kin test 2 10/17

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Repeated rubbing of a small area of skin will produce a(n) ________. 1 abrasion 2 amputation 3 laceration 4 blister


Signs and symptoms of flail chest include: 1 blood oozing from the injury site. 2 pain upon inhalation. 3 an object penetrating the chest. 4 abnormal movement of part of the chest wall during breathing.


Tetanus is caused by: 1 a toxin produced by a virus. ! 2 a toxin produced by a bacterium. 3 a toxin produced by a fungus. 4 a toxin produced by a protozoa.


The only time an impaled object can safely be removed is: 1when it is stuck in the chest. 2when it is stuck in the cheek. 3when it is stuck in the back. 4never.


What injury results when a joint comes apart and stays apart? 1 Compound fracture 2 Dislocation 3 Sprain 4 Strain


What should be used to keep swelling out of a joint? 1 A hot water bag 2 RICE 3 A hot water soak 4 Gentle massage


When the radius and ulna are fractured, the arm usually appears: 1 aligned. 2 deformed. 3 twisted. 4 dislocated.


Which type of dressing is used for small cuts and abrasions and is a combination of a sterile dressing and a bandage? 1 Gauze pads 2 Adhesive bandages 3 Trauma dressings 4 Improvised dressings


A ________ occurs when a muscle goes into an uncontrolled spasm and contraction. 1 strain 2 sprain 3 cramp 4 contusion


A fracture that usually results from a twisting injury is called: 1 traverse. 2 greenstick. 3 spiral. 4 oblique


A fractured femur is best splinted with a: 1 rigid splint. 2 sling. 3 traction splint. 4 self-splint.


A third-degree burn is also described as ________. 1 superficial 2 partial thickness 3full thickness 4 None of these answers is correct.


Which of the following is a sign or symptom that a bandage is too tight? 1 Blue or pale skin color 2 Coldness of the extremity 3 Tingling or loss of sensation 4 All of these answers are correct.


Which of the following should not be straightened? 1 The spine 2 The elbow 3 The knee 4 All of these answers are correct.


Which wound is usually deep and narrow, with a high risk of infection? 1Amputation 2Incision 3Laceration 4Puncture


With proper care, what percentage of amputated extremities can be successfully replanted? 1 10% to 15% 2 25% to 40% 3 50% to 65% ! 4 80% to 90%


You are providing care to a 21-year-old female who dropped a glass and sustained a 3-inch laceration to her right lower leg. You have applied dressing and roller bandage and the bleeding has stopped. She tells you that her toes are tingling. You should: 1 leave the dressing and bandage and have her wiggle her toes to maintain circulation. 2 remove the dressing and bandage and reapply both, ensuring that circulation is maintained. 3 leave the dressing on and remove the bandage. 4 leave the dressing on and remove and reapply the bandage.


In a(n) ________, the skin is not broken. 1 open chest injury 2 closed chest injury 3 semiopen chest injury 4 semiclosed chest injury


Pneumothorax and tension pneumothorax are examples of injuries that can happen to the ________. 1 chest wall 2 lungs 3 heart 4 abdomen


Which type of brain injury occurs when a blow to the head alters the function of the brain? 1 Concussion 2 Contusion 3 Hematoma 4 Penetration


Which type of nosebleed is the most common? 1 Anterior 2 Posterior 3 Spontaneous onset 4 Progressive onset


You are applying an elastic bandage to an ankle injury and the victim complains that it is too tight and her toes are tingling and feel cold. You should remove the bandage and only reapply when the symptoms have completely cleared up. 1 True 2 False


You are caring for a 17-year-old female who fell while playing basketball and appears to have injured her right forearm. You are in the process of applying a sling to the arm. Once the sling is applied, you should tie the knot at the hollow above the collarbone on the injured side. 1 True 2 False


________ occur when the internal abdominal tissues are damaged but the skin is unbroken. 1Closed abdominal injuries 2 Open abdominal injuries 3 Penetrating chest injuries 4 None of these answers is correct.


A ________ results when the muscle is stretched beyond its normal range of motion. 1 sprain 2 strain 3 cramp 4 contusion


12. The redness of sunburn is caused by: 1the dilation of the small blood vessels. 2 the dilation of the large blood vessels. 3rupture of small blood vessels. 4rupture of large blood vessels.


A device used to stabilize a fracture or a dislocation is called: 1 a splint. 2 a stabilizer. 3 a reducer. 4 traction.


