Lessons 13 and 14 sentences

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According to Walter Savage Landor, "Clear writers, like clear fountains, do not seem so deep as they are; the BLANK look the most profound."


When oil wells burn, they release BLANK, toxic smoke that threatens human and plant life in an entire region.


When Juliet refuses to wed Count Paris, her father issues an BLANK to marry or nevermore be acknowledged as his daughter.


When the government failed to respond to their BLANK for better working conditions, the air traffic controllers went on strike.


Marie-Therese Basse, a(n) BLANK for relief of food shortages in countries bordering the Sahara, developed a millet that can be locally grown.


With her 1962 book, Silent Spring, Rachel Carson became an BLANK of environmental protection, warning against chemicals toxic to the earth and its creatures.


Some universities have proscribed deliberate BLANKs that insult or degrade persons on the basis of race, sex, or nationality.


A(n) BLANK may call attention to a note containing details too lengthy for the body of the report.


Use BLANKs to alert your reader to one (*) or two (**) notes at the foot of a page; for more notes, use numbers.


Using his great quadrant and naked eye for BLANK and planetary sightings, Tycho Brahe became the foremost sixteenth-century astronomer in the Western World.


A BLANK of eighteenth-century politicians, artists, actors, and writers, David Garrick and Samuel Johnson among them, belong to The Club, which met regularly in a London inn.


Ancient Chinese, Egyptian, and Mesopotamian astronomers divided the stars into groups of BLANKs whose pictorial representations resemble some sign of the zodiac.


At an annual awards ceremony at the Kennedy Center, a(n) BLANK of distinguished performers in the arts receives recognition.


At the Turkish market, flat woven rugs called kilims were BLANKs of ancient symbolic designs in rich colors.


According to the astronomer Dr. Allan R. Sandage, advances in BLANK have moved the study of the universe from ethereal speculation to concrete measurement and record.


The dimensions of BLANK have grown vastly as satellite photographs probe ever deeper among galaxies beyond the Milky Way.


Lee Miller, a BLANK who spent most of her life abroad, achieved success as a fashion model, war reporter, and photographer.


The rainclouds BLANK in time for the graduation ceremonies to proceed as planned.


BLANK of flu viruses occurs so rapidly that a vaccine for one variety becomes useless the following year


In Letter to Alive on First Reading Jane Austen, Fay Weldon uses a(n) BLANK format to express her admiration for Austen as a way to help an imaginary niece write her own novel.


In one of many BLANK exchanges from France with her sister, Abigail Adams observed that fashion is the deity everyone worships in this country."


Alice James believed in "the BLANK law that however great we may seem in our own consciousness no human being would exchange his for ours."


Some mathematicians believe in BLANK relationships of mathematical elements that seem timeless and valid in all places at all times.


Because she had tricks up her sleeve to rectify every situation, the effervescent Mary Poppins could remain BLANK no matter what problems beset her.


In the novel A Yellow Raft in Blue Water, Aunt Ida, despite searing experiences in her life, maintains an BLANK exterior that belies any inner anguish.


Pandora's BLANK curiosity led her to open a forbidden box from which escaped all earthly plagues, and only hope was left inside.


When baseball cards in mint condition are rare and picture stellar players, people will pay BLANK prices to own them.


When the desperately hungry Oliver Twist says, "Please, sir, more" he is punished by the schoolmaster for what is considered BLANK behavior.


The BLANK of Odysseus's greedy crew as they open the crucial bag of wings not only enrages him, but also further delays their return from the Trojan War.


Congress BLANKed that the third Monday in January would honor the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr., the civil rights leader slain in 1968.


In 1990 Congress BLANKed that Native American languages could be "encouraged and supported as languages of instruction" in schools.


Reform Jewish congregations in the United States now BLANK women as rabbis.


A Muslim BLANK requires that believers fast between sunrise and sunset during the holy month of Ramadan.


In 1944 a Mexican BLANK abolished the siesta, the practice of closing businesses and office during midday hours.


Until the mid-twentieth century, BLANKs in some states made marriage between whites and nonwhites illegal.


In 1910 a dress revealing an ankle was thought BLANK.


On January 3, 1959, Alaska became the BLANK state in the Union, followed in the same year by Hawaii.


To pronounce the word constellation correctly, place the accent on the BLANK syllable


Mathematical BLANK may alter the sequence of symbols in a group, as in xy to yx


Increasing signs of global warming BLANKs environmentalists, who fear the consequences of greater deterioration of the ozone layer.


Letters to the editor increase when issues such as police brutality and harm to the environment BLANK newspaper readers.


Attempting to BLANK a historical injustice, a grandson of Dr. Samuel Mudd claims that he was not an accomplice of Abe Lincoln's assassin, John Wilkes Booth, but only set his leg before letting him go.


Through Ada Deer's advocacy, the U.S. government in 1973 returned forest land to the Menominee people and BLANKed an earlier transfer of the land to the state of Wisconsin.


According to Jewish legend, the presence of at least thirty-six righteous men in every generation will provide BLANK enough to justify the survival of the world.


In Chile, Conchita Cintron was recognized as a BLANK bullfighter.


With the discovery of BLANK spectra, colors produced by hot gases and measured in wavelengths, astronomers are able to ascertain the chemical composition of stars.


Elizabeth Cady Stanton has written that "history shows that the masses of all oppressed classes... have been BLANK and apathetic until partial success has crowned the faith and enthusiasm of the few."


One of the original photographers for Life magazine, Margaret Bourke-White proved BLANK and intrepid with her camera in military zones during World War II and the Korean War.


Some people considered Margaret Mead BLANK for going to a remote South Sea island to conduct research in the thirties.


As Daedalus and his son escape from Crete on handmade wings, Icarus has the BLANK to fly so high that the sun melts the wax, and he falls to his death in the sea.


Jon Jose Artigas, loyal to Simon Bolivar, became an apostle for land rights of the indigenous people, having the BLANK to oppose wealthy South American landowners.


Joseph Addison, an eighteenth-century essayist. declared, "I shall endeavor to enliven morality with wit, and to BLANK wit with morality."


The manufacturer of fine knives BLANKs the steel to the degree of hardness that will best keep the blade sharp.


According to the Roman orator Cicero, "BLANK is the moderating of one's desires in obedience to reason."


An ardent apostle of BLANK, Evangeline Booth writes that alcohol has "Dug more graves than any other poisoned / Scourge."


In the cause of BLANK Carry Nation and her crusaders marched into saloons, singing hymns.


Desperate to outrun her would-be lover Apollo, Daphne escapes him when her father BLANKs her into a laurel tree.


In a Guatemalan legend, Brother Pedro BLANKs a green lizard into an emerald so that the penniless Juan may prosper; when secure, Juan returns the gem, which the monk BLANKs to its original form.


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