LAS Exam 3

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What are enclave economies?

Virtual islands of European technologies and products surrounded by traditional agriculture.

How did the Bell Trade Act affect the Philippines after 1946?

"Filipinos were not allowed to make or trade any item that would compete with similar American products, nor could they nationalize natural resources in which U.S. citizens had ownership stakes".

What was the Platt Amendment?

"The Platt Amendment created a neocolonial relationship between the U.S. and Cuba whereby it striped Cuba of most of its sovereign powers and prohibited it from entering foreign treaties or assuming foreign debt".

How many categories do Brazilians have to describe themselves racially?

100 different categories are used by Brazilians to describe themselves racially.

When did the Philippines become independent?

1898 from Spain


19% of children under age 14 in the labor force

Between the years 1870 and 1910, how many immigrants did the United States absorb?

20 Million immigrants

How many world cup competitions have been won by Latin American countries since 1950?

6 world cups (men) have been won by Latin American countries since 1950

What was a doctrinero? What was the doctrinero's duty?

A member of the clergy whose role was to turn the natives to the current cleric, who would then preform a baptism on large groups of natives.

What are some of the benefits and disadvantages of slash and burn agriculture?

Advantage: Burning the trees releases nutrients back into the soil Disadvantage: Limits the amount of people it can support

How is Santeria similar to Voduo

African influenced religious beliefs

What three "Counter Reformation" efforts have been made by the Catholic Church?

An attempt to increase the level of involvement of ordinary lay members in Church programs Church more responsive to the historic inequalities Strengthen the formal institutional Church

What is Santería and where is it practiced?

Another form of African Folk Catholicism, translating to "worships of the saints". Focuses on the veneration of catholic saints. Practiced by Spanish speaking Caribbean people, such as Cubans.

What are some of the characteristics of Latin American Protestantism?

Appeal within the declining Roman Empire, many fundamental charismatic beliefs and practices, the church service was unpaid, small church organizational structure, largely indigenous and independent of foreign control, extremely fragmented.

Identify the earliest wave of Jewish immigration to Latin America?


Latin American countries have had female presidents (Heads of State)?

Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Panama, Nicaragua, Costa Rica

What is the leading form of African folk Catholicism in Brazil?


Where was sugar cane primarily grown?

Caribbean islands and Northern Brazil

Identify two reasons why it is hard to talk to about racism in Cuba. (One is related to Castro's declarations after the triumph of the Cuban revolution and the other is related to the artists mentioned in question #12).

Castros censorship, and prejudice didn't disappear because of the revolution.

Projeto Axé

Children are encouraged to think about their futures and are aided in the process of pursuing their dreams.

How did the "conservatives" and "liberals" view the Church in Latin America differently?

Conservatives: favored continued, unrestrained economic, social and political influence of the church. Liberals: convinced that socioeconomic restructuring and political democratization and pluralism could occur only through separation of church and state.

What places were included in the "territorial spoils of the War of 1898?

Cuba, and the Philippines, dom repub, and guam.

Jose Marti

Cuban poet and journalist who organized a guerilla revolution against Spain in 1895- "Cuba Libre" free Cuba was his battle cry-and sought US support and intervention.

Fulgencio Batista

Cuban president during revolution, he tortured and killed people. The US backed him even though he was a dictator.

What two strategies did the clergy use to establish Catholicism?

Destroy native shrines and replace them with catholic ones, such as images of Mary or crosses. Clergy taught the natives about Christian practices in hopes of converting them.

"hidden costs of corruption"

Diverting resources away from development weakening of democratic regimes strengthening illegal activity

How was Victor Dreke's opinion of the Revolution and Castro's regime different from younger Cubans' point of view?

Dreke romanticized it whereas the younger Cubans were critical of the regime.

What is the historical relationship between the Church and State in Latin America?

Due to the fact that the state had been in charge of the appointment of the clergy, the clergy felt that they were owed some degree of authority in the government. Many people viewed the church as its own branch of government. Because the church did not recognize the native americans in terms of appointing them as clergymen or representing them in the church, many latin americans looked for fulfillment outside of the church.

"dual educational system"

Elites send children to private schools where poor people send children to underfunded public schools.


Emulate the mother of jesus by latin american women.

Where was coffee primarily grown?

Ethiopian Massif and Southwestern Arabian peninsula.

Explain religious syncretism and its origin in the Americas.

Europeans worked to communicate to the natives that there was an association between the native American gods and Catholic god and saints. The Europeans often found similarities between the catholic religion and the indigenous religions to make the indigenous people convert to Catholicism.

What are two consequences of social rigidity?

Fatalism and Luck

What is the relationship between socioeconomic inequality and land ownership?

