Jeopardy Set 8

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In 1993 & 1994 the Tonys for Best Play went to parts 1 & 2 of his "Angels in America"

(Tony) Kushner

The title of his 1959 novel "The Mansion" refers to the de Spain home in Jefferson, Mississippi

(William) Faulkner

Despite being the personal physician of 2 British kings, he was derogatorily known as "The Circulator"

(William) Harvey

Famous for his jet, he also invented the automobile radio for the company that became Motorola

(William) Lear

A Walter Lantz cartoon character is the handsome red-headed variety of this bird

(Woody) Woodpecker

Of roughly 1, 5 or 10 square miles, it's the country's area


Usually, to begin a long distance call from your home phpne, it's the first number you must press


They're the odds of pulling 1 of the 4 aces from a full, shuffled deck

1 In 13

Bo Derek probably knows diamonds rate this on the Mohs scale, which measures hardness


Having missed out on this ceremony at age 13, Henny Youngman had one in 180 at age 73

A Bar Mitzvah

The name of this fierce ocean fish may come from the Spanish word barraco, meaning "overlapping teeth"

A Barracuda

This type of cuff formed from a single band of material sounds perfect for a cooper

A Barrel Cuff

Although it usually refers to a laboratory container, it can also mean a large drinking cup with a wide mouth

A Beaker

Nadolol is this class of drug; it fights hypertension by keeping neurotransmitters from binding with receptors

A Beta Blocker

Depending on the month, it can be a peridot or a diamond

A Birthstone

The unit of currency of Venezuela

A Bolivar

From the Italian for "jest", it's a clown or a fool

A Buffoon

Toro ('nuff said)

A Bull

Matt's employer lets him choose among various benefits; it's this type of plan, like his favorite eating spot

A Cafeteria Plan

Orange you glad to know that celery is part of this orange vegetable's family

A Carrot

This type of mythological creature is often shown drawing the chariot of Dionysus

A Centaur

Chemists use this whirling device to separate solids from liquids or one liquid from another

A Centrifuge

Sadly, in 2009, the bell tolled for 15-year-old Gigi, a dog of this breed, who gained fame starring in Taco Bell commercials

A Chihuahua

"Kiss today goodbye and point me t'ward tomorrow, we did what we had to do"

A Chorus Line

Sometimes I feel like a small one of these in the Sony machine

A Cog

It's an operator-assisted call in which charges are paid by the receiving party

A Collect Call

Aerosmith songs (& scantily clad cuties) enlivened "The Comedy of Aerosmith", a raunchy retelling of this play

A Comedy Of Errors

Proverbially 2 is this & 3's a crowd

A Company

Due to use of the magnetic type of this device in the Middle Ages, mapmakers started putting north at the top of maps

A Compass

In A.I.'s Turing Test, a person asks questions of 2 subjects & has to determine which one is not human but this

A Computer

Ara: one of these star groups between Triangulum Australe & Scorpius

A Constellation

Fossils in Niger indicate the "super" type of this animal was the size of a bus; it often drowned its prey

A Crocodile

1973: "People have got to know whether or not their president is" one of these; "well I'm not" one of these

A Crook

Also known as a harvestman, this arachnid is a beneficial garden predator

A Daddy Longlegs

The scientific name of the European stag beetle is Lucanus cervus; cervus is Latin for this mammal

A Deer

If an area has a yearly average of less than 10 inches of precipitation, it's classified as this

A Desert

This gold coin of Spain was once worth 8 escudos

A Doubloon

Meteorologically speaking, it's a very light rain in which the droplets are less than 1/50" in diameter

A Drizzle

"Well-known" term for a demon who aids a witch & assumes an animal form, like a cat

A Familiar

Though it had the name of a woman from an 1882 play, this hat with a front-to-back crease became popular for men

A Fedora

Dangerously attractive woman (5, 6)

A Femme Fatale

Eli Bridge builds amusement rides like this one that's been making the rounds since 1893

A Ferris Wheel

A flipper or a fiver

A Fin

"Level" term for a series of entertainments presented at a nightclub

A Floor Show

These 2 things "are soon parted"

A Fool & His Money

This giant cephalopod has the largest eyes of any creature; they can be as big as a basketball

A Giant Squid

A lazy loafer, or someone who makes bullion

A Gold Bricker

A superstition says pull out one of these from your head & you will soon find several new ones growing

A Gray Hair

A promise of quality or of a particular outcome

A Guarantee

Robespierre lost his head on one of these July 28, 1794

A Guillotine

In video games & cartoons, Sonic is one of these critters

A Hedgehog

Dapple Gray is this type of animal

A Horse

A grandstander, or one especially good at pistol target practice

A Hot Shot

Figuratively, one of these "of cards" is shaky & could collapse at any moment

A House

The name of this short-barreled cannon goes back to the Czech houfnice, "slingshot"

A Howitzer

These puzzles bear the name of the tool that's used to cut up & make them

A Jigsaw

A hemodialyzer is a medical device known as an artificial this organ

A Kidney

"What would you do for" one of this brand's NASCAR bars with caramel ice cream, a chocolate wafer & peanuts?

A Klondike Bar

Used by junks & schooners alike, it's about 1.15 miles

A Knot (Or A Nautical Mile)

John Zenor was a longtime keeper of one of these towers at Yaquina Head on the Oregon Coast

A Lighthouse

To convert pints into these metric units of liquid measure, multiply by .47

A Liter

An all-important bet

A Major Wager

Comedy in which Lysander says, "The course of true love never did run smooth"

A Midsummer Night's Dream

If the original play is too long for you, you might like "The Dream", a 1-act ballet based on this Shakespeare play

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Near the end of this play, Theseus says, "Lovers, to bed; 'tis almost fairy time"

A Midsummer Night's Dream

The old section of Riga is surrounded by one of these trenches

A Moat

Unlike a hybrid car, a hybrid bicycle uses no electricity; it combines features of a road bike & this type

A Mountain Bike

This type of infarction is a heart attack

A Myocardial Infarction

An aerie is an eagle's one of these

A Nest

Your cells are eukaryotic, from the Greek for "nut", meaning they have a true one of these

A Nucleus

Savings account deposits & withdrawals are recorded in this type of booklet

A Passbook

This 2-word term refers to someone whose tedious job requires a lot of writing & record-keeping

A Pencil Pusher

Abbreviated dwt., it's equal to 24 grains, or 1/20 of a troy ounce

A Pennyweight

This item on which Garrick Ohlsson sits while working often has a compartment to store sheet music

A Piano Bench

Meaning "in trouble", the expression "in" this presumably refers to the briny liquid it's made in

A Pickle

In mapmaking the Mercator is one example of this, a system of lines on a plane surface

A Projection

From the Latin for "management" comes this term for a person authorized to act on behalf of another

A Proxy

In the "Star Trek" universe, it's 1/4 of the Milky Way; Deep Space 9 is in the Alpha one

A Quadrant

It's a significant change for a physicist or for Scott Bakula

A Quantum Leap

You can make a cup of Nesquik quick as one of these creatures--its mascot

A Rabbit (Or A Bunny)

Who was that masked animal? It was a chaoui, or this creature with 5 or 6 dark rings on its tail

A Raccoon

The instrument heard here, or what you might use to capture its sound

A Recorder

A political or social system; an "ancien" one governed France until 1789

A Regime

Something used to help you recall an important fact or duty

A Reminder

This type of government is mentioned in the Pledge of Allegiance

A Republic

A sharp return to an insult, or a quick fencing thrust after parrying a lunge

A Riposte

Technically, a carpet is fixed to the floor but one of these lies free

A Rug

Denver International has North America's longest commercial one of these--3 miles long

A Runway

A somewhat shapeless dress

A Sack

The 4 techniques a "blacksmith" uses to crack one of these are blow, burn, peel & punch

A Safe

The statement "No" these "shall issue, but upon probable cause" has frustrated many cops wanting to search a house

A Search Warrant

In Richardson's epistolary novel, "Pamela" is a girl with this job resisting the advances of her mistress' son

A Serving Maid

A raindrop's shape depends on its size; one with a diameter of less than .04 inch is basically this shape

A Sphere (Or Round)

A painting of inanimate objects, not people

A Still Life

Desiring raises, the Boston teacher's union found out in 2007 that a proposed one of these was illegal

A Strike

An immobilizer used by the police (don't taze me, bro!)

A Stun Gun

In 1885 one of these explosions, the brightest to appear for the next century, appeared in the Andromeda galaxy

A Supernova

An 1897 officer's knife, aka this, had a corkscrew & second blade; no one's neutral when holding one

A Swiss Army Knife

Keats line preceding "Its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness"

A Thing Of Beauty Is A Joy Forever

In Great Britain a "long" one of these is equal to 2,240 pounds

A Ton

Originally a flagpole was just a straight one of these cut, trimmed & treated

A Tree Trunk

Sodium pentothal is often thought of as one of these

A Truth Serum

If the prospective "pardonee" one of these can't fulfill his duties at an annual Rose Garden event, an alternate is ready

A Turkey

Back in the Old Testament, Isaiah said, "Behold", one of these "shall conceive, and bear a son"

A Virgin

A lycanthrope

A Werewolf

The 1962 film "The Legend of Lobo" told the story of the life & adventures of one of these critters in the Southwest

A Wolf

2 of the 4 original U.S. presidential cabinet posts

(2 Of) Treasury, Secretary Of State, Secretary Of War & Attorney General

2 of 4 countries bordering Greece

(2 Of) Yugoslavia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Albania

The first American in space, he would later become the fifth man on the Moon

(Alan) Shepard

In 1884, the year of his death, he published the memoir "30 Years a Detective"

(Allan) Pinkerton

He was born in the Old World but found fame with his 1893 symphony "From the New World"

(Antonin) Dvorak

The "Art" of this Washington political spoofer won him a Pulitzer in 1982

(Art) Buchwald

Marc Cooper's "Chilean Anti-Memoir" is called this coup leader/military dictator "and Me"

(Augusto) Pinochet

Raised in Mexico City, this New Mexico governor was the U.S. ambassador to the U.N. in 1999

(Bill) Richardson

This Tammany Hall ringleader was jailed in 1873 but escaped to Spain in 1876; Spain returned him later that year

(Boss) Tweed

This twin-tube tunnel under the Hudson was named for its designer, who died during its construction

(Clifford) Holland

...was in the ROTC at New York's City College

(Colin) Powell

This U.S. Secretary of State helped found NATO

(Dean) Acheson

Spinal Tap cut 35 songs from its act at a 1992 tribute to this Queen singer; he would've "wanted it this way"

(Freddie) Mercury

"A knyght ther was, and that a worthy man, that fro the tyme that he first bigan to riden out, he loved chivalrie"

(Geoffrey) Chaucer

Now a governor, he was once the mayor of Peekskill

(George) Pataki

Observant Jews don't eat cheeseburgers because Exodus says, "Thou shalt not seethe a kid in" this

(His Mother's) Milk

Helen Frankenthaler's "soak and stain" technique was inspired by this artist's drip paintings

(Jackson) Pollock

This author was nice enough to remind us in "Being and Nothingness" that human effort is useless

(Jean-Paul) Sartre

In Britain the last name of this British painter (1776-1837) means "police officer"

(John) Constable

2004: edwrds & i lost 2 w?! bk 2 senate 4 me. btw, i lv heinz (ktchp, 2)

(John) Kerry

"I am extraordinarily patient, provided I get my own way in the end", said this British "Iron Lady"

(Margaret) Thatcher

His first Broadway show was "Never Live Over a Pretzel Factory"; now he lives in the White House (at least on TV)

(Martin) Sheen

In 2004 he was mayor of NYC when he officially co-designed a new telephone handset

(Michael) Bloomberg

Elizabeth's son Michael, whose father was this late British actor, helped escort her down the aisle

(Michael) Wilding

In this poet's 1786 "Address to a Haggis", he addresses the "Great Chieftain o' the Pudding Race"

(Rabbie) Burns

This 1970s African-American comic: "Marriage is really tough because you have to deal with feelings... and lawyers"

(Richard) Pryor

This Norwegian's autobiography, "My Life as an Explorer", was published in 1927, a year before he was lost in the Arctic

(Roald) Amundsen

In the 1960s a feud with brother Peter led him to establish his own Napa Valley winery

(Robert) Mondavi

You have to have a big wall for his circa 1480 work "The Birth of Venus"; it's over 5' X 9'

(Sandro) Botticelli

In 1953 a reviewer called this late Nobel-winning author's Augie March "a West-Side-Chicago Tom Jones"

(Saul) Bellow

"Drummer Hodge", a poem by this "Mayor of Casterbridge" author, recounts a young soldier's burial

(Thomas) Hardy

This quirky Californian directed "Batman" & "Batman Returns"

(Tim) Burton

Jonas Grumby, Roy Hinkley, Ginger Grant

Gilligan's Island

Once the Fleet Street of Tokyo, it's now the most famous shopping & entertainment district


The air puff test, a measure of eye pressure, is used to diagnose this condition


This technique of applying thin layers gives richer color than if you'd just mixed the paint; you can do it with ham, too


Meadowlark Lemon was one for 24 years; Phileas Fogg for only 80 days


A duo: "St. Elsewhere" "Go Go Gadget Gospel", "Crazy"

Gnarls Barkley

This German's 18th century coming of age classic "The Sorrows of Young Werther"


Platinum, atomic number 78, is worth more than this other metal, atomic number 79


Fantail & telescope-eyed are fancy varieties of these popular aquarium fish of the genus Carassius


Tish, one of these won by a British couple at a fair in 1956, swam happily in its bowl for a record 43 years


Mark Twain said this sport "is a good walk spoiled"


This James Blunt farewell song goes, "You have been the one, you have been the one for me"

Goodbye My Lover

A young rabbit gets ready for bed in this classic by Margaret Wise Brown

Goodnight Moon

For more than 200 years, the annual Baltic Herring Market & Fair has been a big to-do in this world capital


Before sphere, it means "half"


The fourth king of this name ruled Britannia from 1399 to 1413


In 1981 he received an honorary Oscar for his body of work; a year later, he won an acting Oscar for his final film

Henry Fonda

Composer Douglas Moore took flight with "The Wings of the Dove", based on a 1902 novel by this author

Henry James

He received international fame in 1878 for his story about Daisy Miller, an American flirt in Europe

Henry James

Among the themes he composed for Blake Edwards were "Peter Gunn" & "The Pink Panther"

Henry Mancini

He was so devastated to find out his fifth wife was cheating on him, he had her beheaded

Henry Viii

This king romanced Mary Boleyn before her sister Anne lost her head over him

Henry Viii

Once fertilized, a female ant sheds these appendages

Her Wings

In the song "Wind Beneath My Wings", Bette Midler asks, "Did you ever know that you're my" this


The central figure in a biblical Rubens painting is Salome, who is presenting the head of John the Baptist to this biblical king


Day or night you can buy (& eat) these fish, raw or pickled, served with gherkins & onions


An owl stood for the phonogram "M" in this ancient Egyptian writing system


In music it can mean "sharp"


This 6-letter .com claims to find "the right answer for... every one" of the 200 million queries its users have daily


Plywood has an odd no. of layers so that this is at right angles for strength inside but runs the same way outside


From 1919 to 1924, this artist taught art in the public schools of Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Grant Wood

If you want to know who's buried in this president's tomb, you can find out in Riverside Park

Grant's Tomb

The condition of thankfulness


The last chapter provides an ambiguous end for Pip & Estella in this classic novel

Great Expectations

Colonel George Papadopoulos led the junta that took power in this country in 1967




Syros, Skyros & Skiathos are just 3 of this Balkan country's many islands


Messenian & Cretan are considered to be Doric dialects of this language


Orange, yellow... (wavelength about 510 nanometers)


"Green Acres", "NYPD Blue", "The White Shadow"

Green Acres

Gerard Depardieu made his English-language debut in this 1990 film

Green Card

A standard: GMT

Greenwich Mean Time

The abbey in Brno where he once lived & worked now houses a genetics museum that's named for him

Gregor Mendel

Now meaning "sleepy", this term once described sailors knocked out on watered-down rum


This word from Heinlein's "Stranger In A Strange Land" means "to communicate sympathetically"


A newsman's stuck in a snowy Penn. town in this 1993 film. A newsman's stuck in a snowy Penn. town in this 1993 film

Groundhog Day

She won her first Oscar playing Brandon Teena in "Boys Don't Cry"

Hilary Swank

In 1992 this future First Lady released her own chocolate chip cookie recipe

Hillary Rodham Clinton

The Asiatic black bear also bears the beary nice name of these Indian mountains where it dwells


Sir Francis Drake's ship that circumnavigated the world was the "Golden" this


A 1967 law kept English as a national language of education until all states would accept this one


People's usual rankings of caste, gender, status & age are reversed on Holi, a spring festival of this faith


Flanders & Swann's song about this African animal goes, "Let us wallow in glorious mud"


It's a narrow strip of land connecting 2 larger bodies of land; Panama, for example


Amigo, Rodeo, Trooper


"Eeny, meeny, miny mo" are the words children use to choose who will be this


Julia Sweeney is on a mission to have a relationship with Chris, a person of indeterminate sex in this film

It's Pat

Invading American forces 1st set foot on the European mainland in this country, not France


According to one grisly legend, this czar blinded the architects of Moscow's St. Basil's Cathedral

Ivan The Terrible

Listed as a billionaire in 1957, this American lived in a modest room in London

J. Paul Getty

He arranged a $65 million loan to the U.S. government & guaranteed New York City $30 million

J.P. Morgan

His "Goldberg Variations" were named in honor of harpsichordist Johann Goldberg

J.S. Bach

This German Baroque composer wrote his "Hunt Cantata" for the birthday of the Duke of Saxe-Weissenfels

J.S. Bach

This major German composed the overture in C major heard here

J.S. Bach

During WWII this "All-American Boy" of radio drama helped track down Nazi spies & traitors

Jack Armstrong

As Steve McGarrett, he often finished off wrongdoers with the words "Book 'Em, Dano"

Jack Lord

An adventurous boy takes a ride on a large fruit in this 1961 children's classic

James And The Giant Peach

In 1884 a booster's attack on democratic "Rum, Romanism & Rebellion" backfired on this Down Easter

James Blaine

This future president led the fight for the Bill of Rights

James Madison

We presume this Virginian felt good about his nickname, "The Era-Of-Good-Feeling President"

James Monroe

He became King of Jordan after his mentally ill father was deposed in 1952

King Hussein (I)

These 2 books chronicle the monarchs of Israel & Judah, beginning with David & ending with Jehoiachin

Kings I & Ii

"Gimme a break, gimme a break, break me off a piece of that..."

Kit Kat Bar

This cereal was introduced by General Mills in 1937; maybe you'll get it on Route 66?


One explanation for this Laker's jersey switch from 8 to 24 was that 24 was his high school number

Kobe Bryant

One of the few stimulants allowed in Islam, this soft drink "nut" was a cash cow for Medieval Guinea

Kola Nut

With flavors like lemon-lime & black cherry, this official soft drink of Nebraska keeps the kids smiling


Soondae, filled with potato noodle & served with kimchi, is a popular street dish in this country


"Happy Mothers, Breastfed Babies" is the motto of this league whose name includes the Spanish for "milk"

La Leche

She's Virginia senator Charles Robb's famous mother-in-law

Lady Bird Johnson

From the Latin for "lake", it's a shallow body of water near the sea; Brooke Shields lived by a blue one


In November 1957 the USSR said yes, we have a second Sputnik; this passenger was unavailable for comment

Laika (The Dog)

The German name for this lake on the border of Switzerland & France is Genfersee

Lake Geneva

This Swiss-French lake is also called Lac Leman

Lake Geneva

Blake asks, "And was" this holy animal "of God on England's pleasant pastures seen?"


An officeholder during the interval before a successor takes over is known as one of these limping birds

Lame Duck

Lilian Whiting used this phrase as the title of a 1906 book; it became New Mexico's official state nickname in 1999

Land Of Enchantment

Stevie Nicks sang "and if you see my reflection in the snow-covered hills", this "will bring it down"


Italian for "broad", it's an indication to play slowly




If you take a case to the Swiss supreme court, you have to go to this French-speaking city near Geneva


Canon & criminal are types of this


This adventurous man was a close friend of George Bernard Shaw & changed his name to T.E. Shaw in 1927

Lawrence Of Arabia

In 1751 George Washington made his only trip abroad to Barbados with this older half-brother

Lawrence Washington

A metallic element: plomo


The EPA names deteriorating paint & contaminated dust & soil as leading sources of poison from this metal


"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for" them

His Friends

At the turn of the century, railroads began to hire "bulls" to get rid of them


This German studied law but was more famous for his "Tales", which inspired an 1881 Offenbach opera


Mr. Antolini was an English teacher of this "Catcher in the Rye" narrator

Holden Caulfield

"The mouse that has but one" of these "is quickly taken."


