Kinesiology Exam 3
Arousal Number
1-9, generally best performance comes from a moderate level of physiological arousal (4-6), can be subjective
Evidence-based practice involves five steps:
1. Asking a focused question about the specific health needs of one's client 2. Finding the best evidence by searching in academic and professional journals 3. Critically reviewing the literature 4. Applying the results with one's client, patient, or student 5. Evaluating the outcomes
Which of the following intervention strategies do you think the coach and CMPC chose to help improve Kyra's confidence level?
1. Create verbal cues or triggers to recall the desired imagery 2. Direct attention outward not inward while shooting 3. Create positive mental blueprint that includes physical sensations and feelings 4. Practice mindfulness to help clear out her mental interference 5. Acknowledge that choking happens
Arrange the following steps Keturah should take according to the order in which they should be done to address her athlete's situation
1. Determine the nature of pain (based on biomechanics, not diagnosis) 2. Assess the athlete's technique for correctness 3. Consider whether the tennis racket is contributing to the problem 4. Assess the training program to ensure that overtraining is not occurring
Which of the following statements about early diversification is true? 1. Overuse injuries are a common negative result of early diversification 2. Early diversification should begin at 16 years of age 3. Athlete development is hindered by early diversification
1. Early diversification results in a longer sport career 2. Early diversification can also be termed sport sampling
Using what you have learned from Aisha's situation, what forces might be influencing the pain experienced by Keturah's new athlete?
1. Excess or repetitive forces causing injury to elbow tissue 2. Forces she applies to the racket and ball to manipulate motion
Questions when considering factors such as the environment, the laws of nature, and interaction factors
1. How do you have your desk and computer set up? 2. How high is your screen, and how far is it positioned from you? 3. Do you have your keyboard lowered into an optimal position? 4. Have you recently made any changes to your office workspace?
What questions should Janet be asking about stretching to help her make the decision about best practices for her clients?
1. How does stretching muscles, ligaments, and tendons affect the ability of these tissues to transmit or generate force? 2. What type of stretching exercises are best before vigorous exercise? 3. Are stretching recommendations the same for all people?
Office Ergonomics
1. Monitor at arm's length away 2. Wrists straight, hands at or below elbow level 3. Adjust chair height so knees are about level with hips
What steps can Janet take to gain the knowledge to answer her questions?
1. Read the ACSM's recommendations for warming up and building flexibility 2. Review what she learned from attending a professional conference 3. Look through her professional journals
What does Keturah need to know to make the best choice about how to help this player?
1. What are the external forces associated with hitting a tennis ball with a racket? 2. What are the typical forces that can influence our body structures and functions? 3. What are the internal forces needed to hit a ball with a racket?
The field of biomechanics as we know it today was formed in the late _____
Sport Biomechanics
A branch of biomechanics centered on improving sport performance by athletes through the improvement in movement techniques or the development of equipment
Clinical Biomechanics
A branch of biomechanics centered on improving the ability of an injured or disabled individual to perform activities of daily living, including work and leisure activities, physical activity, or exercise
Intrinsic Motivation
A desire to perform a behavior for its own sake
Extrinsic Motivation
A desire to perform a behavior to receive promised rewards or avoid threatened punishment
Research by Joan Vickers from the University of Calgary deals with what topic?
A training technique called the quiet eye, which can help athletes in pressure situations
Absence of motivation
self-fulfilling prophecy
An expectation that causes you to act in ways that make that expectation come true- a belief that leads to its own fulfillment
Behavior checklist or coding
In order to make the best use of ____________, kinesiologists need to incorporate work from the many other areas that help us understand the client or performer
The ________ of water reduced the impact on joints
This study measured the amount of bone-loading forces and ______________________ from participating in a Better Bones & Balance program
Cardiovascular Activity
The CMPC deduced that Kyra, feeling the pressure and stress to be the person who wins for the team, had ______, as seen by the decline of her performance
Physical activity performance is facilitated by ________ and group membership; however, social loafing may occur if individuals are not monitored
As early as the 1920s, systematic research in the field of sport psychology was being conducted by _______________; however, the field was not recognized until the late 1960s
Coleman Griffith
The CMPC also noted that Kyra was not allowing her shot to flow freely via automatic processing; rather, she was paralyzed by ___________________
Conscious processing
Accredited only recently, the Certified Mental Performance Consultant (CMPC) certification provides sport psychology ___________ with a professional credential
Work performed when body weight varies
Cycle Ergometer
Body Density
Individuals who exercise have been shown to realize mental health benefits, including psychological well-being, decreased anxiety, and decreased __________
The two subdisciplines of kinesiology that focus on the study of human thought, emotion, and behavior in physical activity are sport psychology and ________ psychology
Chronological age means that everyone of a certain age will be physically and mentally the same
The article discusses recommendations made by expert physical education teachers who specialize in youth physical activity
The expert panel recommended that youth physical activity programs should include 30 to 45 minutes of vigorous and moderate-intensity activity for three to five days per week
When working with children, use a lot of jargon so that you can be as specific as you can
Young athletes have the same stressors as adults
Muscle fiber fueled by anaerobic energy
Fast glycolytic fibers
Muscle fiber fueled by both aerobic and anaerobic systems
Fast oxidative glycolytic fibers
