Leadership Test #1

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3. Which of the following statements is true regarding decision making? A) Scientific methods provide identical decisions by different individuals for the same problems B) Decisions are greatly influenced by each person's value system C) Personal beliefs can be adjusted for when the scientific approach to problem solving is used D) Past experience has little to do with the quality of the decision

Ans: B Values, life experience, individual preference, and individual ways of thinking will influence a person's decision making. No matter how objective the criteria will be, value judgments will always play a part in a person's decision making, either consciously or subconsciously.

19. What is a characteristic of a left-brain thinker? A) Creative B) Intuitive C) Analytical D) Holistic

Ans: C

20. What type of brain dominance creates a management style that is highly organized and detail oriented? A) Upper left brain B) Upper right brain C) Lower left brain D) Lower right brain

Ans: C

25. What is the advantage of using a payoff table when applicable? A) It assures the correct decision when dealing with financial situations B) It is very helpful when quantitative information about the topic is available C) It assists in the visualization of the available historic and current data D) It is easy to construct even for the novice decision maker

Ans: C

4. What influences the quality of a decision most often? A) The decision maker's immediate superior B) The type of decision that needs to be made C) Questions asked and alternatives generated D) The time of day the decision is made

Ans: C

6. What is the best definition of decision making? A) The planning process of management B) The evaluation phase of the executive role C) One step in the problem-solving process D) Required to justify the need for scarce items

Ans: C

9. Which statement is true concerning critical thinking? A) It is a simple approach to decision making B) It is narrower in scope than decision making C) It requires reasoning and creative analysis D) It is a synonym for the problem-solving process

Ans: C

1. What statement is true regarding decision making? A) It is an analysis of a situation B) It is closely related to evaluation C) It involves choosing between courses of action D) It is dependent upon finding the cause of a problem

Ans: C Feedback: Decision making is a complex cognitive process often defined as choosing a particular course of action. Problem solving is part of decision making and is a systematic process that focuses on analyzing a difficult situation. Critical thinking, sometimes referred to as reflective thinking, is related to evaluation and has a broader scope than decision making and problem solving.

13. One of the nurses on the unit said, ìMale patients have a low threshold for pain.î This is an example of what type of illogical thinking? A) Affirming the consequences B) Arguing from analogy C) Deductive reasoning D) Overgeneralizing


15. What does a decision grid allow the decision maker to do? A) Examine alternatives visually and compare each against the same criteria B) Quantify information C) Plot a decision over time D) Predict when events must take place to complete a project on time

Ans: A

16. What statement regarding management decision-making aides is true? A) They are subject to human error B) They ensure good decision making C) They eliminate uncertainty and risk D) They tend to save management time

Ans: A

17. What is heuristics? A) Discrete, unconscious process to allow individuals to solve problems quickly B) Set of rules to encourage learners to discover solutions for themselves C) Formal process and structure in the decision-making process D) Trial-and-error method or rules-of-thumb approach

Ans: A

24. Which situation is characteristic of the weakness of the nursing process? A) The frequent absence of well-written patience-focused objectives B) The confusion created by the existence of numerous nursing diagnoses C) The ever-increasing need for effective assessment skills required of the nurse D) The amount of nursing staff required to implement the patients' plans of care

Ans: A

11. What needs to be considered in evaluating the quality of one's decisions? A) Is evaluation necessary when using a good decision-making model? B) Can evaluation be eliminated if the problem is resolved? C) Will the effectiveness of the decision maker be supported? D) Will the evaluation be helpful in increasing one's decision-making skills?

Ans: D

17. Goleman in his best seller Emotional Intelligence built upon work in his identification of five components of emotional intelligence. Which component of emotional intelligence is occurring when a person is proficiently handling relationships and building networks? A) Self-regulation B) Motivation C) Empathy D) Social skills

Ans: D

8. Why do our values often cause personal conflict in decision making? A) Some values are not realistic or healthy B) Not all values are of equal worth C) Our values remain unchanged over time D) Our values often collide with one another

Ans: D

2. What is a weakness of the traditional problem-solving model? A) Its need for implementation time B) Its lack of a step requiring evaluation of results C) Its failure to gather sufficient data D) Its failure to evaluate alternatives

Ans: A Feedback: The traditional problem-solving model is less effective when time constraints are a consideration. Decision making can occur without the full analysis required in problem solving. Because problem solving attempts to identify the root problem in situations, much time and energy are spent on identifying the real problem.