We'll eat Gouda cheese as we tiptoe through the tulip-shaped casino named for this country

Holland/The Netherlands

This toy company created Mindstorms for robots, with programmable bricks & sensors


William Kennedy fictionalized his life in "Legs"

Legs Diamond

This German company introduced the first precision miniature 35 mm camera in 1924


A "panic of" these Scandinavian rodents, infamous for cliff-diving (or falling)


Moroccan markets sell Hamed M' Rakad, which are these sour fruits pickled in salt & their own juice




His "Anna Karenina" was originally published in installments between 1875 & 1877

Leo Tolstoy

Sadly, the technique he invented to paint "The Last Supper" led to its rapid deterieration

Leonardo Da Vinci

This news director of radio station WKRP in Cincinnati won the Silver Sow Award for Agricultural Reportage

Les Nessman

A zonk was a booby prize on this Monty Hall game show

Let's Make A Deal

Chapters 8-10 of this Old Testament book continue the narrative from Exodus 29


Paul Revere left Boston at 10 P.M. April 18, 1775 & arrived in this city around midnight


Franz Schubert is credited with popularizing these German art songs -- he composed almost 650 of them


This national magazine bestowed the enduring label "the love goddess" on Rita Hayworth in 1947


"Rescue Pod"


17th century Dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens developed the wave theory of this


(Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports near San Francisco Bay) In 1854 the first active one of these navigation-aiding structures on the West Coast was completed on Alcatraz Island


It's Mexican author Laura Esquivel's sweet tale of young Tita de la Garza & it's full of recipes & home remedies

Like Water For Chocolate

She directed the 1920 silent film "Remodeling Her Husband", starring her sister Dorothy

Lillian Gish

Her "Another Part of the Forest" tells the earlier history of the family featured in her "Little Foxes"

Lillian Hellman

The Etruscans carved many of their works from tufa, a soft porous variety of this calcium carbonate rock


John Derek's exes include Ursula Andress & this "Dynasty" actress

Linda Evans

Like Rome, this capital of Portugal is built on 7 hills


To contest in court or to carry on a lawsuit


Adam Hann-Byrd plays the young title intellectual & Jodie Foster his mother in this 1991 film

Little Man Tate

(Hi, I'm Katie Wagner) One of the highlights of hosting this "live" music show for TBS was that I got to flirt with Tom Jones

Live From The House Of Blues

It's a general term for any evergreen oak

Live Oak

Her mom won a special Oscar & a Tony; she won 3 Tonys & an Oscar

Liza Minnelli

It's the period when prisoners are restricted to cells after a disturbance


It's a good ship for Shirley Temple, & a bad woods to get lost in while playing Candy Land


The film titled "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" was first shown in this world capital November 4, 2001


In 1952 Finland's Armi Kuuselan was crowned the first Miss Universe in this city, now home to the Queen Mary

Long Beach, California

Between his 1950 & 1954 portrayals of this pirate, Robert Newton found time to play Blackbeard

Long John Silver

"Homeward now went Hiawatha; pleasant was the landscape round him, pleasant was the air above him"


Famed Texas cattle breed that was brought over by the Spanish explorers


She sat behind the reception desk at "WKRP"

Loni Anderson

Epic trilogy about Sauron, supreme master of oil derricks

Lord Of The Rigs

Dorothy Sayers created this sleuthing aristocratic lord who solved crimes through 12 novels

Lord Peter Wimsey

The J. Paul Getty Museum (opened in 1997)

Los Angeles

(Hi, I'm Ed McCaffrey of the Denver Broncos) Before we won the Super Bowl in '98, the last AFC team to win was this team led by Jim Plunkett at QB in 1984

Los Angeles Raiders

"Kate & Hurley discover a hatch that connects the Island to downtown Tokyo" on this drama


On June 1, 1925, pinch hitting for Pee Wee Wanninger, he played his first of 2,130 games in a row

Lou Gehrig

Frederick II, who held this "Holy" position, wasn't holy enough for the Pope & was excommunicated in March 1239

Holy Roman Emperor

While many diseases bear doctors' names, a nerve disease is named for this victim who died in 1941

Lou Gehrig

Some consider German king Otto the Great, crowned in 962, the first of these central European "emperors"

Holy Roman Emperor

216.75 sq. in., xlnt access to pitcher's mound

Home Base (Or Home Plate)

HCA, co-founded by Bill Frist's father, Thomas, stands for this "corporation of America"


Launched by Wired magazine in 1996, this early search engine was later acquired by Lycos


This magician who died on Halloween is said to haunt the ruins of his Hollywood Hills estate


His 1973 call "Down goes Frazier! Down goes Frazier! Down goes Frazier!" will long be remembered

Howard Cosell

Chatting with Bobby in the opening of "Bobby's World" had him chatting with himself

Howie Mandel

"Smokestack Lightnin'" was the biggest hit for this bluesman born Chester Burnett

Howlin' Wolf


Hubert Humphrey

Mark Twain said he began writing a new Tom Sawyer book narrated by this scamp but, sadly for us, "destroyed it"

Huckleberry Finn

These 3 nephews of Donald Duck are the sons of his sister Dumbella

Huey, Dewey & Louie

Marilyn Monroe graced his first centerfold back in 1953

Hugh Hefner

In "Swordfish" John Travolta enlists this Aussie actor to hack billions from the government

Hugh Jackman

"Oh we're going to" join the villagers in this form of net-fishing where "all the ama-ama come a-swimming to me"


May 10, 1945: Divorce wife No. 3. May 21, 1945: Marry wife No. 4, Lauren Bacall, & call more people "sweetheart"

Humphrey Bogart

In "Through the Looking Glass" he tells Alice there's no chance he'd ever fall off his wall

Humpty Dumpty

The Treaty of Bretigny in 1360 brought a brief period of peace during this war

Hundred Years' War

This 2005 event is the costliest natural disaster in U.S. history

Hurricane Katrina

The 1999 Emmy telecast featured an interpretive dance by the hosts: Jenna Elfman & this "Frasier" co-star

Hyde Pierce

Tarzan despised Dango, this animal, maybe thinking it was laughing at him


It's the nominative singular pronoun


He claims that the sleeping Michael Cassio kissed him hard while dreaming of Desdemona


Under Thomas John Watson, the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Co. was renamed this in 1924

Ibm (International Business Machines)

In "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow", he rides Gunpowder during his encounter with the Headless Horseman

Ichabod Crane

A part of the psyche


The deepest gorge in the U.S. is this state's Hells Canyon

Idaho (Mainly In Idaho On The Border With Oregon)

From an Inuit word for "house", this house is made from blocks of hard-packed snow


From the Japanese for "living flowers", it's the Japanese art of flower arranging


"Land of Lincoln"


Spock knows it means something that makes no rational sense


In a 1784 essay, this German philosopher, who critiqued pure reason, asked, "What is enlightenment?"

Immanuel Kant

Rejection of organ transplants is caused by the reaction of this defense system

Immune System

Debate raged in 2009 as to whether members of Congress had been briefed on "EIT"s, enhanced this techniques


In the 1800s this Frenchman also developed a musical notation system for blind musicians

Louis Braille

You'll find this Frenchman's name on almost all milk cartons

Louis Pasteur

Born in 1638, the first child of a 22-year marriage, this king was christened Louis Dieudonne, or "gift of God"

Louis Xiv

Winning favor by glorifying this man in paintings, Charles Le Brun became the arbiter of French taste

Louis Xiv

Texas' only natural lake is Caddo Lake, shared with this state to the east


A 2003 stamp honored the bicentennial of this, often called the greatest real estate deal in history

Louisiana Purchase

She didn't become a zany redhead until MGM dyed her hair that color for a movie

Lucille Ball

The doctor was in when this important hominid fossil was discovered in 1974


He was deposed by the Bavarian government in 1886; must've made him really "Mad"

Ludwig Ii

The third movement of his 1808 "Pastoral" Symphony is entitled "Merry Gathering of the Peasants"

Ludwig Van Beethoven

First name of playwright Pirandello


Colombia's second-largest city, it's known for its textiles & as a center for the illegal drug trade


A free-swimming stage in the life of a jellyfish, or a snake-coiffed hag of myth


Of the 3 Gorgons, she was the only mortal


Pipe smoker's mineral (10)


He was inspired to compose the melody for "The Christmas Song" by a poem, "Thoughts of Christmas"

Mel Torme

"Is it live or is it" this?


On this holiday, the flag is displayed at half staff until noon & then at full staff until sunset

Memorial Day

The first national observance of this holiday took place May 30, 1868

Memorial Day

(Sarah of the Clue Crew) I'm in this city that FedEx bases its headquarters due to its location & good weather


The Liberty Bowl moved to this Tennessee city in 1965 after being held in Philadelphia & Atlantic City


Astrologers say that when this "Planet of Communication" goes retrograde, stuff on Earth falls apart


If all the elements were onstage with us, only bromine & this other element would be liquid


The torr is equal to 1 mmHg, or the pressure exerted by 1 millimeter of this metal


This creator of "Jeopardy!" appeared in the 1954 3-D horror film "Phantom Of The Rue Morgue"

Merv Griffin

Madonna was set to play violin teacher Roberta Guaspari in "Music of the Heart", but this lady got the role

Meryl Streep

The semitic language of Akkadian was spoken in this land whose name means "between rivers"


The Geminids is an important winter shower of these


This Western Hemisphere nation's flag is seen here


This country's states of Chiapas & Tabasco are connected to Oaxaca & Veracruz by the Isthmus of Tehuantepec


By population, it's the largest capital in the Western Hemisphere

Mexico City

The navy was put in charge of this alphanumeric spy service; that's why James Bond is sometimes called "Commander"


The last time both major party conventions were held in the same place was 1972 in this southern "beach" city


Sheena Easton appeared as a rock singer who married detective Sonny Crockett on this series

Miami Vice

Lloyd Bentsen

Michael Dukakis

In 1979 this Canadian made his U.S. TV debut on "Letters From Frank" & added the initial "J." to his name

Michael J. Fox

"Beat It"

Michael Jackson

No. 8: 30 steals for the Birmingham Barons; 2,306 steals for the Bulls

Michael Jordan

He & Keith Richards enjoyed the satisfaction of writing "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction"

Mick Jagger

Albania honored this Disney character's 70th anniversary with 60-, 80-, 110- & 150-lek stamps

Mickey Mouse

The first of this diminutive actor's 8 wives was Ava Gardner; they lasted about a year & a half

Mickey Rooney

Bob's "Lay Lady Lay" was considered for this 1969 Jon Voight film, but didn't make the soundtrack

Midnight Cowboy

Since Wisconsin is "America's Dairyland", this is its state beverage


To help locate missing children, their photos were put on the sides of these containers

Milk Cartons

Pulling no punches, it won awards for Best Picture, Actress, Supporting Actor & Director

Million Dollar Baby

"Laverne and Shirley" (the first 5 seasons)


After Frederick Pabst's death, his 37-room mansion became home to the archbishops of this city


It's a plant, or an orange juice & champagne drink


It can mean your intellect, your intelligence, your seat of consciousness; it can also mean to watch the kids


Mind your own Bi

Mind Your Own Bismuth

This Chinese dynasty that reigned from 1368 to 1644 was known for beautiful vases


he "Freeze Yer Gizzard Blizzard Run" is an annual event held in International Falls in this U.S. state


Legendary large pool player who "Ain't Misbehavin'" in the world of jazz music

Minnesota Fats Waller

You can help plants gro (that's G-R-O) with food or a fertilizer spike from this Scotts Co. brand


In ancient China & in classical antiquity, this accessory was made of polished metal, not glass


"Moi" is a perfume inspired by this Muppet star

Miss Piggy

Tom Cruise starred as professional spy Ethan Hunt in this 1996 film & its sequel

Mission: Impossible

Tammy Wynette was born in Itawamba County in this state, not far from Elvis' birthplace, Tupelo


Zaire: 1965-1997

Mobutu Sese Seko

Novel in which Ishmael, feeling "a damp, drizzly November" in his soul, goes to work on a whaler

Moby Dick

(Cheryl of the Clue Crew) In the longest run of any U.S. car model from 1908-1927, Henry Ford built 15 million of this model

Model T

On May 26, 1927 the last Ford of this model rolled off the Highland Park, Michigan assembly line

Model T

In classical physics, laws of conservation cover mass, energy & this, equal to mass times velocity


October 19, 1987, a "Black" day for Wall Street


"Saturday Night Live", "Monday Night Football", "60 Minutes Wednesday"

Monday Night Football

This easternmost "point" of New York state at the tip of Long Island has a lighthouse built in 1796

Montauk Point

Frank Gehry once built the town a concert hall, which was sold to this man, who promptly turned it into a prison

Montgomery Burns

A statue of Ethan Allen stands within the portico of the state capitol building in this city


The claim "what Shakespeare was to poetry and the drama (he) is to the vegetable world" is no small potatoes

Luther Burbank

Encarta notes shoe manufacturing is a big industry on this largest of the islands once ruled by Marcos

Luzon (Philippines)

When "60 Minutes" premiered, this man was U.S. president

Lyndon B. Johnson (Show Premiered Sept. 24, 1968)

It's how you properly address the Queen of England


The ghost of Banquo torments this title Shakespeare king while he's attending a banquet


We wonder if Kelsey Grammer called this "the Scottish play" when he played the title role in 2000


The ratio of the speed of an object to the speed of sound is known as this type of number

Mach Number

Forgotten for centuries, this royal retreat of Incan kings was rediscovered by Hiram Bingham in July

Machu Picchu

A major trading crisis emerged in the EU in 1996 when British beef was banned due to this

Mad Cow Disease

Her video for "Hung Up", from her album "Confessions on a Dance Floor", features krumping


Thomas Morley was known for putting lots of fa-la-las into these songs for several voices


Three years after she was in her prime as Jean Brodie, she starred as the aunt in "Travels With My Aunt"

Maggie Smith

The dots used in this Chinese game are seen here:


We'll learn how to groom llamas if we stay at Hidden Acres Llama Farm in Jefferson in this Down East state


According to the New Testament, a battle of good versus evil will take place on a hill in this town Joshua captured


Named for the outline it commonly produces, it affects about 40 million U.S. men

Male Pattern Baldness

Pepperdine University

Malibu, California

In 1916 Eisenhower married this woman, whom her father called "Puddy"

Mamie Eisenhower

Of all mammals, this one takes longest to mature

Man (Humans)

In 1996 158 of these endangered marine mammals died in a red tide of toxic algae in Florida


In Bruce Hornsby's "___ Rain"


The trees that produce this tropical edible seen here can grow over 50 feet high


This kind of book is quite handy; it's name comes from the Latin for "hand"


This French author is best remembered for his "A la recherche du temps perdu"

Marcel Proust

His travels took him from Venice to Asia & back again (1271-1295); he died in Venice in 1324

Marco Polo

In 1999 these related events will occur on Tuesday, February 16 & Sunday, April 4

Mardi Gras & Easter

Rufus Putnam, named Marietta, Ohio in honor of this Frenchwoman, a pal of the U.S. during the Revolutionary War

Marie Antoinette

In 1893 she earned a physics degree from the Sorbonne, ranking first in her class

Marie Curie

The planets that are smaller than Earth are Mercury, Venus & these two

Mars & Pluto

In 1925 De Gaulle was promoted to the staff of the Supreme War Council by this marshal

Marshal Petain

Faulk or McLuhan


Around 1900, this Chicago businessman had expanded into Europe & Japan

Marshall Field

This female Motown vocalist was born in Alabama one July 18, maybe during a "heat wave"

Martha Reeves

In this Dickens novel, there are 2 Martins, grandfather & grandson

Martin Chuzzlewit

After what he did October 31, 1517 the Wittenberg Palace Church may have had to put up a "Post No Theses" sign

Martin Luther

This 16th century reformer wrote the German hymn "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God"

Martin Luther

This man, already pronounced a heretic, was formally declared an outlaw by 1521's Edict of Worms

Martin Luther

Some bartenders say shaking this gin & vermouth cocktail ruins it by giving it a metallic taste from the shaker


It starred Louise Lasser, Louise Lasser in the title role

Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman

In the foreword to her 1818 novel, she recalls a trip to Switzerland & a ghost story contest with Lord Byron

Mary Shelley

The bloodiest single day of fighting in the Civil War took place in this state


This Md.-Penn. boundary is a geometric term for a finite portion of an infinite straight path

Mason-Dixon Line Segment

In 2006 Deval Patrick was elected this state's first African-American governor


"And then there's" this shawl or wrap, made of gray striped plaid, that's worn in Scotland


This poet called her 1976 memoir "Singin' And Swingin' And Gettin' Merry Like Christmas"

Maya Angelou

In 1979 this chain introduced its Happy Meal


On February 13, 27 people were hurt when the Front de Liberation du Quebec bombed this city's stock exchange


Frank Zappa's daughter thinks "Good Times" comic Jimmie is "Dy-no-mite!" & becomes this, like Buzz Aldrin

Moon Walker

As President Beck, this actor tells America that the sky is falling in 1998's "Deep Impact"

Morgan Freeman

If Bogie were still Running Rick's Cafe Americain like he did on film, he'd be living in this country


The Signaller badge of 1920 required a girl to send messages in semaphore & this

Morse Code

The automotive safety products division of this salt maker is one of the USA's leading air bag makers

Morton (Thiokol)

Instead of using bits of colored tiles or stones to make this type of picture, try dried beans


This city is home to St. Basil's Cathedral & Red Square


George S. Kaufman co-wrote "You Can't Take It With You" & "The Man Who Came to Dinner" with this man

Moss Hart

This prized natural substance is made up of alternating thin plates of calcium carbonate & chochiolin

Mother Of Pearl

In 1997, this nun wrote a Nashville coffee house to stop it from selling souvenirs of a cinnamon roll in her image

Mother Teresa

This 6,684-foot peak in western North Carolina is the highest U.S. point east of the Mississippi River

Mount Mitchell

Seen here, he makes bathtime fun:

Mr. Bubble

This syrupy married lady made her debut in TV commercials in 1961

Mrs. Butterworth

They say “You can always tell a Harvard man, but you can't tell him†this


For centuries the Japanese have been using the maitake, a type of this fungus, to improve overall health


If you love the nightlife & want to boogie, head to Pierros, a bar on this party island of the Cyclades


Unaided vision

Naked Eye

According to Genesis, Adam gave these to the animals & later gave one to his wife


German Southwest Africa


All 5 Rhode Island counties have shorelines on this bay

Narragansett Bay

"The Athens of the South"


The exterior of the gov.'s mansion in Tallahassee was inspired by the Hermitage in this other state capital


"Tess" (1979)

Nastassja Kinski

Hanged as a spy on September 22, 1776, his body probably still lies somewhere in midtown Manhattan

Nathan Hale

In the U.S. this society sponsors the National Geography Bee

National Geographic Society

Alan Eagleson was Bobby Orr's agent before founding this league's player's association

National Hockey League

This word altered the term for a follower of Jack Kerouac to mean someone compulsively tidy


Seen between the stars of Orion's sword is M42, one of these clouds of hydrogen gas


"First Man" is a 2005 biography of this quiet Ohioan

Neil Armstrong

The 1961 comedy "Come Blow Your Horn" was his 1st Broadway play

Neil Simon

This playwright adapted the 1993 musical "The Goodbye Girl" from his own screenplay of the 1977 film

Neil Simon

Seen here, he served as vice president for just over 2 years

Nelson Rockefeller

The Greek goddess of justice, she can turn herself into animals & also be your worst enemy


A Cornhusker chemist might know the symbol of this gas matches the abbreviation of his state

Neon (Ne/Nebraska)

2 isotopes of the same element differ in the number of these subatomic particles


This "Silver State" has a state reptile, the desert tortoise


This state with several hundred ghost towns was admitted to the Union on Halloween in 1864


Johnny Horton: "Battle Of ____ ____"

New Orleans

Its highest point is 5,344-foot Mount Marcy in the Adirondacks

New York

J. Max Bond Jr., who helped design the National September 11 Memorial, was a 1980-86 member of this city's Planning Commission

New York

Just south of Rochester in this state, Letchworth State Park is home to the "Grand Canyon of the East"

New York

The Beastie Boys, a Chrysler model, Pauline Kael's workplace

New Yorkers

In the 1840s William Colenso explored the northern end of this country's North Island

New Zealand

You can almost hear the rushing waters with the motion lamp depicting this North American sight

Niagara Falls

Almost 8 years older than brother Aaron, this Backstreet Boy was born Jan. 28, 1980

Nick Carter

His uncle Francis Coppola directed him when he played the man to whom "Peggy Sue Got Married"

Nicolas Cage

George Romero shot this 1968 horror classic for under $150,000

Night Of The Living Dead

Da! This Soviet leader made the cover for 1957

Nikita Khrushchev

Under N: Nuevo is new and nueve is this


The origins of this company can be traced back to the production of a car called the Dat in 1911


Andy Griffith & Don Knotts opened on Broadway October 20, 1955 in this play

No Time For Sergeants

He was a son of Lamech & a grandson of Methuselah


"Not Wanted on the Voyage" rewrites the story of this biblical vessel

Noah's Ark

Type of pact signed by Germany & the USSR 9 days before the start of WWII


In the armed forces, it's what the NC stands for in NCO


Bellini title gal who's high priestess of a Druid temple in Gaul


Despite their name, turkeys originated on this continent

North America

Scotland's longest river, the Tay, flows into this sea, see?