To assess his client's health-related components of fitness, Terry chose _________ as the primary research method
Field Work
Negative consequences of specializing in a single sport too early include all of the following: 1. Obsession to win 2. Lack of social skills 3. Lack of time for other life activities 4. High pressure to excel except:
Financial burdens from tournament fees, expensive gear, and travel
Amount of blood lactate
Fingertip blood sample
Sport and exercise psychology professionals can hold a variety of positions, including sport psychology consultants, _______ specialists, and health promotion specialists
Serena Williams' pre-performance routine
Five bounces before each serve
Although essential to maintaining the health of our tissues and controlling our movement, excessive or repetitive _____ can injure tissues
To measure ground reaction forces, a _____________ was chosen as the research tool
Force Platform
Diverse skill development, higher performance levels, and well-developed decision-making skills are examples of
Helpful effects of specializing in sports at the right time
Increase in muscle fiber size
Sport and exercise psychology professionals use ______________________ to increase exercise adherence, aid in injury rehabilitation, and ease the transition to retirement for athletes
Intervention Techniques
Intervention technique that helps people view themselves as successfully participating in physical activity or as winning
Intervention technique that involves many different strategies for talking to oneself; the purpose is to motivate the person or keep focused on a particular task
Goal setting
Intervention technique that involves setting short and long-term goals and then monitoring these goals regularly so that one can make modifications to help in their achievement
Content analysis, biochemical measures, and __________ are examples of research methods used in sport and exercise psychology
Strength variables of muscle groups
Isokinetic Machine
___________ was the first name for the field we now call biomechanics
Maintain a focus on the present moment in an open, nonjudgmental way, engage fully in a present activity without being caught up in worries about the future or regrets about the past, often taught through the practice of meditation
Biomechanical Models
Mathematical models of the mechanical properties of the human body
The result of improved stroke volume from endurance training
Maximal aerobic power
VO2 used during physical activity
Measurement of oxygen uptake
Sport and exercise psychology professionals tend to the ______ aspect of physical activity
When compared to exercise on land, water has ____ resistance than air, which requires more work and can improve muscle strength
Early sport specialization is suggested for
Mostly artistic and acrobatic sports
The CMPC noted that Kyra seemed to be directing her attention and focus on her _______________________, rather than on staying in the present moment
Negative past experiences
Steve Nash's pre-performance routine
One or two shot rehearsals, dribble three times, deep breath, shoot
Over many weeks, the client participated in water exercises classes and noodle bicycling. She then added water-walking and strength exercises, then deep-water running, followed by land-based activities. This summary illustrates the fitness training principle of ________
Cardiovascular fitness
Number of steps
Katie should also consider the faculty member's physical strength, typing skill level, motivation, and emotions. These are examples that fit into which category?
Performer Characteristics
The trainer progresses the athlete through various activities, from simple to more complex. What is the most basic skill necessary in order to move on to the next?
Proper Landing Position
Psychological Inventories
The purpose of the study was to review articles on youth physical activity and to create _______________ for youth physical activity programs
Increased number due to endurance training
Skeletal muscle capillaries
Thickness of fat layer just below the skin (subcutaneous)
Skinfold Calipers
Children are more likely to be physically active, partly due to family support and modeling, as compared to elderly people, who often become less active due to _______________
Social Isolation
Terry chose warm water exercise (cardiovascular exercise) as the main activity to help improve his client's overall health and reduce her joint pain. His choice demonstrates the fitness training principle of ___________
Michael Phelps' pre-performance routine
Stretch and backslap
Amount of blood ejected per heart beat
Stroke Volume
Stronger levels of commitment; a better ability to cope with stress, distractions, and difficulties; and higher confidence are key attributes of __________ athletes compared to unsuccessful athletes
Which statement best describes Dr. Vickers' quiet eye technique?
Take a one-second look at the desired object before proceeding
According to the trainer, once an athlete has acquired and learned the necessary skills, performing the skills toward the end of the workout is preferred as an injury prevention strategy. Why?
The athlete is fatigued
Autonomous Extrinsic Motivation
The combined effects of identified and integrated regulation, which are more autonomous and more closely associated with intrinsic motivation than controlled extrinsic motivation "I'm an athlete" "I value what I learn in sport" "it teaches me self-discipline" "what I get from sport is important to me"
Social Loafing
The tendency for people in a group to exert less effort when pooling their efforts toward attaining a common goal than when individually accountable
Increased amount exhaled during high-intensity exercise
Tidal Volume
All young people can benefit from mental skills training as long as they are delivered in a way that's tailored to their developmental level
Although high-performance young athletes may have acquired physical skills, they many not have the experience to cope with the pressure of sport
Imagery is a good tool when helping to explain a concept to a young athlete
Implementing mental skills training with young athletes should be fun, short, and ever evolving with physical, social, and mental maturation
Just like you would with adults, you need to be aware of burnout and help all athletes with coping strategies
As part of the steps to help the faculty member move masterfully, Katie has identified the task as typing at a workstation. What is the performer's goal in the scenario?
Type efficiently without pain
Body Density
Underwater Weighing
Blood vessel shift distribution away from organs
Blood vessel shift flow toward skeletal muscles
A ______ water temperature can help soothe pain