Left and right BBB
define bundle branch block
a defect of the bundle branches/fascicles in the electrical conduction system
what happens in RBBB?
activation of the RV is delayed
what may you hear on auscultation of a patient with RBBB?
splitting of the 2nd heart sound
what shape is seen in the V1/V6 leads of someone with RBBB?
- 'M' in V1 - 'W' in V6 - opposite of LBBB
what shape is seen in the V1/V6 leads of someone with LBBB?
- 'W' in V1 - 'M' in V6
what causes RBBB?
- isolated congenital anomaly - or cardiac/pulmonary conditions
signs and symptoms of BBB?
- usually asymptomatic - may complain of syncope (due to intermittent complete heart block/ventricular tachyarrhythmia)
what happens in LBBB?
1. left bundle branches defect prevents/slows flow of conduction 2. activation of the LV is delayed 3. LV contracts later than the RV
what is seen on an ECG of someone with BBB?
= WIDENED QRS complex (>0.12s). different shape depending on L or R
what causes LBBB?
extensive left ventricular disease e.g. aortic stenosis, HTN
which BBB is always pathological?
what may you hear on auscultation of a patient with LBBB?
reverse splitting of the 2nd heart sound