Les Miserables

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What is an important theme in the book

1 .The importance of Love and Compassion: a) Hugo asserts that love and compassion are the most important gifts one person can give another and than always displaying these qualities should be the most important gift in life b) Hugo makes clear that loving others, while difficult is not always a thankless task, and he uses Valjean and Fauchelevent to show that love begets love and compassion begets compassion

Who is Grantaire

1. A member of the ABC society, he differs from the other students in that he has little interest in revolution; he spends most of his time drinking or chasing after women 2. However, he deeply admires the radical Enjolras, and spends time with the ABC society, despite his disagreement with their ideals 3. He is a skeptic of the French revolution 4. He loves and admires Enjolras, who doesn't notice him 5. He is a drunk 6. Enjolras does no accept him 7. Drunkard 8. He is drawn to the group by his reverence for Enjolras

Who is Madame Thenardier

1. A nasty and selfish woman, she is just as evil as her husband and takes special pleasure in abusing Cosette 2. She is the wife of Monsieur Thenardier and the mother of Azelma and Eponine 3. She and her husband take in Cosette, charging her mother a great deal of money and forcing the little girl to perform a number of chores 4. In later years, she becomes her husband's most devoted accomplice and is particularly enthusiastic about his schemes to rob Valjean and Cosette

Who is Champmathieu

1. A poor, uneducated man who unfortunately resembles Valjean so much that he is identified, tried and almost convicted as Valjean 2. He is arrested for the theft of some apples Champmathieu faces a much harsher sentence if he is truly a recidivist criminal, and Valjean goes to Arras to try to exonerate him 3. He proves to be too dim-witted to defend himself successfully, revealing the callousness of the French justice system

Who is Javert

1. A police inspector who strictly believes in law and order and will stop at nothing to enforce France's harsh penal codes 2. He is a narrow minded police officer who's complete focus is upholding the law and punishing every kind of criminal activity 3. He does not believe that one can reform oneself from a criminal background, and he pursues Valjean relentlessly, waiting for him to take a misstep 4. He nurses an especially strong desire to recapture Valjean, whose escapes and prosperity he sees as an affront to justice 5. Ultimately, Javert is unable to say with certainty that Valjean deserves to be punished a) This ambiguity undermines the system of belief on which Javert bases his life and forces him to choose between hypocrisy and honor 6. Javert is completely without mercy, but his harshness stems from his own past: he was born in a prison a) His mother was a gypsy and he did not know his father b) He is incapable of compassion or pity, and performs his work with such passion that he takes on a nearly animal quality when he is on the chase c) He works closely with Father Madeleine and even suspects that he is Jean Valjean at first, before changing his mind 7. He used for work at the gallys when Jean Valjean was a prisoner there a) Javert was a guard for the prison and he knows Jean Valjean b) He believes that Valjean is not up to any good because he was in jail for 19 years c) He is a prison guard for a long time d) He sees some bad things and meet some bad people that may scare you or justify a certain point of view 8. He was born in a prison 9. He has an internal prejudice against criminals a) He sees first hand the kinds of people that end up in prison (his parents and people that he would have met in his early childhood) b) He grows up in prison and not expose to the best kind of people 10. He is trying to make up for his parents crimes a) He would send his own parents to prison and arresting them b) "HE ALMOST MADE THEM EVIL BY HIS EXAGGERATION OF THEM: RESPECT FOR AUTHORITY AND HATRED OF REBELLION; IN HIS EYES, THEFT, MURDER, AL CRIMES WERE ONLY FORMS OF REBELLION." p 47 c) You are breaking the status quo and not following the rules of society d) He is isolated from anyone and everything e) He has no family and all he does is work all day 11. HE IS HIS JOB a) He is on the clock 24/7 365 days a year b) He doesn't want people who are bad to have a good life and wants to punish them c) If you are a good person, you can have a good life, but if you are a bad person then he wants them away from the rest of society and go to prision d) He has a literal interpretation of the law e) He knows the laws and punishment which shows how well versed in the law he is and the consequence for crimes f) He is goes on standard procedures and what is fair for anything g) He doesn't see the reasons behind the crime, he just sees if you break the law or if you didn't e) He just sees the crime and not the motive behind it 12. HE HAS A VERY BLACK AND WHITE VIEW ON HOW HE VIEWS THE LAW AND HOW HE TREATES CRIMINAL a) He is heartless, cold, and distant b) He doesn't feel for these people c) He has completely distance himself from emotion d) When people need compassion or empathy, he has none of it e) He has seen people dying in the streets, taking advantage of each other, and murdering each other and it has become normal for him

Why is Fantine fired from the factory

1. Fantine falls into debt and tries to keep up w/ paying them once a month 2. Works in madeleine's factory in her home town M-sur-m 3. She is let go from the factory because they discover that she has a daughter out of wedlock without a father 4. She gets fired because they found out about her reputation. "You're not married and you had a baby? DISGRACE!" 5. They consider her immoral because they assume that she would be a prostitute on the side

Under what condition do the Thenardiers agree to Fantine's request in to entrust is to abandon?

1. Fantine has to pay 7 francs a mouth 2. Plus she has to pay six months in advance (42 francs) 3. And she has to pay 15 extra francs for the first expenses 4. She has to give all of Cosette's wardrobe to the Thenardiers 5. They sell it as soon as they get into financial trouble

What does Jean Valjean do when he stays the night at the bishop's house? What is the bishop's response in the fall?

1. He is used to rough treatment and is surprised by the respect Myriel shows him 2. Valjean does not initially realize that Myriel is a member of the clergy and is certainly not aware that he is a bishop a) Myriel invited Valjean to spend the night free of charge, offering him a comfortable bed near his own 3. Valjean accepts the invitation, but waits until the household is asleep, and then goes to the cabinet where the silver items are stored and empties them into his knapsack, sneaking out of the house 4. Myriel is unfazed when the theft of the silver and Valjean's sudden disappearance are discovered the next morning a) He comments that the silver has gone to benefit a needy source 5. When Valjean is dragged back to the house by policemen, Myriel publicly describes the theft as a gifts a) He even chides Valjean for having forgotten to take the silver candlesticks as well b) The policemen release the awestruck Valjean 6. Before sending Valjean on his way, Myriel tells him that he must use these funds to make himself an honest man, for Myriel has bought Valjean's soul from evil and given it to god a) Humiliated and confused, Valjean leaves town furtively, as if he were still on the run

Who finds Valjean and Cosette in the old gorbeau house?

1. He soon acquires a reputation in the neighborhood for philanthropy, and because his own clothes are so shoddy, the locals call him the beggar who gives alms 2. One day Valjean stops to give a beggar some money and is petrified when he sees what he thinks is Javert's face peering out from under the beggar's hood a) Valjean has heard rumors that the beggar is a police spy, but he assures himself that he is imagining things 3. The next night, Valjean hears the sound of unfamiliar footsteps coming up the stairs of his tenement a) He tells Cosette to keep absolutely silent and stays up all night waiting for the person outside their apartment to leave 4. Toward daybreak, Valjean hears someone heading back downstairs a) Valjean peers through the keyhole and sees the unmistakable figure of Javert b) Later that morning, the landlady asks Valjean if he heard anyone come in during the previous evening c) He resolves to leave the Gorbeau House as quickly as possible

What prevents Jean Valjean from killing the bishop in the fall?

1. He was going to, but then a cloud moves and shows the moon 2. This lightens up the bishop's face 3. He looks so divine as he is asleep, that Valjean becomes mesmerized and cannot kill him

How long was Jean Valjean in the galleries?

1. He was in for 19 years a) 5 years: theft b) 14 years: for the 4 escape attempts

How is Father Fauchelevent rescued?

1. Madeleine crawls under the wagon, which Fauchelevent was trapped under and lifts it up with his back 2. This is what first makes Javert suspicious that Madeleine is Jean Valjean

What is Fantine's condition in counter-stroke? What does Valjean lie to her about

1. Setting: Montreuil-sur-mer 2. Upon his return to Montreuil-sur-mer, Jean Valjean goes to the hospital to visit Fantine and discovers that his hair has turned completely white 3. He also learns that Fantine is extremely ill, and remains alive only out of anticipation of seeing her daughter 4. Fantine wakes briefly from a fevered sleep to ask about her daughter; Valjean lies to her saying that Cosette is here and Fantine must regain her strength a bit before she is allowed to see her 5. Fantine rhapsodizes to Valjean about the joy of her upcoming reunion with her daughter, until they are surprised by the sudden appearance of Javert 6. She believes that she hears her daughter playing outside the room 7. She starts talking about Cosette's first communion and how happy she will be to see it

Why does Fantine entrust Cosette into Madame Thenardier's care?

