Level 3 unit 2 Vocabulary

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Arabic : يصمم Part of Speech : verb/ noun. meaning : To do or plan something with a specific purpose/ planning / decoration or pattern. Example : I am learning how to design a website for my company .


Arabic: أسلوب /طريقه Part of Speech : noun. meaning : A planned way of doing something, especially one that a lot of people know about and use . Example : Today we learned a new method for calculating percentages.


Arabic: إيجابي Part of Speech : adjective. meaning : Happy or seeing the good in something / certain or sure about something. Example : If you have a positive attitude to studying , you will be much more successful. I am positive I left my phone here , but now it's gone!


Arabic: اصطدام Part of Speech : verb/ noun. meaning : To hit something, to run into something. Example : If you try to text while driving, you may crash into other cars.


Arabic: بحث علمي Part of Speech : noun/ verb. meaning : The careful study of something to learn facts or understand it better. Example : In the Bachelor program, you will learn how to research a topic and write a report on the information you find.


Arabic: رسوم /مبلغ يدفع Part of Speech : verb/ noun. meaning : To ask for money for something, to set a price. Example : If you lose your student ID , the college will charge you AED 100 to make a new one


Arabic: سرعة Part of Speech : noun. meaning : The rate at which someone or something moves . Example: You should reduce your speed when driving in the rain.


Arabic: شي / جسم ملموس /كائن Part of Speech : noun. meaning : A solid thing that you can hold , touch or see , but that is not alive. Example : My car hit a metal object lying in the road.


Arabic: طاقه Part of Speech : noun. meaning : 1. The physical or mental strength that makes you able to do something. 2. The power provided to produce light and heat or work machines (electricity , gas , etc.) Example : 1. I have a lot of energy for work after a good night's sleep. 2. You can reduce your use of energy by turning things off when you aren't using them.


Arabic: طاقه / قوة Part of Speech : noun. meaning : 1.Energy that is produced by mechanical, electrical, or other means (electricity). 2. The ability to direct or influence events or other people. Example : We burn coal and oil to create electric power. The president or prime minister has a lot of power to make changes in his/her country.


Arabic: عامل /موظف Part of Speech : adjective meaning : Adj : in work or a job. Example: The number of working students has increased this semester. They work during the day and come to college at night.


Arabic: فتره Part of Speech : noun. meaning : Time (in history ) / class in school . Example : Dubai grew very quickly in the period after oil was discovered. We have two Periods of English this morning.


Arabic: قديم /عتيق Part of Speech : adjective. meaning : Very old, from a long time ago . Example : We went to Egypt to see the ancient pyramids.


Arabic: كاتب Part of Speech : noun. meaning : A person who has written something or who writes books, articles, etc. Example: I would like to become a writer and write books about travel.


Arabic: مالي Part of Speech : adjective. meaning : Relating to the money of a person , business, organization or country. Example : Many people come to the UAE for financial reasons; they want to earn and save money for their future.


Arabic: مناسبه Part of Speech : noun. meaning : A special time when something happens. Example : The birth of a baby is a very special occasion.


Arabic: مهارة Part of Speech : noun. meaning : A particular ability/ the ability to do something well. Example: She has very good study skills . She knows how to organize her time and work to get good grades.


Arabic: موسم Part of Speech : noun. meaning : A part of year with particular weather- spring, summer , autumn, winter / the time of year for a particular holiday or event (football season) Example : My favorite season in Dubai is winter.


Arabic: ميزة Part of Speech : noun. meaning : The good point, benefit or positive side of something . Example : One advantage of using IPads is that they are small and easy to carry .


Arabic: نقل Part of Speech : verb / noun . meaning : Verb: Take or carry (people or goods ) from one place to another by means of a vehicle, aircraft,or ship. Noun : Vehicle used to transport goods or people. Example : The metro is a very convenient from of transport.


Arabic: ولذالك Part of Speech : adjective. meaning : for that reason, as a result (of something that has just been mentioned). Example: The football player was injured; therefore, he was not able to play.


Arabic: يؤذي / يجرح Part of Speech : verb. meaning : To hurt someone/ to do physical harm or damage to someone . Example : You should be careful with sharp things or you might injure yourself.


Arabic: يتجنب Part of Speech : verb. meaning : To keep or stay away from something. Example :You can avoid the traffic near the college by coming by coming early in the morning.


Arabic: يتحدى Part of Speech : verb/ noun. meaning : A problem, difficult task or test of strength, skill or ability. Example : It is a challenge to find a good job these days.


Arabic: يترجم Part of Speech : verb. meaning : To change words from one language to another. Example : There are many websites which translate Arabic sentences to English, but the results are often incorrect.


Arabic: يتطلب Part of Speech : verb. meaning : To need something for a particular/to expect something to be done. Example : The college requires all Foundation students to have an ipad.


Arabic: يحترم Part of Speech : noun /verb. meaning : Noun:care for the feelings and rights of other people / politeness, admiration. Verb: To admire (someone or something) because of their abilities, qualities, or achievements. Example : we can show respect to others by listening when they speak.


Arabic: يحقق Part of Speech : verb. meaning : To successfully complete something or get a good result, especially by working hard. Example : If you work hard, you can achieve your goals.


Arabic: يدفن Part of Speech : verb. meaning : To put in the ground / to hide. Example : Many cultures have special place where they bury their dead. He decided to bury the money he had stolen in the ground .


Arabic: يسترخي Part of Speech : verb. meaning : To rest from work /to do something enjoyable so that you become less tired or stressed. Example : If you work hard at college, you can relax when you get home.


Arabic: يسلك / يتصرف Part of Speech : To act in a certain way /to do things that are good , bad , sensible , etc. Example : Parents should teach their children how to behave politely in restaurants and malls .


Arabic: يقارن Part of Speech : verb. meaning : To look at the similarities and /or differences between two things. Example : In the exam essay we had to compare life in high school with life at college.


Arabic: يقدر مالياً Part of Speech : verb. meaning : To be able to pay for something/ to have enough time and money to do something. Example : That car is too expensive. I cannot afford it .


Arabic: يكتشف Part of Speech : verb. meaning : To find , to find out , to learn something new . Example : You can discover many new things by reading books.


Arabic: يكره Part of Speech : verb. meaning : To not like something. Example :I dislike skiing because I get so cold.


Arabic: يمنع Part of Speech : verb. meaning : To act in a way that stops something from happening. Example : You can prevent serious injuries by wearing your seatbelt in a car .


Arabic:أساسي Part of Speech : verb. meaning : Simple ,necessary , main. Example : My phone is very basic. All I can do is call and text.


Arabic:تجربه Part of Speech : verb / noun. meaning : 1. To have something happens to you. 2. Something that happens to you / the knowledge you get from doing something. Example : Students often get a summer job to get some experience in their field.


Arabic:سيطرة Part of Speech : verb/ noun. meaning : Have power over , stay calm . Example : At work it is important to control your feelings and language .


Arabic:يوصل Part of Speech : verb. meaning : To carry on with , to not stop . Example : In level 4 you will continue with vocabulary study.

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