LGAV 3100 Test 1

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This company is employed by the airlines to publish fares and cargo rates to the travel industry (such as travel agents)


The NTSB is required to determine the probable cause of which of the following?

Accidents involving all modes of transportation

Fundamental sources of value or utility include: form, possession, and market.


The growing importance of the travel agent helped bring air travel to millions. Airline revenues increased substantially during the 1950s because of the promotional advertizing service provided by travel agents.


Although Braniff and Pan American weren't financially stable enough to handle competition incurred from deregulation, two specific carriers emerged as consistently profitable since deregulation. Those carriers are:

FedEx and Southwest

To receive a 401 certificate, a carrier must be

Fit and able to provide service Serving an area of public convenience and necessity

Due in part to dramatic space shuttle disasters, NASA spending has been ______ since the 1990s.


General Aviation is projected to expand because of which three factors?

Fuel efficient smaller aircraft, convenient satellite airport locations, efficient use of time

The passage of the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978

Gave Congress authority to provide federal assistance to airline services in small communities

Continued market leadership of U.S. aircraft manufacturers depends on

Healthy, profitable airlines

This organization is primarily concerned with the coordination of tariffs, fares, rates and charges by providing a forum for member states to discuss these matters.


The aerospace industry

Includes those firms engaged in research, development, and manufacture of aerospace missiles and systems

Inflation particularly affects the cyclical nature of the aviation industry because

Inflation results in higher labor and fuel costs

Although general aviation is perceived as serving primarily recreational functions, GA

Is an important business tool

What was the significance of the Contract Air Mail Act of 1925 (Kelly Act)?

It authorized the postmaster general to enter into contracts with private citizens or companies

The economies of all businesses require coordination of

Manufacturers, service industry, and users

William Lear developed the popular Lear jet used primarily for

Military operations

This organization's primary purpose is to encourage cooperation among the states and with the federal government to develop state and national transportation systems.


One of the major issues LBJ's 1966 speech focused on was safety. He proposed creating the


The St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation

carries ships from the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes through a series of locks and Dams

As a result of deregulation

common carriers moved into one another's territories; some of the largest carriers filed for bankruptcy

A main difference between the "Goal" of, and the various "Necessary Conditions" imposed upon the system is that

goals are pursued to infinite levels while necessary conditions are satisfied at a set level

"Open" systems

have free-flowing inputs and outputs

People in different nations trade with each other because

individuals seek to make profits

"Necessary Conditions" imposed upon a system generally

may or may not conflict with or support the goal or purpose

Inputs are categorized as either

primary or secondary

Primary Outputs _______ while Secondary Outputs _________ .

serve the purpose or goals directly, may be exchanged for value or become waste

External "Necessary Conditions" are generally regulatory limitations imposed by stakeholders, while internal "Necessary Conditions" generally come from

sociotechnical requirements of the transformation processes

The "role of the decision maker" is to take decisions in their systems with respect to

the finite assignment of resources to tasks, in order to achieve organizational objectives

80% of WWII pilots received their training in this aircraft

Piper Cub

Which of the following is the world's most successful light plane?

Piper Cub

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA)

Plans and establishes transportation systems for urban transportation systems such as busses, rail cars and ferries.

During the 1970s, the GA industry focused on

Product liability and insurance costs Fuel efficient aircraft


Provides traffic separation for busy airports

GA in the 1960s can be characterized by

Rapid growth and expansion

External load and medical aircraft are primarily


The FAA promulgated FAR Part 135 to define operational and safety rules of

Scheduled air taxis

After a new aircraft has passed ground and flight tests, the aircraft must receive a series of certificates before it can be mass produced and sold to the public. A Type Certificate

Shows that the aircraft met FAA construction and performance standards

Aviation in the 1980s can be characterized by

Soaring interest rates and a depressed economy

In Lyndon B. Johnson's 1966 address, he focused on

The need for coordination of the national transportation system

Why were new entrants such a great threat to major carrier profitability?

They had lower cost structures, employee fewer people, and paid lower wages

What is an advantage large FBOs have over small FBOs?