North Sea

In a Jane Austen novel, this medieval abbey sparks Catherine Morland's Gothic fantasies

Northanger Abbey

This title abbey is the home of clergyman Henry Tilney

Northanger Abbey

Immigrants from this country named a South Dakota county Haakon, in honor of King Haakon VII


Vibrissae are the short stiff hairs that line this organ of smell


Among the aims of this group, founded in 1871, are to foster firearms safety & promote good sportsmanship

Nra (National Rifle Association)

This warm-water species of shark shares its name with someone who might be registered or practical

Nurse Shark

Originally meaning "concealed", it now refers to the supernatural


From the Greek for "eight", it's the shape of the sign seen here


In Norse mythology, he was the creator of the universe


The Valkyries were maidens who attended this god


W. Somerset Maugham's tale of a medical student obsessed with the vulgar waitress Mildred

Of Human Bondage

Both Benjamin Harrison & his running mate Whitelaw Reid graduated from Miami of this Midwestern state


It's the principle natural resource of Oman


"Pore Jud is Daid" is a song in this exclamatory 1943 Rodgers & Hammerstein musical


General George Patton's visceral nickname

Old Blood And Guts

A dog mishears a Christmas lyric: "____, the Other Reindeer"


In 1661 the body of this Lord Protector was exhumed, strung up & beheaded

Oliver Cromwell

In 1813 this naval officer supervised the building of American ships to strengthen the Navy's fleet on Lake Erie

Oliver Hazard Perry

This syllable is repeated many times by Hindus while meditating; its written form is a symbol of the religion


A branch of the Sioux Indian tribe


Gerald Ford cut his teeth in this Nebraska city, "The Steak Capital of the World"


When this musical was tried out before moving to Broadway, it was known as "The Princess and the Pea"

Once Upon A Mattress

It's the smallest fractional increment for men's hat sizes


Iroquois nation (6)


Hamlet tells her, "Get thee to a nunnery"


Like a pharmacist, this person who dispenses eyeglasses can't write prescriptions


One variation of this cookie is the Double Stuf, with twice the creme filling of the original


This brand of cookie has been an ingredient of Edy's Cookies 'N Cream since 1983


From the Greek for "correct teeth", it's the dental specialty that's used to give you them


This renowned Brazilian architect designed the President's Palace in Brasilia

Oscar Niemeyer

Akershus Castle, a tourist site in this capital, sits on a rocky peninsula overlooking a fjord


3-word title of the play Abraham Lincoln was watching when he was shot

Our American Cousin

It's where you should "never tell tales"

Out Of School

A type of medical care in which the subject doesn't spend the night in the hospital


A cowboy who rode his employer's range far & wide to spot trouble was one of these


It's often the highest gear in a motor vehicle transmission


In the NFL going into O.T. means playing this


Owen Wilson is an actor; this company makes glass fiber & has the Pink Panther as its symbol

Owens Corning

"The Professor and the Madman" tells how inmate Dr. W.C. Minor sent in thousands of definitions to this dictionary

Oxford English Dictionary

Nitrogen makes up around 78% of the atmosphere; this gas, only about 20%


Easily carried, such as a typewriter or radio


Known as Panormus in ancient times, it's the largest city of Sicily


A board on which a painter mixes colors, or the range of colors he uses


Though called one, the sago isn't a member of this tree family


Add 4 letters to "palm" to get this palm that has Texas & Louisiana types


President Ernesto Perez Balladares


Spanish explorer Rodrigo de Bastidas discovered this isthmus in 1501


The 1902 Spooner Act authorized the purchase of this "zone" from Colombia

Panama Canal Zone

First, I'd replace meat with bamboo on the menu; these 2-toned Chinese beasts could serve the whole venue


One of Saturn's many moons is named for this woman of Greek myth whose name means "all gifts"


One of the 2 countries that border Brazil that do not have a seacoast

Paraguay Or Bolivia

Jill & her boyfriend form these 2 coplanar lines & Jill's dad is relieved they have no point in common

Parallel Lines

This herbicide used on marijuana plants was in the news in the '80s


In 1915 this island off South Carolina was designated a Marine Corps recruit depot

Parris Island

To repeat mindlessly


Lacey Chabert plays Claudia Salinger on this FOX series

Party Of Five

Type of food that comes in shapes of bow ties, elbows & wagon wheels


He's won 6 NBA championship rings: 1 as a player, 1 as an asst. coach & 4 as head coach of the Lakers in the 1980s

Pat Riley

This recent hit film was based on the book "Gesundheit: Good Health is a Laughing Matter"

Patch Adams

This alternate name for the kneecap is from the Latin for "little plate"


In Spanish it's a courtyard; in English, an outdoor deck


At the 2nd meeting of the Virginia Convention on March 23, 1775, he did his "Give me liberty or give me death" bit

Patrick Henry

On May 23, 1775 he said, "Gentlemen may cry peace, peace, but there is no peace"

Patrick Henry

This actress' son Sean Astin found a caveman in his back yard in the 1992 film "Encino Man"

Patty Duke Astin

He sold several paintings to finance his 1891 trip to Tahiti to observe & paint its customs

Paul Gauguin

After his April 1775 ride, he rescued papers from a Lexington tavern belonging to John Hancock

Paul Revere

The title character of this Ibsen play is based on a Norwegian folk hero

Peer Gynt

Bellerophon was crippled when he was thrown from this horse as he was flying to Mount Olympus


(Jimmy of the Clue Crew at Volcanoes National Park in Hawaii) This goddess, the woman who devours the land, is said to reside here in a crater on the Big Island


Most of these flightless birds are found in or near Antarctica, but the jackass species is found off South Africa


Don't feel ripped off if you pay to see these 2 magicians at the Rio in Vegas & only one of them ever speaks

Penn & Teller

Made of copper-plated zinc, they cost the government 80 percent of their worth to produce


The community of Darby in this state claims the USA's oldest free library, founded in 1743


Films like "Big" & "The Preacher's Wife" have put her in a league of her own

Penny Marshall

Margaret Rudkin named this company after her family's farm in Connecticut

Pepperidge Farm

S.J. stood for Sidney Joseph in the name of this New Yorker satirist


In Greek myth this wife of Hades came up every year for a reunion with her mother, Demeter


It's the "Gulf" in the Gulf War of 1991

Persian Gulf

The capital is "foggy" & "crowded"; stick with "charming" Chosica, the "Gateway to the Andes"


Leibniz was a noted philosopher of optimism; Schopenhauer, of this opposite view


The current play-by-play commentator, he's remembered for calling the Olympic hockey games in the '80s

Al Michaels

This actor born Alphonso D'Abruzzo got plenty of "M*A*S*H" notes

Alan Alda

We forget this impassioned man, then remember him again every election year

Alan Keyes

Slightly larger than Maryland, this nation is located on the eastern shore of the Adriatic Sea


Troy & Schenectady are part of this state capital's metropolitan area


2 men travel America with this man's brain in a Tupperware bowl in the true story "Driving Mr. Albert"

Albert Einstein

"Twelve Traditions", positive program, William Wilson's will

Alcoholics Anonymous

After this Russian died, his "Prince Igor" opera was completed by Rimsky-Korsakov & Glazunov

Aleksandr Borodin

A river is named for this man born in Scotland in 1764, the first European known to have crossed Canada

Alexander Mackenzie

There's still time to sign up for 18th century dance lessons at Gadsby's Tavern Museum in this northern Va. city


" 'Charge' was the captain's cry; theirs not to reason why, theirs not to make reply"

Alfred Lord Tennyson ("Charge Of The Light Brigade")

A dynamite inventor: Fabled loner

Alfred Nobel

In 1981 this country acted as go-between to secure the release of the 52 Americans held by Iran


Eloquent pacifist World War I film about German boys in the trenches

All Quiet On The Western Front

Well, we're living here in this "town" that lies on the Lehigh River across from Bethlehem


This van lines company moved Ronald Reagan to Washington & Elvis into Graceland

Allied Van Lines

This Greek letter often denotes the brightest star in a constellation; Centaurus' is the closest to us


It's the technical term for an electric current that regularly reverses direction

Alternating Current

Travelling 171 MPH in a Lockheed Vega, she set a record for women January 15, 1930

Amelia Earhart

Inventor of the traveler's check: AXP

American Express

After the pasha of Tripoli cut this down outside the U.S. consulate, Congress authorized the use of force

American Flag/Flagpole

The first encyclopedia published in the United States was titled "The Encyclopedia" this


It's the last name of father & son novelists Kingsley & Martin


In 2001 you could take aim at the special 500th issue of "Guns &" this


"Judging ____"


She's the First Daughter seen here with First Cat Misty Malarkey Ying-Yang

Amy Carter

Calculating device the Chinese call the "suan pan"

An Abacus

160 square rods equals 1 of this square measure (that one was in the '09 book too)

An Acre

In a crash, sensors trigger an explosion that produces nitrogen gas to inflate this device introduced in the '80s

An Airbag

An EMT rides in one of these vehicles

An Ambulance

Gene Kelly is an expatriate singing & dancing painter in this Oscar winner

An American In Paris

The Bible says a sluggard should consider this industrious insect

An Ant

Any of a group of chemical substances such as doxycycline or streptomycin

An Antibiotic

California vegetable with a crown & a heart

An Artichoke

The most recent of these devices can achieve accuracy to within about 1 second in every 3 million years

An Atomic Clock

If you want to build a new you, create a toned, buff one of these online facsimiles in "Virtual Hills"

An Avatar

It's a universally accepted principle or rule

An Axiom

This diagnostic procedure uses ultrasound to image the heart; a "stress" one is done after some form of exercise

An Echocardiogram

One of these critters is the mascot of the Hartford Insurance Company

An Elk

It can be a short pastoral poem, or a longer epic one like Tennyson's "of the King"

An Idyll

One can be barn or screech

An Owl

The British call this rainy day accessory a gamp, after a character in Dickens' "Martin Chuzzlewit"

An Umbrella

The 1st extensively recorded naval battle was in 480 B.C. at Salamis where this Greek city-state beat the Persians


A big supporter of the heavens, he was the son of the Titan Iapetus


A diplomatic official, or the kind of briefcase he might carry


Prior to being elected Arkansas Governor in 1978, Clinton held this state office

Attorney General

This German car make got its name from the Latin translation of founder August Horch's name


From the Latin for "hear" & the Greek for "loving", it's a CD & stereo equipment buff


This capital city of Maine lies on both sides of the Kennebec River


He was caesar & emperor when Jesus was born


1999: "Get in my belly!" (Second in a series)

Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me

At 7,310 feet, Mount Kosciusko is the highest peak on this continent


Eighty Mile Beach, on the Indian Ocean, is part of this continent's northwest coast


This type of "suggestion" is a form of self-hypnotherapy


Possible disaster that the sign covered here warns of


On the avg., average, your mom may spend 20 minutes a day driving down the ave., this


Grenadans love to eat ice cream made from this main guacamole ingredient


Genius architect Howard Roark

Ayn Rand

At the bottom of the hour, bet you won't miss my chat with this all time "hit king" of baseball...Cincinnati, hello?

Pete Rose

This director saw Cybill Shepherd on the cover of Glamour & decided she'd be perfect for "The Last Picture Show"

Peter Bogdanovich

His "principle" stated that "In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence"

Peter Principle

(What's up, what's up? This is Shawn Stockman from Boyz II Men) An Oscar-winning 1993 Bruce Springsteen song mentions this city where my group first formed


Dying lawyer Andrew Beckett


It's quite logical that this branch of knowledge is from the Greek for "lover of knowledge"


A musical direction meaning to play softly


Jacqueline Roque said of him, "If my husband ever met a woman... who looked like one of his paintings, he would faint"


It's Irish dreamtime for this Steele, Remington Steele

Pierce Brosnan

The prehistoric "man" named for this English place turned out to be part modern corpse & part ape

Piltdown Man

Van Gogh's 1888 this color "Peach Tree"


In a Puccini opera, he marries then abandons Cio-Cio-San


In botany there are 4 flower parts: sepals, petals, stamens & these


Wedges of this 4-letter Middle Eastern pocket bread can be used as a dipper for hummus


Carnegie Mellon University


A half-brother of Richard the Lionheart, Archbishop Geoffrey was a fellow member of this royal house


Taking over from his assassinated father in 2001, Joseph Kabila is the president of this country abbreviated D.R.C.

The Democratic Republic Of The Congo

When it hit the streets in 1831, Michigan Intelligencer was part of its name

The Detroit Free Press

New owner Stu Sternberg vowed to change this MLB nickname by '07; no word whether "Manta" is in the running

The Devil Rays

The reunion solitaire went extinct by 1746, about 65 years later than this flightless relative of Mauritius

The Dodo

Ginger Baker, Karen Carpenter & Buddy Rich

The Drums

An otolaryngologist treats these 3 body parts

The Ear, Nose, & The Throat

This ray was used by ancient Romans to treat gout & headaches (What's Latin for "Clear!"?)

The Electric Ray

This O'Neill play about former Pullman porter Brutus Jones was based on a real event in Haitian history

The Emperor Jones

This tube helps to ensure equal pressure on both sides of the eardrum

The Eustachian Tube

'50s pop duo Phil & Don who also collected classic fairy tales

The Everly Brothers Grimm

A violin body amplifies the sound escaping from the 2 holes usually called these, as they resemble an italicized letter

The F-Holes

(Hi, I'm Jerry Orbach.) I introduced the song "Try To Remember" in this musical that opened in 1960 & is still running

The Fantasticks

1986: Jeff Goldblum

The Fly

This abusive puppet "Arrested Again in Domestic Disturbance Case; Wife Judy Says, 'This Time It's Over!'"


Exclamation point who played Luke Skywalker

Punctuation Mark Hamill

This '70s style included the ubiquitous safety pin in the nose


Lilac, lavender, puce


A cotton swab, or a member of A Tribe Called Quest




(Jimmy of the Clue Crew at the chalkboard) Also the name of a device for measuring the angle of a star, it's the arc highlighted in blue


Wilford Brimley reminds you in commercials that it's 100% rolled oats & nothing else

Quaker Oats

This word, used with "theory" & "mechanics", is from the Latin for "how much"


In 2002 Sue Grafton released "Q is for" this synonym for pit


She was just 25 when she became queen of England 46 years ago

Queen Elizabeth Ii

In 2001 Zambia issued its 4,000-kwacha coin with this 19th C. queen on one side

Queen Victoria

Royal mom of Alice, Alfred, Arthur & 6 others: QV

Queen Victoria

This person ruled England during America's Civil War

Queen Victoria

A synonym for fast, or the name of a Shakespearean tavern mistress


Scorsese played a sponsor of "Twenty-One" in this 1994 movie about a TV scandal

Quiz Show

1951 epic in which the lions take on the Christians in Rome; lions give 'em a real licking

Quo Vadis

Letter reversed in the name of what a giraffe calls "The World's Biggest Toystore"


Muhammad V University, Morocco's largest, is in this capital city


John Galsworthy's 1906 work "The Man of Property" was the first in this series of novels

The Forsyte Saga

Fed by steaming hot springs, the name of this capital means "Bay of Smokes"

Reykjavik, Iceland

She's won 4 "Best Supporting Actress In A Comedy" Emmys as Carla on "Cheers"

Rhea Perlman

The name of this large land creature is from the Greek for "nose-horned"


Your face may get a lift from this music-&-airline mogul's Virgin Cosmetics

Richard Branson

"Breach of Faith"

Richard Nixon

"Salome", this composer's first successful opera, was banned in Boston in 1923

Richard Strauss

French cardinal who said, "Give me 6 lines written by the most honest man, (&) I'll find something in them to hang him"


Ruffles chips have these & so do ocean floors, but they're underwater mountain ranges


In 1885 this Amsterdam art museum moved to its present structure which was designed by P.J.H. Cuypers


When she danced in the 1935 film "Dante's Inferno", she was still using the name Rita Cansino

Rita Hayworth

For his labor of cleaning the Augean Stables, Hercules diverted 1 or 2 of these


The ideal gas law combines Charles's law with the law of this 17th century Anglo-Irish scientist

Robert Boyle

In 1893 George Brown & this man formed a partnership in Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Robert Williamson

This comic who claims Winters as his mentor had Jonathan play his son on TV in 1981

Robin Williams

The Stray Cats revived this kind of rock in 1982


If you like cowboys--& cowgirls--you'll love this Agnes de Mille ballet named for a cowboy event


"Edelweiss" from "The Sound Of Music" was the last song they wrote together

Rodgers & Hammerstein

This X-ray discoverer conducted numerous other researches including on elasticity


This founder of Rhode Island has his own memorial in Providence

Roger Williams

In the Old West, a "prayer book" was a cowboy's pack of these cigarette-making accessories

Rolling Papers

A reduction of arms & independence for Turkey were 2 items in this Jan. 8, 1918 pronouncement

The Fourteen Points

After the American Revolution, Tom Paine and Lafayette both took part in this revolution

The French Revolution

It resulted from the perpetrator's delusion that he was going to be ambassador to France

The Garfield Assassination

By his nickname the late Andre Roussimoff

The Giants

This famous Jean-Francois Millet painting shows 3 women picking up the remains left after a harvest

The Gleaners

Due to its apetite, the wolverine is also known as this, as if it committed one of the 7 Deadly Sins

The Glutton

Francis Drake's flagship the Pelican was renamed this, after passing through the Strait of Magellan

The Golden Hind

If Sam Gamgee looked familiar, you probably saw him in this 1985 film about a pirate treasure map

The Goonies

Philip Roth titled a 1973 book this, the goal of U.S. fiction writers for decades

The Great American Novel

Jimmy Stewart played Buttons, the clown with a mysterious past, in this 1952 De Mille drama

The Greatest Show On Earth

Hippies & survivalists may be "off" this, meaning living so as to not require electricity

The Grid

The California poppy is the state's official flower & this tough critter is the official state animal

The Grizzly Bear

"The brown current ran swiftly out of" this title place, wrote Joseph Conrad

The Heart Of Darkness

No stranger to the finer things in life, Saudi Prince Alwaleed Alsaud traverses the sands in this auto's Phantom


Michael Douglas & Kathleen Turner starred in this film & its sequel, "The Jewel of the Nile"

Romancing The Stone

In 1859 Walachia & Moldavia united under Prince Cuza to form this nation


In this play, Paris is a kinsman to the prince of Verona

Romeo And Juliet

Both a she-wolf & a woodpecker fed & cared for them until they were found by Faustulus

Romulus & Remus

First labor union leader who went on to become U.S. president

Ronald Reagan

He's the only U.S. president whose first, middle & last names each have the same number of letters

Ronald Wilson Reagan

In Marty Robbins' "El Paso", the "music would play and Felina would whirl" in her cantina

Rosa's Cantina

In 1982 Neil Diamond wanted to "turn on" this, "let it shine wherever you go"

The Heartlight

When a constellation "culminates", it has reached this

The Highest Point In The Sky

This redundant line by Gertrude Stein first appeared in the 1913 poem "Sacred Emily"

Rose Is A Rose Is A Rose (Is A Rose.)

4 of this Swedish pop duo's first Top 40 hits reached No. 1, including "It Must Have Been Love"


Before he became the "King of the Cowboys" on film, he formed the Sons of the Pioneers singing group

Roy Rogers

She was married to Al Jolson when she starred in those classic 1930s Busby Berkeley musicals

Ruby Keeler

"Who could hang a name on" this Rolling Stones girl

Ruby Tuesday

In 1893 this German engineer published "The Theory and Construction of a Rational Heat Engine"

Rudolf Diesel

This Italian got 1 of his 1st breaks when he replaced Clifton Webb in a dance actâ€"how chic

Rudolph Valentino

The Molasses Act of 1733 placed high duties on molasses & this potent potable from non-English possessions


(Hello, we're the Dixie Chicks) Our song "Ready to Run" was on the soundtrack of this movie with Richard Gere & Julia Roberts

Runaway Bride

Nepal, Mauritius, Pakistan


Roy Hinkley, the ingenious Professor on "Gilligan's Island" was played on the series by this man

Russell Johnson

Bolshevik Island


Douglass College, the USA's largest women's college, is affiliated with this state university of New Jersey


Of California, governator Arnold...


Chapter 11 of Anna Lee Waldo's historical novel about this woman is titled "Lewis and Clark"


While her name is spelled many different ways in the Lewis & Clark journals, at no time is it spelled with a "J"


You're on the money if you know that explorer William Clark nicknamed this Shoshone woman "Janey"




A vampire takes over the title hamlet in this, King's second novel

Salem's Lot

"The Witch City", "The Witchcraft City"

Salem, Massachusetts

The Wax Museum of Witches And Seafarers opened in this New England city in 1993

Salem, Massachusetts

If you see this word on a door, you've found the exit


Stonehenge stands out on the landscape of this largely treeless 300-square-mile area

Salisbury Plain

She played Gloria Stivic, nee Bunker

Sally Struthers

Narraboth, Herodias, John the Baptist


The siege of the Alamo gave this Texas general time to prepare for the Battle of San Jacinto

Sam Houston

He directed the original production of his own play "Fool for Love" & starred in the film version

Sam Shepard

This actor-playwright played Dolly Parton's husband in "Steel Magnolias"

Sam Shepherd

To play Sportin' Life in "Porgy and Bess", study the performance of this Rat Packer who played him in the 1959 film

Sammy Davis, Jr.

