Johnson Chapter 10 and additional terms

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What is the fundamental attribution error? How does it relate to managers employees and what are the implications to improve employee performance?

- fundamental attribution error occurs when the observer incorrectly attributes in actors behavior to a personal weakness rather than the external situation. Related to managers: because managers are susceptible to a fundamental attribution error when evaluating employee performance, so managers need to fully understand how the work contacts affects employee performance and how the employee perceives his or her situation.

Describe the various conflict styles contacts and objectives.

1. Accommodating: satisfying others in order to maintain a spirit of cooperation, usually better to achieve harmony instability where others are able to learn from their mistakes. 2. avoiding: allows people to get their emotions in check, sometimes needed to gather further information instead of making immediate decisions can also give others the ability to to solve a conflict themselves 3. Collaborating: Fosters creativity by merging different perspectives, gains commitment by building consensus and integrative solutions and helps resolve interpersonal issues in foster learning. 4. Competing: Best for quick decisive or emergency situations, sometimes used to address unpopular but necessary actions and should be used with caution in the organizational setting 5. Compromising: addressing mutually exclusive goals, can be a temporary agreement and complex issues and helps to arrive expedient solutions under time constraints 6. Problem solving: focusing on solving the problem not accommodating the differing views, based on realization that many solutions have a positive and negative impact, maximize each person skills, abilities and knowledge

There are five critical assumptions important to understanding organizational theory in today's public service organization explain each.

1. Human behavior is purposeful. Much of what people do in organizations is intended to be gold directed . 2. Behavior is not random, it is caused. I'm looking at the causes of behavior in organizations, including patterns insights can be gained about the behavior of others. 3. Behavior can be changed through learning. When people change how they think, they typically change how I act. 4.People should be valued simply as humans aside from their contributions to organizational goals. Treating people with respect and dignity is a value in its own right 5. Public services about serving others. The needs of others take precedence.

Alderfer's ERG theory of motivation

Alderfer drew on Maslows hierarchy theory but he argue that individual motivations can move forward and backwards to the levels of motivation. He reduced it to three levels of needs which include existence, relatedness, growth.

Adam's Equity Theory

Argues that motivation is determined by how equitably and a employee perceives he or she is treated in comparison to others in the organization.

Summarize the various conflict management techniques and describe the advantages and disadvantage (Avoiding, accommodating, competing, compromising, negotiating, collaborating, confronting)

Avoiding: ignoring the conflict. And advantage is this does not make a big deal out of anything however the conflicts can become bigger than anticipated. Accommodating: smoothing over; one side gives into the other. And advantage is that one side is more concerned with an issue than the other so the stakes are not high however one side holds more power and can force the other side to give in. Competing: Forcing; competing for the goal. And advantage is that a winner is produced however there's also a loser. Compromising: each side give something up and you meet in the middle. An advantage is that no one should win or lose however a return to conflict can occur if what is given up becomes more important than the original goal Negotiating: High-level discussion that seeks agreement. The advantages are that the stakes are very high in often involves powerful groups however a downside is that the agreement is permanent even though each side has gains and losses Collaborating: Working together to develop an optimal outcome. And advantage is that the best solution for the Conflict occurs however it can be very time-consuming and takes commitment. Confronting: immediate obvious movement to stop conflict at the beginning. And advantages that it does not allow conflict to take a route however nothing or something small could be made out as something big.

Locke's goal setting theory

Black argues that individuals are motivated to improve their performance when given challenges in specific goals. Also employees must be interested in obtaining the goal and adopting the goal as her own.

The book identify two broad categories of theories of motivation content theories in the process theories. Explain the difference of these two categories, what theories fall into these categories in what third category is identified?

