Kin 2500 - Exam 5 Exam Review

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Diverging circuits allow for transmission of nerve impulses from __________ neuron(s) to __________ neuron(s). a. several, one b. one, several c. unipolar, multipolar d. multipolar, unipolar


The conus medullaris is... a. the junction between the medulla and the spinal cord b. the tapering end of the spinal cord inferior to the lumbar enlargement c. the inner portion of the spinal cord, seen in cross section d. the attachment of a spinal ner ve to the psinal cord


The main plexuses formed by the anterior (ventral) rami of spinal nerves are: a. thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and cocygeal b. cervical, brachial, lumbar, and sacral c. cervical, lumbar, sacral, and inguinal d. cervical, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal


The two main routes for sensory information traveling up the spinal cord to the brain are __________ tracts and __________ columns. a. direct, indirect b. spinothalamic, posterior c. reticulospinal, vestibulospinal d. corticospinal, corticobulbar


__________ (or sensory) impulses travel from the __________ to the __________. a. efferent, central nervous system, receptors b. efferent, receptors, central nervous system c. afferent, receptors, central nervous system d. afferent, central nervous system, receptors


Which of the following is true? a. The falx cerebri separates the two hemispheres of the cerebrum. b. The falx cerebelli separates the two hemispheres of the cerebellum. c. The tantorium cerebelli separates the cerebrum from the cerebellum. d. The falx cerebri is an extension of the dura mater. e. All of the above are true.


Which structure(s) protect the brain? a. cranium b. dura mater c. arachnoid mater d. pia mater e. all of the above


TRUE or FALSE: The denticulate ligaments and the filium terminale are both structures that help to anchor the spinal cord and protect it against sudden displacement.


Cerebrospinal fluid is found between two layeers of the meninges in a space called the... a. subarachnoid space b. subpial space c. epidural space d. subdural space


Cerebrospinal fluid is produced by: a. ependymal cells b. Schwann cells c. oligodendrocytes d. astrocytes e. microgila


From which plexus does the axillary nerve arise? a. brachial b. cervical c. lumbar d. sacral e. thoracic


Gaps in the myelin sheath are called the... a. nodes of Ranvier b. trigger zone c. neuromuscular junction d. axon hillock e. axon terminal


In order to flex your fingers, which type of impulse will the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle need to receive? a. efferent b. afferent c. visceral d. autonomic


The nerves to and from the lower limbs arise from the... a. lumbar enlargement b. gray commissure c. cauda equina d. filium terminale e. conus medullaris


The white matter of the spinal cord... a. contains ascending (sensory) and descending (motor) tracts. b. is surrounded by gray matter c. is subdivided into regions called horns d. all of the above


There are __________ pairs of spinal nerves, consisting of the following groups: __________ pairs of cervical __________ pairs of thoracic __________ pairs of lumbar __________ pairs of sacral __________ pair of coccygeal spinal nerves a. 31, 8, 12, 5, 5, 1 b. 41, 8, 13, 6, 6, 2 c. 31, 7, 12, 5, 5, 1 d. 24, 9, 10, 4, 5, 3


What does a posterior (dorsal) root ganglion contain? a. cell bodies of sensory neurons b. cell bodies of interneurons c. cell bodies of motor neurons d. both sensory and motor information e. cell bodies of sensory neurons, and sensory and motor information, are correct


Which of the following is FALSE regarding the sciatic nerve? a. It arises from the lumbar plexus. b. It splits at about the le vel of the knee into tibial and common fibular nerves. c. Is the largest nerve in the body. d. It sends branches to the hamstring muscles


When compared to unmyelinated axons, myelinated axons: 1) are electrically insulated -- 2) are gray in color -- 3) have a faster speed of nerve impulse conduction -- 4) are more numerous a. 1-4 b. 1, 3, and 4 only c. 2-4 only d. 1-2 and 4 only


Which neuroglia would be most responsible for helping to pre vent pathogens and toxins from entering the brain from the blood? a. Schwann cells (neurolemmocytes) b. astrocytes c. oligodendrocytes d. ependymal cells


Which of the following is TRUE of the somatic nervous system? a. The structures of the somatic nervous system are located in the brain and spinal cord. b. The somatic sensory pathways are involved in the input of information to the CNS. c. The somatic nervous system includes extensive networks of neurons located in the walls of the gastrointestinal organs. d. All are TRUE.


Which of the following is TRUE? a. The site of communication between two neurons is called an axon hillock. b. Dendrites are the receiving or input portion of a neuron. c. The cytoplasm of an axon is called the axolemma. d. The presynaptic neuron carries a nerve impulse away from a synapse. e. The plasma membrane of an axon is called the axoplasm.


