This phrase on American coins has been jokingly followed by "All others pay cash"

In God We Trust

Bushmill's & Tullamore Dew come from this island


The original commedia dell'arte performers wore masks & spoke this language


During his years in this country, he signed his works G.F. Hendel for Giorgio Federico Hendel


It's slang for a control lever on an airplane or on a video game


Also called angora, it's the soft, silky wool of the angora goat


In 1988, with Eric Clapton on guitar, Dire Straits played this S. African's 70th birthday celebration at Wembley Stadium

Nelson Mandela

The Great Northern War of 1700-1721 pitted Sweden's King Charles XII against this great czar

Peter The Great

This largest U.S. cigarette maker spent $115 million on charity & $150 million advertising that it gave to charity

Philip Morris

This 5-letter word can mean "overweight"


Major in this -ology at Colgate & you'll take "Human Condition" or "Learning and Cognition" before you're a senior


In his work "Mathematike Syntaxis", this astronomer wrongly claimed that the Earth was stationary


Describing his job, this Shakespearean sprite says, "I jest to Oberon and make him smile"


Port Townsend, one of Washington's oldest cities, is at the entrance to this inlet

Puget Sound

This Nebraska town where Cather spent her youth was named for a "colorful" Sioux chief

Red Cloud

Someone raised by committed Communists may be called this kind of "baby"

Red-Diaper Baby

In a 1940 comic book Batman & this sidekick take an undying oath to fight crime & corruption


At about 40 percent, this Christian denomination is the largest religious group in the country

Roman Catholic

NFL: Shannon & Sterling


Last name of American astronaut Alan & his wife Louise, who died 5 weeks apart in 1998


In his 6 years as a slave, Patrick held this farm job, tending to his first flock


Anne Edwards' biography of this former child star is called "American Princess"

Shirley Temple

Entranced, or a 1945 Hitchcock film


Newton figured the Earth should be an oblate spheroid with an equatorial bulge because it does this

Spin On Its Axis

Agnew's nothings

Spiro's Zeros

If you've never seen a "flying" one of these, it might be because they're nocturnal (Bullwinkle's pal is an exception)


In 1870 Congress created this position to direct the Marine Hospital Service

The Surgeon General

David Herbert Donald won a 1988 Pulitzer Prize for "Look Homeward: A Life of" this author

Thomas Wolfe

A giant sea monster turns out to be a submarine in this 1870 Verne tale

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea

Some people mentally add "l-y" to this brand of super-comfy Australian sheepskin boots


(Sofia of the Clue Crew on a ski slope in Colorado) On the slopes, protect yourself from the A & B types of these; snow reflects about 80% of them

Ultraviolet Rays

This earthly color may be raw or burnt


He succeeded his elder brother George IV in 1830

William Iv

This word for a Japanese gangster comes from a losing hand in a card game


You may eat this candied tuber at Thanksgiving

Yam (May)

Chryssomallis is the last name of this Greek-born New Age pianist who goes by his first name


"When I was one and twenty I heard a wise man say, 'Give crowns and pounds and guineas but not'" this "'away'"

Your Heart

In 1991 Macedonia declared its independence from this country


City Point, the oldest part of Hopewell, was founded by Sir Thomas Dale in the 13th year of this century

17Th Century

On the Fahrenheit scale, water freezes at 32 degrees & boils at this temperature


Total number of quarts in 11 1/2 gallons


The slenderer among us can wear the wide contour type of this, also called a cincture

A Belt

On New Year's Day 1801, she opened the executive mansion to visitors for the first time

Abigail Adams

It includes 3 present Atlantic provinces, & in the 18th C. 4,000 inhabitants of it took a long trip southwest


Autobiographical Arthur Miller play on a Poe mansion's tumble

After The Fall Of The House Of Usher

Amelia Earhart appears on a 1963 issue of this type of special purpose stamp

Air Mail

Time magazine's "Person of the Century", this scientist first appeared on its cover in 1929

Albert Einstein

In 1932 this Republican was elected governor of Kansas; he won reelection in 1934

Alf Landon

"Poems By 2 Brothers" features poems by 3 Tennyson brothers: Charles, Frederick & him

Alfred Lord Tennyson

"The Color Purple"

Alice Walker

Hit by a stray bullet, Paul Baumer dies at the end of this Erich Maria Remarque novel

All Quiet On The Western Front

This company that trades under AXP may give you a lot of credit

American Express

Tamyra Gray, who placed 4th in the 1st season of this TV singing contest, later joined the cast of "Bombay Dreams"

American Idol

To a dog lover: ASPCA

American Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals

She set an American record in 1996 by swimming the 50-meter freestyle in 24.87 seconds

Amy Van Dyken

When used as a catalyst to spread fire, gasoline is considered this

An Accelerant

Willis Carrier devised this type of system; one of the first was installed at a Grauman's theater

An Air Conditioner

"Crisp" these desserts "Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles"

Apple Strudels

Seneca said “Ars longa, vita brevis", which means this

Art Is Long, Life Is Short

This Italian-born maestro of the NBC Symphony conducted from memory due to poor eyesight

Arturo Toscanini

This member of the lily family is rich in vitamin A


In July 2001 Liberty Media's John C. Malone resigned from this company's board of directors


His male nude sculpture "The Age of Bronze" was titled "The Vanquished" when first exhibited in 1877

Auguste Rodin

For the musical "Sunset Blvd.", Hugh Jackman won two Mo Awards (equivalent to the Tonys) in this, his native country


In the summer of 2002 this Canadian teen made her debut with the hit song "Complicated"

Avril Lavigne

Sometimes a fairy will steal one of these & leave a changeling in its place


BPhil, from Oxford

Bachelor Of Philosophy

BTO is for this band that's best known for a song whose acronym is "TCOB"

Bachman-Turner Overdrive

An expression meaning "Just like that!", or a bar where TV's "The Sopranos" conduct business

Bada Bing

(Sarah of the Clue Crew in Paris) This term for a narrow loaf of French bread also describes the cut of diamond I'd like


Last name of the circus man P.T. Barnum teamed up with in 1881


This group's song "One Week" includes the lines "Hot like wasabi when I bust rhymes, big like LeAnn Rimes"

Barenaked Ladies

This beef & sour cream dish is named for a Russian count

Beef Stroganoff

Tenders of an apiary


It's the first name of either of the 2 "Rescuers"

