Kinesiology test 3

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Stress fractures are fractures caused by fatigue, low density, and poor bone structure. Please list 2 preventative treatment options that will help danceers avoid stress fractures.

1. Allowing adequate rest and recovery2. Not smoking3. Getting enough vitamin D4. Ensuring your menstruation is regular5. Maintaining a calcium-rich diet6. Maintaining an ideal body weight

What are the three potential causes of muscle cramps?

1. Dehydration 2. Reduced Circulation 3. Fatigue

List the three subdivisions (periods) of the stance phase in walking.

1. contact 2. midstance 3. propulsive

The most tumultuous time of brain developmenthappens in adolscents from ages ( ) to ( )

10, 13

Phalanges(number of bones)


A stride is made up of how many steps total(right and left combined)?


Sesamoids(number of bones)


The US dietary guidelines recommend eating how many pieces of fruit a day?


In the post-setting phase, the humerus and scapula moves in a ( ) to ( ) ratio.

2, 1

The US dietary guidelines recommend eating how many cups of vegetables a day?


Jumping increases patellofemoral forces to ( ) times your body weight.


Jumping increases femorotibial forces to ( ) times your body weight.


The foot consists of how many separate bones?


The foot is made up of ( ) irregularly shaped bones.


How many heads does the triceps brachii have and what are their names?

3; long, lateral, medial

Metacarpals(number of bones)


The stance phase accounts for ( ) of the full gait cycle.


A "normal" amount of passive range of motion for the Hallux in extension is _____ degrees. We need ____ degrees of extension for the gait cycle.

60, 45

Tarsals(number of bones)


Carpals(number of bones)


The internal rotation of the humerus can be maintained through the beginning of abduction until the arm reaches about ______ degrees, at which point the humerus begins to externally rotate.


List two actions each of the posterior and anterior fibers of the deltoid.

Anterior deltoid: internal rotation, horizontal adduction/flexion, abductionPosterior deltoid: external rotation, horizontal abduction/extension, abduction

The __________________ can create shoulder abduction when it is laterally rotated.

Biceps brachii

( ) age, which can be greatly different than chronological age is crucial to performance development and to the capacity to deal with stress.


Growth spurts are typically more delayed for boys or girls?


Metatarsophalangeal(type of synovial joint)


In general, what are some exercise guidelines that apply to all shoulder dysfunctions?

Correct poor biomechanics/functional movement patterns/alignmentWork within pain-free range of motionWork in a closed kinetic chainWork in the scaption plane (optional)

What is the proper firing pattern for seated shoulder abduction? Drag the following muscles to put them in order. Only the first 3 muscles are required for full credit. You will receive extra credit for additional correct responses.

Deltoid/supraspinatus, contralateral upper trapezius, ipsilateral upper trapezius, contralateral quadratus lumborum, contralateral peronei, ipsilateral scapular stabilizers for shoulder depression

Burnout and depression have distinct and different symptoms. (T/F)


Cognitive function and physiological growth are correlated(T/F)


Growth spurts in adolescents can last up to 36 months(T/F)


It is not a problem to walk with out-toeing in everyday life. (T/F)


The acromioclavicular joint is the most commonly dislocated joint in the body. (T/F)


The color of your fruits/vegetables don't matter. (T/F)


The legs of an adolescent dancer always grow at the same pace(T/F)


The rotator cuff are global mobilizers.(T/F)


The shoulder complex does not use force couples like the pelvis does. (T/F)


When viewing the calcaneal tendon from a posterior view from the calf down (proximal) to the floor (distal), if the tendon descends medially, the foot is supinated.


When you are in pain, regular use of anti-inflammatories is recommended.(T/F)


White foods are all nutritionally worthless. (T/F)


What is a genu valgus? How would you identify it?

Genu valgus is also known as "knocked knees." You can identify this by seeing if the knees are touching where as the feet have about 3 and a half inches of distance between them.

Elbow (1 of 2 joints: this is the joint that includes the olecranon process)


Which external rotator(s) of the arm also contributes to shoulder extension?

Infraspinatus, teres minor

Claw toes are a sign of weak ______________ muscles of the feet.


Older school-age

It is of special importance to ensure the correct movement is what is being automated at this age

How can gait disorders lead to a reduction of quality of life? What does that mean for you as dancers? Give a specific example.

Less personal freedom, falls, and injuries

The green back of a young tree is likened to the ( ) of the bone


At which age does logical thinking develop in children? What does this mean for teaching dance or any kind of sport?