In 2007 this slugger from the Dominican Republic became only the fifth major league player to hit 600 career home runs

Sammy Sosa

The Boston Beer Co. makes a lager named for this brewer, patriot & cousin of a U.S. president

Samuel Adams

Check out the 750-foot-tall Tower of the Americas in this "Alamo City" (you should probably see that, too)

San Antonio

In 1945 representatives from 50 nations met in this U.S. city to draw up the U.N. charter

San Francisco

Wells, Fargo & Company opened in this California city in 1852 to offer miners express & banking services

San Francisco

This Costa Rican capital's international airport is named for 19th century hero Juan Santamaria

San Jose

This Silicon Valley city served as California's first capital from 1849 to 1851

San Jose

A popular incense comes from this word, we hope not after it's been worn on someone's feet


This first woman on the Supreme Court left the court in 2006

Sandra Day O'connor

Hello Kitty is the star character & corporate symbol of this gift store


In 1836, two months after he took the Alamo, this general was routed by Sam Houston at San Jacinto

Santa Anna

In 1976 this founder of the Opera Company of Boston became the first woman to conduct at the Met

Sarah Caldwell

This "sea" that lies between the Azores & the West Indies is named for the brown gulfweed floating in it

Sargasso Sea

This ageless pitcher who played with the Birmingham Black Barons later made it to the majors with Cleveland

Satchel Paige

Since the face wasn't shown, a stand-in stood in for John Travolta in famous opening shot of this film

Saturday Night Fever

From Earth, this planet's 100,000 or so ringlets appear as just 3 broad rings


Dionne Warwick & Aretha Franklin

Say A Little Prayer

Forest Ackerman, who coined this short term for a genre after hearing a radio announcer say "hi fi", died at 92

Sci Fi

In 2006 "A Man's A Man For A' That" lost a vote to "Flower Of" this British land as a possible future national anthem


Lochaber, Wigtown & Inverness


Sir Walter's saucepans

Scott's Pots

Born in Clydebank, political writer James Reston had this nickname, like a "Star Trek" engineer


This 6-headed sea monster who ate sailors lived in a cave opposite the whirlpool Charybdis


Hippocampus is the scientific name of this odd fish with a prehensile tail


John Foster Dulles, Martin Van Buren, George Shultz

Secretary Of State

"The Fusilli Jerry", "The Abstinence"


It's the series that gave us the classic catch phrases "Yada, yada, yada" & "No soup for you!"


In 1965, after being assaulted in this Alabama city, Martin Luther King led a march from there to Montgomery




Emma Thompson & Kate Winslet earned Oscar nominations for playing the Dashwood sisters in this 1995 film

Sense And Sensibility

Different from astronomical autumn, meteorological autumn begins on the first of this month, as did WWII


Mother's Day is in May; Father's Day is in June; and Grandparent's Day is in this month


A bone called the vomer makes up much of this dividing wall in your nose


Saguaro, a park named for giant cacti, is in Arizona & this park named for giant trees is in central California


The cholesterol doctors measure is called this "cholesterol", for the fluid part of whole blood


Til: this type of plant; the seeds are used to make tahini


On this TV show, a Muppet named Oscar the Grouch lives in a garbage can

Sesame Street

James Roosevelt Bayley, a Roman Catholic bishop, founded this private New Jersey university in 1856

Seton Hall

An old tobacco factory made famous by "Carmen" now houses part of the university of this Spanish city


Steven Soderbergh received an Oscar nomination for his first screenplay, for this 1989 film

Sex, Lies, And Videotape

"I get by with a little help from my friends" is a line from this classic Beatles album

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

Kevin co-produced & played a malignant movie executive in the film "Swimming With" these


With their fins a Chinese delicacy, these are in danger in the Galapagos, upsetting the ecological balance


The same note that's sounded as you run your finger along the rim can do this to the glass if sung

Shatter It



This novel begins in Veracruz when a group of travelers embarks on a trip to Europe

Ship Of Fools

The schipperke's name can be translated as "little captain", reflecting its role guarding these


This Oscar winner played the matriarch of the Partridge Family

Shirley Jones

She was a child star, an ambassador & in 1998 a Kennedy Center honoree

Shirley Temple Black

In 2004, for the 40th anniversary of the Fab 4 in the U.S., EMP presents an exhibit titled this, like a 1977 Broadway show


For kitchenware as well as sheets & towels: BBBY

Bed Bath & Beyond

It's the part of a fancy bed on which you may see a finial


Monkey business abounds in this 1951 film in which Reagan co-stars with a chimp

Bedtime For Bonzo

The "Japanese" type of this insect belongs to the scarab family


In 1970, while this country was still a British dependency, Belmopan became its capital


Facial nerve paralysis on one side

Bell's Palsy

It's a cinch you know that to "tighten" this accessory means to economize


His funeral on April 21, 1790 drew 20,000 mourners in Philadelphia, the largest U.S. public gathering to that time

Benjamin Franklin

Paris, Berlin, Brussels


There is a John F. Kennedy prep school in this world capital where JFK made a famous visit in 1963


If you want to rent a car on this British colony in the Atlantic, you'll come up "short"; it's not allowed


Speaking at the Boston College Law School, this Fed head praised J.K. Rowling & quoted John Lennon


The Berliner Ensemble founded by this man in the 1940s finally made its U.S. debut in '99 with a staging of his "Arturo Ui"

Bertolt Brecht

To plead or implore urgently


Kim Carnes: "____ ____ Eyes"

Bette Davis

It's IBM's "colorful" nickname

Big Blue

The name of this ball game comes from the French for "sticks"


Unopened six-packs of this beverage named for Jimmy Carter's brother are now a collector's item

Billy Beer

This title literary character is hanged for the murder of a sadistic master-at-arms named Claggart

Billy Budd

Court-martialed for insubordination, this WWI air-power advocate was later awarded the Medal of Honor

Billy Mitchell

In his "day", the early 1900s, this baseball player turned preacher is estimated to have converted 300,000 people

Billy Sunday

The $6 Million Man could tell you that this word lost the "electro" from its middle


Using this Jergens brand's strips to clean out her pores -- I wouldn't go in right now


14-letter word for cooperation between 2 partners, leading to smoother political sailing


Natural event sometimes used as a verb; there's a form of it in Prissy's famous line in "Gone with the Wind"


From the German biwacht, "Auxiliary Patrol", it's an unsheltered military camp


Predicted as early as 1784, this body is so dense that light can't escape its gravitational pull

Black Hole

Capable of speeds of 12 MPH, this aggressive "black" snake of tropical Africa is the world's fastest

Black Mamba

The following was theme of this 1959 Best Foreign Film:

Black Orpheus

Colorful cooking methods include browning & this one associated with Cajun cooking


This 2007 John Grisham novel puts you in the game; well, puts you in a place to watch it


The only one of South Africa's 3 capitals that fits the category


In "The Merchant of Venice", his daughter Jessica elopes with Bassanio's friend Lorenzo


2-word term for a weapon, like a pistol or sword, worn at the waist

Side Arm

Soundless: LISTEN


German Lotte Reiniger pioneered animation using these dark cutouts on a light background


The stars of a 4-star Army general are this color


This metal is the traditional gift for a 25th anniversary, but a bottle of champagne is a nice alternative


In an 1815 letter: "The bonds that united us to Spain have been severed"

Simon Bolivar

Matthew 14 tells that this disciple also walked on water until he got scared & started to sink like a stone

Simon Peter

Between 1816 & 1830 he was at various times ruler of present-day Venezuela, Peru & Colombia

Simã³N BolãVar

During his 7 voyages, he was sold into slavery, met the cyclops, & got stuck on 2 desert islands


This trigonometric function is the ratio of an angle's opposite side to its hypotenuse


Gene Kelly croons & dances while taking his brother Dustin Hoffman on a road trip

Singin' In The Rain Man

The name of a baron & political reformer was on a 19th century closed carriage & on 20th c. Cadillac car models


This 1954 "decision...will long be stenciled on the mental sheets of succeeding generations"

Brown V. Board Of Education

This actor divorced Demi Moore in 2000; did she ask for the whole 9 yards?

Bruce Willis

Its official language is Malay; Bandar Seri Begawan is its capital; its head of state is a sultan


Take a small drink


Volsung saga hero Sigurd rode through a ring of fire to free this warrior princess from her charmed sleep


This capital's name 1st appeared in a document of Vlad the Impaler, the prototype of Dracula

Bucharest (Romania)

Lamaism is another name for this religion in which the ruler chief monk is the Dalai Lama


The name of this South American city translates to "fair winds"

Buenos Aires

"All My Children" star Sarah Michelle Gellar has a stake in this title TV role based on a Kristy Swanson film

Buffy The Vampire Slayer

The name of this military horn comes from the Latin for "young ox" since the first ones were ox horns


Annette Bening wore the gown seen here in the 1991 film named for this man who built the original Flamingo Hotel

Bugsy Siegel

For 35 years, Todor Zhivkov ruled this eastern Balkan nation that borders the Black Sea


Robert La Follette called it the Progressive party, but it was nicknamed this after Teddy Roosevelt joined

Bull Moose

Landscapers who find themselves stumped may use this tractor with a vertical blade in front


Dinah Shore, Sally Field & Loni Anderson were longtime loves of this hunk from Waycross

Burt Reynolds

Undershaw, the home where he wrote "The Hound of the Baskervilles", is now a hotel in Surrey, England

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

In the 1570s this British circumnavigator attacked many Spanish ships as a pirate in the Caribbean

Sir Francis Drake

In the 1590s this circumnavigator & his kinsman, the sea dog Sir John Hawkins, perished on the same voyage

Sir Francis Drake

At his death in 1727, he left over one million words he had written on alchemy & the occult

Sir Isaac Newton

Bob Newhart imagined asking this man about tobacco: "Oh, between your lips. set fire to it!"

Sir Walter Raleigh

In 1806 this author became clerk to the Court of Session in Edinburgh

Sir Walter Scott

In 1822, when this author organized a royal visit to Edinburgh, he wore a kilt & got George IV to sport one also

Sir Walter Scott

Gylippus famously broke the Athenian siege at this Sicilian port city during the Peloponnesian War


In Chapter 1 of a Theodore Dreiser novel, this naive 18-year-old heroine meets--uh-oh!--a traveling salesman

Sister Carrie

On "Paint It, Black" Brian Jones played this instrument, like George on "Norwegian Wood"


This term for a glass opening in the roof of a house can also refer to what comes through it


Vonnegut's "The Children's Crusade: A Duty Dance with Death"


Spoonerisms are merely tips of the slung

Slips Of The Tongue

This type of bass is a fisherman's favorite


In 2001 their "Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness" CD was certified 9 times platinum

Smashing Pumpkins

Its National Museum of American History has General Washington's field tent


These gastropods are sometimes fed aromatic herbs to give them a special savor


Winding through Idaho, the Salmon River is the largest tributary of this river


Both the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl & the Mayan god Kukulcan were these creatures adorned with feathers


Hunted at night by summer campers, but never found, it's actually a real bird related to the sandpiper


This "Little Giant" is buried at the base of a 96' tall monument on E. 35th St.

Stephen Douglas

In "On Writing" this horror author wrote about his early life in Maine & gave advice to aspiring novelists

Stephen King

He's won numerous Tony Awards for his songwriting & a Pulitzer for "Sunday in the Park with George"

Stephen Sondheim

He was nominated for Best Director twice in the same year, the first so honored since Michael Curtiz for 1938

Steven Soderbergh

Periodic student allowance plus swinging Foucault feat


Greta Garbo


Some of its pieces, which weighed up to 50 tons, were quarried at Marlborough Downs, about 20 miles away


If your neighbor's a lapicide, he's not a killer; he's just a guy who cuts this stuff for a living, maybe from a quarry


This Welsh capital was once the world's greatest coal-exporting port, a veritable "giant"


Sophia Loren was a struggling teenage model when she met this future husband & beauty contest judge

Carlo Ponti

The leaves of a Brazilian palm tree provide this hardest natural wax used in automotive waxes


Dvorak's "New World Symphony" debuted in this venue in 1893: the Beatles played there in 1964

Carnegie Hall

Translated as "little meats", it's shredded pork eaten with salsa or used as a filling for tacos


Her long-running variety show featured supporting actors Tim Conway & Harvey Korman

Carol Burnett

The Royal Shakespeare Theatre is in this town; the theatre overlooks a river


A small reddish blemish of the skin is known as this fruit's mark


An abrasion for scraping a hard surface is also called by the name of this fruit


While governor of South Carolina in 1948, he ran for president as a Dixiecrat

Strom Thurmond

A pompous person is one of these, which sounds like it was made by a tailor moonlighting as a taxidermist

Stuffed Shirt

Alliterative name commonly used of the Yankees-Mets clash in October 2000

Subway Series

When this waterway opened in 1869, it brought Arabia into much closer touch with the outside world

Suez Canal

On November 30, 1979 he won the WBC welterweight title

Sugar Ray Leonard

In '38 Joe Shuster & Jerry Siegel created this guy who could fly but was somehow unrecognizable wearing glasses


These enormous cargo ships can hold over 300,000 tons of oil


This 18th century Swedish botanist was introduced to botany by his father, a minister in the town of Rashult

Carolus Linnaeus

"Just Men" had 7 keys & 1 of these, while "Split Second" had 1 key & 5 of these


Ralph Kiner: "If" this Ol' Perfesser, an ex-Yankee & Met manager, "were alive today, he'd be spinning in his grave"

Casey Stengel

The "C" in the name of department store founder J.C. Penney; how appropriate


It's the "feline utterance", daddy-o!

Cat's Meow

You've gotta love the torque converter on the 988G Log Loader from this giant equipment company


Once a favorite of Russian czars, the Sterlet type of this fish egg delicacy is golden in color


Restriction of expression, often by a government


Dona Bailey co-created this arcade game where a leggy arthropod has to be removed from a mushroom patch


In May 1987 a plane built by this Wichita, Kansas company landed in Red Square


Whales belong to this group of mammals whose name is from the Latin for "large sea animal"


A dipole is a molecule in which this is opposite at the 2 poles


After being attacked on the streets of Rome in 799, Leo III took refuge with this king of the Franks


After creating the US Steel corporation, he went on to head the Bethlehem Steel corporation

Charles Schwab

Good Grief! This comic strip star graced the cover of "Life" magazine on March 17, 1967

Charlie Brown

Getting caught in the wheels of a machine makes him go berserk in 1936's "Modern Times"

Charlie Chaplin

Stuck in the wilderness in "The Gold Rush", he boils his boot for dinner

Charlie Chaplin

One of the 3 vows taken by each man who became a Templar Knight

Chastity, Obedience Or Poverty

Be careful who you talk to in these online "rooms" -- people may not be who they say they are

Chat Rooms

In chess, notation "x" means your piece has been captured & "ch" means you're in this


To threaten the king, in chess


A Frenchman eats 53 pounds of this a year; an American, 31; a Japanese, 4


Born Feb. 27, 1980, this White House resident is among the "Widely Known Americans of the Present"

Chelsea Clinton

Bing can help you with this process whereby you select the best or most desirable items for yourself


The South Side of this city is where the White Sox call home


Mother Nature

Chiffon Margarine

An 80-mile alpaca trek from Bolivia to the Pacific Ocean will take you through this other country


Patricio Guzman chronicled Salvador Allende's overthrow in "The Battle Of" this country


In the 1970s sign language was taught to Koko the gorilla & Washoe, one of these




Probably crude gunpowder-filled tubes tied to arrow shafts, rockets appear to have originated in this country


The band Seven Mary Three got its name from motorcycle cop Jon Baker's call number on this '70s TV series


The original Anita in Broadway's "West Side Story", she later turned into a "Spider Woman"

Chita Rivera

On his 3 15th century voyages to the New World, his ships stopped off at the Canary Islands for supplies


It's the title of Margaret Mead's classic 1928 anthropological study of Samoan youth

Coming Of Age In Samoa

This cabinet department registers trademarks & issues patents


Also a Paine title, this 18th C. theory said come on, sure the world exists, it's not just all in your head

Common Sense

Comsymp, someone pink or even red

Communist Sympathizer

A substance whose molecules contain more than one kind of atom, like water's hydrogen & oxygen atoms


It's to grasp mentally; understand?


The hyphenated economic theory that cutting taxes can actually boost revenue


Among the women to serve in this post are Antonia Novello & Joycelyn Elders

Surgeon General

Mozart wrote over 20 for piano & orchestra, including the "Coronation" one


Pass the grape jelly & name this state capital of New Hampshire


I have to make a "confession": I'm not quite as good a dancer as Lindsay Lohan was in this 2004 film

Confessions Of A Teenage Drama Queen

From Spanish for a region of Africa, they're the percussion instruments heard here

Conga Drums

Brazzaville & Kinshasa


The Malebo Pool, also known as The Stanley Pool, is a shallow lake formed by this river

Congo River

The wife of a reigning monarch is referred to as the Queen this


In 1851 Amelia Bloomer introduced Elizabeth Cady Stanton to this feminist in Seneca Falls

Susan B. Anthony

Born Edith Mariner in Brooklyn, she was nominated for Oscars five times and won for "I Want to Live"

Susan Hayward

For Canada's centennial, Elizabeth II gave Ottawa 6 pairs of these birds, a-swimming on the Rideau River


This country probably isn't neutral about "Schweizer Psalm", its national anthem


Saltwater sweet (5)


Now known as Ismail Samani Peak, the highest peak in this country was once named after Joseph Stalin


Soapstone, used as an electrical insulator, is a greenish-gray variety of this soft mineral


A guy with this last name began distilling London dry gin in 1830


(Sofia of the Clue Crew) Edgar Rice Burroughs bought 550 acres in what's now Tarzana, California, the year after this first "Tarzan" movie came out

Tarzan Of The Apes

New Zealand is bordered by the south Pacific Ocean on the east & by this sea on the west

Tasman Sea

Disclose a secret


On a sailor's chest it might say “Motherâ€; on Cher it's a butterfly


Novelist Janet Caldwell


2009: Her "Fearless"

Taylor Swift

At 19, this country cutie became the youngest singer ever named CMA entertainer of the year

Taylor Swift

Alterations experts for president Zachary

Taylor's Tailors

This "Mary Tyler Moore Show" anchorman was said to be based on 2 L.A. anchors: George Putnam & Jerry Dunphy

Ted Baxter

He played a box of lemon chiffon pie mix in a TV commercial long before playing Sam on "Cheers"

Ted Danson

In 1990 this cable mogul won the Walter Cronkite Award for excellence in journalism & telecommunication

Ted Turner

Jonathan Swift wrote, "I am as old as my tongue, and a little older than" these


The Jack Daniel's distillery is in Lynchburg in this state


With its theme park & mega-hotel, Opryland is one of this state's most popular attractions


Lindsay Davenport said, "It really felt awesome" to win a 1996 Olympic gold medal in this sport


A poem called "The Lady of Shalott"


Montezuma Gold, Pepe Lopez White, Sauza Conmemorativo


Still available today, a shampoo brand that was popular in the '70s is called "Gee, Your Hair Smells" this


This electricity pioneer & coil inventor lived as a virtual recluse & was obsessed with raising pigeons


Edward Gibbon was a captain in the Hampshire Grenadiers before writing this epic of imperial decline

The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire

On May 6, 1937 Herb Morrison described its demise on the radio saying, "It's burning, bursting into flames"

The Hindenburg

Latin America saw right through this 2000 Kevin Bacon thriller, known there as "The Man Without Shadow"

The Hollow Man

In some writings, it was Perceval, not Galahad, who went on a quest for this vessel

The Holy Grail

This 315-mile-long river passes through Troy & Albany before hitting the bright lights of New York City

The Hudson

This scientific endeavor abbreviated HGP had the goal of mapping every gene of Homo sapiens

The Human Genome Project

Here's the scoop: popularized at the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair, it's Missouri's state dessert

The Ice Cream Cone

He died violently around 3,000 B.C. & lay in a glacier until he was found in 1991

The Iceman

Alpaca wool was a major commodity in this empire that peaked in the 1400s

The Inca Empire

Many balls have gotten lost in this, originally planted along Wrigley Field's outfield walls by Bill Veeck in 1937

The Ivy

In Mark 1: Got baptized by (who else?) John the Baptist in this river

The Jordan

This mother & daughter duo plan to reunite for a special New Year's Eve 1999 concert in Phoenix

The Judds

"Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" is one of the tales in this 1890s collection

The Jungle Book

In Arabic this book is literally "The Reading"

The Koran

Scout dog York completed 148 combat patrols in this "police action"

The Korean War

When Barcelona-born Pau Gasol joined this NBA team in 2008, it was called the "Spanish Acquisition"

The Lakers

It was for Virginia Slims, on the "Tonight Show" Jan. 1, 1971

The Last Ad For Cigarettes

A professor's 2007 address at Carnegie Mellon on "really achieving your childhood dreams" inspired millions under this title