Content:Needs Based Theories: concerned with what energies drive behavior -Maslow's hierarchy of needs -Alderfer's existence, relatedness, growth theory -Herzberg two factor theory McCellands acquired needs theory Intrinsic/process theories: focus on how behavior is energized and directed. The internal thought process and perceptions that affect motivation. -Adam's equity theory -expectancy theory -lockes goalsetting theory - McGregors XY theory -attribution theory Behavior theory: -skinners reinforcement theory (positive/negative reinforcement or punishment/extinction)

Discuss intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. From what does each or rise? And how can a leader/manager influence each

Intrinsic: arises from rewards inherent in a accomplishing a task or activity itself. Leaders can influence employees level of intrinsic motivation through job redesign, improving work conditions and offering range of incentives. Extrinsic: extrinsic motivation arises from external rewards and can be influenced through monetary rewards. A bonus.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory

Maslow Verizon individuals are motivated by a hierarchy of needs progressing from substance levels to needs for self actualization. Maslow's theorized that once an individual satisfies lower level needs, the individual becomes motivated to fulfill to the next level this is called a satisfaction progression. 1.Physiological needs: things like food water other substances 2. Safety needs: includes shelter, employment, access to healthcare and other basic necessities 3. Belonging needs: The desire for social con tact and interaction 4. Esteem needs: includes status, recognition, positive regard 5. Self actualization needs: The desire for caveman, personal growth and autonomy

McClelland's Acquired Needs Theory of Motivatio

Needs are learned and developed as a result of one's life experience. The theory considers three types of needs 1. The need for achievement: this emphasizes success, mastering skills in attaining goals 2. The need for affiliation: which focuses on the desire for relationships and associations with others 3. The need for power: Relates to the desires for responsibility, control, authority over others

Skinner's Reinforcement Theory

Postulates at four types of Reinforcement influence and individuals motivation. Desirable behavior is motivated by positive reinforcement (rewards for A positive behavior) or negative reinforcements (reward for avoiding a negative behavior). Or or undesirable behaviors can be addressed or punishment (negative consequence) or extinction (removal of a reward)

Compare and contrast Maslow's hierarchy of needs and Alderfer's ERG theory of motivation

Similarities: both about needs, Existence relates to Maslow's psychological and safety needs; relatedness addressed is Maslow social need; growth is related to Maslow's need for self-esteem and self actualization Differences: 1. Alderfer argued that individuals motivations could move back and forth through the levels of motivation. 2. He also reduce the level of needs to three.

Define motivation.

The set of processes that drive, direct, and maintain human behavior toward attaining some goal or meeting a need. The active influencing individual to take a desired course of action.

Organizational behavior

The study of human behavior in organizations

Classic theory of organizational behavior is McGregor's XY theory. Explain it's theory, the two types of organizations it involves and how these organizations are categorized into two groups

The two basic types of organizations are based on the leaders approach to command and control Theory X: Theory X assumes the employees naturally dislike work and avoid responsibility, therefore they must be compelled to perform. Theory Y: assumes that employees are naturally motivated and committed, managers can help employees achieve their full potential by providing opportunities for personal growth and development through challenging and interesting work

McGregor's XY theory

Theory x: assumes that employees may actually dislike work and avoid responsibility therefore they must be compelled to perform Theory Y: assumes that employees are naturally motivated and committed managers can help employees achieve their full potential by providing opportunities for personal growth and development through challenging and interesting work.

If someone has the opportunity and skill to choose their own style of approaching conflict what key factors must be taken into consideration question explain figure 10-4 from this perspective and related to conflict styles.

They must consider the importance of the relationship and the importance of the desired outcome. Accommodating: lose to win Collaborative: Is a win-win Compromise: split the difference Competitive: when it all costs Avoiding: it's a lose lose -problem-solving does not take the importance of the relationship in the consideration it's mainly based on the outcome and the problem.

Expectancy Theory of Motivation

This theory postulates that employee motivation is a function of the employees belief that 1) putting more effort into the general result in better performance, 2) better job performance will be rewarded, 3) the predicted rewards are valuable.

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