Bernard & Bianca

A bed on a Pullman for a Roman emperor might be a "Caesarean" one


This philosopher & Sartre convened an intl. war crimes tribunal to publicize U.S. atrocities in Vietnam

Bertrand Russell

1952: A famous seamstress & flagmaker

Betsy Ross

In 1924 the popular magazine originally known as Fruit, Garden, and Home became this

Better Homes & Gardens



A scientist was quoted as saying contestants on this Dutch show suffered from "post container stress disorder"

Big Brother

When he arrived in Lincoln County, New Mexico in 1877, he told the townspeople his name was William H. Bonney

Billy The Kid

If you're on the road to Morocco, take along some Bob Hopes & these, Bob's partner

Bing Crosbys

The cassowary


Types of these you'll find in the forest include the red-eyed vireo & the scarlet tanager


It's the name of the second-largest city in England & also of the largest city in Alabama


Usually, the highest rank in the martial arts of judo & karate is this color belt

Black Belt

Most maps typically use this color to depict bodies of water


"Colorful" cheap entree special at a diner that's a geologic theory explaining the faults in earth's crust

Blue Plate Tectonics

The times they were a-changin' when this folk icon went electric at the 1965 Newport Festival

Bob Dylan

Though he was best known for directing musicals, the last film he directed was a drama, "Star 80"

Bob Fosse

"Splish Splash", he sang the title tune for the Hayley Mills film "That Darn Cat!"

Bobby Darin

No. 25, it's odd to see this company is now based in Chicago & not Seattle


Gateway of India, a landmark in this busiest port, was named because it was the 1st thing seen by visitors to the city

Bombay (Mumbai)

This tree's odd appearance gave it an odd name from Lewis Carroll, "for the snark was one of these, you see"

Boojum Tree

Pirates' plunder, or an item of baby footwear

Booty Or Bootie

He's the actor seen here lending a "hand" to an unwary scientist

Boris Karloff

Although most of the ingredients come from old England, Tremont Ale is brewed in this New England city


Prime minister of Canada: 1984-1993

Brian Mulroney

In an Evelyn Waugh novel, one of Lord Marchman's children is known as Bridey, which is short for this


19th c. humorist Artemus Ward called this Utahan "dreadfully married ... the most married man I ever saw"

Brigham Young

Genius! In the 17th century, Italian lapidary Vincenzo Peruzzi developed this rounded cut that has 58 facets


This capital of Queensland was home to the 1988 World's Fair


Theatergoers know that Times Square is formed by the intersection of 7th Avenue & this street


Kids could tell the post office the dinosaur called this on a stamp is actually an Apatosaurus


This span over the East River was once dubbed "The Eighth Wonder of the World"

Brooklyn Bridge

Willis's Snapples and Cran-apples

Bruce's Juices

This city on the Dimbovita River became the capital of Walachia in 1659

Bucharest, Romania

From the Latin for "fortified town", this term later referred to a person--the representative of a town or borough


Though not the best at digging, donkeys are called these in Spanish


In 1954 Swift chose this word that means "a chubby person" as its new brand's name to convey plumpness & tenderness


In 2000 it was announced that this, Broadway's longest-running show, would be a "Memory" after over 7,000 shows


The Seychelles is home to these color-changing lizards


On Sept. 20, 1881 he took the oath of office in his NYC home at 2:15 A.M.

Chester Arthur

If you're lonely, this animal might be perfect for you (ceramic cat that grows hair)

Chia Pet

President in China, 1948-1949; President in exile on Taiwan, 1949-1975

Chiang Kai-Shek

"The Windy City"




North Korea & Nepal


Blaze a trail to the Hall of Great Westerners & you'll find this Oklahoma trader for whom a trail is named


The first use of this elemental gas as a weapon was by the Germans at the Second Battle of Ypres


From the Latin for "citizen", it's a high school class that studies politics & government


Take the last train to this Indiana city founded in 1783 & named for a Revolutionary War general


This company inadvertently reenergized its brand by introducing a new formula that flopped in 79 days


This soda was introduced in 1886 & patented in 1887


"Fowl" term for an abrupt withdrawal from the use of an addictive substance

Cold Turkey

Excelso is a grade of coffee from this country, perhaps from Medellin


People with this deficiency can't get mad and see red


In 1948 this label introduced the first LP


This line of a rhyme tells us what happened "in fourteen hundred and ninety-two"

Columbus Sailed The Ocean Blue

Opposed to the Stamp Act, the Sons of Liberty formed committees of this to spread the word

Committees Of Correspondence

Group name for all letters other than A, E, I, O & U


In 337 A.D. this first Christian Roman emperor abolished crucifixion as a form of execution


The National Mall is bounded by these 2 avenues whose names recall historic documents

Constitution & Independence Avenues

"Piece" together your memory of this insect toy, seen here


In Northern Europe: OPEN CHANGE


The medal the Wizard of Oz presents to the Cowardly Lion has this single word on it


The largest crustacean is the giant spider type of this aquatic creature whose claws can be 10' apart


In a Tennyson poem, the Lady of Shalott's mirror did this "from side to side" when Lancelot appeared


If you order schwarzen kaffee mit sahne in a restaurant, you'll get coffee with this


Attention, cheaters: A Michigan magazine for new parents is cleverly titled these "notes"

Crib Notes

This comic strip is named for the commandant of a desert post of the French Foreign Legion


When this CNN debate series debuted in 1982, Pat Buchanan & Tom Braden were its hosts


In cell division, mitosis splits the nucleus & cytokinesis splits this liquid cushioning the nucleus


She was the first VJ to appear on both MTV & MTV Latino

Daisy Fuentes

Morgan Fairchild, Francine Tacker & Priscilla Presley all appeared as Bobby's old flame Jenna Wade on this series


On the road to this city, Paul was struck blind for 3 days; he later preached there


He wrote "Oliver Twist" against the background of the Poor Law of 1834, which ended the supplemental dole to the poor


"Tiny Bubbles" singer who began serving as president of North Vietnam in 1945

Don Ho Chi Minh

This Spaniard rides a bony old nag named Rocinante on his quests

Don Quixote

Born 1925 in Chicago, made 'em laugh, talked to a mule, shuffled off in 2003

Donald O'connor

On her long-running TV show, she was the matriarch of the Stone family of Hilldale:

Donna Reed

Vincent Price took revenge on those responsible for the tragic death of his wife as this mad doctor

Dr. Phibes

This Ohio doctor got a retrial for wife murder partly because a judge told a journalist he was "guilty as hell"