The Last Lecture

It can be the text of an oratorio or an opera

The Libretto

You may feel like you're between heaven & hell when you bend over backward to do this under-the-stick dance

The Limbo

The Vermilion border defines these

The Lips

She froze to death on New Year's Eve, but not before seeing visions of a Christmas tree & her grandmother

The Little Match Girl

Appropriately, this Andersen heroine had "eyes as blue as the deepest sea"

The Little Mermaid

Inside the Cabildo in New Orleans, you can visit the room where the documents for this sale were signed in 1803

The Louisiana Purchase

According to lyricist Bob Merrill, "People who need people are" this

The Luckiest People In The World

Hugo van der Goes painted "The Adoration of the Shepherds" & "The Adoration of " this trio

The Magi

This Edward Everett Hale work tells the story of Philip Nolan, condemned to a life at sea

The Man Without A Country

Born at Chateau Chavaniac in 1757, he was later hailed as "the hero of two worlds"

The Marquis De Lafayette

Their 1st 3 Broadway plays were "I'll Say She I

The Marx Brothers

Every spring the Augusta National Golf Course hosts this famous tournament

The Masters

In this 1999 film Keanu Reeves finds himself in a computer-generated world

The Matrix

Shakespearean play featuring Falstaff & some "happy homemakers"

The Merry Wives Of Windsor

"(Hi, I'm Benjamin Salisbury) I appeared in this 1992 film that inspired the creation of a real-life hockey team"

The Mighty Ducks

These teeth have 3-5 cusps and 2 or 3 roots

The Molars

The star-nosed species of this subterranean insectivore has 22 pink appendages on its nose used as feelers

The Mole

This empire's control of China ended when Toghon-Temur fled the invasion of Ming troops in 1368

The Mongol Empire

The site of Las Vegas was first settled by this group in 1855; think what it'd be today if they hadn't left in 1857

The Mormons

The Chapel of the Ascension is on this mount that overlooks Jerusalem's old city

The Mount Of Olives

Let's get a pizza... & a couple of burritos... & some chips... I've got a bad case of these

The Munchies

Marion Paroo, the River City librarian, teaches piano to the town's youngsters in this show

The Music Man

Goya's girl

The Naked Maja

Ella Flagg Young was the first woman president of this organization abbreviated NEA

The National Education Association

Sint-Eustatius, formerly Nieuw Zeeland

The Netherlands

Bernini's Fountain of the Four Rivers represents rivers of 4 continents: the Ganges, the Plata, the Danube & this one

The Nile

Think hard & pick up this honor, worth 114,935 kronor in 1923 & 10 million in 2005

The Nobel Prize

The brand Evan Williams honors "Kentucky's first distiller", who set up on the banks of this river in Louisville in 1783

The Ohio

This international sports competition's motto is "Faster, higher, stronger"

The Olympics

The Greasers face off against the Socs in Oklahoma in this 1967 S.E. Hinton novel

The Outsiders

Oregon, Oregon State

The Pac-10

In 1977 the U.S. signed a treaty to return control of this to its home country in 1999

The Panama Canal

The name of this gland near the stomach literally means "all flesh"

The Pancreas

Around 500 A.D. This Acropolis temple built to honor the wisdom goddess became a Christian church

The Parthenon

Despite the Peace of Nicias in 421 B.C., this war picked up again & continued for another 11 years

The Peloponnesian War

Greek historian & soldier Thucydides' firsthand account "The History of" this peninsular war

The Peloponnesian War

The connective tissue sac enclosing the heart

The Pericardium's "Find a Show" section tells how to get tickets to "Avenue Q" or this masked man musical

The Phantom Of The Opera

A Jewish musician's skilled fingers help keep him alive in WWI Warsaw in this 2002 film

The Pianist

Escoffier was once the chef of this elegant French-named hotel at Fifth Avenue & 61st Street

The Pierre Hotel

Peter Ustinov was originally to play Inspector Clouseau in this 1963 film, but he backed out

The Pink Panther

It flows through Washington, D.C. & on past Mount Vernon

The Potomac

Drew Carey game show that's constitutionally guaranteed by the second amendment

The Price Is Right To Bear Arms

After 11 months in captivity, crew of this ship was released by N. Koreans

The Pueblo

Over 1,000 miles long, this "colorful" river forms most of Oklahoma's southern boarder

The Red River

Meaning "Gate of Tears", the Bab el Mandeb is a 20-mile-wide strait allowing passage from the Gulf of Aden into this sea

The Red Sea

When forces of this empire invaded Britain in 43 A.D., one of the areas they conquered was Hampshire

The Roman Empire

For quick access to outdoor events, the White House press briefing room opens on this floral area

The Rose Garden

The 1st inscription on this 1799 discovery is in hieroglyphics, the 2nd in everyday Egyptian & the 3rd in Greek

The Rosetta Stone

In 1898 Roosevelt resigned as Asst. Secretary of the Navy to help organize this cavalry unit

The Rough Riders

Early 14th century: "I was running 'round hell's circles till I saw your heavenly spheres"

Dante's Inferno (Or Divine Comedy)

In 1992 Slovaks altered this river's course on the border of Slovakia & Hungary to improve navigation


In "Mysterious Stranger: A Book of Magic", this current performer outlines some of his public stunts

David Blaine

A "hole" in Wyoming is named for this 19th century explorer & mountain man

David E. Jackson

Fess Parker & John Wayne have both played this king of the wild frontier

Davy Crockett

In 1930, the William Jennings Bryan University opened in this Tennessee city


Slang for paper currency

Dead Presidents

In 1947 a Bedouin discovered important scrolls in a cave on the shore of this sea

Dead Sea

"Everybody Loves Somebody" & Las Vegas loved this man, dimming the Strip's lights in his honor December 28, 1995

Dean Martin

"People who fight fire with fire usually end up with ashes" is good advice from this "dear" columnist

Dear Abby

1951 Fredric March pic: "'Can I Interest You In A Fuller Brush? Aack! Oh, My heart! Aack! Aack!' (Thud!)"

Death Of A Salesman

Suge Knight & Tupac Shakur's rap music record label

Death Row Records

This head coach shed a few public tears as he led the Rams to a Super Bowl win in 2000

Dick Vermeil

In a 17th century children's tale, the captain of the Unicorn sells this boy's cat to the king of Barbary

Dick Whittington

At age 4 in Guanajuato, Mexico, he was already drawing on the walls

Diego Rivera

The Museum of Broadcasting is transferring masters of all its shows from analog videotape to this type

Digital Tape

The dried leaves of the purple foxglove are used to produce this heart stimulant


"Romeo and Juliet" begins, "Two households, both alike in" this


Expelled from the legal profession, not the pub


Now that he no longer has ___ from his wound, we can ___ the patient from the hospital


"Henry IV, Part I": "The better part of valor is ____"


The greatest margin of victory in a Super Bowl came when this team stomped the Denver Broncos 55-10 in 1990

The San Francisco 49Ers

It was truly a red-letter day when an opera based on this Hawthorne novel premiered in Boston in 1896

The Scarlet Letter

The Rock played the title role in this 2002 action film, a prequel to "The Mummy Returns"

The Scorpion King

His term as president of this began in 1947

The Screen Actors Guild

Ronald Reagan was also president of this union

The Screen Actors Guild

This fish swims upright & uses its prehensile tail to anchor itself to coral or algae

The Seahorse

The Curia was the meeting place of this most powerful political body in the Republic

The Senate

[Hi, I'm Melody Scott Thomas from “The Young and the Restless.†The answer is:] In 1976 I appeared in John Wayne's final film, this western in which he played a dying gunslinger

The Shootist

Nostalgic name for the movies or the motion picture industry

The Silver Screen

I think I could do a better job of milking a cow than Nicole Richie & Paris Hilton did on this reality series in 2003

The Simple Life

From 1914 to 1923 H.L. Mencken co-edited this satiric monthly with George Jean Nathan

The Smart Set

Angela Cartwright of "The Danny Thomas Show" & "Lost In Space" played Brigitta Von Trapp in this film

The Sound Of Music

It's surrounded by the Philippines, Borneo & Taiwan

The South China Sea

Dr. Jerri Nielsen gives her account of discovering that she had breast cancer while "ice bound" here

The South Pole

The largest farms, some over 60,000 acres, are the state farms in this country

The Soviet Union

In 1936 Orwell headed south to fight in & write about this war; he got shot in the throat & wrote a book

The Spanish Civil War

"Fast" partner of the Mayflower that proved to be misnamed when it had to be abandoned in 1620

The Speedwell

Before you turn in a paper, you should check this, la ortografia

The Spelling

De"faced" by sand & invading armies, it crouches near the Great Pyramids

The Sphinx

With room for 700, this traveled 1 mile at a height of 70 feet on its only flight in 1947

The Spruce Goose

"Nobody Does It Better" (1977)

The Spy Who Loved Me

This river flows 800 miles between the U.S. & Canada

The St. Lawrence

1978: "The Sit"

The Stand

Of this, the Constitution says the pres. "shall from time to time give to... Congress Information on the State of the Union"

The State Of The Union Address

This strait runs through the Pillars of Hercules

The Strait Of Gibraltar

Proxima Centauri is the second-closest star to the Earth; this is the closest

The Sun

In 1965 Arthur Goldberg left this body to become the U.S. ambassador to the U,N.

The Supreme Court

Bennelong Point, the site of this opera house, was home to several Aboriginal clans when Europeans arrived

The Sydney Opera House

UNESCO calls this, a world heritage site since 1983, "The jewel of Muslim art in India"

The Taj Mahal

This large carnivorous marsupial was declared endangered in 2008

The Tasmanian Devil

Salvador Dali is among those who've portrayed this "of St. Anthony"

The Temptation

This British River rises in the Cotswold Hills of Gloucester

The Thames

This famous statue from 1880 is of a naked man with his arm on his knee & his chin resting on his hand

The Thinker

A psychiatrist treats a woman with multiple personalities in this 1957 film

The Three Faces Of Eve

Costing about $1 billion & stretching from St. Johns to Victoria, it opened in 1962

The Trans-Canada Highway

1948: Prospector Fred C. Dobbs really digs Mexico while facing bandits & greed

The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre

"Go for Barocco" is a take-off of Balanchine by this hairy, all-male ballet troupe

The Trockadero De Monte Carlo

Reg Presley not only sang lead on this group's hit "Wild Thing", he played the ocarina as well

The Troggs

Most weather occurs in this lowest level of the atmosphere, which extends to an altitude of 6 to 10 miles

The Troposphere

Shirley MacLaine made her film debut in this 1955 Hitchcock film that may have inspired "Weekend At Bernie's"

The Trouble With Harry

A microwave detector put the precise age of this at 13.7 billion years (give or take 1%)

The Universe

The only ACC withdrawal came in 1971 when this university's Gamecocks resigned

The University Of South Carolina

In 2005 the Princeton Review rated this Big 10 member in Madison the No. 1 party school

The University Of Wisconsin

1987: Sean helps Eliot Ness bag Capone

The Untouchables

The turkey type of this bird has an exceptional sense of smell for detecting carrion on the ground

The Vulture

Irish-born architect James Hoban designed this Washington, D.C. building; he had to rebuild it after an 1814 fire

The White House

Some attribute this nickname of the city to its proud, boasting citizens, not its breeziness

The Windy City

(dialogue from a Three Stooges movie): "I've come to help you. We'll, it's about time somebody did! The Witch Doctor is a bad man. You can say that again!"

The Witch Doctor Is A Bad Man.

Appropriately, Jack played 'your average horny little devil" in this bewitching 1987 film

The Witches Of Eastwick

The Horse of a Different Color in this film was actually 6 different horses colored with Jell-O powder

The Wizard Of Oz

Fewer than 10% of back problems are from slippage of these pads that cushion vertebrae


Dawn Special Care is a type of this that's good for hands

Dishwashing Liquid

Excitement reigned when Adventureland & Tomorrowland vied for the MLB crown

Disney World Series

Students can do this, from Latin for "to cut apart", to virtual frogs on David Robertson's website


A 1761 work by the great anatomist Morgagni has records of 640 of these procedures


This Russian chemist used his periodic law to predict the properties of 3 then unknown elements

Dmitri Mendeleyev

Known scientifically as Raphus cucullatus, the last of these flightless birds died around 1680


Check out the "bark" of this tree of the genus Cornus


Change 1 letter in the name of Blondie's husband to get this flowering tree seen here:

Dogwood (From Dagwood)

In his first film, Ace Ventura, Pet Detective, searches for one of these marine mammals


He invented champagne by devising the corking system necessary to make it

Dom Perignon

Iman is a model; this I-Man is this radio personality

Don Imus

Only in America! This fight promoter said, "I always feel sorry for people who are raided by the FBI"

Don King

Elton John saw the light of the Top 5 with this song twice, in 1974 & 1992

Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me

The civil branch of this occupation is concerned with the building & maintenance of public structures


Rupert Brooke wrote, "There some corner of a foreign field that is for ever" this country


"Burn the British" is diner slang for a toasted one of these bread items

English Muffin

The Sorting Hat placed Harry Potter in this House at Hogwarts


Since 1994 designer Tom Ford has been creative director of this company symbolized by interlocked Gs


A deep ravine, or the last name of a witchy neighbor in "The Wizard Of Oz"


A pregnant woman may be more susceptible to gingivitis because hormones soften these


If you're eager, enthusiastic, rarin' & read to go, you're this, from the Chinese meaning "work together"


Sartre's "L' Idiot de la Famille" was a large-scale study of this "Madame Bovary" author

Gustave Flaubert

In 1960 Paul Hornung set the NFL season record for scoring with 176 points: he had 15 TFDs, 41 PATs & 15 of these

Field Goals (Fgs)

One of Francis Ford Coppola's early films was this musical about a leprechaun & a stolen pot of gold

Finian's Rainbow

Writers from Norway, Sweden & Denmark had already won; in 1939 it was the turn of someone from this country


The larvae & wingless females of these beetle species are called glowworms


It's another name for a hydrant; a stocky person is said to be built like one


William F. Buckley was its host from 1966 to 1999

Firing Line

Cranky cop Abe Vigoda


From the Old French for "flame", it's a large ornamental candlestick


Georges reels--which official Belgian region to visit? Wallonia, or this northern one whose people are called Flemings


Dad wears that dorky clock on a chain because he was into this Public Enemy before he became a VH1 reality star

Flavor Flav

In 1930 Harriet Fry was one of the original 8 "Sky Girls": today it's this 2-word job

Flight Attendant

In this event performed on a mat 40' square, men's routines must be 50-70 seconds long, women's 70-90

Floor Exercise

In 1995 Mel Fisher recovered silver & gold from a Spanish galleon sunk off the coast of this state in 1622


Steve Miller had a No. 2 hit with this 1977 song

Fly Like An Eagle

Claire Chennault's volunteer aviators who fought in China & Burma in World War II

Flying Tigers

When giving your pennies to UNICEF on Halloween, hold one back for this "guy" 5 days later (if you're British...)

Guy Fawkes

Following "tom" or on its own, it mean plain old silliness


Paul wrote to the Corinthians, "Let no man think me" one of these; "for ye" suffer these "gladly"


One of the oldest manufacturers of this type of table game is a Swiss company called Kicker


This piece of equipment was first worn by a future admiral playing in the 1893 Army-Navy Game

Football Helmet

That folder of top-secret info must be stamped FYEO, short for this

For Your Eyes Only

Introduced in 1990, it's the bestselling SUV of the decade

Ford Explorer

This "Parade's End" author wrote 3 novels about Catherine Howard, the fifth wife of Henry VIII

Ford Madox Ford

Of port, starboard, fore or aft, the one usually yelled by a golfer


He's the Winston Groom title character who had an IQ near 70

Forrest Gump

"F" is for this character in "Hamlet"; his father, the king of Norway, was killed by Hamlet's dad


Jackie Robinson, Ronnie Lott


His 1885 work "King Solomon's Mines" was suggested by the ruins at Zimbabwe

H. Rider Haggard

Lady Grove is an estate purchased by Uncle Edward in this "timely" British author's 1909 novel "Tono-Bungay"

H.G. Wells

"Bachelors know more about women", quipped this Baltimore sage, "If they didn't, they'd be married"

H.L. Mencken

Trevor McKinney, Cole Sear, Forrest Gump, Jr.

Haley Joel Osment

For this 1948 film Laurence Olivier dyed his brown hair blond to look more Danish


T.S. Eliot knocked this Shakespearean tragedy with King Claudius, saying it was "certainly an artistic failure"


They're the muscles that flex the knee; pigs probably don't injure theirs as often as humans do


Handel bequeathed the "Messiah" manuscript to a hospital for these children, like Tom Jones


Oscar Wilde called this sport seen here "The unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable"

Fox Hunting

In October 1995 a coup attempt on the Comoros was put down by this country that once ruled the islands


Sedan, Crecy


He's the European dictator seen here in 1936

Francisco Franco

In a 1939 decree in Spain, he was proclaimed "Supreme Chief, responsible only before God and history"


In 1517, this French king & patron of Da Vinci orig. bought the “Mona Lisa†to hang in his bathroom

Francois I

Comic Pat Henry (ne Scarnato) was this singer's longtime opening act & died in Las Vegas 1 day after a gig with him

Frank Sinatra

"I beheld the wretch--the miserable monster whom I had created" is a line in this classic


In 1932 this New Deal Democrat went from the New York governor's mansion to the White House

Franklin D. Roosevelt

The film seen here is a romanticized biography of this Romantic man

Frederic Chopin

"The Noose of Laurels" concludes that neither of these rivals reached the North Pole

Frederic Cook & Robert Peary

The song "God Bless The U.S.A." says, "I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm" this


After buying flour, store it here for at least a week to destroy any infestations


A 1981 movie-within-a-movie: "The ___ Lieutenant's Woman"


In Gabon: this


Thomas Midgley, who put lead into gasoline, introduced this now banned refrigerant in 1930


Some guitarists "worry" about these ridges on their fingerboards




Leaf-cutter ants cut leaves to use in underground gardens, where they grow these chlorophyll-lacking organisms


These islands made famous by Darwin became a part of Ecuador in the 19th century


Joseph's current whereabouts are unknown; he went "out of the city of Nazareth", "up from" this region


Charles Darwin, Galileo, Max Planck


According to Francis Scott Key, it's how the Stars & Stripes were streaming


Named for their large storage tray, these proofs with a nautical name are checked before pages are made up


In 2006 this vaccine that protects against HPV, a cause for cervical cancer, was approved for females 9 to 26


In November 1881 Charles Guiteau went on trial for the assassination of this man


In April 1996 this "Doonesbury" creator joined Time magazine as a regular contributor

Garry Trudeau

This man's aria "Ombra Mai Fu" from "Xerxes" is not as famous as his "Hallelujah Chorus"


This "Home Run King" played in his 3,298th & last game for the Milwaukee Brewers in 1976

Hank Aaron

One of the few victories the Romans ever won against this Carthaginian general was at Zuma in 202 B.C.


In the 1830s he wrote, "'But he has nothing on at all,' said a little child at last"

Hans Christian Andersen

If you've got the vapors & they're purple, they're from this element, symbol I


From Baghdad, Iraq


The easternmost point of Jordan borders this troubled country


"In Erin's cause, come woe or weal, 'mid cannons' roar and rifles peal, we'll chant a soldier's song"


The Sam McGuire Football Cup is awarded to a league champion in this island country


Sparta provided Greece's toughest men & its most gorgeous woman, this one who later lived elsewhere

Helen Of Troy

Copernicus' belief that the Earth revolves around the Sun is known as a this-centric view of the cosmos


...Aesop, who gave us the moral "the gods help them that" do this

Help Themselves

Blacksmiths were the original opportunists who "struck while" this was hot


Torture me with this metal band that gave us the album "The Number of the Beast"

Iron Maiden

He said his "Alexander's Ragtime Band" was a song about ragtime, not a ragtime song

Irving Berlin

Babylonian babe: HI STAR


Middle Eastern prime minister Ehud Barak


Sadly, this country's first astronaut, Ilan Ramon, died aboard the space shuttle Columbia in 2003


This constellation is also called The Twins


It's the branch of biology dealing with heredity


Edison defined this as "one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration"


Buck Henry's mother, Ruth Taylor, played Lorelei Lee in the 1928 silent film of this Anita Loos play

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

As a music critic, this playwright signed his essays first as "Corno di Bassetto", then as "G.B.S."

George Bernard Shaw

Before he played God, he ended shows with "Say good night, Gracie"

George Burns

"If a bouncer gets drunk, who throws him out?" he wrote in his book "Brain Droppings"

George Carlin

"An American Rhapsody" is a biography of this American composer

George Gershwin

"I'm President of the United States, and I'm not going to eat any more broccoli!"

