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c. visual acuity.

Dr. Quillan is measuring the point at which an infant can no longer differentiate between a striped-patterned stimulus and a gray square. Dr. Quillan is probably attempting to measure the infant's? a. depth perception. b. retinal disparity. c. visual acuity. d. ability to perceive different pitches.

b. temperament.

Dr. Ramone is interested in studying how babies are different in terms of their behavior toward other people, how energetic they are, and how easily they are upset. It is most likely that Dr. Ramone is studying? a. SIDS. b. temperament. c. theory of mind. d. waking activity.

c. validity

Dr. Simpson's students were rightfully upset when he used very accurate weight scales (assessing the poundage of each pupil) to determine their grades in a developmental psychology class. This is partially because his method of assessment lacked? a. a sufficient sample size. b. reliability. c. validity. d. the ability to identify practice effects.

b. passive euthanasia.

Dr. Steinmetz decides to follow the wishes of her patient and withhold treatment for the patient's terminal cancer, thus allowing the patient to die. This is an example of? a. a near-death experience. b. passive euthanasia. c. bioethics. d. active euthanasia.

b. frontal

The maturation of the ____ lobe during adolescence is related to improvements in inhibiting of behaviors? a. parietal b. frontal c. temporal d. occipital

b. a middle-aged bulge

The metabolic slowdown common to individuals in their early 30s and mid-50s will lead to ____ in many males? a. gray hair b. a middle-aged bulge c. wrinkles d. hair loss

b. developing relationships with others.

"Socioemotional selectivity" is a term that describes the process involved in? a. arriving at subjective well-being. b. developing relationships with others. c. maximizing one's zone of maximum comfort. d. mastering instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs).

b. Down syndrome.

"Trisomy 21" (three 21st chromosomes) best describes? a. Huntington's disease. b. Down syndrome. c. Phenylketonuria (PKU). d. sickle-cell trait.

d. teaching social skills.

The most effective non-drug interventions for teenage depression focus on? a. instilling a sense of learned helplessness. b. suppressing adolescents' feelings toward their parents. c. mapping the genetic history of the adolescent. d. teaching social skills.

d. on abstinence, reproductive education, and sexual responsibility.

The most effective pregnancy prevention programs focus? a. exclusively on abstinence. b. exclusively on teaching about biological reproduction. c. exclusively on teaching about responsible sexual behavior. d. on abstinence, reproductive education, and sexual responsibility.

d. offer him chances to help bring in the groceries.

The most effective way for Hera to get her son young Zeus to become more prosocial would be to? a. act lazy herself so he can see how unhelpful that behavior is. b. criticize him for being so lazy and unhelpful. c. show him bad things that happen to people who don't help. d. offer him chances to help bring in the groceries.

d. Sociocultural

Dr. Strauss is a developmental psychologist who is interested in Vygotsky's theory. What sort of forces are probably of most interest to Dr. Strauss? a. Biological b. Psychological c. Life cycle d. Sociocultural

d. attachment.

Dr. Wilson studies how children form lasting social-emotional relationships with adults. Dr. Wilson is most likely interested in studying? a. gender roles. b. basic emotions. c. parallel play. d. attachment.

a. intersubjectivity.

The mutual shared understanding among participants in an activity is referred to as? a. intersubjectivity. b. essentialism. c. fast-mapping. d. accommodation.

a. Lucy, who is 17

Each of these women has just married for the first time. Who is most likely to get divorced? a. Lucy, who is 17 b. Lacy, who is 23 c. Lanny, who is 29 d. Laurie, who is 35

d. 15-year-old.

The statement, "we share our feelings" is most likely to be made by a? a. 3-year-old. b. 5-year-old. c. 10-year-old. d. 15-year-old.

a. multidisciplinary

The nature of the scientific study of human development can best be described as? a. multidisciplinary. b. focused on groups rather than individuals. c. nontheoretical. d. emphasis on stability over change.

c. illumination.

Visual adaptation involves the ability to adjust to changes in? a. an object's position. b. an object's distance. c. illumination. d. acceleration.

b. be willing to allow for ambiguity in the attachment relationship between themselves and their foster child.

Due to the nature of their task, foster parents must? a. induce immediate attachments in infants with which they have had minimal contact. b. be willing to allow for ambiguity in the attachment relationship between themselves and their foster child. c. act as if every child that enters their home will eventually be their own. d. discourage any court-ordered visits from noncustodial parents.

b. elaboration

During ____ information is always embellished? a. rehearsal b. elaboration c. metacognition d. combinatorial reasoning

d. both brain myelination and synaptic pruning near completion.

During adolescence? a. both brain myelination and synaptic pruning first begin. b. brain myelination first begins and synaptic pruning nears completion. c. brain myelination nears completion and synaptic pruning first begins. d. both brain myelination and synaptic pruning near completion.

d. proximodistal

During prenatal development, the arm develops before the fingers. This most illustrates the ____ principle? a. Premack b. coefficient c. cephalocaudal d. proximodistal

b. secondary

During puberty, changes in physical maturity that are not directly linked to reproduction are referred to as ____ sex characteristics? a. primary b. secondary c. tertiary d. instrumental

a. person and environment.

The stress and coping paradigm focuses on the interactive relationship between? a. person and environment. b. mind and body. c. hormones and neurotransmitters. d. family and work.

d. takes a job and learns firsthand about a career.

During the implementation phase of career development, a person? a. first begins to think about career options. b. selects the career of their parents. c. becomes more educated about career options. d. takes a job and learns firsthand about a career.

b. thanatology.

The study of death, dying, grief, bereavement, and social attitudes toward these issues is called? a. mourning. b. thanatology. c. psychology. d. the life-span of death.

a. theory

A ____ is an organized set of ideas that is designed to explain development? a. theory b. prediction c. correlation coefficient d. structured observation

a. reflex

A ____ is best described as any unlearned response triggered by a specific form of stimulation? a. reflex b. thought c. theory of mind d. memory

b. increase in frequency.

A behavior that is effectively being reinforced will? a. eventually go away. b. increase in frequency. c. improve self-esteem. d. be imitated by others.

c. ruptures.

A cerebral hemorrhage occurs when a blood vessel in the brain? a. tangles. b. blocks. c. ruptures. d. stiffens.

c. referential

A child whose vocabulary is dominated by names of objects, actions, or persons is said to have a(n) ____ style? a. nonsymbolic b. expressive c. referential d. overextended

b. originality.

A child with outstanding divergent thinking skills would definitely have a lot of? a. anxiety. b. originality. c. knowledge. d. friends.

c. inconsistent disciplinary style.

A common reason for being a rejected child lies in his or her parent's? a. high poverty status. b. poor intellect. c. inconsistent disciplinary style. d. over affection.

c. zygote.

A developing human that is traveling from a fallopian tube to the uterus would most accurately be described as a(n)? a. embryo. b. fetus. c. zygote. d. amnion.

b. BMI

A doctor is attempting to determine how healthy you are. She uses a formula that contains information regarding your height and weight. What is she most likely measuring? a. LDL b. BMI c. HDL d. ADA

c. whole-brain death.

A flat electroencephalogram for 10 minutes is one of the criteria for? a. clinical death. b. euthanasia. c. whole-brain death. d. death as a mystery.

d. Formal thinkers would be more systematic when combining the liquids and eliminating combinations.

A formal operational thinker and a concrete operational thinker are both presented with three beakers containing red liquid and are told that some combination of the liquids will produce a green liquid. How would the manner in which the formal thinker solves the problem most likely differ from that of the concrete thinker? a. Formal thinkers would do the problem entirely in their head and not actually pour any liquid. b. The formal thinkers' approach would be significantly more haphazard. c. Formal thinkers would apply both animism and centration when solving the task. d. Formal thinkers would be more systematic when combining the liquids and eliminating combinations.

c. behavioral

A frown is a ____ manifestation of an emotion? a. physiological b. subjective c. behavioral d. biological

c. constantly looking for cues about gender.

A gender-schema theorist would be most likely to argue that young children are? a. born with a basic gender identity. b. uninfluenced by environmental experiences with gender-based behaviors. c. constantly looking for cues about gender. d. uninterested in gender.

a. takes responsibility for what their students learn.

A good teacher? a. takes responsibility for what their students learn. b. does not push for "mastery" of subject matter. c. will not repeat past material. d. relies on handouts and not lecturing.

a. correct.

A grammatical morpheme is a word or word ending that makes a sentence grammatically? a. correct. b. overextended. c. underextended. d. overregularized.

c. correlation.

A heritability coefficient is a derivation of a(n)? a. t-test. b. analysis of variance. c. correlation. d. chi-square.

b. speed

A judgment of depth using motion parallax relies heavily on the ____ of an object? a. color b. speed c. size d. shape

c. pituitary

A key physical component of puberty is the ____ gland, which regulates pubertal changes by signaling other glands to secrete hormones? a. thyroid b. adrenal c. pituitary d. pineal

d. folic acid.

A knowledgeable nutritionist would tell a pregnant mother that in order to reduce the risk of having a baby born with spina bifida, mom needs to make sure that she is ingesting an adequate amount of? a. vitamin A. b. iron. c. vitamin E. d. folic acid.

a. unified sense of one's past, present, and future.

A life-span construct represents a? a. unified sense of one's past, present, and future. b. multidimensional conceptualization of intelligence. c. fear that when people act in negative ways expected by others, they are doing a disservice to all members of their sex. d. personal timetable concerning when someone else should experience some event.

a. establish good communication about sex.

A major theme of most date rape prevention workshops encourages participants to? a. establish good communication about sex. b. avoid sexual relationships. c. take on traditional sex roles. d. be passive as an attack is occurring.

d. warm and uncontrolling.

A permissive parent is best thought of as? a. cold and controlling. b. warm and controlling. c. cold and uncontrolling. d. warm and uncontrolling.

a. investigative

A person with a(n) ____ personality type would be described as someone who is highly task-oriented and who enjoys abstract thinking? a. investigative b. conventional c. social d. realistic

b. exosystems

A researcher who wants to study how state welfare programs influence parenting behaviors would be primarily studying? a. microsystems. b. exosystems. c. mesosystems. d. operant conditioning.

b. body fat

A sex difference during puberty involves the fact that ____ is greater for girls than boys? a. muscle development b. body fat c. lung capacity d. heart capacity

a. cultural guideline for interacting with other people.

A social role is best described as a(n)? a. cultural guideline for interacting with other people. b. biosocial impact on behavior. c. individual attachment style. d. way of behaving that is not tied to culture.

a. results in abnormal prenatal development.

A teratogen is any agent that? a. results in abnormal prenatal development. b. enhances the flow of oxygen across the placental barrier. c. decreases the chances of having a child with a genetic disorder. d. inhibits the impact of drugs on the developing embryo.

c. 2,200

A typical teenage girl should consume approximately ____ calories each day? a. 1,200 b. 1,700 c. 2,200 d. 2,700

d. depth perception.

A visual cliff is designed to assess? a. gross-motor skills. b. rapid eye movement. c. cone development. d. depth perception.

d. moderately and consistently

A woman who consumes alcohol ____ has the greatest risk of giving birth to a baby with fetal alcohol syndrome? a. lightly and sporadically b. moderately and sporadically c. lightly and consistently d. moderately and consistently

a. death trajectory

A(n) ____ is often used to describe the duration of time between the onset of dying and death itself? a. death trajectory b. end-of-life scenario c. hospice d. final scenario

b. five

About ____ percent of male and female teenagers identify themselves as gay or lesbian? a. one b. five c. 15 d. 20

c. 50

About ____ percent of marriages in the United States involves "marriage for life" (i.e., no divorce). a. 30 b. 40 c. 50 d. 60

b. 4 months old

About how old will an infant be when it can perceive the same colors adults perceive? a. 2 weeks old b. 4 months old c. 1 year old d. 6 years old

a. Consistently responding to the child's needs

According to Erikson, how would parents establish trust in their six-month-old? a. Consistently responding to the child's needs b. Utilize an authoritarian parenting style c. Encourage the immediate resolution of the Oedipal complex d. Avoid excessive displays of affection

c. identity versus role confusion.

According to Erikson, the key adolescent crisis involves? a. generativity versus stagnation. b. intimacy versus isolation. c. identity versus role confusion. d. integrity versus despair.

b. Trust in self and others

According to Erikson, what is the foundation of human development? a. Autonomy b. Trust in self and others c. Initiative d. Identity

c. Real estate agent Alice, who has an enterprising personality

According to Holland, who is best matched with their career type? a. Scientist Ralph, who has a realistic personality b. Poet Norton, who has an investigative personality c. Real estate agent Alice, who has an enterprising personality d. Social worker Trixie, who has an artistic personality

c. ecstasy and pain.

According to Kahlil Gibran, author of The Prophet, the two sides of love are? a. passion and intimacy. b. fear and friendship. c. ecstasy and pain. d. sex and caring.

b. three; two

According to Kohlberg's original theory, there are ____ levels of moral reasoning, each containing ____ stages? a. two; two b. three; two c. two; three d. three; three

c. universal ethical principles.

According to Kohlberg, abstract notions of justice or equity are examples of? a. preconventional thought. b. social norms. c. universal ethical principles. d. social contracts.

c. the reason underlying a moral decision is more important than the action taken.

According to Kohlberg? a. there is only one correct response to any moral dilemma. b. religious arguments concerning moral issues are the strongest. c. the reason underlying a moral decision is more important than the action taken. d. moral reasoning is too complex to be accurately assessed.

b. early adulthood.

According to McAdams, in Western society, coherent life stories are first formed in? a. infancy. b. early adulthood. c. middle adulthood. d. old age.

a. coping

According to Muller and Thompson (2003), the ____ theme of grief relates to what someone does to deal with loss in terms of what helps that person? a. coping b. affect c. narrative d. relationship

d. murder

According to O'Leary's (1993) model, ____ would have the largest number of potential underlying causes? a. verbal aggression b. physical aggression c. severe aggression d. murder

b. people who have a terminal illness can voluntarily request a lethal dose of medication.

According to Oregon's physician-assisted suicide law? a. only older adults can request this procedure. b. people who have a terminal illness can voluntarily request a lethal dose of medication. c. family members must request this procedure in person. d. the deadly drugs must be administered directly by a physician.

a. acknowledge the right of others to hold opinions contrary to their own.

According to Perry (1970), by the end of college, the most advanced students? a. acknowledge the right of others to hold opinions contrary to their own. b. think in terms of absolute right and wrong. c. prefer the ideas of others more than their self. d. have learned to reject reflective judgment.

c. accommodation

According to Piaget, when a scheme is modified based on some experience, ____ has occurred? a. assimilation b. animism c. accommodation d. egocentrism

b. A 24-month-old

According to Piaget, which normally developing child would most likely have just begun to engage in preoperational thinking? a. A 12-month-old b. A 24-month-old c. A 36-month-old d. A 48-month-old

d. All stages must be accomplished in the correct order.

According to Piaget, which statement is true regarding the stages of thinking? a. Sensorimotor and preoperational thinking must be completed before the concrete operational stage, but not before formal operational thinking. b. Sensorimotor and preoperational thinking must be completed before the formal operational stage, but not before concrete operational thinking. c. Thinking alternates between stages throughout development. d. All stages must be accomplished in the correct order.

a. analytical

According to Sternberg, ____ ability is most heavily focused on problem analysis? a. analytical b. creative c. practical d. familial

b. crystallization, specification, implementation

According to Super's theory, what is the correct order of the phases of career development? a. specification, crystallization, implementation b. crystallization, specification, implementation c. implementation, specification, crystallization d. crystallization, implementation, specification

a. limiting career possibilities.

According to Super, the key element of the specification phase of career development involves? a. limiting career possibilities. b. taking the job. c. setting no limits. d. a feeling of uniqueness.

a. Megan, who makes a lot of money but is not much of a caregiver, and Hunter, who is excellent at raising their children but not much of a moneymaker

According to exchange theory, which couple would be most satisfied? a. Megan, who makes a lot of money but is not much of a caregiver, and Hunter, who is excellent at raising their children but not much of a moneymaker b. Ashley and Brock, who have exchanged passionate love for fatuous love c. Eden and Adam, who decide to put off marriage until they both get jobs d. Honda, who wants children, and Harley, who gives in to her demands

b. decide whether the object is associated with females or males.