13. Which factor should be considered when assessing the quality of ethical problem solving? Select all that apply. A) Outcomes B) Decision-making process C) Multiple alternatives D) Data gathering

Ans: A,B

21. Which action is associated with relationship age leadership? Select all that apply. A) Communicates regularly with subordinates B) Encourages teamwork to achieve problem solving C) Includes committee representatives from all areas that will be affected by the change D) Recognizes staff members who have contributed plausible problem-solving solutions

Ans: A,B,C,D

10. How do administrative man managers make the majority of their decisions? A) After gathering all the facts B) In a manner good enough to solve the problem C) In a rational, logical manner D) After generating all the alternatives possible

Ans: B

12. Which statement concerning the role of the powerful in organizational decision making is true? A) They exert little influence on decisions that are made B) They make decisions made that are in congruence with their own values C) They allow others to make the decisions however they wish D) They make all the important decisions with consideration to others

Ans: B

5. What does knowledge about good decision making lead one to believe? A) Good decision makers are usually right-brain, intuitive thinkers B) Effective decision makers are sensitive to the situation and to others C) Good decisions are usually made by left-brain, logical thinkers D) Good decision making requires analytical rather than creative processes

Ans: B

7. If decision making is triggered by a problem with what does it end? A) An alternative problem B) A chosen course of action C) An action that guarantees success D) A restatement of the solution

Ans: B

13. Which is a characteristic of Theory Z? A) Non-consensus decision making B) Fitting employees to their jobs C) Rapid career promotions D) Authoritative problem solving

Ans; B

1. What concept is servant leadership based upon? A) Trusting and valuing employees B) Genuinely liking your colleagues C) A laissez-faire style of leadership D) A dynamic leadership charisma

ans: A

10. What does the morale principle of autonomy govern? A) A person's right to make his or her own decision B) The obligation to do good and prevent harm C) Doing what is right and fair D) Truth telling

ans: A

11. What is a focus of thought leadership? A) Challenging the status quo B) Learning new technology C) Keeping up with current nursing knowledge D) Being a transformational leader

ans: A

13. A transition has occurred in the twenty-first-century industrial age leadership to what type of leadership? A) Relationship age B) Quantum C) Authentic D) Thought

ans: A

14. Collecting data about the ethical problem and identifying who should be involved in the decision-making process is accomplished in which phase of the MORAL decisionmaking model? A) Massage the dilemma B) Outline options C) Review criteria and resolve D) Affirm position and act

ans: A

16. Goleman in his best seller Emotional Intelligence identifies self-awareness as one of the five components of emotional intelligence. What is self-awareness? A) The ability to recognize and understand one's moods, emotions, and drives as well as their effects on others B) The ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses or moods as well as the propensity to suspend judgment C) A passion to work for reasons that go beyond money or status; a propensity to pursue goals with energy and commitment D) The ability to understand and accept the emotional makeup of other people

ans: A

16. What type of management was emphasized in the human relations era of management? A) Participatory B) Authoritarian C) Democratic D) Laissez-faire

ans: A

18. What is the basic premise of the interactional theory? A) Leadership behavior is generally determined by the relationship between the leader's personality and the specific situation B) Manager behaviors are generally determined by the relationship between the manager's personality and the specific situation. C) Both managers and followers have the ability to raise each other to higher levels of motivation and morality. D) Both leaders and followers have the ability to raise each other to higher levels of motivation and morality.