George H.W. Bush

At the beginning of "A Tale of Two Cities", these 2 kings sit on the thrones of England & France

George Iii & Louis Xvi

This author of Virginia's Declaration of Rights bulit a mansion at his Gunston Hall Plantation

George Mason


George Michael

You'll find "Hate Week" mentioned in his novel "1984"

George Orwell

1st president to refuse a 3rd term

George Washington

In 1755, at age 23, he was appointed Commander-In-Chief of all the Virginia forces

George Washington

On Dec. 1, 1776 this commander in chief found himself leading an army of only about 3,000 men

George Washington

In 1874 Patrick Francis Healy, a Jesuit theologian, became the first black president of this D.C. university


Bordering Chechnya, the Pankisi Gorge is a strategic region in this nation that shares its name with a U.S. state


James Thurber was born in Columbus, Ohio; Carson McCullers' birthplace is Columbus in this state


In 1975 Dick Cheney became this president's Chief of Staff

Gerald Ford


Gerald R. Ford

In 1578 this Flemish cartographer engraved a new set of maps for Ptolemy's "Geography"

Gerardus Mercator

In "The Female Eunuch", this Aussie feminist declared, "Women have very little idea of how much men hate them"

Germaine Greer

The April 13, 1965 premier of "Onegin" helped put this country's Stuttgart Ballet on the world stage


The Pacemakers


The most famous line from this author's "Sacred Emily" is "Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose"

Gertrude Stein

German word appropriate after the following situation [Alex sneezing]


1984: "Gremlins", "The Karate Kid", "Ghostbusters"


"Museita's Waltz" is a highlight of this composer's 1896 opera "La boheme"

Giacomo Puccini

1971: 25 new pence depicting a barbary ape


Franco wanted a piece of the rock when he demanded the return of this U.K. territory to Spain in the '60s


"Jeopardy!" announcer Johnny & '60s TV variety show host Ed

Gilbert & Sullivan

Look! Up in the sky! It's a helicopter! No, it's this slang term for helicopter


"Cretaceous" & "lactescent" are fancy ways of describing this color


If a weasel pops by for lunch in the cold winter, you'll notice its coat is this color


Lymph fluid contains these protective blood cells

White Blood Cells

At age 19 this "Leaves of Grass" author became editor of The Long Islander, a weekly newspaper


The Society of Friends founded this California city in 1887 & named it after an American poet


It's the only one of the 5 W's in journalism that fits the category


Because John J. Raskob of GM wanted to outdo Walter Chrysler in skyscraper building

Why Was The Empire State Building Built To The Height It Was Built?

For most of 1871, he was Marshal of Abilene, Kansas, one of the wildest towns in the Wild West

Wild Bill Hickok

This Penn. city was named for 2 members of the British parliament who were sympathetic to the American Colonies


Oxford, Miss. created a furor when it cut down a magnolia tree to erect a statue of this hometown author

William Faulkner

Sherwood Anderson helped this Mississippi author publish his first novel, "Soldiers' Pay"

William Faulkner

The first man to receive a million votes for president in one election, he didn't get to enjoy the victory for long

William Henry Harrison

He became wealthy by selling engravings of his works such as "A Rake's Progress"

William Hogarth

One reason he is not buried in Westminster Abbey is his epitaph, which concludes, "Curst be he that moves my bones"

William Shakespeare (He's Buried At Stratford)

He advocated a "Search & Destroy" policy as commander of U.S. forces in Vietnam from 1964 to 1968

William Westmoreland

This center fielder tore up the minors in Trenton, but let's see what he does for the Giants

Willie Mays

"The Shoe"

Willie Shoemaker

In the early '70s East German spy Gunter Guillaume infiltrated the office of this West German chancellor

Willy Brandt

Of presidential surnames


In 1961-62 this ex-Globetrotter averaged (averaged!) 50.4 points per game

Wilt Chamberlain

Rather than by birds or bees, coniferous trees are dependent on this for pollination


The ghost of the first Duke of Buckingham has been seen at this royal residence, burial place of Henry VIII

Windsor Castle

Led by Paul McCartney, this group took flight on hits like "My Love" & "Silly Love Songs"


This ex-British PM announced in 1963 he wouldn't run again for Parliament, to which he was first elected in 1900

Winston Churchill

Often removed, this foursome developed when the human diet consisted of unprocessed & raw food

Wisdom Teeth

Hamamelis virginiana gets this common name from the use of its branches to find water, my pretty


The commandments forbid bearing "false" this against your neighbor


The uniquely dressed Herb Tarlek hung out with Les Nessman & Dr. Johnny fever at this title radio station (on TV)

Wkrp In Cincinnati

A head-banger: cowpoke red


Combine the last name of writer Virginia & the strong safety who rushes the QB to get this newsman (5, 7)

Woolf Blitzer

Kevin Spacey played a sleazy businessman in this Melanie Griffith film about an ambitious secretary

Working Girl

Franz Kafka's day job was as a bureaucrat administering this type of compensation, like for accidents

Workmen's Compensation

"Laborious" 4-word phrase for something that really gets the job done

Works Like A Charm

No holds barred


In 1847 Anne Bronte's "Agnes Grey" & this Emily Bronte book were published at the same time

Wuthering Heights

Last name of "Treasure Island" illustrator N.C., the father & teacher of painter Andrew


This maker of photocopiers was founded in 1906 as The Haloid Company


You might make a "conference" call to this Crimean resort city


"You" is both singular and plural but in days of yore there was this specific second-person singular form

Ye (Or Thou Or Thee)

On May 8, 1899 the Irish Literary Theatre opened with his play "The Countess Cathleen"


In October 2000 a bomb damaged the U.S.S. Cole in this Mideastern country


Body part terms schnozzle & tuchis come from the body of words in this language


"In the Name of Sorrow and Hope" is about this late Israeli PM by his granddaughter Noa Ben Artzi-Pelossof

Yitzhak Rabin

Ed Lover & Fab 5 Freddy were among the hosts of this MTV show that helped bring rap to suburbia

Yo! Mtv Raps

The national day for this toy is celebrated on Donald Duncan's birthday


To sing in the manner of cowboys or Swiss mountaineers


wannabe_crazy_ bombardier_captain@


Stevie Wonder: "Sie Sind Der Sonnenschein Meines Lebens"

You Are The Sunshine Of My Life

It's what Dr. Jekyll's asst. said to him after his formula turned him into a sprinter & not his old evil self

You Can Run, But You Can't Hyde

"But if you try sometimes you might find you get what you need"

You Can't Always Get What You Want

1940's "The Shop Around the Corner" was the basis for this 1998 Meg Ryan-Tom Hanks romantic comedy

You've Got Mail

1 of 2 current CBS daytime soaps: "The ____ and the ____"

Young & Restless (Or Bold & Beautiful)

In 1961 scared villagers thought he was a downed U2 pilot until he removed his helmet & spoke Russian to them

Yuri Gagarin

The former Joseph D. Mobutu, now Mobutu Sese Seko, is president of this large country


Pirsig: "_____ and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance"


During the war, these German airships named for a count bombed London frequently


Castor & Pollux are the twin sons of this god


He's the god hitting the hay here: "Going up to the bed he slept and Hera of the gold throne beside him"


South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia


The World Almanac's list of inventions runs from Pascal's adding machine to this fastener by Judson


This Sarajevo teen's "Diary" was a 1994 bestseller

Zlata Filipovic

Collective name for the 12 constellations that form the backdrop to the sun's apparent path


1940's style with tight cuffed trousers. wide lapels & heavily padded shoulders

Zoot Suit

Ahura Mazda is not a model of car, but the 1 true god of this religion


From middle Persian for "basic text", the Avesta is the main scripture of this ancient religion


He's Philip Roth's novelist alter ego in books like him "Unbound"


You might have to window shop in this Swiss city's elegant Bahnhofstrasse: prices are lethal there


His first wife was a physicist named Mileva Maric; after WWI he married his cousin Elsa

[Albert] Einstein

He hit his last, massively long home run off off pitcher Guy Bush in May 1935

[Babe] Ruth

One of the first films of this '20s superstar cowboy was "Custer's Last Stand" in 1909

Tom Mix

This author proclaimed the amoeba the official mascot of his novel "Even Cowgirls Get the Blues"

Tom Robbins

This former Dodger manager threw out the first pitch in the Dodgers' 1997 opening game

Tommy Lasorda

Breakfast cereal spokescat who's a Gr-r-reat! golfer

Tony The Tiger Woods

It's "An Irish Lullaby" me mother sang to me in Killarney


French for "feat of strength", this ballet term now refers to a display of technical skill by any artist

Tour De Force

J.L. Petit made the first screw type of this device to control bleeding in 1718; in 1997 a woman used dental floss


Tercel, Celica, Paseo


Landseer's Lions are at the base of Nelson's column in this square

Trafalgar Square

Several times a day, a pirate ship battles a British frigate in front of this "novel" Las Vegas hotel

Treasure Island


Treat It

Mathematician Heron took flight with his formula for the area of this shape, once studied by Pythagoreans


The name of this North African city means "three cities" & refers to the ancient cities of Oea, Sabrata & Leptis Major


This Shakespeare play begins, "In Troy, there lies the scene..."

Troilus And Cressida

Called the Russian Revolution's most brilliant thinker, he lost a power struggle with Stalin & was killed in Mexico


The Dominican Republic 1930-1961


He railed against the “do-nothing 80th congress†during his whistle-stop campaign


I'll announce your arrival at the joust, my liege, with a coiled one of the instruments heard here:


Dies Martis is the Latin name for this day of the week


In his biggest hit, Tiny Tim wanted you to "Tip-Toe Thru"' these


Habib Bourguiba led this nation's fight for independence from France & served as its president from 1957 to 1987


These containers named for a guy called Earl are crammed up; careful taking one out!


Members of Coronado's expedition were amazed at these native fowl "With Great Hanging Chins"


Ted, Tina, Lana


Some flolks munch on these shelled reptiles at the Cayman Islands farm where they're hatched


This company's Any'tizers include buffalo style hot wings & mini chicken bites


Jackie, born in Georgia, grew up around L.A. & starred in 4 sports at this university


Although he made no campaign speeches, he was elected president in 1868 by a wide electoral margin

Ulysses S. Grant

2003 & 2004: The bride who's trying to kill Bill

Uma Thurman

A Texas rice grower known for his high-quality crops inspired this rice brand

Uncle Ben's

George Shelby arrives too late to save this title character from bad, bad Simon Legree

Uncle Tom

This major Hindu god known for his avatars has a lucky curl of hair, called the Srivatsa, on his chest


Indonesia's Mount Marapi, whose name means "fire mountain", is one of these


Now coexisting with the Roman Catholic Church there, it's the chief religion of many of the people in Haiti


The only 2 letters with which a current independent country name in English does not begin

W And X

South of Terre Haute, this river forms the boundary between Indiana & Illinois


Be a prince & grant independence to Cymru, the native name for this UK division


The first drug-store in this chain began operating out of a Chicago hotel in 1901; in 2009 the 7,000th store opened


Tell a patient using this metal frame to advance it at intervals of around 6 inches -- & don't forget the tennis balls


Charlie Sheen hears "Greed... is good" in this film, which came out just after the 1987 stock market crash

Wall Street

In 1937 she received the title Duchess of Windsor as a wedding present

Wallis Simpson

Hollywood empire builder who "Labored like a mountain and brought forth a mouse"

Walt Disney

Arnold Zenker replaced this trusted CBS newsman during a 13-day union strike in 1967

Walter Cronkite

Jean Kerr, who wrote the play "Mary, Mary", is the wife of this Pulitzer Prize-winning drama critic

Walter Kerr

The name of this dance in 3/4 time is from the German for "to revolve"


The name of this currency made out of shells comes from the Algonquin for "white"


This 1938 Orson Welles broadcast scared millions into thinking that a Martian invasion was happening

War Of The Worlds

This U.S. president was the first president for whom all women were eligible to vote

Warren G. Harding



You should do this after handling a diseased plant to avoid spreading infection

Wash Your Hands

In the theme song for "George of the Jungle", George is warned to do this

Watch Out For That Tree

This "Great One" won the National Hockey League scoring title in 10 of his 20 years in the league

Wayne Gretzky

California's Xavier Becerra became the first Latino to serve on this committee that oversees Social Security

Ways And Means

It can mean to withstand something (a storm, for instance) as well as to erode under it


The word blog evolved as a shortened form of this

Web Log

Belonging to Peter Pan's Ms. Darling


His uncertainty principle says a particle's position & momentum can't be known simultaneously

Werner Heisenberg

Rapper Kanye & "Miss Lonelyhearts" writer Nathanael


Whistler was a cadet at this service academy but was dismissed because of his poor academic record

West Point

35th state that longs for "A Room of One's Own"

West Virginia Woolf

Created from money left by John Lowell, the Lowell Institute founded this Boston PBS station


Blue, Sperm, Right


The Nootka were expert at this activity of which New Bedford became the world's center


A popular game show shares its name with this tarot card

Wheel Of Fortune

In many cities "Jeopardy!" leads into this sister show

Wheel Of Fortune

In this 1989 film Meg played Sally Albright

When Harry Met Sally...

A bad gardener's hold music could be this song

Where Have All The Flowers Gone?

He said he would not believe in Jesus' resurrection until he saw the nail wounds in his hands

("Doubting") Thomas

1 of 4 Latin American countries in the Contadora group

(1 Of) Colombia, Mexico, Panama, & Venezuela

Number of U.S. presidents removed from office by impeachment


Tell me what I long to hear: 315 minus 213


Ratified in 1870, it bans denying voting rights based on race, color or previous condition of servitude

15Th Amendment

Number of teeth typically found in the fully developed adult upper jaw


You live in a 5-story building where there are 3 apts. on each odd floor & 4 on each even floor; this is the total number


Jefferson Davis was elected to a 6-year term as President of the CSA early in this year


Of 106, 206 or 306, the number of bones an average adult has


The vernal equinox can occur on either of these 2 March days

20Th Or 21St

Appropriate 2-digit nickname bestowed on the president's dad


1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ____


In MLB, the number of bases (including home plate) times the number of innings in a standard game

36 (4 X 9)

John Cleese guest-starred as a wacky professor who was John Lithgow's rival on this show

3Rd Rock From The Sun

Quick! butterflies have this many wings


Including 3 from the District of Columbia, the Electoral College consists of this many electors


Number of the Constitutional amendment that states you can't be forced to be a witness against yourself


The Babylonians developed a sexagesimal math system, one based on this number


Luke 8:2 talks of Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went this many devils


If candy bars are 40 cents each & you have $3.00, this is the maximum number you could buy

7 (.40 X 7 = $2.80)

"Jenny, I've got your number, I need to make you mine, Jenny don't change your number" ...this one


Article 7 of the U.S. Constitution requires that this many of the 13 states ratify it to put it into effect

9 States

Chapstick is a lip type of this, a product of the biblical Gilead

A Balm

Kabuki introduced the revolving stage to the world in the 1770s; it was inspired by this children's toy

A (Spinning) Top

Comrade, enjoy this 3-stringed Russian instrument with a triangular body & a thin neck

A Balalaika

Feel no pain as you spell...


In breathing it's the gas you expel to the atmosphere

Carbon Dioxide

Kurt Russell, who later played Elvis, was in the 1963 Elvis film "It Happened" here

At The World's Fair

According to Genesis 4, he was the middle child


The official end of the practice of slavery


At the time of his assassination on April 14, 1865, he had a Confederate $5 bill in his pocket among other items

Abraham Lincoln

Tom Hanks' family tree includes Nancy Hanks, the mother of this president

Abraham Lincoln

In 1915 the French outlawed this wormwood-flavored liqueur 1st made commercially by Pernod in 1797


Kurt Vonnegut drew a self-portrait for this Swedish vodka's ubiquitous campaign


Christopher Walken played this famous "heel" in "Troilus and Cressida" in 1973


Regular Coke contains the phosphoric type; Diet Coke has citric, too


Founded in 1920, this organization has been involved with the Scopes trial & Brown v. Board of Education

Aclu (American Civil Liberties Union)

When Durer painted this pair in 1507, he had them hold tree branches whose leaves blocked out certain parts

Adam & Eve

The March 2001 issue included these, a first in the magazine's history


Krylon's "Short Cuts" paint comes in 3 forms: pen, brush-on & this type that's under pressure


Since its former rulers were defeated, it's been known as a "transitional Islamic state"


Sierra Leone, Senegal


In 1930 the Motorola radio became a popular automobile add-on kit as this type of product

After-Market Product

Term for an earthquake that follows a larger one, originating at or near the same focus


In "The Mysterious Affair at Styles" she wrote, "Every murderer is probably somebody's old friend"

Agatha Christie

The device called a DAC is a "digital-to-" this "converter"


Between 1894 & 1901 adherents of this political theory killed the heads of state of France, Spain, Italy & the U.S.


It's the largest city in its state; when it was incorporated in 1914 it dropped the "knik" from its name

Anchorage, Alaska

Peru's highest peaks, Huascaran & Yerupaja, lie in this range


The anthem of this country between France & Spain begins, "The great Charlemagne, my father"


At 7' 4" this wrestler whose last name was Roussimoff brought many an opponent to his knees

Andre The Giant

He continued to support the political career of protege James "Young Hickory" Polk

Andrew Jackson

This "heavenly" herb, whose name reminds us of Ms. Huston, is candied before it decorates desserts


Adolphus sold brewing supplies & Eberhard was his best customer; their last names became this beer company's name


1978: "It was the Deltas against the rules... the rules lost!"

Animal House

She mentions her sister Margot's diary in her own diary, but Margot's was never found

Anne Frank

A train wreck in 1901 left this markswoman partially paralyzed for a time

Annie Oakley

She won a Pulitzer for "The Shipping News" & also wrote the short story "Brokeback Mountain"

Annie Proulx

An Italian businessman with this first name is "The Merchant of Venice"


Anchises bragged about romancing this Greek love goddess, so Zeus struck him with lightning


Artemis is his twin sister


In the Persian dish Dolmeh Sib, this fruit is stuffed with a mix of peas, onions & meat -- a little too much to give to a teacher


It's part of a circle, or a big Biblical boat


The Patagonian Desert lies west of Buenos Aires in this country


On February 6 this Likud Party leader was elected prime minister

Ariel Sharon

Pliny got much of his biological data from this 4th c. B.C. Greek philosopher


Theophrastus followed this man's teachings in physics & metaphysics & followed him as the Lyceum's head


Despite its name, this group seen here is better known for its music than its encounters with the police

Arrested Development

This sleek, elegant style of the 1920s is also known as Jazz Modern

Art Deco

He fronted the Boston Pops from 1930 on into the '70s

Arthur Fiedler

He directed a landmark Chinese production of his play "Death of a Salesman" at the People's Art Theatre in Beijing

Arthur Miller

Mesothelioma is a rare cancer strongly linked to long-term exposure to this fibrous mineral


With Obelix at his side, this heroic Gaul is the "star" of his own comic strip


An institution for the care of the mentally ill, it's from the Greek for "sanctuary"


Riz (rice) is often paired with haricots (these)


An Oscar-winning film about children from Calcutta's red-light district was called "Born into" these


Nickname of Jean-Claude Duvalier, who succeeded his father, a physician, as Haitian leader

Baby Doc

Ron Howard was on fire with this film in which Kurt Russell & William Baldwin starred as firefighting brothers


Having jumped in a lake during their Orlando photo shoot, these "Boys" sported the wet look on a 1998 cover

Backstreet Boys



It's the branch of biology that specifically studies sometimes harmful one-celled organisms


In a 1940 film Sabu was "The Thief of" this city


If this competition doesn't waltz into the games, it can foxtrot or cha cha

Ballroom Dancing

This bottle size named for one of the Magi is the equivalent of 16 standard bottles of wine


Southern or giant cane can reach heights of 20 feet & is a type of this tall grass


The woody, jointed stems of these plants in the grass family are called culms


Known as the "Venice of the East", this Thai city was modernized by King Mongkut in the 1800s


The city of Thon Buri was incorporated into this Thai capital in 1971


In the Senate, Mark Kirk replaced Roland Burris, who had replaced this man

Barack Obama

She's written some of her romance novels under her married name, Barbara McCorquodale

Barbara Cartland

This Texas congresswoman gave the keynote address at the 1976 Democratic National Convention

Barbara Jordan

Rossini: "The ____ of Seville"


A cheap way to haul cargo, these flat ships may have their own engines or be pushed by a tugboat


William Miller shared his ticket in 1964

Barry Goldwater

A ball made of stitched horse or cowhide, 9 to 9 1/4 inches in circumference


Joe Eszterhas received a record $3 million for his script of this 1992 Michael Douglas-Sharon Stone film

Basic Instinct

Emperor Constantine commissioned several of these buildings, named from the Greek for "royal house"


5 people take the court on each team in this sport played by the Lakers & the Bulls


Bring along a Monopoly "Get Out of Jail Free" card in France on July 14; it's this holiday

Bastille Day

Old: Lorne Greene & Dirk Benedict; New: Edward James Olmos & Katee Sackhoff

Battlestar Galactica

India attempted to put a satellite into orbit in March 1987, but wound up putting it into this bay

Bay Of Bengal

The earliest form of this weapon was a dagger that fit into the muzzle of a musket


Dr. Bunsen Honeydew & this lab assistant were on "The Muppet Show"


Antique majolica pottery was often decorated in the cobalt shade of this color


For its boxes, Tiffany chose a shade of this primary color, recognized as a trademark today


Ride a rowboat into this "Capri"cious cavern, once feared to be full of witches & monsters

Blue Grotto

Colorful name of Catherine Hanley's cookbook of "Prize-winning Recipes from America's State Fairs"

Blue Ribbon

Roman soldiers passed the time playing this game, the Italian version of lawn bowling


This polishing soap's baby chick was created in the late 1890s; it still "hasn't scratched yet"

Bon Ami

A process of mother-child attachment, or signing an agreement to pay a certain sum by a certain day


Fantasia gave us "Something To Talk About" by belting out this bluesy female guitarist's song

Bonnie Raitt

R. Duvall played this character who saves Scout Finch from an attacker in "To Kill a Mockingbird"

Boo Radley

Added thrust for takeoffs is provided by these extra rockets attached to the first stage


In 1951 this company put its Elmer's glue into a plastic squeeze bottle with an orange top


At age 17 he became the youngest man to win at Wimbledon

Boris Becker

This city's inhabitants are known as Beantowners (Hmm...does that make their kids Beanie Babies?)


