Lesson 11 quiz

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Reread the final section, The Future of Electric Cars, in "The History of the Electric Car." Which option most accurately reflects the main point the author makes in this section?

Electric vehicles are a viable option for a greener future.

Reread "The History of the Electric Car." How does the overall structure of the article support the author's main point?

The article's sequential structure supports the author's main point that the needs of society have mandated the changes in technological advances of cars, from gas-powered to steam-powered to electric. wrong

Read the excerpt from "The History of the Electric Car." But as Americans became more prosperous, they turned to the newly invented motor vehicle—available in steam, gasoline or electric versions—to get around. Steam was a tried and true energy source, having proved reliable for powering factories and trains. Some of the first self-propelled vehicles in the late 1700s relied on steam; yet it took until the 1870s for the technology to take hold in cars. Part of this is because steam wasn't very practical for personal vehicles. Steam vehicles required long startup times—sometimes up to 45 minutes in the cold—and would need to be refilled with water, limiting their range. As electric vehicles came onto the market, so did a new type of vehicle—the gasoline-powered car—thanks to improvements to the internal combustion engine in the 1800s. While gasoline cars had promise, they weren't without their faults. They required a lot of manual effort to drive—changing gears was no easy task and they needed to be started with a hand crank, making them difficult for some to operate. They were also noisy, and their exhaust was unpleasant. Electric cars didn't have any of the issues associated with steam or gasoline. They were quiet, easy to drive and didn't emit a smelly pollutant like the other cars of the time. Electric cars quickly became popular with urban residents—especially women. They were perfect for short trips around the city, and poor road conditions outside cities meant few cars of any type could venture farther. As more people gained access to electricity in the 1910s, it became easier to charge electric cars, adding to their popularity with all walks of life [...] Which option clearly explains how the structure of the excerpt clarifies its claim?

The comparison-and-contrast structure allows the author to emphasize the positive qualities of the electric vehicle when compared to gasoline and steam vehicles.

Read the sentence from "History of the Electric Car." In the early part of the century, innovators in Hungary, the Netherlands and the United States—including a blacksmith from Vermont—began toying with the concept of a battery-powered vehicle and created some of the first small-scale electric cars. Which words in the sentence are context clues for the meaning of the word innovators?

began created first

Read the passage, which explains the value of honeybees and the scientific concern over their survival. (1) Since the 1980s, honeybee health has been rapidly declining. (2) Honeybees pollinate about a third of the crops in the United States, and most flowering plants depend on honeybees to survive. (3) Scientists are struggling to learn the cause of the problem, which has led to the loss of many commercial beehives. (4) Since the 1980s, the number of commercial colonies has dropped from five billion to 2.5 million, and many of the surviving colonies have diseased hives. (5) Commercial beekeepers typically stay in business year-round, hauling their colonies to warm areas of the country during the winter so they can meet demands for out-of-season crops. Which sentence could be eliminated because it fails to support the main idea of the passage?

sentence 5

In which sentence is the word deplete used correctly?

"You will deplete the battery if you leave the car lights on overnight," the mechanic warned Mom.

Reread "The History of the Electric Car." Which options correctly analyze the effectiveness of the article's chronological structure? (Select all that apply.)

Explaining the revival of interest in the electric car by using a chronological structure helps the reader to understand the role that competition played in the way events unfolded. Putting the explanation of the gas shortage and the resulting increased interest in electric cars into a chronological structure helps the reader to see how the government got involved in solving the problem. Putting the information about the development of the electric car into a chronological structure helps the reader to keep track of the important individual events leading up to the electric cars that are in production today. partial

Read the excerpt from "The History of the Electric Car." In the early part of the century, innovators in Hungary, the Netherlands and the United States—including a blacksmith from Vermont—began toying with the concept of a battery-powered vehicle and created some of the first small-scale electric cars. And while Robert Anderson, a British inventor, developed the first crude electric carriage around this same time, it wasn't until the second half of the 19th century that French and English inventors built some of the first practical electric cars. Which option most effectively states the main point the author is making in the excerpt?

