Lecture 3 - Introduction to Individual Adaptation (Chapter 2)

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What are the three types of individual adaptations?

-Phsyiological -Morphological -Behavioral

_____ is a physiological, biochemical, or anatomical change that occurs in an invidual organism in a ______ Acclimation results from relatively _____ exposure to environmental change in a _________ or other _______ situation. The various aspects of an organism's environmental tolerances help determine its ______.

Acclimation; manipulated situation.; short-term; laboratory; captive ecological niche;

_____ is a physiological, biochemical, or anatomical change that occurs within the lifetime of an individual organism. Acclimatization results from _____ exposure to a _____ environmental challenge. It usually involves a change in ____

Acclimatization; chronic; naturally occurring; gene expression (reflected in phenotype)

____ fish migrate from salt to freshwater habitats to breed. _____ fish migrate from freshwater to marine habitats to breed. Both types of fish have sophisticated _____ that maintain constant internal salt balance when they move from one habitat to another. They are ____

Anadromous; Catadromous; osmoregulatory systems; osmoregulators

_____ occurs when the system responds to changes in a controlled variable by bringing the variable back to its set point.

Negative feedback;

________ is the study of how an individual organism's morphology, physiology, and behavior help it meet the challenges posed by its environment. The form and function of any organism is molded both by __________ and by the forces imposed upon it by its ______

Organismal Ecology; chance(neutral evolution) ; environment(natural selection).

_____ occurs when the system reinforces changes in a controlled variable. Positive feedback is ___ common than negative feedback in living systems. However, it is critical for normal - - -

Positive feedback; less; nerve impulse transmission; digestion processes; reproductive process

Feedback from a controlled variable is facilitated by communication between _______ An animal body constantly sends itself messages about its _____ If an internal variable changes, metabolism is altered to achieve ____ The ______ of a controlled variableis the level of that variable required for normal function. ______ from the controlled variable tells the body whether the variable needs to be regulated in some way.

body systems; internal state; homeostasis; set point; Feedback;

We will now officially replace the imprecise terms "warm blooded" and "cold blooded" with accuratephysiological terms based on how an animal obtains its body heat: _____ - main heat source is the external environment(from the Greek _____ meaning "outside") _____ - main heat source is internal metabolic reactions(from the Greek ____ meaning "inside") how an animal regulates its body temperature: ______ - temperature regulated primarily by environment(from the Greek ______ meaning "variable") ____ - temperature regulated primarily by metabolism(from the Greek _____ meaning "constant")

ectotherm; ecto endotherm; endo poikilotherm; poikilo homeotherm; homeo

____ animals are able to tolerate wide range of depth ______animals can tolerate a relatively narrow range of aquatic depth

eurybathic; stenobathic;

_____ animals are able to tolerate wide range of salinities ____ animals can tolerate a relatively narrow range of salinities

euryhaline ; stenohaline;

___ animals are able to tolerate wide range of environmental temperatures ____ animals can tolerate a relatively narrow range of environmental temperatures

eurythermal; stenothermal;

____ animals are able to tolerate wide range of habitat conditions ____ animals can tolerate a relatively narrow range of habitat conditions

eurytopic; stenotopic;

_______ is a change--occurring over generations--in the physiology, biochemistry, or morphology of a species in response to natural selection. ______ is a short-term response by an individual organism to some environmental challenge.

evolutionary adaptation; individual adaptation;

Echinoderms lack an ___ organ system. _____ leaves the body via _____ into the surrounding water. Echinoderms have very little ____mover their internal salt and water balance. They are thus strictly limited to ______ Their tissues have essentially the same salinity as ____ They are _____

excretory; Nitrogenous waste (ammonia); diffusion control; marine environments; sea water; osmoconformers

One vital property common to all living things is ______,the maintenance of constant internal environmental conditions. An organism's reproductive success (the keystone of natural selection) depends on its ability to meet ______ Morphological, physiological, and behavioral adaptations for surviving environmental fluctuations reflect the ______ of the species expressing them.

