Knapp Microbio Exam 1 Practice Questions

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T/F: For a particular disease at a specific time period, morbidity rates should always be equal or greater than mortality rates.


In terms of the number of molecules per cell, which molecule comprises the highest percentage in a bacterium? A. DNA B. Proteins C. RNA D. Water E. Phospholipids F. Various ions and other solutes

d. water

Which of the following specialized structures/inclusions would aquatic photoautotrophic bacteria likely possess? 1. Thylakoids 2. PHB granules 3. Carboxysomes 4. Gas vacuoles 5. Chloroplasts

1. thylakoids, 3. carboxysomes, 4. gas vacuoles

Which is not applicable to endospore formation? A) Aggregation of cells, attachment to a surface, and formation of an extracellular polysaccharide matrix are part of the process of endospore formation. B) Formation of a mother cell occurs during the process. C) It is triggered under sub-optimal growth or adverse environmental conditions. D) Dipicolinic acid and calcium ions play an important role in making the spore highly resistant to environmental conditions. E) It is a property found in members of genus Bacillus and genus Clostridium.

B) Formation of a mother cell occurs during the process.

The true statement is... A. Tetanus is an example of a communicable disease B. The CH 14 "In the Clinic" video described an outbreak of Chlamydia C. Commensal type bacteria that are part of your microbiome would neither harm nor benefit you. D. Koch's postulates are applicable for all infectious diseases E. Herd immunity allows us to not have to vaccinate. F. A septicemic infection would be confined to a specific part of the body. G. NONE are true statements

C. Commensal type bacteria that are part of your microbiome would neither harm nor benefit you.

Which among A-E is false? A. Subclinical infection: you are infected, but show no symptoms of disease B. Secondary infection: typically caused by opportunistic pathogens in compromised hosts C. Septicemia: infectious agents in the blood D. Fomite: transmission of pathogen via insect E. Prodromal period: occurs prior to the period of illness F. None are false

D. Fomite: transmission of pathogen via insect

Which compound is reduced? isocitric acid + NAD+ ------> alpha-ketoglutaric acid + NADH + H+

NAD+ (accepts electrons from isocitric acid and is reduced to NADH)

T/F: A mixed culture does not necessarily indicate a contaminated culture.


What occurs when a bacterial cell is placed in a hypotonic solution?

Water will move into the cell

Which is false a. Only persons ill with an infectious disease will possess the pathogen causing the disease. b. Not all pathogen types have animal models with which they can be studied c. Some pathogens may linger in the body for years before disease occurs. d. Multiple pathogens can cause the same disease. e. None of A - D is false

a. Only persons ill with an infectious disease will possess the pathogen causing the disease.

Winogradsky and Beijerinck discovered the lithotrophic bacteria. Which is FALSE concerning this group of bacteria? a. They are a type of heterotrophic bacteria. b. They typically use carbon dioxide as a carbon source. c. They can utilize compounds such as hydrogen (H2) or ammonia (NH3) as sources of energy. d. They are only found among prokaryotes. e. They have an important role in the functioning of ecosystems.

a. They are a type of heterotrophic bacteria.

Which of the following could not be used as a criterion to identify viruses? A) biochemical tests for metabolic pathways B) the presence or absence of glycoprotein spikes C) nucleic acid type D) the shape and size of the capsid E) the number of types of capsomeres (i.e., capsid proteins)

a. biochemical tests for metabolic pathways

By the way humans obtain carbon and energy, we are considered: A) chemoheterotrophs B) photoautotrophs C) chemolithotrophs D) photoheterotrophs

a. chemoheterotrophs (energy from chemicals; carbon from organic compounds)

__________ are found in the plasma membrane and help to reinforce and stiffen membranes in bacteria. A) Hopanoids B) Inclusions C) Cholesterol molecules D) Peptidoglycans

a. hopanoids (peptidoglycan in cell wall)

Which among A-E is false regarding your microbiota? A) It would be normal to find members of your microbiota in your brain, heart, or liver. B) They are the normal microbes found in and on your body. C) Under certain condition, some members of your microbiota could cause you harm. D) The numbers of your microbiota are higher in quantity than your own cells. E) Your microbiota can have different symbiotic relationships with your body. F) None of A-E is false, they are all true

a. it would be normal to find members of your microbiotia in your brain, heart, or liver