1. She drops Cosette off to the thenardiers. She trusts them, she says they are nice. 2. The innkeeper and his wife are named the Thenardiers 3. Fantine leave Cosette with the Thenardiers Fantine feels comfortable doing this because they have two kids around the same age and Cosette and the Thenardiers get along together a) She doesn't have much choice and is desperate b) Innkeepers probably means hospitable c) She thinks they have a stable middle class business d) They have room for Cosette to stay e) All signs are pointing to positive outcomes f) Then she is put so much in debt that her life falls apart after she leaves the factory

Who is Gavroche?

1. Status: dead 2. A little urchin boy, he roams the streets of Paris 3. He is the neglected son of the Thenardiers, but he prefers the streets to the company of his family 4. He is the Thenardier's oldest son 5. He is kicked out of the house at an early age and becomes a parisian street urchin 6. He is a happy-go-lucky child who enjoys the small pleasures of life and demonstrates unusual generosity toward those even less fortunate than he is 7. He is also fierce and brave, and plays a decisive role in the barricade even though he does not have a gun 8. He dies a heroic death on the barricades

Who is Joly

1. Status: dead 2. A member of the ABC society 3. He is a hypochondriac who studies medicine 4. Still he has a very happy disposition 5. Is a young imaginer 6. He is a germaphobe/ hypochondriac and learns medicine to protect himself 7. He thinks he is sick, but he is really not 8. He learns how to be a patient that he has all of this knowledge of medicine, but it is not so that he can become a doctor someday 9. He knows as much as the doctors do because he has been a patient for so long 10 He is 23 11. Spends a lot of time looking at his tongue in the mirror a) Cause he thinks he is sick all of the time 12. He is a happy and agreeable person 13. Eccentric

Who is Bishop Bienovenu/ Myriel?

1. The bishop of Digne, M. Myriel is a much admired clergyman whose great kindness and charity have made him popular throughout his parish 2. He passes on these same qualities to Valjean and initiates the ex-convict's spiritual renewal by saving Valjean from arrest and making him promise to lie as an honest man 3. Despie a tragic past (the French Revolution ruined his family and his wife died young), Myriel is a generous and kind hearted man of god 4. He is famed for his good deeds throughout the area of Digne 5. Myriel is the one who restores Valjean's faith in humanity 6. Brother of Mademoiselle Baptistine 7. Servant is Madame Magloire

What are the rumors about Jean Valjean circle after his arrest? What is Boulatruelle looking for

1. The chapter opens with two newspaper articles describing the capture of the fugitive Jean Valjean, who once again becomes a prisoner and is sentenced to work labor 2. Rumors fly about the capture of Jean Valjean 3. Newspaper articles suggest he was Fantine's lover and that he withdrew 700,000 francs just before his arrest 4. In the town of Montfermeil, where the Thenardiers inn is located, people notice an old road mender named Boulatruelle digging holes i the forest 5. Thenardier gets Boulatruelle drunk a) The old man reveals that he has seen former prison comrade enter the forest with a small chest, a pick, and a show and that he is trying to find the buried treasure

What happens at Orion in the ship Orion

1. The narrator directs our attention to a newspaper article along the Orion, a warship docked in Toulon 2. In November 1823,a sailor on the Orion falls off one of the ship's masts, barely catching hold a footrope a) No one from the substantial crows is willing to make the dangerous effort to rescue the sailor, but one of the convicts on the ship' chain gang asks for permission to rescue the man b) The officer agrees and the prisoner climbs up the ship's rigging and saves the sailor c) The crowd applauds the prisoner's death defying feat, but the prisoner suddenly stumbles and falls into the water d) He does no resurface e) After an extensive search, the convict, who is jean Valjean is proclaimed drowned

What is Cosette afraid of in fulfillment of the promise made to the departed? What does she stair at in the shop window

1. The novel reintroduces us to Cosette on Christmas Eve of 1823, one month after Valjean disappears in the water of Toulon a) She is now 8 years old and still lives with the Thenardiers in Montfermeil b) They force Cosette to work, beat her, insult her mother, and practically stare her, while pampering and spoiling their own two daughters, Eponine and Azelma c) But they treat their baby boy, Gavroche, as poorly say Cosette, viewing him as merely another mouth to feed 2. A group of travelers arrive at the inn and are drinking and partying a) The tavern runs out of water just as night is falling and Madame Thenardier forces Cosette to go to the well in the darkness b) Cosette is terrified of going into the woods at night and tries to delay and lie, but Madame Thenardier screams at her to hurt c) Cosette is forced to drag the bucket which is nearly as big as she is, into the night 3. Cosette takes some solace in the beauty of a magnificent doll in a shop window- the dll has real hair and a beautiful pink dress a) For the lonely little girl, this lovely sight offers a bit of comfort in her bleak existence, though she is certain she will never own anything so lovely b) She leaves behind the lights of the town and heads into pitch blackness c) She is caught between her terror of the dark and her fear of Madame Thenardier and forces herself onward d) The forest is dark, cold, and terrifying, and when Cosette fills the bucket, she can barely carry it e) She cries out to God

Who is Marius Pontmercy

1. The son of Georges Pontmercy, a colonel in Napoleon's army and a war hero 2. He is the grandson of an eccentric member of nobility, M. Gillenormand, whose house he grows up in 3. Marius has an identity crisis when he learns the real reason for his separation from his father and this crisis sets him on the path to discovering himself 4. Marius is an intelligent and idealistic young man 5. Marius is nonetheless capable of great things and manages both to fight on the barricades and successfully court the love of his life, Cosette 6. Father and Son do get to be closer than Marius knows a) Father sees him at church every couple of months and watches him b) Father writes to Marius in his will that he will give Marius his titles c) Marius learns this and is disowned for taking his father's political beliefs d) Marius doesn't know that his dad is a revolutionary until he reads the letter that his father wrote to him to give it to him after the war e) He doesn't start believing in the ideal until after he learns about his father f) He is 17 years old at the time g) Before he believes what his grandfather tells him, and now he believes what his dad did

Who is Azelma Thenardier

1. The youngest daughter of the Thenardier family 2. She adores her sister, Eponine 3. Azelma grows up pampered and spoiled but ends up enduring the same poverty as the rest of her family

What are examples in Les Mis that

1. jean valjean's journey to do good and be on a spiritual quest for God 2. ABC's and the men in the barricade because they are fighting against a higher power 3. Important life events take place in a garden/love for gardens and outdoors shown by characters because it talks about the going back to nature 4. Fantine's ghost being near cosette

Who is Petit Gerais

A small boy who Valjean robs shortly after leaving Digne

Why does Jean Valjean commit his crime that put him in prison?

He was unemployed and his nieces and nephews were starving and needed bread, so he stole some, but got caught

What promise does Jean Valjean make to Fantine after her death?

He whispers in her ear that he will find Cosette and look after her for Fantine

Which character is a foil to Javert?