According to gender-schema theory, in order to decide where to learn more about an object, a child must first? a. play with the object. b. decide whether the object is associated with females or males. c. develop gender constancy. d. be reinforced for interacting with the object.

b. minimize risk to participants

According to the American Psychological Association, researchers must? a. eliminate all risk to participants b. minimize risk to participants. c. use deception if there are risks to participants. d. pay participants if they are put at risk.

b. less than $10,000

According to the Employee Benefits Research Institute, most workers have ____ in total savings and investments? a. between $25,000 and $49,999 b. less than $10,000 c. between $50,000 and $99,999 d. between $10,000 and $24,999

b. cardinality

According to the ____ principle of counting, the last number in a counting sequence differs from previous numbers and denotes the total number of objects being counted? a. stable-order b. cardinality c. one-to-one d. habituation

b. the grieving process can increase distress.

According to the grief work as rumination hypothesis? a. grief is necessary for recovery after a loss. b. the grieving process can increase distress. c. grief is significantly more distressing when the death involves a terminal illness. d. grief is a great way to avoid less adaptive ways of dealing with death.

b. interactions with a more skilled individual.

According to the principle of guided participation, cognitive growth results from? a. biological maturation. b. interactions with a more skilled individual. c. independent learning. d. application of operant conditioning principles.

d. four

According to the systems view of families, how many of these factors influence a child's development: neighborhood, school, religious organizations, and extended family? a. one b. two c. three d. four

d. "create an environment that optimizes the individual's functioning."

According to the text, the guiding principle behind setting up an effective family care program for dealing with Alzheimer's patients should be? a. "love cures all." b. "don't be afraid of using medication to control a loved one's behavior." c. "try to keep in mind that you may be next." d. "create an environment that optimizes the individual's functioning."

a. is a dynamic process resulting from a couple's ability to handle stress.

According to the vulnerability-stress-adaptation model of marriage, marital quality? a. is a dynamic process resulting from a couple's ability to handle stress. b. declines when couples are "too" alike. c. is predicted by the age of the couple at marriage. d. means there is one strong member of a couple and one weak member.

d. involving basic self-care needs.

Activities of daily living are best described as tasks? a. demanding above-average intelligence. b. requiring assistance from others. c. focusing on nonphysical activities. d. involving basic self-care needs.

a. using symbols.

Adam waves "bye-bye" when he leaves the room and pretends to eat imaginary food. In other words, Adam is? a. using symbols. b. exhibiting a primary circular reaction. c. exercising reflexes. d. exhibiting a secondary circular reaction.

b. logical

Adolescents develop ____ reasoning, which allows them to find weaknesses in arguments? a. heuristic b. logical c. egocentric d. inflative

c. 60-90

Aerobic exercise is defined as a pulse rate between ____ percent of a person's maximum rate? a. 40-70 b. 50-80 c. 60-90 d. 70-100

c. hospice.

Afi is terminally ill. She is being sent to an institution that provides for people who are dying and their families. Afi is most likely being sent to a(n)? a. skilled care nursing home. b. hospital. c. hospice. d. intermediate care nursing home.

b. having supportive parents.

The negative effects associated with being an early-maturing female have been found to be offset by? a. hormone replacement therapy. b. having supportive parents. c. possessing a strong personal fable. d. hanging around with older males.

c. vascular dementia.

After a series of strokes, Jerry is unable to recognize family members and has a very difficult time understanding his native language. The most probable diagnosis is? a. Huntington's disease. b. neuritic plaques. c. vascular dementia. d. presbycusis.

d. clinically dead.

After an accident, Steve's heart is not beating and he has stopped breathing. Steve is? a. whole-brain dead. b. mourning. c. in a persistent vegetative state. d. clinically dead.

b. authoritative

After having read a book on parenting styles, if you wished to raise a friendly and self-reliant child, you would try to adopt a(n) ____ parenting style? a. permissive b. authoritative c. uninvolved d. authoritarian

a. Social smile

After playing by herself for a while, young Annika smiles when she sees the face of her father. What term best describes this response? a. Social smile b. Cooperative play c. Parallel play d. Social referencing

a. plasticity.

After taking several college courses, Chuck's short-term memory ability increased. This exemplifies the concept of? a. plasticity. b. multidimensionality. c. interindividual variability. d. postformal thought.

c. Conscientiousness

Ahmed is in charge of hiring new employees for his company. He wants to hire people who are very organized, responsible, and will work hard for the company. In which trait is Ahmed most interested? a. Agreeableness b. Extroversion c. Conscientiousness d. Openness to experience

b. life-course

Aislinn wonders if the attack on New York on September 11, 2001 will impact the career goals of individuals who were adolescents at the time of the attack. This kind of question is one that best reflects a(n) ____ perspective? a. cognitive-developmental b. life-course c. social cognitive d. operant conditioning

c. be viewed negatively, especially by women.

Alan and Darla are married and have decided not to have any children. They should expect to? a. be less wealthy than couples with children. b. have less freedom than couples with children. c. be viewed negatively, especially by women. d. have more marital dissatisfaction than couples with children.

b. high self-efficacy.

Alberto believes he can successfully ski down a steep mountain. Bandura would be most likely to say that Alberto has? a. reached formal operations. b. high self-efficacy. c. resolved the industry versus inferiority stage. d. been negatively reinforced.

d. Progesterone

Albine's physician has just informed her that she will need to begin hormone replacement therapy. In addition to estrogen, what hormone should Albine expect to be replaced? a. Dopamine b. Testosterone c. Serotonin d. Progesterone

a. brain and spinal cord.

The neural plate ultimately forms the? a. brain and spinal cord. b. spinal cord and the nervous system. c. nervous system and the skull. d. skull and the brain.

c. common in the popular press and unsupported by research.

The notion of a "midlife crisis" is? a. common in the popular press and supported by research. b. uncommon in the popular press and supported by research. c. common in the popular press and unsupported by research. d. uncommon in the popular press and unsupported by research.

c. cooperative

Alexandra and Anders are playing a game where Anders hides a stuffed animal and Alexandra tries to find it. When she does, Alexandra hides the stuffed animal and Anders tries to find it. This is an example of ____ play? a. parallel b. prosocial c. cooperative d. simple social

b. attempting suicide

The odds of ____ increase in a person who has been abused as a child? a. divorce b. attempting suicide c. being an authoritative parent d. high academic performance

a. prosocial behaviors.

All acts of altruistic behavior are also? a. prosocial behaviors. b. basic emotions. c. examples of dispositional praise. d. social roles.

b. 6 months.

Although they are often unsuccessful in getting the food into their mouth, many children first begin to experiment with finger-foods around age? a. 2 months. b. 6 months. c. 10 months. d. 14 months.

a. low.

Altruistic acts in children tend to occur when the cost of the act is? a. low. b. high. c. not known in advance. d. expected to be immediately recouped.

c. waking activity

Amanda's baby is awake and squirming around, oblivious to anything happening around her. Amanda's baby is most likely in the ____ state? a. alert inactivity b. crying c. waking activity d. REM

d. 16

Amy describes her friend Duffy by saying, "She's fun to be around because she's funny and has good ideas, but she's often insensitive to how others feel." Amy is most likely about ____ years old? a. 2 b. 7 c. 10 d. 16

c. reduces the likelihood that a behavior will occur in the future.

An effective punishment? a. causes some physical pain. b. follows a reinforcer. c. reduces the likelihood that a behavior will occur in the future. d. eventually becomes ineffective.

d. an assisted-living facility.

An elderly individual with few cognitive or physical limitations but who sometimes requires help with everyday living needs would most likely live in? a. a nursing home. b. intermediate care. c. skilled nursing care. d. an assisted-living facility.

d. physiological

An increase in heart rate is a ____ manifestation of an emotion? a. sociocultural b. subjective c. behavioral d. physiological

c. contribute to a society's continuation.

An individual characterizing what Erikson called "stagnation" is unable to? a. make meaningful appraisals concerning hassles. b. form a superego. c. contribute to a society's continuation. d. think in an encapsulated manner.

a. neuroticism

An individual low on the ____ characteristic would likely be described as even-tempered and comfortable? a. neuroticism b. openness to experience c. conscientiousness d. agreeableness

c. subjective

An individual with ____ well-being holds a positive self-evaluation that is based on positive life experiences? a. dysphoric b. indeterminate c. subjective d. inverse

a. 24

An individual with a BMI of ____ or less is considered healthy? a. 24 b. 34 c. 44 d. 54

d. too much

An individual with a sense of ____ continuity would be most likely to say, "I hate my life because every day is just like the last." a. no b. too little c. a moderate level of d. too much

a. mental hardware.

An information-processing theorist would most likely conceptualize all built-in neural structures that assist the operations of the mind as? a. mental hardware. b. private speech. c. mental software. d. psychodynamic mechanisms.

c. testosterone.

Anabolic steroids are most chemically similar to? a. cocaine. b. estrogen. c. testosterone. d. Ritalin.

b. provide a supplement to savings and other means of financial support.

The original purpose of Social Security was to? a. create a way for seniors to pay for housing expenses. b. provide a supplement to savings and other means of financial support. c. provide the primary source of income for those over age 65. d. create an investment opportunity.

d. popular.

Angelica is well liked by most of her classmates. She would be best described as? a. average. b. neglected. c. controversial. d. popular.

b. one-third

Antismoking interventions in schools reduce teenage smoking by more than ____? a. one-fourth b. one-third c. one-half d. two-thirds

c. Alzeimer's disease.

Apolipoprotein E4 appears to play a role in? a. depression. b. transient ischemic attack. c. Alzeimer's disease. d. Parkinson's disease.

a. "I see less mass than normal"

As Dr. Benton is looking at an X-ray of bones in your leg, his comment, ____, would indicate that you may have osteoporosis? a. "I see less mass than normal" b. "I see excessive encapsulation" c. "I see a significant increase in density" d. "I see very little plaque"

a. to neither avoid nor over-focus on grieving.

As a counselor who adheres to the grief work as rumination hypothesis, Roger would be most likely to tell a recently widowed individual? a. to neither avoid nor over-focus on grieving. b. to avoid grieving at all costs. c. to grieve at all costs. d. that whether you grieve or not does not matter as grief has no impact on one's psychological health.

a. procreate.

As a female growing up in a developing nation, Ozemena's transition to adulthood is most likely to be based on her ability to? a. procreate. b. protect. c. provide. d. profit.

d. depression.

As a spouse caring for her Alzheimer's afflicted husband, Patsy, who has begun to experience a decrease in her marital satisfaction, is likely to be experiencing increased feelings of? a. companionship. b. intimacy. c. independence. d. depression.

c. be emotionally expressive

As a typical 10-year-old American female, Brianna is more likely to ____ than a same-age male counterpart? a. be aggressive b. have a smaller vocabulary c. be emotionally expressive d. score highly on a test of spatial ability

b. wanted to play "house."

As a typical American father, Hans would be most upset if his son Franz? a. was aggressive. b. wanted to play "house." c. showed affection toward him. d. engaged in sex-role stereotype behaviors.

b. too many calories and too little iron.

As a typical U.S. teen, Amber is most likely consuming? a. too few calories and too little iron. b. too many calories and too little iron. c. too few calories and too much iron. d. too many calories and too much iron.

c. a prostate gland that becomes enlarged.

As a typical middle-aged male, Rasheed will most likely experience? a. a brief increase in sperm production. b. a shorter resolution phase. c. a prostate gland that becomes enlarged. d. more perceived demand to ejaculate.

b. family ties

As a typical parent in Latin America, Maria would place great emphasis on developing a strong sense of ____ in her children? a. self-reliance b. family ties c. emotional restraint d. free-thinking

b. a few hundred words.

As a typical two-year-old, Webster would have a vocabulary of? a. about 10 words. b. a few hundred words. c. about 1,000 words. d. several thousand words.

a. physically fit.

As an average fifth-grader in the United States, Landon would most likely be described as? a. physically fit. b. underweight. c. physically unfit. d. overweight.

d. share about half of their genes.

As dizygotic twins, Jewel and Bjork? a. are genetically identical. b. must have come from the same fertilized egg. c. share all phenotypes. d. share about half of their genes.

c. Social service systems

As the over-80 population increases dramatically in the next 40 years, which will probably be most affected in the United States? a. Defense systems b. Housing c. Social service systems d. Transportation systems

c. lenses tend to yellow and the muscles controlling the eye stiffen.

As we grow old, our? a. lenses tend to yellow and the muscles controlling the eye loosen. b. lenses tend to blacken and the muscles controlling the eye loosen. c. lenses tend to yellow and the muscles controlling the eye stiffen. d. lenses tend to blacken and the muscles controlling the eye stiffen.

b. become irregular and gradually stop altogether.

As women reach the climacteric, their menstruation cycles? a. continue regularly for the remainder of their lives. b. become irregular and gradually stop altogether. c. become more and more irregular, but they never completely stop. d. stop all at once.

b. integrity versus despair.

As you believe in Erikson's theory, you would most likely view your 90-year-old grandmother as struggling with a conflict of? a. generativity versus stagnation. b. integrity versus despair. c. identity versus role confusion. d. industry versus inferiority.

b. be anxious about being a parent

Ashley is 35 years old and just had her first baby. She is less likely to ____ than younger mothers. a. spend time with the baby b. be anxious about being a parent c. be sensitive to her baby's needs d. be affectionate toward her baby

a. cause the body to crave alcohol.

At a chemical level, alcohol addiction results in chemical changes that? a. cause the body to crave alcohol. b. destroy all GABA receptors. c. reduce levels of serotonin and dopamine within the brain. d. increase cellular develop in the medulla oblongata.

a. life-course persistent antisocial behavior.

At age five, Pat set a neighbor's house on fire. At age 10, he burned down a barn. At age 20, he sets his old high school on fire. Pat's behavior best exemplifies? a. life-course persistent antisocial behavior. b. learned helplessness. c. adolescent-limited antisocial behavior. d. chronic status offenses.

a. embryo.

At five weeks after conception, a developing human is most accurately called a(n)? a. embryo. b. zygote. c. fetus. d. neonate.

a. second

At its peak, the brain forms neurons at the rate of around 4,000 per? a. second. b. minute. c. hour. d. day.

c. 60

At what age is women's risk of cardiovascular disease equal to that of men's? a. 50 b. 40 c. 60 d. 30

d. Adolescence and adults may both operate at this level depending on cultural influences.

At which age are most people operating at the postconventional level of moral reasoning? a. Adults b. Adolescents c. A good portion of adolescence and adults develop this level of thinking. d. Adolescence and adults may both operate at this level depending on cultural influences.

b. gender labeling.

Dwight's statement, "I am a boy," is an example of? a. gender stability. b. gender labeling. c. a gender-role stereotype d. gender constancy.

a. depression.

Dysphoria is the most prominent symptom of? a. depression. b. creativity. c. Alzheimer's disease. d. Parkinson's disease.

a. independence.

Autonomy is most synonymous with? a. independence. b. guilt. c. joy. d. doubt.

d. true attachment

Baby Hughie has singled out his mother as someone different from all others. When his mother takes him to a new place, Hughie is able to explore but looks back to his mother every once in a while for reassurance. According to Bowlby, Hughie is most likely in the ____ phase of attachment? a. attachment in the making b. reciprocal relationships c. preattachment d. true attachment

d. infant-directed speech.

Barry walks up to his nine-month-old son and says (very slowly and with major fluctuations in his voice's pitch and loudness), "Ohhhhhhhhh, are you Daddy's little baaaaaaaby?" Barry is illustrating? a. scaffolding. b. telegraphic speech. c. overextension. d. infant-directed speech.

d. Middle-aged adults solve problems differently depending on the type of problem.

Based on research, which of the following statements best summarizes how middle-aged adults solve problems? a. Middle-aged adults solve all problems with a problem-focused approach. b. Middle-aged adults solve all problems with a passive-dependent approach. c. Middle-aged adults solve problems similarly regardless of the emotional issues involved. d. Middle-aged adults solve problems differently depending on the type of problem.

a. Jill, who is European American

Based on statistics, which 16-year-old female is most likely to die in an incident involving an automobile accident? a. Jill, who is European American b. Jane, who is African American c. Jessie, who is Hispanic American d. Joan, who is Asian American

b. Ned, who is African American

Based on statistics, which 16-year-old male is most likely to die in an incident involving a firearm? a. Fred, who is European American b. Ned, who is African American c. Ed, who is Hispanic American d. Ted, who is Asian American

d. very similar to

Based on the data gathered to date, long-term gay and lesbian partnerships are ____ long-term heterosexual relationships? a. more loving than b. more violent than c. more sexual than d. very similar to

d. move.

