Kinematics Test Physics 12

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. A baseball is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 7.5 m/s. What will be it's maximum height? a. 2.9 m b. 3.6 m c. 4.9 m d. 8.2 m


. A toy car rolls off a 1.23 m high table at a speed of 4.85 m/s. How far from the bottom of the table does it land? a. 3.44 m b. 4.33 m c. 2.43 m d. none of the answers


. Ignoring air resistance, the horizontal component of a projectiles motion is _______. a. constant b. acclerated c. increasing d. decreasing


. In the absence of air resistance, the angle at which a thrown ball will have the greatest height is a) 90 degrees b) 60 degrees c) 45 degrees d) 30 degrees e) 0 degrees


1. A baseball is thrown by the center fielder (from shoulder level) to home plate where it is caught (on the fly at an equal shoulder level) by the catcher. At what point is the ball's speed at a minimum? (air resistance is negligible) a. just after leaving the center fielder's hand b. just before arriving at the catcher's mitt c. at the top of the trajectory d. speed is constant during entire trajectory


1. A rock falls from rest from a height of 490 m. How long does it remain in the air? a. 10 s b. 20 s c. 30 s d. none of the answers


10. In the absence of air resistance, the angle at which a thrown ball will have the greatest range is a) 90 degrees b) 60 degrees c) 45 degrees d) 30 degrees e) 0 degrees


10. When a projectile is moving up it's _________ is down. a. speed b. velocity c. acceleration d. none of the answers


12. What distance does an object travel during a period of uniform acceleration (a = 2.5 m/s2) when its speed changes from 35 m/s to 45 m/s? a. 6.5 × 10^2 m b. 3.2 × 10^2m c. 1.6 × 1^2 m d. 32 m e. 2.0 m


12. When a projectile is affected by air resistance, the projectile will a) not travel as far b) not travel as high c) all of the above d) none of these


13. The acceleration due to gravity on Earth a. is the same at all locations on the surface of Earth b. is greater for heavier objects c. is greater at the equator and less at the poles d. is the same at any two locations provided that the distance to the centre of Earth at those locations is the same e. varies slightly with latitude


14. For a javelin thrower to maximize her throwing distance, she should release the javelin at an angle a. of 45° b. of less than 45° c. of greater than 45° d. dependent on the javelin's speed upon release e. dependent on the thrower's strength


15. A boat always points directly at the opposite shore while crossing a river. The time it will take to cross will be a. less if the current is stronger b. greater if the current is stronger c. the same regardless of the current d. dependent on the strength of the current e. impossible to predict without more information


17. Which of the following measurements is a scalar quantity? a. the tension in an elevator cable b. the acceleration of a car along a test track c. the instantaneous velocity of a parachutist in free fall d. the displacement of a hiker from her base station e. the measured distance between Toronto and Montreal


2. What distance will a stone fall in the first 2.2 s if dropped from a helicopter? a. 12 m b. 24 m c. 32 m d. 38 m


4. The horizontal and vertical components of a projectiles velocity are ___________ of each other. a) dependent b) independent c) similar d) the same as


5. The range of a projectile is affected by _________. a. the launch angle b. the launch speed c. acceleration due to gravity d. all of the answers


5. The time it takes a projectile launched from the ground to reach maximum height is ___________ the time it takes to go from maximum height back down to the ground. a) half b) the same as c) double d) independent of


6. The shape of a projectile's trajectory is called a(n) _____________. a) arch b) half circle c) line d) parabola


6. The time it takes a projectile launched from the ground to reach maximum height is ___________ the time it takes for the whole flight. a) half b) the same as c) double d) independent of


7. Examples of projectiles include _____________________. a) jet airplanes, powered rockets, helicopters b) feathers, maple tree seeds, paper airplanes c) fired bullets, launched rockets, thrown balls d) all of the above


7. When you factor in air resistance, the projectile will travel ________________. a) higher, farther, and for greater time b) lower, shorter, and for less time c) shorter, but higher d) farther, but lower


8. At the very top of a projectile's path, its velocity is a) entirely vertical b) entirely horizontal c) both vertical and horizontal d) there is not enough information to tell


8. The time of flight of a projectile depends upon the ____________ initial velocity. a) x component of the b) y component of the c) horizontal component of the d) total


8. Traveling 16 m/s, a 1600 kg car rounds a curve 32 m in radius. The centripetal force on the car is ______. a. 13,000 N b. 120 N c. 1800 N d. none of the answers


9. A __________ moves through the air only under the influence of gravity. a. bird b. airplane c. projectile d. none of the answers


9. After 4 seconds, about how far down will a projectile fall if the initial velocity is zero. a) 1 meter b) 16 meters c) 20 meters d) 80 meters