Jean Valjean 1. They both start in prison, but move on to become two opposite people after they leave prison 2. Javert is about the law and strict interpretation of justice, but Jean Valjean is about flexibility in the law to help the individual first a) Jean Valjean is about mercy b) Javert only gives people one chance

What is Father Madeline's one condition of employment

be an honest person

Who is Monsieur Thenardier

1. A greedy and selfish man, he works in a variety of jobs including tavern owner 2. He claims to have fought in the 1815 campaign 3. He is the husband of Madame Thenardier and the father of Azelma and Eponine 4. He and his wife take in Cosette, charging her mother a great deal of money and forcing the little girl to perform a number of chores 5. A cruel, wretched, money-obsessed man who first appears as Cosette's keeper and tormentor Thenardier extorts money from whomever he can, and he frequently serves as an informant to whoever will bid the highest 6. His schemes range from robbery to fraud to murder, and he has strong ties to the criminal underworld in Paris 7. Blinded by greed, Thenardier is incapable of loving other human beings and spends every minute in pursuit of money 8. They are HORRIBLE. Absolutely HORRIBLE. a) At first they seem very nice, own a business, etc. b) The Thenardiers have 2 daughters already. c) They come up with excuses to earn more money. "Oh we need more money. Cosette is sick" etc d) They are the main villians in the story e) They contribute to Fantine's downfalls f) They are not in the middle class, but are not poor enough to be in the lower class

Who is Fantine

1. A young and beautiful woman from an impoverished background 2. She is a working class girl who leaves her hometown of Montreuil-sur-mer to seek her fortune in Paris 3. Fantine's innocent affair with a dapper student named Tholomyes leaves her pregnant and abandoned 4. Her daughter is Cosette a) In order to support her daughter, Cosette, she takes up a number of low paying manual jobs, and finally resorts to prostitution b) She never stops caring for Cosette 5. She dies from consumption/TB, but not before securing a better future for her daughter 6. She represents the destruction that 19th century French society cruelly wrecks on the less fortunate 7. She leaves Cosette under the care of the Thenardier 8. Fantine is arrested by Javert 9. She is rescued by Father Madeleine/Jean Valjean, whom she blamed for getting her fired from her job

What is Patron Minette? Who is a part of it

1. Actually four people, Patron-Minette is a Parisian crime ring so close kit that its four members- Montparnasse, Babet, Claquesous, and Gueulemer- are described as four heads of the same violent beast 2. Patron-Minette controls all the crime in one section of Paris and assists in the Thenardiers' ambush of Valjean 3. Every society has a third substage 4. There is an upper part and a lower part 5. People keep choosing those actions for themselves a) They are described has evil b) They continuously choose to live an evil lifestyle over and over again c) They are mysterious and behind the scenes, in the shawdow d) You hear about it, but you do not always see it

What is Javert's reasons for believing Madeliene is John Valjean and for punishing Fantine

1. Almost arrests Fantine for 6 months even though he didn't witness the situation. 2. He is a cop. a) "I obey my duty. My duty is to sentence her for 6 months in prison". This quote from the book shows that HE IS HIS JOB. he is loyal. He is like a robot; programmed to do his job. When he is told to stop and not arrest Fantine, he "self-destructs" 3. Doesn't listen to her because she is a prostitute 4. Believes the mayer is Jean ValJean! Based on: 5. Appearance a) tone/voice b) He couldn't arrest the mayor, even though he wanted to. (he thinks the mayer is jean valjean) because there was another man who was arrested that was supposedly jean valjean. When Javier announces "hey I found the real jean valjean, it's the mayor!" BUT the majority on the other side states "no its not! We already found him over here. He's arrested"

What is Romanticism

1. An 18th and 19th century literary movement characterized by: a) A depiction of emotion and imagination b) A depiction of beauty and nature c) Setting that are in exotic or remote locations. Old Castles or mansions frequently play an important role d) A hero or heroine who rebels against the social norms of the society e) An intense interest in nature, its beauty, and/or its fierceness f) An interest in the irrational realms of dreams, folk superstitions legends, and ghosts g) Language and characters marked by emotional intensity

What happens at the Champmathieu trial in the Champmathieu trail?

1. Despite his hopes that he has missed the trial of Champmathieu, he arrives in the courthouse to discover that it is still in progress 2. A guard tries to stop Madeleine from entering the courtroom, but his fame and widespread respect precede him, and he enters the courtroom through a secret door reserved for honored guests 3. To Madeleine's horror, Champmathieu does look exactly like him, and the scene in the courtroom is the perfect mirror of the one that Madeleine/Valjean faced so many years ago 4. Champmathieu tries in vain to argue his innocence, but his rough speech and confusion does not win him the sympathy of the jury 5. Madeleine realizes that Champmathieu is not smart enough to defend himself properly 6. Javert has already given his testimony, and three of Valjean's former prison mates swear that Champanthieu is in fact Valjean 7. Just as the judge is about to pronounce a sentence and convict Champmathieu, Madeleine/Valjean stands up and proclaims his true identity- he is the ex-convict Jean Valjean 8. The judge immediately asks if there is a doctor present to escort the esteemed mayor home, since he seems to be in a state of confusion 9. But Valjean argues his case persuasively, identifying details about his fellow prisoners (scars and tattoos) that only one of their intimates would know 10. The court is completely stunned, and no one stops Valjean as he walks out of the courtroom Champmathieu is acquitted and released

What is Fantine's condition in Javert? What do the Thenardiers do to Madeleine?

1. Fantine is moved to the infirmary; she has developed a terrible cough from the snowball incident, ad she is running a high fever 2. She develops a chronic chest ailment 3. As her condition worsens, Madeleine continues to care for her a) Madeleine also sends great sums of money to the Thenardiers, asking them to use it to bring Cosette to her mother b) However, the thenardiers realize that it would be more profitable for them to old on to Cosette, so they refuse to send her to Fantine c) Madeleine plans to retrieve Cosette, but his plan is derailed when Javert visits him the next day and demands to be fired

What are the three steps to Father's Madeleine's ascent to respectability? What name is he given at each step?

1. He arrives in the city and saves children from a burning building a) His name is Father Madeleine 2. He finds a new way to make black goods for a faster and cheaper price a) His name is Monsieur Madeleine 3. He is offered the position of Mayor by the king, which he rejects a) Then he is offered the position again, and accepts b) His name is now Monsieur the Mayor

Why does Jean Valjean choose to free Champmathieu?

1. He chooses to free Champmathieu 2. He promises to be a better person, but he has never been truly tested in terms as his life as Madeleine and his reputation 3. He fails his first test with Petit Gervais impacts his role as Madeleine and it is the reason for him freeing Champmathieu 4. He doesn't want to fail again and for anyone else to suffer because of him 5. He realizes that he needs to be a better person because of the bishop and after he doesn't do that with Petit than he probably wouldn't have made the same decision that he did in the end a) He made the right choice because Fatine was going to die anyway (she has tuberculosis/ consumption) and even though she died as a result of her shock with Madeleine's revelation b) He has Champmathieu to be his snacgoat for everything that he has ever done c) Javert won't question him d) Everyone says that Champmathieu is him and he looks like Valjean

How does Javert feel as he is going to arrest Jean Valjean?

1. He feels joy and takes pride in arresting him a) "It was the face of a demon who had again found his victim" (p112) 2. He is laughing and relishing in the fact that he is about to arrest Jean Valjean 3. This is the happiest moment in his life a) This is his gratification after months of torturing himself about being wrong b) He thought he lost his edge as a detective and even believes that Champathieu is Jean Valjean c) He found Jean Valjean and everyone kept telling him that he was wrong so now he wants to rub it in their faces that he was right

What is Champmathieu being charged with? Does he have a fair trial?

1. He is dirty and looks like Valjean 2. He is on trial for a) breaking and entering and stealing an apple branch b) stealing from the bishop's house c) Stealing from Petit d) Breaking "his" parole 3. The authority figures ignored the testimony of Champmathieu because they assumed that he was guilty and he had to prove that he was innocent Javert, is a well respected chief of police so when he says that Champmathieu is Valjean than they believe him 4. The prisoners' testimony only add to it 5. The police are interested in tying up loose ends and they believe that he is Valjean so they are moving quickly to put him away

Describe the bishop?

