KIN 370- Chapter 9 (spine)

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in the context of the abnormalities in the spinal curvature, identify the characteristics of severe scoliosis

1. extreme lateral deviation of spine 2. localized rotation of the spine

a typical geriatric intervertebral disc in the human spine has a fluid content that is reduced by approximately _ percent in the second decade of life


identify a result of continued loading of an intervertebral disc in the human spine

a slight decrease in disc hydration

identify a posture in which compression on the lumbar spine is the maximum

a slouched sitting position

anteriorly directed movement of the anterior superior iliac spine with respect to the pubic symphysis

anterior pelvic tilt

averages around 75 degrees of rotation, 14 degrees of extension and 24 degrees of lateral flexion

atlanto-axial joint

flexion/extension of about 14-15 degrees permitted with virtually no motion occurring in any other plane

atlanto-occipital joint

results in either flexion of the neck or extension of the head

bilateral tension development

in whiplash injuries, the _ spine assumes an S-shape with the upper segments in flexion and the lower segments in extension


the supraspinous ligament is prominently enlarged in the _ region of the human spine where it is referred to as ligamentum nuchae or ligament of the neck


rotation of spine towards opposite side

external obliques

in the human spine, the weaker anterior longitudinal ligament and the powerful posterior longitudinal ligament separate the vertebral bodies in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions


the condition in which the spine is in full flexion, the spinal extensor muscles relax and the flexion torque is supported by the spinal ligaments is known as the _ phenomenon

flexion relaxation

result from impacts to the head when people dive into shallow water or engage in gymnastics or trampolining activities without appropriate supervision

fractures of the cervical vertebrae

results from blows received during accidents or participation in contact sports

fractures of the ribs

result from large compressive loads such as those encountered in the sport of weight lifting or in the handling of heavy materials

fractures of the vertebral end plates

anteriorly directed sagittal plane rotation of the femur with respect to the pelvic girdle

hip flexion

rotation of spine toward the same side

internal obliques

researchers hypothesized that _ works like a balloon inside the abdominal cavity to support the adjacent lumbar spine by creating a tensile force that partially offsets the compressive load

intraabdominal pressure

in the context of the movements of the spine, identify a true statement about hypertension

it is the extension of the spine backward past anatomical position

in the context of spinal injuries, identify a true statement about a disc herniation

its treatment includes medications, physical therapy and lumbar injection

extreme thoracic curvature


results from a congenital abnormality in which one or more wedge-shaped vertebra develop because of abnormal epiphyseal plate behavior


frontal plane movement of the spine away from anatomical position is termed

lateral flexion

the yellow ligament that connects the laminae of adjacent vertebrae in the human spine, which is distinguished by its elasticity, is known as the

ligamentum flavum

associated with weakened abdominal muscles and anterior pelvic tilt


extreme lumbar curvature


jenna regularly lifts weights and runs for more than one hour a day on the treadmill. she also practices figure skating and swims the butterfly stroke. due to the exhaustion from overexerting herself in the gym and other exercise, she tends to have bad posture while sitting in front of her laptop in her office. she has also developed low back pain. in this scenario, she is suffering from a spinal abnormality known as


individuals whose sports or positions require repeated hyperextension of the _ spine are prime candidates for stress-related spondylolysis


maximizing the smoothness of the motion pattern of the external load minimizes the peaks in the compressive force on the _ in the human spine

lumbosacral joint

_ enables the active lumbar extensor muscles to partially offset the anterior shear produced by body weight and uniformly loads the lumbar discs rather than placing a tensile load on the posterior annulus of these discs

maintaining a normal lumbar curve

the old adage to lift with the legs and not with the back refers to the advisability of

minimizing the torque generated on the spine by body weight

Rita, a 35-year-old woman, vigorously exercises every day in order to lose weight. She exercises early in the morning, afternoon, evening, and night before bed for one hour each. In this scenario, a risk for spinal injury is most likely in the


the _ is considered the functional unit of the human spine

motion segment

a typical vertebra consists of a body, a hollow ring known as the _, and several bony processes

neural arch

the colloidal gel with a high fluid content, located inside the annulus fibrosus of the intervertebral disc is known as _

nucleus pulposus

which of the following activities will cause deformation in the intervertebral discs of the spine and predispose an individual to low back pain?

picking up heavy boxes for 30 minutes

present at birth

primary spinal curves

identify the muscles in the lumbar region that function bilaterally to flex and unilaterally to laterally flex the lumbar spine

psos major and quadratus lumborum

_, which is an abnormality in the spinal curvature, may appear as either a C- or S-curve involving the thoracic spine, the lumbar spine or both


coupled with rotational deformity of the involved vertebrae with the condition ranging from mild to severe


lateral spinal curvature


develop from supporting the body in an upright position after young children begin to sit and stand

secondary spinal curves

spinal muscles must generate large forces to counteract the torques produced about the spine by the weights of body segments and external loads because the

spinal muscles have extremely small moment arms with respect to the vertebral joints

_ causes shear stress in the intervertebral discs of the human spine

spinal rotation

identify the primary cervical extensors in the muscles of the spine

splenius cervicis and splenius capitis

complete bilateral fracture of the pars interarticularis resulting in the anterior slippage of the vertebrae


presence of a fracture in the pars interarticularis of the vertebral neural arch


main function of hyoid muscles, which is a major anterior muscle group of the cervical region in the human spine, appears to move the hyoid bone during the act of


identify a true statement about the incidence of low back pain according to studies

the incidence of low back pain increases with age

identify a true statement about the lumbar vertebrae in the human spine

the increased surface area of the lumbar vertebrae reduces the amount of stress to which these vertebrae would otherwise be subjected

when compared to other regions in the spine, the least range of motion for flexion/extension of the motion segments is seen in the _ spine


in the context of common injuries of the back and neck, McGill advocates _ as a prophylactic for low back injury

training the trunk muscles for endurance

produces lateral flexion to the same side or rotation to the opposite side

unilateral contraction

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