Kappa Psi
When was The Mask Published
Number of students in the first class
Rule 13: Brother is always Right
A Kappa Psi Brother is always right.
Rule 1: Pledge Pin
A Kappa Psi pledge must wear the pledge pin at all times during pledging.
Rule 2: Handbook & Pledge Manual
A pledge must carry the Handbook and Pledge Manual at all times.
Rule 3: Appearances
A pledge will dress with special care during pledging, except where a laboratory coat is required; will wear the appropriate attire which is in good taste. Hair must be well groomed. Personal carelessness and untidy appearances will not be tolerated.
Brie Anne Reynolds Scholarship
A yearly scholarship is awarded to a current, active P2/P3 Delta Lambda brother with money from the bowling tournament
Rule 4: Written Assignments
All written assignments must be turned in on time and prepared as instructed by the Pledge Master.
Greek Alphabet
Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Eta, Theta, Iota, Kappa, Lambda, Mu, Nu, Xi, Omicron, Pi, Rho, Sigma, Tau, Upsilon, Phi, Chi, Psi, Omega
When was Delta Lambda Chapter Founded?
April 23, 1988
House Chair
Austin Schmidle
House Manager
Austin Schmidle
The Asklepios Key
Awarded for excellence in scholarship (standards established by the Chapter)
The Scholarship Honors Certificate
Awarded to P2 or P3 who has attained a 3.0 GPA or B average during the evaluation period over the academic year; also open to Brothers in Pass/Fail curriculum w/ faculty recommendations
Robert A. Magarian, Order of the Silver Mortar
Awarded to members of the Fraternity who have been members for 25 years or more
Preston W. Eldridge Jr., Order of the Golden Mortar
Awarded to members of the Fraternity who have been members for 50 years or more
F. Harvey Smith, Order of the Platinum Mortar
Awarded to members of the Fraternity who have been members for 75 years or more
The Grand Council Scholarship Key and Certificate
Awarded to members with the highest scholarship rank in their graduating class
Dr. Moore's Chapter
Beta Xi
Tutorial Chair
Breana Blue
2nd Phulax
Britny Taylor
Cassidy Elmore
Corresponding Secretary
Chanel Charles
Finance Chair
Chelsea Hoyle
Chelsea Hoyle
P4 Liaison
Chenoa Shelton
Second Chapter
Cheshire Military Academy Cheshire, Connecticut November 30, 1879 after a football match on Turkey Day
Chin Ejere
Coat of Arms
Clasped hands, 9, holly leaves, 2 arrows, a watchful eye, the mask, key, feather, alpha and omega, Asclepius symbol, and scroll with the motto
Rule 9: Comments
Comments may be placed in the Pledge Book by active Brothers only.
First Collegiate Chapter of Kappa Psi
Delta Chapter November 18, 1898
Co-Grand Council Deputies (GCD)
Dr. Andy Bowman & Dr. Charles Carter
Responsibility 5: Training Period
During the training period, the pledge must (i) be subordinate to the chapter through the Pledge Master, (ii) learn the assigned material in the allowed time, (iii) learn group cooperation, (iv) exhibit an attitude of dignity and respect at all times, and (v) endeavor to complete all assigned tasks when due.
Brothers on the cover of The Mask
Eliana Kurzum, Shelby Wood, Katie Andrews
Risk Management Chair
Emma Benjamin
Alpha Chapter
First national chapter Supervisory Board to authorize the new Chapters 1896
1st Vice-Regent
Gabrielle Clark
Pledge Master
Gavin Hill
Assistant Treasurer
Gray Cheers
Fundraising Chair
Gray Cheers
Rule 7: Greetings
Greetings are to be given while standing with book in hand and facing the active Brother.
Female Assistant Pledge Master
Hanna Veeder
Third Chapter
Hillhouse Academy New Haven, Connecticut October 7, 1894 - 1896
4 Pillars
Industry, Sobriety, Fellowship, High Ideals
Sweetheart Song
Introduced by Beta Sigma in 1929 Adopted at GCC 1953 Gerturde Murdock
Founders of the Delta Lambda Chapter
Jeffrey Pendergrass, Michael Williams, Faculty members Ed Soltis, and Fred Cox (all Dr.'s)
Social Chair
Jennah Badger
Scholarship Chair
Jess Overby
Male Assistant Pledge Master
Jonathan Gosnell
Joseph Chukwu
Judiciary Chair
Josh Davis
Sergeant at Arms/1st Phulax
Josh Davis
Kappa Psi Full Name
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc.
Rule 14: Kappa Psi Business
Kappa Psi business is Kappa Psi business.