1. He is generous a) Donates a lot to charity and gives up his home for the hospital 2. Non Judgemental 3. Positive a) Sees the good in people 4. Benevolent a) The people in the town love him because he is kind 5. Trusting a) Doesn't lock his door at night 6. Meditative and thoughtful a) Sits in his garden and contemplates life and God 7. Thankful a) His disposition is full of gratitude 8. Warm and inviting a) Towns people love him

Who is jean Valjean

1. Imprisoned for stealing bread in order to feed his sister's children, Valjean is a good man turned bad by circumstances 2. His brother-in-law, sister, and parents are died 3. He takes care of his sister's children 4. When he meets a generous priest, Monsieur Myriel, he begins to turn his life around, becoming a successful businessman and later taking in the lost child Cosette 5. Cosette's adopted father 6. He leaves behind a life of hatred and deceit and makes his fortune with his innovative industrial techniques 7. He finds fulfillment in loving his adopted daughter and helping people who are in difficult situations, even when it means risking his own life and welfare 8. ValJean adopts pseudonyms to evade the police, most notably Monsieur Madeleine, and combine a convict's street smarts with his newfound idealism and compassion a) Saves people from burning fire. b) Owner of the factory M-SUR-M c) Goes from father to monsieur to mayer d) He intervenes with Fantine being arrested and he forces Javier to let her go. He does this because he wants to be a good person and saw the situation between Fantine and the citizen. e) However, Fantine is still mad at him because he didn't help her during her job and she got fired. f) Forces Javier to retire/stop. . g) Promises to Fantine to bring Cosette to her vs. save Champmathieu from being pushed for help more people in M--sur--M 9. However, his past threatens to follow him into his brighter present, and he has to go into hiding once more 10. Valjean is intelligent and resourceful, and notable for his incredible physical strength 11. His whole life is a quest for redemption, and he ultimately finds bliss on his deathbed

What is the epiphany that Valjean has after his encounter with Petit Gervais in the fall

1. In the countryside, he takes a silver coin from a little boy named Petit Gervais 2. As the boy runs off crying, Valjean is struck by the wickedness of his act 3. He tries in vain to find the boy and returns to the city 4. Valjean begins to cry for the first time in 19 years 5. Confronted by his own malice, he vows to become an upstanding citizen 6. Later that night, he prays on the doorstep of muriel's house

How does Valjean get Cosette from the Thenardiers in fulfillment of the promise made of the department?

1. In the morning, Valjean unquestioningly pays what the Thenardiers ask of him, and he inquires about taking Cosette 2. Madame Thenardier is eager to get rid of the child, but Thenardier pretends to be reluctant to part with the girl, hoping to gouge more money out of Valjean 3. He asks Valjean for 1500 francs which Thenardier claims will cover the cost of Cosette's keep but in fact is the exact sum that Thenardier owes to his debtors 4. Valjean pays it without hesitation and leaves with Cosette, his promise to Fantine finally fulfilled 5. Safe at last, Cosette falls asleep in Valjean's arms

What piece of advice does the Madame la Marquise de R- give to Jean Valjean

1. It has made him cold 2. He hates society so much that he often has a trail for it in his mind while in prison where he sentences it for horrible crimes against humanity

What happens with Thenardier and Georges Pontmercy in waterloo

1. It is June 18, 1815, and the narrator gives us a vivid and extensie account of the Battle of Waterloo 2. The traveller wanders about the area; there is a chapel, a few ruins, some animals scratching at the dust 3. This place was the site of an intense battle between the French and the English a) The traveller notes how the two sides utilized quirks of the landscape during the battle, and describes the entire conflict in great detail b) The battle marks the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte and the end of his empire c) The narrator, suggesting that most accounts of the battle are seen from the perspective of the victorious British, resolves to focus instead on the efforts of the French forces d) Napoleon's men view their leader with religious awe, but despite his brilliance they are defeated by foul weather e) It is raining which prevent the French from using their substantial store cannons 4. During the night following the battle, prowlers emerge and begin to steal gold and jewelry from the dead soldiers a) A man moves among the battlefield, one of the camp-followers who loot the corpses of fallen soldiers b) This pursuit is dangerous since the leader of the English troops has ordered all thieves to be shot dead 5. Seeing a particularly valuable jewel on the uniform of a man half-buried in a pile of corpses, the night prowler pulls the man from the heap a) As the man steals a cross, a watch, and money from a seemingly dead officer, the officer suddenly revives b) The officer thinks the prowler has saved his life and asks his name c) The robber replies that his name is Thenardier d) The officer, whose name is Georges Pontmercy, promises always to remember Thenardier for saving his life

Why does Javert come into Fantine's room in counter-strike? How does Fantine die?

1. Javert appearance, visibly excited by the prospect of arresting Valjean and is ordered to take Monsieur madeleine into police custody a) Javert feels that he has been vindicated, and doing a noble act by stamping out crime 2. Jean Valjean begs Javert to give him three days to retrieve Fantine's child, after which he will submit willing to arrest a) Fantine cries out in protest when Javert refuses this, and Javert snaps at her, explaining that Monsieur Madeleine is really a convict b) Fantine dies from the shock of this revelation and horrified by the news that her daughter is not yet in Montreuil 3. Valjean anrgrily breaks free from Javert's grasp, blaming him for Fantine's death a) He whispers something in Fantine's ear b) He arranges Fantine's head on the pillow, fix her night dress and replaced her hair beneath her cap, and closes her eyes c) He kisses her hand and then gives himself up 4. Javert takes Valjean to the local prison 5. Fantine is buried in a public grave

Why does Javert wished to be punished?

1. Javert asks to be fired because he feels guilty for believing that Madeleine is Jean Valjean and then he is lied to by Madeleine 2. This is why Madeleine does not fire him 3. Javert is dead on, but this is only a tiny mistake, but to him his whole world is crashing down

What does Javert reveal to Madeleine in Javert? Who does everyone believe is Jean Valjean

1. Javert tells Madeleine that he has long suspected him to being Valjean and that he denounced Madeleine to the authorities after Madeleine ordered Fantine's release 2. Javert claims that he has since discovered that Valjean, pretending to be a man named Champmathieu has just been arrested for robbery (stealing apples which is a minor crime in itself) and is standing trial in the town of Arras 3. However, Champmathieu bears a strong physical resemblance to Jean Valjean, they are the same age and from the same hometown and share similar names 4. One prisoner has already testified that Champmathieu is actually Valjean 5. Champmathieu is standing trial for robbing the bishop's place, committed another robbery against Petet (the little Savoyard) 6. Javert claims that he has positively identified Champmathieu as Valjean and that he is leaving for Arras to testify in the trial the following day 7. Madeline pretends to be unconcerned and refuses to relieve Javert of his duty a) Javert leaves

Who is Monsieur Gillenormand

1. Marius's 90 year old maternal grandfather 2. He is a relic of the old pre-revolutionary order and he hates the new political ideas, and gathers in salon with other like minded people to relieve the old bourgeois order 3. A devout monarchists, Gillenormand rejects the French Revolution outright and also rejects Pontmercy Napoleonic beliefs 4. Through he is gruff ad curt, he loves hi grandson Marius deeply 5. Although Gilenormand's classist views sometimes offended Marius, he truly loves his grandson and ultimately does what is necessary to make Marius happy 6. He prevents Marius from seeing his father, Georges Pontmercy, because he fears that Pontmercy will corrupt Marius 7. He is a loyalist/royalist 8. Supports the monarchy 9. He had a lot of money, but the older one has more of it 10 He has two daughters a) Older b) She is not married c) She has all of the money,, but it comes from him d) Her father is abusive to him e) She is promiscuous f) Younger g) She is married to a revolutionist, Sergeant/Baron/Colonel George Pontmercy h) Gives Barron to his son when he dies i) She and Pontmercy have a son, Marius j) She is dead k) Marius has no memory of her and his father has custody of him 11. He forces Pontmercy to give up Marius a) He will disinherit Marius if Pontmercy doesn't give him Marius b) Pontmercy gives up Marius so he can have a better life c) Similar to the story of Fantine and cosette d) Does this because he wants Marius to be a loyalist e) This fails anyway 12. He is very old, 90 years old in a) He is really health, but his habbits at not great b) All 32 teeth

What struggles does Fantine face in the descent? Why is she arrested and who saves her?

