Lecture 6 Fama-French Three factor Model
The 3 systematic factor in FF models are
Firm size - book to market ratio and market index
Size Factor (SMB)
differential returns on small firm versus large firm
Carhart four-factor model
it takes into account the momentum anomaly to provide a further explanation of security return
Book-to-market ratio (value factor) ( HML)
return on high book versus low book to market firms
Why value stocks earn more on average than low book to market stock (growth stock)
- HBTM are more exposed to the market in downturn ( overcapitalised result in a difficulty to cut back capital ) e.g car manufacturer - less benefited to the market in upturn.
Growth firms can seal better with a downturn by
- deferring growth plan in booms, growth firms respond more strongly by increasing their capacity
Therefore, low book to market is more profitable /9 risk-based interpretation)
- less sensitive to downturn - more sensitive to upturn
Behavioural explanation of why value firm earn more than growth?
- low book firm doing well recently - analyst oversight recent good performance ( over-optimism )which results in a worse firm performance
HML calculation ( how much on average high book earn more than low book ?)
1/2 ( small return/H + big return/H)-1/2 ( small return/L + big return/L)
Return on small portfolio
1/3 ( small return/large + small return/medium + small return/high )
How to calculate SMB ( how much small stocks on average earn versus large stock? )
1/3 ( small return/large + small return/medium + small return/high )-1/3 (big return/large + big return/medium + big return/high)
Return on big portfolio
1/3 (big return/large + big return/medium + big return/high)
3 factors fems-french model
E( r i.t)-rf.t= ai + bi [ E(r m,t)-r f.t) +si [ E(SMB t) + hi E(HML t) bi (X1), si (X2), hi (X3) are betas of the factors - factor loadings