Leadership and Management exam 5

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What is nursing informatics?

-A specialty that integrates nursing science, computer science, and information science to manage and communicate data, information, knowledge, and wisdom in nursing practice. -Focus is optimizing quality and safety of patients. -Uses information and communication systems through the delivery of nursing care. -Nursing informatics will help with designing clinical systems, help look at the data around clinical systems, help people understand how to use those information.

What are the characteristics of a good management information system?

-Accurate -Complete -Cost effective -User focused -Relevant -Authoritative -Timely

What are legal issues surrounding workplace violence?

-Bullying is legal in every US state. To counteract this, Healthy Workplace Bill on anti bullying was passed. -These bills offer a way to obtain legal compensation for being exposed to a toxic work environment. -Employees would be allowed to prosecute the bully as an individual and hold the employer answerable to a cruel work environment and compensation for lost wages and benefits, forcing the employer to make changes to institutional processes.

What is a performance improvement plan? What goals should it include?

-Comes out of the performance appraisal. If you're not meeting your goal or objectives, then you will be put on PIP. A PIP outlines specific goals to work towards, specific improvement steps to take, and specific time frames for improvements to be made. You will have a certain amount of time to complete goals and objectives, if you don't this you will face disciplinary action. -The goals should be specific and measurable with a timeframe for improvement to be made, finding the root cause of the problem, and should be tied to the duties in the performance appraisal. ****The overall goal should be to meet the organizations mission and strategic goals.****

What is the most prevalent source of violence against nurses?

-Customer patient violence against nurses. Violence that comes from patient, families, and clients. -Physical violence

What are employee assistance programs - what do they do, how are they accessed?

-EAP provides a range of services to help employees cope with stressors that occur at home and at work. Family counseling might be useful in reducing domestic violence that can spill over into the workplace. -EAPs can be useful in preventing or mitigating loss caused by domestic violence that extends into the workforce. -How are they accessed? You call them up. You don't need a referral. You can go on your own or the manager can refer you.

What are examples of administrative controls, behavior modification, and environmental design relative to workplace violence?

-Environmental design: Signaling systems, alarm systems, monitoring systems, security devices, security escorts, lighting, and architectural and furniture modifications to improve worker safety. -Administrative controls: Adequate staffing patterns to prevent personnel from working alone and reduce waiting times, controlled access, development of systems to alert security personnel when violence is threatened. -Behavior modification: Provide all workers with training in recognizing and managing assaults, resolving conflicts, and maintaining hazard awareness.

What is de-escalation and when should it be used?

-Is a combination of strategies, techniques, and methods intended to reduce a patients agitation and aggression. -These can include communication, self regulation, assessment, actions, and safety maintenance in order to reduce the risk of harm to patients or caregivers, and the use of restraints or seclusion. -Seven things you should do: maintain autonomy, maintain dignity, use self knowledge, be self aware, intervene early, avoid physical confrontation, provide choices for those involved.

What is a decision support system?

-It is a method embedded in electronic systems, providing actions and relevant information for clinicians to make decisions related to patient care.

What is the Nursing Minimum Data Set and what does it do?

-It is an evidence based tool that defines and measures the context of care within and across all enterprise settings. -Has definitions for the kind of data that every organization should be looking at in terms of how nursing effects patient outcomes. -It standardizes the way nursing data is collected. -It helps to standardize the data collection across different platforms.

What is the role(s) of human resources in limiting workplace violence?

-Make sure the polices and the prevention programs are being followed. -Educate the organization on each levels role in prevention, ensure they are addressing all bad behavior, monitor to make sure the policies are complied, making progress or lack of progress visible.

What components should be included in a violence prevention program?

-Management commitment and worker participation -Worksite analysis and hazard identification -Hazard prevention and control -Safety and health training -Record keeping and program evaluation -Also remember nursing process: assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and EVALUATION.

What is risk management?

-Risk management is an integral component of an organizations quality and safety programs and a risk manager is one of the first responders in a serious of sentinel event situation. -The idea is to prevent undesired events from happening and to minimize the impact of unpreventable risks.

What is the continuum of data to wisdom - what are the components of each?

