KIN 367 Exam 2 Additional

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Based on data from Naci et al., the cumulative body of evidence from 391 randomized controlled trials assessing the exercise and medication effects on systolic blood pressure indicated that combination (aerobic + resistance) exercise training is ___________ effective than/as calcium channel blockers in adults with hypertension.


Based on evidence from Naci et al., the cumulative body of evidence from 391 randomized controlled trials assessing the exercise and medication effects on systolic blood pressure indicated that combination (aerobic + resistance) exercise training is _____________ effective than/as Angiotensin receptor blockers in adults with hypertension.


Based on the bulk of human literature discussed in class, exercise training can be expected to lower resting blood pressures (DBP/SBP) in people with mild hypertension by about ___ to ____ mmHg.


Based on the data from Naci et al., the cumulative body of evidence from 391 randomized controlled trials assessing the exercise and medication effects on systolic blood pressure indicated that resistance training is ____________ effective than/ as aerobic training in adults with hypertension.

less effective

Chronic exercise training can effectively lower BP however the change observed in older adults will be (more/less/equally) effective in older adults when compared to younger adults.


Data indicates that a single acute exercise session will lower BP (more/less/equally) in patients with higher BP values when compared to adults with normal BP


In the US the prevalence of hypertension is ____% higher in African American adults.


Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans Advisory Committee concluded that active men and women have ________% lower risk of stroke incidence or stroke mortality.


T of F: In the US the prevalence of hypertension is higher among women.


T or F: After suffering from your first attack, exercise training can lower the risk of suffering a second heart attack.

False (nothing about race/ethnicity)

T or F: Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans indicate that physical activity provides a protective benefit against stroke that varies by race/ethnicity.


T or F: The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans indicate that physical activity provides a protective benefit against stroke, but does not have enough data to conclusively say that the effect varies by the specific type of stroke.


The cumulative body of evidence from 13 prospective cohort studies indicated that moderate and high levels of recreational physical activity were associated with decreased risk of hypertension. How large of a decrease would we expect to see when comparing HIGH to low physical activity?


The cumulative body of evidence from 13 prospective cohort studies indicated that moderate and high levels of recreational physical activity were associated with decreased risk of hypertension. How large of a decrease would we expect to see when comparing MODERATE to low physical activity?

3/2 mmHg

What is the approximate size in mmHg of the effect of aerobic exercise training on systolic blood pressure? _____ on diastolic blood pressure? _______ in people with normal BP.


What percentage of US adults have hypertension?


What percentage of strokes are primary hemmoragic?


What percentage of strokes are primary ischemic?

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