KINE 202 Exam 2

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Newton's third law states that:

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

_______________ is known as the "Father of Motor Behavior"

Franklin Henry

is known as the father of motor behavior

Franklin Henry

It is important as a coach, teacher, or therapist to understand the stages of learning that an individual will go though. Identify and define the stages of learning.

1. Cognitive= the learner is trying to understand the nature of the goal or activity to be learned. 2. associative=basis of the skills learned and the learner concentrates on refining the skill. 3. autonomous= learning is reached after much practice

The CDC calls for how many minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per week?

150 minutes

Given that work is defined as force applied to a body through a distance and in the direction of the force (simply force times distance), a basketball player who benchpresses 180 pounds through 2 feet is doing _______________.

360 foot-pounds of work

Which of the following expressions defines velocity?

A change in position over a given time

The immediate effects of exercise on the body would be referred to as ____________.


Persons practicing Tai Chi may adopt a wide stance in order to _________________. a. increase their stability b. improve their balance c. lower their center of gravity d. all of the answers are correct.

All of the answers are correct

Which of the following is measured by anthropometry? a. The shape of the body b. The length of the forearm c. The weight of the trunk d. all of the answers are correct

All of the answers are correct

Which of the following might be studies by biomechanics? a. The design of a shoe to reduce incidences of foot sores for diabetics. b. Forces exerted on the spine during lifting c. Optimal form during the javelin throw d. All of the answers are correct

All of the answers are correct

When an athlete is required to perform quick, explosive movements for their sport they are using the ______ system to generate energy


The change of angular velocity for a unit of time.

Angular Acceleration

The angle that is rotated in a given unit of time and is computed mathematically in terms of revolutions per second is known as _________

Angular Velocity

The angle that is rotated in a given unit of time and is computed mathematically in terms of revolutions per second is known as ______________

Angular Velocity

____________ is the first person to study the muscles and motions of the human body. They first started with studying animals.


is the first person to study the muscles and motions of the human. body. They first started with studying animals


__________________ focuses on the application of the scientific principles of mechanics to understand movements and actions of human bodies.


___________ is an example of manipulative skills.


__________ found that when responses to a situation were rewarded they became strengthened and used more frequently.

Edward Thorndike

found that when responses to a situation were rewarded they became strengthened and used more frequently.

Edward Thorndike

________________ is used to measure the electrical activity produced by a muscle or muscle group.


The study of the body's response and its adaptations to the stress of exercise is called?

Exercise Physiology

True or False? Biomechanics is limited to the realm of physical education and sport.


True or False? According to the Hourglass Model, a person can change their hereditary contributions.


True or False? Kinetics focuses on studying the time and space factors involved in motion, such as velocity, whereas kinematics focuses on forces that act on a system, such as gravity and muscles.


When you perform an anaerobic activity it means that you perform that action without breathing/oxygen


_______________ provides information about the performance and the movement and its quality.


Susan is 39 years old. She is looking to begin training for a marathon to loose weight. As her trainer, you recommend using her heart rate maximum and target heart rate to help her challenge herself during her training. 1. Calculate Susan's Heart Rate Maximum 2. Using her HRM calculate her 65% of maximum and 90% of maximum to find her target heart rate zone.

HRM = 220 - 39 = 181 THRZ = 117.65 - 162.9

Diseases that are caused by insufficient physical activity are said to be ______________ in nature.


______________ explains motor learning in terms of cognition and the processing of information.

Information Processing Model

explains motor learning in terms of cognition and the processing of information.

Information Processing Model

The process of obtaining information from the environment around you is referred to as?


Which of the following is NOT a component of Health Related Physical Fitness?


According to Newton's second law, acceleration of an object:

Is directly proportional to the force producing it and inversely proportional to the object's mass.

Jeff is 6'2" tall and weighs 280 lbs. Calculate Jeff's BMI and tell where he falls on the BMI scale (underweight, target, overweight, obese). Show your work.

Jeff's BMI is 35.95 which tells us he is obese according to the BMI scale.

