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SEP organizes inter-agency engagement on across these primary pillars of cooperation

(1) Power and Energy Efficiency; (2) Oil and Gas; (3) Renewable Energy (4) Sustainable Growth (PORS)

Examples of Community Non Personal Data

1. Uber, Ola, etc. data 2. electricity distribution data among companies

Examples of Public Non Personal Data are

1. census 2. MC data on tax receipts 3. PWD work info

What are the Gopalakrishnan committee recs. for non personal data?

1. domestic entities can harness it 2. set up an authority to monitor data use

Minimum number of ministers in a state under Article 164(1A)


Gross NPA of banks may rise to ______ by 2021 March


Payment of Wages Act


Minimum Wages Act


Payment of Bonus Act


Equal Remuneration Act


SAARC was established in


Plea Bargaining was introduced in what year?


Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihoods Mission was launched in


The SAARC currency swap framework came into operation in


UN HLPF was established in


PMAY was launched in


National Profession Standards for Teachers will be developed by this year


GER in 2018 stood at


Under Consumer Protection Act, 2019, e-sellers must acknowledge complaint receipt within how much time?

48 hours

10+2 school structure will be replaced by

5 years foundational education 3 years prep 3 years middle 4 years secondary

GER for 2035


Number of ministers was amended by this Act

91st Constitution (Amendment) Act, 2003

Two components of Accelerate Vigyan are


e-Lok adalats entertain cases of this stage


a World Bank programme to support India's efforts at providing social assistance to the poor and vulnerable households severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Accelerating India's COVID-19 Social Protection Response Program (PMGKY)

Voluntary National Review

Account of adoption and implementation of 2030 SDG Agenda in India

ARHC stands for

Affordable Renting House Complexes

Members of SAARC

Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

First NISHTHA programme was launched in

Andhra Pradesh

When does UN HLPF meet


VidyaDaan 2.0 is intended to

provide a platform to develop online content

DIKSHA is a/ an



App to detect and assess the risk of COVID-19 infected individuals

NERCORMP operates in

Arunachal Pradesh Assam Meghalaya Manipur

PRAGYATA is aimed at

Assisting school heads, teachers, parents, etc. in E-learning

Manodarpan Initiative was launched under

Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan

Green-Ag project seeks to

reduce emissions from agriculture ensure sustainable agri practices

Lyfas was developed by

Bangalore startup

Mera Bihar Mera Vidyalaya was launched in


Operation Greens was announced in

Budget 2018-19

Lyfas was supported by

CAWACH initiative

Article 164(1) provides that

CM will be appointed by governor Council of ministers will be appointed by governor advised by the CM

a database of laws that countries have implemented responding to the pandemic

COVID-19 Law Lab initiative

Purpose of Sayonjika

Catalogue all capacity building activities in science

PM Formalization of Micro Food Processing Enterprises scheme is sponsored by


Funding for PM Formalization of Micro Food Processing Enterprises scheme is given by

Centre and states on shared basis North Eastern and Himalayan states UTs with legislature Solely centre for UTs

Padhai Tunhar Duvaar has been launched in


The first state in India to have e-Lok Adalats


under new NEP, Mother tongue will be medium of instruction until

Class 5

amended and consolidated laws relating to wages, bonus and related matters

Code on Wages,2019

draft Code on Wages (Central) Rules was notified under the

Code on Wages,2019

Aim of Mission SAMMOHAN

Consolidate scientific interactions under one common roof

These rules empower the central government to act against unfair trade practices in e-commerce and direct selling

Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) Rules

Consumer Protection Act, 2019 replaces this Act

Consumer Protection Act 1986

Central Consumer Protection Authority has been set up under this act

Consumer Protection Act, 2019

Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) Rules have been notified under what act?

