KUKA Achievement Test Final
If the robot is waiting at the following command, WAIT FOR NOT 3, when will it proceed in the program?
When IN 3 becomes false
In the KUKA robot, C is rotation about which axis?
Which of the following statements about the world coordinate system is correct?
By default, the world coordinate system is located in the base of the robot
For a responsible user, what are the 3 most important operator control elements on the smartPAD in terms of safety when operating the robot?
Emergency Stop button, enabling switch, key switch (T1,T2,AUT,EXT)
What is the working rang on Axis 1?
More than 360 degrees
You modify the frame parameters of a point that has already been taught, what must be remembered?
The point must be touched up
In which coordinate system can the tool be moved in the tool working direction?
only in the tool coordinate system
What is the name of the tool that is used to master the Agilus robot?
What year was the Famulus robot developed?
How many singularities exist in a 6 axes robot?
How many bases exist in the robot?
How many digital inputs/outputs does the robot controller support?
Which of the following is NOT a fieldbus system?
Which of the following about an un-mastered robot is NOT correct?
Software limit switches remain active
What does the following program represent?
motion step
What is meant by leading axis?
the axis that takes the longest to reach the end point
During the base calibration using the 3-point method, what does the first point define?
the origin of the new base coordinate system
What must be remembered after modifying programs?
the program should be tested at reduced velocity
Why is mastering necessary?
to set each robot axis to fixed reference point (mechanical zero)
The key switch on the smartPAD is used to?
open the connection manager
Which stop categories exist in the robot?
How many tools exist in the robot?
A BOC run is used to ___________?
Get the robot on the programmed path
What does the following symbol represent? (R with gray background)
No program is selected
What is measured by performing the XYZ 4-Point tool calibration?
The distance from the flange coordinate system to the TCP