KIN 485 - quiz 1

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neck measurement

- men: below adams apple and at downward angle - women: middle of neck and downward angle


A type of physical activity consisting of planned, structured, and repetitive bodily movement done to improve and/or maintain one or more components of physical fitness

Physician must prescribe an ______ before it can be purchased and provide medical oversight.


Fat-free mass (FFM)

Mass of muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons and internal organs FFM = total body mass - total fat mass

lean body mass

Mass of muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons and internal organs including the small percentage of essential fat associated with each

Exercise participation

Performing planned, structured physical activity at least 30 min at moderate intensity on at least 3 d/wk for at least the last 3 months

prediction equation to estimate % body fat from body density

[(4.95 / Db) - 4.50] X 100

physical inactivity

a global pandemic that has been identified as one of the four leading contributors to premature morality

physical fitness

a set of attributes or characteristics that people have or achieve that relates to the ability to perform physical activity

weakness with skin folds

assumes that subcutaneous fat is proportional to all fat distribution

% body fat can be established once

body density has been determined

relative contraindications

can be superseded if benefits outweigh the risks of exercise. In some instances, these individuals can be exercised with caution and/or using low-level endpoints, especially if they are asymptomatic at rest.

Cardiovascular (CV) disease - definition/kind

cardiac, peripheral, vascular, or cerebrovascular disease, heart attack (myocardial infarction), stroke, stent, CABG, etc

ACSM algorithm components include identifying if individuals have known...

cardiovascular, metabolic, renal diseases OR those with signs/symptoms suggestive of cardiac, peripheral, vascular or cerebrovascular disease, Type 1 and 2 diabetes, and renal diseases

direct assessment body composition

chemical dissolving of body components into fat and non-fat components or physical dissection of fat from muscle, organ, connective and bone tissue

Waist-to-hip ratio (WHR)

circumference of the waist (above the iliac crest) / circumference of the hips (buttocks/hips measure) health risk inc as WHR inc assesses body fat distribution

Use of medical records

confidentiality will be observed but data may be used for research purposes

if the presence or absence of a risk factor is not disclosed or is not available it should be....

counted as a risk factor

Risk factor: Cigarette smoking

current cigarette smoker or those who quit within the previous 6 months or exposure to environmental tobacco smoke

When should an AED be monitored?

daily, weekly, and monthly basis

when measuring circumferences, you must take ___ but not ____ measurements

duplicate, consecutive

body composition assessment is useful for

establishing optimal weight, formulating dietary guidelines and developing exercise prescriptions for weight management and control monitoring changes in composition with growth, maturation, age and training

indirect assessment body composition

estimates body composition from body density (the ratio of body mass to body volume)

Risk factor: Waist girth circumference

greater than 102cm for men; greater than 88cm for women

Negative risk factor: HDL-C

greater than or equal to 60mg/dL

Risk factor: Fasting plasma glucose

greater than/equal to 100mg/dL

Risk factor: LDL-C

greater than/equal to 130mg/dL

Risk factor: OGTT (2h plasma glucose)

greater than/equal to 140mg/dL

Risk factor: Total cholesterol

greater than/equal to 200mg/dL

Risk factor: Body mass index

greater than/equal to 30kg/m^2

Risk factor: Men age

greater than/equal to 45

Risk factor: HbA1c

greater than/equal to 5.7%

Risk factor: Women age

greater than/equal to 55

lean tissue is associated with

metabolic regulation, functional capacity and physical performance


more expensive hydrodensitometry and plethysmography

Risk factor: Family history:

myocardial infarction, coronary revascularization or sudden death before 55 years of age in father or other male 1st degree relative or before 65 years of age in mother or other female 1st degree relative

Risk factor: Physical inactivity

not meeting the minimum threshold of 500-1,000MET-min of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity or 75-150min/wk to moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity

Individuals with what disease are not automatically referred for medical clearance?

pulmonary disease, because this does not increase the risk of nonfatal or fatal CV complications

if girth/circumference duplicate measurements are not within 5 mm of each other, ___


waist measurement

taken at the narrowest part of the torso (above the umbilicus and below the xiphoid process)

in circumference measurements, the final value is

the average of the two measures, provided they do not differ by more than 5 mm

What is the first step of the pre-participation health screening?

the need for medical clearance before initiating or progressing exercise programming is determined using ACSM screening alorithm (self-guided screenings (PAR-Q)can be an acceptable substitute for this method)


(pear shaped, female pattern) fat storage in the hips, buttocks and thighs. Gynoid fat distribution is resistant to fat mobilization.

