Lab: Male reproductive system

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secretes a viscid, alkaline secretion that cleanses urethra and lubricates penis.

Function of bolbouretheral gland?

To drain the seminal fluid into the prostatic urethra.

Function of ejaculatory duct?

Produce a thin, milky alkaline fluid that is added to the seminal fluid at the time of ejaculation to neutralize the acidity in the vagina.

Function of prostate gland?

produce a secretion that is added to the seminal fluid. The secretions nourish the spermatozoa.

Function of seminal vesicle ?

1_ Producing and storing sperm. 2_ Produce male sex hormones e.g. testosterone

Function of testis?


Legnth of vas deferense ?

The two ejaculatory ducts are each less than 1 inch (2.5 cm).

Length of Ejaculatory Ducts?

5 cm

Length of seminal vesicle ?

lies between bladder and penis.

Location of prostate gland ?

lying on the posterior surface of the bladder

Location of seminal vesicle?


Shape of bulbouretheral gland ?

Body of epididymis

Structure number 10?

Ejaculatory Ducts: The ampulla of the vas deferens joins the duct of the seminal vesicle.

Structure number 10?

bulbourethral glands (Cowper's glands): are a pair of exocrine glands

Structure number 11?

The terminal part of the vas deferens is dilated to form the (ampulla of the vas deferens )

Structure number 1?

urinary bladder

Structure number 1?

vas deferens (ductus deferens): carries sperm from the epididymis to the urethra

Structure number 1?

Pupic symphysis

Structure number 2?

Prostatic urethra: It passes through the prostate gland.

Structure number 3?

Corpora cavernosa of penis

Structure number 5?

Testis: Mixed endocrine gland

Structure number 5?

glans penis (head)

Structure number 7?

seminal vesicles: are two lobulated organs. Each seminal vesicle consists of a much-coiled tube embedded in connective tissue.

Structure number 7?

External urethral meatus

Structure number 8?

Prostate gland

Structure number 9?

1_Capsule (Tunica albuginea ) 2_Lobules containingSeminiferous tubules

Testis consist of.....?

Membranous urethra: The portion passing through the external urethral sphincter

structure number 4?

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