To locomote is to? a. perceive. b. emote. c. think. d. move.

b. existential

Bea has tremendous insight into "deep" questions like, "Why are we born to die?" According to Gardner, Bea would rate high on a scale of ____ intelligence? a. bodily-kinesthetic b. existential c. interpersonal d. logical-mathematical

b. the imaginary audience.

The phenomenon whereby an individual believes that he or she is like an actor on a stage, who is under constant watch by others, is referred to as? a. the personal fable. b. the imaginary audience. c. learned helplessness. d. diffusion status.

d. "joy to be around."

Because she has what Costa and McCrae would classify as an "agreeable" personality, you would expect that Marcy would be described by others as a? a. "wallflower." b. "party animal." c. "meanie." d. "joy to be around."

c. end-of-life issues.

Before he dies, Juan is checking his insurance, rewriting his will, and making arrangements for his funeral. Juan is dealing with? a. death anxiety. b. bereavement. c. end-of-life issues. d. grief work.

d. use the "sound it out" strategy first and the "retrieve word from memory" method second.

Beginning readers tend to? a. only use the "sound it out" method. b. only use the "retrieve the word directly from memory" method. c. use the "retrieve word from memory" strategy first and the "sound it out" method second. d. use the "sound it out" strategy first and the "retrieve word from memory" method second.

d. object permanence.

The phrase "out of sight, out of mind" best exemplifies the Piagetian concept of? a. tertiary circular reaction. b. the one-to-one principle. c. fast mapping. d. object permanence.

c. commitment.

The phrase, "till death do you part," which is often said during marriage services, offers a good example of? a. passion. b. romantic love. c. commitment. d. consummate love.

a. typically does not have long-lasting effects.

Bereavement during childhood? a. typically does not have long-lasting effects. b. does not occur. c. is experienced as a positive emotion by most children. d. is usually repressed.

c. state or condition caused by loss through death.

Bereavement is best defined as the? a. emotions expressed when we grieve. b. rituals we go through when we grieve. c. state or condition caused by loss through death. d. condition created in one's self when we are dying.

b. metabolism.

Bernice is very interested in studying how the energy needs of the human body change through the life span. In other words, Bernice is interested in studying? a. cholesterol. b. metabolism. c. lipoproteins. d. addiction.

b. an end-of-life issue.

Bernie is trying to decide whether or not to be cremated. This best exemplifies? a. a final scenario. b. an end-of-life issue. c. bioethics. d. grief work as rumination.

b. identify children who would need special help in school.

Binet and Simon developed the first objective intelligence test in order to? a. rank-order the intellectual capacities of different races. b. identify children who would need special help in school. c. help the military select soldiers for important tasks. d. test their theory of intelligence.

b. health and life sciences.

Bioethics concerns the interface between human values and technological advances in? a. philosophy. b. health and life sciences. c. religion. d. computer science.

d. full-term and extremely low birth weight.

Born 39 weeks after conception, Sasha weighs in at around 2 pounds. Given this information, Sasha is best defined as? a. full-term and normal birth weight. b. preterm and normal birth weight. c. preterm and very low birth weight. d. full-term and extremely low birth weight.

d. socioemotional selectivity.

Brando is motivated to join a group of strangers at a party when he overhears them taking about a new movie that he is interested in learning about. This best exemplifies the process of? a. activities of daily living. b. integrity versus despair. c. patronizing speech. d. socioemotional selectivity.

b. motor skills.

Bridget is excellent at walking, running, climbing, and kicking balls. This would suggest that Bridget has good? a. neuroplasticity b. motor skills. c. temperament d. sociability

b. Native-American

The strong sense of tribalism traditionally found in ____ families tends to lead to strong ties between children, parents, and grandparents. a. European-American b. Native-American c. African-American d. Latino

c. simple social play.

Bud and Lou are both playing with blocks. Though they are playing, they smile at each other and trade blocks from time to time. It is most likelythat Bud and Lou are involved in? a. cooperative play. b. parallel play. c. simple social play. d. prosocial behavior.

c. the fluid surrounding the fetus.

The sample taken during an amniocentesis comes from? a. the lining of the uterus. b. inside the body of the fetus. c. the fluid surrounding the fetus. d. the umbilical cord.

c. which sensory information receives additional cognitive processing.

By definition, attention determines? a. general intelligence. b. the attainment of formal operational thought. c. which sensory information receives additional cognitive processing. d. the belief in animism.

c. poor adaptive behaviors.

By definition, intellectual disability involves both a below-average intelligence and? a. low standardized IQ scores. b. a known genetic defect. c. poor adaptive behaviors. d. emotional problems.

d. 36

By definition, premature infants are born prior to ____ weeks after conception? a. 42 b. 40 c. 38 d. 36

a. neglect.

By far the most frequent sort of child abuse would be categorized as? a. neglect. b. sexual. c. physical. d. psychological

b. second

By the time Debbie got to the hospital to deliver her child, the child had entered the vaginal opening. This means that Debbie was in the ____ stage of labor? a. first b. second c. third d. fourth

d. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Carmen has a very difficult time breathing. Even after walking short distances, she is gasping for air. Carmen is exhibiting symptoms of? a. Parkinson's disease. b. circadian rhythms. c. presbycusis. d. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

b. "I'm so fat!"

Carrie exhibits anorexia nervosa. When she looks in a mirror, she is most likely thinking? a. "I'm really starting to get thin!" b. "I'm so fat!" c. "I'm beautiful compared to those ugly women on television!" d. "I'm going to have to start eating a little more!"

b. Naturalistic observation

Carrie is most interested in studying adolescent behavior occurring at a high school prom. Which method is most likely to help her accomplish this goal? a. Structured observation b. Naturalistic observation c. Self-report d. Experiment

c. Help him make more friends.

Casey is a chronic victim of bullies. What is one way research suggests to decrease the likelihood that Casey will continue to be victimized? a. Try to externalize the fear experienced while being bullied. b. Increase his own hostile aggressiveness. c. Help him make more friends. d. Put him in time-out.

b. macular degeneration.

The leading cause of functional blindness in older adults is the result of? a. glaucoma. b. macular degeneration. c. presbyopia. d. cataracts.

c. demographer.

Chatava is a professional who does research to determine the numbers of people in different countries, their ages, and how these numbers might change in the years to come. Chatava would best be described as a? a. social worker. b. metabolic theorist. c. demographer. d. cartographer.

b. Sesame Street

Children who watch more ____ on TV seem better prepared to enter school than preschoolers who watch less frequently? a. news b. Sesame Street c. cartoons d. commercials

c. grief work.

Chung is trying to get through numerous conflicting emotions and come to grips with his bereavement. Chung is involved in? a. a near-death experience. b. clinical death. c. grief work. d. passive euthanasia.

a. is a factor in the decrease in sexual intercourse for both men and women.

The loss of an available partner in older age? a. is a factor in the decrease in sexual intercourse for both men and women. b. is a factor in the decrease in sexual intercourse for men but not for women. c. is a factor in the decrease in sexual intercourse for women but not for men. d. is not a factor in the decrease in sexual intercourse for men or women.

c. incontinence.

The loss of bladder or bowel control is called? a. impotence. b. immobility. c. incontinence. d. impertinence.

d. controversial

Clyde is quite a character. He is very well liked by some people in his class but is very much disliked by some others. Clyde is a good example of a(n) ____ child? a. popular b. rejected c. average d. controversial

b. experiences more negatively and to report more stress in family areas.

Compared to the average middle-aged man, the average middle-aged woman tends to rate stressful experiences? a. less negatively and to report more stress in family areas. b. experiences more negatively and to report more stress in family areas. c. experiences less negatively and to report more stress in financial areas. d. experiences more negatively and to report more stress in financial areas.

d. significantly fewer

Compared with 1950, ____ of today's older adults are below the federal poverty line? a. significantly more b. about the same percent c. slightly fewer d. significantly fewer

d. women are less likely to fully retire.

Concerning gender and retirement? a. women tend to have a financial advantage at retirement. b. women tend to prepare more fully for retirement. c. women are more likely to retire if their husbands are already retired. d. women are less likely to fully retire.

b. unconscious is to intentional.

Concerning memory, implicit is to explicit as? a. fact is to fiction. b. unconscious is to intentional. c. events are to people. d. divided is to selective.

a. "You are doing great, keep going."

Concerning play, which statement best exemplifies enabling? a. "You are doing great, keep going." b. "You are in for a world of hurt if you win." c. "I am so much better than you." d. "I have never played that before."

c. forced retirement is associated with declines in physical and mental health.

Concerning satisfaction in retirement? a. no group has been found to show increased levels of satisfaction in retirement. b. well-being tends to drop significantly during the first year following voluntary retirement. c. forced retirement is associated with declines in physical and mental health. d. early-life social challenges are almost always continued in the retirement years, even if you experience positive interactions in middle adulthood.

d. body mass index.

Concerning weight, the abbreviation BMI stands for? a. base metabolic indices. b. body metabolic indices. c. base mass index. d. body mass index.

b. daily problems are solved using strategies that have been successful in the past.

Continuity theory is based on the premise that? a. change is uncommon in adulthood. b. daily problems are solved using strategies that have been successful in the past. c. the maximum level of cognitive abilities is achieved in middle adulthood. d. environmental demands decline with age.

b. holistic process.

Corr (1991-1992) suggests that a dying individual must face four tasks (e.g., spiritual energy, bodily needs, psychological security). This approach views coping with death as a(n)? a. bioethical dilemma. b. holistic process. c. invariant sequence of reactions. d. psychosomatic disorder.

a. gender stability.

The statement "girls always grow up to be women" provides an example of? a. gender stability. b. gender-role stereotyping. c. the one-to-one principle. d. a gender role.

a. most teenagers feel good about themselves.

Cross-cultural studies of adolescent self-perception indicate that? a. most teenagers feel good about themselves. b. teenagers in industrialized nations have the highest rate of self-dissatisfaction. c. females feel significantly better about themselves than males. d. most teenagers feel bad about themselves.

a. set is to subset.

Crowd is to clique as? a. set is to subset. b. friends are to rivals. c. black is to white. d. attitude is to behavior.

d. possible careers.

Crystallization involves using one's emerging identity as the basis for assessing? a. intelligence. b. risk for mental illness. c. self-esteem. d. possible careers.

a. acquired across one's life.

Crystallized intelligence is? a. acquired across one's life. b. best exemplified by sensory integration. c. not very useful in solving real-life tasks. d. best assessed on timed, standardized IQ tests.

c. six

Currently, in the United States, about one in ____ adolescents is overweight? a. three b. five c. six d. nine

b. 22

Currently, the earliest "age of viability" occurs around ____ weeks after conception? a. 14 b. 22 c. 30 d. 38

b. will be happiest in work environments that match their personalities.

The main assumption of Holland's theory is that people? a. develop career goals at different rates. b. will be happiest in work environments that match their personalities. c. should take tests to determine which career is best for them. d. should choose a career based on economic needs and not in order to fulfill their lifelong goals.

b. tangible, real-life examples.

The main limitation of concrete operational thinking is that such thought is limited to? a. hypothetical situations. b. tangible, real-life examples. c. emotional issues. d. long-term memories.

d. sociocultural

Daisy and Rose are identical twins who were separated at birth. Daisy was raised in the United States, whereas Rose spent her childhood in Austria. Which force would likely explain most of the differences between their behaviors as teens? a. Psychological b. Nature-based c. Biological d. Sociocultural

d. social clock.

Darren wants to be out of graduate school by age 25, married by age 30, and retired by age 50. This is an example of a? a. life-span construct. b. personal control belief. c. life story. d. social clock.

c. ends up increasing the incidence of an unwanted behavior

The main problem with a negative reinforcement trap is that it? a. is only effective with very young children. b. involves aversive consequences.. c. ends up increasing the incidence of an unwanted behavior d. requires an age-peer model.

a. Sally, who is 80 years old.

Death anxiety would likely be the lowest for? a. Sally, who is 80 years old. b. Jesse, who is 45 years old. c. Rikki, who is 30 years old. d. Lake, who is 21 years old.

d. cognitive and behavioral functioning.

Dementia as defined as a serious impairment of? a. mood. b. anxiety. c. psychomotor functioning. d. cognitive and behavioral functioning.

c. address custody issues involving younger children.

The main purpose of the Collaborative Divorce Project is to? a. assist same-sex marriage partners when they "divorce." b. encourage legislators to consider all divorces and being "no fault." c. address custody issues involving younger children. d. ensure that more couples stay married.

b. Longitudinal

Denise is studying how attitudes toward government change over the course of life by studying one group of people when they are 11, 21, 31, 41, 51, and 61 years old. What kind of design is Denise using? a. Sequential b. Longitudinal c. Cross-sectional d. Experiment

c. dating abuse.

The main purpose of the Families for Safe Dates program is to reduce? a. homosexual behavior. b. teen pregnancy. c. dating abuse. d. drunk driving.

a. health.

The main reason for a person to enter a nursing home is his or her? a. health. b. age. c. wealth. d. spouse.

c. halfway

The statement, "Nothing in life can be known for certain" is most likely to be uttered by someone at the ____ stage of reflective judgment. a. initial b. second c. halfway d. last

a. Parkinson's disease.

Despite the fact that Feodor's hands shake and he has a difficult time walking, positioning, and moving his body to get in and out of chairs, he remains mentally sharp. Feodor appears to have? a. Parkinson's disease. b. Alzheimer's disease. c. Huntington's disease. d. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

c. rising healthcare costs.

The major problem facing Medicare involves? a. the lack of skilled nursing facilities. b. a refusal by the government to fund via a payroll tax. c. rising healthcare costs. d. the increasing age of retirement.

a. little control.

Docility is characterized by a sense of? a. little control. b. intermediate care. c. high competence. d. proactivity.

d. Yes, it tends to be associated with more aggressive behavior.

Does watching TV violence really affect the behavior of children? a. No, it has no effect on overt violent behavior. b. Not really. It may make them a little scared for a while but has no long-term effects. c. It might if the children are ADHD before they watch the violence. d. Yes, it tends to be associated with more aggressive behavior.

d. palmar

Donnie slips his little finger into the hand of his newborn infant, who immediately grasps onto it. The infant is exhibiting the ____ reflex? a. Moro b. stepping c. rooting d. Palmar

b. organization

Donovan is really into football and is able to remember all of the professional teams because he has mentally sorted them by division. This indicates that Donavan is using ____ to help him recall the information? a. divergent thinking b. organization c. abstract thinking d. rehearsal

b. serious oxygen deprivation.

Dr. Fry has just been informed that his son has sickle-cell trait. As a knowledgeable physician, Dr. Fry would realize that his son's body is most likely to experience? a. excess levels of body fat. b. serious oxygen deprivation. c. decreased lung capacity. d. blindness.

b. Dinn's maze performance when assisted by a skilled helper.

Dr. Gunga is attempting to determine the zone of proximal development for Dinn when Dinn works on complex mazes. In order to do so, Dr. Gunga must measure Dinn's personal performance on the maze and? a. Dinn's performance on several other Piagetian tasks. b. Dinn's maze performance when assisted by a skilled helper. c. Dinn's peers' performance on the same maze. d. how well Dinn performed on the same maze earlier in his life.

d. self-report

Dr. Ims studies how children think about television by asking them to answer several questions related to their television viewing. It is most likely that Dr. Ims's research involves using a(n) ____ method? a. naturalistic observation b. structured observation c. experiment d. self-report

d. culture-fair intelligence test.

Dr. Jourdan is devising an intelligence test containing items that relate to experiences common to all people around the world. Dr. Jourdan is most likely attempting to develop a(n)? a. test of multiple intelligences. b. intelligence quotient. c. spatial intelligence test. d. culture-fair intelligence test.

b. his genes

Dr. Kim takes a strong nature position with regard to the origins of intellectual disabilities. Therefore, she would most likely hypothesize that her son's intellectual disability (formally known as mental retardation) is due to? a. her parenting style. b. his genes. c. his exposure to a toxic chemical prior to birth. d. random chance.

b. cross-linking.

Dr. Mbiti believes that people age because their muscles and arteries become less flexible as they interact with certain proteins. Her lecture describing this position is most likely to focus on? a. wear and tear. b. cross-linking. c. neurofibrillary tangles. d. free radicals.

c. word fluency.

