Latin America

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The following Latin American countries experienced counterrevolution when brutal military dictatorship came to power in the 1960's and 1970's

Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay

Center" and "Periphery" are major concepts of the following theory to the study of Latin America and its problems:


The similarities in the assumption and prescriptions of the late 20th century neoliberal economic development model and the 19th Century liberal export-led growth model include

Specialization and comparative advantage in international trade lead to economic growth and higher standards of living

In the wake the wake of the foreign debt crisis of the early 1980s in Latin America, the IMF became influential and imposed conditions to provide debt relief and further loans. ONe such condition- an essential element of the neoliberal development model- is austerity measures that led to many street protests in the forms of riots in major Latin American cities in the 1980's 1990's, and into the 21st century. Thus, IMF austerity measures refer to:

Elimination of government subsidies for essential consumer goods, such as bread or tortilla and petroleum products Reduction of government spending, by cutting back on government jobs and programs, especially social programs

According to scholars of transnational; migration, the forces driving recent migration of non elite Andeau Peruvians include:

Growing Poverty and inequality produced by IMF and World Bank "packages" of neoliberal free market reforms New information and communication technologies produced by globalization

According to historian Bradford Burns, a major characteristic of Latin AMerica Since independence has been "growth without development." This Concept refers to:

High growth rates of GNP without the improvement in the quality of life on the population at large.

The contrasts between the major features of ISI and neoliberalism include

ISI assumes that the consequences of the application of the free trade concepts of specialization and comparative advantage is the underdevelopment of Latin America and neoliberalization of strategic sectors, and regulation of the economy ISI prescribes state intervention and regulation of economic activities and neoliberalism prescribes the free market and deregulation of the economy

Import substitution industrialization (ISI) and neoliberalism are two economic development models experienced in Latin America. The contrasts between their major features include

ISI is based on protection of domestic industries and regulation of the economy, and neoliberalism is based on trade liberalization and the deregulation of the economy.

The process of miscegenation (racial melding) was central in the constitution of the Latin American people. Thus, mulatos were the offspring of unions between:

Iberian men and African women

what is true about export-led growth model in latin america, foreign control and enclave protection

Multinational corporations import all the elements in the production process of commodity exports and sent back the profits to corporate headquarters in the developed cities ~Multinational corporations create special compounds for its foreign management fenced off from the local production ~Multinational Corporations dominate the production of primary products for export to the global market such as mining, and sugar, and banana plantations

Between 1850's and 1930's Latin America experienced the economic development model known as export-led growth based on the free trade concepts of specialization and comparative advantage. With the establishment of ECLA (Economic Commission for LAtin America) in 1949, the organization rejected this model and strongly advocated import substitution industrialization (ISI) for the region because:

It was ECLA's assumption that the specializing in exports of primary products the economies of Latin AMerica would be vulnerable to price fluctuations and reduced demand in the international market.

The foreign debt crisis in Latin America in the early 1980's brought an end to the economic development model of import substitute industrialization (ISI). The origins of the foreign debt crisis are the following:

OPEC oil shocks and the recycling of petrodollars in the 1970s

Rural poverty in Latin America, with the consequent migration of the landless to urban areas and the explosion of shantytowns, is a direct result of:

Latifundios control a disproportionate amount of land

"From Export-led Growth and Back" was the title of my presentation on Latin American Economic Development Models. The title refers to:

Latin America in the 21st Century continues with the export of commodities for the global market with the consequent vulnerabilities to the external economy

The contrasts between the assumptions and prescriptions of Modernization and Dependency theories include:

Modernization assumes that the traditional culture of Latin America is the cause of the problems, and Dependency assumes that the Center's economic exploitation of Latin American Periphery is the cause of the problems. Modernization prescribes foreign investment by multinational corporations to promote development in Latin America, and Dependency prescribes less reliance on foreign capital and use of own resources to promote development in Latin America.

Which of the following statements about Modernization Theory is NOT true

Modernization theory assume that the Iberians are responsible for Latin American problems

true statements about modernization theory

Modernization theory assumes that the traditional culture of Latin American is the cause of the problems. ~ Modernization theory assumes the superiority of the Western attitudinal traits of rationalism, securlarism, instrumentalism, and achievement orientation. ~ Modernization theory prescribes close links with developed countries and foreign investment by multinational corporations to speed up the development of Latin America

A major feature of the export-led growth model in latin america is a foreign control and enclave production. Which of the follow statements is NOT true? ****

Multinational corporations are the local producers of consumer goods for the domestic market and their capital-intensive technology fails to absorb labor surplus, leading to unemployment and informality for the local population

In their study of social structure and change in Latin America, Veltmeyer and Petras argue that the neoliberal development model dramatically increased the informal sector of the Latin American economies. Thus, the informal sector is associated with:

Part-time or casual labor without the protection of legal contract; self-employment in unregulated micro-enterprises producing or selling goods in the home and in the streets; domestic services, and illegal activities

Important economic and social indicators that show the level of development of countries are:

Per capita income, life expectancy at birth, literacy rates, and infant mortality.

Scholars argue that the study of Latin America has been approached as the study of a problem or set of problems. The problems are:

Poverty or inequality and the failure of democratic systems to take hold. Underdevelopment and political instability


The Iberian feudal system of land grants and right to use native labor

According to the assumptions of Modernization theory, the major cause of Latin American Problems is:

The Latin American traditional culture which lacks rationalism, secularism, instrumentalism, and achievement orientation

By the early 1800's in Latin AMerica, it was clear that the criollo elite deeply resented the peninsulares. Yet the criollos were reluctant to defy the established authority of Spain because

The criollos feared the unleashing of popular uprising by the masses with the release of bitter class and racial hatreds as it happened in the rebellion of the indigenous and mestizos in the highlands of Peru and Bolivia in 1780.

The Mexican and Cuban Revolutions were major events in 20th Century Latin AMerica and the first actions of revolutionary governments including land reform and nationalization of strategies resources

The displacement of the old ruling classes through the removal of their sources

Which of the following statements BEST explains the difference between the hacienda and the plantation according to Bradford Burns?

The hacienda looked was a feudal institution and the plantation was a capitalist institution.

Corporatism, a major theory to the study of Latin America and its problems, stresses:

The persistence of the hierarchical organization of modern institutions.

ECLA (Economic Commission for Latin America) prescribed the economic development model of import substitution industrialization (ISI) for the region based on the following assumptions:

The terms of trade tend to deteriorate as the price for finished goods rises much faster than the price for primary products. Specialization in the export of primary products lead to underdevelopment

The Prescriptions for change of the Dependency theory involve:

Weak links with developed capitalist countries

The following Latin American countries experienced major social revolutions in the 20th century

none of the above *****

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