The wealthy people (lower percent) own much more land than the poor people.

What does Clawson claim ensures the cultivation of coca will continue to play a prominent role in Andean agriculture?

Foreign demand is high

What is voodoo and where is it practiced?

Form of African Folk Catholicism. It is most commonly practiced in Haiti.

In 1893, who declared the U.S. frontier closed? And what did that mean?

Frederick Jackson Turner declared the American frontier closed, America had reached its limits on expansion.

What is the "double day workload"?

Full day of work outside the house as well having full responsibility inside the house (cleaning, washing, cooking).

Antonio Maceo

General of the Cuban army, he was made out to look whiter than he actually was

What is interspecific agriculture?

Growing a number of DIFFERENT crops in a shared space.

What is the difference between haciendas, estancias, and plantations?

Haciendas: large cattle ranches owned by caballeros (visit periodically) overseer and serfs Estancias: Cattle ranches European descent Export/profit-oriented entity New technologies -> better profits Plantations: Politically controversial Common to all the region (including English, dutch, and french speaking carribean realms)

Corrupt countries

Haiti, Venezuela, Paraguay

Pedro Yvonnet

He wanted equal rights for black people not received well by government made to look like animals.

medieval representations of Jesus Christ

Images of Christ had been seen bleeding, as the paintings had been seen with unexplained perspiration.

Explain the story of the Virgen de Guadalupe.

In December 1531 Mary appeared as the virgin of Guadalupe to a newly converted Indian named Juan Diego. Mary told Juan Diego that he was to build a site for sanctuary at the site of the apparition. The bishop did not believe juan diego because there was no physical proof. Juan Diego brought flowers to the bishop where flowers do not normally grow. In the garment that carried the flowers was an imprint of the Virgin Mary and the bishop was convinced.

How is Blackness measured differently in Brazil than in the United States?

In brazil there are many different classifications of black rather than just the one recognized in the US, as well as in Brazil being black does not carry any negative connotations.

What is folk Catholicism?

Includes all the beliefs and rituals of the isolated Indian people and also those religious practices that are largely of African origin.

Identify four non-Catholic faiths in Latin America?

Islam Hindu Protestantism Judaism

What was the purpose of the Teller Amendment?

It assured Cuban rebels that the US would not try to take sovereignty over them after the war.

What is unique about the Brazilian city of Salvador?

It has the most black people in all of brazil.

What is Waru Waru Agriculture?

It is a specialized form of raised field agriculture. Waru Waru agriculture uses canals to absorb the heat of the sun into the water during the day and radiate the heat to the soil during the night. Developed on the Peruvian and Bolivian altiplano.

Why was "son" music repressed?

It was considered vulgar and "black music". The music was used to celebrate the mulato heritage (black and white together).


It's not what you know, its who you know Influence in another persons life

Four aspects of Mediterranean Catholicism in Latin America

Lower level of attendance of Mass Low level of sacramental participation High level of anticlericalism "The Cult of Saints"

Latin America's lower class

Majority of the population rural areas menial jobs

Marianismo and machismo double standard

Men are supposed to conquer women, but women are to remain virtuous (and keep their virginity, remain pure).

What is significant about Soandres del Rio and Sekou Messiah?

Music based on racism, but not allowed to preform

According to Gutierrez, did the Cuban and Filipino rebels need the help of the U.S. to gain independence from Spain? Explain.

No, the US helped to gain independence from spain so that the US would have a foothold of power in Cuba.

What is the difference between formal Catholicism and nominal Catholicism?

Nominal Catholicism is believing but not practicing. Formal Catholicism is the support for and participation in the teachings and programs of the institutional Roman Church.

veneration of relics in medieval Spain

Objects used by saints or items that represented the saints such as images were worshipped. Images had the advantage over relics in the way they were able to be reproduced and shared across many different areas whereas relics generally stayed in the same general area of their origin.

artists that formed the heart of the Mexican Muralist school

Orozco, Siqueiros, Rivera

In terms of religion, what did the indigenous peoples of the Americas have in common?


Which U.S. presidents offered to buy Cuba? When and for how much?

President Polk again offered to buy Cuba for $100 million, President Pierce added an extra $30 million.

Machismo (US perspective)

Pursuit and conquest of women

What are the origins of the shortage of clergy in Latin America?

The refusal of having ordained minorities in the church lead to the shortage of clergy in Latin America.

What is agrarian reform and how is it justified?

The rich are to give up their lands (redistribute) so that the poor may have land.

How is Santeria different to Voduo

Santeria is from cuba and Voodoo is Haitian

Identify the most recent wave of Jewish immigration to Latin America?