9. In the absence of air friction, the vertical component of a projectile's velocity doesn't change as the projectile moves. a) always true b) sometimes true c) never true


9. The slope of a line drawn tangent to a curved position-time graph represents a. displacement b. instantaneous velocity c. average velocity d. acceleration e. distance


A ball is rolled horizontally off a table with an initial speed of 0.24 m/s. A stopwatch measures the ball's trajectory time from table to the floor to be 0.30 s. What is the height of the table? (g = 9.8 m/s2 and air resistance is negligible) a. 0.11 m b. 0.22 m c. 0.33 m d. 0.44 m


A baseball is thrown by the center fielder (from shoulder level) to home plate where it is caught (on the fly at shoulder level) by the catcher. At what point does the magnitude of the vertical component of velocity have its minimum value? (air resistance is negligible) a. just after leaving the center fielder's hand b. just before arriving at the catcher's mitt c. at the top of the trajectory d. magnitude of vertical component of velocity is constant


A baseball is thrown by the center fielder (from shoulder level) to home plate where it is caught (on the fly at shoulder level) by the catcher. At what point is the magnitude of the acceleration at a minimum? (air resistance is negligible) a. just after leaving the center fielder's hand b. just before arriving at the catcher's mitt c. at the top of the trajectory d. acceleration is constant during entire trajectory


A boat always points directly at the opposite shore while crossing a river. The time it will take to cross will be a. less if the current is stronger b. greater if the current is stronger c. the same regardless of the current d. dependent on the strength of the current e. impossible to predict without more information


A bullet accelerates uniformly along a barrel, exiting the gun in 24 ms with a speed of 196 m/s. The acceleration of the bullet, expressed in units of metre per second squared, is a. 1.7 ´ 10^5 b. 1.8 ´ 10^4 c. 8.2 ´ 10^3 d. 1.7 ´ 10^3 e. 3.6 ´ 10^2


A bus drives 40.0 km [E] from town A to town B, then another 30.0 km [S] to town C in a total time of 1.00 h. What are the values of its average speed and average velocity, respectively? a. 70.0 km/h, 70.0 km/h [37º S of E] b. 70.0 km/h, 50.0 km/h [37º S of E] c. 50.0 km/h, 50.0 km/h [37º S of E] d. 50.0 km/h, 70.0 km/h [37º S of E] e. 50.0 km/h [37º S of E], 70.0 km/h


A car accelerates at 2.7 m/s2 for 5.4 s, reaching a speed of 18 m/s. During the period of acceleration, the car travels a distance of a. 1.8 ´ 10^2 m b. 1.4 ´ 10^2 m c. 9.0 ´ 10^1 m d. 58 m e. 18 m


A car is travelling north when it enters a curve. It maintains a constant speed and leaves the curve travelling east. The direction of the car's acceleration is a. south-east b. north-east c. east d. south e. the car does not accelerate


A football player successfully kicks a field goal through the uprights situated at the south end of the stadium. What are the directions of the instantaneous velocity and acceleration, respectively, of the football at the peak of its trajectory? a. south, south b. up, south c. south, down d. south, up e. down, down


A helicopter is traveling at 40 m/s at a constant altitude of 100 m over a level field. If a wheel falls off the helicopter, with what speed will it hit the ground? (g = 9.8 m/s2 and air resistance negligible) a. 40 m/s b. 50 m/s c. 60 m/s d. 70 m/s


A jogger is running at 4.2 m/s when she begins to accelerate uniformly. If she runs a distance of 14 m in the next 3.0 s, what is her new speed? a. 17 m/s b. 14 m/s c. 7.7 m/s d. 5.1 m/s e. 4.9 m/s


A jogger is running at 4.2 m/s when she begins to accelerate uniformly. If she runs a distance of 14 m in the next 3.0 s, what is her new speed? a. 17 m/s b. 14 m/s c. 7.7 m/s d. 5.1 m/s e. 4.9 m/s


A plane must fly to a destination located due north from its departure point. A gentle wind is blowing from the south-west. What direction must the plane point to reach its destination? a. north b. north-west c. north-east d. west e. east


A plane must fly to a destination located due north from its departure point. A gentle wind is blowing from the south-west. What direction must the plane point to reach its destination? a. north b. north-west c. north-east d. west e. east


A plane must fly to a destination that is south-west of its departure point. Because of the wind, it heads west. What direction is the wind blowing in? a. south b. west c. north-east d. north-west e. east


A race car completes exactly 10 laps around an oval track. Which of the following pairs of quantities concerning its motion would both have values of zero? a. displacement, average velocity b. average speed, average acceleration c. distance, average speed d. average speed, average velocity e. displacement, average speed