1. Meanwhile, Fantine returns to town and acquires a job at a factory owned by Monsieur Madeleine, sending much of her paycheck to the Thenardiers for the care of Cosette a) The illiterate Fantine writes letters to the Thenardiers by dictating to a scribe who turns out to be a gossip and who tells the factory workers that Fantine is hiding an illegitimate child b) This discovery prompts the Thenardiers to raise the cost for caring for Cosette, and Fantine is subsequently fired from her job on charges of immorality c) She owes many people money, and although she tries to live on as little as she can, the Thenardiers continue to raise their price for taking care of Cosette 2. Fantine takes a job mending shirts, making a tiny amount of money; she is forced to sell all her furniture, and barely eats and sleeps a) The Thenardiers demand money to buy medicine for Cosette, and Fantine sells her long blonde hair to provide it b) The Thenardiers spend it on other things 3. In order to meet the increasing demands of the Thenardiers, Fantine sells several of her front teeth, they are ripped out of her head by a traveling dentist, to be made into dentures 4. When the Thenardier demand one hundred francs or they will kick Cosette out, she resorts to prostitution a) She suffers terribly in this profession 5.One night, a man harasses Fantine as she waits for potential clients outside a bar a) The man hits Fantine with a snowball and she snaps and attacks him b) Javert appears just in time to witness this, a prostitute assaulting a citizen, and he drags her back to the police station c) She begs for mercy, trying to explain her situation and her need to provide a life for her little daughter Javert is unmoved and sentences her to six months in prison d) Fantine weeps despairingly e) At this moment, Monsieur Madeleine walks in the door f) Fantine in complete despair and confusion, blames him for her present predicament and spits in his face g) Madeleine calmly wipes off her spit, and tells the stunned Javert that she is to go free h) Javert protests that she has committed an awful crime,but Madeleine uses his power as mayor to overrule him i) Fantine, amazed, blurts out her life story to Monsieur Madeleine; he tells her that he will provide her with a living stipend and reunite her with her daughter j) Overwhelmed, Fantine faints k) Javert is outraged that Madeleine has overruled his decisions and decides to investigate Madeleine's past

Describe Jean Valjean's appearance. How does he first experience prejudice when entering the town of D-?

1. Middle height, 46 or 47 years old 2. He is wearing a leather cap that hides his face, which is tan and dripping with sweat, a yellow shirt, and an old cravat on, his clothes are tattered, and he has very poor quality shoes 3. His hair is cropped and uneven and a long beard 4. He is caring a walking stick and a knapsack 5. He is muscular 6. At the inn. The innkeeper lets him in because he has money 7. Jean looks like every stereotypical convict so the innkeeper gets curious and sends a boy to the mayor's office to find out the truth 8. Once the boy comes back with the news that Valjean is a convict, he is asked to leave the inn 9. Valjean is stared at as he walks through the town and is chased after my little children

Why is Javert suspicious of Madeleine in the descent? What is his backstory

1. Only Javert, the town's police inspector, suspects that Madeleine may be harboring a dark secret Javery suspects that Madeleine is actually Jean Valjean, an extraordinarily strong convict whom Javert once guarded 2. Javert, who has born in a prison, has a rigid sense of justice a) He does not believe that people are truly capable of reform b) He is not quite certain that he recognizes Valjean (who has skirted the law by hiding his identity as an ex-convict), but he watched him closely 3. Javert's suspicions are heightened one day when an elderly man named Fauchelevent is trapped when his horse carriage overturns and Monsieur Madeleine rushes in to rescue him a) Javert calmly remarks that in his whole like he has seen only one person that had the strength necessary to lift a cart; this man was a convict in the prison at Toulon b) Monsieur Madeleine turns pale, but rushes in and saved the man anyway c) Javery becomes more certain of the wealthy mayor's true identity d) Though Madeleine is aware of Javert's suspicions, he does not appear to feel threatened by them

Who rescues Cosette in fulfillment of the promise made to the department? How do the Thenardier's treat this savior? What does the savior do for cosette throughout the night?

1. Out of nowhere, a large hand reaches down and lifts the bucket from her shoulders 2. Through Cosette does not know her rescuer, she is remarkably not afraid of the large man holding the bucket a) He caught sight of Cosette as he was leaving the woods, and immediately stoops to help her b) He is stunned when he learns her name and that of the family she works for, and walks with her back to the Thenardiers inn c) The man, who is Valjean, follows her back to the Thenardiers inn where he intends to spend the night 3. The Thenardiers greet lajean coolly; they assume he is a pauper and cannot pay for his room and board a) He stuns them when he offers them five francs to purchase the stockings that Cosette is knitting under the table, allowing her a rare chance to play b) She has only a little lead sword to play with, but she pretends that it is a doll c) The chrished and pampered daughters of the Thenardiers, named Eponine and Azelma drop their dolls to play with the kitten d) Shyly, Cosette approaches this dropped doll and begins to play with it, which prompts Madame Thenardier to fly into a rage and threaten to beat her 4. Cosette weeps, but Valjean commands an end to this cruelty, then walks out and buy the magnificent doll from the shop window and gives it to Cosette, who is beside herself with joy a) Madame Thenardier is enraged that her daughters must enviously water Cosette playing with this doll; the Thenardier family resoles to charge this strange man the highest possible prices for his stay at the inn

Woo is Claquesous

1. Part of Patron Minette 2. He is a night bird and doesn't tell people his really name 3. He is secretive and always wears a mask when ever he goes out and only goes out at night 4. Sneaky, quiet, cunning, mysterious, hangs out in the shadow, constantly moving, restless 5. Not sure what his real name is, he is a ventriloquist (can change his voice) 6. He wears a face mask

Who is Babet

1. Part of Patron Minette 2. He is thin and shrewd, transparent, but impenetrable 3. His eyes are cold and filled with nothing 4. He is a chemist, a barkeeper, a clown, a vaudeville 5. He is an affected man, a great talker 6. Very thin, clever, charming, deceptive, self taught chemists, cold, harden, purposeful, you can't read him, unforgettable

Who is Gueulemer?

1. Part of Patron Minette 2. Six feet tall, and very buff and fit, described as having a bird's skull 3. Where's duck pantaloon and a cotton-velvet waistcoat 4. Lives in the Arche-Marion sewer 5. Extremely muscular, repeat criminal instead of being famous, six feet tall, he lives in the gutter, small head, he is not book smart/has street smarts, looks like a bird's skull 6. "He could have subdued monsters; he found it easier to become one" (p246)

Who is Montparnasse

1. Part of Patron Minette 2. The pretty boy 3. He is young and handsome 4. He has all of the vices and aspires to commit all crimes 5. He has murdered several people at only 18 years old 6. He is ladies man and dresses very well 7. Young, good looking, a lot of vices, murdered quite a few people, aspires to do worse crimes, enjoys committing crimes/ being bad

What dilemma does Jean Valjean face when he finds out that Champmathieu is begin charged for his crimes?

1. Promise to Fantine to bring Cosette to her and help more people in M-sur- M vs save Champmathieu from being punished for Valjean's sins a) He has a responsibility to everyone that he has employed at his factory in M-sur-M b) Promises to Fantine that he will bring her daughter to her c) He feels compelled to bring Cosette to her mother d) He feels like he owns it to her because he feels responsible for Fantine to have to go into prostitution e) The doctor told him that Valjean has to bring the daughter to Fantine because she doesn't have long f) It is a time based issue that he has to fix g) Fantine ends up dying anyway because she finds out that her daughter is not actually there h) He was an orphan and he wants Cosette to have one last memory of her mother i) It pulls on her heartstrings j) He had to help his nieces and nephews and his sister when she couldn't fend for herself and he had to abandon them when he was arrested He has a soft spot to help single mothers and their kids k) No one helped him when he got out of prison, so he wants to pay it forward l) He wants to be the bishop for someone else m) He knows that Fantine is in debt to the thenardiers and he wants to help her recieve Cosette n) They do not give Cosette away because she is their ATM o) If Valjean had stayed with Fantine instead of freeing Champmathieu, he would have taken care of Cosette

Who is the stranger that comes into D- in the Fall? How do the townspeople treat him?