Dr. Sam Sheppard

1964: Peter Sellers as this German scientist who helped us love the bomb

Dr. Strangelove

This doctor becomes acquainted with Lara when they work together at a Russian Red Cross hospital

Dr. Zhivago

Phillip Feeny's eerie music for the British ballet based on this spooky 19th C. novel is heard here


Get all your shots before you canoe down this small Congo river with the same name as a deadly hemorrhagic virus


A 1999 film explores the effect this weather phenomenon had on "The Island of the Sharks"

El Nino

In a 1968 speech this Black Panther said, "You're either part of the solution, or you're part of the problem"

Eldridge Cleaver

It was the first subatomic particle discovered 100 years ago by J.J. Thomson


In Rwanda: Kinyarwanda, French & this


In 2003 her Youth-Dew was packaged in a golden bottle to celebrate its 50th anniversary

Estee Lauder

This biblical book with a female name records the killing of 75,000 Persians by the Jews


This "bathing beauty" dove into films in 1942, in "Andy Hardy's Double Life"

Esther Williams

This Greek word for extreme happiness was once used by doctors for a patient who felt great even though ill


"La Boheme"


Besides North America, it's the only continent completely north of the equator


The Golden Shield, which restricts online viewing of controversial topics, is known as the "Great" this "of China"


This first sister of Peter Rabbit married Benjamin Bunny


Louisiana, Florida, Alabama


Jean-Pierre Rampal can tell you it's the term for the shallow channels cut into a column


This other name for Grand Prix racing refers to the specifications of the Federation Internationale de l'Automobile

Formula One

In 1832 when the House tried Sam Houston for contempt, he was defended by this lawyer & lyricist

Francis Scott Key

X. Acting since 1911, he played his final role in 1966's "The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini"

Francis X. Bushman

"Fahrenheit 451", "Jules and Jim", "The 400 Blows"

Francois Truffaut

This older brother of Jesse James outlived Jesse by 33 years


"Eddie Visits a Dog Psychiatrist"


New York governor David Paterson

Fred Armisen

Kate Hepburn said of this dance team's mystique, "He gives her class and she gives him sex"

Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers

"A Nightmare on Elm Street"

Freddy Krueger

Born into slavery around 1818, this great orator helped recruit his fellow African-Americans for the Union army

Frederick Douglass

The libretto for "William Tell" was in this language, the native tongue of neither the composer, Rossini, nor the subject


Make this breakfast dish--bread dipped in an egg-milk mixture & fried until golden brown on both sides

French Toast

It's the Japanese name for certain species of puffer fish that contain lethal poison but can be eaten as a delicacy


Dustin Hoffman & Alec Guinness were considered for this role that won an Oscar for Ben Kingsley


The Solidarity monument in this Polish port city honors workers killed during the 1970 shipyard strikes


By their show's title, Linda Cardellini & James Franco play "Freaks" & John Daley & Samm Levine are these


It was no "accident" she played Muriel Pritchett, but she had a bad one as Thelma Dickinson

Geena Davis

To research the opera, this composer spent weeks among the Gullah people on an island off the Carolina coast

George Gershwin

At the merger, Walter Reuther was president of the CIO & this man was president of the AFL

George Meany

On July 3, 1863 3 brigades of his division, 4300 men, led a Gettysburg "charge" with disastrous results

George Pickett

From the Greek for "earth heat", it's the term for the energy that comes from the natural heat of the Earth

Geothermal Energy



The city of Leipzig, now in this country, was the site of an 1813 battle called the greatest clash of arms before WWI


Balanchine was a friend of this composer whose fascinatin' rhythms inspired the ballet "Who Cares?"


On August 8, 1950 Florence Chadwick broke her 1926 English Channel swim record

Gertrude Ederle

Lying at the foot of the mount of olives, this garden was the site where Jesus was betrayed & arrested


Visitors to this hilltop art "center" enter via the tram arrival plaza

Getty Center

"In 1997, the House (of Reps.) voted to reprimand him... It marked the first time the House had reprimanded a Speaker"


3 Georgians have served as Speaker of the House: 2 Democrats & from 1995 to 1999 this Republican


This man born in Piacenza, Italy pioneered a softer, unstructured look for corporate women

Giorgio Armani

This composer's "Rigoletto" is based on Victor Hugo's play "Le Roi S'Amuse" ("The King Amuses Himself")

Giuseppe Verdi

When used before "pace", it means really slow; otherwise, it refers to masses of ice


George Weiss produced "Chained Girl

Glen Or Glenda?

Corbin Bernsen & this "I Will Survive" singer have survived many birthdays on September 7

Gloria Gaynor

In 1898 Frank Seiberling founded this tire company named for the inventor of vulcanized rubber


Paul du Chaillu, who made 2 trips to Gabon, was the first westerner to write about this great ape


"Twilight of the Gods", in German (15)


The Soviet North Pole station set up in 1937 drifted away & was rescued 9 months later off this island


At 5:41 A.M. on May 1, 1898 Dewey told this captain of the Olympia, "You may fire when you are ready"


Small pieces of ice that can damage a ship are called these, as trapped air escaping during melting makes them sound like animals


"Luck Be A Lady" & "Sit Down, You're Rockin' The Boat"

Guys And Dolls

As a boy in 238 B.C, this general accompanied his father Hamilcar on an expedition to conquer Spain


Danny Kaye sang "Inchworm" & "Thumbelina" in a delightful musical about this children's author

Hans Christian Andersen

On Jan. 1, 2007 Germany introduced a payment of up to $34,700 to Damen und Herren who do this together

Have Children

The reef triggerfish, this state's state fish, can be found as far south as Australia


To smaller birds, the sharp-shinned type of this predator is as menacing as its name


The name of this Trojan prince who was killed by Achilles is now used as a verb meaning to bully


This actress who starred in “Ecstasy†and “Algiers†helped invent a torpedo control system

Heddy Lamarr

...developed a maneuver for choking victims & performed the first total organ replacement, an esophagus


The mailing address for this company is P.O. Box 57, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230


Hail "The Queen", indeed! In 2008 this 63-year-old actress was an Internet sensation with bikini pics of her in Italy

Helen Mirren

Root of this, the plant that killed Socrates; not hard to find at a good organic produce store


It's the pigment that makes red blood cells red


This pigment in blood transports oxygen


Negotiators for the U.S. in Ghent included John Quincy Adams & this Speaker of the House from Kentucky