A tennis ball is thrown in the air with an initizla velocity that has a horizontal component of 5.5 m/s and a vertical component of 3.7 m/s up. What's the speed at the top of the trajectory? a) zero b) 3.7 c) 5.5 d) 6.6 e) 9.2


A toy car is moving at 13 cm/s when it begins accelerating at 1.4 cm/s2. If the acceleration is uniform, what is the speed of the car after it has travelled a distance of 27 cm? a. 2.4 ´ 102 cm/s b. 93 cm/s c. 62 cm/s d. 16 cm/s e. 1.0 ´ 101 cm/s


An object is thrown vertically downward at 3.2 m/s. How long will the object take to hit the ground 12 m below? a. 3.8 s b. 3.1 s c. 2.0 s d. 1.0 s e. 1.3 s


An object is thrown vertically upward at 18 m/s from a window and hits the ground 1.6 s later. What is the height of the window above the ground? (Air resistance is negligible.) a. 3.7 m b. 16 m c. 21 m d. 37 m e. 41 m


An object is thrown vertically upward at 18 m/s from a window and hits the ground 1.6 s later. What is the height of the window above the ground? a. 3.7 m b. 16 m c. 21 m d. 37 m e. 41 m


An object is thrown vertically upward with a speed of 25 m/s. How much time passes before it comes back down at 15 m/s? (Air resistance is negligible.) a. 1.0 s b. 4.1 s c. 9.8 s d. 18 s e. 27 s


An object is travelling due east when it experiences a uniform acceleration directed north. What's its velocity? a) must be north-east b) east when acceleration ceases c) must be north d) could be north e) must be east when acceleration ends


An object is travelling north and slowing down. The directions associated with the object's velocity and acceleration, respectively, are a. [N], [S] b. [N], [N] c. [S], [S] d. [N], [N]


Centripetal acceleration depends on _______ and radius of curvature. a. mass b. height c. weight d. speed


For a projectile returning to level ground, as the angle of projection increases from 0° to 45°, a projectile's time of flight a. increases and horizontal range decreases b. decreases and horizontal range decreases c. increases and horizontal range increases d. decreases and horizontal range increases e. remains constant and horizontal range decreases


How long does it take a car to slow down from a speed of 54 km/h to 32 km/h over a distance of 65 m? Answer in seconds. a. 21 b. 5.9 c. 5.4 d. 2.7 e. 1.5


Ignoring air resistance, which of the following are exhibiting "free fall"? a. an object, initially at rest, dropped out of a window b. an object thrown vertically downward from a window c. an object projected vertically upward from a window d. an object thrown horizontally from a window e. all of the above


In an emergency braking exercise, a student driver stops a car travelling at 83 km/h [W] in a time of 4.0 s. What is the car's acceleration during this time? (The answer is expressed in units of m/s2.) a. 5.8 [W] b. 21 [E] c. 5.8 [E] d. 21 [W] e. -5.8 [E]

f, slightly greater

T/F - A boat points directly across a river and gets carried 15° downstream by the current. To land at a position directly across the river from its starting point, the boat must point at an angle SLIGHTLY LESS than 15° upstream

F, south-east

T/F - A car drives with constant speed around a corner. If it enters the corner travelling west and leaves travelling south, its acceleration through the turn is directed SOUTH-WEST

f, galileo

T/F - ARISTOTLE recognized that all objects fall at the same rate of acceleration provided that air resistance is not a factor

F, vertical component

T/F - During the flight of a football from quarterback to receiver, the HORIZONTAL COMPONENT of the ball's velocity is constantly changing.


T/F - For the following quantities, these are considered to be vectors: displacement, acceleration


T/F - The acceleration due to gravity on Earth varies according to both ALTITUDE and LATITUDE..


T/F -If air resistance is negligible, the acceleration of all projectiles is exactly the same.


The acceleration due to gravity on Earth a. is the same at all locations on the surface of Earth b. is greater for heavier objects c. is greater at the equator and less at the poles d. is the same at any two locations provided that the distance to the centre of Earth at those locations is the same e. varies slightly with latitude


The area under a velocity-time graph represents a. acceleration b. displacement c. instantaneous velocity d. distance e. average velocity


The area under an acceleration-time graph represents a. displacement b. change in velocity c. average velocity d. instantaneous velociyY e. average speed


The slope of a line drawn tangent to a curved position-time graph represents a. displacement b. instantaneous velocity c. average velocity d. acceleration e. distance


The slope of a position-time graph represents a. displacement b. speed c. velocity d. acceleration e. distance


The slope of a velocity-time graph represents a. displacement b. average velocity c. instantaneous velocity d. acceleration e. distance