homeostasis; environmental challenges; evolutionary history

Negative feedback is the most common in living systems,and is nearly synonymous with _____ itself. A _____ produces a change to a variable (the factor being regulated). A _____ monitoring the controlled variable detects the change. ______ travels away from the receptor to the... _____, which determines the appropriate response. ______from the control center travels to the... ____, which delivers the response.

homeostasis; stimulus; receptor; INPUT; control center; OUTPUT; effector

Beyond specific levels of any given factor, a ____ exists. This may differ significantly among species. Outside the lethal range, an individual can adjust its metabolism or behavior to tolerate a challenging______. Organisms that tolerate a wide fluctuation of a given environmental parameter are known as _____ Organisms that do not tolerate wide fluctuations of a given environmental parameter are known as ______

lethal range; environmental stimulus; eury-(parameter); steno-(parameter);

Microenvironment conditions - - - - comprise a _____ that may be quite different from that of the larger environment in which an organism exists.

light; moisture; temperature; pH; microclimate

Interaction between an organism and its temperature environment affects: its _____ its species' ______

metabolic rate; geographical distribution

A ____ or _____ is a small, specific area within a larger habitat.

microenvironment; microhabitat

A greater range of habitats for species with different environmental tolerance levels means ____ species in a given ecosystem.


physiological: Some species are able to gradually change their _____ levels in a ____ changing environment. This ability, too, is controlled by ____ that have been selected over evolutionary time. morphological: Morphology may change in response to ______ -fur coat changes: color and thickness change seasonally -Daphnia carapace changes in response to water conditions or to presence of predators behavioral: Behavioral adaptations allow an animal to respond relatively ____ to environmental challenge.

physiological tolerance; slowly; genes environment quickly

example: A horse's normal body temperature range is ~37.5 - 38.5oC Horse's body temperature exceeds normal Skin and brain nervous _____ send messages to the brain's temperature regulation center Brain sends messages to body's cooling mechanism ______ -______ activate -blood vessels in skin and extremities ____

receptors; effectors; sweat glands; diilate;

A _____ uses metabolic means to maintain homeostasis in response to environmental changes. It can ____ the value of a particular controlled variable A ____ is less able to metabolically maintain homeostasis. The value of a particular controlled variable is governed primarily by the _____ A species may be a regulator with respect to some controlled variables; , and a conformer with respect to other controlled variables.

regulator; control conformer; external environment.

A _____ is kept within a limited range by physiological mechanisms responding to feedback from a sensor. A ______ is kept within a limited range by the organism's systems in the absence of sensors.

sensed (regulated) variable; controlled (non-regulated) variable;

Tolerance to various environmental challenges depends on - - - Swallowtail butterflies show more species diversity at warmer latitudes. Why? -species____ differ -host plant diversity is lower at ___

species; natural history/evolution; biogeography; temperature tolerances; higher latitudes

Some animals actively change their environments in ways that can be subtle to dramatic: -moving to a different microhabitat if the current one is not_____ -creating a _____ -changing the ____ of the microenvironment by its mere presence: a mouse warming a semi-insulated burrow with its own _____ a fish depleting the _____ of a limited space such as a tide pool a lobster changing tide pool ion concentration with its _____

suitable; microhabitat (burrow, house, etc.); nature; body heat; oxygen; nitrogenous waste

Abiotic factors that affect organismal ecology include - - - -

temperature; oxygen levels; water and humidity; ionic composition and concentrations

The conditions experienced by cells and tissues include - - - - Most of a multicellular organism's cells are surrounded by other cells, and do not directly contact the _______ Most experience only the ______

temperature; pH; water content; concentrations external environment; internal environment;

Even regulators do not have an _____ capacity to maintain their controlled variables. An animal's _____ comprises the collective physical, chemical and biological components its surroundings. An environment cannot be defined without considering the ____

unlimited environment; organism;

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