ans: A

19. Avolio states that there are four factors that cover the components of authentic leadership. What is occurring when analyzing data rationally before making decisions? A) Balanced processing B) Internalized moral perspective C) Relational transparency D) Self-awareness

ans: A

20. There are many terms used to describe moral issues faced by nurses, including moral uncertainty, moral conflict, moral distress, moral outrage, and ethical dilemmas. Which statement describes how moral uncertainty occurs? A) Occurs when an individual is unsure which moral principles or values apply and may even include uncertainty as to what the moral problem is B) Occurs when the individual knows the right thing to do but organizational constraints make it difficult to take the right course of action C) Occurs when an individual witnesses the immoral act of another but feels powerless to stop it D) Occurs when being forced to choose between two or more undesirable alternatives

ans: A

20. What type of manager is concerned with the day-to-day operations? A) Transactional B) Transformational C) Interactional D) Bureaucratic

ans: A

23. Which activity supports the principles of strengths-based leadership? A) Tuition reimbursement for LPN to RN transition programs B) Rehab services to staff diagnosed with abuse problems C) Mental health counseling for depression and anxiety D) Smoking cessation support classes

ans: A

24. Which statement by a subordinate demonstrates the greatest problem for the leader? A) ìYour plans for the changes will be difficult to implement.î B) ìI don't think you heard what the rest of us had to say.î C) ìDo you have an idea what direction we need to go?î D) ìCan you tell me why my suggestion will not work?î

ans: A

25. Which activity b e s t demonstrates a nursing unit manager's attention to the ethics standards of practice required of that position? A) Membership on the institution's ethic board B) Terminates a staff member for absenteeism C) Assures staff and patients that unit decisions are ethically sound D) Holds membership in the local and state American Nurses Association (ANA)

ans: A

3. Which principle will help increase the likelihood that followers do not mislead their leader? A) Support the followers' right to disagree B) Rely only on facts and discount intuition C) Discourage acceptance until the facts are proved D) Identify who to rely upon and who not to listen to

ans: A

4. What does the Hawthorne effect implied about people? A) Human beings under investigation will respond to the fact that they are being studied B) Production will increase or decrease as light in a factory is increased or decreased C) Membership in small groups forms social control D) People are inherently good and will seek out work

ans: A

7. What is the conclusion of interactional theories regarding successful leadership? A) Leaders, followers, and the situation were all variables that interacted B) The situation had the most profound effect on success in leadership C) The situation has a greater effect on outcomes than followers do D) Good results would occur if leaders led well

ans: A

8. Which leadership style maintains strong control over the work group and uses coercion to motivate others? A) Authoritarian B) Democratic C) Laissez-faire D) A contingency approach

ans: A

22. Which statement demonstrates a characteristic of a critical thinker? Select all that apply. A) ìSince that didn't work effectively, let's try something different.î B) ìThe solution has to be something the patient is willing to do.î C) ìI'll talk to the patient's primary care giver about the problem.î D) ìMaybe there is no new solution to this particular problem.î

ans: A, B, C

21. What is the typical focus of managers? Select all that apply. A) Establishing a legitimate source of power B) Delegating responsibilities to staff members C) Formulate the budget to achieve the stated goals D) Direct attention to the management of unwilling subordinates

ans: A,B,C

21. Which characteristic of an organization has influence on the ethical decisions its managers' make? Select all that apply. A) Purpose B) Societal role C) Societal constraints D) Values

ans: A,B,C

17. To make appropriate ethical decisions the nurse-manager must have knowledge of what items to assist in making decisions? Select all that apply: 1, 2, 3, 4. A) Organizational processes 1, 2 B) Proven decision-making models 1, 2, and 3 C) Professional approach that eliminates trial and error D) Ethical principles and frameworks

ans: A,B,C,D

22. Which activity is associated with a leadership role? Select all that apply. A) Mentoring two new managers B) Establishing goals for the coming year C) Advocating for employee regarding personal policies D) Providing a motivational speech at the new employee orientation

ans: A,B,C,D

23. The failure to engage in which activity is considered a fatal flaw of leadership? Select all that apply. A) Collaboration B) Communication C) Self-improvement D) Staff development

ans: A,B,C,D

24. Which statement concerning autonomy and the employee is true? Select all that apply. A) It is a form of personal liberty B) Its legal equivalent is self determination C) It is based on a person's right to make a choice D) It is supported by the process of progressive employee discipline

ans: A,B,C,D

22. A manager demonstrating an understanding of the principles of Human Capital theory will schedule which staff in-service? Select all that apply. A) Effective communication skills B) Financial planning for retirement C) Advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation D) Meeting the needs of the patient's family