You have prepared a glass slide containing a sample of a bacterial culture; you wish to view this using a microscope. The ability to even observe very tiny bacteria on this slide is due to __________________ of the specimen, while distinguishing fine details and having a sharp image is due to the ____________________ of the microscope, and contrast of the bacteria with its background is enhanced by ___________________________ the specimen. A) magnification; resolution; staining B) resolution; magnification; lighting C) magnification; objective lens; oil immersion D) magnification; objective lens; resolution

a. magnification; resolution; staining

Which of the following pairs is mismatched? a. metachromatic granule: allows for aquatic bacteria to orient themselves in their environment b. PHB inclusions: lipid inclusions; use as energy reserve c. sulfur granules: sulfur oxidation product d. gas vacuoles: flotation; depth adjustment e. None of A-D are mismatched; all are correct

a. metachromatic granule: allows for aquatic bacteria to orient themselves in their environment

BONUS The history of the classification of microbes is depicted in the diagram above; all microbes were originally categorized as being in either the plant or animal kingdom, respectively. Advances in microscopy revealed morphological features and characteristics not seen before; over time this led to all microbes being transferred from the animal and plant groups and scattered among the Kingdoms Fungi, Protista, and Monera. Later, techniques developed that allowed for comparison of DNA (genes) between organisms; this led to formation of taxonomic domains. Which group would algae be included in? A) Protista B) Monera C) Fungi D) Animal E) Plant

a. protista

Which of the following is an energy storage form? A) ribosomes B) PHB (polyhydroxybutyrate) inclusions C) gas vacuoles D) magnetosomes E) all are energy storage inclusions or granules

a. ribosomes

Which of the following is false? A) spirillum: rod-shaped bacterium B) fimbriae: some prokaryotes have these for attachment to surfaces C) "tumbles" and "runs": uses flagella or a flagellum D) the nucleoid region of a bacterium is only contained within the cell's plasma membrane E) slime layer: polysaccharide-protein material loosely associated with cell exterior

a. spirillum: rod-shaped bacterium

Metagenomics is a technique used to identify un-culturable microorganisms from environmental samples. A) True B) False

a. true

Staphylococcus aureus, like all bacteria reproduce asexually by binary fission to produce clones. Regardless of this latter fact, all the cells of a colony of Staphylococcus aureus on solid growth medium would not necessarily be genetically identical. A) True B) False

a. true

Methanogens, thermophiles, and halophiles characterize many members of this taxonomic group of microbes


Which infections disease would be considered endemic in the US? a. tetanus b. the common cold c. measles d. cancer

b. the common cold

DNA:DNA hybridization or 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, in conjunction with examining the ecological role of the organism in question is how one can define A) a fermentation B) a bacterial species C) an autotroph or heterotroph D) a pathogen

b. a bacterial species

A nosocomial infection is a. always present, but is inapparent at the time of hospitalization b. acquired during the course of hospitalization c. always caused by medical personnel d. only a result of surgery e. is typically caused by primary pathogens f. two of the above

b. acquired during the course of hospitalization

An aquatic bacterium maintains an intracellular sodium ion concentration of 0.1 mM while living in a pond that contains sodium ions at 0.005 mM. Evidently, sodium ions are entering the cell by: A. Facilitated diffusion B. Active transport C. Osmosis D. Simple diffusion E. Endocytosis

b. active transport

When your body's defenses recognize a pathogen that has entered your body, certain cell types "see" these components on the pathogen called _______________ and produce a specific immune response as a result of this recognition. A vaccine contains these same components and similarly generates an immune response. A) antibiotics B) antigens C) attenuation factors D) vaccines

b. antigens

Certain bacteria have atypical cell wall features; for example, many ___________ possess membrane lipids comprised of terpenoid compounds rather than fatty acids; ______________ have large waxy lipids on the exterior of their peptidoglycan layer; and _________________ species completely lack a cell wall altogether. A) Archaea; Mycoplasma; Mycobacteria B) Archaea; Mycobacteria; Mycoplasma C) Mycobacteria; Archaea; Mycoplasma D) Archaea; Staphylococcus; E. coli

b. archaea; mycobacteria; mycoplasma

BONUS The size of their chromosome, the fact they have only one chromosome, and the lack of a nuclear membrane are some reasons why A) bacteria are so energetic B) bacteria can increase in number so fast C) bacteria possess a cell wall D) bacteria ferment

b. bacteria can increase in number so fast

A mixed culture A) is the same as a contaminated culture B) contains two or more known species C) is one that has been adequately stirred D) is a pure culture