Understanding the spacial and temporal characteristics of human movement.


The forces that cause, modify, or inhibit motion. examples: force, pressure, gravity, mass, friction, work, power, energy, torque.


Relatively permanent change in behavior or performance as a result of practice and experience.


The study of the neurophysiological and behavioral processes affecting the control of skilled movements

Motor Control

_____________ is concerned with the learning or acquisition of skills across the lifespan.

Motor Learning

is concerned with the learning and acquisition of skills across the lifespan.

Motor Learning

The yoga students stretch, bend, and twist during a stationary pose. They are exhibiting a _______________ fundamental movement.


Motor development focuses on the study of the _____________

Origins of changes in movement behavior throughout the lifespan.

The ratio of force to the area over which the force is applied.


According to the Principle of _____________ overload should be applied gradually and steadily increased for best results.

Principle of Progression

The underlying biological, environmental, and task demands that influence change from infancy through older adulthood are referred to as________________


____________ can be described as descriptive or normative change over time and is typically viewed as age related changes in motor behavior and performances.


The correct sequence for the phases of motor skill development is ______________

Reflexive, Rudimentary, Fundamental, and Specialized

The distinct advantage of _____________ is that it permits movement data to be recorded without encumbering a performer with wires and other equipment that can hinder performance.


To have motion, _________________

The equilibrium of the body must be upset.

It is important as a coach, teacher, or therapist to understand the stages of learning that an individual will go through. Identify and define the stages of learning and associate a skill you have learned with each stage. What did your performance look like at each stage?

The first stage of learning is input which is the process of obtaining information from the environment. The second stage is decision making which is the information from which the senses processed and a decision was made. The third stage is output which is the response and execution. The fourth and final stage is feedback which is the information about the performance of the movement and its quality appropriates or outcome.

True or False? In boxing, the use of 16-ounce gloves rather than 12-ounce gloves reduces the chance of injury because the force is distributed over a greater area.


True or False? The concept of stability, or balance, is related to equilibrium.


True or False? Wild can be credited with creating the first study on school aged children that helped to develop later models of classifying developmental motor patterns.


True or False? When a person reaches adulthood, they have the ability to enhance or hinder their environment factors that influence motor development.


"Acceleration" is a term fro time rate of change in which of the following quantities?


which of the following might be studied by biomechanics


the angle that is rotated in a given until of time and is computed mathematically in terms of revolutions per second is known as

angular velocity

focuses on the application of the scientific principles of mechanisms to understand movements and actions of human bodies


a descriptive of the body in terms of the muscle, bone, fat, and other elements is

body composition


change in position over a given time

according the the hour glass model a person can change their heredity contributions


biomechanics is limited to the realm of physical education and sport


kinetics focuses on. studying the time and space factors. involved in motion, such as velocity, whereas kinematics focuses on forces that act on a. system such as gravity and muscles


provides information about the performance of the movement and its quality


The process of obtaining information from the environment around you is referred to as


a relatively permanent change in behavior or performance as a result of practice and experience.


the study of neurophysiological and behavioral process affecting the control of skilled movements

motor control

the yoga students stretch, bend, and twist during a stationary pose. They are exhibiting a _______ fundamental movement


motor development focuses on the study of the

origins and changes in movement behavior throughout the lifespan

the ratio of force to the area over which the forced is applied


the underlying biological, environmental, and task demands that influence change from infancy through. older adulthood are referred to as


can be described as descriptive or normative change over time and viewed as age related changes in motor behavior and performance


all the following are manipulative skills except


The correct sequence for the phases of motor skill development

reflexive, rudimentary, fundamental, and. specialized

All of the following are manipulative skills except___________ a. kicking b. swinging c. striking d. throwing


boxing, the use of 16 oz gloves rather than 12 oz gloves reduces the chance of injury because the force is distributed over a greater area


when a person reaches adulthood, they have the ability to enhance or hinder environmental factors that influence motor development


wild can be credited with creating the first. study on school aged children that help develop later models of classifying developmental motor patterns


acceleration is a term for time rate of change in which of the following quantities


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