Pre-adolescent (6-10 years)

Amenorrhea can be the result of too much energy expended versus the energy consumed. What is the difference between primary amenorrhea and seconday amenorrhea? What are the two potential consequences of menstrual irregularities?

Primary amenorrhea is when a girl has not started to menstruate by the age of 16. Secondary amenorrhea is when a girl starts menstruating but then stops having menstrual periods. Consequences: infertility and skeletal demineralization.

Name the bone that crosses medially in the lower forearm with pronation.


How would you describe scaption and why is it important?

Scaption is working the arm halfway between the sagittal and frontal/coronal plane. It is the plane that allows for the best scapular stability, especially when injured.


Stabilization of the personality and balanced physical proportions make this the "golden age of learning"

The only structural attachment of the upper extremity to the axial skeleton takes place at which joint?

Sternoclavicular joint

Which of the rotator cuff muscles is responsible for the internal rotation of the humerus?


The Acronym SITS stands for which 4 muscles, which connect the humerus to the scapulae?

Subscapularis, Infraspinatus, Teres minor, Supraspinatus

The 3 other cuff muscles provide joint compression and inferior pull against the action of the ( ) muscle.


The deltoid acts as a force-couple with the ( ) muscle.


Which external rotator(s) of the arm also contributes to shoulder abduction?


Which of the rotator cuff muscles is responsible for abduction of the humerus?


Both the Tibialis Posterior and Tibialis Anterior are responsible for supinating the foot.(T/F)


In young children, joint cartilage can regenerate to a small degree (T/F)


Individual gait pattern is influenced by age, personality, mood and sociocultural factors(T/F)


Single limb support begins when the contralateral foot lifts off the ground.(T/F)


The arches of the foot store and release energy with every step. (T/F)


The body grows from the periphery to the center (T/F)


The peroneal muscles are on the lateral side of the leg. (T/F)


Under normal stresses, the glenohumeral joint is susceptible to degeneration and dysfunction. (T/F)


The shoulders should sit at the horizontal plane in line with which vertebra?


What is the connection between Coxa Valga, Coxa Vara, Genu Valgus, and Genu Varum?

The connection between them is the angle of the hip ultimately effects the angle of the knee. If Coxa valga is present in the body, it is likely that genu varum will be present in the legs and if coxa vara is present in the hips, it is likely genu valgus will be present in the knees.

Name the synovial joint that connects the shoulder girdle to the axial skeleton.

The scapulothoracic joint

Why is the soleus called the second heart?

The soleus is in charge of pumping the blood from the lower part of your legs back up to your heart.

Which part of the rotator cuff does not produce internal or external rotation of the glenohumeral joint?

The supraspinatus muscle

The 3 classifications of shoulder muscles are:

The thoraco-humeral (axiohumeral) muscles.The scapulo-humeral muscles. Scapulo-thoracic (axioscapular) muscles.

Based on the name "abductor pollicis longus", what body part is being moved and in which direction?

The thumb is being moved closer to the midline in anatomical position.

Why does the cue to "pull your shoulderblades back and together" a correction that often has undesired consequences? What cue could you give to dancers/yourself instead?

This often forces the rib cage forward, and makes it so that dancers overuse their latissimus dorsi and rhomboids. Potential optional cues could be to relax the pectoralis minor, retract the scapulae without allowing the shearing of the spine, etc. Any legitimate answer to the second question will be accepted.

Which malleolus is attached to which bone?

Tibia-->medial malleolus fibula-->lateral malleolus

The primary muscles that dorsiflex the foot are which muscles below? (select all that apply)

Tibialis anterior, extensor hallicus longus

Young school-age

Training focuses on the improvement of coordination skills and the expansion of movement repertoire


Training should focus on keeping the enthusiasm for dance while giving support and individualized training

Select the vitamins that are necessary to help repair over-stressed muscles and are therefore needed to help recover from strenuous classes and rehearsals.

Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E

Select the vitamin that is necessary for bone formation.

Vitamin E

What should you be aware of if you decide to use running as a cross-training activity?

You should be aware of the forces going through the metatarsals as you run and understand that it can be 275% your body weight. That combined with our not optimal knee tracking, makes a not great combination.

How do the adduction/abduction of the toes relate to the pronation of the foot? What does this mean for you in your chosen genre of dance?

abduction=more stable base adduction=easier to overpronate

The actions at the scapulothoracic joint are dependent upon the actions of which other two joints?

acromioclavicular, sternoclavicular

Name the action that is shared by all three posterior scapular muscles.