1. Setting: Digne October 1815 2. In October 1815, a mysterious wanderer enters Digne 3. The man has been walking all day and is desperately hungry 4. His first stop is at the mayor's office where the law requires him to show a yellow passport indicating that he is an ex-convict 5. The man is tired and hungry, but no inn will feed or board a man with a criminal record, and news of his status circulates quickly in the small town a) The innkeeper at La Croix de Colbas agrees to feed the man, but sends out a messenger boy to the mayor's office b) Upon the boy's return, the innkeeper learns that the man is an ex-convict and refuses to serve him c) In desperation, he knocks on the door of the prison to ask for lodging for the night, but he is told that the only way to get in there is to get arrested again d) The man's reputation has preceded him and the townspeople are afraid

What has Monsieur Madeleine done to M-sur-m in the descent? What is his backstory

1. Setting: Montreuil in 1820 2. Twelve years have passed since Fantine has been to her hometown of Montreuil-sur-mer and she is surprised at how much the town has grown and modernized during the past decade 3. The changes are largely due to Monsieur Madeleine, a stranger about whom little is known a) He arrived in Montreuil in 1815 with a newer, cheaper method for producing glass black beads, the town's largest industry, making a fortune for himself b) A manufacturing revolution ensued, and Madeleine's cunning and philanthropy so impressed the kind that he made Madeleine the mayor of Montreuil in 1820 c) He dedicates himself to charity and justice, providing jobs to the poor and donating money to the needy throughout the district d) He is offered a position as major due to his great wealth and service and accepts when an elderly woman reminds him of all the good he can do with such a position e) No one knows much about Madeleine's past, but he has been wildly popular since the day he saved two children in a burning building on his first night in town f) The two children who turned out to be the sons of the police chief, so no one asked for his identity papers g) The townspeople comment on Madeleine's quirks and foibles, such as his wearing of a black hat and after the death of the bishop Myriel h) He calls himself Pere Madeleine, but he was previously known as Jean Valjean

What decision does Valjean make in the Champmathieu affair

1. Setting: Montreuil-sur-mer/Arras 2. Madeleine, who is Jean Valjean in disguise, is faced with the agonizing decision of whether to turn himself in 3. If Champmathieus is an ex-convict, he will receive a heavier prison sentence for his theft, in addition to the punishment he faces for skipping out on parole- a) Valjean has mysteriously disappeared from the authorities 4. If he reveals his true identity, the innocent Champmathieu will be freed, but Valjean will not longer be able to help the poor people of Montreuil-sur-mer a) On the one hand, he has reformed his life becoming a respected member of society and renouncing all criminal activity b) Champmathieu on the other hand did commit the crime of stealing apples 5. JEAN VALJEAN DOES THIS BECAUSE HE ON THE CONSCIOUS INSTILLED IN HIM BY THE BISHOP MAKES HIM NOT WANT TO LET CHAMPMATHIEU SUFFER FOR HIS CRIMES 6. He goes to Arras in hopes that Champmathieu is not convicted so he doesn't have to confess a) He confesses when he realizes that champmathieu will be sentenced b) However, if Valjean is silent, an innocent man will be condemned to imprisonment c) Valjean/Madeleine does not want to return to the nightmare of imprisonment, but he does not want to someone else to be forced to suffer in his place

Where does an Upright man take place? What does Bishop Bienvenu do for the people of D-

1. Setting: The city of Digne 1815 2. Monsieur Charles François Bienvenu Myriel moves to Digne to become the bishop at 75 in 1815 3. He arrived at Digne accompanied by his sister, Mademoiselle Baptistine a) She is tall, thin, and illuminated by the goodness of her spirit b) They are joined by their servant Madame Magloire, a busy and pragmatic older woman who dotes on the siblings 4. The bishop's palace at Digne is a magnificent palace; vast gardens, sumptuous dining rooms, and numerous luxurious bedrooms a) It is located next to the hospital , a tiny cramped building b) After hearing about the suffering at the hospital during epidemics and other times of crisis, Bishop Myriel decides that hospital will be relocated to the bishop's palace while Myriel, his sister, and their servant take up residence in the former hospital c) Bishop Myriel spends the vast majority of his generous bishop's allowance on charitable causes (such as food for hospital patients, maternity societies, and orphanages) setting aside a tiny portion to sustain his sister, Madame Magloire, and himself 5. Moreover, the bishop is a scholarly and learned man a) When he is not tending to his people, he studies the Bible in a variety of languages and reads the work of obscure theologians b) His only two indulgences are keeping an immaculately clean house and retaining a few items made from silver, including knives, forks, a two beautiful candlesticks that he inherited from a great-aunt c) Despite these cherished treasures, Myriel never looks his doors at night; he wants to be available to anyone with need at any time of night 6. His actions earns him the nickname, "Bienvenu" which means welcome a) He enjoys late hour studies and walking along his garden at night meditating about the wonders of God

What is Fantine forced to do in order to pay her bills and the Thenariders? How do the Thenariders trick her

1. She falls behind on her rent 2. She can't pay for her furniture causes she rents it 3. She sells her hair: a) The Thenardiers tell her that Cosette needs new clothing b) The money really goes to buying their children new clothes 4. She sells her front teeth: a) This guy in a traveling cart offers her two napoleons for her two front teeth b) She feels that she needs to do this (says no at first) because the Thenardiers tell her that Cosette is sick with the miliary fever (this is an infectious disease) c) She has fallen behind and is trying to get money to them or they will throw Cosette out d) She has nothing left to sell but herself/prostitution e) She then knows that she HAS to sell herself become a prostitute to earn money for Cosette :( This was the only option for her because: f) No one would hire her g) Her hair only grows at a certain rate h) She didn't want to sell all of her teeth 5. When she becomes a prostitute, it is a self fulling prophecy a) Self fulling prophecy: you are expected to be something for so long by others, that you eventually become this b) You are labeled and stereotyped as something that you are not and are treated like this, that you start to believe it and start acting like it c) She only becomes a prostitute because she has exhausted all over options

Why does Javert punish Fantine for the fight with the man? What is the punishment

1. She gets in trouble with Javert 2. A guy wants to buy her services and he throws a snowball at her and Fantine attacks her Javert hears this and agrees with the man because the guy is a man and she looks like she is in the wrong a) Javert tells considers the man a civilian and is dehumanizing Fantine 3. Javert casualties sentences Fantine to 6 months in prison a) Fantine begs him not to do that 4. Then Madeleine comes to the rescue 5. She ALMOST gets 6 months in prison - she is deathly afraid of this! Why? There was an incident where someone threw a snowball at her. They got into a fight and she scratched his face a) Hates madeleine at the time

Describe Fantine's life

1. She goes through much and puts herself through everything for the sake of her daughter 2. She doesn't know her family and they are not around 3. She meets a guy-becomes pregnant-her lover runs offs because it was a joke for him and not real 4. Her daughter's name is Cosette 5. She is alone with a daughter and she needs money to take care of Cosette 6. She has no money because the guy she is in love with runs off and she has no family 7. There is a big stigma against her story of being a single unwed mother 8. She is considered immoral woman 9. Do not blame the guy at the time 10. She is judge harshly 11. Loses her job later on for this reason when the people at the factory paid information to learn gossip about her

How are we introduced to Cosette in to entrust is sometimes to abandon?

1. She is a sleeping baby, who wakes up from her nap and smiles at her mother 2. Then she starts to play with the Thenardier's girls 3. She is described as being very beautiful

How does Javert kill Fantine?

1. She was unaware that Cosette was not in M-sur-m and the shock of it kills her 2. She also is in shock that Madeleine is a convict and that he will not be able to get Cosette 3. Cosette's arrival is the only thing that is keeping Fantine alive and the news that she is not coming kills her

Who is Mademoiselle Baptistine

1. Sister of Bishop Myriel 2. She is kind and religious woman, devoted to her brother 3. Servant is Madame Magloire 4. She is sweet, thin, fragile, a little taller than her brother and wears a silk puce colored dress that she bought in Paris in 1806

Who is Courfeyrac?

