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The recommended amount of weekly physical activity for improved health and decreased disease risk is

150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity

Which of the following is least likely concept to be studied in biomechanics?


Who was the first to devote a significant portion of his or her career to sports psychology?

Coleman Griffith

What statement is NOT true regarding the physiology of physical activity?

Exercise physiology applies the principles of biology, chemistry, and physics

According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular disease, cancer, respiratory disease, and measles together account for 82 percent of all noncommunicable disease deaths


Biomechanics was known as motor learning in the past


Higher frequency settings for electric stimulation devices tend to elicit longer lasting relief for chronic injuries


Knowledge of results focuses in outcome whereas knowledge of performance focuses on learning


The gold standard for determining body composition in humans is the skinfold thickness technique


Theoretical kinesiology is of little use to health and fitness professionals


Who was the father of motor behavior?

Franklin Henry

Who wrote the first major theoretical paper from the discipline of kinesiology on what was known as the memory drum theory?

Franklin Henry

Which of the following represents a for-profit fitness participation organization?

Gold's Gym

The 1920s were known as the

Golden Age of Sports

The first Athletic Trainers _________

Had little or no training

Where was the first exercise physiology laboratory in the United States established?

Harvard University

Which is NOT an example of a play-like element in sport?

In middle school you look forward to playing high school varsity football because you know it will help your popularity on campus

Which of the following is the best argument to be made for requiring kinesiology majors to take courses in kinesiology theory?

It ensures that all professionals in the field will be united around a common core of physical activity theory

Which professional organization is responsible for the development and continued monitoring of the curriculum standards for sport management degree programs?


A golf ball stays on the tee until the golf club hits it. Which of the following principles best describes why this occurs?

Newton's law of inertia

A 1996 government publication that played and important part in describing the relationship between physical activity and health was called

Physical Activity and Health: A Report of the Surgeon General

The set of standards that should be met by all beginning teachers in physical education was developed by

SHAPE America

The passage of this Education Amendment helped to create more opportunities for women and girls to participate in sport

Title IX

A sociologist in kinesiology would know that in women's college basketball there are now many more men coaches than women coaches


Deductive reasoning starts with a broad, general principle and examines specific facts that follow from it


Determining the authenticity of written historical evidence involves matters such as who actually authored the piece and the date it was produced


Diving, figure skating and gymnastics all use computer modeling and simulation to aid with achieving correct biomechanics


The focus of motor behavior research today includes potential treatments of disease and injury, including Parkinson's disease


The risk of heat illness during physical activity increases as air temperature and humidity increase


Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons the 21st century provides many exciting employment opportunities for qualified individuals interested in sport management?

a declining interest in sport because of numerous scandals and examples of greed in the media

Which of the following is NOT a crucial skill or experience for sport management students interested in getting a job in their field after graduation?

a variety of practical experiences (e.g., internship), coaching experience

Exercise physiology is the study of

acute and chronic bodily responses to physical activity

What are the ABCs of sport psychology?

affect, behavior, cognitions

Exercise physiologists are employed to do which of the following?

all of the above

In the future for Athletic Training there will likely be:

all of the above

Increases in which of the following will increase oxygen delivery to the muscles during physical activity?

all of the above

Motor behaviorists study

all of the above

What are ways in which sociologists retain information about physical activity?

all of the above

What is (are) the goal(s) of exercise physiology?

all of the above

Which type of experimental design is used in motor behavior research?

all of the above

Which of the following is most critical in helping students develop skills?

ample appropriate practice opportunities

What is thematic analysis?

an approach that examines material such as magazines and newspapers and then categorizes the content in various ways

What is the state of bodily energy or physical and mental readiness?


Which of the following is a type of mechanical loading that occurs inside the body?

b and c compression and tensile

A positive way to give athlete instruction is called "feedback sandwich" using reinforcement, instruction and encouragement. The instruction portion should:

be future oriented in focus

Which experimental design compare two groups (randomly formed) on the same task (movement speed)?

between-group design

What is the study of the function of human beings using the principles and methods of physics and engineering?


Which job would NOT be considered part of the sport management industry?

college recruiter

What skill or ability is required in order to function effectively in almost every sport management task?


Which of the following would be considered a nontraditional health and fitness setting?

community senior center

In what coaching setting would more time be spent instructing fundamentals?

community settings

In general, employers have found that health and fitness programs

decrease absenteeism

The experimental design used in motor behavior research to determine the impact of two different types of practice on the same skill performance would be identified as

dual design

Some of the research tools/methods in physiology of physical activity are

ergometers, oxygen uptake, animal models

Specialists who apply their knowledge of physiology, biomechanics, anatomy, and psychology in order to improve the movements, working environments, and training programs in the workplace are called

ergonomists or human factors engineers

Which of these methods do researchers use to spend many months or even years observing in a particular social setting?