ans: A,C,D

24. Which characteristics are associated with Collin's Highly Capable Individual level of leadership? Select all that apply. A) Possesses useful knowledge B) Builds effective interdisciplinary teams C) Galvanizes members to achieve goals D) Demonstrates effective organization skills

ans: A,D

1. Which represents the management functions that are incorporated into the management process? A) Planning, directing, organizing, staffing, and evaluating B) Planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling C) Organizing, planning, staffing, directing, and evaluating D) Organizing, staffing, planning, implementing, and controlling

ans: B

14. What type of leader is the person who is committed, has a vision, and is able to empower others with this vision? A) Transactional B) Transformational C) Interactional D) Bureaucratic

ans: B

16. Which member of the health-care team is often placed in situations where they are expected to be agents for patients, physicians, and the organization simultaneously, all of which may have conflicting wants and goals? A) Physicians B) Nurses C) Nurse practitioners D) Social workers

ans: B

18. Shirey suggests there are five distinguishing characteristics of authentic leaders. Which characteristic is occurring when authentic leaders link between purpose and passion by having congruence in beliefs and actions? A) Purpose B) Values C) Heart D) Relationships

ans: B

2. What does traditional management science focuses upon? A) Meeting worker satisfaction B) Delineating barriers to productivity C) Using a laissez-faire approach D) Encouraging employee participation

ans: B

21. Which problem-solving learning strategy provides the learner with the most realistic, risk-free learning environment? A) Case studies B) Simulation C) Problem-based learning (PBL) D) Grand rounds

ans: B

23. What is the value of using a structured approach to problem solving for the novice nurse? A) Facilitates effective time management B) Supports the acquisition of clinical reasoning C) Supplements the orientation process D) Encourages professional autonomy

ans: B

23. Which term is used to identify a person's feelings of powerlessness to stop unethical behavior in another person or institution? A) Moral conflict B) Moral outrage C) Ethical relativism D) Ethical universalism

ans: B

25. Which response is characteristic of a servant leader? A) ìI don't think you have the skills necessary to be effective.î B) ìLet me think about that request for 24 hours.î C) ìDo whatever it takes to get it done fast.î D) ìI'll personal handle this situation.î

ans: B

3. What assumption about workers does Theory X hold? A) Workers will naturally put forth effort B) Workers need threats to be motivated C) Workers are diligent and responsible D) Workers are in tune with organizational needs

ans: B

4. Which statement regarding the characteristics of a good leader is true? A) They are totally trustworthy B) They may have character flaws C) They are by nature good intentioned D) Charisma is their strongest attribute

ans: B

6. Which ethical framework would most likely be used to arrive at the nurse's decision to work overtime in spite of previous social plans? A) Utilitarianism B) Duty based C) Rights based D) Intuitionism

ans: B

7. Max Weber, a well-known German sociologist, began to study large-scale organizations to determine what made some more efficient than others. What was his conclusion? A) Workers had to have a say in management to work most effectively B) Consistent rules and regulations for workers increased efficiency C) Employees should feel appreciated and valued D) Workers need frequent rest periods to increase overall production

ans: B

7. What is the role of the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics and Interpretive Statements? A) Outlines minimum levels of ethical behavior that nurses must maintain B) Functions as a guide to the highest standards of ethical practice for nurses C) Is a legally binding document that directs a nurse's ethical and moral behavior D) Mandates the ethical behavior prerequisite for maintaining a nursing licensure

ans: B

8. What is an example of a positive outcome of a leader's emotional intelligence? A) Emotions are held in check B) Emotions are used effectively C) Expression of one's emotions is expected D) Expression of one's emotions is encouraged

ans: B

17. What is a distinguishing trait of integrated leader-managers? Select all that apply. A) Inward thinkers B) Long-term thinkers C) Concerned with employee motivation D) Possess influence beyond their own group

ans: B,C,D

10. Which statement depicts leadership? A) A leadership position is assigned B) A leadership position carries a legitimate source of power C) Members of a group will follow a person in a leadership position only by choice D) Leadership requires meeting organizational goals

ans: C

11. Gardner states that integrated leaders-managers distinguish themselves from more traditional managers in six ways. Which is a distinguishing trait of a traditional manager rather than an integrated leader-manager? A) They are politically astute B) They look outward, toward the larger organization C) They extend influence only to their own group D) They emphasize vision, values, and motivation