1. Status: Dead 2. A member of the ABC society 3. He is one of Marius' closest friends and lends him money during the desperate days after his separation with his grandfather 4. He is an influential speaker and very appealing to the ladies 5. He is the center- he is the heart of the group 6. He keeps them motivated 7. He is the glue 8. He gave the "heat" 9. Friend and roommate of Marius 10. He is well rounded, radiant personality 11. His presence is know, people gravitate towards him

Who is Eponine Thenarider

1. Status: Dead 2. The Thenardiers' eldest daughter 3. Eponine is a wretched creature who helps her parents steal, but she is eventually redeemed by her love for Marius 4. She proves that no one is beyond redemption, and she ultimately emerges as one of the novel's most tragic and heroic figures

Who is Feuilly

1. Status: Dies 2. A member of the ABC Society 3. He is the only member of the group who is not a student but rather a worker, ho makes fans for a living 4. He is an orphan and taught himself to read and write 5. Fan maker 6. orphan and poor 7. Found it difficult to make money every day (3 francs a day) 8. Self taught a) He taught himself to read nd write and everything else that he knew b) He had a generous heart and an immense embrace c) HE has a deep love for the people d) he knew a lot of stuff about Greece, Poland, Hungary, the Danubian Provinces, and Italy e) He was a teacher of justice- taught himself justice 9. He is a moral compass for the group/ morality of the group 10. He is generous

Who is Jean Prouvaire

1. Status: captured prisoner of war, dies 2. A member of the ABC society 3. He loves languages and history 4. He is the quietest member of the group 5. To addicted to love 6. He is a gardner, plays the flute, loves people, mourns over losing a woman he wants to date, he cries over being an adult, believes in God and the future in the same faith 7. Doesn't like the revolution for killing Andre Chenier a) Ponders over every social question b) He gazes at the stars at night 8. He is rich and the only son 9. Speaks gently, smiles with embarrassment, dresses badly, has an awkward air, blushed at nothing, very timid, 10. He is socially awkward a) In touch with his emtion b) He is romantic 11. Represents overall passion a) Hopeless romantic b) Timid and awkward c) He had a bad childhood d) Plays the flute and write verses

Who is M. Mabeuf

1. Status: dead 2. A churchwarden who tells Marius the truth about his estranged but devoted father 3. He and marius later become close friends 4. He loves books, bu is forced to slowly pawn his magnificent collection during a time of poverty 5. He later dies a heroic death on the barricade 6. MABEUF - SYMBOLIC FLAG a) His shirt stain with blood represents their new flag from the cause they would ride behind

Who is Fauchelevent

1. Status: dead 2. A critic of Valjean's while Valjean is the mayor of Montreuil-sur-mer under the assumed name of madeleine 3. He dislikes Valjean/Madeleine, until Valjean saves his life after Fauchelevents cart overturns Valjean finds him a job as a gardener in Paris 4. He repays the debt years later, by hiding Valjean and Cosette in the Petit-Picpus convent

Who is Combeferre

1. Status: dead 2. A member of the ABC society, second-in command to Enjolras 3. He provides a more practical focus to Enjolras' intensity 4. He is said to represent the philosophy of the revolution 5. Represents philosophy and intellectual guide 6. He wants the revolution to end in peace 7. Short and broad/muscular 8. He wants to instill all of the natural rights in to society 9. He constantly argues with Enjolras 10. More peaceful than enjolras and pratical a) He is thoughtful and calm 11. Right hand man, complementary of Enjolras a) He wants civilized revolution

Who is Colonel Georges Pontmercy

1. Status: dead 2. An officer in Napoleon's army and Marius's father 3. He marries the younger daughter of Monsieur Gillenormand 4. Pontmercy is severely wounded at the Battle of Waterloo's, and mistakenly believing that 5. Thenardier has saved his life, he asks that Marius honor this debt 5. After the death of his wife, monsieur Gillenormand attempts to sever ties with Georges (whom he hates his political beliefs) and adopts Marius 6. Georges spend the rest of his life tending his garden and snatching brief glimpses of his son 7. Although, we know little about Pontmercy personal life, his politics greatly influence the young Marius 8. He is a gardener after he lives the war Pontmercy gives up Marius so he can have a better life 9. Similar to the story of Fantine and cosette

Who is Lesgle/Laigle

1. Status: dead 2. He is a member of the ABC society 3. He is often unlucky but still maintains a happy disposition 4. He becomes friends with Marius when he covered for him during roll call in the university 5. He is bald 6. AKA Bossuet 7. His father has a post office given to him by the king a) This changes how he signs his name b) He signs his name (de Meaux), 8. Cheery, but unlucky, he succeeds at nothing and laughs at everything 9. His speciality was succeeding in nothing a) He is an average joe b) He does not succeed at anything, but is not necessarily a failure c) He is not significant d) He is happy with his life, he doesn't want to achieve anything or make waves e) He doesn't feel called to be a part of the revolution, he just wants to be around people his own age and be a part of the group f) He is kinda there g) He is content with what he has, hanging out with boys his age h) Cheerful i) He is unlucky

Who is Bahorel

1. Status: dead? 2. He is funny, but is bad company 3. His humor is dark 4. He is brave 5. Spends money like crazy 6. Talkative, prodigal, bold, 7. Wears a foolhardy waistcoats and scarlet opinions, blusterer 8. He likes fighting and emeute, revolutions because he likes the destruction that comes with it 9. He is a student in 11th grade 10. He is the middle man betweeen the ABC and the rest of the groups in Paris 11. He has an extreme personality- a little extra

How do the Thenardiers treat Cosette into entrust is sometimes to abandon

1. The Thenardiers, however turn out to be swindlers 2. They are grasping and selfish people, no quite criminals, but certainly apt to cheat people to act in a cowardly anger 3. They do however, dote on their daughters who are named Eponine and Azelma 4. The Thenardiers value Cosette solely as a source of income 5. They force Cosette to perform heavy household work even though she is not yet five, dress her in rags, and frequently beat her 6. The Thenardiers use the money Fantine sends to cover their own expenses, and they pawn Cosette's clothing 7. When Thenardiers discovers that Cosette is an illegitimate child, he begins to demand more and more money from Fantine a) The people of the village often see Cosette early in the morning, sweeping the ground in front of the house b) So the little girl grows up, deprived of love, given only enough food and clothing to sustain her life

Who is Cosette

1. The daughter of Fantine, who lies as Valjean's adopted daughter after her mother dies 2. She is abandoned by her father shortly after her birth 3. In order to earn money, Fantine was forced to leave her daughter with the Thenardier family, who use her as a servant and a means to extort money from her mother 4. Cosette spends her childhood as a servant for the Thenardiers in Montfermeil, but even this awful experience does not make her hardened or cynical 5. Valjean rescues her and raises her as his daughter 6. Under the care of aljean and the nuns of Petit-Picpus, Cosette ultimately blossoms into a beautiful, educated, young woman 7. A gentle and pure young woman, she falls in love with Marius and finds fulfillment in this love Cosette is innocent and docile, but her participation in Valjean's many escapes from the law show that she also possesses intelligence and bravery

Describe how the Thenardiers treat Cosette

1. They treat Cosette like a slave a) They sell her clothes and make her dress in rags b) They make her eat under the table with the dog out of a dog bowl c) She only gets scraps that are left over d) Eponine and Azelma treat her poorly and do not let her play with them e) She has no toys and is called a Lark f) She loses her beauty because of the abuse from the Thenardiers g) They beat her h) They make her get up at dawn to do all of the household chores

What is Fantine's backstory in to entrust is sometimes to abandon

1. Two children play on the wreckage of a war machine left over from the battle of Waterloo while their mother (a strong, sturdy woman) watches over them 2. A ragged woman approaches, it is Fantine, recognizable by her blonde hair and white teeth, carrying her infant daughter 3. Fantine has grown up in poverty however she is a great beauty with golden blond hair and white teeth and her beauty is enhanced by her purity and gentleness a) Still, she cannot remain chaste for long and takes a lover b) She gives birth to a child, Cosette c) She is given her name by the first stranger that finds her abandoned on the road of her hometown 4. After being abandoned by her lover, Fantine has fallen on hard times a) She cannot find work and she has been forced to sell all of her fine possessions to pay off her debts b) She has decided to leave Paris and return to her home village, but she cannot take her daughter with her c) She will have no chance of finding a good job if it becomes common knowledge that she has an illegitimate daughter d) She carries her sleeping daughter, Cosette with her until she comes across the mother and her two children and stops at the inn to rest and consider hat to do next

Who does Valjean and Cosette escape in a dark chase requires a silent house?