b. contains two or more known species

Pleiomorphic refers to a particular type of bacterial morphology in which cells exhibit a uniform shape and possess symmetrical sizes, such as round or rod-shaped. A) True B) False

b. false

Since many prokaryotic genes have been acquired via horizontal gene transfer, this can complicate the interpretation of molecular phlyogenies. To minimize this effect, gene sequences used for such comparisons employ operational genes, such as those involved in metabolism or pathogenicity, since these are unlikely to have been acquired by horizontal gene transfer. A) True B) False

b. false

Which of the following is not a communicable disease? a. common cold b. food poisoning c. pneumonia d. AIDs e. flue

b. food poisoning

Among the fungi, protozoans, algae, and helminths, which group comprises members that are mostly all parasites and are specialized to live in a host organism? A) fungi B) helminths C) algae D) protozoans

b. helminths

An attenuated strain of a pathogenic bacteria or virus provided to a person... a. causes the full effects of the disease in the individual b. may prevent disease in the individual by later exposure to a more virulent form of the strain c. does not cause an immune reaction in the individual d. all of the above

b. may prevent disease in the individual by later exposure to a more virulent form of the strain

Which is correct regarding this redox reaction? 2 Pyruvate + 2 NADH + 2 H+ ------> 2 Lactate + 2 NAD+ a. Pyruvate is oxidized and NADH is oxidized b. Pyruvate is reduced and NADH is oxidized c. Pyruvate is oxidized and NADH is reduced d. Pyruvate is reduced and NADH is reduced

b. pyruvate reduced to lactate; NADH oxidized to NAD+

The first of Koch's postulates A) involves isolation of the suspected bacterial pathogen from a healthy animal. B) shows that the suspected microbe is found in all cases of the disease, but absent from healthy animals. C) involves injecting the isolated microbe into a healthy animal. D) involves administering antibiotics to diseased animals to see which works best.

b. shows that the suspected microbe is found in all cases of the disease, but absent from healthy animals

Which among A-D is false regarding algae? A) they are photoautotrophs B) there are pathogen types that can infect humans C) there are unicellular and multicellular types D) certain algae can produce toxins E) None of A-D is false; all are true statements.

b. there are pathogen type that can infect humans

Which of the following is applicable to an attenuated virus or bacterium? A) They are more powerful pathogenic forms of the virus or bacterium. B) They are forms that can be used as vaccines to protect against certain diseases. C) They are types of antibiotics. D) none of the above are applicable to an attenuated virus or bacterium.

b. they are forms that can be used as vaccines to protect agianst certain diseases

Which of the following terms is not correctly defined? a. A motile bacterium moving in a completely random manner: likely producing more "tumbles" than "runs" with its flagella. b. Potential virulence factors for pathogens: capsule, fimbriae, flagella c. Spirochete: has a corkscrew motion due to the action of numerous flagella surrounding the exterior of the cell d. commensalistic bacteria: generally these will not harm you

c. Spirochete: has a corkscrew motion due to the action of numerous flagella surrounding the exterior of the cell

You wish to find the bacterial pathogen responsible for a specific disease acquired by one of your patients; for this purpose, you obtain a urine sample, blood sample, and throat swab. Regarding the five "I"s" of studying microbes, which choice below accurately describes the role of these samples? A) The samples would be something to directly incubate in order to obtain the pathogen. B) Visual inspection of the samples would allow for identification of the bacterial pathogen. C) The samples would serve as sources of inoculum for various growth media. D) A-C each accurately describes the role of these samples. E) None of A-C is an accurate description of the role of these samples.

c. The samples would serve as sources of inoculum for various growth media.

Which of the following statement/statements among A-E regarding microbes is/are FALSE? a. The classification of microbes into Domains revealed the existence of two distinct taxonomic groups of prokaryotes. b. Opportunistic pathogens start out as harmless types of bacteria. c. Though they need a host to replicate, viruses are generally capable of taking in and metabolizing nutrients and carrying out most other of life's activities. d. The ancestors of modern-day bacteria date back to more than 2 billion years ago. e. Bacteria and Archaea can generally be found in all ecosystem levels; ie. producers, consumers, decomposers. f. Two of A-E are false. g. None of A-E are false.

c. Though they need a host to replicate, viruses are generally capable of taking in and metabolizing nutrients and carrying out most other of life's activities.

