jurisprudance test

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Six-Step Decision-Making Model for Determining Nursing Scope of Practice

First, ask yourself if the activity is consistent with the NPA and Board rules. Second: Is the activity appropriately authorized? Third: Is it supported by nursing research or scope of practice statements by national nursing organizations? Fourth: Do you possess the required knowledge and competency to carry out the act? Fifth: Would a reasonable and prudent nurse perform this activity in this setting? And sixth: Are you prepared to assume accountability for the patient's safe care and outcome?

Which of the following is authorized in statute as grounds for disciplinary action?

Fraud or deceit in procuring a license is grounds for disciplinary action.

Which conditions fall under the category of fitness for duty, and as such, may impact your ability to practice safely?

Hung over Fatigued Or illicit drugs

Safe Harbor tries to balance duty to patient with protection of the nurse's license.

It allows nurses to accept assignments, and do the best patient care they are capable of, without fear of licensure action by the Board if they accidentally commit a practice error.

Who cannot supervise the nursing practice of an LVN?

LVNs cannot be supervisors for vocational nursing practice.

What percentage of nurses licensed in Texas are reported to the Board?

Less than 3% of nurses licensed in Texas are reported to the Board.

What information MUST be on your name badge?

Name and Licensure level

May a nurse make an anonymous complaint to the Board about another nurse?

No. All complaints must be written and signed.

What is one purpose of Incident-Based Peer Review?

One purpose of Incident-Based Peer Review is to determine if a nurse's conduct requires a report to the Board.

What types of exploitation could potentially constitute boundary violations?

Physical activities Sexual activities Financial activities

guidelines for recognizing good professional character

Rule 213.27 'duty to the patient' Nurses must be aware of their actions and feelings within the therapeutic relationship, identify the invisible boundaries, and act in the best interest of the patient

Which rule is considered the 'heart' of your nursing practice?49 Rule 217.12.

Rule 217.11, Standards of Nursing of Practice, is considered the "heart" of your nursing practice.

What is one purpose of Safe Harbor Peer Review?

Safe Harbor Peer Review protects nurses while they accept assignments under less than ideal circumstances.

According to Rule 217.12 (6)(D), boundary violations include but are not limited to what kinds of exploitative behavior?

Sexual behavior Emotional behavior Financial behavior

role of texas legislature

The Board represents the people of Texas by ensuring that licensed nurses meet minimum standards of safe practice. Professional nursing associations represent their members in legislative, political, and policy matters. Nursing associations also provide leadership in other areas, such as efforts to improve working conditions and benefits for nurses.

What is the mission of the Texas Board of Nursing?

The mission of the Board of Nursing is to protect the citizens of the state of Texas.

What is the purpose of Safe Harbor Peer Review?

The purpose of Safe Harbor Peer Review is to provide protection for a nurse who is asked to accept an assignment that might violate the Board rules and regulations or create an unsafe environment for patients.

mandatory reporting requirement?

The rules state that a nurse has the responsibility to submit a written, signed report to the Board when he or she has cause to suspect violations of the rules and regulations by another nurse. If you fail to report, it is a violation of NPA 301.402 (b).

categories of ethical conduct

honesty, accountability, trustworthiness, reliability, and integrity

minor incidents

in NPA 301.401 (2): "conduct that does not indicate that the continuing practice of nursing by an affected nurse poses a risk of harm to the client or other person." And information guiding which incidents need to be reported to the Board is contained in Rule 217.16, regarding "Minor Incidents."

nurses compact

information on the licensure compact in NPA 304 and Rule 220.

Peer review

is a rule that's been in effect since 1987. It was started because nurses wanted the opportunity to monitor themselves, apart from and before the Board's review. serperate from board review Incident-Based Peer Review relates to an incident reported after the fact by a nurse or facility, while Safe Harbor Peer Review relates to an application made by a nurse to seek safe harbor before he or she accepts an assignment

criminal behavior disclosure

must disclose convictions deferred adjudications probabted sentences domestic offenses

requirements for liscensure

obligation for continuing competency (CE). All nurses with an active Texas license are required to demonstrate continuing competency for relicensure. Each nurse reactiviating an inactive or delinquent license must also submit verification of 20 hours of CE completed in the two years prior to reactivation. The Board does not approve CE, but it does require nurses to have it and it does audit them to ensure they obtain it. The continuing competency rules for license renewal are found in Rule 216.

The unprofessional conduct rules

protect the public from incompetent, unethical, or illegal conduct of licensees. These rules help identify what actions are unprofessional or dishonorable and which are likely to deceive, defraud, or injure clients or the public.

scope of practice

rule 217.11 standards of nursing practice most important rule

mission of BON

the mission of the Board of Nursing is to protect the welfare of the people of Texas. The Board does that by helping nurses stay in the know about their duty to provide safe, competent care to patients and by making sure each nurse who holds a license to practice is competent to practice safely.

When you apply for or renew a license, you only have to disclose criminal convictions

FALSE That is correct. Always refer to Board rules to determine what must be disclosed.

You can rely on your employer and doctors to let you know what acts fall within your scope of practice.

FALSE Board rules and resources will help you determine what is within your scope of practice.

It's okay to borrow money from a rich patient as long as you pay back the loan in a timely and honorable manner

FALSE It is a boundary violation to borrow money from a patient.

Peer Review Committees post monthly reports highlighting their actions.

FALSE The peer review process is confidential.

If a doctor tells you, 'Don't worry, you are working under my license,' then it's safe to perform a medical act that 'you' feel might be out of your scope of practice.59

FALSE correct That is correct. Always follow Board rules for determining what falls within your scope of practice.

When you are under investigation, you are not required to submit a formal response to the allegation.

FALSE. Your response is required and is an important factor the Board carefully considers when reviewing the facts of your case.

Part of the mission of the Texas Board of Nursing is to protect nurses from unfair employment practices


The Board of Nursing can lobby the Texas Legislature to enact laws that help nurses in their profession


disciplinary action report

Any conduct in violation of the Board's rules must be reported. A report by a nurse must be written and signed, it must include the identity of the nurse or student being reported, and it must contain any additional information required by the Board.

Which criminal convictions need NOT be disclosed to the Board when applying for or renewing a license?

Anything beyond a minor Class C traffic violation does need to be disclosed.

Which standard of practice does NOT apply to all nurses?

Ability to delegate does not apply to all nurses.

due process

Due process rights include provisions that the facility must have policies in place about peer review, and that the Peer Review Committee must comply with requirements. Furthermore, a nurse must receive notice regarding the review, and the nurse will have opportunity to respond to that notice. And finally, a nurse may hire his or her own attorney, will get feedback after the decision, and will have a chance to respond to the decision

Which is most important - employer's instructions, doctor's instructions, the needs of the nurse, or the duty to the patient?

Duty to the patient is more important than an employer's instructions, a doctor's instructions, or even the nurse's needs.

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