Henry Clay

He explored Greenland in 1607, 2 years before exploring the Albany, New York area

Henry Hudson

The limited Irish autonomy proposed by Isaac Butt around 1870 was called this type of "rule"

Home Rule

The 1990 Census counted people classified as this & found 179,000 in shelters & 50,000 at street sites


In a '90s NBC series title, this crime preceded "Life on the Streets"


The Sony Open golf tournament takes place in January at the Waialae Country Club in this state capital


Sonny & Cher: "Ich Hab Dich Babe"

I Got You Babe

Richard Gere, Heath Ledger & Cate Blanchett played incarnations of Bob in this unusual biopic

I'm Not There

A 2006 photo shows politician John Howard next to a man wearing a T-shirt with this motto; the arrow points to Howard

I'm With Stupid

Poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge referred to the "motiveless malignity" of this character


The Farriss Brothers was an earlier name for this group that also featured Michael Hutchence


This device from Apple can put 10,000 songs in a music fan's pocket


Conor McPherson's haunting play "The Weir" is set in a pub in this country


Hibernians live on this island whose Latin name was Hibernia


Jean Kennedy Smith served as U.S. ambassador to this country, the family's ancestral home


Marsh's Library in this country was founded c. 1702 by the Archbishop of Dublin


A ferroalloy always contains this metal


The Boy Scouts of America are headquartered in this Texas city, also home to the Dallas Cowboys


The founder of Hull House, her bust is in the Hall of Fame for Great Americans

Jane Addams

At the 1998 Winter Olympics, "Happy" Harada helped this home team win gold in ski jumping


Named for its early 19th century creator, bunraku is the traditional puppet theater of this country


The name of this coffee-growing Indonesian island is also slang for coffee


Second U.S. president

John Adams

John Chisum, J.D. Cahill, Rooster Cogburn

John Wayne Characters

While director of scientific affairs for this company, Joyce Kilmer's father invented its baby powder

Johnson & Johnson

"Woodstock", the group's first hit together, was written by this onetime gal pal of Graham Nash

Joni Mitchell

How low can you get? When it reaches the Dead Sea, this river is 1,312 feet below sea level

Jordan River

Born in Italy in 1918 & raised from age 10 in New York, he was the top Spanish dancer of his time

Jose Greco

Harvey Milk, played by Sean Penn

Josh Brolin won this round but people will remember Samson fondly in this book of the Bible; you, not so much


Oui! Oui! in 1863 this science fiction pioneer published his first novel, "Five Weeks in a Balloon"

Jules Verne

The 49 B.C. campaign of Ilerda led to victory by this Roman over Pompey's forces

Julius Caesar

Its largest moon, Ganymede, can be seen from earth through binoculars


We're not joshing when we tell you that "JK" stands for this

Just Kidding

John Rawls' influential "A Theory of" this equates it simply with fairness


The name of this headdress for men may be related to the word "coif"


In Indian religion, this causal law explains the existence of evil; in a Culture Club title, it precedes "Chameleon"


In the summer, Srinagar is the administrative capital of the Indian state called Jammu & this


Winslet's wooden boxes

Kate's Crates

A 2010 postage stamp was issued in Old Saybrook, Connecticut honoring this legendary actress

Katharine Hepburn

Spencer Tracy's in "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner"

Katharine Hepburn

Mattel introduced Barbie in 1959; this boyfriend came along 2 years later


A grain of corn, or an officer in the Army or Air Force


This king & Bible authorizer has been called "the wisest fool in Christendom" as well as "the second Solomon"

King James I

In 1889 the Eastman Company was incorporated in London to distribute products under this snappy name


Kim Kardashian, in 2011

Kris Humphries

You grab pressure points in a fierce grip in Eagle Claw, a Shaolin type of this martial art

Kung Fu

This NBA team name made sense when they were in Minnesota; they should now change their name to "The Smog"

L.A. Lakers

The Spartans' region, Laconia, & their dislike of wasting words gave us this English adjective


It follows step-, corporate & Jacob's


Manitoulin Island in this second-largest Great Lake is the world's largest freshwater island

Lake Huron

Lake Borgne connects this Louisiana lake to the Gulf of Mexico

Lake Pontchartrain

When the Tuscaroras joined, the Iroquois League updated its name to this

League Of Six Nations

Any number of flowers including plumeria & carnations are used to make this Hawaiian necklace


His writing career began with the short novel "Detstvo" in 1852; the much longer pieces came later

Leo Tolstoy

The coat of the clouded species of this cat provides it with excellent camouflage in India's forests


The Algonquin Hotel has a suite named for this pair who wrote "My Fair Lady" there

Lerner & Loewe

Sesotho is a Sotho dialect mainly spoken in the Republic of South Africa & this kingdom


Chow mein has crispy noodles; the name of this boiled noodle & stir-fried meat & veggies dish means "soft noodles"

Lo Mein

Eating (& drinking) only what's grown within 100 miles, the vampires are these, a word coined by Jessica Prentice


When this gun-related phrase meaning "Get ready for action!" originated, it was the reverse of how it's used now

Lock & Load

Trent's automatons

Lott's Robots

Born July 25, 1978, she was the world's first "Test Tube Baby"

Louise Brown

This state's flag features a mother pelican with its young


This British actress explored her relationship with her father, Sir Michael, in "Shakespeare For My Father"

Lynn Redgrave

In "The Grapes of Wrath", this matriarch says, "All we got is the family unbroke"

Ma Joad

Drama with the line "The Raven himself is hoarse that croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan under my battlements"


No wonder he's out to kill Macbeth, after his little son is shish-kebabbed


The "buck stops here" desk sign on Carter's oval office desk was a gift from this presidential daughter

Magaret Truman

"Roll up" for this Beatles album that's a prestigious French cycling race

Magical Mystery Tour De France

As its name indicates, it's a big island--in fact, the largest of Spain's Balearic islands


If you lose an eyelash, put it on your finger, do this, then blow it away

Make A Wish

This Philippine capital was so devastated during WWII that Quezon City served as interim capital from 1948 to 1976


The cry “sap's a runnin’†refers to this tree

Maple Tree

1911: "I and the Village"

Marc Chagall

First name of Paris stylist Grateau, who introduced his wave in 1872


Krewes cruise by in the annual parades celebrating this

Mardi Gras

It's the type of strolling band seen here:


