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A 5-year-old girl observes a stranger in a store pretending to discipline a stuffed dog. When the stranger moves to the next aisle, the girl picks up another stuffed animal and does the same thing. Her behavior is similar to the findings in studies conducted by:

Alburt Bandura

As cognitive psychologists define it, a concept is a(n):


Some have criticized Skinner for not considering the influence of ________ on behavior.

Cognitive processes

___________reinforcement involves an aversive stimulus that, when removed after a response, strengthens the response.


John B. Watson believed that _____ should be the focus of psychology.

Observable behavior

What is learning that certain events occur together called?

associative learning

According to the principle of belief perseverance, when faced with evidence supporting one's point of view on a controversial issue, one would MOST likely:

assume it is correct

People and animals learn the association between two stimuli through _____; however, they learn the association between a behavior and a consequence through _____.

classical conditioning; operant conditioning

When we use the term "Hispanic" to refer to a category of people, we are using the word to denote a(n):


Obi always gives his cats treats before he goes to work each morning. When he is gathering the things he takes to work, his cats begin to circle around him and cry. Robert Rescorla and Allan Wagner would say this is occurring because Obi's cats have developed a(n) _____ for the treats.


In Watson and Rayner's experiment with Little Albert, the _____ was the unconditioned response.

fear of a loud noise

Checking one's postal mailbox is generally reinforced on a _____ schedule, because the mail only comes once per day at about the same time.

fixed interval

For undesired behavior

give PP and take away NR

For desired behavior

give PR and take away NP

The best example of a category of objects, events, ideas, and people is called a(n):


Researchers have found that classical conditioning can be used to produce an immune response in patients. Of the following pairings, which would be the most likely to produce this response?

repeated pairing of lemonade with the immune-response-enhancing drug

The concept of latent learning reveals that:

rewards affect performance of what has been learned rather than the process of learning itself.

Conditioned reinforcers are also called _____ reinforcers.


Most learning involves the process of association. In classical conditioning, an organism comes to associate:

two stimuli

For professional baseball players, swinging at a pitched ball is reinforced with a home run on a _____ schedule.

variable ratio

In operant conditioning, which reinforcement schedule reinforces a response at unpredictable time intervals?


"You always clam up when I ask you what's wrong," Iris tells her boyfriend. Iris is probably making this frequency judgment because she can remember a few times that her boyfriend wouldn't tell her what was bothering him. Iris is demonstrating:

the availability heuristic

Which list contains an item that does NOT fit?

voluntary, respondent behavior, classical conditioning

Some hold that B. F. Skinner neglected the importance of the individual's:

Personal freedom

Gamblers and fisherman have a difficult time controlling their need to gamble and fish, respectively, because of the _____________ schedule of reinforcement.

Variable ratio

Classical conditioning is to operant conditioning as _________responses are to _________ responses.

Voluntary, automatic

In teaching her son to play basketball, Mrs. Richards initially reinforces him with praise for simply dribbling while standing still, then only for walking while dribbling, and finally only for running while dribbling. She is using a procedure known as:


In conditioned taste aversion, spoiled or poisoned food is a powerful:

unconditioned stimulus

In Pavlov's studies, the dogs began salivating at the sight of the person who regularly brought food to them. The sight of this person had become a(n) _____ for the dogs.

Conditioned stimulus

Myra has such low self-esteem that she is often on the lookout for critical comments about her appearance and personality. Myra's behavior BEST illustrates the dangers of:

Confirmation bias

_____ thinking involves narrowing available problem solutions to the single best solution.


Which psychologist studied the development of taste aversions, noting how they seemed to violate the basic principles of classical conditioning?

John Garcia

_____ is the process of acquiring new and relatively enduring information or behaviors.


Iona gets attention for doing cartwheels. She repeats the behavior because she finds the attention enjoyable. This best illustrates:

Operant conditioning

Although Skinner and other behaviorists did not think that it was necessary to refer to thoughts or expectations when explaining human learning, findings from experiments with rats suggest otherwise. Which of the following findings suggests that cognitive processes are involved in operant learning?

Rats demonstrate latent learning

The use of interactive software for student instruction would lack:

Respondant behavior

Which of the following statements about B. F. Skinner is true?

Skinner believed that human behavior is determined by environmental consequences, not by individual choice or free will

In the 1990s, singer-songwriter Alanis Morissette titled a song, "You Learn." Presumably, Morissette meant that people:

acquire new behaviors through experience.

Classical and operant conditioning are similar in many ways. Which of the following processes does NOT apply to both types of learning?

involuntary responses

The process of acquiring new and enduring behaviors and information through experience is called _____.


As compared with the time they spend in school, children in developed nations spend _____ time watching television.

more time

A pigeon receives food for pecking a key but only rarely and on unpredictable occasions. This BEST illustrates:

partial reinforcement

To reduce the disruptive behavior of some children a teacher might slap the desk with a ruler to startle them. The sound of the slap is a(n) _____ punishment.


Psychologists use the term _____ to refer to a biological predisposition to learn particular associations.


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