Skill (Performance)-Related Fitness Components

- Agility - balance - coordination - power - reaction time - speed

health-related fitness components

- cardiorespiratory endurance - muscular strength - muscular endurance - flexibility - body composition

HR measurements

- Pulse palpitation - Auscultation (measure with stethoscope under ribcage) - HR monitor

BMI classes

- Underweight: Less than 18.5 - Healthy weight: 18.5 to 24.9 - Overweight: 25 to 29.9 - Obese: 30 and up

Girth/Circumference measurement locations

- abdomen - buttocks/hips - neck - waist

Atherosclerotic CVD positive risk factors

- age - family history - cigarette smoking - physical inactivity - BMI /waist circumference - blood pressure - lipids - blood glucose

skin fold measurement procedures

- all measurements should be made on the right side of the body with the individual standing upright - maintain pinch while reading caliper (wait 1-2 sec before reading) - retest if duplicate measurements are not within 1-2 mm - grasp fold with index finger and thumb

Absolute contraindications to exercise testing

-Acute myocardial infarction within 2 days -Ongoing unstable angina -Uncontrolled cardiac arrhythmia with hemodynamic compromise (unstable HR and BP) -Active andocarditis -Symptomatic severe aortic stenosis -Decompensated heart failure -Acute pulmonary embolism, pulmonary infarction, or deep venous thrombosis -Acute myo-endo-or pericarditis -Acute aortic dissection -Physical disability that precludes safe and adequate testing

Prior to engaging in physical activity or structured exercise programs

-informed consent -exercise pre-participation health screening -health history -cardiovascular (CV) risk factor analysis

Relative Contraindications to Exercise Testing

-known obstructive left main coronary artery stenosis -moderate to severe aortic stenosis with uncertain relationship to symptoms -tachyarrrthmias with uncontrolled ventricular rates -acquired advanced or complete heart block -recent stroke or transient ischemia attack -mental impairment with limited ability to cooperate -resting hypertension with systolic 200mm Hg or diastolic 110 mm Hg -uncorrected medical conditions like significant anemia, important electrolyte imbalance, and hyperthyroidism

Major Signs or Symptoms Suggestive of Cardiovascular, Pulmonary, or Metabolic Disease

-pain or discomfort in the chest, neck, jaw, arms or other areas that may result from ischemia -shortness of breath (Dyspnea) -dizziness or syncope (loss of consciousness) -orthopnea -paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea -ankle edema -palpitations or tachycardia -intermittent claudication -known heart murmur -unusual fatigue or shortness of breath with usual activities

Written informed consent

-purpose and explanation -attendant risks and discomforts -responsibilities of participant -benefits to be expected -inquires

Aerobic exercise recommendations: vigorous intensity aerobic exercise

20+ min, 3 days/week

resting VO2

3.5 km/min = 1 met

Aerobic exercise recommendations: Moderate intensity aerobic exercise

30+ min, 5 days/week

physical activity

Any bodily movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscles that results in a substantial increase in caloric requirements over resting energy expenditure

skinfold measurements

Body composition determined from skinfold thickness correlates well with hydrodensitometry values

Chest/Pectoral Skinfold

Diagonal fold, half the distance between the anterior axillary line and the nipple in men or a third of this distance in women.