A tooth often can be successfully reimplanted if it has been put back into its socket within ____ minutes after the injury. 1. 30 2. 40 3. 50 4. 60


A triangular bandage is most appropriate for use as a sling. 1 True 2 False


An injury in which a nail is partly or completely torn loose is known as a: 1 nail avulsion. 2 nail incision. 3 nail dislocation. 4 nail amputation.


During the first 24 to 48 hours after an ankle injury, the victim should: 1 use RICE treatment. 2 use ICE treatment. 3 use a contrast bath. 4 start range-of-motion exercises to promote joint motion.


In which position should you always stabilize an injured knee? 1 In the position found 2 With the knee bent 3 With the knee straight 4 With the knee slightly flexed


Muscle contusions result from: 1 a blow to the muscle. 2 overuse of one specific muscle group. 3 stretching the muscle beyond its normal range. 4 cutting the muscle with a sharp object.


Should you remove the helmet from a head-injury victim? 1 Generally, no—you should remove the helmet in only a few instances. 2 Yes, remove the helmet if there are signs of a severe head injury. 3 Yes, remove a helmet that is so loose that the spine can't be stabilized. 4 You should never remove the helmet.


The extent of a burn can be estimated by considering the victim's hand size to be about ____ of his or her body surface. 1. 1% 2. 3% 3. 5% 4. 9%


The two classifications for fractures are: 1 open and closed. 2 complete and incomplete. 3 compound and complex. 4 open and compound.


To be able to use a bandage in the care of an open wound, it must be sterile. 1 True 2 False


To further stabilize an ankle after treating with the RICE procedure, you should: 1 wrap a pillow or blanket around the ankle and foot and tie with cravats. 2 apply a rigid splint using a board. 3 apply a self-splint. 4 apply a traction splint.


What can be used to effectively seal a sucking chest wound? 1 Plastic wrap 2 A dressing 3 A thin cloth 4 None of these answers is correct.


What can you do to remove a live insect from the ear canal? 1 Shine a light into the ear. 2 Place several drops of mineral or vegetable oil into the ear. 3 Use a cotton swap or tweezers. 4 Do not attempt to remove an insect from the ear canal.


What is the purpose of a bandage? 1 To hold a dressing in place 2 To prevent contamination 3 To absorb blood 4 All of these answers are correct.


When commercial dressings are not available, you may use a clean towel as a dressing. 1 True 2 False


Which of the following is placed directly over an open wound? 1 Gauze pads 2 Roller bandages 3 Elastic bandages 4 Triangular bandages


Which type of amputation is the most common? 1 Crushing 2 Guillotine 3 Degloving 4 None of these answers is correct.


A hip fracture is a fracture of: 1 the upper end of the pelvis. 2 the upper end of the femur. 3 the upper end of the tibia. 4 None of these answers is correct.


A victim with a dislocated shoulder will not be able to bring the dislocated arm: 1 down along the side of the body to touch the hip. 2 across the chest wall to touch the opposite shoulder. 3 against the chest. 4 out and away from the body.


At what temperature does skin death and injury occur? 1 About 100º F 2 About 113º F 3 About 125º F 4 About 158º F


Because widespread cooling can cause hypothermia, cold should not be applied to more than ____ of an adult's body surface.1 1. 10% 2. 20% 3. 50% 4. 75%


Before applying a splint, you should always: 1 use RICE on the injured part. 2 check CSM. 3 elevate the extremity. 4 All of these answers are correct.


Burns that extend through the entire outer layer and into the inner skin layer are considered: 1 first degree (superficial). 2 second degree (partial thickness). 3third degree (full thickness). 4 None of these answers is correct.


Emergency care of a flail chest includes: 1 providing rescue breathing. 2 supporting the chest. 3 applying a sling to the arm on the uninjured side. 4 transporting the victim yourself.


If the fracture results in the bone protruding through the skin, it is considered a(n): 1 splint fracture. 2 open fracture. 3 closed fracture. 4 complex fracture.


An important fact related to chemical burns is: 1 the burning process is short. 2 the burning process will continue until the chemical is evaporated. 3 tissue destruction will continue until the chemical agent is removed. 4 the burning process stops upon exposure to air.


For chemical burns of the eye, flush the eye continuously for at least: 1 5 minutes. 2 10 minutes. 3 15 minutes. 4 You should not flush the eye.


