Lecture 4: Collective Efficacy

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Alone, how much does leadership behaviour and the relationship between the coach and athlete counts for the variance of CE


Define self efficacy

A belief in ones capabilities to organise and execute the course of action required to produce attainments (goals/ objectives) - Bandura, 1997

Define collective efficacy

A group's confidence in their collective CAPABILITIES to perform collective TASKS - Bandura, 1997 A sense of collective competence SHARED among individuals when allocating, coordinating, and integrating their RESOURCES (relates to group productivity and coordination of resources) in a successful concerted response to SPECIFIC situational demands (may change at times of the season and differ among sports teams) - Zaccaro et al., 1995

What are the sub scales in the Collective efficacy questionnaire for sport (Short, Sulivan and Felts, 2005)? Give an example

Ability: outperform the other teams Effort: demonstrate a strong work ethic Persistence: perform under pressure Preparation: devise a successful strategy Unity: keep a positive attitude

What outcomes do the sources of collective efficacy lead to? Explain each one:

Behavioural - amount of SE will determine their choice, effort and persistence Cognitive - influence type of goals that they set, if attribute success to controllable factors and their commitment Affect - emotions which refers to the amount of satisfaction they have with their performance or anxiety

What can be used to measure collective efficacy in a groups?

Collective efficacy questionnaire for sport (Short, Sulivan and Felts, 2005)

How does collective efficacy and performance link together?

Collective efficacy significantly positively related to performance in variety of group contexts (Stajkovic et al., 2009) Met analysis of 69 studies, 4250 groups, 18891 participants - Expend more effort - Persist in pursuit of goals Significant relationship also found in number of sports and at various levels.

How does cohesion contribute to CE in resilient teams according to Morgan et al (2013)

Fighting spirit in challenging situations Sticking to the task in difficult moments Commitment to the team Sustaining team morale Working together during setbacks

What are the areas in CE for future research?

Interaction between self-efficacy and collective efficacy Little research on within-team collective efficacy Experience of coaches working with high or low efficacious team Interventions designed to enhance collective efficacy

How do you increase leadership?

Involve team in decision making

Define group leadership

Leaders can influence efficacy beliefs through MODELING and enhancing group functioning: - Confidence, encouragement, positive feedback = increase efficacy - Involves member of the team in problem-solving & decision making = increase efficacy

What did Hampson and Jowett (2014) found when looking at group leadership and collective efficacy?

Looked at the variance in CE across sports team and looked at which are the greatest predictors of CE. - Coach leadership behaviours explained 26% variance in collective efficacy (social support, democratic behaviour) - Coach-athlete relationship explained additional 9% variance (commitment to the relationship and closeness) Alone, leadership behaviour and the relationship between the coach and athlete counts for 1/3 the variance of CE. Therefore, it is an important factor to consider when working with a sports team with low CE.

How do you increase verbal persuasion?

Maintain positive communication among team mates Motivational speeches

What is the positives and negatives of group size?

More resources Increased beliefs in group's skills and abilities Coordination problems Difficult in maintenance of cohesion

Is an increase in group size always negative?

Must consider the type of sport we are looking at. No coordination or motivation loss with the increase in numbers of the team in rowing

Define vicarious performance:

Observing other groups succeed or fail at a task Similarity to other teams in ability is important Can also occur within teams: watch each other or the whole team Not as powerful as actual previous performance Also referred to as MODELLING: "if they can do it, so can I" - Watching another comparable team play an upcoming opponent - Video feedback of a previous successful performance or team or own performance

What are there different sources of collective efficacy?

Performance accomplishments/ prior performance Vicarious experience Verbal persuasion Physiological state

What sources of collective efficacy are common to self efficacy?

Prior performance Verbal persuasion vicarious experience

Define prior performance with an example from ice hockey study:

Reciprocal relationship in ice hockey teams. Teams played the same opponent twice over one weekend. CE scores and performance were monitored Looked at the relationship of scores of CE and how that performance went - Results showed, the previous days performance was a positive but small correlate of collective efficacy of the next day's performance - Results also showed there was a moderately strong positive relationship between collective efficacy and performance on the second day. - Shows previous performance can predict CE the next day and has a reciprocal effect on performance

How can you increase prior performance?

Stimulate game situations

How do toy increase group cohesion?

Team building interventions

How does group cohesion correlate to high cohesion according to Morgan et al (2013)?

Team success High collective efficacy Role clarity and acceptance Conformity to group norms

Define verbal persuasion:

The encouragement and support of others Quickest and fastest reinforcement that can give to the team A weaker source of CE and a lack of evidence, but suggested to be important if viewed in the form of LEADERSHIP

Define group cohesion

The higher the cohesion of the group, the higher their collective efficacy Task cohesion stronger source of collective efficacy than social cohesion (important when looking at interventions) - Hueze et al., 2006

What are the different mediating factors that need to be considered when looking at group size?

The timing you are measuring cohesion or collective efficacy. - Watson found the negative relationship between CE and group size was only evident at the end the season. - There was no significant relationship at the start of the season, this might be because at the start the team is happy with resources, they believe in their group but as time goes on the coordination problems start to snow ball, win loss record is not great, and they have a decrease in cohesion and have a decrease in collective efficacy. But... this negative relationship was only found at the end of a season (Watson, 2001) and no relationship evidence in rowing crews (Magyar et al., 2004)

Is group size positively or negatively correlated to collective efficacy?

Typically negative

Instead of the Collective efficacy questionnaire for sport (Short, Sulivan and Felts, 2005), what else can be used to measure CE in a group?

Use qualitative measures. For example, interview or observe sports teams and ask them questions about amount of CE they hold and tease out variance among members and then general opinion - can used mixed methods approach!

What is the Collective efficacy questionnaire for sport (Short, Sulivan and Felts, 2005)?

Used to measure CE in a group There are different items on the questionnaire and you are rating your agreement from 0 to 100% on each of those items. There are also different subscales that measures ability, effort, persistence, preparation and unit of the group:

What are the 6 sources of collective efficacy?

Verbal persuasion Group cohesion Group leadership Prior performance Group size Vicarious experience

How can you increase vicarious experiences?

Watch videos of other teams self modelling videos

How can you increase CE?

We know that collective efficacy is an important concept with regards to performance...Improve sources of CE. Stimulate game situations - prior performance Watch videos of other teams - vicarious experience Involve team in decision making - leadership Maintain positive communication among team mates - verbal persuasion Team building interventions - Group cohesion Motivational speeches - verbal persuasion Self-modelling videos - vicarious experience

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