Chemical "X" has been oxidized by chemical "Z"; this means that A. Oxygen has been added to "X" B. "Z" has lost electrons C. "Z" has become reduced D. "X" has gained electrons E. Two of the above are correct F. Three of the above are correct

c. Z has become reduced

Which among A-E is false? A) Prokaryotes have been around for almost 4 billion years. B) A microbe with a size less than 10 nanometers is most likely a virus. C) Algae were the first to generate Earth's oxygen more than two billion years ago. D) Cycling of Earth's carbon: autotrophs use CO2, heterotrophs produce CO2. E) Includes halophiles, hyperthermophiles, and methanogens: Archaea F) None of A-E is false; all are true statements.

c. algae were the first to generate earth's oxygen more than two billion years ago (bacteria)

Among choices A-D, which is not true regarding the domains Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya? A) They are taxonomic groupings based on comparison of ribosomal RNA gene sequences. B) They represent two groups of prokaryotes and one eukaryotic group. C) Archaea tends to occupy extreme environments, and thus have little, if anything, in common with eukaryotic cells. D) Domain Eukarya evolved after the other two domains. E) A-D are all true statements.

c. archaea tends to occupy extreme envioronments, and thus have little, if anything, in common with eukaryotic cells

Which of the following is incorrect? A) streptococci: chains of round (circular) shaped cells B) fimbriae: some prokaryotes have these for attachment to surfaces C) bacteria tend to maintain a hypotonic intracellular environment relative to the cell exterior D) the nucleoid region of a bacterium is only contained within the cell's plasma membrane E) axial filament: involved in spirochete motility

c. bacteria tend to maintain a hypotonic intracellular environment relative to the cell exterior (bacteria maintain a hypertonic intracellular environment)

You are a chromosome inside a cell of a species of Archaea. The closest cellular boundary layer to you would be the A. Cell wall B. Nuclear membrane C. Cytoplasmic (plasma) membrane D. Slime layer E. Capsule F. Glycocalyx

c. cytoplasmic membrane

Your answer is CORRECT. Amino acids, vitamins, or other factors that must be supplied to a cell because it cannot synthesize them is A) macronutrients B) micronutrients C) essential nutrients D) trace elements E) None of the above.

c. essential nutrients

You analyze a sample of Martian soil and determine there are microscopic, unicellular organisms that possess a nucleus, cannot photosynthesize, and are heterotrophs. You can be reasonably certain that these are very similar to members of the: a. archaea b. algae c. fungi d. bacteria e. plants

c. fungi

Pasteur observed: (a) that microbes were responsible for chemically transforming organic material to different end products in the absence of air; (b) that each type of transformation was defined by the particular end product(s) formed; and (c) that a specific microbe was responsible for each type of transformation and resulting end product(s). These observations collectively became known as the: A) germ theory of disease B) germ theory of enrichment culture. C) germ theory of fermentation. D) the principle of immunization. E) the spontaneous generation theory.

c. germ theory of fermentation

Winogradski and Beijerinck studied soil bacteria and discovered types possessing an unusual metabolism. Examples are bacteria that carry out nitrification; they can use reduced nitrogen as an energy source. For this reason, they would correctly be considered: A) heterotrophs B) phototrophs C) lithotrophs D) autotrophs

c. lithotrophs

Robert Koch was NOT responsible for: A) helping to develop pure culture techniques B) the development of solid media for isolation of cultures C) proving that fermentations were due to microbial activity D) establishing the germ theory of disease E) Koch was responsible for all of these, A-D

c. proving that fermentations were due to microbial activity

Regarding protozoans, which feature below among A-E is incorrectly matched with its description? A) Pseudopods: for both movement and feeding B) Cytosome: ciliate "mouth" C) Schizogony: a mechanism of nutrient uptake for certain protozoal types. D) Encystment: formation of a dormant form under adverse conditions E) Undulating membrane: specialized membrane for movement F) A-E are all correctly matched

c. shizogony: a mechanism of nutrient uptake for certain protozoal types

With respect to solute concentrations, bacteria tend to maintain their interior A) with a lower solute concentration relative to the external environment. B) isotonic so the cells can maintain their shape. C) slightly hypertonic relative to the external environment. D) so that solutes move out of the cell via active transport.