Suprailiac Skinfold

Diagonal fold; in line with the natural angle of the iliac crest taken in the anterior axillary line immediately superior to the iliac crest

subscapular skinfold

Diagonal fold (at a 45-degree angle); 1-2 cm below the inferior angle of the scapula

Prolonged periods of sitting or sedentary behavior are associated with good health consequences independent of PA levels


storage fat

Fat accumulated in adipose tissue: - Visceral adipose tissue protects internal organs from trauma - Subcutaneous adipose tissue: fat stores beneath the skin's surface

regional body fat

Fat deposited in a body region that may be a combination of storage and sex-specific essential fat stores

Atherosclerotic CVD negative risk factor

HDL-C (subtract 1 risk factor from the sum of positive risk factors)

What is the one negative risk in CVD risk factors?

High density lipoprotein cholesterol

What is the most common exercise-related complication and is often associated with activities that are weight bearing or involve repetitive motion

Musculoskeletal injury

Skill (performance) related fitness

Refers to the ability to function in a more efficient manner

Risk factor: Blood pressure

SBP greater than/equal to 130 DBP greater than/equal to 80 **based on an average of 2 reading obtained in 2 occasions OR on antihypertensive medication

High levels of sedentary behavior can be detrimental to ones' health.


Important health benefits can be obtained by performing a moderate amount of physical activity on most, if not all, days of the week.


Metabolic disease - definition/kind

Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Physical activity during childhood decreases metabolic risk factors for what?

Type 2 diabetes PA causes gains in bone density to later prevent osteoporosis

midaxillary skinfold

Vertical fold on the midaxillary line at the level of the xiphoid process

Thigh Skinfold

Vertical fold; on the anterior midline of the thigh, midway between the proximal border of the patella and the inguinal crease (hip)

Triceps skinfold

Vertical fold; on the posterior midline of the upper arm, halfway between the acromion and olecranon processes, with the arm held freely to the side of the body

Can walking, running, and weightlifting carry an injury risk?

Yes, because they are weight-bearing and can involve repetitive motion

Resistance exercise recommendations

activities to maintain/increase muscular strength and endurance minimum 2 days/week

what presents a greater health risk: android or gynoid obesity?



apple shaped, male pattern) fat storage in the trunk and upper body. Android fat distribution is associated with increased risk for hypertension, hyperlipidemia, insulin resistance, heart attack, and stroke.

What is the second step of the pre-participation health screening?

if indicated during screening, medical clearance should be sought from an appropriate health care provider

essential fat

includes fat stored in bone marrow, heart, lungs, liver, spleen, kidneys, intestines, muscles and tissues of the central nervous system (brain & spinal cord)

Risk factor: HDL-C in men

less than 40

Risk factor: HDL-C in women

less than 50

body composition can be expressed as

the relative percentage of mass that is fat (FM) and fat-free (FFM) using a two-component model.

Why does informed consent need to be precise?

to ensure that the participant knows and understands the purposes and risks associated with the test or exercise program in health/fitness or clinical settings

what is a useful alternative to skinfolds to predict body fat

to track change in measurements (mm) at individual skin fold sites or use the sum of skin folds (mm)

Fat Mass (FM)

total body fat including essential body fat and storage fat

Renal disease

undefined by ACSM


used to measure weight relative to height body weight (kg) / height (m^2)

What does medical and cardiovascular screening provide?

valuable information for designing individualized exercise programs to lower or reduce known health risks

How should informed consent be given?

verbally described and the individual being given every chance to ask questions before signing

abdominal skinfold

vertical fold 2 cm to the right of the umbilicus

Freedom of consent

voluntary process which means they can withdraw at any time

anthropometric methods (body composition)

what we use because it isn't as expensive BMI, circumferences, skinfold measurements

Buttocks/Hips Circumference Measurement

with the individual standing and feet together, a horizontal measure is taken at the maximal circumference of the buttocks

abdomen circumference measurement

with the individual standing, a horizontal measure is taken at the height of the iliac crest, usually at the level of the umbilicus

can the waist circumference alone be used as an indicator of health risk?

yes, because abdominal obesity is the primary issue

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