This "Glitter" diva's contract demands a bottle of Cristal, 4 champagne glasses & a box of bendy straws

Mariah Carey

Saipan, Tinian & Rota are the main islands in the Northern this group, made a commonwealth in 1986


The 1997 version of "Candle In The Wind" honored Princess Diana; the original version was about her

Marilyn Monroe

This Ohio city was named for a South Carolinian "Swamp Fox"


Appropriately named sternwheeler that circles Tom Sawyer Island

Mark Twain

Pudd'nhead Wilson

Mark Twain

The monument on his grave in Woodlawn Cemetery, Elmira, N.Y. is 12' high; in water depth that's 2 fathoms

Mark Twain

Girl's name common in Germany & America, it's a contraction of Mary Magdalene


Louis Joliet & this Catholic priest explored the Mississippi River during June & July 1673


The name of Antares, a red giant star, means "the rival of" this planet


This fluffy white confection holds your Rice Krispies Treats together


Some say this Scottish queen only married the Earl of Bothwell because he abducted her

Mary, Queen Of Scots



The Flag House & Star-Spangled Banner Museum, the National Cryptologic Museum


This state boasts one of the USA's oldest cathedrals, Baltimore's Basilica of the Assumption


Sausage & potatoes, luv: bangers & ___


In 1885 Frank Ball found the patent had expired on the glass jars named for this man, so he began making them


Shays' Rebellion in this state in 1786-87 included an attack on the Springfield armory


This TV "Friend" was one of People magazine's 50 Most Beautiful People in 2000

Matt Leblanc

Barbie accounts for about 40% of this toymaker's revenue


In 1975 200 U.S. Marines recaptured this merchant ship that had been seized by Cambodia


The University of Minnesota's graduate school of medicine is named for this family


It's Mexico's largest Pacific port


Through a licensing agreement with this company, Sears has opened stores called McKids


They were the romantic leads in "Joe Versus the Volcano", "Sleepless in Seattle" & "You've Got Mail"

Meg Ryan & Tom Hanks

Sociologist Michael Young coined this term for a system that rewards the talented


In 1886 a railroad tunnel opened under this river to connect Birkenhead & Liverpool


South-of-the-border setting of the '68 Olympics

Mexico City

This Olympian wrote, "Dr McSwimmy is thanking everyone for their kind words"

Michael Phelps

As a teen in the 1480s, this sculptor of "David" studied art at a school in the Medici Gardens


Carved in Rome, the "Pieta" is the only work signed by this sculptor


He designed the dome of St. Peter's Basilica, but it was Giacomo Della Porto who built it


This author of "Hawaii" was honored on a stamp wearing (what else?) a Hawaiian lei


This creator of Beavis & Butthead wrote & directed "Office Space"

Mike Judge

Piazza's fondnesses

Mike's Likes

In 1953 Newsweek said that Onassis didn't break the bank at this town--he bought the casino

Monte Carlo

This South Dakota peak near Rapid City was named for a New York attorney, who represented mining investors

Mount Rushmore

The highest point on Iwo Jima lies at the summit of this extinct volcano

Mount Suribachi

Any Scottish one over 3,000' is called a Munro, for the man who made a list of them in 1891


Will Lee played this store owner; in 1982 the writers incorporated his death into the show to help kids deal with loss

Mr. Hooper

This legume wears a top hat & monocle & leans on a cane

Mr. Peanut

In response to anti-tobacco protests, this toy gave up its attachable pipe in 1987

Mr. Potato Head

Jimmy Stewart played Jefferson Smith, the naive & idealistic appointee to the U.S. Senate in this Capra classic

Mr. Smith Goes To Washington

1993, starring Robin Williams

Mrs. Doubtfire

Wet, sticky substance campaigners "sling"


The Pierides were turned into magpies when they challenged these nine sisters to a singing match, & lost


A Jodi Picoult novel was the basis for this 2009 weepie in which Abigail Breslin has a sibling dying from cancer

My Sister's Keeper

In online slang .02 means this--another way of saying, "my opinion, though you didn't ask"

My Two Cents

This 1922 film subject "of the North" perished from starvation shortly after the film was completed


In 1809 he informed his soon-to-be ex Josephine that he needed to find a wife who could produce an heir


In '72, he sang "Song Sung Blue"

Neil Diamond

Discharged from the military in 1946, this "Odd Couple" author worked in the Warner Bros. mailroom

Neil Simon

A noble gas, atomic number 10


In order to gain independence in 1955, Austria agreed to observe this type of foreign policy


Julia Salinger

Neve Campbell (On "Party Of Five")

Its 3,400-square-mile metropolitan area extends over 8 administrative units known as parishes

New Orleans

City that was home to the USA's first boat club & organized baseball team, both named Knickerbocker

New York

Sinatra: "These vagabond shoes are longing to stray, right through the very heart of it", this city, this city

New York (New York)

Dow Jones & Company

New York City

Examples of these in Montreal include The Mirror & Le Devoir


Stephen Hopkins, more recently "Lost in Space", directed the fifth installment of this Freddy Krueger series

Nightmare On Elm Street

This word for a time of day comes from the Latin for "ninth hour"


1997 floods on this river caused 50 billion korunas in damage -- & the smell!

Oder River

The ravens that sit on this Norse god's shoulders are Hugin & Munin, meaning thought & memory


In the 1960s this city, home to the National Cowboy Hall of Fame, hired I.M. Pei to design part of its Myriad Gardens

Oklahoma City

Norwegian poet Arne Garborg pushed for a literary language based on this "old" one of sagas & eddas

Old Norse

The dad of Matthew Perry of "Friends" was the sailor in the classic ads for this cologne; that whistling's in your head now, isn't it?

Old Spice

The St. Lawrence runs from this Great Lake


This word combines with "Art" to mean the abstract style of creating optical illusions


Italian town that completes the title of Horace Walpole's classic Gothic novel "The Castle of..."


At the beginning of the last act of this Thornton Wilder play, Emily has died in childbirth

Our Town

It follows Macbeth's line, "And all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death"

Out, Out Brief Candle

Low walls of earth called bunds enclose the water-covered rice fields known as these


During World War II this Polish pianist was one of his country's leaders in exile


Oh oh! Chauncey B. Ives depicted this mythological woman seen here on the verge of opening a box


After it was opened all that was left in it was hope, a sandwich, chips, an apple & a juice carton

Pandora's Box Lunch

Eros is a pungent type of this spice (hint: eros is a Hungarian term)


In 1943 the Supreme Court said that those whose religious beliefs prohibit it don't have to recite this

Pledge Of Allegiance

Oddly, a traditional Christmas pudding contains currants & raisins but not this fruit in its name


This Greek historian's "Parallel Lives" analyzes the character of well-known Greeks & Romans


"Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon, or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned?"