____ cream pie (false advertising: it's really cake!)


He included some of the Medicis in his renaissance masterpiece painting "The Adoration of the Magi"


Creeper, nose hit, open frame


Roosevelt, who often participated in this sport, was virtually blinded in his left eye during a match


"Culture Club" lead singer who was "The Father of His Country"

Boy George Washington

(Sarah of the Clue Crew scubadiving) A stretched & twisted polyp forms the coral seen here, named for this human body part


Few have heard of his first novel, "The Snake's Pass", but everyone knows his "Dracula"

Bram Stoker

Donkey noises while cooking meat in liquid in a covered pot

Brays Braise

In the 1500s the Portuguese transported Angolans as slaves to this South American colony


Hundreds of waterfalls make up the spectacular Iguacu Falls on the border of these 2 countries

Brazil & Argentina

"Cast thy (blank) upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days"


This NHL "Golden Brett" said coach Mike Keenan was "the kind of guy who will stab you in the back right to your face"

Brett Hull

Appointed in 1994, this justice from Massachusetts was the last to join the court in the 20th century


Bears executive Ed McCaskey asked Gale Sayers & this man to be the NFL's first interracial roommates

Brian Piccolo

It's the 1957 Best Picture winner for which Guinness won his best actor Oscar as Col. Nicholson

Bridge On The River Kwai

Until Independence Guyana was spelled Guiana & had this adjective before its name


It's the Canadian province that borders the state of Washington, eh

British Columbia

...Steffi Graf

Brooke Shields

After her appearance on "Friends", NBC decided to star her in a sitcom, and voila! - she's "Suddenly Susan"

Brooke Shields

Completes the rhyming proverb "Man may work from sun to sun..."

But A Woman's Work Is Never Done

Unlike in the movie, it was Ben Kilpatrick, not this man, who was the bicycle rider of the Wild Bunch

Butch Cassidy

These gothic architectural supports can be "clasping" or "flying"


Papaya plants are dioecious, meaning the plants are divided this way, like Mama & Papa

By Sex

Georg Brandt isolated the metal that miners called Kobold, after an Earth spirit, & re-spelled it this way


Born September 9, 1754 in Cornwall, England he led a "bountiful" life, then died in London December 7, 1817

Captain William Bligh

Called the world's premier red wine grape, it's dominant in the Bordeaux region

Cabernet Sauvignon

The CD in your CD player doesn't contain this element, Cd, but the batteries running it might


Appropriately, you'll find “The Appian Way†at this hotel casino on The Strip

Caesar's Palace

"Et tu Brute" speaker's playground antagonizers

Caesar's Teasers

Sadly, the "breakfast drink", Pepsi A.M, didn't last long, though it had 25% more of this than regular Pepsi


The El Gezirah Sheraton, the Ramses Hilton


The Sphinx lies just a few miles southwest of this capital


The logo of this Alberta team is seen here

Calgary Flames

A great gold rush in 1848 sent thousands of people rushing to this state


Commodore Robert F. Stockton (1850)


In 1850 it became the first state on the Pacific coast admitted to the union


Its state animal is the grizzly bear, & the state tree is a type of redwood


Angkor Thom, a Buddhist temple complex in this country, is modeled on the Hindu complex of Angkor Wat

Cambodia (Kampuchea)

Only boys with a certain first name can attend this camp with the same name as a Maryland retreat

Camp David

This dominion was created by the British North America Act on July 1, 1867


Baton Rouge, La.-born Brandon Hamilton starred as a cornerback for the Edmonton Eskimos in this sports league

Canadian Football

About 30 years ago, this South American game created the biggest fad in card history


In 1963 the Four Seasons were "Happy As Can Be" with this sweet "Girl"


I'm afraid you might not know this cape, formed by the confluence of the Deep & Haw Rivers in North Carolina

Cape Fear

This island nation off Senegal has no green in its flag but does have the Portuguese word for it in its name

Cape Verde

Last name of brothers John & Henry, who leased out land to build the Kentucky Derby race track in the 1870s


The British A22 Mark IV tank carried a 75-millimeter gun & this prime minister's name


This racetrack is home to the Kentucky Derby

Churchill Downs

In 1993 Marge Schott, owner of this team, was suspended for making racist remarks

Cincinnati Reds

5 days into the fifth month, Mexicans celebrate the holiday they call this

Cinco De Mayo

Its area equals pi r (squared)


1941: "Rosebud..."

Citizen Kane

Noted Dandy George Crowninsheild Jr. built the USA's 1st seagoing yacht & called it this woman's "barge'


In 2008 Mike Nichols directed a Broadway revival of this playwright's "The Country Girl"

Clifford Odets

In May 2000 Babu Chhiri, a Sherpa, set a record doing the last portion of this in about 16 hours

Climbing Mount Everest

"Million Dollar Baby" & "Unforgiven"

Clint Eastwood

He played sax in a jazz trio called The Three Blind Mice


To sci-fi movie buffs, this 1977 Richard Dreyfuss flick is "CE3K"

Close Encounters Of The Third Kind

A river on the Nicaragua-Honduras border, or Ms. Chanel


To isolate themselves economically, the Spartans used iron rods instead of these items used in Athens


Its state flower is the Rocky Mountain Columbine


Though it possibly dates from the 16th century, the origin of this word for a punny riddle is a mystery in itself


As a prisoner of Emperor Claudius, Valentine's fateful mistake leading to his martyrdom was trying to do this to Claudius

Convert Him

Werewolves take note: the light beer from this brewery is known as "The Silver Bullet"


Popular as a fabric for men's pants, this ribbed fabric's name may derive from the French for "cloth of the king"


From 1971 to 1996, Carl Sagan was a professor at this Ithaca, New York Ivy League school


We've uncovered the fact that Burt Reynolds was a nude centerfold in this magazine


"Sunny shore" is a translation of this Spanish term for the area that includes Malaga

Costa Del Sol

It's the direction in which the hands of a watch move backward


Using a hot sauce called harissa, Tunisians spice up this steamed semolina dish


Also the name of a comic strip, it makes the pistons' up-&-down motion circular


This Oglala Sioux chief was fatally stabbed Sept. 5, 1877 at Fort Robinson, Nebraska

Crazy Horse

In New York City, if you order "regular coffee", you'll get it with these 2 items added

Cream & Sugar

A 1981 Arkansas law called for balanced teaching of evolution & this opposite type of "science"


The sport of rowing


(Sofia of the Clue Crew in Minnesota) The name of this type of saw means that the lumberjack is not going with the grain

Crosscut Saw

Work for a Carnival, a Princess or even Queen Mary 2 on this type of ship


The entire bottom of this rocky "skin" of the Earth is called the Mohorovicic Discontinuity


Henri Charpentier is said to have created this dessert crepes dish by accident; the dish was a flaming success

Crãªpe Suzette

In 1868 Carlos de Cespedes, heading a 147-man army, proclaimed this island free of Spain--didn't work


A swallowtail is a type of this, a man's formal coat that slopes toward the tails


Honor & friendship prevent this 1897 title guy from declaring his love for Roxane; rhinoplasty might have helped, too

Cyrano De Bergerac

Army Street, which runs from Noe Valley to the Bay, was renamed for this migrant labor leader

Cã©Sar Chã¡Vez

Ursine terpsichorean from Captain Kangaroo's Treasure House

Dancing Bear

Nebuchadnezzar offered the governorship of the province of Babylon to this prophet, but he refused it


Shortly after promoting him, Darius had him cast into a lion’s den


To many New Englanders, this New Hampshire native was known as the "Godlike" Daniel

Daniel Webster

The only one that's on the musical scale


Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. was the only general to land with the first wave of troops on this day


At the pub, it's beer from a keg, not a bottle


Oddly, this "national" pastry is called Vienna bread in Denmark


This character seen here is played by Barry Humphries

Dame Edna Everage

Made famous by a Johanna Spyri novel, it was originally a nickname for "Adelaide"


In 1987 this anchor walked off, leaving CBS black for 6 minutes, because a tennis match cut into the news

Dan Rather

Reel, Hora, Habanera


1985: Richard Gere

King David

Follows "I met him on a Monday & my heart stood still"

Da Do Ron-Ron-Ron, Da Do Ron-Ron

Waldi, the symbol of the 1972 summer games in Munich, was a stylized one of these "wiener" dogs


This fast food chain kept its name even after adding Brazier burgers to its menu of soft ice cream

Dairy Queen

Meryl Streep played this beautiful blonde bumpkin in her high school's production of "Li'l Abner"

Daisy Mae

2004: "Return to Southfork"


The first medal won by a black athlete in the Winter Olympics was this figure skater's bronze in 1988

Debi Thomas

His "Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun" is referred to as a tone poem


To change a fraction to this, you can divide the numerator by the denominator


"A man of words and not of" these "is like a garden full of weeds"


Phil Collen, Rick Allen, Rick Savage, Joe Elliott

Def Leppard

After docking at this island, Apollo's birthplace, head up the sacred way to the sanctuary of Apollo


In 1980 the name of Mount McKinley National Park was changed to this


In 1972 Margrethe II became this country's first queen to inherit the throne on her own right


Most of the play takes place at Elsinore, in this country


The Oresund Bridge links Sweden to this country to which it had been unconnected by land for 7,000 yrs.


Before starring on "Hill Street Blues" & "NYPD Blue", he was a mailman

Dennis Franz

Thick as a brick or dings in a fender

Dense & Dents

Hazel O' Leary, the 1st woman to head this cabinet department, succeeded James Watkins in 1993

Department Of Energy

Types of these include partners, slant-front & rolltop


9 years before Mandela & de Klerk, this South African clergyman won the Nobel Peace Prize

Desmond Tutu

(VIDEO DAILY DOUBLE): "(Hi, I'm Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) The first and last of my 1,815 NBA games were both against this team known as the "Bad Boys" of the league"

Detroit Pistons

Citizens of "Hockeytown" support this team by wearing the logo seen here

Detroit Red Wings

This Old Testament book contains Moses' last speeches & an account of his death


During George Clinton's last term as New York governor, this nephew became mayor of New York City

Dewitt Clinton

The 8th of 9 Wahlberg children, he was the "new kid" until he became big brother to Mark

Donnie Wahlberg

(Hi, I'm Robin Roberts) In a basketball game, bouncing the ball with both hands simultaneously is this violation

Double Dribbling

This former Boston College & New England Patriots QB was the CFL's most outstanding player 6 times

Doug Flutie

In 1996, as George Clooney hit the big screen in "From Dusk Till Dawn," he was still an "E.R." heartthrob as this doctor

Doug Ross

Found on the St. Jones River, this capital of Delaware bears the name of an English seaport


"The sea is calm to-night. The tide is full, the moon lies fair" in this 1867 Matthew Arnold Poem

Dover Beach

In 1965 this famous pediatrician published "Caring For Your Disabled Child"

Dr. Benjamin Spock

"Talk To The Animals"

Dr. Dolittle

At $4,147 a share, this star of "Firestarter" is one of the highest-valued actresses listed on HSX

Drew Barrymore

1993 by New England: this quarterback

Drew Bledsoe

The Can't Keep Him Down Award: Him, for re-serving in France's army in WWI after his Dec. 1894 court-martial was cleared


Chauffeur Hoke Colburn (1989)

Driving Miss Daisy

The name of this coin issued in the 1100s by Roger II of Sicily, Duke of Apulia, now refers to an admission ticket


It's the highest title in the British peerage, pilgrim


hogwarts_ headmaster@


Ventriloquists' pals must love the books called "Boston For" these, "RV Vacations For" these, etc.


(Hi, I'm Virginia Madsen) I played Princess Irulan in this 1984 David Lynch film based on Frank Herbert's classic sci-fi novel


This battery maker introduced the Copper Top tester in 1990


Called the first video band, this group burst onto MTV with "Rio" & "Hungry Like the Wolf"

Duran Duran

Saki monkeys are diurnal, which means this is when they like to get things done

During The Daytime

God reminded Adam that this "Thou art, unto" it "shalt thou return"


1982: Psoriasis was the winning word; 1965: This itchy skin condition


For the ballet "Coppelia" Leo Delibes used "The Sandman", one of the "Tales of" this author

E.T.A. Hoffman

3 body parts in a doctor's specialty: ENT

Ear, Nose, & Throat

Type of tea named for the titled Englishman who became prime minister in 1830

Earl Grey

At the end of Arthur C. Clarke's "Childhood's End", this world is destroyed


"You're an alien and I'm from the Valley" is a line from this 1989 sci-fi comedy

Earth Girls Are Easy

This "feline" South Carolinian starred on Broadway in "Timbuktu", a black version of "Kismet"

Eartha Kitt

Irish geologist Richard Oldham discovered that these events have primary & secondary waves


2 of the 3 rivers that surround the island of Manhattan

East, Harlem, Hudson

Once one of the "big four" U.S. airlines, it flew its last flight, New York to Atlanta, Jan. 18, 1991


Premiere magazine called this 1994 B&W film "the story of a transvestite schlockmeister"

Ed Wood

The rules he established for Whist back in 1760 were changed in 1864

Edmund Hoyle

After all I've done for my people, now they want to stone me & go back to this country


Egypt, Libya, Algeria


In 15th century Europe the Gypsies claimed to be from "Little" this country


On 3/21/99 Bertrand Piccard & Brian Jones landed in this country as the first hot-air balloonists to circle the Earth


The latest "Bartlett's" lists quotes chronologically; the first quotes come from this country


For a great view, get to the top of this 300-meter structure located on the Champs de Mars

Eiffel Tower

[audio clue]

Eight Days A Week

In America, hat sizes increase in size by this fraction of an inch

Eighth Of An Inch

Running out of supplies while up the Orinoco, Raleigh called off the search for this fabled land

El Dorado

An atom consists of 3 basic types of particles called protons, neutrons & these


Geranium is a plant; Germanium is one of these


In the '60s Barbra Streisand was married to this actor; their son Jason appeared in "The Prince of Tides"

Elliott Gould

George Michael, Phil Collins, Elton John

Elton John

Hits from his 1973 album "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" include the title track & "Bennie and the Jets"

Elton John

In 1994 he charted a new version of "Don't Go Breaking My Heart", this time with RuPaul

Elton John

The oldest brick house in the town of Amherst was built by this poet's grandfather in 1813

Emily Dickinson

If an author quotes a passage & puts part of it in italics, he traditionally uses a note saying this "added"


For lunch, let's have this Mexican dish whose name is from the Spanish for "spiced with chili"


A 1987 law says you can only sign for this purpose on the top 1 1/2 inches of the back of a check

Endorsing It

The name of this instrument used to see within the stomach & intestines is from the Latin for "see within"


The composer of "Hansel und Gretel", or the singer born Arnold Dorsey

Engelbert Humperdinck

In a play, Blanche DuBois visits this sister in New Orleans


EOE in a job listing in the newspaper classifieds stands for this

Equal Opportunity Employer

This conjunction is Latin for "therefore"


Paul Baumer, a young German soldier

Erich Maria Remarque

"What is moral is what you feel good after and what is immoral is what you feel bad after", he wrote in 1932

Ernest Hemingway

Travelers should know that the E in ETA also can be abbreviated this way


She's the political wife profiled here

Ethel Kennedy

In 1952 Eritrea became part of this African country


17-letter word for one whose studies may cover the Scottish bagpipes & the Indian tabla


Stories set in her native Mississippi include "The Robber Bridegroom" & "The Ponder Heart"

Eudora Welty

1954 Oscar winner seen here with Tom in 1986's "Nothing In Common": "You have no idea what it was like since you moved away, David"

Eva Marie Saint

Canned milk that has 60% of the water removed is known by this 10-letter term


Ray, Debra, their 3 kids, Robert, Marie & Frank

Everybody Loves Raymond

Brother's bovine effigy bothers big boy


"Where you book matters", according to this travel website


A Cuban 1-peso note shows Jose Marti on the obverse & this man entering Havana in 1959 on the reverse

Fidel Castro

Director Richard Fleischer shot Omar getting shot as "Che!", with Jack Palance as this Cuban leader

Fidel Castro

Lilies of the ___ of Dreams


Timewise, it's the shortest month


This Simon & Garfunkel tune is also known as "The 59th Street Bridge Song"

Feelin' Groovy

Bosonic string theory has only bosons & none of these particles named for physicist Enrico


He won the 1937 South American freestyle swimming championship & later married Esther Williams

Fernando Lamas

In a family of flat noodles, these are wider than fettuccelle but narrower than fettucce


"Always Faithful", the U.S.Marine Corps motto is sometimes shortened to "Semper" this


In 1841 photography pioneer Henry Talbot patented the calotype, slashing this time to minutes


In 1984 Bruce McCandless became the first human to perform an untethered EVA, which stands for this

Extra-Vehicular Activity

The newest way to make these look longer is with a heated, battery-operated curler (mascara helps, too)


Budd Schulberg based the alcoholic central character of "The Disenchanted" on this "Gatsby" author

F. Scott Fitzgerald

On a standard Dell PC keyboard, model L100, the function keys run from F1 to this


Singing is the forte of this ex-teen idol who dropped the last name Forte in the 1950s


Senator Joseph McCarthy was the first guest on this CBS show when it premiered November 7, 1954

Face The Nation

In 1300 a French minstrel might have sung, "Are you going to Philip IV" the this


Country singer: belief knoll

Faith Hill

Mary Higgins Clark called her 1980 bestseller "The Cradle Will" do this


Season that's also a long hairpiece


Originally, Balanchine choreographed his "Walpurgisnacht Ballet" for a 1975 production of this Gounod opera


Quill (7)


If you weighed up to 126 pounds, you'd be as light as this class of boxer


This "Green" is a heaven reserved for sailors, not violinists

Fiddler's Green

Chancellor of the Exchequer who succeeded Anthony Eden as British Prime Minister in 1957

Harold Macmillan

The U.S. arsenal at this Shenandoah Valley location was raided October 16, 1859

Harper's Ferry

A silent comedian in talking pictures, this Marx Brother had one of the original fros

Harpo Marx

Ricky Nelson's parents on TV & in real life

Harriet & Ozzie

This Bigfoot comedy made big bucks in 1987

Harry And The Hendersons

"Memphis Belle"

Harry Connick, Jr.

This jazz/pop singer & pianist from New Orleans appeared as Capt. Jimmy Wilder in "Independence Day"

Harry Connick, Jr.