How was slavery in Cuba similar and different to the United States?

Similar: Slaves worked on plantations, many brought over on ships Different: Cuba was not independent, difference in products

Where were bananas primarily grown?

The Canary Islands

What is the main stereotype that Anglo-Americans have of Latin America with respect to religion?

The stereotype that Latin Americans are Roman Catholic

How did the U.S. play a role in Cuba, before Independence, during the early years of the country, and decades later?

The US aided in the expulsion of spain from cuba, the US didn't want Cuba to be a part of the US, but made the Platt amendment.

What space is Macho

The streets, public domain

What does animal husbandry have to do with tropical deforestation?

The animals eat the vegetation on the ground as well as the ranchers clear spaces to make pastures for the animals to graze.

veneration of the Virgin Mary in Spain

The body of the Virgin Mary ascended into heaven, so the discovery of relics used by her was theologically unacceptable. Images of her and apparitions were very popular though, namely the Virgin of Guadalupe in central Spain.

Peso vs CUC

The cuc is much more valuable even though most Cubans are paid in the cuc.

Traditional space of female

The home; domestic

Identify three problems with the "Green Revolution"?

The use of large-scale irrigation systems, and chemicals, as well as hybrid seeds Farmers cannot afford the technology The number of products can exceed the amount of population.

What are some of the challenges to Latin American Protestantism?

The individual decision to change religion (from catholic to Protestantism). The old thought that Protestantism was associated with peasantry.

In what economic sector do most women work?

The informal economic sector (not covered or protected by government rules).

Ostend Manifesto

The manifesto stated "no country would be allowed sovereignty over Cuba except Spain and if she persisted in her refusal to sell the island, the U.S. would take it by force".

After being dispatched to particular frontier areas in the Americas, what did monastic orders typically do?

The monastic clergy were chosen by the King of Spain to perform works for the Church because they had vowed to not accumulate property or other forms of wealth for themselves.

What is the significance of the Virgen of Guadalupe in the conversion of Amerindian peoples and her importance today?

The news that a dark-skinned Virgin of Guadalupe had appeared to a native (Juan Diego) contributed greatly to the conversion of the Natives to Catholicism. The idea that there can be a virgin Mary that is not white like Europeans is important in the way that it shows that religion is for everyone, not just white Europeans.

What was Royal Patronage? What were its consequences?

The power contained by the king of spain to be in control of the clergy and their appointments. The consequences was the clergy began to be seen as civil rather than ethical, making decisions based on politics rather than religiously motivated.

What is intraspecific diversity?

The practice of cultivating multiple VARIETIES of their most important crop.

Why is there controversy about plantations?

The public criticized the plantations for their perceived evils, public against large foreign entities holding land

inequality for women in Latin America?

The women are not allowed to file tax returns apart from husbands children born out of wedlock offer them no legal support from fathers in case of divorce they are not seen as equals in the eyes of the law.

Latin America's upper class

They pass on wealth to later generations they are very adaptable they create bonds with other families to maintain power/wealth

Latin America's middle class

Urban Areas teachers and merchants they are not alienated like the lower class not seen as equals by the upper class.

What is the historic use of Coca?

Used in the production of the drug Cocaine

Explain the policy of missionary accommodation and tolerance.

What was good or indifferent in the indigenous culture of a convert people in the eyes of the Spanish should be accepted by the church.

What are the origins of anticlericalism?

Widespread cynicism and sarcasm amoung the general populace towards the priests and towards the church itself. This was a product of the ability for certain clergy members to be able to live without the strict guidelines of the church whilst living in the colonies.

What factors contribute to the feminization of poverty?

Women employed in the informal sector are without work benefits, rural to urban migration, machines taking their jobs.


Women succeeded in claiming higher morality than males.

Latin America's greatest cultural impact on the non-Latino world


Clean countries

chile, Uruguay, costa rica

Other aspects of Machismo

control extrovert self-confident gambler risk taker NOT IDEAL MAN


favoritism to relatives

Ceremonial politeness

overly polite in situations, long and courteous greetings and goodbyes

What were the political and economic implications of the Foraker Act?

• Puerto Rico was declared an unincorporated territory. • Neither the U.S. Constitution would apply nor would its residents be deemed American citizens. • The island would be under the authority of a civilian governor, appointed by the President of the United States and approved by Congress. • An Executive Council (Consejo Ejecutivo) would be similarly appointed to serve as the governor's cabinet and a 35‐member House of Delegates (Cámara de Delegados) would be elected to two‐year terms, but all of their decisions were subject to veto by the governor or Congress. • The act imposed a monetary system based on the dollar, devaluing the local peso.

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