Lesson 2- Understanding Virtualization and Cloud Computing

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Shared Security Model

The CSP is responsible for the physical security of the data center and hardware availability. The organization is responsible for the security of the data housed on that hardware.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

consumers have access to the software, but the responsibility for installing, maintaining, patching, and upgrading that software lies with the vendor.

Rapid elasticity

esource use is scaled up and down as needed, permitting consumers to pay for the quantity of resources that they need at any given time

VM local network access

network access only to other virtual machines on the same host

Per-instance licensing

one license for each instance of the software installed. If there are twenty copies of the software installed, it requires twenty licenses.

Per-socket licenses

one license for each processor socket enabled on the server's motherboard. The motherboard may contain more sockets than are licensed, but the extra sockets are disabled.

How should you provision resources to VMs

overprovision; more than the anticipated need

Measured service

resource utilization is monitored and billed based on actual use

Community Cloud

serves a specific community with common business models, security requirements, and compliance considerations share cost

Private Cloud

serves only one customer or organization and can be located on the customer's premises or off the customer's premises

Public Cloud

shared by multiple customers; there is an increased risk of leaks

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

the delivery of computer hardware capability, including the use of servers, networking, and storage, as a service


the inclusion of extra components so that a system can continue to work even if individual components fail; if something fails it fails over to another component

On-demand self-service

users can increase storage and processing power as needed

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

A cloud service in which consumers can install and run their own specialized applications on the cloud computing network. infrastructure software and operating system

Hybrid cloud

A combination of public and private clouds.

single point of failure

A component or entity in a system which, if it no longer functions, would negatively affect the entire system.

Network Address Translation (NAT)

A technique that allows private IP addresses to be used on the public Internet.

Broadnetwork Access

All devices can access data and apps


Creates multiple "virtual" machines on a single computing device

Cloud-based virtualization

Sysadmins have less control over hardware, software, and resource access than they would with on-premises deployments. Access to resources is also dependent on a reliable and sufficiently fast Internet connection.

Cloud Computing characteristics

On-Demand Self Service Rapid Elasticity Broad Network Access Resource Pooling Measured Service


Software that enables a single computer to run multiple operating systems simultaneously. It allocates resources to VMs.

Type 1 hypervisor

Software to manage virtual machines that are installed before any operating system is installed; more centralized management Ex: Hyper V type 1, proxmox,docker

Type 2 hypervisor

Software to manage virtual machines that is installed as an application in an operating system. Ex: oracle box, hyper-v type 2

On-premises virtual servers

VMs often provide greater scalability, disaster recovery, and high availability allow an organization to retain complete control of the hardware, OS, applications, and data

resource pooling

compute resources are pooled together and then allocated to tenants on an as-needed basis

VM Host-only network access

access only to the host computer and not to the physical network or Internet

VM bridged network access

access to the physical network or Internet

VM no network access

as if they have no NIC installed

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