a decrease in the number of _____ occurs in typhoid fever, measles, infectious hepatitis, rubella, and aplastic anemia
a decrease in the white blood cell count
an increase in white blood cell count
neutrophil leukocytosis
due to appendicitis, rheumatic fever, smallpox, diabetic acidosis, or hemorrhage
basophil leukocytosis
due to hemolytic anemia, chicken pox, or small pox
lymphocyte leukocytosis
due to infectious mononucleosis, or chronic infections like syphilis
monocyte leukocytosis
due to malaria, rocky mountain spotted fever, bacterial endocarditis, or typhoid fever
eosinophil leukocytosis
due to parasitic diseases such as trichinosis, psoriasis, bronchial asthma, or hay fever
due to.... pernicious anemia, influenza, infectious hepatitis, rubella, or mumps
total white blood cell count
in certain cases, an increase in the relative abundance of one type of leukocyte may occur in the absence of an increase in the ______
neutrophils or eosinophils
leukopenia is usually due to a decrease in ______
produced by an elevated secretion of corticosteroids, which occurs under various conditions of stress, such as severe infections, shock and in adrenal hyperfunction-cushings syndrome
an increase in any one of the leukocyte types
what causes leukocytosis