Dr. Merchant points to a picture of elephants and asks you to describe what you see in the picture. Dr. Merchant is probably assessing? a. verbal meaning. b. number. c. word fluency. d. inductive reasoning.

c. cognitive

Dr. Murray believes that depression results from an individual's conscious focus on maladaptive beliefs about oneself. Given this information, Dr. Murray is most likely a ____ therapist? a. behavioral b. psychodynamic c. cognitive d. social learning theory

a. Rejected

What type of child is disliked by the majority of their peers? a. Rejected b. Controversial c. Neglected d. Average

c. outer is to inner.

Ectoderm is to endoderm as? a. heterozygous is to homozygous. b. fraternal is to identical. c. outer is to inner. d. bone is to muscle.

c. 50

Eight-year-old Harvey has a mental age of four. What is his intelligence quotient? a. 200 b. 150 c. 50 d. 32

a. James, who was your 8-year-old child

Of all of these people who have just died, most people would find the death of which individual to be the most tragic? a. James, who was your 8-year-old child b. Humphrey, who was your 28-year-old sister c. Priscilla, who was your 48-year-old best friend d. Gladys, who was your 68-year-old parent

b. sleeping

Of all the behavioral states, newborns spend the most time each day in the ____ state? a. waking activity b. sleeping c. crying d. alert inactivity

c. resistant

Elise has been playing alone, upset, by herself in her room. When her mother returns, she is not comforted but seems angry with her mother. Elise is most likely exhibiting a(n) ____ attachment? a. secure b. avoidant c. resistant d. disoriented

c. No, as long as Elita provides "good mothering" when she's with the child at homed.

Elita is feeling guilty about sending her 18-month-old off to daycare. Assuming Elita is sending her daughter to a quality daycare center, should she be worried? a. Yes. Children younger than two who are in daycare experience far more negative effects than positive effects. b. Yes, but only because her child is female. c. No, as long as Elita provides "good mothering" when she's with the child at homed. d. No, because daycare makes children more cooperative.

d. childhood obesity is related to adolescent bulimia but not anorexia.

Research has shown that? a. overprotective parenting is related to bulimia and anorexia. b. childhood obesity is related to bulimia and anorexia. c. overprotective parenting is related to bulimia but not anorexia. d. childhood obesity is related to adolescent bulimia but not anorexia.

a. a high level of dementia.

One common characteristic of the fourth age is? a. a high level of dementia. b. a virtual absence of chronic stress. c. establishment of one's career. d. a great probability of major improvement on physical strength/flexibility.

d. a major

Environmental toxins appear to play ____ role in determining longevity? a. no b. a minimal c. some d. a major

c. neglected.

Eric's classmates don't particularly hate him; they just never pay any attention to him. Eric would probably be best described as? a. controversial. b. rejected. c. neglected. d. average.

d. underestimates the cognitive abilities of infants and overestimates the abilities of adolescents.

One criticism of Piaget's theory is that it? a. overestimates the cognitive abilities of both infants and adolescents. b. underestimates the cognitive abilities of both infants and adolescents. c. overestimates the cognitive abilities of infants and underestimates the abilities of adolescents. d. underestimates the cognitive abilities of infants and overestimates the abilities of adolescents.

b. generativity versus stagnation.

Erik Erikson believes that midlife involves a psychosocial crisis involving characteristics of? a. trust versus mistrust. b. generativity versus stagnation. c. industry versus inferiority. d. identity versus role confusion.

b. testing a few identities to see which one fits them best.

Erikson hypothesized that adolescents achieve an identity by? a. doing only what their parents tell them to do. b. testing a few identities to see which one fits them best. c. unconsciously relying on their genetic makeup d. simply progressing naturally from their preteen years.

d. maintain a constant temperature for the embryo.

One key purpose of the amniotic fluid is to? a. provide the embryo with nutrients. b. stimulate development of neurotransmitters. c. screen the flow of blood between mother and embryo. d. maintain a constant temperature for the embryo.

b. cope with stressful jobs as adults

One major long-term outcome of working a stressful job during the teen years is that the individual is better able to? a. decide which job matches his or her personality b. cope with stressful jobs as adults c. allocate his or her income as an adult d. conform to appropriate workplace behavior

b. ovaries.

Estrogen is directly released by the? a. pituitary gland. b. ovaries. c. adrenal gland. d. testes.

d. 18 months

Evan is a normal subject in a self-awareness study who has just begun to recognize himself in mirrors and pictures. It is most likely that Evan is about ____ old? a. 3months b. 6months c. 12 months d. 18 months

d. one individual's reasoning skills improve with age while another's declines with age.

Evidence for interindividual variability in intelligence is best demonstrated when? a. a single test of intelligence is based on assessing many different abilities. b. the same individual shows improvement in language skills while showing declines in math skills. c. an individual's singing improves after taking singing lessons. d. one individual's reasoning skills improve with age while another's declines with age.

a. both nature and nurture.

Exceptional talent is the product of? a. both nature and nurture. b. nature. c. nurture. d. education.

c. competence.

Experimenters are attempting to assess the upper limits of Ralph's physical, sensory-perceptual, cognitive, motor, and personal skills. When they are done, they will have determined Ralph's? a. proactivity. b. continuity. c. competence. d. environmental press.

b. zygotic

Exposure to a teratogen during the ____ period is most likely to result in a spontaneous abortion? a. implantation b. zygotic c. embryonic d. fetal

a. early divorce.

Expression of negative emotions toward a spouse is positively correlated with? a. early divorce. b. later divorce. c. marital satisfaction. d. expression of positive emotions.

d. responsibility.

Filial obligation is based on a sense of? a. independence. b. openness to experience. c. stagnation. d. responsibility.

c. loosening ties to the deceased

Finding effective ways to say good-bye to the deceased is one way of? a. strengthening ties to the deceased b. repressing the loss c. loosening ties to the deceased d. avoiding the emotions we feel after loss

c. model the behavior herself.

One of the most effective ways for Dottie to get her child to engage in altruistic behavior is for Dottie to? a. avoid discipline. b. not dwell on or praise any spontaneous acts of altruism she observes in her child. c. model the behavior herself. d. do nothing and let the child's natural altruistic instinct take over.

d. young people suffer more health consequences following bereavement than older people.

Research on bereavement has shown that? a. the positive impact of church attendance on the grieving has little to do with the social support that people receive at church. b. women have higher mortality rates following bereavement. c. men have higher rates of depression following bereavement. d. young people suffer more health consequences following bereavement than older people.

d. 1,000

Five-month-old Hakeem currently weighs 20 pounds. How many calories should he be ingesting each day? a. 200 b. 400 c. 800 d. 1,000

d. His imagination has virtually no impact on his ability to separate fantasy and reality.

Five-year-old Lou has a vivid imagination and an imaginary friend. How would this affect Lou's ability to distinguish between fantasy and reality? a. He is more likely than other children his age to believe that cartoon characters are "real." b. He is more likely than other children his age to believe that "magic" is "real." c. He is less likely than other children his age to want to play games that involve pretending. d. His imagination has virtually no impact on his ability to separate fantasy and reality.

a. allow for more flexible and adaptive thinking.

Fluid intelligence consists of abilities that? a. allow for more flexible and adaptive thinking. b. are acquired throughout the life span. c. are considered primary mental abilities but not secondary mental abilities. d. include verbal skills but not inductive or abstract thinking.

c. Reduced vaginal lubrication

For Beth, menopause just ended. Which change should she expect? a. Enlarged vaginal walls b. Enlarged external genitalia c. Reduced vaginal lubrication d. Reduced possibility of painful intercourse

b. wearing black

For most European Americans, ____ would be the best example of a mourning ritual? a. being cremated b. wearing black c. having an open casket d. writing a will

c. six months

For most people, grief tends to peak within ____ following the death of a loved one? a. one month b. three months c. six months d. twelve months

d. the result of gradual circumstances, not a lifestyle choice.

For most people, the decision to remain permanently single is? a. made in the teenage years. b. due to the untimely death of their "one true love." c. driven by economic factors. d. the result of gradual circumstances, not a lifestyle choice.

a. psychotherapy.

For older adults, the clear treatment of choice for anxiety disorders is? a. psychotherapy. b. Librium. c. Valium. d. SSRIs.

a. less emotionally intense and less sexual.

Friendship relationships differ from love relationships in that they are? a. less emotionally intense and less sexual. b. less emotionally intense and more sexual. c. more emotionally intense and less sexual. d. more emotionally intense and more sexual.

c. counterimitation.

Fugi watches her older sister getting yelled at after she throws an apple across the kitchen. Fugi is now less likely to throw an apple across the kitchen herself. This kind of learning through observation would be best described as? a. time-out. b. direct instruction. c. counterimitation. d. a negative reinforcement trap.

b. possible selves.

Gabriella often thinks of herself as a mother and dreams of herself as an actress, but is afraid she'll end up suffering from alcoholism. These are examples of? a. stereotype threats. b. possible selves. c. reflective judgments. d. life-span constructs.

b. foreclosure

Gayord sets random rules for his children to follow and enforces them without explanation. This parenting style will most likely result in Gayord's teenage children displaying a(n) ____ identity status? a. diffusion b. foreclosure c. moratorium d. achievement

d. a set of behavioral expectations.

Gender stereotypes influence behavior by providing? a. an explanation for biological differences between males and females. b. accurate sex-based information. c. the world with a set of universal guidelines. d. a set of behavioral expectations.

d. older adults

Generally, ____ show the least anxiety about death? a. adolescents b. young adults c. middle-aged adults d. older adults

a. interact dynamically throughout development.

Genes and environments? a. interact dynamically throughout development. b. act independently throughout development. c. interact dynamically in childhood and independently in adulthood. d. act independently in childhood and interact dynamically in adulthood.

b. biochemical

Genes provide the cell with a specific set of ____ instructions? a. hormonal b. biochemical c. in vitro d. bioelectric

d. a major

Genetic factors appear to play ____ role in determining whether people reach centenarian status. a. no b. a minimal c. some d. a major

b. less able to convert fat to fuel.

Genetic influence on obesity can cause some adolescents to be? a. more influenced by television ads b. less able to convert fat to fuel. c. far thinner than their parents. d. estrogen deficient.

d. chromosome pattern is to physical features.

Genotype is to phenotype as? a. homozygous is to heterozygous. b. nurture is to nature. c. DNA is to RNA. d. chromosome pattern is to physical features.

a. didn't accurately reflect the moral development of women.

Gilligan's original complaint against Kohlberg's theory was that it? a. didn't accurately reflect the moral development of women. b. had too many stages. c. was too Piagetian. d. had no practical applications.

a. panic, as this may indicate that her child is in a life-threatening state.

Gina has just given birth and hears that the Apgar score for her newborn son is a 3. As a person who understands the scoring system, she would most likely? a. panic, as this may indicate that her child is in a life-threatening state. b. be somewhat concerned, as this score would indicate at least some minor distress. c. be very happy, as a 3 is the top score on this test. d. be confused, as Apgar scores must fall between -1.0 and +1.0.

c. spatial

Ginny is an architect who is excellent at picturing what an existing building would look like with certain modifications. This ability is probably most reflective of a high level of ____ intelligence? a. personal b. bodily-kinesthetic c. spatial d. intrapersonal

d. clique.

Glenna hangs around two other friends who are the same sex and have similar attitudes and interests. This group of friends would most accurately be described as a? a. group. b. crowd. c. gang. d. clique.

a. deterioration of cells over a lifetime.

The cellular theory of aging most focuses on? a. deterioration of cells over a lifetime. b. the number of chromosomes in a cell. c. the size of cells. d. the sudden death of cells in one system

b. worse than

The chances for remarrying for a housewife in middle or late life are generally ____ the chances for remarrying when divorcing young. a. about the same as b. worse than c. better than d. worse for men and better for women than

d. ectoderm

Hair and the nervous system develop during the embryonic period from cells contained in the ____ layer? a. mesoderm b. endoderm c. placenta d. ectoderm

d. Halley has a greater risk of having a miscarriage.

Halley is 40 years old and she and her daughter Berry, 20, are both currently pregnant. Which statement with regard to these two mothers is most accurate? a. Berry has a greater risk of giving birth to a baby with sickle-cell anemia. b. Halley is twice as fertile as Berry. c. Berry's odds of having a baby with Down syndrome are threetimes higher than Halley's. d. Halley has a greater risk of having a miscarriage.

a. external continuity.

The comment, "I have been in this line of work for the past 35 years" is best associated with? a. external continuity. b. internal continuity. c. external discontinuity. d. internal discontinuity.

c. a scenario.

Harouna is thinking about graduating from graduate school and finding a job in which he can use his skills. This is an example of? a. an implicit stereotype. b. a life story. c. a scenario. d. reflective judgment.

b. coping.

Heather is experiencing a great deal of stress. She has tried relaxation training, thinking about life events in a different way, and even talking to her friends. All of these strategies are best classified as attempts at? a. repression. b. coping. c. stagnation. d. appraisal.

b. fast.

Heuristics tend to be very? a. sophisticated. b. fast. c. accurate. d. analytical.

b. "-ing"

What is an example of a grammatical morpheme? a. "Fish" b. "-ing" c. "Fishing" d. "Fisherman"

a. Pride

What is not be considered a basic emotion? a. Pride b. Surprise c. Anger d. Fear

b. positively related

Homogamy is ____ with marital satisfaction? a. unrelated b. positively related c. inversely related d. negatively related

a. same is to different.

Homozygous is to heterozygous as? a. same is to different. b. recessive is to dominant. c. genotype is to phenotype. d. many is to few.

c. palliative care

Hospice care take a ____ approach, which is focused on providing relief from pain and other symptoms of disease at any point during the disease process? a. euthanasia-centered b. physician-assisted suicide c. palliative care d. hospital care

c. Menopause occurs during the climacteric.

How are menopause and the climacteric related? a. Menopause typically ends right before the climacteric. b. The climacteric typically ends right before menopause. c. Menopause occurs during the climacteric. d. Menopause and the climacteric are unrelated.

c. Vygotsky saw the journey as involving an apprenticeship driven by collaboration with others, while Piaget saw children as making the journey alone.

How did Piaget and Vygotsky view the "journey" of cognitive development? a. Both saw children as making the journey alone. b. Piaget saw the journey as involving an apprenticeship driven by collaboration with others, while Vygotsky saw children as making the journey alone. c. Vygotsky saw the journey as involving an apprenticeship driven by collaboration with others, while Piaget saw children as making the journey alone. d. Both saw the journey as involving an apprenticeship driven by collaboration with others.

d. Older adults have lower amygdala activation and lower emotional arousal.

How do changes in the amygdala over time impact the regulation of emotion? a. Younger adults have higher amygdala activation and lower emotional arousal. b. Younger adults have lower amygdala activation and higher emotional arousal. c. Older adults have higher amygdala activation and lower emotional arousal. d. Older adults have lower amygdala activation and lower emotional arousal.

b. The number of volunteer hours increases while the paid hours decrease.

How does a person's activity level typically change after retirement? a. The number of paid and volunteer hours both increase. b. The number of volunteer hours increases while the paid hours decrease. c. The number of paid hours increases while the volunteer hours decrease. d. The number of paid and volunteer hours both decrease.

b. Infants with difficult temperaments are less likely to form secure attachments.

How does temperament contribute to attachment? a. Infants with easygoing temperaments are more likely to form disorganized attachments. b. Infants with difficult temperaments are less likely to form secure attachments. c. Infants with moms who have rigid temperaments tend to form secure attachments. d. Infants with any type of temperament are equally likely to form secure attachments.

c. It has risen by about four years.

How has the median age of first marriage in the United States changed from 1970 to 2009? a. It has dropped by about four years. b. It has remained constant. c. It has risen by about four years. d. It has risen by about eight years.

a. Monitor the fetus's heart rate.

How is a physician most likely to guard against fetal hypoxia? a. Monitor the fetus's heart rate. b. Avoid exposing the fetus to tainted blood. c. Encourage the mother to deliver vaginally. d. Conduct a genetic screen of the parents.

b. Experts come to solutions faster

How is expert problem-solving different from problem-solving by a novice? a. Novices are more curious b. Experts come to solutions faster c. Novices follow fewer rules d. Experts demonstrate less flexibility in thought

b. A daughter or daughter-in-law is typically responsible for care.