They practice modern business techniques and have larger cash reserves

Business aircraft allow companies to make better use of

Time and personnel

Which of the following is NOT a reason the government sought to regulate the air transport industry?

To encourage more competition between airlines

What is the primary reason air transportation was reined over by regulation?

To stabilize the industry PAGE 46

The aviation industry affects which four specific areas of the U.S. economy?

Trade Balance, Employment, R&D, Impact other industries

All airports are general aviation airports, including those used my certificated air carriers.


Although U.S. aerospace companies have dominated the global market for many years, the use of overseas suppliers of components is increasing. There is nothing strange about that, because two-thirds of the world market for large airliners exists outside the U.S.


Even with fuel costs rising 222% in 1978, airlines competed based on service and flight frequency.


Ever since WWII, corporate operators have relied heavily on former military aircraft to be converted into civilian use.


General Aviation operators are not required to report to anyone on the specifics of their flights.


In 1925, the joint congressional committee on civil aviation and the Morrow Board exposed the United States as lagging behind Europe in aviation


The FRA assists railroads in making payments and providing service. However, the FRA is reducing the amount of assistance to reflect the industry's stability.


The airline industry faced problems due to high labor costs and the CAB's tight lid on fares during the early 1970s


The financial numbers represented after 2001 show the shockwaves of 9/11 felt by every industry and represent the worst financial numbers ever seen by the U.S. airline industry.


The Standard Agent's Ticket and Area Settlement Plan created

A single source to which travel agents reported and accounted for airline tickets

This year was the first period of solid profitable operations in the jet age


ATA member airlines reported their safest year in history during


The total number of Active General Aviation Aircraft has steadily increased from 1960-2004. The year showing the largest decrease in GA aircraft was in


The average period between a trough and a peak in the aviation industry has been

3 years

Few regionals have been able to develop their own O & D traffic to survive on their own. Approximately____ of the top 25 regionals are completely or partially owned by the national or major airlines


For every 100 aerospace jobs created, another ____ jobs are created in other industries.


What is SATS (Small Aircraft Transportation System)?

A new technology that will reduce the amount of required flight training through simplified technology

During the Maturity Age, ...

Air traffic control became mandatory, and increased the demand for precision flight Common carriers passed from a period of high risk into a period of virtually no risk at all

This corporation settles airline interline accounts on a net basis each month

Airline Clearing House

Under the Transportation Security Act signed into law November 2001

Airport security became a direct federal responsibility PAGE 95 Small airports were required to send blueprints of their facilities to the TSA The TSA assumed the FAA's previous civil aviation security function

The Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938

Allowed the CAB to structure the interstate airline industry by regulating price and intercarrier agreements

Regional carriers are classified based on

Annual gross revenue, if they hold a certification of convenience and necessity

The U.S. Coast Guard

Apprehends illegal immigrants, promotes boating safety, and has become famous for their life-saving skills

Air taxi or charter firms

Are hired on-demand by companies or individuals for a single trip

Private-use airports

Are not available to the general public

Currently, the two largest aircraft manufacturing companies are

Boeing and Airbus

What was the Spoils Conference?

Brown's restructuring of CAM routes to establish 3 main mail routes (central, northern, and southern) and the air carriers who would service those routes.

This administration is the newest addition to the DOT and conducts a long-term data collection program.

Bureau of Transportation Statistics

What is the difference between business aircraft use and corporate aircraft use?

Business aircraft are flown personally for business; corporate aircraft are used by a company and employ pilots.

The FAA was created to assimilate the existing services of the CAB. Additionally, the FAA...

Controlled airspace, Conducted research, Developed air navigation facilities

'Glass cockpits' have been replacing traditional steam-engine driven gages. These 'glass cockpits' are known as


"Diseconomies of Scale" refers to the phenomenon of

as organizations increase levels of output, complexity leads to inefficiency (rising costs)

Pentagon demands for state of the art "niche" technologies and short production runs drives

up the cost of electronic components

The total logistics cost vs. customer service tradeoff curve increases sharply at ______ levels of customer service, due primarly to ______ costs.

very high, inventory/assortment

"Stakeholders" are differentiated from "Customers" in that

while customers pay for the value they receive from system output, stakeholders "freeload" on the system

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