Kings of ISRAEL and JUDAH and their characteristics

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Manasseh succeeded King Hezekiah at the age of 12 and was the longest ________ of JUDAH. He murdered the prophet Isaiah and while imprisoned by Assyria he repented and was saved.

reigning and worst of all the kings

He was a cabinet minister of King Solomon and led the revolt that divided the kingdom. His ___________ caused ISRAEL to sin.

false alter and golden calf religion

The last king of ISRAEL was ______ . He became a ______ of the king of Assyria by sending him tributes every year. He later joined Egypt against Assyria. Assyria conquered Israel, imprisoned Hoshea and took Israel into captivity.

Hoshea vassal

The thirteenth king of JUDAH was _______ who was the second most godly (the most godly king of JUDAH was Josiah, grandson of Hezekiah).


The first king of ISRAEL (Northern Kingdom) was _______.


Ahab tricked the godly king _______ (4th king of JUDAH) into a two fold compromise - a matrimonial and a military alliance. He defeated ____ twice but was slain in a subsequent battle with them

Jehoshaphat Syria

Kings of JUDAH ______ was the fourth king of JUDAH and was the second good king of JUDAH. He instituted a nationwide ____ ____ program. His major mistake was to compromise with Ahab (seventh king of ISRAEL) and his two sons.

Jehoshaphat Religious reforms

Kings of JUDAH Jehoiakim was the eighteenth king of JUDAH and considered to be the third worst king. He experienced the first of three invasions by Babylon. He persecuted ___________ and at his death received the burial ___________.

Jeremiah, burnt portions of the Bible - of a donkey (as foretold by Jeremiah).

Kings of JUDAH Athaliah was the daughter of ..................... and widow of Joram the fifth king of JUDAH. She became the seventh ruler of JUDAH, by killing off all her grandchildren (except Joash who was in hiding) at the death of Ahaziah, her son. She was later executed by _____ the priest.

King Ahab and Jezebel Jehoiada

Kings of JUDAH After the passing of King Solomon, his son _______ became king but caused the civil war and the break up of the nation into the Northern Kingdom (Israel) and the Southern Kingdom (JUDAH).


With Jehoiada's passing, Joash became a cruel king, even agreeing to the stoning of the High Priest ______ who had called for national repentance. King Joash was executed by his own palace guards.


Kings of JUDAH The twentieth and last king of JUDAH was ________ He persecuted Jeremiah, joined Egypt in a revolt against Babylon. He was defeated, was blinded and taken captive____ ______ Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed.

Zedekiah. to Babylon.

The tenth king of ISRAEL was Jehu who was appointed king by Elisha to destroy Ahab's Dynasty. He was well known for _____ _____ and for executing Jehoram (9th king of ISRAEL) and Ahaziah (6th king of JUDAH) and for executing .................

chariot riding Jezebel together with the priests of Baal.

Kings of JUDAH Joash became the ______ king of JUDAH at the age of 7. While he was under the direction of Jehoiada the priest, he lived for God.


He re-instituted the ______ feast, organized the books of Psalms and Proverbs, saw God's answer to his prayer in the destruction of the Assyrian army and was informed by the prophet Isaiah that God had given an ............. to live.

passover extra fifteen years

The seventh king of ISRAEL was Ahab. He married Jezebel, worshiped Baal and was denounced by Elijah and Macaiah who ______________.

predicted his death

Josiah was the sixteenth king of JUDAH and was ___________. He re-discovered the books of Moses and led the nation in a great revival. He was later slain in battle with Egypt.

the best king after David.

Uzziah was the 10th king of JUDAH. He was a good king, a mighty warrior and a great builder. However he _______ of the priesthood and God punished him with leprosy.

trespassed into the sacred duties

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