Problems at tendon insertions _______________ affect the entire muscle, and this is where treatment starts.


Name the three movements involved in ankle-foot supination (open kinematic chain):

ankle foot inversion, ankle foot plantar flexion, forefoot adduction

Lateral ankle pain

ankle sprain

Name the most important movement pair provided by the transverse tarsal joint:

ankle-foot inversion and eversion

In dorsiflexion, the talus slides (forwards/backwards) relative to the tibia


When flexing the arm at the shoulder joint, the humeral head slides

backwards and downwards in its socket

Rapid changes in height can affect what?

balance, confidence, coordination, stamina, flexibility

Shoulder(type of synovial joint)


Which of the following are flexors of the forearm?

biceps brachii, brachioradialis, brachialis

A greenstick fracture is when the ( ) itself is broken, but the ( ) remains intact

bone, periosteum

what grows first?


Match the alignment terms for the following:

bunion=hallux valgus high arched foot=pes cavus

Which bone comes together with the first metacarpal to form the saddle joint in the hand?


Anterior knee pain can be caused by 2 dysfunctions which has terms that are often used interchangeably:

chondromalacia patellae, patello femoral pain syndrome

The femur slides anteriorly on extension, and posteriorly on flexion of the hip in which kinetic chain?

closed kinetic chain

Fractures of the ( ) are the second most common fractures in adults. The most common cause is falling on an outstretched arm.


Wrist(type of synovial joint)


If the knee is allowed to go into hyperextension, there is much less ( ) area, much greater ( ), and soft tissue is important for knee ( ).

contact, stress, stability

The more economical the use of their muscles, the better prepared the young dancers are for the physical changes that occur during property. One way of training of these economy of movement is in training which of the following


List the bones that make up the following regions of the midfoot.

cuboid, navicular, cuineform

In the terminal phase of scapulo-humeral rhythm, what 3 actions of the scapula take place to get to 180 degrees of elevation?

depression, posterior tilt, adduction

Where can you find the epiphyseal plates? Between the ( ) and ( )

diaphysis, epiphysis

Name the common action of the anterior crural muscles.


Name the position of the ankle-foot that offers stability due to the shape of the talus.


The best exercises to relieve achilles tendinopathy are those that involve a(n) ( ) contraction


Calcium migrates to the ( ) of bones during growth spurts


What kind of nutrient is necessary for hormone production, absorption of vitamins, and can supply the body with energy?


When stretching the soleus, it is important to do so with a (flexed/extended) knee.


The _____________ of the wrist are on the anterior/medial side of the forearm in anatomical position.


The most important muscle in your foot that propels you through space, particularly when doing forward and/or upward jump is the

flexor hallicus longus

The 3 functional areas of the foot from most posterior to most anterior are the

forefoot, midfoot, hindfoot

In plantar flexion, the talus slides (forwards/backwards) relative to the tiaba


Name the posterior crural muscle that is vital for powerful movements such as jumps.




Acromioclavicular(type of synovial joint)


Subtalar(type of synovial joint)


What is the proper firing pattern for hip extension while prone? Drag the following muscles to put them in order. Only the first 3 muscles are required for full credit. You will receive extra credit for additional correct responses.

gluteus maximus, hamstring, contralateral lumbar erector spinae, ipsilateral lumbar erector spinae, contralateral trunk extensors in thoracolumbar region, ipsilateral trunk extensors in thoracolumbar region, ipsilateral shoulder and neck

What is the proper firing pattern for hip abduction while side-lying? Drag the following muscles to put them in order. Only the first 3 muscles are required for full credit. You will receive extra credit for additional correct responses.

gluteus medius, tensor fascia latae, quadratus lumborum, iliopsoas, rectus femoris, abdominals

What is the anatomical term for the big toe?


When straightening your legs from a plie, in order to stop in a neutral position, rather than going back into hyperextension, you should co-contract what two muscle groups?

hamstrings and quadriceps

Which two bony landmarks form the glenohumeral joint?

head of humerus, glenoid cavity

The ( )( ) begins the loading response

heel strike

Ankle(type of synovial joint)


Interphalangeal(type of synovial joint)


Elbow (2 of 2 joints)


Preschool age

interest in joy and exploring are the primary characteristics

Match the rearfoot ligaments and the most important ankle-foot movements they limit.

lateral colateral-->inversion medial colateral-->eversion

Which epicondyle of the humerus is smaller?

lateral epicondyle

These sections of the spine grows at what point in a persons' life

lumbar-before puberty thoracic-during puberty

Which of the 3 arches of the foot contributes most to shock absorption?

medial longitudinal arch

The 3 arches of the foot are the:

medial longitudinal, lateral longitudinal, transverse

MTP stands for what kind of joints in the foot?