ans: C

11. Protecting patient confidentiality respects the client's right to A) self-esteem B) self-defense C) self-determination D) self-incrimination

ans: C

12. Much of the difficulty people have in making ethical decisions results from a lack of formal education about problem solving. Research at the University of Pennsylvania found what percentage of the nurses and social workers reported having no ethics training? A) 15 B) 20 C) 25 D) 30

ans: C

12. What concept does early leadership-theory development suggest? A) Leadership is a process of influencing others within an organizational culture B) The interactive relationship between the leader and the follower is significant C) Some are born to lead, whereas others are born to be led D) Vision and empowerment are two of the most critical leadership skills

ans: C

15. How many characteristics such as servant leadership does Tabaka suggest is required of an agile organization today? A) 1 B) 5 C) 10 D) 15

ans: C

15. How many primary leadership styles have been identified? A) One B) Two C) Three D) Four

ans: C

15. Which statement is correct regarding the distinction between legal and ethical obligations in decision making? A) Ethical controls are clearer and philosophically impartial B) Ethical controls are much clearer and individualized C) Legal controls are clearer and philosophically impartial D) Legal controls are much less clear and individualized

ans: C

19. It is the idea that context is an important mediator of transformational leadership, that led to the creation of full range leadership theory early in the 21st century. This theory originally developed by Antonakis, Avolio, and Sivasubramaniam suggests how many transformational factors impacting leadership style and its impact on followers? A) One B) Three C) Five D) Nine

ans: C

2. What is the critical leadership skill when attempting to build a cooperative and effective team? A) Showing their true feelings B) Empathizing with followers C) Identifying existing emotions in themselves and others D) Manipulating the emotions of all involved to achieve stated goals

ans: C

20. Avolio states that there are four factors that cover the components of authentic leadership. What is occurring when one openly shares feelings and information appropriate to a situation? A) Balanced processing B) Internalized moral perspective C) Relational transparency D) Self-awareness

ans: C

22. Which ethical principle associated with an adult child is legally given the right to make medical decisions for a cognitively impaired parent? A) Justice B) Fidelity C) Paternalism D) Beneficence

ans: C

5. Managing conflict among staff members would occur in which part of the management process? A) Planning B) Organizing C) Directing D) Evaluating

ans: C

5. To decrease overtime, the manager of a surgical unit offers nurses who get their work finished on time for an entire 2-month period an extra day off with pay at regular time. What is this an example of? A) Bribing nurses B) Quantum leadership C) Principal agent theory D) Servant leadership

ans: C

5. Which statement regarding the MORAL decision-making model is true? A) It is a problem-solving model B) It does not include an evaluation step C) The identification and analysis of multiple alternatives for action is required D) The decision is arrived upon with only the involvement of the decision maker

ans: C

9. A manager has proposed to the hospital board that it hires someone to teach management and leadership classes and that head nurses are paid to attend the classes. What is this an example of? A) Using emotional intelligence B) Transformational leadership C) Building human capital D) Using quantum leadership

ans: C

1. Which statement best describes ethics? A) How our lives and relationships are led in our reality B) How people make decisions they see as legally and morally appropriate C) The conflict, power, and interdependency associated with the way we live D) What our conduct and actions should be regarding what is right and good

ans: D

10. An organization has hired six RNs who have recently immigrated to the United States. The manager has noticed they interact very little with other staff, often speaking in their own language during their breaks, although they speak English while on duty. Which intervention would be the most helpful action for the manager to help these new RNs better assimilate? A) Explain to the new nurses the problem that their isolating is causing. B) Arrange to send them to an English language course at the local adult school. C) Ask the established RNs to make an effort to include the new nurses in after-work activities. D) Begin a short sharing session before client report, so all RNs can share information about their cultures and differences in client care.