Consumer Protection Act, 2019

E-commerce companies are required to mention the 'expiry date' of goods offered for sale and 'country of origin' for enabling the consumer to make an informed decision at the pre-purchase under these rules

Consumer protection rules 2020

Article 163(1A) provides that

Council of Ministers and CM will advise the Governor

country provides dollars to a foreign central bank which simultaneously provides the equivalent funds in its currency to the former based on the market exchange rate during the transaction

Currency Swap

These operations carry no exchange rate or other market risks as transaction terms are set in advance

Currency swap

Study material for differently abled has been developed on what portal

DAISY portal

Title of India's second voluntary national review (VNR) at the UN HLPF

Decade of Action: Taking SDGs from Global to Local

Mission Buniyaad was launched in


National executing agency for Green-Ag

Department of Agriculture, Co-operation, and Farmer's welfare

India-Russia Joint Technology Assessment and Accelerated Commercialization Programme has been launched by

Department of Science and Technology

DP Singh Committee purpose

Develop India as an educational Hub

India Report on Digital Education was prepared by what ministry

Digital Education Division of the MHRD Education Departments of States and UTs

DAISY for disabled education is an acronym for

Digitally Accessible Information System

This officer will allow property seizure under UAPA 2019

Director General, NIA

This category of persons is eligible for same benefits as SC/ST


Consumer Disputes Redressal Commissions will be set up at these levels

District, state, and national

Financial Management Index for Rural Development Programmes ranks states on

Efficient management of financial resources for implementing rural development programmes

ASSEM Portal aims to help

skilled people find jobs

National Mission under new NEP pertains to

Ensuring foundational literacy and numeracy skills by 2025

SAARC Currency Swap Framework allows currency exchange to be held in these currencies

Euro, USD, INR

T/F Currency swap uses different exchange rate than on the day the transaction was made


T/F SPV will issue securities which would be guaranteed by the Government of India and purchased by the public


T/F Under Consumer protection rules 2020, the companies need to acknowledge the receipt of any consumer complaint within 24 hours


T/F Under Consumer protection rules 2020, the companies need to redress the complaint within 15 days from the date of receipt of the complaint.


India-Russia Joint Technology Assessment and Accelerated Commercialization Programme has been launched in partnership with

Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) & Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE) of the Russian Federation

Operation Greens was intended to

stabilize supply of Tomato, Onion, Potato Crops

Chairman of FSDC

Finance Minister

a bi-annual report published by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

Financial Stability Report

the collective assessment of the Sub-Committee of the Financial Stability and Development Council (FSDC) on risks to financial stability

Financial Stability Report

AIM of this body is to strengthen and institutionalize the mechanism for maintaining financial stability, enhancing inter-regulatory coordination and promoting financial sector development

Financial Stability and Development Council (FSDC)

apex level body setup in 2010 as per Raghuram Ranjan Committee

Financial Stability and Development Council (FSDC)

Green-Ag project was launched by


Green-Ag is funded by

Global Environment Fscility

Under NEP 2020, this agency is the single overarching umbrella body for higher ed

HECI, Higher Education Commission for India

a public-private initiative launched by India and US to help scale up technologies to produce hydrogen from renewable energy and fossil fuel sources to bring down the cost of deployment for enhanced energy security and resilience

Hydrogen Task Force

launched jointly by USAID and NITI Aayog to provide a platform for policymakers to study important energy and environmental issues + ensure induction of modelling and analysis in informed decision-making process

India Energy Modeling Forum

MOU on solar decathlon 2021 was signed between

India and USA

This is an initiative for connecting Indian and Russian Science & Technology(S&T) led SMEs and Start-ups for joint R&D for technology development

India-Russia Joint Technology Assessment and Accelerated Commercialization Programme

This is an initiative for connecting Indian and Russian Science & Technology(S&T) led SMEs and Start-ups for cross-country technology adaptation

India-Russia Joint Technology Assessment and Accelerated Commercialization Programme (IRJTAACP)

NEP 2020 envisions setting up these linguistic institutes for Persian, Prakrit and Pai

Indian Institute of Translation and Interpretation National Institute(s)

This convention is a new treaty addition to the UAPA 2019

International Convention for Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism (2005)