Intramural Chair
Kayla Tunehag
Sergeant Mickey Hutchens
Killed in 2009 while responding to a call for the Winston-Salem police department
2nd Vice Regent
Madison Hicks
Rush Chair
Madison Hicks
Madison Saint-Amand
Mary-Ashlyn Tucker
Last 5 Regents (newest to oldest)
Mary-Ashlyn Tucker, Alexia Greene, Devan Mitchell, Kris Kindborg, Emily Johnson
Legislative Chair/Parliamentarian
Mohammad Ali
A. Richard Bliss Jr., Grand Council Citation of Appreciation
Most prestigious award given by Kappa Psi for extraordinary contributions to the Fraternity or Profession; issued by the Executive Committee or the Grand Council
Who Founded Kappa Psi/Grand Regent
Mr. F. Harvey Smith
Rule 11: Remarks
Never make damaging remarks towards other fraternities.
Rule 10: Gatherings
Never pass on what happens in Fraternity meetings or gatherings.
Kappa Psi Motto
One for All, All for One
Obligation 3: Financial Obligations
Pledges are expected to pay all financial obligations when due. This applies not only to expenses of the Fraternity but to personal obligations as well.
Rule 6: Interviews
Pledges will interview all active brothers and obtain their signature for the interview.
National Philanthropy
Reach Out and Read
Public/Alumni Relations Chair
Rebecca Hayes
Certificate of Commendation
Recognizes important or conspicuous service or achievement in the interest of the Fraternity
Grand Regent's Letter of Recognition
Recognizes members for distinctive service and/or dedication
When and Where was Kappa Psi Founded?
Russell Military Academy, New Haven, Connecticut, May 30, 1879
Brothers who've attended the Kappa Psi Leadership Symposium
Sara Boltinhouse Jones, Chris Walston, Brooke Kopelakis
Recording Secretary
Sarah Williams
Kappa Psi Colors
Scarlet and Cadet Gray
Rule 5: Signatures
Signatures will be obtained from active Brothers once a week; signatures of faculty brothers will be obtained at least once during pledging.
Big Bats Tournament
Softball tournament held once a year in honor of Brother Leah Mitchell and her father Sergeant Mickey Hutchens
Formal Chair
Sumner Miller
Kappa Psi Flower
The Red Carnation; 1908 at GCC in Charleston, South Carolina
Responsibility 1: Goals and Ideals
The pledge must learn the goals and ideals of Kappa Psi & how to fuse them with their own.
Responsibility 3: Scholastic Achievement
The pledge must learn the proper attitude toward scholastic achievement.
Responsibility 4: Live, Work, and Socialize
The pledge must learn to live, work, and socialize with others.
Responsibility 2: Good and Welfare
The pledge must learn to place the good and welfare of the group above personal desires.
Obligation 1: Have the Time
The pledges are expected to have the time to give proper attention to the interests of Kappa Psi without neglecting or interfering with their scholastic duties
Rule 12: Duties
There is no duty too large or too small that a Kappa Psi pledge cannot endure.
Rule 8: Obscenities
There shall be no obscenities in the pledge book.
Obligation 2: Work Wholeheartedly
They are expected to work wholeheartedly and without complaint to advance the interests of Kappa Psi. They should accept any reasonable assignment cheerfully and without question.
Obligation 5: Permanent and Binding Association
They must realize that, in becoming a member of Kappa Psi, they are making a permanent and binding association which will benefit them only as much as they help it to prosper.
Obligation 4: Spirit of Respect and Sincerity
They must regard the fraternity with a spirit of respect and sincerity and must remember that their personal conduct and actions reflect upon their Fraternity and their Brothers.
Service Chair
Timmy Ryan
Big Bats Scholarship
Two $750 scholarships are given to 2 Yadkin/Forsythe county seniors pursuing a full-time undergraduate degree and who have at least 1 active parent in law enforcement
Auditing Chair
Vivian Vu
Brother Brie Anne Reynolds
Yearly bowling tournament is held for Brother Brie Anne Reynolds who died in a car accident
Objective 1: To conduct
to conduct a fraternal organization for the mutual benefit of its members
Objective 2: To Develop...
to develop industry, sobriety, and fellowship; and to foster high ideals, scholarship, and pharmaceutical research
Objective 4: To Inspire...
to inspire in its members a deep and lasting pride in their fraternity and in the profession of pharmacy
Objective 5: To Render...
to render such other services to its members and its profession as many seem feasible and as may be in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws of the fraternity
Objective 3: To Support...
to support all projects that will advance the profession of pharmacy and actively participate in them