KINE 410 Test 1

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Light Emitting Diodes

The overhead height for a facility needs to be __-__ft.


If heavy equipment is upstairs a load-bearing of ______lb/ft is required.


Minimum sq. ft. for stretching/ bodyweight areas:

175 sq ft. to 300 sq ft

Seminar Room should be ___ sq. ft. per person.


Mirrors are placed ____ inches off the floor.

20 in

Any stadium over _____ years old is considered to be economically obsolete.

20 years

NIRSA recommends minimum size of _____ sq. ft. for total indoor space.

20,000 sq. ft.

Ceiling height for gymnasiums is _____ ft.

24 feet

ACSM recommends strength training at least ____ X per week with __-__ reps of 8-10 different exercises targeting major muscle groups.

2X; 8-10 reps

All resistance training machines and equipment must be spaced ___ ft apart.


More than ___ ft of space is recommended between multi-station machines


NIRSA recommends minimum size of _____ for total fitness equipment space

3,000 sq. ft.

Strength facilities should be ____"X____" clear floor space for people to transfer onto each type of equipment.


Resistance training area should have a min. space per lifter of ____ ft and max of ____ ft.


Free weight area should have space of __ft apart for Olympic bars, racks, and weight trees. Aerobic equipment area should provide a ___ ft space on all sides per piece.


NSCA recommends ____sq. ft. per client in stretching and bodyweight areas.

49 sq. ft.

Equipment must be arranged in rows with a _____ feet pathway between each row.

5 feet

Manuel operation or quick-start options are available for basic workouts and approximately _________% of exercisers use these settings.


Counseling room should be ___-_____ sq. ft.

90-120 sq. ft.

__________: portable emergency medical devices that deliver an electric shock to the heart in order to halt sudden cardiac arrest (SAC).

AEDS (Automated External Defibrillators

The key issues when purchasing used equipment are _____________, ____________, and ___________.

aesthetics, function, and liability

Professional Sports and college athletic departments mostly have ___________ _____.

synthetic turf

Air circulation should be at least ___-___ air exchanges per hour.


NIRSA recommends minimum size of _______ for group exercise space.

1,200 Sq. ft.

When selecting Cardiovascular equipment consider:

1. Age and condition of your clientele 2. Available space 3. Available electrical supply 4. Proximity of repair technicians to facility 5. maintenance requirements and warranty of equipment

Top 5 Global Fitness:

1. High-Intensity Interval Training 2. Group Training 3. Wearable Technology 4. Body Weight Training 5. Strength Training

5 steps for comparing with accepted standards

1. Location of existing areas on campus. 2. Identify potential areas for expansion. 3. Description of current and potential uses of each area. 4. Determine cost of converting from current use to potential use. 5. Define availability of use by major users.

5 steps for proposal

1. Objectives of the study 2. Brief history of developments in trends nationally and campus viewpoints. 3. Statement of problems by changing facility structure. 4. Recommendations for immediate action and long term improvements. 5. Appendixes - map of campus with marked areas including location, area square footage, type of space, current uses, potential uses, cost of conversion, percentage of use.

3 Types of fabric structures:

1. Tension: stretch fabric between rigid supports and/or steel cables. 2. Air supported structures: sealed buildings that (through the use of fans) maintain a positive internal air pressure that supports the roof. 3. Cable domes (Georgia domes): uses a complex network of cables and supports to suspend and hold up fabric roof.

Technology trends within facilities:

1. Video Board technology 2. LED lighting 3. Magnetometers and Stadium Security

An ideal number is ______ sq ft. per person for a room that is spacious and will meet future needs.

100 sq. ft.

For weight training room, square feet between people should be ______.

100 sq. ft.

Fitness testing space should be _____-_____ sq. ft.

100-180 sq. ft.

Defibrillation within the first few minutes of cardiac arrest can save up to ________% of victims.


Testing Area's humidity % should be _____, and the air exchanges/hour ventilation should be ___-____.

55%; 8-12

NIRSA recommends minimum size of ______ for total outdoor field space.

6 acres.

Accessible Strength facilities should have _____ inches diameter turning space between rows of equipment.

60 iches

Relative humidity should be at _____% of less in the facility.


Testing area's climate control should be ____-____ degrees F.

68-72 degrees F

Air temperature should be kept constant between ___-___ degrees F in the facilities.


Lighting in the facility should have optimal _____ to _____ foot candles


The buffer zone between courts is ____ ft.

8 ft

Because of _____________ _______ ____________ _____, a facility must provide at least one type of equipment is accessible to people with disabilities.

Americans with Disabilities Act

IHRSA, ACSM, and NSCA recommend a variety of equipment in ____ areas: at least one circuit progressive resistance equipment, other than free weights, that works the major muscle groups.

CV (cardiovascular)

___________ Equipment trends revolve around the use of technology for entertainment, tracking workout progress, and personalization.


Stadium that had the first retractable roof

Chase Field

______________ _________ or ___ __________ are defined as organized video game competitions that have grown immensely in popularity with the rise of internet-based gaming.

Electronic Sports or E sports

_________________: all fixed assets other than land and buildings of a business enterprise; often considered an item with a worth or value above a pre-established dollar value; durable goods, items used over a period of years.


In the U.S. federal legislation was passed in response to 9/11 attacks. The Dept. of ______________ ____________ was established. The __________ _______ was founded. This legislation allow stadium operators to apply through the Dept. of Homeland Security for protection from liability related to terrorist attacks.

Homeland Security; Safety Act

________ technology uses less energy, lasts longer, and are much lighter for easier mounting.


LEED stands for ... and is the most widely used green building rating system in the world. Available for virtually all building types; it provides a framework for healthy, highly efficient, and cost-saving green buildings.

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

A ___________________ is a device that can sense ferrous metal objects through the use of measuring magnetic forces.


___________ _________ __________ are agreements made between stadium owners and large corporations that brand or logo a stadium for a specific period of time. The revenues help with financial burdens of arenas and construction costs.

Naming rights deals

_________________: occurs when an organization transfers the ownership of a business process to a supplier.


__________________ _______ ___________ are to individuals what luxury suites are to corporations. They allow the purchaser to buy season tickets in special seating areas such as club seats. Club seats are larger, more comfortable, and have more leg room than regular seating. Also include wait staff for food and beverages.

Personal Seat License (PSLs)

_______________ ____________ can be described as a weighted item that is dynamically placed upon an entrance mat or grid that can potentially cause damage to that system.

Rolling load

_____________: have a short duration of use, typically 1 year or less; "one time only" use.


______________ is the major driver of stadium and arena design today.


One alternative to purchasing new equipment is to buy ________ _______________.

Used equipment

The use of _________ _____________ allows spectators to view the venue, live action, replays, game statistics, player stats, and sponsors promotions

Video Technology

The rising cost of exercise equipment can be attributed to increase the cost of _____ ___________ such as steel

raw materials

____________ is the most heavily used cardiovascular equipments.


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