How is gender related to caring for an aging parent? a. A son or son-in-law is typically responsible for care. b. A daughter or daughter-in-law is typically responsible for care. c. Gender matters but which one provides care varies by culture. d. Gender does not influence who provides care.

b. Light drinkers have the greatest benefits.

How is the consumption of alcohol related to the promotion of health? a. Abstainers have the greatest benefits. b. Light drinkers have the greatest benefits. c. Heavy drinkers have the greatest benefits. d. Alcohol consumption has not been related to any health benefits.

a. 1

How many DNA molecules are typically contained in each human chromosome? a. 1 b. 46 c. 468 d. 100,000

a. one

How many of the following are examples of internal memory aids: a calendar, your diary, class notes, and mental notes? a. one b. two c. three d. four

d. four

How many of the following are potential teratogens: aspirin, nicotine, cocaine, and caffeine? a. one b. two c. three d. four

d. three

How many of these children would be at risk for child abuse: a step-child, a sick child, and a child with a parent deployed in a combat zone? a. none b. one c. two d. three

a. "You may be correct, because by that age, the fetus may actually be hearing your voice."

How would you respond to a telephone operator who claims that her eight-month-old fetus gets excited every time she says, "What city, please?" a. "You may be correct, because by that age, the fetus may actually be hearing your voice." b. "It is likely gas, since fetuses can't hear until they are out of the womb." c. "If what you say is true, you are likely carrying a female because they develop a sense of hearing before males." d. "Since fetuses have no memory, there is no way they would only respond to a specific phrase."

d. mediator.

Hulk often has to step in and solve disagreements between his son Hogan and his daughter Brooke. This action best reflects the idea of a parent a? a. playmate. b. social director. c. coach. d. mediator.

a. 4

Human DNA is composed of a total of ____ different nucleotide bases? a. 4 b. 23 c. 444 d. 30,000

a. IADLs have a higher-level intellectual component.

IADLs differ from ADLs in that? a. IADLs have a higher-level intellectual component. b. IADLs are necessary for survival. c. ADLs are more difficult to perform. d. ADLs are less commonly performed by African Americans.

a. good predictors of school success and occupational success.

IQ scores are? a. good predictors of school success and occupational success. b. good predictors of school success but bad predictors of occupational success. c. bad predictors of school success but good predictors of occupational success. d. poor predictors of school success and occupational success.

b. unprotected sex by teens.

The illusion of invulnerability is best demonstrated by? a. post conventional thinking about sex. b. unprotected sex by teens. c. a girl's first menstrual cycle. d. male masturbation.

a. she was conceived in a Petri dish.

If Agnieszka found out that she was conceived through in vitro fertilization, she would know for certain that? a. she was conceived in a Petri dish. b. she was conceived inside a fallopian tube. c. her biological parents were not the same as the parents who reared her. d. the woman who carried her as a baby was not the woman who reared her.

d. shy

If Andrew is shy when he is two-years-old, he is more likely to be ____ when he is four-years-old? a. highly sociable b. happy c. argumentative d. shy

d. possessions.

If Donna is a normal three-year-old, her definition of herself will consist largely of her? a. beliefs. b. feelings. c. family. d. possessions.

a. secure

If Imelda is a typical American infant, you would most likely be correct if you guessed that she exhibits a(n) ____ attachment? a. secure b. avoidant c. resistant d. disoriented

a. transition to solid food more easily.

If a baby is breast-fed, it is more likely to? a. transition to solid food more easily. b. be constipated. c. be ill. d. be exposed to contaminants.

b. information can no longer flow through the neuron.

If a neuron becomes extremely tangled? a. a person will develop Parkinson's disease. b. information can no longer flow through the neuron. c. electrochemical energy begins to flow from the axon to the dendrite instead of from the dendrite to the axon. d. it will not significantly affect neural functioning as such tangling is a sign of normal development.

a. some people are smart, no matter the situation, task, or problem.

If a person believes in "general intelligence," then he or she believes that? a. some people are smart, no matter the situation, task, or problem. b. whether people are smart depends on the situation, task, or problem. c. intelligence cannot be assessed psychometrically. d. fourth-graders will be smarter than third-graders.

b. polygenetic.

If a physician informed you that your speech disorder was the result of problems on chromosomes 4, 7, and 15, you would rightly conclude that the disorder is always classifiable as? a. recessive. b. polygenetic. c. dominant. d. sex-linked.

a. "inarticulation."

If asked to list key symptoms for ADHD, you should avoid saying? a. "inarticulation." b. " hyperactivity." c. "inattention." d. "impulsivity."

c. Danny, who is "ss"

If tallness is dominant and designated as "T," and shortness is recessive and designated as "s," who would likely be short? a. Bing, who is "sT" b. Crosby, who is "Ts" c. Danny, who is "ss" d. Kay, who is "TT"

d. humans are born with a "prewired death clock."

If the programmed cell theory of aging is correct? a. people under stress should die sooner than those not under stress. b. a low-fat diet should extend life. c. the elimination of free radicals should greatly extend life. d. humans are born with a "prewired death clock."

c. currently stored in working memory.

If you are reading this test question for the first time, it is? a. currently stored in sensory memory. b. currently stored in long-term memory. c. currently stored in working memory. d. not currently stored in any memory system.

b. Tell the child to ask a friend who knows how to throw well to help him or her out.

If you believed in the concept of the zone of proximal development, what advice should you give to a child who is attempting to learn how to throw a ball? a. Tell the child to do it by him- or herself. b. Tell the child to ask a friend who knows how to throw well to help him or her out. c. Tell the child how easy the task is (even if it is hard). d. You would say nothing, as advice will simply confuse the child.

c. Sierra Leone.

If you wanted to visit the country with the lowest average life expectancy, you should book a trip to? a. Uganda. b. Fiji. c. Sierra Leone. d. Guyana.

a. "The average age of onset has dropped about 4 years."

If you were asked to describe the pattern of the average age of menarche onset in Europe between 1840 and today, you should say? a. "The average age of onset has dropped about 4 years." b. "The average age of onset has dropped about 2 years." c. "The average age of onset has increased about 2 years." d. "The average age of onset has increased about 4 years."

d. "What is the capital of New Jersey?"

If you were taking a test to assess your episodic memory, what question would you be least likely to be asked? a. "What did you do on your last birthday?" b. "Where were you on the 4th of July?" c. "What happened the last time you went to the movies?" d. "What is the capital of New Jersey?"

b. you explain the reasons for the time-out to the child.

If you're going to use time-out, make sure that? a. the time-out location is close to where the child misbehaved. b. you explain the reasons for the time-out to the child. c. the time-out period is at least a half-hour long. d. you model the appropriate behavior to the child.

b. each genotype can produce a variety of phenotypes.

The concept that genotypes are not the only things that control traits involves the fact that? a. dizygotic twins are virtually genetically identical. b. each genotype can produce a variety of phenotypes. c. recessive genes are more commonly expressed than dominant genes. d. the environment has little impact on behavior.

a. hippocampus

Improvements in infant memory that occur around six months after birth may be the result of development in the ____ area of the brain? a. hippocampus b. frontal cortex c. hypothalamus d. occipital lobe

a. as they exist naturally

In a correlational study, variables are always studied? a. as they exist naturally. b. after some manipulation. c. during an experiment. d. at the population level.

c. a single leader.

In a group based on a dominance hierarchy, you can expect? a. increased internal conflict. b. equal status for all members. c. a single leader. d. few active members.

a. increases in older age.

In general, subjective well-being? a. increases in older age. b. decreases in older age. c. increases for older men and decreases for older women. d. increases for older women and decreases for older men.

d. both parties feel disappointed or rejected.

In most divorce cases? a. neither party feels disappointed or rejected. b. only the wife feels disappointed or rejected. c. only the husband feels disappointed or rejected. d. both parties feel disappointed or rejected.

b. state

In order to assess newborn June with the NBAS, Dr. Lee is determining how long she stays awake. Which system is Dr. Lee assessing? a. Social b. State c. Motor d. Autonomic

d. capacity; competency

In order to determine if a person is cognitively or legally able to make end-of-life decisions, their ____ and ____ are assessed? a. formal operations; intelligence b. verbal skills; writing skills c. intelligence; competency d. capacity; competency

c. reorganize his or her schemes.

In order to overcome a state of disequilibrium, a child must? a. engage in hypothetical deductive reasoning. b. become more egocentric. c. reorganize his or her schemes. d. develop a strong orienting response.

d. comprehension

In reading, ____ is defined as the ability to extract meaning from a sequence of words? a. phonological awareness b. animism c. intonation d. comprehension

c. word recognition.

In reading, the process of identifying a unique pattern of letters is called? a. intonation. b. phonological awareness. c. word recognition. d. divergent thinking.

b. broadened to include areas like dance and music.

In recent years, the definition of "gifted" has? a. broadened to include all IQ tests. b. broadened to include areas like dance and music. c. narrowed to include only those in the top 5 percent of their graduating class. d. narrowed to include only scores from the Stanford-Binet test.

c. stranger

In the Strange Situation test, a(n) ____ remains alone in a room with an infant? a. mother b. observer c. stranger d. second infant

a. 5

In the United States on any given day, about ____ percent of older adults reside in a nursing home? a. 5 b. 15 c. 25 d. 35

d. 40

In the United States, ____ percent of people over age 65 report a functional limitation of some kind? a. 10 b. 20 c. 30 d. 40

d. purchasing a car

In the United States, ____ would be considered an instrumental activity of daily living? a. walking b. opening a door c. taking a bath d. purchasing a car

a. inner-city neighborhoods.

In the United States, the poorest health conditions are found in those living in? a. inner-city neighborhoods. b. the South. c. ethnic neighborhoods. d. nursing homes.

b. Kohlberg would argue that the act of theft is not in and of itself immoral, depending on the rationale for the theft.

In the Victor Hugo story Les Misérables, a character named Valjean steals a loaf of bread to feed a starving child. How would psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg describe this act? a. Kohlberg would not be surprised because he saw humans as morally corrupt. b. Kohlberg would argue that the act of theft is not in and of itself immoral, depending on the rationale for the theft. c. Kohlberg would have expected the theft if the child were Valjean's but not if the child belonged to someone else. d. Kohlberg would have expected the theft but only if Valjean were operating at the lowest level of moral reasoning.

a. diffusion

In the ____ stage of identity status, an individual is overwhelmed yet does little to accomplish the task of identity formation? a. diffusion b. moratorium c. foreclosure d. achievement

c. average

In the country of Casfeldt, 50 percent of the population who died in 2002 were older than 85. Thus, 85 would be the ____ life expectancy. a. maximum b. useful c. average d. modal

b. chastity

In their cross-cultural study of mate selection, Buss and colleagues found that the characteristic of ____ showed the most variation as to whether it was important to mate selection. a. intelligence b. chastity c. physical attractiveness d. social status

c. Undifferentiated

In what stage of perspective-taking are children most egocentric? a. Social-informational b. Societal c. Undifferentiated d. Self-reflective

d. The United States

In which country would individuality in children be most acceptable to parents? a. Panama b. China c. Taiwan d. The United States

a. Determining what clothes to wear to the prom

In which situation is Rita most likely to be influenced by peer pressure? a. Determining what clothes to wear to the prom b. Deciding whether to scream "fire" in a crowded movie theater c. Determining how she should cook macaroni and cheese d. Deciding whether she should sleep at night

c. acquaintanceship.

The initial stage in friendship development is called? a. buildup. b. continuation. c. acquaintanceship. d. deterioration.

c. First word

Infant Timmy has been babbling for several months. What is his next likely linguistic milestone? a. Cooing b. Telegraphic speech c. First word d. Intonation

c. before their first birthday.

Infant mortality rate is defined as the percentage of infants who die? a. before birth. b. during birth. c. before their first birthday. d. before their second birthday.

a. correct thinking is to divergent thinking.

Intelligence is to creativity as? a. correct thinking is to divergent thinking. b. componential is to contextual. c. spatial intelligence is to musical intelligence. d. universe is to stars.

a. attempting to make sense out of one's life.

The conflict of integrity versus despair is characterized by? a. attempting to make sense out of one's life. b. forming an initial sense of identity. c. a sense of great care for the next generation. d. developing a sense of trust.

d. centration.

The conservation of liquid task directly assesses a child's level of? a. intelligence. b. habituation. c. animism. d. centration.

a. very common

It is ____ for an adult child caregiver to feel resentful and angry at times about caring for an aging parent? a. very common b. somewhat common c. somewhat unusual d. very unusual

c. $240,000

It is estimated that it will cost middle-income parents about ____ to raise a child born in 2012 from birth through high school. a. $80,000 b. $180,000 c. $240,000 d. $800,000

b. has made peace with his friends and family.

Jac is living in Ghana and is said to be dying a "good death." This means that he? a. is in his teens. b. has made peace with his friends and family. c. will take his own life. d. has sacrificed an animal to the "god of the living."

b. transition.

The criteria for reaching adulthood are referred to as a role? a. reversal. b. transition. c. impedance. d. reflection.

b. relies on his parents for advice.

James is a typical adolescent. You would expect that he? a. does not feel loved by his parents. b. relies on his parents for advice. c. has low self-esteem. d. is conflicted with regard to gender identity.

c. Good grades

Jari is a frequent binge drinker. Which is he less likely to experience than his non-binge-drinking peers? a. Unprotected sex b. A hangover c. Good grades d. A sexually transmitted disease

a. She will look away from the object.

Jaunita is a typical six-month-old. How is she most likely to regulate her emotions if she sees a scary object? a. She will look away from the object. b. She will make a sad face. c. She will stare back and try to frighten the object away. d. She will make no attempt to regulate her emotions.

b. 5.5

The cutoff between normal and low birth weight is about ____ pounds? a. 7.7 b. 5.5 c. 3.3 d. 2.2

b. an expressive style.

Jeanne has just learned to talk and often says things like "I want it" or "Come here" or "Where did he go?" Jeanne is exhibiting? a. infant-directed speech. b. an expressive style. c. a referential style. d. babbling.

a. Life review

Jeff is 73 years old. Lately, he's been thinking about the things he's done in his life—his relationships, his accomplishments, and other experiences he's had. Which term best describes what Jeff is doing? a. Life review b. Despair c. Proactivity d. Socioemotional selectivity

a. a theory of mind.

Jeffrey is a three-year-old who is beginning to make connections between people's thoughts, intentions, and behaviors. According to Wellman (2002), Jeffrey is developing? a. a theory of mind. b. a temperament. c. motor skills. d. retinal disparity.

d. a final scenario.

Jensen is dying. She is explaining to her family that she would like to spend her last days alone in her country home with just her husband. These arrangements are an example of? a. passive euthanasia. b. denial. c. death anxiety. d. a final scenario.

c. permissive.

Jerry is a member of the "druggie" crowd. His parents were most likely? a. authoritarian. b. authoritative. c. permissive. d. popular.

b. a personal fable.

Jerry is upset because his comedy partner, Dean, just broke up with him. When his parents attempt to console Jerry, he tells them, "It's no use—you couldn't possibly know how I feel. No one knows how I feel!" Jerry's statement is an example of? a. an imaginary audience. b. a personal fable. c. moratorium. d. learned helplessness.

c. binge drinking.

Jimmy goes to a party with his college buddies and has six beers in a row. Jimmy's behavior would be best classified as? a. alcoholism. b. light drinking. c. binge drinking. d. purge drinking.

c. experience-expectant growth.

The fact that brain wiring is organized by experiences common to humans is referred to as? a. altered inactivity. b. experience-dependent growth. c. experience-expectant growth. d. waking activity.

b. monozygotic twins.

John and Wayne have the exact same genes. This indicates that they must be? a. dizygotic twins. b. monozygotic twins. c. heterozygous. d. co-dominant.

b. creative

The issue of novelty of thinking is best associated with ____ ability? a. analytical b. creative c. practical d. familial

b. has matching alleles.

Joseph is homozygous for normal blood cells. This means that he? a. is an identical twin. b. has matching alleles. c. has recessive alleles. d. is likely to develop sickle-cell anemia.

c. Effortful control

Julio and Kari are babies who are the same age but very different from each other. Julio has the ability to focus his attention on a task, while Kari is very easily distracted. Julio and Kari differ on which dimension of temperament? a. Activity b. Negative affect c. Effortful control d. Surgency

c. emerging

Kalya considers herself more than an adolescent but not yet fully an adult. This would qualify her as being in the state known as ____ adulthood? a. tween b. passage c. emerging d. formal

d. deliberate.

