Lamar Database Design Mid-Term

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Types of No-SQL Database Systems

*Key-Value Pair Systems *Column-Oriented Table Systems *Document-Oriented System *Graph-Oriented System

Ordered by Field Value

<field value,pointer to record>

Schema Diagram

A diagrammatic display of a database schema

What is a file system:

A set of files is called a file system

What are different types of threat (provide examples)

Accidental: Improper access, unable to recover, Concurrent collisions, system errors, hardware failure. Malicious: Bypass security, Unauthorized access, information give under duress or for personal gain, hacking, programming backdoors.


Amount of Data in System

UOD or Universe of Discourse

Aspects of the real world. Changes to DB suppose to reflect changes in UoD

Deference Between B-Tree and B+Tree

B-tree pointers at all levels B+tree pointers at leaf level

A copy of the database made to be used in case of a failure is called a: a)Recovery Log b)Security System c)Transaction Log d)Backup


Column-Oriented Table

Based on the approach of BigTable. FLEXABLE

key-value pair

Builds on the key-value pair approach of HDFS

What is the difference between clustering index and secondary index

Clustering index is on field specifying sequential order of file, there can only be one clustering index while secondary can have many indices.

Database System

Computerized record system

What is knowledge

Consists of patterns that transfer data into information.

Multi-Level Indexes

Creates an index to the index

Self-Describing nature of a database system:

DBMS catalog stores the description of the database (called meta-data), allows DBMS software to work with different databases

Advantages of using database approach

Data Independence, redundancy, sharing data, unauthorized access restricting, persistent storage, efficient query processing, backups, muliple interfaces, represents complex relationships, enforces integrity, draws inferences

Document-Oriented System

Data in form known as document. XML or JSON. Doc dont need same structure

Graph-Oriented System

Data in nautrial hierarchical or network sturcture, uses graph to traversal techniques

Database system components

Data, Hardware, Software and Users

In the object-oriented model, one important difference between program objects and database objects is that: a)Database objects are encapsulated b)database object persist c)database object have identifiers d)database objects have state and behavior

Database objects are persist

Quality of Information

Depends on accuracy, Timeliness, and Relevancy


Detecting and correcting noise and inconsistent data

Three-Schema Architecture

External Level (end-users), Conceptual Level (Conceptual Schema), Internal Level (Internal Schema/Stored Database)

Computerized record-keeping

File system and Database Management System (DBMS)

What is a file system and what are the drawbacks of a file system?

File system is a set of files. Drawbacks: redundancy, inconsistency, lack of data independence, programs are needed for each file.

File System Vs Database Approach

File system requires programming, database does not require programming (has reports, queries and generic functionality)

Which of the following storage technologies first offered directed access to stored records? a)paper tape b)magnetic tape c)magnetic disk d)punch cards

Magnetic Disk

Reason some Data presentations better than others

More consistent, less redundancy, Better Translation into real world, better constraints, generic terms of physical access

Drawbacks of file system

No data independence, no robust, efficient for a specific applications

Faster development of new application is often possible in a database environment because: a)No file create phase is needed b)New applications are independent of old ones c)No program planning is required d)The database administrator does all programming

No file create phase is needed

Emerging Classificaiton of DBMS

Object-oriented, Object-relational

Manual record-keeping

Paper System - Filing Cabinets

Database System Utilites

Perform certain functions: loading data into database, backing up, reorginizing, report generation, monitor performance, user monitoring, compress data, sort, ect.

Single-Level Indexes

Primary index, clustering index, secondary index


Raw facts -tables as they are stored without headings showing what the mean

Tradtional Classification of DBMSs

Relational, Network, Hierarchical

A description of the structure of a database is called a(n): a)outline b)skeleton c)schema d)view


Main Characteristics of Database Approach

Self-describing nature of a database (catalog), supports multiple views of data, sharing of data, insulation between programs and data

One-Tier Architecture

Server handles all functionality

Which of the following main characteristics of database approach is not presented by Three-Schema Architecture: a)Self-describing nature of the database system(catalog) b)insulation between programs and data and data abstraction c)Support of mulitple views of the data d)Sharing of data and multi-user transaction processing

Sharing of data and multi-user transaction processing


Structured and Unstructed data. makes it possible to gather new insights when using data together


Time Sensitive processes

Why do we need Databases?

