KInesiology CH.1 and Ch.2

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A physical activity and performing art that gives participants, of all ages, an opportunity for aesthetic expression through movement.

Sport Biomechanics

Applies the methods of physics and mechanics to the study of human motion and the motion of sport objects.

3 Domains

Cognitive - thinking Affective - feeling Psychomotor - doing

Adapted Physical Activity

Concerned with the preparation of teachers and sport leaders to provide programs and services for individuals with disabilities.

Sports Medicine

Concerned with the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of sports-related injuries.


Concerns itself with the total well-being of the individual, encompassing physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual health.

Sport History

Critical examination of the past, with a focus on events, people, and trends that influenced the development and direction of the field.

Sport Management

Encompasses the many managerial aspects of sport including personnel management, budgeting, facility management, and programming.

Sport Philosophy

Encompasses the study of the nature of reality, the structure of knowledge in sport, ethical and moral questions, and the aesthetics of movement.


Exercise Physiology Sports Medicine Sport Biomechanics Sport Philosophy Sport History Sport and Exercise Psychology Motor Development Motor Learning Sport Sociology Sport Pedagogy Adapted Physical Activity Sport Management

Traditional Allied Fields

Health Recreation and Leisure Dance

Exercise Science

Scientific analysis of exercise or physical activity, how people's movements develop and change and of how people learn motor skills.

Recreation and Leisure

Self-chosen activities that provide a means of revitalizing and refreshing one's body and spirit


Serve as a guide for professionals in planning for learning outcomes and achievement of desired goals. Organizes educational objectives in a progressive hierarchy, from low to high

Motor Development

Studies the factors that influence the development of abilities essential to movement.

Motor Learning

Study of changes in motor behavior that are primarily the result of practice and experience, specifically the effect of content, timing and frequency, of feedback on skill learning.

Sport Pedagogy

Study of teaching and learning in school and non-school settings

Exercise Physiology

Study of the effects of exercise on the structure and function of the body.

Sport Sociology

Study of the role of sport in society, its impact on participants in sport, and the relationship between sport and other societal institutions

Sport and Exercise Psychology

Uses principles and scientific methods from psychology to study human behavior in sport.


Well-established, officially governed competitive physical activities in which participants are motivated by internal and external rewards

physical education

educational process that uses physical activity as a means to help individuals acquire skills, fitness, knowledge, and attitudes

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