The key characteristic of an explicit memory is that it is? a. naughty. b. false. c. not tied to a specific time. d. deliberate.

c. cohabitation.

Ken and Barbie are sexually active singles who are discussing the idea of moving in together. They are definitely contemplating? a. forming an extended family. b. homogamy. c. cohabitation. d. assortative mating.

a. by comparing a child's score with the average score of other children of the same age.

On modern tests of intelligence, IQ scores are determined? a. by comparing a child's score with the average score of other children of the same age. b. by using the same IQ calculation as on the original Stanford-Binet exam. c. based on a child's gender and race. d. by subtracting a child's chronological age from their mental age.

b. openness to experience.

Kevin is described by friends as having a great imagination and being willing to try anything once. Given this description, Kevin would most likely score very high on a scale of? a. agreeableness. b. openness to experience. c. neuroticism. d. conscientiousness.

d. writing

Knowledge-telling and knowledge-transforming are types of ____ strategies? a. reading b. speaking c. spelling d. writing

c. information-processing theory.

Rutger believes that, rather than progressing through a sequence of stages, mental processes gradually get more complex and efficient. Rutger is most likely a proponent of? a. Piaget's theory. b. Kohlberg's theory. c. information-processing theory. d. Erikson's theory.

d. An accident

Kofi, a 27-year-old male living in the United States, recently died. What was the most likely cause of Kofi's death? a. Cardiovascular disease b. Homicide c. Cancer d. An accident

c. preconventional

Kohlberg used the label ____ when referring to the first level of moral reasoning? a. preoperational b. prepositional c. preconventional d. prepubertal

a. individual rights and justice as the basis for moral reasoning

Kohlberg's emphasis on ____ has not been supported by cross-cultural research? a. individual rights and justice as the basis for moral reasoning b. the biological nature of morality c. racial differences in morality d. IQ scores as a predictor of moral thinking

b. depression

Koua feels guilty and ashamed over the fact that she has AIDS and how her terminal illness is affecting her family. Kübler-Ross would argue that Koua is in the ____ stage of dying? a. anger b. depression c. denial d. bargaining

c. begins focusing on the belief that God will determine the best outcome of life events.

Krause and colleagues (2000) report that the final step in "letting God have it" occurs when someone? a. focuses on how to solve the problem. b. blames God for all of life's problems. c. begins focusing on the belief that God will determine the best outcome of life events. d. knowing what in life can and cannot be changed.

a. correlation coefficient

The value of a(n) ____can range from -1.0 to 1.0.? a. correlation coefficient b. dependent variable c. independent variable d. sample

a. ethnic

Learning about one's culture and heritage sets the foundation for a person's ____ identity? a. ethnic b. crystallized c. index d. imaginary

d. socialization.

Liam is learning the values, behaviors, and roles of his culture. In other words, Liam is experiencing? a. direct instruction. b. counterimitation. c. authoritative parenting. d. socialization.

b. emerge early in life and continue throughout development.

Life-course persistent antisocial acts? a. emerge early in life and fade in later life. b. emerge early in life and continue throughout development. c. emerge in midlife and fade in later life. d. emerge in midlife and continue throughout development.

b. Initiative versus guilt

Lili has begun to play "teacher," "mommy," "doctor," and "pilot." Lili is probably in which of Erikson's stages of psychosocial development? a. Autonomy versus shame and doubt b. Initiative versus guilt c. Intimacy versus isolation d. Basic trust versus mistrust

c. She is fairly incorrect because about 15 percent of young athletes are injured and require medical attention.

Lindsey is hesitant about letting her teenage daughter Davenport participate in sports because she has heard that most youth who participate in sports end up injured. What is the most accurate assessment of Lindsey's thoughts? a. She is absolutely right because about 70 percent of young athletes are injured and require medical attention. b. She is kind of correct because about 40 percent of young athletes are injured and require medical attention. c. She is fairly incorrect because about 15 percent of young athletes are injured and require medical attention. d. She is totally wrong because only about 1 percent of young athletes are injured and require medical attention.

a. pitch.

Linguistic intonation is best described as a variation in sound? a. pitch. b. meaning. c. length. d. comprehension.

c. jointly by genetic and environmental factors.

Longevity appears to be determined? a. exclusively by genetic factors. b. exclusively by environmental factors. c. jointly by genetic and environmental factors. d. by unexplained factors.

a. biopsychosocial framework

Lotte is listening to a lecture in which her professor states, "Genetic and cultural factors are important, but they alone cannot explain the development of human beings." Lotte's professor seems to be supporting the? a. biopsychosocial framework. b. position that development is continuous. c. notion of universality. d. concept of discontinuity.

c. Lotte's personality will be different.

Lotte is recovering from a serious accident that damaged her frontal cortex. Which outcome is most likely? a. Lotte's left hemisphere will no longer be able to communicate with her right hemisphere. b. Lotte will have a difficult time breathing and seeing. c. Lotte's personality will be different. d. Lotte will have no more axons.

a. regular prenatal care.

Low birth weight can most effectively be prevented through? a. regular prenatal care. b. avoiding teratogens. c. maternal inoculations. d. chorionic villus sampling.

c. cause fatty deposits that can lead to blocked arteries.

Low-density lipoproteins? a. clear fat deposits from arteries. b. create sickle-shaped blood cells. c. cause fatty deposits that can lead to blocked arteries. d. are found in high concentrations in many green vegetables.

d. joint attention.

Macintosh is trying to get his grandson to learn the word "apple." His attempt involves looking at an apple on a tree, making sure that his grandson is also looking, and then saying "apple." Macintosh's effort to teach his grandson is clearly based on? a. motherese. b. the innate orienting response. c. fast-mapping. d. joint attention.

c. culturally defined.

Male and female social roles are? a. virtually identical. b. inherited. c. culturally defined. d. indistinguishable.

d. infancy.

Malnutrition seems to be most damaging if it occurs during? a. adulthood. b. childhood. c. adolescence. d. infancy.

a. loneliness when children visit the noncustodial parent.

Many divorced single parents report? a. loneliness when children visit the noncustodial parent. b. a tendency to refuse their children when they ask for something. c. a decrease in feelings of guilt related to their children. d. a decrease in feelings of frustration related to their children.

a. eliminated

Many employers have ____ employee pension plans? a. eliminated b. increased c. adequate d. offered stock options with their

c. plasticity

Marcia is 80 years old and is learning how to speak French and play the guitar for the first time. This new skill development is a good example of? a. multiple causation. b. historical context. c. plasticity. d. multidirectionality.

d. microsystem

Mary has only one child, one-year-old Shelly, and has stayed home for most of Shelly's life. From an ecological perspective, Mary is best thought of as part of Shelly's? a. mesosystem. b. exosystem. c. macrosystem. d. microsystem.

c. chronic and extreme.

Maternal stress is most likely to negatively impact a developing embryo/fetus when that stress is? a. intermittent and extreme. b. intermittent and moderate. c. chronic and extreme. d. chronic and moderate.

b. greater; more intimacy

Older women have a ____ number of friends characterized by ____? a. greater; less intimacy b. greater; more intimacy c. smaller; more intimacy d. smaller; less intimacy

c. the competence-environmental press theory

Matti finds himself unable to adjust to college because he doesn't seem to have the study skills necessary to earn passing grades. Matti's predicament would probably best be explained by? a. psychosocial theory. b. Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory. c. the competence-environmental press theory. d. Kohlberg's theory of moral development.

c. integrate emotion and logic in decision-making.

Mature thinkers tend to? a. view personal experience as the most critical element in decision-making. b. view rules as absolute. c. integrate emotion and logic in decision-making. d. realize that tolerance and ambiguity have no place in decision-making.

b. function better cognitively.

Max engages in regular aerobic exercise. Relative to those who do not exercise, Max is likely to? a. be more depressed. b. function better cognitively. c. show inhibited oxygen consumption. d. have higher blood pressure.

c. menstruation.

Menarche is best described as the onset of? a. puberty. b. public hair. c. menstruation. d. body growth.

d. a high

Merlin believes that he can get what he wants if he tries hard enough. This indicates that he has ____ sense of personal control. a. no b. a low c. a moderate d. a high

a. intuitive understanding of memory.

Metamemory is defined as an individual's? a. intuitive understanding of memory. b. level of semantic memory. c. sensory memory speed. d. short-term memory capacity.

c. Terror, since he likely believes that the individual has actually become a werewolf

Michael, who is a preoperational thinker, watches as a movie character appears to turn from a nice teenager into a werewolf. What is Michael's most likely reaction? a. Laughter, since he realizes that it is all a fake b. Nothing, since he would likely not notice the change c. Terror, since he likely believes that the individual has actually become a werewolf d. Confidence, since he now realizes that despite the apparent physical change, it is still the same nice individual

a. Michiko is usually calm when interacting with other children.

Michiko was insecurely attached as an infant. Which behavior is least likely to occur? a. Michiko is usually calm when interacting with other children. b. Michiko does not have as many friends as most children. c. Michiko does not display adequate social skills with her peers. d. Michiko has a difficult time resolving conflicts with others.

a. young-old.

Mickey is currently experiencing "the third age." He could best be described as one of the? a. young-old. b. oldest-old. c. old-young. d. young-young.

a. rheumatoid arthritis.

Misha often experiences severe swelling and joint pain in her fingers and wrists each morning. This pattern of symptoms is most likely due to? a. rheumatoid arthritis. b. osteoarthritis. c. the climacteric. d. osteoporosis.

d. exist for a purpose.

The fundamental premise of teleological explanations is that living things? a. have unseen souls. b. have free will. c. are superior to inanimate things. d. exist for a purpose.

a. cones.

Molly is buying decorations for her child's nursery. She is very concerned about having different colors that the baby will be able to differentiate the day she is born. Molly is attempting to stimulate her child's? a. cones. b. rods. c. kinetic cues. d. retinal disparity.

b. one egg is to two eggs.

Monozygotic is to dizygotic as? a. one mother is to two mothers. b. one egg is to two eggs. c. dominant is to recessive. d. heterozygous is to homozygous.

a. preconventional

Moral reasoning based on instrumental orientation tends to occur at the ____ level of moral thinking? a. preconventional b. conventional c. postconventional d. unconventional

a. second

Morality based on adherence to societal law and order is best associated with Kohlberg's ____ stage of moral thinking? a. second b. third c. fourth d. fifth

d. "If I do badly on this test, they may think that all black kids are stupid, and this thought is making me nervous and negatively impacting my performance."

Morris, a 17-year-old African American, is taking an intelligence test during his senior year of high school. Which of his current thoughts would indicate that he is experiencing stereotype threat? a. "I wonder if my Asian friends do better than everyone else." b. "If I don't do well, my mom and dad will be very disappointed." c. "As an athlete, a good score on this will open up a lot of scholarship opportunities, so I must do well even though I am not that smart." d. "If I do badly on this test, they may think that all black kids are stupid, and this thought is making me nervous and negatively impacting my performance."

c. animate objects (e.g., a puppy) can heal themselves, but inanimate objects (e.g., a stuffed cat) need to be repaired by humans.

Most preschoolers believe that? a. both animate (e.g., a puppy) and inanimate (e.g., a stuffed cat) objects can only be repaired by humans. b. both animate (e.g., a puppy) and inanimate (e.g., a stuffed cat) objects can repair themselves. c. animate objects (e.g., a puppy) can heal themselves, but inanimate objects (e.g., a stuffed cat) need to be repaired by humans. d. inanimate objects (e.g., a stuffed cat) can repair themselves, but animate objects (e.g., a puppy) need to be healed by humans.

b. environmental factors impact intelligence.

The fact that children with higher IQ scores tend to come from homes that contained age-related play materials best supports the theory that? a. intelligence and poverty are highly positively correlated events. b. environmental factors impact intelligence. c. genes determine intelligence. d. identical twins are more intellectually similar than any random set of siblings.

d. expresses grief.

Mourning is best defined as the way a person? a. dies. b. reflects on his or her own death. c. feels after the death of a close friend. d. expresses grief.

b. spatial orientation

Mr. Brady's talents as an architect are mostly due to his ability to visualize buildings in three-dimensions are they are being designed. This suggests that Mr. Brady has outstanding ____ abilities? a. inductive reasoning b. spatial orientation c. word fluency d. number

a. life-span

Multidirectionality, plasticity, historical context, and multiple causation are all key features of the ____ perspective? a. life-span b. cognitive-developmental c. psychosocial d. ecological

c. physiological

The fact that circulatory problems increase following the death of a spouse indicates that there is a(n) ____ component to grief? a. psychological b. bioethical c. physiological d. emotional

a. Ole and Lena will only marry if they have children.

Ole and Lena are a cohabitating couple in Norway, while Jack and Diane are a cohabitating couple in the United States. Cross-cultural research would predict that? a. Ole and Lena will only marry if they have children. b. Ole and Lena will believe that they are living in sin. c. Jack and Diane will be unlikely to ever marry. d. Jack and Diane will be at significantly less risk for divorce should they marry.

a. co-rumination.

The fact that friends spend a lot of time discussing personal problems is referred to as? a. co-rumination. b. ego-resilience. c. dominancy hierarchy. d. the negative reinforcement trap.

c. an internal working model.

The fact that infant Ricardo has come to expect that his mother is available when he needs her means that Ricardo has developed? a. temperament. b. parallel play. c. an internal working model. d. autonomy.

c. agitation and uncoordinated movements.

Newborn crying typically involves? a. agitation and coordinated movements. b. calm and coordinated movement. c. agitation and uncoordinated movements. d. calm and uncoordinated movement.

d. passed test problems that an average 10-year-old would pass.

Newt has a mental age of 10. That means Newt? a. is 10 years old. b. has an IQ of 100. c. is a genius. d. passed test problems that an average 10-year-old would pass.

c. extroverted.

Newt is known for being very opinionated, extremely sociable, and loving a challenge. According to the Five-Factor model, Newt is best thought of as being? a. neurotic. b. introverted. c. extroverted. d. agreeable.

c. Alexandra's peers would be more likely to express some disapproval concerning her behavior.

Nicholas and Alexandra are typical American teenagers. How would their descriptions concerning their first sexual experience most likely differ? a. Nicholas would be more likely to describe his first partner as someone that he loves. b. Nicholas would be more likely to feel guilty about his first sexual experience. c. Alexandra's peers would be more likely to express some disapproval concerning her behavior. d. Alexandra would be more likely to view the experience in terms of recreation rather than romance.

d. different from one another.

Nonshared environmental influences involve forces that make siblings? a. act in virtually identical ways. b. homozygous. c. dizygotic twins. d. different from one another.

c. verbal aggression; murder

O'Leary (1993) presents a continuum of aggressive behavior in abusive relationships anchored by ____ on one end and ____ on the other end. a. physical aggression; verbal aggression b. severe aggression; murder c. verbal aggression; murder d. physical aggression; murder

a. avoidant

One-year-old Chatava is not upset when her mother leaves the room, and when her mother returns, Chatava turns away from her. Chatava is exhibiting ____ attachment? a. avoidant b. disorganized c. secure d. resistant

c. social referencing.

One-year-old Kendra looks at her mother before entering a new room in a strange house. When her mother smiles, Kendra proceeds to enter the room. This is an example of? a. a social smile. b. a complex emotion. c. social referencing. d. stranger wariness.

d. imitation.

One-year-old Payton notices that when his dad, Archie, is watching football on television, he shouts at the screen. The next time a football game come on, Payton shouts at the screen. Payton's behavior best exemplifies? a. a lack of object permanence. b. operant conditioning. c. habituation. d. imitation.

d. diabetes

Overweight teens are most at risk for developing ____ later in life? a. osteoporosis b. sickle-cell disease c. Huntington's disease d. diabetes

b. sudden onset.

Pain cries can usually be differentiated from basic or mad cries by their? a. intensity. b. sudden onset. c. time of occurrence. d. relationship to REM.

b. can make a child feel that the family is unstable.

Parental conflict? a. usually has no negative effects on children. b. can make a child feel that the family is unstable. c. often has positive effects on a child's development. d. is not a normal part of most marriages.

c. encouraging them to finish everything on their plates.

Parents may contribute to the likelihood of their children becoming obese by? a. encouraging them to get 9-10 hours of sleep each night. b. encouraging them to be more physically active. c. encouraging them to finish everything on their plates. d. encouraging them to rely on internal cues to eat.

a. reasoning

Parents who incorporate ____ into their discipline are most likely to encourage altruistic behavior? a. reasoning b. parallel play c. ethology d. punishment

a. prescription medications.