1. Valjean hurriedly packs all of his and Cosette's belongings and they rush out of the apartment as soon as it is dark 2. Valjean sense that they are being followed and sees Javert and three other policemen close behind them a) With Cosette in his arms, Valjean runs across the eastern quarters of Paris for hours, but he is unable to shake Javert completely b) After crossing the river Seine on the Austerlitz Bridge, Valjean is confident that he is finally free 3. He soon sees, however that Javert is still close behind and that the number of men with him has grown a) Without hesitation, Valjean rushes down a dark alleyway, only to realize that it is a dad end b) Peering around the corner of the alley, he sets that Javert has commandeered a passing patrol and the they are at most fifthteen minutes away from him c) Desperate , Valjean decides to draw on his old talent for climbing, a skill that he mastered as convict d) To persuade Cosette to go along with his desperate plan, he tells her that the Thenardiers are after them e) By a stroke of luck, he finds a length of rope attached to nearby lamppost f) He cuts the rope down and attaches it to Cosette g) Valjean expertly scales the steep wall at the end of the aley and then pulls Cosette up t him h) They find a way down the wall just as Javert and his men enter the dark alley

What is Jean Valjean's back story in the fall

1. Valjean is a tree trimmer from the south of France, who has recently finished serving 19 years in prison 2. Five for stealing a loaf of bread to feed his starving nephews and nieces 3. Fourteen for a series of escape attempts 4. His imprisonment has caused him to despise the inequalities in society and to develop a deep dislike towards most people 5. Even his release does not bring him any joy; once people find out that he is an ex-convict, they do not want to hire him or have anything to do with them

What does Valjean do to his connections of his past in the champmathieu affair? What does he decide to do?

1. Valjean paces and ponders until late in the night 2. He also knows that if he turns himself in, all the prosperity and charity he has created in the region will come to an end and poor Fantine will never be reunited with her daughter 3. But he cannot live with himself if all these good things are built on condemnation of an innocent man 4. Valjean decides to stay and burns any clothes and personal effects that could prove his true identity 5. He throws Bishop Myriel candlesticks into the fire, but a mysterious voice urges him to do what he knows is right 6. After agonizing for the whole night, Valjean finally gives in to his conscience and decides to go to the trial in Arras 7. After a short sleep plagued by uneasy dreams, Valjean boards a carriage that will take him to Arras and the trial of Champmathieu

How does Madeleine prove that he is the real Jean Valjean? Why does he do this?

1. Valjean proves that he is the real Jean Valjean because he knows things about other prisoners that only a convict would know a) He tells Brevet that he had checkered, knit suspenders in the galleys b) He tells Chenildieu that he surnamed himself Je-nei-Dieu, and the whole of his left shoulder was badly burned from laying on a chafing dish full of embers to efface the letters TFP on it c) He tells Cochepaille that on his left arm, he puts the date that the emperor landed at Cannes, March 1st 1815 on his left arm 2. Madeleine is sentenced to death, but then the King pardons him and allows him to go to jail because he did a lot of good for the city 3. He doesn't have to look over his soldier anymore 4. He doesn't want to have Champmathieu prison sentence of execution on his conscious a) It is already enough to have to Fantine's death on his conscious

How does Cosette and Valjean live in Paris in the old gorbeau house

1. Valjean, assumed dead by the prison authorities has created a new life for himself 2. He finds an out-of-the way place where he and Cosette can live, a rundown tenement called the Gorbeau House 3. Valjean tells the landlady that Cosette is his granddaughter 4. On the first night, he watches Cosette sleep a) She wakes up with a start believing that Madame Thenardier has called her and then asks if she can play b) There, he teaches her how to read and offers her the parental love she has always lacked c) The two form a strong bond: Cosette has spent much of her lie deeply lonely, and she delights in the love of a parent d) Valjean himself has lived an equally lonely life throughout his bouts of imprisonment and success, and the love of a daughter restores the faith in humanity he lost during his second imprisonment e) Valjean must be careful, however: he does not leave his apartment during the day lest he be spotted by the authorities

What piece of advice does the Madame la Marquise de R- give to Jean Valjean How does the bishop treat Valjean in the fall

1. When the stranger lies down on a park bench, a kindly women offers him a few coins and a suggestion- go to Bishop Myriel house 2. He arrives at the house just as Myriel, his sister Baptistine, and their servant Madame Magloire are sitting down to dinner 3. Madame Magloire is horrified by the appearance of this unkempt stranger; she has heard rumors of a disheveled wanderer in town, and is afraid that he may rob or harm them 4. The stranger's name is Jean Valjean a) Jean Valjean explains his desperate situation, and Myriel invites him in to have dinner with them b) Jean Valjean is stunned at the bishop's kindness

What does Fantine ask of the Thenariders in to entrust is sometimes to abandon

1. While resting, Fantine sees two girls playing happily in front of a taern 2. She makes conversation with their mother, a woman named Madame Thenardier a) Fantine eventually begs Madame Thenardier to look after Cosette while Fantine looks for work b) She is hopeful that her daughter will be treated as well as these happy, clean children and she offers to pay the woman a small fee every month for this service 3. At this point, Monsieur Thenardier interenes, demanding that Fantine send a higher sum of money to the Thenardiers every month in return for looking after Cosette, which she desperately accepts a) Fantine is reluctant to leave Cosette, but she is comforted by the thought that her daughter will be in good hands b) As Fantine departs, Madame and Monsieur Thenardier congratulate themselves on what a clever trap they had set

Who is Enjolras

1.Status: dead 2. The leader of the ABC Society/the Friends of the ABC, Enjolras is an intense young student and a radical revolutionary 3. Despite his good looks, he is uninterested in women, focusing all of his efforts on revolution 4. He is both wild and beautiful 5. Together with Courfeyrac and Marius, Enjolras leads the insurrection at the barricade 6. He is the only son and rich 7. He is the leader of the group 8. He knows everything about the French Revolution- makes him a good person to be their leader 9. He is beautiful 10. He is charming, but can do great evil 11. He is logical a) Young, rich, beautiful b) Extreme revolutionist c) He is the most passionate d) THOUGH A WAR WAS INEVITABLE 12. Capable of being terrible- he has the traits and markers of someone who can be a terrible person, but he keeps himself in check 13. He represents the logic- strategy, planning, next moves

What is symbolic about gardens in Les Mis

Gardens: working in a garden is peaceful and out in nature a) Jean Valjean was a pruner before prison and he works as a gardener b) The bishop with his gardens c) Marius and Cosette fall in love in several gardens

What was Jean Valjean expected to do in the galleries?

Hard physical labor They are pulling huge ships on a shipyard all day

What odd question does Jean Valjean ask the bishop in the fall?

He asks the bishop "Who tells you that I am not a murder?"

What is the history of Les Miserables

The French Revolution: 1. July 14th 1789: Storming of the Bastille 2. Launched the French Revolution 3. Reign of Terror 4. King Louis XVI 5. War, famine, counter-revolutions, coups, and death 6. 40,000 + sent to the guillotine 7. Living conditions are very poor-no money or food, crime on the rise

Who do the town's people represent?

The town's people represent what the bulk of society They have a black and white sense of morality

Who wrote Les Miserables? What is his history?

VICTOR HUGO 1. Victor Hugo was born in 1802 in Besancon 2. His father is a general in Napoleon's army a) Hugo spent time in the military camp with his father 3. At 11 years old, he is sent to live with his mother because the warzone has become too dangerous for a young kid a) He develops a love of literature b) He receives an education when he lives with his mom 4. In 1830, Hugo's career takes off 5. In 1831, The Hunchback of Notre Dame 6. Begins his political career in 1848 a) Becomes a loud voice in the political system b) Views become extreme as he grows older; becomes an extremist c) He is exiled in 1851-1870 d) He becomes just too extreme to be allowed in the government 7. Les Miserables-the Miserables a) Beginning writing Les Miserables b) Published in 1862 c) Wanted to document France's recent events d) Hoped it would spark a progressive and democratic future e) It as a series of publications 8. Hugo died in 1885

What do yellow passports symbolize?

Yellow passports symbolize that a person spent time in prison This is how the town's people know that Valjean is a convict

What does it mean to be wearing a green hat and a red coat:

You are a criminal Green hat means that you are serving a life sentence

what is realism

a literary movement that has, at its core, the depiction of life as it really is, with no attempt to hide or gloss over the problems, hardships, or ugliness of life 1. Deals with the real world in the pessimistic point of view

what is idealism

behavior or thought based on a vision of things as they should be, rather than as they really are 1. Not as flowery or Disney as Romanticism 2. Just vs unjust 3. Deals with an ideal world

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