Project Home Classes was launched in


These states have a minister of tribal welfare

Jharkhand Chhattisgarh Madhya Pradesh Odisha

Sub Components of ABHYAAS

KARYASHALA (High end workshops) VRITIKA (Research Internships)

This ministry notified the draft Code on Wages (Central) Rules under the Code on Wages,2019

Labour and Employment Ministry

DIKSHA Platform provides

Learning material relevant to school syllabus

These two components are not under HECI

Legal and Medical Education

Aids to Navigation Bill, 2020 seeks to replace this act

Lighthouse Act, 1927

DP Singh committee set up by


India Report on Digital Education was launched by what ministry


e-PATHSHALA is a joint initiative of


This program is discontinued in NEP 2020


address the immediate liquidity and credit needs of some 1.5 million viable MSMEs to help them withstand the impact of the current shock and protect millions of jobs

MSME Emergency Response program

aims to support increased flow of finance into the hands of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) which are severely impacted by the COVID-19 crisis

MSME Emergency Response program

Manodarpan Initiative was launched regarding

Mental Health

Atmanirbhar Bharat App Innovation Challenge was launched by

Ministry of Electronics and IT + Atal Innovation Mission (NITI Aayog)

Operation Greens is implemented by

Ministry of Food Processing Industires

Nodal Ministry for PMAY

Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs

PM SVANidhi was launched by

Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs

Swachh Survekshan is conducted by

Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs

Indian Scholastic Assessment (Ind-SAT) was conducted by

Ministry of Human Resource Development

NISHTHA was launched by

Ministry of Human Resource Development

Manodarpan Initiative was launched by

Ministry of Human Resource development

PRAGYATA was launched by

Ministry of Human Resources Development

RAISE initiative is organized by

Ministry of Power

Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihoods Mission was launched by

Ministry of Rural Development

Financial Management Index for Rural Development Programs was launched by

Ministry of Rural Development

This Ministry has allowed Postal Ballots

Ministry of law and justice

ASSEM portal was launched by

Ministry of skill development and Entrepreneurship

National Mission for Mentoring is established under

NEP 2020

India's second voluntary national review (VNR) at the UN HLPF was presented by

NITI Aayog

SDGs at national and subnational level are overseen by

NITI Aayog

National Profession Standards for Teachers will be developed under NEP 2020 by

National Council for Teacher Education

NETF stands for

National Educational Technology Forum

NISHTHA stands for

National Initiative for School Heads and Teachers Holistic Advancement

This is the envisioned apex body for research culture under NEP 2020

National Research Foundation

CAWACH initiative is created by

National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board Department of science and technology

NERCORMP is a joint initiative of

North Eastern Council (NEC) Ministry of DoNER International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

NERCORMP stands for

North Eastern Region Community Resource Management Program (NERCORMP)

Article 164(1A) of our constitution states that

Number of ministers in a state will not exceed 15% of the assembly strength

The new national assessment centre under NEP will be known as


This was launched in 2009 by India and the United States to accelerate inclusive, low carbon growth by supporting research and the deployment of clean energy technologies

Partnership to Advance Clean Energy(PACE)

PARAKH under new NEP stands for

Performance Assessment, Review, and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic Development

Purpose of NETF

Platform to discuss freely the use of tech to enhance learning, assessment, planning, etc.

ARHCs have been announced under

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban)

Categories of data under Gopalakrishnan Committee are?

Public Non Personal Community Non Personal Private Non Personal

This agency signed a $400-million currency swap facility with Sri Lanka


This body operationalized Rs 30,000 crore special liquidity scheme for non-banking finance companies (NBFCs) and Housing finance companies (HFCs)


FSDC Sub-committee has been set up under the chairmanship of

RBI Governor

Social Media Interface for Learning Engagement (SMILE) was launched in


RAISE Initiative stands for

Retrofit of Air-conditioning to improve Indoor Air Quality for Safety and Efficiency