Part D of Medicare provides coverage for? a. prescription medications. b. physician services. c. inpatient hospital services. d. skilled nursing facilities.

c. convenience or sexual accessibility.

Part-time or limited cohabitation is usually undertaken because of? a. a strong desire to marry. b. religious reasons. c. convenience or sexual accessibility. d. pregnancy.

c. are able to integrate visual and tactile information.

The fact that six-month-olds will look for long periods of time at toys they previously had only been able to touch suggests that infants? a. demonstrate visual acuity. b. demonstrate the use of retinal disparity. c. are able to integrate visual and tactile information. d. cannot integrate tactile sensations as readily as auditory sensations.

b. anticipatory grief.

Paula's husband is terminally ill and recently she finds herself crying whenever she looks at him. A likely explanation for Paula's reaction is? a. anniversary reactions. b. anticipatory grief. c. grief work. d. euthanasia.

c. classical conditioning

Pavlov's research involving a dog, salivation, and a bell is correctly associated with ____ theory? a. operant conditioning b. information-processing c. classical conditioning d. Piagetian

a. cephalocaudal

The fact that the embryonic head develops before the body illustrates the ____ principle? a. cephalocaudal b. incomplete dominance c. proximodistal d. niche-picking

a. young adulthood.

People tend to have the most acquaintances/friends during? a. young adulthood. b. middle adulthood. c. late adulthood. d. latest adulthood.

b. show significant improvements in their health.

People who quit smoking after smoking for a long time? a. may not get worse, but their overall health will remain bad. b. show significant improvements in their health. c. will continue to deteriorate but at a slower rate. d. will remain at risk for heart attack but not for cancer.

a. estrogen; progesterone

Perimenopause is accompanied by decreases in ____ and ____ levels? a. estrogen; progesterone b. estrogen;testosterone c. progesterone; cortisol d. cortisol; testosterone

d. a gender stereotype.

Phil believes that all women are emotional, physically weak, and interested in cooking. Phil's beliefs about women would best be described as? a. a social role. b. altruistic. c. accurate. d. a gender stereotype.

d. important in love relationships for both males and females.

Physical attractiveness is? a. unimportant in love relationships for both males and females. b. unimportant in love relationships for females but important for males. c. important in love relationships for females but unimportant for males. d. important in love relationships for both males and females.

b. fetal surgery.

Physicians are currently able to correct spina bifida at around the seventh or eighth month of pregnancy using? a. genetic engineering. b. fetal surgery. c. chorionic villus sampling. d. ultrasound.

d. reflexive.

Piaget argued that the first reactions by newborns were? a. indicators of an innate understanding of appearance as reality. b. abstract. c. indicators of an innate understanding of object permanence. d. reflexive.

a. organizes experience.

Piaget described a scheme as a psychological structure that? a. organizes experience. b. is used in language but not thought. c. we lose as we age. d. is only found in those with a set of personal values.

b. assimilation and accommodation.

Piaget saw equilibration as a balance between? a. primary and secondary circular reactions. b. assimilation and accommodation. c. thought and language. d. social and cognitive skills.

d. egocentrism

Piaget used the term ____ to describe the difficulty children often have in taking another person's perspective? a. animism b. scaffolding c. a tertiary circular reaction d. egocentrism

c. assimilation

Piaget used the term ____ to describe the process by which new experiences are easily incorporated into existing schemes? a. accommodation b. scaffolding c. assimilation d. secondary

d. egocentrism.

Piaget used the three-mountain problem to assess a child's level of? a. object permanence. b. scaffolding. c. animism. d. egocentrism.

b. is positively correlated with

Playing violent video games while identifying with aggressive characters in the game ____ aggressive behavior? a. is inversely correlated with b. is positively correlated with c. is unrelated with d. reduces the incidence of

d. egocentric

The fact that young children are so ____ may interfere with their ability to engage in altruistic behaviors? a. purposeful b. accommodating c. sympathetic d. egocentric

a. personal code of behavior.

Postconventional moral thinking is characterized by judgments made according to a(n)? a. personal code of behavior. b. set of society's laws. c. list of parental "do's and dont's." d. egocentric self-schema.

d. may be reduced via breast-feeding.

Postpartum depression? a. occurs in about 50 percent of new mothers. b. is more common following planned pregnancies than unplanned pregnancies. c. is a purely psychological phenomenon (i.e., has no physiological basis). d. may be reduced via breast-feeding.

d. external

Preconventional moral reasoning is based on ____ forces? a. internal b. biological c. innate d. external

c. a negative view of others based on their group membership.

Prejudice is best described as? a. a limitation placed on a person because he or she belongs to some group. b. hating yourself because of who you are. c. a negative view of others based on their group membership. d. the ability to put yourself into the "shoes" of another person.

c. at conception.

Prenatal development begins? a. with sperm production. b. with ovulation. c. at conception. d. at implantation into the uterus.

b. type of hearing problem.

Presbycusis is the most common age-related? a. form of dementia. b. type of hearing problem. c. visual disorder. d. variety of COPD.

b. complex emotions.

Pride, embarrassment, and guilt are all examples of? a. insecure attachment. b. complex emotions. c. constricting actions. d. basic emotions.

a. reproduction.

Primary sex characteristic changes are those directly impacting? a. reproduction. b. height. c. intelligence. d. personality.

c. compensation

Professor Linwood always makes a point of learning the names of all the students in her class. She used to always be able to do this in her head but has recently found that she needs note cards to help her remember. This change in behavior is best described as? a. loss-based selection. b. elective selection. c. compensation. d. the epigenetic principle.

d. have parents serve as good models for proper eating.

Programs that effectively assist obese children in losing weight tend to? a. emphasize the need to follow external cues when deciding when to eat. b. encourage children to become more sedentary. c. totally eliminate meat from their diets. d. have parents serve as good models for proper eating.

b. academic and social skills in elementary-school children.

Programs to prevent adolescent violence and antisocial behavior target? a. character development in elementary-school children. b. academic and social skills in elementary-school children. c. academic and social skills in middle-school children. d. character development in middle-school children.

d. biological

Psychodynamic theories place the least emphasis on the ____ portion of the biopsychosocial framework? a. life-cycle b. psychological c. sociocultural d. biological

b. seeks to gain an understanding of what governs behavior

Qualitative research differs from quantitative research because it? a. is conducted in the laboratory. b. seeks to gain an understanding of what governs behavior. c. is non-correlational. d. relies heavily on statistical analysis.

c. avoid using drugs with someone you are not interested in.

Rape prevention guidelines suggest that in order to reduce the risk of rape, one should? a. struggle, but not scream, when threatened or attacked. b. keep one's sexual desires private. c. avoid using drugs with someone you are not interested in. d. not dress up or try to look nice when going out.

c. family honor.

Rates of abuse are higher in cultures that emphasize? a. female status. b. online dating. c. family honor. d. casual sex.

a. direct instruction.

Rather than simply ordering his son to take out the garbage, Ahmad says, "Son, take out the garbage now. It's really full and I'm getting ready to make dinner, so I'll need more space in the garbage bags." Ahmad's statement is an example of? a. direct instruction. b. counterimitation. c. disinhibition. d. negative reinforcement trap.

b. increased significantly.

Recently the number of people over age 65 still in the workforce has? a. decreased slightly. b. increased significantly. c. decreased significantly. d. remained the same as it was for decades.

b. grief.

The feelings that arise after someone near us dies are called? a. mourning. b. grief. c. docility. d. bereavement.

d. correction.

Reevaluating one's roles and dreams and making the necessary corrections is called a midlife? a. encapsulation. b. crisis. c. intervention. d. correction.

c. 22

The first ____ pairs of chromosomes are called autosomes? a. 2 b. 10 c. 22 d. 46

b. although there are small differences between men and women in some areas, the overall moral reasoning of males and females is very similar.

Research on differences between the moral reasoning of males and females has shown that? a. there are significant differences between the moral reasoning of men and women. b. although there are small differences between men and women in some areas, the overall moral reasoning of males and females is very similar. c. significant sex differences are found in cultures that emphasize justice but not in those that emphasize care. d. no differences in moral reasoning have been identified between the sexes.

b. younger adults believe that becoming both the hoped-for and the feared self is under their control.

Research on possible selves development has shown that? a. older adults believe that becoming both the hoped-for and the feared self is under their control. b. younger adults believe that becoming both the hoped-for and the feared self is under their control. c. older adults believe that becoming the hoped-for self is under their control, but they have little control over the feared self. d. younger adults believe that becoming the hoped-for self is under their control, but they have little control over the feared self.

d. a strong sense of ethnic identity.

Research on sibling relationships in African-American families indicates that these relationships are most positive when children have? a. many siblings. b. high IQs. c. sisters. d. a strong sense of ethnic identity.

a. tend to reason at lower levels than nondelinquents.

Research on the relationship between moral thinking and moral behaviors has shown that when making moral decisions, delinquent adolescents? a. tend to reason at lower levels than nondelinquents. b. rely heavily on universal ethical principles. c. tend to think at the postconventional level. d. typically fail to consider factors like reward and punishment.

d. can positively impact brain structure.

Research provides evidence that spiritual practices? a. decrease attention and memory. b. lead to increased feelings of control. c. increase the risk of dementia. d. can positively impact brain structure.

a. is related to lower mortality in middle age.

Research suggests that the higher intelligence in young adulthood? a. is related to lower mortality in middle age. b. does not provide a health advantage over the course of one's life. c. is related to neuron pruning that significantly reduces mental flexibility. d. does not impact the organization of brain structures.

b. develop an understanding of object permanence at a younger age than was predicted by Piaget.

Research with "possible" and "impossible" events has led to the conclusion that infants? a. are born with object permanence. b. develop an understanding of object permanence at a younger age than was predicted by Piaget. c. develop an understanding of object permanence at the exact age that was predicted by Piaget. d. develop an understanding of object permanence at an older age than was predicted by Piaget.

b. Mister Rogers' Neighborhood

Researchers have found that watching ____ increased the likelihood of a child behaving in a prosocial manner? a. Bill Nye the Science Guy b. Mister Rogers' Neighborhood c. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers d. Friends

d. occupational identity.

Retirement always involves the loss of? a. integrity. b. maximum performance potential. c. autonomy. d. occupational identity.

c. low-density lipoproteins

Richard has just been told by his physician that he should cut back on the amount of fat in his diet. His physician is most likely concerned about the high amount of ____ in Richard's blood? a. vitamin D b. high-density lipoproteins c. low-density lipoproteins d. carbohydrates

d. permissive

Sally and Dan are quick to express affection toward their son, Zach, and accept most of his behavior. In fact, Zach has never once been punished. Sally and Dan are exhibiting a(n) ____ style of parenting? a. authoritative b. authoritarian c. uninvolved d. permissive

d. accommodation.

Salvador has a scheme for drawing with a crayon that had to be changed in order to learn how to paint a picture with a brush. This adaptation is an example of? a. animism. b. egocentrism. c. assimilation. d. accommodation.

d. affective

Sanford's friendships tend to be based on self-disclosure and intimacy. This exemplifies the ____ component of friendship. a. contextual b. sociability c. shared d. affective

d. based on the level of the learner's needs.

Scaffolding involves a teaching style in which assistance is always? a. from peers. b. nonverbal. c. done in informal settings. d. based on the level of the learner's needs.

a. the tips of chromosomes.

Telomeres are found exclusively on? a. the tips of chromosomes. b. neurons. c. cancer cells. d. X and Y chromosomes.

c. sequential

Schaie's influential study on intellectual change over time utilizes the ____ research design he invented? a. cross-sectional b. longitudinal c. sequential d. postformal

d. Stranger wariness

Seven-month-old Gavin seems very content being held by his mother. When the neighbor from across the street comes over to greet Gavin, he turns his head away from the neighbor and starts to cry. What term best explains Gavin's response to the neighbor? a. Social smile b. Resistant attachment c. Social referencing d. Stranger wariness

d. His surprise when a basketball appears to be hanging in mid-air when it is not attached to a string or other supporting device

Seven-month-old LeBron appears to possess a sense of "naive physics." Which of LeBron's actions would indicate that he does possess this sense? a. His surprise when he sees a basketball go through a hoop b. His surprise when he drops a ball and it falls to the floor c. His surprise when he hears his dad cheering while watching a basketball game on television d. His surprise when a basketball appears to be hanging in mid-air when it is not attached to a string or other supporting device

b. typically last a lifetime.

Sibling relationships are special in that they? a. vary across families. b. typically last a lifetime. c. are based on competition. d. are emotionally based.

b. crystallized intelligence.

Someone who knows the answers to all the questions on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire would be exhibiting? a. fluid intelligence. b. crystallized intelligence. c. postformal thought. d. reflective judgment.

c. The "normal" weight range of one-year-olds is very wide.

Siroun is informed that both of her one-year-old twin daughters are of "normal" weight. She is then informed that one weighs 16 pounds and the other weighs 26 pounds. How is this possible? a. One of the twins likely has Down syndrome. b. The daughters were likely misweighed. c. The "normal" weight range of one-year-olds is very wide. d. The initial "normal" information was incorrect.

a. egocentrism.

Sixteen-year-old Paris's motto is, "It's all about me!" This belief fits well with the concept of adolescent? a. egocentrism. b. learned helplessness. c. secular growth. d. foreclosure.

d. osteoarthritis.

Sixty-year-old Wendell is being examined by his physician. Wendell's symptoms include joint pain that has gradually increased. When his doctor says, "Your pain is due to the damage to your cartilage caused by severe use over your lifetime," you should correctly conclude that Wendell will be diagnosed with? a. the climacteric. b. rheumatoid arthritis. c. osteoporosis. d. osteoarthritis.

c. a rite of passage.

Smita is a young woman who has been dressed in an elaborate garment and is being separated from the rest of the community. After three days of various rituals, she will be allowed back into the group as an adult. Smita is most likely experiencing? a. a social clock. b. possible selves. c. a rite of passage. d. implicit stereotyping.

c. 400,000

Smoking represents a major medical problem in the United States, with about ____ people each year dying from smoking-related disorders? a. 4,000 b. 40,000 c. 400,000 d. 4,000,000

b. taxes on current workers' payroll.

Social Security money is obtained from? a. money put away by workers over the course of their working life. b. taxes on current workers' payroll. c. interest on a large federal investment fund. d. a low-interest loan from the business sector.

b. meeting more people.

Social contact motivated by information seeking tends to lead to? a. stronger family ties. b. meeting more people. c. a preference for familiar people. d. a more diverse social network.

a. education

Socioeconomic status and ____ are the two most important social influences on health? a. education b. occupation c. marital status d. religious status

a. Solomon does not expect any reciprocation for his act.

Solomon places a large cash amount into the hand of a street person. What would make this an act of altruism? a. Solomon does not expect any reciprocation for his act. b. Solomon is given a bag of cans in return. c. Solomon feels pity for the person as he gives him the cash. d. Solomon has a habit of engaging in these types of activities.

c. show reduced levels of marital satisfaction.

Spousal caregivers whose partners have a significant chronic medical condition tend to? a. regress into the roles they played when the marriage began. b. be susceptible to getting the same disorder. c. show reduced levels of marital satisfaction. d. remember significantly more major hassles than actually occur.

c. denial

Stacey has been diagnosed with a terminal illness. She is currently going to different doctors to determine whether her diagnosis is correct. Stacey is probably in the ____ stage of dying? a. depression b. anger c. denial d. bargaining

b. parallel play.

Stan is playing with his ball, and Olly is playing with his doll, but they are each watching what the other is doing. Stan and Olly are most likely involved in? a. cooperative play. b. parallel play. c. simple social play d. prosocial behavior.

a. explicit-external

Storing a new acquaintance's picture in your iPhone so that you can recall what he looks like provides a good example of an ____ memory aid? a. explicit-external b. explicit-internal c. implicit-external d. implicit-internal

d. estrogen levels.

Stress has been shown to decrease? a. angina. b. risk for irritable bowel syndrome. c. cholesterol levels. d. estrogen levels.

a. one in every 5

Surveys indicate that nearly ____ couples in the United States meet online. a. one in every 5 b. one in every 10 c. one in every 15 d. one in every 20

a. in a persistent vegetative state.