Sport entertainment includes a variety of jobs and segments of the industry. Which of the following is a job type associated with sport entertainment?

event management

Which happens first in a person who becomes burned out?

feeling of mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion

Which of the following are the most common forces acting on a human performer?

friction, gravity, ground reaction forces, air or water resistance

Which of the following is not true about the future of biomechanics?

funding for research from solely business concerns will make for great advances

Which aspect of study in sport sociology is most involved in the statement "Boys sports are more violent and fun to watch!"


More health and fitness professionals are coming under the supervision of what unit in business environments?

human resources (HR)

One of the overall goals in studying the history of physical activity is to

identify and describe patterns of change and stability in physical activity

What do the stages of change help you do?

identify where a person is in her readiness to change her current behavior

The National Athletic Trainers Association was founded:

in Kansas City, 1950

A person who examines the behavior of 5 or 10 cheerleaders, looks for similarities, and then draws conclusions about the nature of cheerleading in general would be using what kind of reasoning?


Which form of reasoning starts with specific cases in order to develop broad, general principles?


The physical education teaching profession took root in the United States

just before 1900

After John kicked the football from the 22-yard line, he heard the referee yell, "It's good." What type of knowledge was expressed by the referee?

knowledge of results - extrinsic feedback

Group exercise instructors

lead such classes as aerobics, spinning and aquatic fitness

Course work that exposes you to the arts and to the great works of literature, teaches you about the historical development of civilization, develops your critical skills for logically analyzing arguments, and helps you understand the contribution of science to civilization is known as

liberal arts and sciences

Which of the following is NOT a component of socioeconomic status?

linguistic skills

This view reflects the belief that subjective experiences are of little value and that humans are complex machines


A skillful plastic surgeon who performs many unnecessary operations on patients in order to make more money is an example of what type of professional?

mechanical, market-driven professional

What are the two analytical frameworks in history of physical activity?

modernization theory and human agency

Professionals have a ___________ on the delivery of services


How does blood flow change during exercise?

more blood goes to the muscles

Motor behavior includes three subdisciplines. Which is NOT one of the subdisciplines?

motor performance

Who would help injured or ill individuals reach their maximum level of independence by emphasizing the acquisition and retention of functional skills and helping them to overcome environmental obstacles?

occupational therapist

Before the 1950s, scientific research on physical activity

often addressed topics that could be applied to teaching

Ice-skating rinks and bowling alleys are part of which sector of the sport management industry?


What differentiates sports psychologists from exercise psychologists?

performance versus health

Who often oversees the ethical conduct of professionals?

professional organizations

The type of knowledge represented by a fitness leader's skill in motivating his clients to adhere to a disciplined exercise routine, and one that is very difficult for the leader to explain to others, is called

professional practice knowledge

A football player is running his 40-yard dash for scouts. What type of analysis is the scout likely using?

quantitative analysis

What theory explains how a motor program acquires a general set of rules from practice of similar movements?

schema theory

Professionals who operate according to the philosophy "healthy people and a good and just society first, me and my profession second" demonstrate what might be called

social trustee, civic professionalism

A guiding sense of meaning or value in life may involve belief in some unifying or universal force. Which dimension of wellness best fits this sentence?

spiritual health

Which of the following is probably the youngest kinesiology discipline?

sport and exercise psychology

Providing support services, facilities, and other amenities to make the performance and spectatorship of the physical activity experience as enjoyable as possible is the goal of

sport management

in the first half of the 20th century, the main focus of school physical education classes was


Intercollegiate athletics were inaugurated on American college campuses by


If you ask for responses to a questionnaire that you mail to athletes on 10 varsity teams, you are probably engaged in which type of research?

survey research

When body temperature rises during physical activity, which thermoregulatory response is stimulated?


If someone came up to you and asked you to analyze a picture of an Olympic athlete and provide feedback, what type of research method would this person be using?

thematic analysis

Boys and girls are similar in motor skill performance during childhood EXCEPT in one skill, in which the gender difference is substantial. Select the exception.


What is NOT a goal of sociology of physical therapy?

to analyze athletes and their physical activity

Which of the following is NOT a goal of sport and exercise psychology?

to predict the long-term outcome of the participant in continuing an exercise program

The main 3 goals of philosophy include all of the following EXCEPT

to understand the individual ethics of the individuals who participate in physical activity

Which of the following forms of exercise would be considered habilitational?

training a firefighter to run while carrying a heavy weight

What do healthcare demographics suggest?

we live in an aging society

Which of the following is NOT a value promoted by the field of physical activity?


A coach knows which key opens the door to the equipment room, what time the custodians arrive at work, and which company offers the best bus service for her team's travel. This is an example of

workplace knowledge

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