She was born in Virginia around 1596 & died in Kent, England in 1617


This equestrian event has 2 4-player teams with long-handled mallets (not many horses in the water version)


It's the 4-syllable practice of having more than one spouse at the same time


Spanish Fountain of Youth searcher who won the heavyweight title in 1978

Ponce De Leon Spinks

Logically enough, brands of this snack favorite include Jiffy Pop & Pop Secret


A painting by Friedrich-Heinrich Fuger shows this Greek god seated nude with his trident


Food that fills in the blank in "The Great Steak & ____ Company"


There's no veal in boxty, Irish pancakes made from these tubers


In the Badlands area these animals live in colonies called dog towns

Prairie Dogs

No lie, it was the Soviet Union's Communist Party newspaper


Abdullah the Butcher of Sudan (ne Larry Shreeve in Windsor, Canada) was a famous bad guy in this spectacle

Professional Wrestling

Lending money? Be sure to ask for one of these notes in which the borrower agrees to pay it back


On May 10, 1869 the Jupiter & the 119 touched noses at this Utah "Point", completing the Transcontinental Railroad

Promontory Point, Utah

"The sun and the moon shall be darkened" is the forcast of Joel, one of the 12 minor these


Colons & commas & hyphens, oh my!


Its monuments include an Arch of Triumph higher than the one in Paris & a statue of Kim Il Sung 66 feet high


Rock on! This, composed of silicon dioxide, is the most abundant mineral in the continental crust


In "Maria Stuarda", this queen signs Mary Stuart's death warrant after being called a bastard

Queen Elizabeth I

The heroic creator god of the Aztecs, he is also identified as the god of the wind; relax, we won't make you spell it


(Hey, it's Gary Dell'Abate from "The Howard Stern Show") My nickname Baba Booey comes from the character Baba Looey, who was the sidekick of this bumbling equine TV marshal

Quick Draw Mcgraw

A large wing or tail feather, or one of the spines of a porcupine


To use a coupon, or to make up for


In the 1990s this candy brand introduced crunchy cookie cups, sticks & bits for baking


The shirt seen here would be worn by this person on a football field:

Referee, Umpire

Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Asuncion

Rio De Janeiro

It can precede cord, tide & -roaring


"Rip-Rip" is a comic opera about this sleepy head who killed time in the Catskills

Rip Van Winkle

"Believe It or Not", Mississippi, Tennessee & West Virginia all have a town named this


China's Hongshui or India's Tapi


Pen, my boy, I fell in love with your mother's poetry before I met her in person at her Wimpole Street house in May 1845

Robert Browning

"A Bronx Tale", the first film directed by this "Taxi Driver" star, earned critical praise, not Bronx cheers

Robert De Niro

Relax, this brand of medicine is "Recommended by Dr. Mom"


In March 2007 Colorado adopted as its second state song this John Denver hit

Rocky Mountain High

When asked what his favorite one of these was, Jack Palance joked, "poppy seed"


This 1976 bestseller sparked interest in the subject, especially by African Americans


She rose to fame in the early '50s with the song "Come On-A My House"

Rosemary Clooney

A 4-room apartment at the Bramford becomes available at the beginning of this Ira Levin novel

Rosemary's Baby

"$4.4 billion... ran for president twice, railed against NAFTA, budget deficits"

Ross Perot

A small ball is involved in this game that uses the layout seen here


It's just 1 letter shorter than rotund


A visitor center devoted to this judge in Langtry, Texas has his law book on display

Roy Bean

His 1892 work "Barrack-Room Ballads" included such poems as "Fuzzy-Wuzzy" & "Danny Deever"

Rudyard Kipling

After a visit to the maul, drop kick your way to a scrum in this sport developed in England


In 1655 the British Royal Navy began to replace its sailors' beer rations with this alcoholic beverage


Billy Barty played the title role in the 1987 film about this gold-spinning gnome


In 1954 Roger Bannister became the first person to do this in under 4 minutes

Run The Mile

Due to the commonplace amputation of limbs, a doctor or surgeon was often called this tool nickname


Pinkie Cleugh on Sept. 10, 1547 was the last of the battles between the royal armies of England & this neighbor


Queen Margaret, the wife of King Malcolm Canmore, is this country's only female saint


1707: The Act of Union joins these 2 countries into the United Kingdom of Great Britain

Scotland & England

A Dutch word for "boat pole" gave us this word for a large flat barge for hauling garbage


Its inventor originally called it Criss-Cross Words


Judy Reyes is on staff at Sacred Heart hospital as nurse Carla Espinosa on this Zach Braff sitcom


Jean Arp went from flat reliefs to the freestanding pieces called scuplture "in" this, like a type of theater

Sculpture In The Round

The 2 Brad Pitt films released in 1995 with numbers in their titles

Se7En & 12 Monkeys

These aquatic creatures, types of brine shrimp, are "brought to life" by crystals

Sea Monkeys

Laura Hillenbrand wrote a recent bestseller about this '30s horse


Darrell Hammond played this Scottish actor who... Nope, I can't say anything else; just name him

Sean Connery

It describes wine that's dry, not sweet


James Bayley founded this N.J. university & named it for his aunt, the first American-born saint

Seton Hall

In 1925 Chippewa Falls produced this mathematician hailed as the father of the supercomputer

Seymour Cray

"If a man have" 100 of these & one "be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine" to seek the stray?