How many ligaments are in the ankle and foot?

more than 100

Which defines the limits of endurance?

musculoskeletal system

know the bones of the feet

navicular, medial cuineform, middle cuineform, lateral cuineform, cuboid, metatarsals

Why are the tendons and ligaments of the fingers so important?

no muscles in the fingers

A step starts with the initial contact of one foot, and ends with the initial contact of the ( ) foot.


Which muscles have the same actions?

pectoralis major-->anterior deltoid levator scapulae-->rhomboids Peroneus brevis-->Peroneus longus Lattisimus dorsi-->Teres major

The lower diagonal system of the shoulder complex is made up of which two muscles?

pectoralis minor, lower trapezius

( )is an inflammation of the periosteum. Periosteum is the connective tissue that covers ( ).

periostitis, bones

Upper radioulnar(type of synovial joint)


Foot stiffness and pain on the underside of the heel

plantar fasciitis

Name the functional muscle group that is the prime mover at the ankle-foot on the down phase of a plié:

plantar flexors

Name the muscle group at the ankle-foot that is the prime mover in the up phase of a relevé

plantar flexors

List 3 of the 7 possible risk factors for sculiosis

poor nutrition delayed onset of puberty and associated growth spurt general laxity of ligaments

Pain deep to the achilles tendon that is aggravated by pointe work

posterior impingement syndrome/os trigonum syndrome

Of the four sling systems discussed, the gluteus maximus is a part of which two myofascial sling systems?

posterior longitudinal, posterior oblique

When you are in anatomical position, the styloid process is on the (anterior/posterior) and (medial/lateral) side of the forearm.

posterior, medial

imitation is best used in dance classes for which age group?

pre-school (1-5 years)

For boys, partner work often starts in the middle of their second growth spurt. As an instructor, what can you do to ensure the safety of these young men?

progressive No overhead presses until 15 lay on the floor to learn presses

Name the position of the foot that allows it to function as a shock absorber


The natural 3D spiral of the foot makes it so that when the hindfoot supinates, the forefoot _________________.


Name the motion of the ankle-foot that is coupled with internal rotation of the tibia.




If you don't take care of shin splints, and it tears the periosteum of the tibia, it could lead to stress

reactions or fractures

A stride starts with the initial contact of one foot, and ends with the initial contact of the ( ) foot.


List the three categories into which the muscles of the shoulder region can be divided.

scapular muscles, the rotator cuff, and other major glenohumeral muscles

Which muscles should be strengthened to correct winging in the scapulae?

serratus anterior, lower trapezius

Generalized pain on the anterior tibia

shin splints

Name the movement of the scapula that is linked with each of the following movements of the shoulder in accordance with the scapulohumeral rhythm.

shoulder external rotation-->scapular adduction shoulder abduction-->scapular upward rotation shoulder flexion-->scapular abduction and upward rotation

Localized bone pain aggravated by impact

stress fracture

The horizontal system of the shoulder complex is made up of which two muscles?

subclavius, middle trapezius

Name the joint of the rearfoot that can produce ankle-foot inversion and eversion.


The most common acute injury in dance is a sprained ankle due to _________________.


List the two joints that make up the transverse tarsal joint.

talanovicular, calcaneocuboid



Which bone in the foot has no muscle attachments?


List the bones that make up the following regions of the rearfoot.

talus, calcaneaus


tendon inflammation


tendon sheath inflammation

When the foot initiates heel strike and the contralateral foot initiates heel off, we are in a period called ( )

terminal stance

As your knees go out over your toes, the amount of ( ) in your knee increases


Over which arch should you place your body weight when standing upright in a dance class?


The only muscle located on the posterior arm is the

triceps brachii

The 3D spiralling of the arm is coordinated by which two guiding muscles?

triceps brachii, biceps brachii

The crescent shape on the proximal end of the ulna is called the ( ) or semiulnar notch.


One way you can develop a dancer's kinesthetic and/or proprioceptive awareness

turning away from mirrors

Nutrient dense carbohydrates are preferable to simple sugars because they contain ( ) and ( )

vitamins, minerals

For dancers having growth spurts, list potential things that need to be reduced

weight bearing on knees, working in closed positions

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