UN Conference on Sustainable Development is also called


IFAD is headquartered in


a regional intergovernmental organization of states in South Asia


Sri-Lanka India currency swap was organized under

SAARC Currency Swap Framework 2019-22

NISHTHA program is launched under

Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan

Two sub components of Mission SAMMOHAN

Sayonjika and Sangoshthi

Accelerate Vigyan (AV) scheme was launched by

Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)

Plea Bargaining is present in the CrPC in these sections

Sections 265A through 265L Chapter XXI-A

a collegiate competition to prepare the next generation of building professionals to design and build high efficiency buildings powered by renewables

Solar Decathlon India 2021

launched by USAID with an aim to promote women's empowerment and gender sensitization in the energy sector in the South Asia region

South Asia Women in Energy (SAWIE) platform

One District One Product

States identify food products for districts keeping in view the existing clusters and raw material

Objective of PM SVANidhi scheme is

Streamline processing of loan applications by lending institutions

SWAYAM stands for

Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds

Indian Scholastic Assessment (Ind-SAT) is conducted under this program

Study in India

The UN HLPF 2020 was on

Sustainable Development

Swachh Survekshan is held under auspices of

Swacch Bharat Mission-Urban

Sixth Edition of annual cleanliness survey

Swachh Survekshan 2021

Operation Greens was extended from/ to

TOP crops to all Perishable fruits and vegetables

T/F Consumer Protection Act, 2019 allows for alternate dispute resolution mechanism


T/F Consumer protection rules will be applicable to all electronic retailers registered in India or abroad


T/F FSDC Subcommittee meets more often than the full Council


T/F Under Consumer protection rules 2020 Marketplaces as well as sellers would be required to have grievance officers who have to respond in a time-bound manner to complaints


This was established in 2018 to build upon energy partnership and engage through robust government-to-government and industry cooperation

U.S.-India Strategic Energy Partnership(SEP)

UAPA 2019 amends this act

UAPA 1967

UN HLPF is held under


The New Educational Policy was approved by

Union Cabinet

PM Formalization of Micro Food Processing Enterprises scheme was launched by

Union Minister for Food Processing

Swachh Survekshan 2021 was launched by

Union Minister for Housing and Urban Affairs

COVID-19 Law Lab initiative was launched by


Swachh Survekshan 2021 categorizes cities on these criteria

Waste segregation Waste processing capacity Waste recycling c&d waste processing % landfill waste sanitation status

Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihoods Mission is aided in part by

World Bank

This agency will give $750 million funding support to MSMEs

World Bank's Board of Executive Directors

What does Article 164(4) provide for?

a person can remain a minister without being an MLA for six consecutive months

Proceeds of sale of SPV securities to be used for

acquiring short term debt of NBFC/HFC

PM SVANidhi is a/an


Prerak Daaur Samman

awards part of Swachh Survekshan 2021, have 5 subcategories

Mission ABHYAAS' aim

boost research and development by grooming PhD/ PG students

Purpose of Academic Bank of Credit

digitally storing academic credits

Government will set up a Central advisory board to fix the floor- level minimum wages under

draft Code on Wages (Central) Rules

Purpose of Sangoshthi

facilitate the scientific community in interacting with peers

PM Formalization of Micro Food Processing Enterprises scheme will be implemented over

five years from 2020-2021 to 2024-2025

Kris Gopalakrishnan committee pertains to what?

framing rules related to non personal data governance

Minimum wages under draft Code on Wages (Central) Rules will be calculated based on

geographical area of employment and the skill category of an employee

Indian Scholastic Assessment (Ind-SAT) is conducted for

grant of scholarships and admissions to foreign students for studying in Indian unis

Purpose of SPV for NBFC/ HFC

manage a Stressed Asset Fund (SAF)

central government will divide the geographical area into these categories for wage calculation

metropolitan, non-metropolitan and rural

SWAYAM's purpose?

offer online courses from class 9 through postgraduate classes

UN HLPF was established by

outcome document of UN Conference on Sustainable Development

Aim of RAISE initiative

thermal comfort energy efficiency of buildings

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