c. slightly hypertonic relative to the external environment

Body segments called proglottids that contain the reproductive organs, and a terminal scolex used for attachment, are structures that are characteristic of A) flukes B) protozoans C) tapeworms D) nematodes E) fungi

c. tapeworms

Which statement is false regarding prokaryotes? A) Many have cell walls comprised of peptidoglycan, a sugar-peptide polymer. B) Some of these members can live in extreme conditions of temperature, pH, or salt concentration. C) There are three domains of prokaryotes. D) The members of this group are predominantly unicellular, that may appear in different arrangements. E) There are both heterotrophic and photosynthetic types among the members of this group.

c. there are three domains of prokaryotes (only two: bacteria & archaea)

The false statement among A - F is... a. Ecology: microbes found at all levels - decomposers, producers, consumers b. Prokaryotes are found within two taxonomic domains. c. Methanogens, halophiles, hyperthermophiles are members of archaea d. We have mutualistic relationships with our E coli e. Cell is > 50 microns in size is likely not a prokaryote f. Emerging Infectious Disease - common cold is an example of this g. None are false

c. thermophiles are archaea not hyperthermophiles

Which of the following is false regarding all types of viruses: A) they all have either RNA or DNA B) they all have a coat of capsid proteins surrounding their nucleic acid C) they all can take in and metabolize food sources for energy D) they all require a host to replicate E) None of A-D are false; they are all true statements.

c. they all can take in and metabolize food sources for energy

The rise in herd immunity amongst a population can be directly attributed to a. increased use of antibiotics b. improved handwashing c. vaccinations d. antibiotic-resistant microorganisms e. none of the above

c. vaccinations

Reactant A is being converted to product B. ATP formation is linked to this process. Is conversion of A to B catabolic or anabolic?

conversion of A to B is catabolic

Among choices A-F, which is false? a. Plasmid: part of the bacterial genome b. Nucleoid: non-membrane bound area containing prokaryote chromosome c. fimbriae: for providing attachment to a surface d. DNA: most abundant molecule in bacterial cell e. capsule: generally are a virulence factor for those that have it f. None of A-F is false.

d. DNA: most abundant molecule in bacterial cell

Which is false regarding bacterial endospores? A) Forespore development precedes formation of a mature endospore B) Endospore-forming bacteria: Genus Bacillus and genus Clostridium C) Are highly resistant to heat, radiation, and chemical treatment D) Endospores are bacterial gametes that function the same as a sperm or an egg in a eukaryote. E) Endospore formation is induced by chemical, physical, or nutritional stress.

d. Endospores are bacterial gametes that function the same as a sperm or an egg in a eukaryote.

Which is false regarding catabolic processes? a. They release energy b. They lead to the formation of smaller molecule from larger, complex molecules c. They are coupled to ATP formation reactions d. None are false; A-C are true statements

d. None are false; A-C are true statements

Which statement among A-F is true? a. Anoxygenic photosynthesizing bacteria possess both photosystems 1 and 11. b. Oxygen becomes reduced during oxygenic photosynthesis. c. CO2 becomes oxidized during the light independent reactions. d. Water is oxidized during oxygenic photosynthesis. e. A photoheterotroph is capable of fixing CO2. f. None of A-F are true

d. Water is oxidized during oxygenic photosynthesis.

The image above depicts a growth media type that is used for determining whether or not a bacterium can ferment mannitol (a type of sugar); the plate was previously inoculated with two different bacterial species, and then incubated for 24 hours. How (or if) a bacterium can ferment mannitol depends on a pH change in the medium as it grows. Additionally, the medium contains an antibiotic. Based on the description of this growth medium, one would refer to this as A) a general purpose medium B) a differential medium C) an enriched medium D) a selective and differential medium

d. a selective and differential medium

Which among A-C is not matched correctly? A) Pseudomurien: comprises cell wall of Archaea B) Mycoplasma: bacterial species that lack a cell wall C) Mycolic acids: unusual cell wall components of Mycobacteria species D) All are matched correctly

d. all are matched correctly

Which of the following among A-C is not/are not valid conclusion(s) and/or outcome(s) of Pasteur's experiment refuting the theory of spontaneous generation? A) that microorgansims are ubiquitous B) His experiment contributed to the need to later develop aseptic techniques when working with microbial cultures C) living cells can only come from pre-existing cells D) A-C are all plausible outcomes

d. all are plausible outcomes

The statements: "this is the age of bacteria and bacteria have always been dominant" or "bacteria rule the world" would be based on which statement(s)? A) The fact that bacteria have such a diverse array of metabolic capabilities that many other life forms depend on. B) The fact that they are found almost everywhere on Earth (i.e., ubiquitous) C) The fact that they represent the oldest forms of life on Earth. D) All the above are statements supporting these statements.