-The four components are data, information, knowledge, and wisdom. -Data: is the number. Naming, collecting, and organizing. Ex. weight, BP, body temp. -Information: is how the number applies. Organizing and interpreting. Ex. Body mass index is a measure of body size based on height, weight, and gender. -Knowledge: is what you will do based on that. Interpreting, integrating, and understanding. Ex. Knowledge that patients with cancer are often at risk for infection guides the action to check patients body temp when they exhibit chills. -Wisdom: how you will apply all of that to everything/ to the profession. The application of data, information, and knowledge to make decisions with compassion to meet the needs of the patients, families, communities.

What is a performance appraisal? What is its primary purpose?

-The process through which supervisors assess, after the fact, the job related performance of their supervisees and allocate rewards to the supervisees based on that assessment. -Primary purpose is to make sure employees are meeting organizational goals and compliance standards. -Appraisals help the nurse manager in updating personnel records and making decisions on staffing, including hiring, scheduling, promotions, or terminations.

Define trait, behavior, competencies, results rating systems.

-Trait: characteristics that one possesses (introvert vs extrovert, work ethic, and being truthful). -Behaviors are more objective because they are observable. They either happened or they didn't. Examples include: exhibits positive interactions with coworkers or patients family members, willingness to stay to help the team, responds to patient concerns in a timely manner. -Competencies: You have to demonstrate that you have the ability to perform a task based on clinical skills, knowledge, education, and experience. You can actually perform a skill. -Results: The focus is on what is to be accomplished on the job versus observing traits or on-the-job behaviors. Focus on the outcomes that you achieve. Can result in compensation based on goal attainment.

What is the difference between workplace violence and workplace incivility?

-Workplace violence: is the act or threat of violence, ranging from verbal abuse to physical assaults directed toward person at work or on duty. More than just bullying and being verbally abusive -Workplace incivility: one or more rude, discourteous, or disrespectful actions that may or may not have a negative intent behind them. Behaviors can be intentional or unintentional. If incivility is not managed in a timely manner it has the potential to escalate into bullying. Ex. bullying and displaying favoritism.

Meaningful use

-the utilization of certified EHR technology to improve quality, efficiency, and patient safety in the health care system. 1) The use of a certified EHR in a meaningful manner. 2) The electronic exchange of health information to improve quality of health care. 3) The use of certified EHR technology to submit clinical quality and other measures.

What is horizontal violence?

Bullying/harassment between coworkers/ peers. Nurses eat there young.

What is coaching?

Communicating with someone for the direct purpose of maximizing their personal and professional potential.

What is self evaluation?

Employees are asked to do their own evaluation of their job performance. This includes evaluating progress towards pre-defined annual objectives and performance standards.

Who was the first nurse to analyze patient outcomes related to nursing care?

Florence Nightingale

Why does implementation of an EHR enhance patient care?

Have the technology to share information electronically across multiple organizations through health information exchanges and are equipped with interoperability which is a method used to communicate between systems.

What is the most important component of a violence prevention program?

Management commitment

What agency oversees the safety and health of healthcare workers?

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Central tendency

On a scale of 1-5 everyone is rated in the middle at a 3.

What is 360 degree performance appraisal?

Performance measurement that combines evaluations from the employee's managers, peers, subordinates, and self. All this info gets collected and put into your evaluation.

What is bias as it relates to performance measurement?

Rater bias is an error in judgement when the rater uses their predetermined judgements and biases to affect their evaluation and decisions related to an employee. This is a big factor in ensuring accurate measurements.

Why is the information from performance appraisals important to human resource planning?

So that HR can work towards future planning.

What is a health information exchange?

The ability of EHR from different places being able to communicate with each other and give each other information.

What is peer review?

The process by which practicing registered nurses of the same rank or standing as their peer (the person they are evaluating) to access, monitor, and make judgements about the quality of nursing care provided by peers as measured against professional standards of practice.

Recency of Events Error

The rater considers only more recent events, rather than what occurred since the last evaluation period. They don't look at your entire performance over the past several months they just look at what you did last week.

Horns effect

The rater focuses only on a negative experience and rates on that measure.

Halo effect

The rater focuses only on a positive experience and rates all areas based on that measure. I.e the favorite

Why should nurses use nursing outcomes databases?

To understand the impact of nurses on patients outcomes.

What is it called when an organization looks for existing or potential hazards for workplace violence?

Worksite analysis

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