Within the spinal cord, which structure forms the crossbar of the H? a. lumbar enlargement b. gray commissure c. cauda equina d. filium terminale e. conus medullaris


__________ (or motor) impulses travel from the __________ to the __________ (muscle or glands). a. efferent, effectors, central nervous system b. efferent, central nervous system, effectors c. afferent, central nervous system, effectors d. afferent, effecctors, central nervous system


From which plexus does the femoral nerve arise? a. brachial b. cervical c. lumbar d. sacral e. thoracic


Motor neurons that supply skeletal muscles have cell bodies in __________ gray horns of the spinal cord, and their axons exit the cord via a/an __________ root. a. anterior (ventral), posterior (dorsal) b. posterior (dorsal), posterior (dorsal) c. anterior (ventral), anterior (ventral) d. posterior (dorsal), anterior (ventral)


Select the best description of the Schwann cells (neurolemmocytes). a. form myelin sheaths in the central nervous system b. help maintain the blood-brain barrier c. form myelin sheaths in the peripheral nervous system d. surround cell bodies in perpipheral nervous system ganglia


The myelin sheath of the central nervous system neurons is produced by: a. ependymal cells b. Schwann cells c. oligodendrocytes d. astrocytes e. microgila


The sciatic nerve is actually made of two nerves bound together by a common sheath of connective tissue. Which two nerves make up the sciatic nerve? a. femoral and obturator b. pudendal and superficial fibular c. libial and common fibular d. libial and superior gluteal e. femoral and common fibular


Which of the following contain cell bodies of sensory neurons? a. anterior (ventral) gray horns b. posterior (dorsal) gray horns c. posterior (dorsal) root ganglia d. lateral gray horns


Which of the following is a correct pathway for a reflex arc? a. sensory receptor, motor neuron, effector, sensory neuron, integrating center b. integrating center, sensory receptor, motor neuron, sensory neuron, effector c. sensory receptor, sensory neuron, integrating center, motor neuron, effector d. sensory neuron, sensory receptor, motor neuron, integrating center, effector e. effefctor, motor neuron, integrating center, sensory neuron, sensory receptor


Which of the following nerves arise from the brachial plexus? 1. ulnar nerve -- 2. femoral nerve -- 3. median nerve -- 4. obturator nerve -- 5. axillary nerve -- 6. musculocutaneous nerve -- 7. sciatic nerve -- 8. radial nerve -- 9. tibial nerve -- 10. common fibular nerve a. 1-10 b. 2, 4, 7, 9, and 10 c. 1, 3, 5, 6, and 8 d. 3, 4, 6, 8 e. 2, 5, 7, 8


Which spinal nerves DO NOT participate in forming a plexus? a. C1-C5 b. C5-T1 c. T2-T12 d. L1-L4 e. L4-S4


Which type of neuron functions to integrate (process) sensory information? a. efferent neuron b. sensory neuron c. interneuron d. motor neuron e. afferent neuron


The central canal of the spinal cord is located in the center of the... a. anterior (ventral) white commissure b. anterior (ventral) gray horns c. posterior (dorsal) white columns d. gray commissure


The gray matter of the spinal cord... a. is subdivided into regions called horns b. is surrounded by white matter c. contains neuronal cell bodies d. all of the above


The majority of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) production is from which of the following sites? a. medulla oblongata b. interventricular foramina c. septum pellucidum d. choroid plexuses e. falx cerebri


The medulla oblongata contains nuclei associated with which of the following pairs of cranial nerves? 1. Olfactory 2. Optic 3. Oculomotor 4. Trochlear 5. Trigeminal 6. Abducens 7. Facial 8. Vestibulocochlear 9. Glossopharyngeal 10. Vagus 11. Accessory 12. Hypoglossal a. 3-4 b. 3-4 and 6 c. 5-8 d. 8-12 e. 5, 7, 9, and 11-12


The peripheral nervous system includes: a. cranial nerves and their branches b. spinal nerves and their branches c. ganglia d. all of these


What is the best description of the pia mater? a. contains a protective cushion of fat and connective tissue b. most superficial meninx c. thick strong layer composed of dense, irregular connective tissue d. contains blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients to the spinal cord e. consists of collagen and elastic fiber network; has no blood vessels


Which of the following is FALSE? 1. Each nerve fiber sits in a loose connective tissue called the endoneurium. 2. The axon and its associated glial cells form the nerve fiber. 3. The perineurium packages groups of nerve fibers together into bundles called fasiculi. 4. The epineurium is the innermost connective tissue covering. a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. both 1 and 2 are correct


Which of the following is false? a. Vertebrae and vertebral ligaments protect the spinal cord. The meninges include the dura mater, arachnoid mater and pla mater. c. Between the arachnoid mater and the pla mater is the subarachnoid space. d. Between the dura mater and the skull is the subdural space. e. all of these are correct.


Which is TRUE? a. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is located outside the brain and spinal cord. b. the central nervous system (CNS) is composed of the brain and spinal cord. c. a nerve is a bundle of axons (nerve fibers) that lie outside the brain and spinal cord. d. ganglia are small masses consisting primarily of neuron cell bodies located outside the brain and spinal cord. e. all of these are correct


Which of the following are structures of the nervous system? a. spinal cord b. ganglia c. sensory receptors d. enteric plexuses e. all of these


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