d. all of the above are statements supporting these tatements

Which of the following is not a possible chemical component of a bacterial cell wall? A) N-acetylglucosamine B) N-acetylmuramic acid C) O polysaccharide D) amino acids E) all are possible components of a bacterial cell wall

d. amino acids

Only one type of these would be found in a prokaryotic cell a. RNA b. protein c. ion d. chromosome e. carbohydrate

d. chromosome

Which historical figure in microbiology is not correctly matched with his/their proper achievement? A) Leeuwenhoek: first to see microorganisms B) Robert Hooke: first to view life by observing macroscopic organisms with a microscope C) Winogradsky and Beijerinck: founders of microbial ecology; importance of bacteria in nitrogen cycle D) Edward Jenner: discovered and developed use of antibiotics to fight infection. E) Lister and Semmelweis: hygienic practices and use of antiseptics minimize bacterial infection

d. edward jenner: discovered and developed use of antibiotics to fight infection (jenner found that exposure to milder disease form may provide immunity - small pox vaccination)

The choices below each list three groups of organisms. For which choice, do all three groups include members that are considered microbes? a. algae, fungi, animals b. animals, archaea, plants c. protozoans, bacteria, animals d. fungi, algae, archaea e. none of the above

d. fungi, algae, archaea

Most bacteria have a cell wall, thus they tend to have an interior that is _______ relative to the outside environment in order to maintain cell shape and cellular interior a. isotonic b. very low in soluble molecule concentration c. hypotonic d. hypertonic e. two of the above are correct

d. hypertonic

Which of the following statements is false? a. Multiple pathogens can cause the same disease. b. Some pathogens may linger in the body for years before the disease occurs. c. Not all pathogen types have animal models with which they can be studied. d. Only persons ill with infectious disease will possess the infectious agent. e. All of the above are false.

d. only persons ill with infectious disease will possess infectious agent

Substrate level phosphorylation, oxidative phosphorylation, and photophosphorylation a. result in the formation of ATP b. are each a chemically distinct process, different from each other in how they function c. each require an electron transport chain to function d. only two are correct e. all are correct

d. only two are correct (substrate level phosphorylation does not require an ETC)

Which choice below is incorrect? A) Reductive evolution: the loss of DNA encoding unselected traits. B) Genes used as molecular clocks: reveal the history of organisms through accumulated changes in those sequences. C) Natural selection: source of genetic divergence between organisms D) Prokaryotic species: are defined the same way as most eukaryotic species are defined

d. prokaryotic species: are defined the same way as most eukaryotic species are defined

Which of the following is false regarding free-living microbes found in nature: A) They are generally only able to be seen with the aid of a microscope or electron microscope. B) They are not part of a tissue such as the skin or other organ. C) They can be found among the domains Eukarya, Bacteria, and Archaea. D)They do not include the viruses

d. they do not include the viruses

Which of the following would occur if a motile bacterium were moving towards an attractant? A) a lower frequency of clockwise rotation of flagella B) a greater frequency of counterclockwise rotation of flagella C) an increase in the frequency of tumbles D) A, B, and C are correct E) A and B are correct F) B and C are correct

e. A and B are correct

Which of the following is an exception in the use of Koch's postulates? a. Some diseases have poorly defined etiologies b. Some pathogens can cause several disease conditions c. Some human diseases have no other known animal host d. Some diseases are not caused by bacteria e. A-D are all exceptions in the use of Koch's postulates

e. A-D are all exceptions in the use of Koch's postulates

Which is false regarding bacterial endospores? a. Forespore development precedes formation of mature endospore b. Endospore-forming bacteria: genus Bacillus and Clostridium c. Are highly to heat, radiation, and chemical treatment d. Endospore formation is introduced by chemical, physical, or nutritional stress e. None of A-D is false

e. None of A-D is false

Pathogen X has successfully been transmitted to your body; you are now infected. All of the following among A-D are possible consequences of this infection, EXCEPT: a. You never show any symptoms of disease and there is no sign of the pathogen in your body. b. You exhibit mild symptoms of disease and the levels of the pathogen in your body are quickly reduced and eliminated. c. You succumb to the worst effects of the disease but survive due to administration of antimicrobial agents. d. You never show any symptoms of disease, but the pathogen persists in your body. e. There are no exceptions, A-D are all plausible outcomes.