Too much data, Sharing Data, Security Control, Recoverablility, Integrity, Applications are independent from data, Platform and HW are indpendent

Analytical Tools

Tools used to enable users to turn knowledge into information

The mini-world that is represented in a database is also called the: a)conceptual model b)universe of discourse c)metadata d)logical model

Universe of Discourse or UoD

Which one of the V's of Big data revers to questions about data correctness and data validity? a)Value b)Variety c)velocity d)veracity


Big Data Characteristics

Volume Variety Velocity Veracity Value


allows efficient insertion and deletion of new search values. Each node corresponds to a disk block

Which of the following is an example of data rather than information: a)student grade report b)an alphabetical class roster c)an unordered list of grades for a test d)a faculty schedule

an unordered list of grades for a test

Describe the three-level architecture for databases

architecture consists of the external, logical and internal levels.


auxiliary files that makes searches easier

A copy of the database made to be used in case of failure is called a: a)recovery log b)security system c)transaction log d)backup


Logical Data Independence

capacity to change conceptual schecma without having to change the external schema

Physical Data Independence

capacity to change the internal schema without having to change the conceptual schema.

What is information

data put into meaningful and useful context, communicated to recipients

Big Data

data sets that are too large and too complex for traditional data processing applicaitons


defined on key field. includes one entry for each record. unordered data file, defined on secondary key field or non-key field

Internal Schema

describe physical storage and access paths

Conceptual schema

describe the structure and constraints for the whole database for community of users

External Schema

describes the various user views, most likely uses the same data model as the conceptual level.

User Interface Design

different user screens, User interfaces are id'ed during the requirements collection and analysis stage, two types of interfaces one for admins and one for all other users

Support multiple views of data:

each user may see different views that match user interest

Hashed Files

file blocks divided into N-equal-sized buckets

Suppose the size of the table is 13. What is the probe sequence for the key 8 using double hashing method: h(k,i)=k%13; h'(k)=11-k%11?

h(8)=8%13=8; h'(8)=(11-8)%11=3, after first collision key 8 will index at 8+3 or 11

Data models

have concept of schema and instance

Conceptual data model

high-level semantic, how user percieves data. entities, attributes and relationships. entity based or object based

What are the "meta-data"

identities of data elements, data element lengths, data types where the elements can be found logically


in schema levels are needed to transform request and data. Allows data independence.

DBMS languages

in some DBMS stroage definition language (SDL) and view definition language (VDL) used to define internal and external schemas


is the data in the database at a particular time

What is data

known facts that can be recorded and have implicit meaning

Physical data model

low level, how the data is stored on computer

All of the following are potential advantages of using database except: a)control of redundancy b)improved data integrity c)lower cost d)better data consistency

lower cose

User Interfaces

menu-based (web), form-based (naive users), graphical based (point and click, drag and drop), Natural language (written in english), Interfaces with dba, other combinations of all interfaces


meta-data or data describing data, specified during the designed, not changed a lot

Faster development of new applications is often possible in a database environment because: a) no file creation phase is needed b)new applications are independent of old ones c)no program planning is requried d)the database administrator does all programming

no file creation phase is needed

Faster development of new applications is often possible in a database environment because: a)no file creation phase is needed b)new applicaitons are independent of old ones c)no program planning is required d)the database administrator does all programming

no file creation phase is needed

Primary Index

one index for each block of the data file, defined on primary key field

Clustering Index

one index for each distinct value, index entry points to first data block that contains records, ordered on non-key field

In a business, if a department can have many workers, but each worker belongs to only one department, the cardinality of the department-to-worker relationship is: a)one to one b)one to many c)many to one d)many to many

one to many

Data Model operations

operations for retrievals and updates referring to the concepts of the data model

If entity instances can belong to more than one subclass in specialization the sub-classes are? a)disjointed b)overlapping c)incorrect d)complete


Unordered Files

pile or heap, records put at end

When is preferable to use a dense index rathar then a sparse index

preferable when file is not sorted on indexed field or index files is small


processed data, useful for decision-making, formatted report using database

Implementation data model

representational, falls between for conceptual and physical data models

The goal of the three-schema architecture

separate user applications and physical database

What is the goal of Three-Schema Architecture and Data Independence?

separates user applications and the physical database. To provide independence and insulation of data presentation from changes to application programs

What is a file

sequence of records where each record is a collection of data values

Ordered Files

sequential files, sorted by values, binary search to find

Data Model

set of concepts to describe the structure and contraints the database should obey

Issues with Manual Record-Keeping

slow, keep data in order, expensive, no remote access, no sharing, only one copy-no backup

A database is best used to support which type of data, choose all that apply: a)static current data b)dynamic current data c)static historical data d)dynamic historical data

static and dynamic current data

Spanned Record

stored in more than one block

Unspanned Record

stored in only one black

NoSQL databases are used mainly for handling large volumes of ____________ data? a)unstructured b)structured c)Semi-structured d)all of the above


Data Definition Language (DDL)

used by DBA to define the conceptual schema also used to define internal and external schema (views)

Data Manipulation Language (DML)

used to specify database retrievals and updates. Stand-alone can be applied directly (query language) Data Sublanguage can be embedded in general-purpose

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