The slope of an acceleration-time graph represents a. change in velocity b. instantaneous acceleration c. jerk d. displacement e. instantaneous velocity


Three identical boats set out to cross a river that has a current. Boat A points directly across the river, boat B points 20º downstream from a point straight across the river, and boat C points 20º upstream from a point straight across the river. Which boat will arrive on the opposite shore first? a. boat A b. boat B c. boat C d. it is impossible to tell with the information given e. all three boats will arrive at the same time


Three identical objects are thrown from the same height through a window at the same time. Object A is thrown horizontally at 4.0 m/s, object B is thrown horizontally at 8.0 m/s, and object C is simply dropped. If air resistance is negligible, which object will reach the ground first? a. object A b. object B c. object C d. objects B and C will land first and together e. all three will land at the same time


To cross a river with a current in the least amount of time, a boat should point a. directly at the opposite shore b. somewhat upstream c. somewhat downstream d. in a direction that will take the boat directly across e. in a direction that will take the boat slightly upstream


Two hikers set out from the same spot and arrive at the same destination but they take different routes. Which of the following quantities must be the same for both hikers? a. distance b. average speed c. average velocity d. displacement e. acceleration


What distance does an object travel during a period of uniform acceleration (a = 2.5 m/s2) when its speed changes from 35 m/s to 45 m/s? a. 6.5 ´ 10^2 m b. 3.2 ´ 10^2 m c. 1.6 ´ 10^2 m d. 32 m e. 2.0 m


What is the slope of an acceleration-time graph?


Which of the following descriptions best represents the acceleration-time graph of a car that pulls away from a corner when the light turns green, reaches and maintains a constant velocity, then slows down until it stops? a. All three sections of the graph are comprised of horizontal lines. b. Two sections of the graph are diagonal lines and one is horizontal. c. Two sections of the graph are horizontal lines and one is diagonal. d. All three sections of the graph are comprised of diagonal lines. e. All three sections of the graph are comprised of curved lines.


Which of the following statements concerning motion graphs is NOT correct? a. The slope of a position-time graph gives velocity. b. The area under a velocity-time graph gives displacement. c. The slope of a velocity-time graph gives acceleration. d. The area under an acceleration-time graph gives velocity. e. The slope of the tangent in a position-time graph gives instantaneous velocity.


Which of the following statements concerning motion graphs is correct? a. The slope of a position-time graph gives acceleration. b. The area under an acceleration-time graph gives instantaneous velocity. c. The slope of a velocity-time graph gives displacement. d. The area under a position-time graph gives velocity. e.The area under a velocity-time graph gives displacement.


Who was the scientist responsible for freefall/projectile motion equations?


With no wind, a hot air balloon rises vertically at 4.0 m/s. With a wind blowing, the same balloon rises at an angle of 10.0° with the vertical. What is the wind speed? a. 3.9 m/s b. 0.71 m/s c. 0.69 m/s d. 0.25 m/s e. 0.044 m/s


area under a v-t graph

change in velocity

area under an acceleration-time graph


slope of a p-t graph


slope of a v-t graph


slope of an a-t graph


t/f - . Two siblings leave their house and walk to the same school taking different routes. One of the routes is farther, but the siblings take the same time to reach the school. It can be said that the two siblings have the same average velocity but different average speeds.

f, slightly greater

t/f - A boat points directly across a river and gets carried 15° downstream by the current. To land at a position directly across the river from its starting point, the boat must point at an angle slightly less than 15° upstream

f, south-east

t/f - A car drives with constant speed around a corner. If it enters the corner travelling west and leaves travelling south, its acceleration through the turn is directed south-west.

F, north-east

t/f - A plane's destination is due east of its departure point. If a steady wind is blowing from the north-west, the plane must point SOUTH-EAST to reach its destination.

F, instantaneous velocity

t/f - During an interval of uniform acceleration, the average velocity over the entire interval is equivalent to the INSTANTANEOUS SPEED at the midpoint of the interval.


t/f - If air resistance is negligible, the acceleration of all projectiles is exactly the same.


t/f - Provided that a boat always points perpendicular to the current in a river, the time it takes the boat to cross is independent of the strength of the current

f, 45

t/f - To achieve maximum range across a horizontal surface, the angle at which a projectile must be launched is 90

f. north-east

t/f - a plane needs to go east. if wind blows from the norht-west, he needs to point SOUTH-WEST to reach his destination.

f, 6.5 up

t/f- A rubber ball changes velocity from 6.5 m/s [down] to 6.5 m/s [up] in a time of 2.0 s. Its average acceleration during this period can be considered to be ZERO.

straight v-t

what kind of graph depicts uniform motion

Diagonal v-t graphs

what kind of graph doesn't depict uniform motion?

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