e. There are no exceptions, A-D are all plausible outcomes

Which of the following statements is false? A) Hand-washing with soap would likely fall into the category of antisepsis rather than disinfection. B) Robert Hooke was the first to use a microscope; van Leeuwenhoek was the first to view microorganisms C) John Tyndall found that certain bacteria could have dormant forms termed endospores. D) A wastewater treatment plant could correctly be considered a form of bioremediation. E) There is no correlation between the pathogenicity of a microbe and the virulence factor(s) it possesses.

e. There is no correlation between the pathogenicity of a microbe and the virulence factor(s) it possesses.

Which of the following is a fomite? a. water b. droplets from a sneeze c. pus d. insects e. a hypodermic needle

e. a hypodermic needle

All of the following among A-D are true concerning fungi, EXCEPT A) Fungi grow in locations possessing acidity and low water content. B) A fungal mycelium is a dense network of multicellular filaments called hyphae. C) Yeasts are unicellular fungi that are capable of fermenting. D) Vegetative hyphae are the metabolically active, growing portion of a filamentous fungus. E) There are no exceptions; A-D are all true.

e. all are true

If you acquire a suspected pathogen from the environment, you can be certain of all the following, EXCEPT: A) that the pathogen will possess one or more virulence factors. B) that you will not necessarily come down with whatever disease the pathogen causes. C) that your immune system will attempt to take care of the pathogen if detected. D) that the pathogen is some sort of microbe. E) there are no exceptions; A-D are all true.

e. all are true

Which statement among A-D is not accurate regarding generation time? A) it is the length of time needed for a cell to divide B) it could change for a species depending on the type of medium it is growing on C) it is the length of time needed for a population to double D) it is generally specified in minutes; i.e., minutes per generation E) All of A-D are true.

e. all are true

Regarding Louis Pasteur's experiments with the S-neck flask, which of the following statements is true? A) Air exchange was involved. B) A food source was provided. C) The possibility of contamination was removed. D) All preexisting microorganisms were killed. E) All of the answers are correct.

e. all of the answers are correct

Regarding metabolic mechanisms that generate energy, which of the following statements is FALSE? a. for respiration to function it requires a source of electrons b. respiration may occur in the absence or presence of oxygen depending on the bacterial type c. the electron source for respiration can be organic like glucose or a completely inorganic chemical form d. generally, the respiration mechanism produces a proton gradient e. none of a-d are false, all are correct

e. non of a-d are false, all are correct

The taxonomic classification of microorganisms has evolved over the past 200 years. Which of the following statements regarding microbial taxonomy is false? A) Kingdom Monera was created to contain only prokaryotic cell types. B) Currently, microbes are spread out over four taxonomic groupings (Kingdoms). C) More recent (1970's) analysis revealed there to be actually two taxonomic groupings of prokaryotic cells. D) At one time, all microorganisms were contained in a single taxonomic grouping, Kingdom Protista. E) None of A-D are false; they are all true statements

e. none are false

Which choice among A - D is true? A. Spirochete movement: via external flagellum/ flagella B. Biofilm: surrounded by a capsule C. Gram-positive cell: 3 layers like an oreo cookie D. This bacterium is producing a much higher frequency of runs than tumbles E. None are true; A-D are all false F. A-D are all true

e. none are true

In the process of a viral infection, assembly of viral particles A) occurs in the extracellular environment, prior to entry into a host cell B) involves the "manufacture" of viruses by putting together viral proteins and inserting the viral genome C) occurs before viruses exit the host cell D) A, B, and C are correct E) only B and C are correct F) only A and B are correct

e. only b and c are correct

Normal microbiota provide protection from infection in each of the following ways except a. they produce antibacterial chemicals b. they compete with pathogens for nutrients c. they make the chemical environment unsuitable for nonresident bacteria d. they can change the pH of the environment e. there are no exceptions, all of the above are true

e. there are no exceptions, all of the above are true

Which of the following statements is false regarding prokaryotic cells? A) Their DNA is not enclosed within a membrane. B) They lack membrane-enclosed organelles. C) Their genetic material is generally contained within a single circular chromosome. D) They reproduce by binary fission. E) They lack a cytoplasmic or plasma membrane.