This 19th century character was known for his pipe smoking, violin playing & even cocaine use

Sherlock Holmes

After WWII the state form of this Asian religion was abolished; the sectarian form was unaffected


The Screen Actors Guild presented this child star with a lifetime achievement award in 2006

Shirley Temple Black

Seeing the unexpectedly high price of a car can put you into the "sticker" type of this


An aglet is found at the end of this item that holds your sneaker together


On an American football team, the only person not required to wear these is the kicker


To find a leprechaun, follow the tapping of his hammer as he busies himself making these


Roy Rogers sang, "Hoppy, Gene & me; we taught you how to" do this "straight"


Small numbers of reindeer imported to Alaska from this Russian region eventually increased to more than 500,000


Gabriel Garcia Marquez' "The General in His Labyrinth" tells of the last days of this liberator

Simã³N Bolivar

What little Tommy Tucker did for his supper


This small Asian island nation near Malaysia has one of the world's lowest infant mortality rates


The world's 14th largest airline is based in this 240-square-mile island nation

Singapore (Singapore Airlines)

This composer of "The Mikado" wrote only 1 grand opera, "Ivanhoe"

Sir Arthur Sullivan

He experimented with prisms & published his theories on light & color in 1704's "Opticks"

Sir Isaac Newton

"The Knight of the Cloak"

Sir Walter Raleigh

In addition to claiming Virginia for England in 1584, he led 2 expeditions to the Orinoco River

Sir Walter Raleigh

In book 12 of "The Odyssey", Circe warns of these women "who betwitch everybody who approaches them"


In "The Flying Nun", Sally Field played this "sister"

Sister Bertrille

Theodore Dreiser's own sister Emma had a fling with a married man, helping inspire this title woman

Sister Carrie

Around 1830 Catherine McAuley founded the sisters of this to care for Dublin's poor & sick

Sisters Of Mercy

If a recipe calls for blanching tomatoes, it's so that you can remove this more easily


Normally a dormouse spends the day doing this


To promote this local product, Crystal City, Texas erected a statue of Popeye


Nickname of would-be assassin Lynette Fromme, released from a Fort Worth prison hospital in 2009


Indian Ocean "Big Brother" saw Kasyapa kill dad & build Sigiriya Fort as defense from his sibling on this island

Sri Lanka

This "saintly" Swiss resort was the site of the Winter Olympic Games in 1928 & 1948

St. Moritz

In 1881 Czar Alexander II was blown up in this city, his capital

St. Petersburg

A small nation in the Caribbean is comprised of the Grenadines & this island

St. Vincent

At age 90, this Cardinal legend who hit safely over 3,600 times appeared at the 2011 World Series

Stan "The Man" Musial

TV wasn't the final frontier for this series; in 1979 it became "The Motion Picture"

Star Trek

Charles Kettering invented an electric ignition & this device, which ended the need for hand-cranking


Born in 1898, this Bethlehem, PA. native's works include "John Brown's Body" & "The Devil and Daniel Webster"

Stephen Vincent Benet

Take these anabolic lipids only under a doctor's supervision


He's CEO of both Apple Computer & Pixar Animation Studios

Steve Jobs

Taipei is this island's capital city


Britain's 4 PM "coffee break"

Tea Time

Stella could groove on "Breaking Ice", an anthology of fiction by black writers edited by this author

Terry Mcmillan

1 of 4 Major League ballparks named for the counties they're in

The Atlanta-Fulton County Stadium (Or The Kingdome, Milwaukee County Stadium, Or The Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum)

This mid-Atlantic island group was uninhabited when discovered by Diego de Senil of Portugal around 1427

The Azores

Meaning "big" or "grand" in Russian, it's the name of Moscow's big grand ballet company

The Bolshoi

In 1900 more than 200 foreigners were killed during this bloody uprising in northern China

The Boxer Rebellion

This NFL team has just one, 12: Jim Kelly

The Buffalo Bills

Scientifically, this party dance could be called "The Infant Oryctolagus Bipedal Spring"

The Bunny Hop

Poem that contains the line "All in the valley of death rode the six hundred"

The Charge Of The Light Brigade

This children's foundation has been improving the quality of life for sick kids for more than 25 years

The Children's Starlight Foundation to install an aerator on this sink part to control flow & splashing

The Faucet

What was once the Chicago Natural History Museum is now called this, after its founder

The Field Museum

Elmira Corning Regional Airport is one gateway to this scenic region

The Finger Lakes

Sergio Leone & Hans Christian Andersen Spaghetti Western in which Clint Eastwood becomes a swan

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly Duckling

In 1811 Joseph de Maistre wrote in "Letter to X", "Every nation has the" one of these "it deserves"

The Government

This title guy lives in West Egg, Long Island; his lost love, Daisy Buchanan, in East Egg

The Great Gatsby

Much of this Stephen King serial novel takes place at Cold Mountain Penitentiary

The Green Mile

Rumpelstiltskin is a character in the 1962 fantasy "The Wonderful World of" these German brothers

The Grimm Brothers

At around 20% in each country, this ethnic group is the largest minority in both Turkey & Iraq

The Kurds

Cecilia Brady is out to kill her father in this last F. Scott Fitzgerald novel

The Last Tycoon

The powerful Italian leader Mussolini was called "Il Duce", which means this

The Leader

The pope hoped Pepin & his Franks would protect him against these Germanic people (not the Gables) led by Aistulf

The Lombards

Louisiana Governor Huey P. begat Louisiana Senator Russell B.

The Longs

From the Latin for "middle", it's the lowest balcony in a theater

The Mezzanine

Kirby Puckett

The Minnesota Twins

It's a 2-word alternate name for the harmonica

The Mouth Organ (Or Mouth Harp)

Connecticut has a state ship -- this nuclear-powered submarine which was commissioned at Groton on September 30, 1954

The Nautilus

The neck accounts for almost half the height of this largest living bird, a flightless species

The Ostrich

Covering 29 acres, the world's largest office building is this structure in Arlington, Virginia

The Pentagon

This 1935 Robert Sherwood play takes place at the Black Mesa Bar-B-Q & Gas Station in the Arizona desert

The Petrified Forest

Descartes called this gland "the seat of the rational soul"; scientists still aren't sure what it does

The Pineal Gland

This arch that separates the stage from the auditorium is from the Greek for "before the stage"

The Proscenium

In 1676 New Jersey was divided in 2, the western part controlled by members of this "friendly" religious group

The Quakers

The first luxury liner with this name was scrapped in 1972 after it burned & sank in a Hong Kong harbor

The Queen Elizabeth

1981: The "Tattoo You" tour

The Rolling Stones

Provence got its name from being this empire's first province beyond the Alps

The Roman Empire

The Coast Guard's navigation rules are also called these, which sound more applicable to car traffic

The Rules Of The Road

6 of "Bugs" Moran's henchmen & an optometrist were the victims of this 1929 slaughter

The St. Valentine's Day Massacre

Eliot Ness was hired by the Prohibition bureau in 1929, the same year as this holiday bloodletting

The St. Valentine's Day Massacre

If it found its way into an orchestra, a hurdy-gurdy would be found in this section