Hot, burned, or smoldering clothing should be removed: 1 once the fire is dead. 2 immediately. 3 only if the clothing is not stuck to the skin. 4 All of these answers are correct.


How should an amputated body part be cared for? 1Rinse the part with clean water. 2Rinse the part with rubbing alcohol. 3Wrap the part in wet, sterile gauze. 4Scrub the part with clean water.


If an eye is avulsed from its socket: 1 push the eyeball back into the socket. 2 leave both eyes uncovered. 3 cover the eye loosely with a moist, sterile dressing. 4 cover the eye loosely with a dry, sterile dressing.


Pelvis and hip fractures require: 1 a soft splint. 2 an anatomic splint. 3 a long backboard. 4 no splint.


Skin that looks leathery, waxy, or pearly gray is characteristic of which type of burn? 1 First-degree (superficial) 2 Second-degree (partial-thickness) 3 Third-degree (full-thickness) 4 None of these answers is correct.


What is the most important step in caring for a victim of an impaled object in the chest? 1 Removing the object 2 Controlling internal bleeding 3 Stabilizing the object in place 4 Controlling external bleeding


What mnemonic can be used to identify signs and symptoms of a fracture? 1 STOD 2 TOPS 3 DOTS 4 POTS


When applying an arm sling, the injured arm's hand should be placed in a ________ position in the sling, and above the level of the elbow. 1 palm-down 2 palm-up 3 thumb-up 4 thumb-down


When using a cravat bandage for an injured eye, cover ________ to prevent the injured eye from moving. 1 only the injured eye 2 only the uninjured eye 3 both eyes 4 Never cover an injured eye.


When using the rule of thirds when examining an extremity: 1 the skin is divided into thirds. 2 the extremity is divided into thirds. 3 the bone is divided into thirds. 4 the body is divided into thirds.


Which type of injury results when a joint is torn or stretched? 1 Compound fracture 2 Dislocation 3 Sprain 4 Strain


Which wound results in skin cut with jagged, irregular edges? 1Amputation 2Incision 3Laceration 4Abrasion


An injury in which objects such as a bullet, knife, or other sharp object enters the brain is called a: 1 contusion. 2 coup-contrecoup injury. 3 diffuse axonal injury. 4 penetration injury.


How should you care for cuts of the eye or lid? 1 Apply direct pressure to control bleeding. 2 Apply a pressure bandage to control bleeding. 3 Remove any object penetrating the eye. 4 Bandage both eyes lightly.


If an object has penetrated the abdominal wall, you should: 1 not remove the object. 2 stabilize the object in place. 3 control bleeding by placing bulky dressings around the object. 4 All of these answers are correct.


Ointments, grease, butter, cream, or home remedies are not applied to a burn because: 1 they may hold heat in. 2 they are unsterile. 3they may lead to infection. 4All of these answers are correct.


Shoulder injuries involve the: 1 collarbone. 2 shoulder blade. 3 upper arm. 4 All of these answers are correct.


The condition where air in the chest cavity cannot exit, causing pressures that reduce heart and lung function, is called ________. 1 pneumothorax 2 hemothorax 3 open pneumothorax 4 tension pneumothorax


What can be used to stabilize fractured ribs? 1 A soft object, such as a pillow 2 An elastic bandage 3 Adhesive tape 4 All of these answers are correct.


What first aid should be given to a victim with a penetrating eye injury? 1 Seek immediate medical care. 2 Stabilize the object. 3 Cover the undamaged eye. 4 All of these answers are correct.


What is the purpose of a dressing? 1 To control bleeding 2 To prevent infection 3To absorb blood 4All of these answers are correct


When the fracture line crosses the bone in a slanting direction, the fracture is called: 1 transverse. 2 greenstick. 3 spiral. 4 oblique.


Which of the following are characteristics of open wounds? 1 Break in the skin surface 2External bleeding 3Possible infection 4All of these answers are correct.


Which of the following factors increases the likelihood of wound infection? 1Ragged or crushed tissue 2Bite wounds 3Dirt and foreign material left in the wound 4All of these answers are correct.


Which of the following is a sign or symptom of a broken tibia? 1 Visibly deformed 2 Swelling 3 Severe pain 4 All of these answers are correct.


Which of the following is a sign or symptom of a dislocated hip? 1 Severe pain accompanies the injury. 2 Swelling is at the injury site. 3 The hip is rotated inward. 4 All of these answers are correct.


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