e. they lack a cytoplasmic or plasma membrane

A bacterial cell tends to keep its interior slightly hypertonic relative to the environment. Which of the following is/are consistent with this fact? A) Increased pressure will cause the cell's plasma membrane to push against the cell wall. B) Solute molecules will accumulate outside the cell. C) The cell will begin to shrink slightly. D) Water will diffuse into the cell. E) Two of the above are correct.

e. two of the above are correct (A & D)

FtsZ protein, MreB protein, and CreS (crescentin) protein are associated with A) the bacterial cytoskeleton B) peptidoglycan C) bacterial flagella D) bacterial shape/form, and cell division E) two of the above are correct

e. two of the above are correct (A & D)

The choices below each list three groups of organisms. For which choice, do all three groups have members that are considered microbes and are not a functional part of a multicellular organism? A) protozoans, fungi, bacteria B) animals, archaea, plants C) protozoans, bacteria, animals D) viruses, algae, archaea E) two of the above are correct

e. two of the above are correct (A & D0

Which of the following statements is TRUE? a. Treatment of an infection by Gram-positive bacteria can be problematic since their cell envelope contains endotoxin activity b. Mycobacterium species of bacteria contain peptidoglycan but also possess long chain mycolic acids that produce a thick cell envelope c. For those Archaea that possess a cell wall, it is of the same structure/composition as in bacteria d. Mycoplasm species of bacteria do not contain peptidoglycan e. Two of the above statements are true

e. two of the above statements are true (b, d)

What did Robert Koch first accomplish that Louis Pasteur did not?

experimentally proved the connection between microbes and disease

Which can generate some type of cellular movement? a. gas vacuoles b. pili c. axial filament d. magnetosomes e. flagellum f. all of the above

f. all of the above

Which is true? A. Mycoplasma species: penicillin would totally destroy cells of this species. B. Gram-positive bacteria: have an extra outer membrane. C. Teichoic acids: found only in a Gram (‒) cell wall. D. O polysaccharide (O antigen): only associated with a Gram (+) bacterium E. Representation of Gram positive coccus à (fyi-this is not a Gram stain) F. None of A-E is true.

f. none are true

Aquatic bacteria might have these structures to help orient them to the proper depth of water. A) Magnetosomes B) Carboxysomes C) Metachromatic granules D) Gas vacuoles E) none of A-D are correct F) two of A-D are correct

f. two are correct (A & D)

Which is not correctly matched? A. Commensal microbe: it benefits, no harm to host B. Normal microbiota: can contain opportunistic pathogens C. Communicable disease: can be contagious D. Nosocomial disease: acquired in in a hospital E. Endemic disease: is always found in a particular area F. Subclinical infection: a carrier G. All are correctly matched

g. all are correctly matched

Which statement among A_F is true? a. Oxidative phosphorylation supplies the ATPs for fermentative bacteria. b. Oxygen becomes oxidized during aerobic respiration c. NADH serves as the source of electrons for respiration d. Pyruvate becomes reduced during acetyl-CoA formation e. In order to work, glycolysis requires oxygen f. Fermentation is the same as anaerobic respiration g. None of A-F are true

g. none of A-F are true

Metabolism knowledge question. The false statement is... A. Energy is required to produce ATPs. B. Generally the food that you eat will ultimately become oxidized by the cells in your body. C. There are reactions in your body that do not require air (oxygen). D. You ate a doughnut this morning. Your body generally sees this as a source of electrons. E. ATPs can be used to provide energy for cellular processes. F. The oxygen you inhale is converted to water. G. None of A - F is false

g. none of the above is false

Which among A - G is true? A. Polyribosome: a cellular layer outside the cell wall B. Murien lipoprotein: feature of Gram-positive cell walls C. Cell in hypertonic solution: water diffuses into the cell D. Bacterial movement towards a chemoattractant: more tumbles, less runs E. Metachromatic granule: food (energy) storage inclusion F. O polysaccharide (O antigen): only associated with a Gram (+) bacterium. G. Carboxysomes: feature of heterotrophic bacteria. H. None of the above are true

h. none of the above are true

Polysome, or polyribosome, formation allows for ______ in bacteria and occurs because ________

high production of protein from expressed genes; bacterial cells lack a nuclear membrane

Which compound is oxidized? isocitric acid + NAD+ ------> alpha-ketoglutaric acid + NADH + H+

isocitric acid (donates electrons to NAD+)

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