The String Section

"Come sail away", as we set off on this river that Achilles was dipped in to make him invulnerable

The Styx

In 1672 Giovanni Cassini determined the distance from the Earth to this, creating a new measuring unit, the Au

The Sun

The play's the thing in a theatre named for this bird to which Ben Jonson compared Shakespeare

The Swan

Sade sang, "You give me, keep giving me" this, the title of a 1985 hit

The Sweetest Taboo

A red sandstone gate, a mosque & a vast garden surround this tomb in Agra, India

The Taj Mahal

In a right triangle, it's the ratio of the side opposite an acute angle to the side adjacent to the angle

The Tangent

On radio's "Car Tal

The Tappet Brothers

Of the Tagus, the Tarsus or the Taro, the river that runs through southern Turkey

The Tarsus

Peter Greenaway's "Prospero's Books" is a take on this bard play

The Tempest

Dancers clomp around in wooden shoes at the Holland, Michigan festival honoring this flower

The Tulip

In 1451 Nicholas V founded this library "for the common convenience of the learned"

The Vatican Library

The "hot" landing zone at Hill 881 South near Khe Sanh is depicted in the Gallery of this war

The Vietnam War

The location where Pres. George W. Bush eulogized Ford as "the best of America"

The Washington National Cathedral

This D.C. paper led all others in pursuing the story of the Watergate break-in

The Washington Post

A person who always looks busy for no apparent reason is compared to this Lewis Carroll rabbit

The White Rabbit

Chinese cooking has extremes of Egg Foo Yung & this dish of duck eggs that have been buried for a long while

Thousand/Hundred-Year-Old Eggs

The Keio Plaza Inter-Continental & the Hotel Seiyo Ginza


He made the cover of Time in 1989 as "Hollywood's Top Gun"

Tom Cruise

This South Dakota Democrat has been minority leader in the U.S. Senate since 1995

Tom Daschle

Character who gave his name to lines like, " 'The prisoner's coming down,' he said condescendingly"

Tom Swift

In July of 1996 an era in baseball ended when this Dodgers manager retired after 20 seasons

Tommy Lasorda

This polo-playing Harvard grad played Loretta Lynn's husband in "Coal Miner's Daughter"

Tommy Lee Jones

A chameleon can use this organ, almost as long as its body, to catch birds


ABC's comedy "Hudson Street" stars Lori Loughlin & this former "Who's the Boss?" housekeeper

Tony Danza

Dorothy's doggie (4)


By its derivation the only thing in an arboretum should be these, no shrubs or other plants


Kids as young as 7 swim, bike & run at the Ironkids one of these events -- poor tykes


Dendrochronologists study the climate of the past mainly by examining these in trees

Trunk Rings

Paine's first pamphlet in the "Crisis" series began, "These are the times that" do this

Try Men's Souls

This "steak" is a hot dog

Tube Steak

Plastic containers for leftover food that are fit for a "party"


Some types of this head covering can use up to 50 yards of material


In 1873 solid silver bricks were laid in a pavement in Central City to welcome this visiting president

Ulysses S. Grant

When it's wet out, don't forget to take your brolly, one of these


It's a strong current below the water's surface, caused by waves breaking on a beach


It's the "U" in UFO


In 1941, after the National Labor Relations Act, Henry Ford had to accept these groups in his factories


In 1988 officials in this country admitted they had printed false maps for years to fool enemies


This word precedes "We Love Thee" in the title of a state song


As Carly Simon could tell you, it's a synonym for narcissistic


This surgery, cutting the vas deferens, makes a vast difference in male fertility


Bob Hope started in show biz in this theatrical form as half of the dance team Hope & Rosequist


"Death in ____" & "The Merchant of ___"


This city's main shopping street is the Mercerie, between the Rialto Bridge & St. Mark's Square


Cyrpus is celebrated as the island where she emerged from the sea


Though not the closest to the Sun, it has the highest surface temperature


"Against", as in a lawsuit


In 1997 Jules Feiffer left this newspaper after more than 40 years of cartooning there

Village Voice

It was the Mayflower's original destination; then they ran out of beer


Maryland is "the Old Line State"; this is "the Old Dominion"


Leonard Wood lost the 1920 Republican nomination to this man who went on to win the presidency

Warren G. Harding



Elizabeth & her new husband spent part of their honeymoon promoting this new perfume

White Diamonds

(Cheryl of the Clue Crew at the Henry Ford Museum in Detroit) With a spin in a Stanley Steamer in Ohio in 1901, this man became the first U.S. president to ride in a car

William Mckinley

This royal was born in The Hague in 1650 & died in London in 1702

William Of Orange

"The Father of Pennsylvania"

William Penn

After retiring in 1869, this secretary of state traveled the world, including a stop in Alaska

William Seward

"Dr. Fever & Mr. Tide"

Wkrp In Cincinnati

Of the nearly 500 people on this list since its inception, only 8 have been these; the first made it in 1968


(AUDIO DAILY DOUBLE): Character whose theme song is heard here:

Woody Woodpecker

The material cost of this war was greater than all other wars put together

World War Ii

1962 would have followed 1914 & 1939 in the sequence if this had resulted from the Cuban Missile Crisis

World War Iii

It belonged to Khan in a 1982 "Star Trek" title


One of the largest log hotels in the world, the Old Faithful Inn is found in this state


On this leader's death in 2004, Hahmoud Abbas, also known as Abu Mazen, assumed chairmanship of the PLO

Yasser Arafat

This paving material of the road to the Emerald City is in need of repairs

Yellow Brick

In this animated film Fred Captains the title transport to Pepperland

Yellow Submarine

BSN sells this product under the Danone name in France & Dannon in the U.S.


Augustine of Canterbury died around 605; William of this other archbishopric, 550 years later


According to Frankie Laine, "If ever the devil was born without a pair of horns it was" this woman

You, Jezebel, It Was You

You could call this Algerian-born designer the "saint" of French fashion

Yves Saint Laurent

This writer & wife of a famous author died in a fire at a mental hospital in 1948

Zelda Fitzgerald

This memoir, winner of a 1997 Pulitzer Prize, has made Limerick a hot tourist destination

\"Angela's Ashes\"

They're the 3 words found at the top of Mel Blanc's gravestone

\"That's All Folks\"

In German, this classic story is called "Die Kleine Seejungfrau"

\"The Little Mermaid\"

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