ans: D

12. What statement describes the concept of quantum leadership? A) Ability to use emotions effectively that is required by leader-managers in order to enhance their success B) In order to lead, leaders must be true to themselves and their values and act accordingly C) One individual convinces another to consider a new idea, product, or way of looking at things D) The environment and context in which people work is complex and dynamic and that this has a direct impact on organizational productivity

ans: D

14. There are current and future paradigm shifts in health care that affect the leadership skills needed by nurses in the twenty-first century. What issue at the organizational and unit levels are nurse-leaders being directed to address? A) Active involvement in greatly needed health-care reform B) Persistent and growing international nursing shortage C) Shortage of qualified first-level nursing managers D) High turnover rates by staff nurses

ans: D

14. What effect of organizational power on decision making is often reflected in the tendency of staff? A) Making decisions independent of organizational values B) Not trusting others to decide C) Desiring personal power D) Having private beliefs that are separate from corporate ones

ans: D

18. Using both a systematic approach and proven ethical tools and technology allows managers to make better decisions and increases the probability that they will feel confident about the decisions they have made. Leadership roles and management functions are involved in management ethics. What is an example of a leadership role? A) Uses a systematic approach to problem solving and decision making when faced with management problems with ethical ramifications B) Identifies outcomes in ethical decision making that should always be sought or avoided C) Uses established ethical frameworks to clarify values and beliefs D) Role models ethical decision making, which is congruent with the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics and Interpretive Statements and Professional standard

ans: D

18. Which statement is true regarding an economic man style manager? A) Lacks complete knowledge and generates few alternatives B) Makes decisions that may not be ideal but result in solutions that have an adequate outcome C) Makes most management decisions using the administrative man model of decision making D) These managers gather as much information as possible and generate many alternatives

ans: D

19. Using both a systematic approach and proven ethical tools and technology allows managers to make better decisions and increases the probability that they will feel confident about the decisions they have made. Leadership roles and management functions are involved in management ethics. What is an example of a management function? A) Is self-aware regarding own values and basic beliefs about the rights, duties, and goals of human beings B) Accepts that some ambiguity and uncertainty must be a part of all ethical decision making C) Accepts that negative outcomes occur in ethical decision making despite highquality problem solving and decision making D) Identifies outcomes in ethical decision making that should always be sought or avoided

ans: D

2. What is an ethical dilemma? A) A problem that can be solved using empirical data B) A situation that has clearly delineated facts for decision making C) A problem that when handled effectively has a mutually agreed-upon solution D) A situation that requires choosing between two or more undesirable alternatives

ans: D

25. Which function of the management process involves the performance evaluation of staff? A) Planning B) Organizing C) Staffing D) Controlling

ans: D

3. The practice of allocating organs for transplantation based on a person's ìworth to societyî is an example of what ethical principle for decision making? A) Autonomy B) Beneficence C) Utility D) Justice

ans: D

4. The only treatment alternative left for a patient diagnosed with advanced cancer is a rare, highly experimental bone marrow transfusion with a 10% success rate. The insurance company refuses to authorize payment for the $200,000 procedure, arguing that the money could be better spent providing well-baby screening for 2,000 residents in the service area. What does this decision by the insurance company reflect? A) Unethical conduct B) Maleficence C) Paternalism D) Utility

ans: D

6. What is the idea that workers should be hired, trained, and promoted based on their competence and abilities related to? A) Part of the management functions identified by Fayol B) The result of the human relations studies C) The outcome of studies done by Mayo at the Hawthorne Works D) One of the four overriding principles of scientific management

ans: D

6. Which statement concerning nursing leadership functioning at its potential is true? A) The leadership role is most important in nursing today B) Leadership is most important in managing health-care costs C) The most important nursing leadership role is being charismatic D) There is a need to integrate nursing management and nursing leadership

ans: D

8. Which statement regarding ethical decision making is true? A) Outcomes are the basic criterion for evaluating ethical decision making B) Only desirable alternatives are identified when solving ethical dilemmas C) Critical ethical decisions are made quickly so the situation does not worsen D) Accepting some ambiguity and uncertainty are a part of ethical decision making

ans: D

9. Which ethical framework involves an individualized decision-making framework? A) Duty based B) Rights based C) Utilitarian D) Intuitionist

ans: D

9. Which statement about situational or contingency leadership theory is correct? A) High relationship behavior is much more essential to a good manager than high task behavior B) This leadership model is effective in bureaucratic organizations because it is task focused C) Management should be consistent in different situations so workers understand what is expected of them D) The leadership style chosen by a manager should reflect the task/relationship behavior of those being managed

ans: D

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