He called himself "the plain people's pres. against the privileged people's Congress"

Harry S. Truman

In 1951 this man commuted the sentence of his would-be assassin Oscar Collazo to life in prison

Harry S. Truman

This state capital is near the head of navigation on the Connecticut River


This U.S. university was founded October 28, 1636


These two New England schools have competed in football since 1875 and in boat races since 1852

Harvard And Yale

In 1634 a Spanish royal decree recognized it as the "Key to the New World and the Bulwark of the West Indies"

Havana, Cuba

Psychologist whose "Studies in the Psychology of Sex" was banned in turn-of-the-century England

Havelock Ellis

Hulihee Palace on this large island was once the summer home of monarchs, including King Kalakaua


Sweet! Learn all about sugarcane at the sugar museum on the island of Maui in this state


When cardiac muscle cells contract, they push blood out of this organ and into the arteries


1956: "Inn Of Grief"

Heartbreak Hotel

Hedgehogs make themselves at home in flower beds, in compost heaps &, obviously under these


In an 1881 novel, Fraulein Rottenmeier makes things rotten for this title girl


4 little words carried on all U.S. currency

In God We Trust

This measurement comes for the Latin for "twelfth part"


Richard Ford wrote this novel in which Will Smith saves the world from alien invasion... wait, that's not right

Independence Day

Will Smith & Jeff Goldblum save the world from an alien invasion in this 1996 thriller

Independence Day

When the Declaration was read in Philadelphia on July 8, 1776, the Liberty Bell rang from this building

Independence Hall (Or The Old State House)

It's the ocean that surrounds Mauritius

Indian Ocean

Sri Lanka's port city of Colombo is near the mouth of the Kelani River on this ocean

Indian Ocean

The green spaces of "Parks and Recreation" can be found in fictional Pawnee in this real Midwestern state


Tippecanoe River State Park


It's the formal charge issued by a grand jury saying there's enough evidence to have a trial


The Minangkabau candlelight dance of Sumatra is one of the most beautiful from this country


The 95 Theses were partly inspired by anger at the attempts to get the faithful to buy these, freeing them from punishment


This term for a type of connector is the I in the abbreviation GUI


We've got to catch that rogue in his speedboat before he reaches these, another term for the high seas

International Waters

Before the "Today" Show & "Dateline", she was a cub reporter for Indianapolis' CBS affiliate

Jane Pauley

In the 1990s she played Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Jane Seymour

4 is an unlucky number in this country because "shi", the word for 4, sounds like the word for death


Nicknamed the "Purple Heart Battalion", WWII's 442nd Regiment was made up of Americans of this ethnicity


Georgia guy, flag-fashioning pop painter

Jasper Johns

Eugene Dubois thought there'd be fossils of Homo Erectus in the East Indies & found them on this island


Oil man named the richest man in the U.S.; he said, "If you can count your money you don't have a billion dollars"

Jean Paul Getty

The Cult of the Supreme Being, based on this Swiss-French philosopher's deism was made an official religion

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Film director Godard


This existentialist never finished the fourth volume of "Les Chemins de la Liberte", so it's a trilogy

Jean-Paul Sartre

"You Might Be a Redneck if..." you know this funnyman wrote the book

Jeff Foxworthy

With some friendly persuasion from Bill Cosby, Utah adopted this fruity treat as its state snack in 2001


Happy campers can be found at the sites named this, like the park where Yogi Bear plotted to steal picnic baskets

Jellystone Park

Valerie Bertinelli has joined Kirstie Alley as a spokesperson for this weight-loss program

Jenny Craig

In 2006 "The Bus" went into the garage as this running back played his last game in the Super Bowl

Jerome Bettis

Baskin-Robbins creates fancy ice cream treats; he created the ballet "Fancy Free"

Jerome Robbins

Frank Sinatra brokered the reconciliation of these 2 on the 1976 Muscular Dystrophy Telethon

Jerry Lewis & Dean Martin

The Dome of the Rock


Before her 15 minutes expired, this gal who got mixed up with televangelist Jim Bakker got onto Playboy's cover

Jessica Hahn

The title of this Bret Lott book, a 1999 selection, refers to a mom from Mississippi, not to a singer from Alaska


1989-90 Lifetime Achievement Awards went to Mark Goodson & this "Wide World of Sports" announcer

Jim Mckay

On Oct. 30, 1979 this president nominated Shirley Hufstedler to be the first Secretary of Education

Jimmy Carter

"Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, doth (this man) fear God for nought?"


When robbed by Al Gionfriddo's famous catch in 1947, this Yankee went crazy -- he actually kicked the dirt

Joe Dimaggio

This commander of the AEF in WWI taught military science at the University of Nebraska in the 1890s

John "Black Jack" Pershing

In the 1460s this teen, the future husband of Queen Isabella, fought in the Catalonian Wars

King Ferdinand

This verse narrative of the Civil War won Stephen Vincent Benet a Pulitzer Prize

John Brown's Body

Actor seen here who co-wrote & co-produced as well as starred in the film: ("Grosse Pointe Blank")

John Cusack

When asked how he became a hero, this president remarked, "It was involuntary. They sank my boat"

John F. Kennedy

His son Tony wrote the last film he directed, "The Dead"; his daughter Anjelica starred in it

John Huston

In 1667 Jonathan Swift was born & this poet published "Paradise Lost"

John Milton

"Paradise Lost" poet considered by some to be TV's 1st male comedy star

John Milton Berle

(Cheryl of the Clue Crew at All Hallows Church in London) This man got married here at All Hallows Church on July 26, 1797, soon after his dad became U.S. president

John Quincy Adams

His contribution to science was the celluloid strip used in film, not the sanitary strip used in hotels

John Wesley Hyatt

This superstar's hits include "Busted", "In the Jailhouse Now" & "Ring of Fire"

Johnny Cash

This funny guy seen here made his Broadway debut in 2001 in "The Dinner Party"

Jon Lovitz

God asked him, "Should not I spare Nineveh... wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons"


It's about the size of Maine, & it's right across the river from Israel


Michael, Barbara, Vernon


During WWII this American general nicknamed "Vinegar Joe" served as chief of staff to Chiang Kai-shek

Joseph Stillwell

Spade, Wedgwood, Bartlett


The astrological notion that a certain large planet exerted a happy influence led to this adjective


This NASA "Lab" based in Pasadena designed the rovers used on Mars

Jpl (Jet Propulsion Lab)

In 1969 he said, "I receive from... Generalissimo Franco the political legitimacy born of 18 July 1936"

Juan Carlos

Her 6-minute role as Queen Elizabeth in "Shakespeare in Love" was the shortest Oscar-winning role

Judi Dench

In the sentence "Julie gave Jules a jab in the jaw", the indirect object


This author of "Around the World in Eighty Days" also wrote librettos for operettas

Jules Verne

Elaine Benes

Julia Louis-Dreyfus

After President Nixon resigned in 1974, this daughter of his reacted with the line "Now I can wear hot pants"

Julie Nixon

Flag Day


James Russell Lowell asked, "What is so rare as a day in" this month


Like Freudian analysis, it uses dreams a lot, but it's not so much about the sex all the time

Jungian (Analysis)



FRIEND JUST FRIEND ---------------------------------- It's where secrets should remain, Monica

Just Between Friends

In the 1980s it was Nancy Reagan's 3-word advice to someone offered illegal drugs

Just Say No

In 1998 Brian Dennehy made his first appearance as Red Finch, David Spade's firefighter father, on this hit series

Just Shoot Me

Similar to a djellaba & a dashiki, this tunic is worn from north Africa to the Middle East


Among the records he held upon retiring were most regular-season points & 5,762 playoff points

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Her first film was 1932's "A Bill of Divorcement"

Katharine Hepburn

She played a political journalist in "Woman of the Year", her first film with Spencer Tracy

Katharine Hepburn

As her surname indicates, this soprano has had her share of wars with opera companies & other singers

Kathleen Battle

On '60s TV: Black Beauty, the Green Hornet's car

Kato (Bruce Lee)

Now a children's toy, this musical instrument was popular in jug bands


The name of this Wisconsin city is Potawatomi for "pike" or "pickerel"


He was twice jailed in the 1990s for assisting the suicides of terminally ill patients


"One Rocco more or less isn't worth dying for"

Key Largo

The pro sports team position played by Ray Guy & Garo Yepremian


In "Vol. 2" of this revenge 2-parter, Daryl Hannah kills off Michael Madsen with a deadly black mamba

Kill Bill

Guinevere strangles herself with her own hair in the Chausson opera named for this king

King Arthur

It's actually too small to influence other planets' orbits, the theory that led to its discovery


The eggs in Eggs Benedict are cooked this way, gently in liquid just below the boiling point


It's what your Lucy locket is -- Lucy lost hers, by the way


In 1587 Sigismund, the son of Sweden's king, became ruler of this Eastern European country


The Pomeranian is a small dog named for a European region now mostly in this country


This word refers to extreme opposites or a type of bear


In 79 A.D. this city could have used the Imperial Emergency Management Agency


The "ball" in this classic '70s version of table tennis was square--good thing it was played on video


When I go to Hatteras, the local choice grindage is a chopped or pulled type of this sandwich




"Sim O Senhor!" is the way to say "Yes Sir!" in this romance language


Mashpee, Massachusetts holds one of these American Indian conferences every July


Now usually meaning a conference, it has also meant to practice magic


You can do this to flowers; or to the flesh; or to laundry, with an iron


Darcy thought, dodged a bullet! That Bennet family was nuts! Elizabeth was cute, but I've got money, single life's not so bad!

Pride And Prejudice

As a teen in 1616, Charles was invested with this princely title

Prince Of Wales

In 1985 this princess revived the Monte Carlo Ballet, as her mother had wished

Princess Caroline Of Monaco

In 1987 Her Royal Highness Princess Anne was given a new title: the Princess this

Princess Royal

The first college football game took place between Rutgers & this other N.J. university on November 6, 1869


Hewlett-Packard, Epson & Canon all make the ink-jet variety of these peripherals


A book is the example of the "hand" type of these; a bookcase is an example of the "set" type


The "Antiques Roadshow" website calls this "a fancy word" for who owned an object, when & where


A boat's bow (4)


If an amoeba wanted to trip a passing protozoan, it would stick this out

Pseudopod (The False Pod, False Foot)

3-syllable term for noisy or lacking in restraint, like a bunch of school kids on a field trip


The ALA's medal for the artist of the best children's picture book of the year bears his name

Randolph Caldecott

One of the great works in the early career of this master of the High Renaissance is 1504's "Marriage of the Virgin"


The Latin rapere, "to carry off", gave us this 6-letter term for birds of prey, & for a type of dinosaur


Paul O. Zelinsky won the 1998 Medal for illustrating the tale of this girl who really knew how to let her hair down


Verna has a pet one perching just above her chamber door

Raven (Verna)

"With his symbolic helmet numbered 451 on his stolid head, and his eyes all orange flame..."

Ray Bradbury

Secretary of Education William Bennett, Secretary of State George Shultz


San Francisco Chronicle, July 25, 2003: "California's First-Ever Statewide" one of these "Will Be Held Oct. 7"


Less depressing than a depression, this downturn comes after the peak of a classic business cycle


If your business is losing money, you're awash in this color ink


From the color of a penny, this term for something trivial often follows the words "Not worth a..."

Red Cent

Associated with an organization, it's the sign seen on many first aid kits

Red Cross

Cabernet, for example

Red Wine

This name comes before "Pieces", "Fast Break" & "Peanut Butter Cup"


An actress should have a wide range to play this second daughter of King Lear

Regan (For "Range")

In 1986 Emeril Lagasse became Chief Justice of the U.S.; Bam!


Of the current Supreme Court justices, he has served the longest -- 32 years


"Le Temps Retrouve" ("Time Regained") is the last part of this 3,000-page work

Remembrance Of Things Past

The unit of this in electricity is named for Georg Ohm; it's also what ohm ran into when he published his ideas


Reparation made by giving compensation for loss or damage


T.S. Eliot wrote, "In a minute there is time for decisions and" these "which a minute will reverse"


Karl Marx put this system between capitalism & communism


Jacques-Louis David's 1787 painting "The Death of" this Athenian shows him being offered a cup of hemlock


It means a temporary stay or visit, & that's the "Truth"


The Democratic Union party evolved from this labor union to win national elections in 1991


In east Africa: Mogadishu


Herbert Marshall portrayed this writer in "The Moon and Sixpence" & "The Razor's Edge"

Somerset Maugham

Before the 1881 edition, it was simply titled "Poem Of Walt Whitman, An American"

Song Of Myself

This biblical "song" waxes poetic with lines like "As a lily among brambles, so is my love among maidens"

Song Of Songs (Or Song Of Solomon)

"Hairspray" (the 1988 one), "Troll", Mayor of Palm Springs, U.S. rep. from California

Sonny Bono

This company's co-founder Akio Morita was once in an American Express "Do you know me?" ad


The radio operators used Morse code to send out the CQD distress call, as well as this newer one


Botswana's economy is closely tied to this country with which it shares its longest border

South Africa

This country once used a Cape foot, which was .314858 meters

South Africa

The basis of this show that won a Best Musical Tony & a Pulitzer was a collection of stories that won the Pulitzer in 1948

South Pacific



"The Great Crusade", "For Whom the Bell Tolls"

Spanish Civil War

In Mark 1 Jesus "healed many that were sick... and cast out many devils; and suffered not the devils to" do this


You won't feel the need for this, if you're tachophobic


A letter added to spout causes it to do this, begin to grow


This Asian country vs. Tamil separatists

Sri Lanka

Bruce Greenwood, Ed Begley Jr. & Denzel Washington played doctors at St. Eligius on this drama

St. Elsewhere

Sacre Bleu! Hurricane Lenny flooded out the 1999 tourist season on this Dutch-French Caribbean island

St. Martin (Or St. Maarten)

It's the largest Gothic-style Catholic church in the United States

St. Patrick's Cathedral

This twin city is the capital of Minnesota

St. Paul

Tho this saint was known for curative powers, the "dance" named for him is really the disease chorea

St. Vitus

Dating to around 1100, the oldest ones still in existence are in the cathedral at Augsburg, Germany

Stained Glass Windows

(Hi, I'm Jane Krakowski of "Ally McBeal".) In 1987 I rollerskated on Broadway in this Andrew Lloyd Webber musical

Starlight Express

A Westminster court with the power to seize was in a chamber whose ceiling was covered in these


1960 Hugo Award winner for Robert Heinlein

Starship Troopers

Structure from which the 3-year-olds fly forward at Churchill Downs

Starting Gate

In 1857, William Kelly convinced U.S. Patent Office to give him, not Bessemer, rights to make it


Johnny Rutherford

Steering Wheel

Pattern assumed by disintegration of an Oreo

That’S The Way The Cookie Crumbles

This CBS game show that first hit the air in 1955 gave away $1,000,000 in its first 17 months

The $64,000 Question

The assassination of Jean-Paul Marat

The 18Th Century

Man first reaches the South Pole

The 1910S

At the 61st Academy Awards Jodie Foster won her first Oscar for this 1988 film

The Accused

John Astin studied math at Johns Hopkins before becoming a creepy & kooky patriarch on this '60s sitcom

The Addams Family

On August 1, 1977 the Arco Juneau became the first tanker to carry crude delivered by this 48-inch diameter system

The Alaska Pipeline

This mountain range is the 2nd-longest in North America

The Appalachians

In I Kings 8 there was nothing inside it except 2 tablets put there by Moses

The Ark Of The Covenant

Something that has a good effect on you (like a vaccine) is a shot in this

The Arm

These 2 oceans meet at South Africa's Cape Agulhas, the southernmost point in Africa

The Atlantic & The Indian

1521: With help from smallpox, Cortez & a few hundred men crush this empire of 30 million

The Aztec

"Will you accept this rose?"

The Bachelor

A state bird since 1947, its black & orange colors resemble those on the Calvert coat of arms

The Baltimore Oriole

"Daylight come and me wan' go home" is the last line of this song, also known as "Day-O"

The Banana Boat Song

Susanna Hoffs

The Bangles

Zugspitze is the highest point in this mountain range

The Bavarian Alps

The eastern states of Orissa & Andhra Pradesh are bounded by this body of water

The Bay Of Bengal

"Deuce Coupe" is danced to "Little Deuce Coupe", "Catch A Wave" & other songs made famous by this group

The Beach Boys

Appropriately, this 1846 California "Revolt" began on Flag Day, June 14

The Bear Flag Revolt

This sea off the coast of North America is named for Rear Admiral Francis

The Beaufort Sea

TV character Theodore Cleaver

The Beaver


The Belly Button

John Denver's country roads lead to these West Virginia mountains

The Blue Ridge Mountains

The soundtrack of this 1992 film is the bestselling movie soundtrack of the 1990s

The Bodyguard

If an electroencephalograph detects no activity here, the patient is in deep trouble

The Brain

Thromboses & embolisms are common causes of strokes, the interruption of the blood supply to this organ

The Brain

The "All Star Game of Thoroughbred Racing", & racing's richest event, it's held each fall at a different track

The Breeder's Cup

Before the 17th century, the word theater referred only to this

The Building Itself

It speaks to Moses in Exodus 3

The Burning Bush

This building in our national capital was originally designed by Dr. William Thornton

The Capitol

Doppler ultrasound of these large arteries in the neck can be used to evaluate the risk of a stroke

The Carotids

This salt lake on the border of Asia & Europe is more than 4 times the size of Lake Superior

The Caspian Sea

The name of this 2001 film about a weekend aboard William Randolph Hearst's yacht is '20s slang for something great

The Cat's Meow

The mangrove snake's vertically elliptical eye pupils give rise to this other name for it (does it hiss or meow?)

The Cat-Eyed Snake

This novelty hit begins, "Christmas, Christmas time is near, time for toys and time for cheer"

The Chipmunk Song

Blood flows through a network of vessels known collectively as this system

The Circulatory System

The Enbridge Stairclimb goes up this Toronto tower

The Cn Tower

Today we examine this 5-foot-long part of the large intestine, specifically, its S-shaped sigmoid part

The Colon

This party got the most votes in Czechoslovakia's May 26, 1946 general election

The Communists

The California species of this New World vulture is North America's largest flying bird

The Condor

In 1966 Mao Zedong launched this campaign to revolutionize Chinese Society, & chaos ensued

The Cultural Revolution

10-sport olympic event (9)

The Decathalon

In 1996 Dan O'Brien won a gold medal in this grueling Olympic sport, the first American to do so since Bruce Jenner

The Decathlon

Georgians Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall & George Walton all signed this document in 1776

The Declaration Of Independence

He was the 1st president to call the White House "A bully pulpit"

Theodore Roosevelt

In 1912 this "Bull Moose" spoke for about 50 minutes with a would-be-assassin's bullet lodged in his chest

Theodore Roosevelt

"First Blood" was a Rambo movie; this 2007 film had Daniel Day-Lewis searching for oil

There Will Be Blood

Dismas, the penitent one of these, & Gestas, the impenitent one, died by crucifixion & acquired their names much later


People, relay races, chairs

Things With Legs

Followers of this 13th Century Italian thinker are known as Thomists

Thomas Aquinas

"Hello, Dolly!" was based on his play, "The Matchmaker"

Thornton Wilder

In 1979 equipment & human failures led to a partial meltdown of the No. 2 reactor at this U.S. site

Three Mile Island

Umpires did this exactly 91 times to feisty manager Earl Weaver in his career

Throw Him Out Of The Game

A journalist for ITN was detained & manhandled for covering a "pro-" this region protest held early in the Olympics


This San Antonio Spur has been named to the All-NBA first team in each of his first 8 years in the league

Tim Duncan

This English actor, seen here, played a sadist in "Rob Roy" & a tyrannical primate in "Planet of the Apes"

Tim Roth

Completes Cyndi Lauper's line, "if you're lost you can look and you will find me..."

Time After Time

"Now you always say that you want to be free but you'll come running back, you'll come running back..."

Time Is On My Side

The papers with this name in NYC & L.A. have combined daily circulations of over 2 million


In 1810 English inventor Peter Durand patented the idea of using food storage cans plated with this element


One of the greatest painters of the Venetian school, this 16th century artist was born Tiziano Vecellio


From Shakespeare: "Enjoy the pies, Tamorra. I wish your sons were here. Oh, they are"

Titus Andronicus

To execute without due process, especially by hanging; it was named for a Virginian who was allowed to do it

To Lynch

To categorize something into a narrow slot without a great deal of thought like a Columba livia

To Pigeonhole

This verb means to hone or sharpen, like a tool or an appetite

To Whet

Tonyu is the liquid left over when this bland substance is made from soybeans


Gin, lemon juice, sugar & soda water: ____ Collins


In this author's "Debt of Honor", Jack Ryan comes out of retirement to serve as the new National Security Advisor

Tom Clancy

1963: "'It's Not Unusual' Singer"

Tom Jones

In February 2000 this great NFL coach was laid to rest at a Dallas cemetery

Tom Landry

A sonar transducer is used by hydrographers to obtain knowledge about earthquake activity here

Under The Ocean

Unparalleled, one of a kind


This type of rumor lacks a basis in fact


It precedes -hold, -keep & -heaval


The Random House Dictionary gives one definition of it as "at bat"


The seventh planet from the Sun


It was the second nation to put a man in space


This computer chip is named for the type of TV programming parents may want to block


Henry pioneered this type of engine in 1932, one year before the juice of the same name was invented


This Czech president's play "The Garden Party" was long banned in his homeland

Vaclav Havel

She was a textile factory worker when she was chosen as the U.S.S.R.'s first female cosmonaut

Valentina Tereshkova

He was the eighth U.S. vice president & the eighth U.S. president

Van Buren

A noted Commodore from this university was Al Gore, who studied at both its divinity & law schools


Change direction quickly with this 4-letter word into this one that precedes "sucker" in fashion

Veer & Seer

Technically, it's any vessel that carries blood to the heart


The basilic, cephalic, & jugular are types of these


Called the Earth's twin, this planet's surface features are obscured by thick clouds of sulfuric acid


This pasta looks kind of squiggly -- appropriately, since its name means "little worms"


Ethan Allen


It ratified the Constitution in 1791, 2 months before it became the 14th state


There are first-person accounts of this volcano's eruption in 1767 (as there had been in 79 A.D.)


"I Love New York", "The Best Week Ever", "Scott Baio is 46... and Pregnant"


Ritz Carlton chef Louis Diat invented this soup around 1910 & named it for a city near his home in France


Australia's southernmost mainland point is Wilson's Promontory in this state named for a queen


The capital city where she was born


A controversial war was fought by the U.S. in the '60s & '70s in this country once divided into north & south halves


Born Adeline Virginia Stephen, this "To The Lighthouse" author was a leader of the Bloomsbury Group

Virginia Woolf

This author of "Orlando" said, "Of all the great writers" Jane "is the most difficult to catch in the act of greatness"

Virginia Woolf

This novelist has Clarissa Dalloway reexamine her life choices in between dealing with last-minute party details

Virginia Woolf

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