Many countries had a hand in the development of the electric vehicle that we know today.

In which sentence is the comma used correctly?

Slinking quietly, through the dark forest the wolf snuck up on its prey.

Read the excerpt from "How Much Can Electric Cars Impact Climate Change?" "The grid is ready for this. And transportation will benefit from it," said Ed Kjaer, director of transportation electrification for Southern California Edison. Edison is mandated by state law to increase the amount of renewable energy. Currently, 22 percent of all the energy supplied by SCE comes from renewables and that must reach 50 percent by 2030, he said. He called transportation the last industrial sector to electrify. Cars can plug in to the grid at night, when power is not being used by air conditioners. By increasing usage, it forces Edison to add new solar, wind and geothermal plants to the grid, he said. "We see the benefits of connecting transportation to the grid: reducing GHGs, air quality and increasing efficiency of the electrical system while helping to introduce renewables into the system," Kjaer said. California air quality rules require an increasing scale of zero-emission vehicles each year, Duvall explained. The numbers will go from 35,000 a year to double in 2018 to 15 percent of all car sales by 2025. Oregon and several Northeastern states have adopted California's ZEV targets, meaning these states will see more EV sales as well. Duvall says it is possible there will be close to 4 million EVs on the road in the U.S. by 2025. Which options correctly analyze the overall effectiveness of the proposition-and-support text structure in the excerpt? (Select all that apply.)

The proposition-and-support structure is effective because it provides a timeline as to when states will adopt California's zero-emission vehicle targets. The proposition-and-support structure is effective because it emphasizes the positive effects of connecting transportation to the grid. partial

Read the dictionary entries. continual adj. occurring at intervals; recurring regularly or frequently continuous adj. occurring without interruption in time or sequence Which sentence demonstrates the best use of a form of continuous?

The warning siren blew continuously for three long minutes.

Reread the section Gas Shortages Spark Interest in Electric Vehicles in "The History of the Electric Car." Which options show excerpts from the section that best depict a cause-and-effect structure? (Select all that apply.)

Yet, the vehicles developed and produced in the 1970s still suffered from drawbacks compared to gasoline-powered cars. Soaring oil prices and gasoline shortages—peaking with the 1973 Arab Oil Embargo—created a growing interest in lowering the U.S.'s dependence on foreign oil and finding homegrown sources of fuel. Cheap, abundant gasoline and continued improvement in the internal combustion engine hampered demand for alternative fuel vehicles. partial

Read the paragraph from "The History of the Electric Car," which claims that the Model T was the major force to challenge electric cars. Yet, it was Henry Ford's mass-produced Model T that dealt a blow to the electric car. Introduced in 1908, the Model T made gasoline-powered cars widely available and affordable. By 1912, the gasoline car cost only $650, while an electric roadster sold for $1,750. That same year, Charles Kettering introduced the electric starter, eliminating the need for the hand crank and giving rise to more gasoline-powered vehicle sales. Which options best explain how the excerpt's proposition-and-support structure effectively supports the claim? (Select all that apply.)

by discussing the popularity of gasoline-powered cars y discussing the affordability of gasoline-powered cars partial

Read the dictionary entry. incumbent adjective 1. imposed as an obligation or duty; obligatory 2. lying, leaning, or resting on something else 3. currently holding a specified office noun 4. a person who holds an office Read the sentence. The incumbent senator was the favored candidate in the state's primary election. Which definition of incumbent fits the meaning and part of speech of the word as it is used in the sentence?

definition 3

Read the excerpt from "How Much Can Electric Cars Impact Climate Change?" which discusses Edison's role in making charging stations available. Edison has asked the California Public Utilities Commission to authorize the utility to partner with private companies to build 30,000 electric-vehicle public charging stations in Southern California. The application may be approved this year, he said. What option best describes the text structure implied in the excerpt?


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