Susan's cortical functioning has ceased, but her brain stem is still active. Susan would be best described as? a. in a persistent vegetative state. b. whole-brain dead. c. clinically dead. d. consciously aware.

d. problem-focused coping.

Sylvester is extremely anxious about an upcoming physics exam. He cancels his plans with his friends and stays home to study an extra day. Sylvester is practicing? a. emotion-focused coping. b. appraisal. c. mindfulness-based stress reduction. d. problem-focused coping.

a. primary appraisal.

Tabitha just had a conversation with her boss in which he told her that there would be some future layoffs due to budget cuts. Tabitha feels an increase in stress due to the conversation with her boss. She would be best described as experiencing? a. primary appraisal. b. secondary appraisal. c. reappraisal. d. post-appraisal.

d. more likely to experience depression and anxiety than their peers.

Teens with part-time jobs in excess of 15-20 hours per week tend to be? a. more sociable than their peers. b. less susceptible to schizophrenia than their peers. c. less prone to violence than their peers. d. more likely to experience depression and anxiety than their peers.

d. rehearsal.

The first memory strategy acquired by most children is? a. chunking. b. use of abstraction. c. verbal elaboration. d. rehearsal.

b. will only get worse as time goes on.

Teresa has just been diagnosed as exhibiting Alzheimer's disease. If the diagnosis is correct, Teresa's symptoms? a. will be held constant as long as the disease was diagnosed early enough. b. will only get worse as time goes on. c. may improve if she sticks to a healthy diet. d. may disappear if she is treated with haloperidol.

d. The end of the axon

Terminal buttons are located on which part of a neuron? a. The end of the dendrite b. Cell body c. Neurotransmitter d. The end of the axon


The "Back to Sleep" campaign was aimed at reducing? a. SIDS b. nightmares c. co-sleeping. d. malnutrition

b. "ending life is always active."

The "Ethics Task Force" of the European Association of Palliative Care challenged the term "passive euthanasia" arguing that? a. "there is no such thing as 'mercy killing.'" b. "ending life is always active." c. "this procedure is unethical." d. "the definition must include the word physician."

a. family-based prevention program designed to limit dating abuse.

The "Families for Safe Dates" program can best be described as a? a. family-based prevention program designed to limit dating abuse. b. chaperone program designed to limit dating abuse. c. school-based prevention program that involves parents to limit dating abuse. d. parent education program designed to limit dating abuse.

b. the mechanics of intelligence.

The "biological process of thinking" would be best associated with? a. neuroticism. b. the mechanics of intelligence. c. cultural influences. d. the pragmatics of intelligence.

b. attempts to nip the problem in the elementary years.

The Fast Track program for preventing violent behavior? a. uses aversive conditioning techniques and the "scared straight technique." b. attempts to nip the problem in the elementary years. c. encourages children to consider the "imaginary audience" that they are attacking. d. argues that aggressive play can be an effective substitute for reducing real violence.

c. germ disc

The ____ is the cluster of cells in the center of the zygote that will eventually develop into the baby? a. Amnion b. stem cell c. germ disc d. placenta

d. placenta

The ____ is the structure through which a mother and an embryo exchange waste and nutrients? a. amnion b. stem cell c. germ disc d. placenta

b. authoritative

The ____ parenting style is best described as both controlling and warm? a. authoritarian b. authoritative c. permissive d. uninvolved

b. stable-order

The ____ principle of counting states that number names must be counted in the same sequence? a. one-to-one b. stable-order c. habituation d. cardinality

a. one-to-one

The ____ principle of counting states that there must be only one number name for each item counted? a. one-to-one b. stable-order c. habituation d. cardinality

b. proactivity.

The ability to exert control over one's life underlies a strong sense of? a. docility. b. proactivity. c. environmental press. d. disengagement.

b. inductive reasoning.

The ability to extrapolate from particular facts to general concepts is called? a. deductive reasoning. b. inductive reasoning. c. word meaning. d. factual knowledge.

b. meta-analysis

The advantage of the ____design is that it allows a researcher to synthesize data from across numerous studies? a. longitudinal b. meta-analysis c. cross-sectional d. qualitative

d. date.

The anniversary reaction is always tied to a? a. family member. b. death by terminal illness. c. traumatic death. d. date.

d. self-concept.

The attitudes, behaviors, and values that we believe make us unique individuals are called our? a. self-esteem. b. self-recognition. c. self-efficacy. d. self-concept.

b. 25,000

The average child has approximately ____ genes? a. 25 b. 25,000 c. 25,000,000 d. 25,000,000,000

d. operant conditioning

The basic premise of ____ is that the consequences of a behavior determine the likelihood of the behavior being repeated in the future? a. the life-span perspective b. the epigenetic principle c. universal development d. operant conditioning

d. Older adults

The belief that "marriage is more important than a career" is most prevalent among which age group? a. Children b. Adolescents c. Young adults d. Older adults

d. invulnerability.

The belief that misfortunes only happen to others is referred to as the illusion of? a. foreclosure. b. helplessness. c. crystallization. d. invulnerability.

a. brain organization is influenced by experience, but biochemical development instructions follow a more specific pattern.

The best description of neural development is that? a. brain organization is influenced by experience, but biochemical development instructions follow a more specific pattern. b. brain organization cannot be influenced by experience, but biochemical development instructions allow for many different general patterns of development. c. both brain organization and biochemical development instructions are heavily influenced by experience. d. neither brain organization nor biochemical development instructions can be influenced by experience.

a. exposure to a high-quality language environment.

The best predictor of a large vocabulary in a young child is? a. exposure to a high-quality language environment. b. parental IQ level. c. the quality of a child's motor skills. d. preschool attendance.

a. the number of abilities that underlie intelligence

The biggest point of contention among theories who view intelligence as multidimensional concerns the debate over? a. the number of abilities that underlie intelligence. b. the degree to which race determines intelligence. c. which single aspect of intellect specifically defines intelligence. d. whether an individual's level of intelligence can be measured.

d. they are powerless to get away from the abuse.

The defining belief among individuals experiencing "battered woman's syndrome" is that? a. the abuse is tied to a sense of personal high self-esteem. b. the abuse is not harmful to them. c. the abuser is acting out of unconditional love. d. they are powerless to get away from the abuse.

a. a binge-purge eating pattern.

The defining characteristic of bulimia nervosa involves? a. a binge-purge eating pattern. b. weight loss. c. a distorted body image. d. an irrational fear of obesity.

b. narrowly focused

The defining characteristic of centration is ____ thought? a. abstract b. narrowly focused c. a lack of object permanent d. overextension

a. interferes with daily activities.

The defining element of separation distress during prolonged grief is that it? a. interferes with daily activities. b. must involve a child-parent dyad. c. is based on disbelief about death. d. is an emotionless reaction.

b. uniqueness.

The defining feature of the personal fable is a feeling of? a. superiority. b. uniqueness. c. helplessness. d. diffusion.

d. normal intelligence.

The definition of a "learning disability" always includes? a. mild intellectual disability. b. attention deficit. c. a sensory problem. d. normal intelligence.

a. an environmental press.

The demands exerted on one's self by one's surroundings defines? a. an environmental press. b. maximum comfort. c. internal continuity. d. competence.

c. three times higher

The divorce rate in second marriages involving step-children is about ____ the rate for first marriages. a. three times lower than b. the same as c. three times higher d. ten times higher

b. peer comparisons.

The drop in self-esteem often found when children first enter middle school appears to be due to? a. the acquisition of concrete operational thinking. b. peer comparisons. c. changes in ethnic identity. d. the illusion of invulnerability.

b. stimulant.

The drug Ritalin that is often prescribed for children with ADHD is a type of? a. antidepressant. b. stimulant. c. antipsychotic. d. hallucinogen.

a. exploring one's heritage.

The emphasis in the second phase of ethnic identity formation is on? a. exploring one's heritage. b. moving away from one's heritage. c. finding a new heritage. d. developing a distinct ethnic self-concept.

d. psychosocial

The epigenetic principle is a key component of ____ theory? a. social cognitive b. ecological c. information-processing d. psychosocial

d. the moratorium stage

The existence of ____ provides evidence that attaining achievement status is not necessarily permanent? a. the personal fable b. adolescent egocentrism c. the foreclosure stage d. the moratorium stage

c. sociability

The fact that Bert's friend Ernie keeps him amused by telling funny stories best illustrates the ____ dimension of friendship. a. shared b. affective c. sociability d. communal

c. multidirectional.

The fact that Molly's spatial performance has declined while her verbal abilities have improved is support for the notion that intelligence is? a. conventional. b. multidimensional. c. multidirectional. d. a life-span construct.

b. plasticity.

The fact that a specific aspect of intelligence can be modified at any time during the life span exemplifies the concept of? a. interindividual variability. b. plasticity. c. multidimensionality. d. primary mental abilities.

b. implantation.

The point at which a zygote burrows into the uterine wall is referred to as? a. fertilization. b. implantation. c. niche-picking. d. dilation.

b. prevent negative changes in the brain.

The possibility exists that mindful meditation could? a. increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease. b. prevent negative changes in the brain. c. decrease coping skills. d. increase stress levels.

a. intention to marry.

The primary difference between limited and premarital cohabitation involves? a. intention to marry. b. the duration of the cohabitation. c. the degree of sexual involvement. d. tax benefits.

a. perception.

The process by which the brain receives, selects, modifies, and organizes incoming nerve impulses is referred to as? a. perception. b. sensation. c. imagination. d. expansion.

a. working

The process of simultaneously holding and using information to solve a problem relies most heavily on ____ memory? a. working b. long-term c. sensory d. implicit

d. fast-mapping.

The processes in which children acquire new words at such a speed that they cannot be considering all meanings for the new word is called? a. telegraphic speech. b. quick time. c. habituation d. fast-mapping.

a. divorce less likely

The purpose of a "covenant marriage" is to make ____ to occur? a. divorce less likely b. divorce more likely c. marriage less likely d. marriage more likely

d. D.

The rate of osteoporosis is directly affected by the metabolism rate of vitamin? a. A. b. B. c. C. d. D.

b. declines between young adulthood and old age.

The rate of severe depression? a. follows no developmental pattern. b. declines between young adulthood and old age. c. increases between young adulthood and old age. d. declines between young adulthood and middle age and then rises dramatically in old age.

b. social roles.

The reason that students are expected to act differently than professors is because they represent different? a. prosocial behaviors. b. social roles. c. gender identities. d. gender stereotypes.

b. amnion.

The sac in which the embryo resides is called the? a. ectoderm. b. amnion. c. germ disc. d. placenta.

d. vulnerability.

The text authors suggest that the strong intimate sharing component that characterizes female friendships but not male friendships is due to females having more comfort with their? a. sexuality. b. language skills. c. intellect. d. vulnerability.

c. myth.

The text characterized the notion of adolescence being a time of great "storm and stress" as a? a. trend. b. fact. c. myth. d. certainty.

d. core knowledge

The theory that human infants are born with a rudimentary knowledge of the world and they use their experience to expand this knowledge underlies the ____ hypothesis? a. egocentric b. overgeneralization c. tabula rasa d. core knowledge

b. vernix.

The thick, greasy substance that covers the fetus around five to six months after conception is called? a. placenta. b. vernix. c. amnion. d. endoderm.

a. chromosomes

The threadlike structures in the nucleus of a cell that contain genetic material are called? a. chromosomes. b. germ discs. c. ectoderms. d. phenotypes.

b. bodily changes and sexual maturation.

The two general types of physical development associated with puberty include? a. lower self-esteem and bodily changes. b. bodily changes and sexual maturation. c. sexual maturation and formal operational thinking. d. formal operational thinking and lower self-esteem.

b. is perceived as infringing on the caregiver's other responsibilities.

The two key sources of stress for adults caring for their parents include whether the child is coping with a parent's functional decline and if the care? a. is temporary. b. is perceived as infringing on the caregiver's other responsibilities. c. takes place in the parent's home. d. takes place in a private facility.

c. warmth and control.

The two main dimensions of parental behavior are? a. dominance and counterimitation. b. counterimitation and warmth. c. warmth and control. d. control and dominance.

c. phonemes.

The unique sounds that are combined to create spoken words are called? a. morphemes. b. extensions. c. phonemes. d. grammatics.

d. metacognitive knowledge

Theresa has just come to realize that in order to learn, she must focus her attention on her teacher, not her classmates. This indicates an advance in Theresa's ____ skills? a. divergent thinking b. scaffolding c. sensory memory d. metacognitive knowledge

b. concrete operational

Though Mabel is unable to think in abstract terms, she is beginning to understand that because 3 + 5 = 8, 8 - 5 must equal 3. Mabel has begun to exhibit Piaget's ____ stage of thinking? a. sensorimotor b. concrete operational c. preoperational d. formal operational

a. rapid-eye-movement

Three-week-old Toni is in a sleep state characterized by arm movements and grimaces. This would suggest that Toni is in ____ sleep? a. rapid-eye-movement b. regular c. non-REM d. alert inactivity

b. perceptual speed.

Thurstone and Thurstone (1941) identified seven distinct abilities that they believed formed the basis of intelligence. One of these abilities was? a. musical ability. b. perceptual speed. c. interpersonal intelligence. d. "street smarts."

d. basic chemical compounds that form the double helix of a DNA molecule.

Thymine and cytosine are types of? a. genes. b. neurotransmitters produced in the brain. c. autosomes. d. basic chemical compounds that form the double helix of a DNA molecule.

c. Basic trust versus mistrust

Tiffany is an infant who has acquired hope. Which crisis of psychosocial development has she successfully resolved? a. Autonomy versus shame and doubt b. Initiative versus guilt c. Basic trust versus mistrust d. Identity

a. he lived in a diverse neighborhood.

Tito would be more likely to have friends of a different race if? a. he lived in a diverse neighborhood. b. he attended a segregated school. c. his friends were older. d. his friends had different attitudes than his own.

a. be very ill and have physical disabilities.

To be accurately classified as a frail older adult, an individual must? a. be very ill and have physical disabilities. b. have the potential for becoming very ill and have mental disabilities. c. be over 65 and be under constant medical care. d. have less than one year to live.

b. 130

To be considered gifted usually requires an intelligence test score of at least ____? a. 120 b. 130 c. 140 d. 150

d. fail to rebound in happiness.

To qualify as "emotionally divorced," a couple must? a. experience a divorce. b. seriously consider divorcing. c. live in different locations. d. fail to rebound in happiness.

a. integration.

Tomomi has mastered balancing, stepping, and the perceptual skills necessary to negotiate her way around. Putting all these skills together to enable her to walk is a process called? a. integration. b. differentiation. c. retinal disparity. d. perception.

a. emotionally divorced.

Troy and Helen are both 55 and have been married for 20 years. However, they have grown apart and essentially live as housemates. Troy and Helen are best classified as? a. emotionally divorced. b. empty nested. c. being in part-time cohabitation. d. being in a substitute marriage.

d. The exact origin of Martina's sexual orientation is unknown.

Twenty-one-year-old Martina lists her sexual orientation as "lesbian." Given the current state of research on the origins of sexual orientation, which statement is most likely to be true? a. Martina probably had a close female relative (e.g., aunt, mother) who was also a lesbian. b. Martina's brothers are "at risk" for being homosexual. c. Martina is likely attracted to several women. d. The exact origin of Martina's sexual orientation is unknown.

c. He continues to see himself as a Scot.

Twenty-year-old Talisker immigrated to the United States from Scotland at age 12. What is his most likely ethnic identity? a. He has no ethnic identity. b. He sees himself exclusively as an American. c. He continues to see himself as a Scot. d. He thinks like an American and acts like a Scot.

a. four

UNICEF (2006) estimates that about one in ____ children under age five suffers from malnutrition? a. four b. six c. eight d. ten

a. lives free from debilitating chronic disease or impairment.

Useful life expectancy is defined as the number of years an individual? a. lives free from debilitating chronic disease or impairment. b. is capable of contributing within the workforce. c. is able to reproduce. d. can live on his or her own (i.e., has not moved to a nursing home or retirement community).

a. playmate

Using scaffolding would be most beneficial for a preschool parent acting as a ____ during play? a. playmate b. social director c. mediator d. constrictor

c. Personal satisfaction

What is an example of an internal motivator for adults to learn something new? a. Job promotion b. Family time c. Personal satisfaction d. Pay raise

a. Your complete set of genes

What is an example of only your genotype? a. Your complete set of genes b. Your physical appearance c. Your behaviors d. Your personality

b. Observing your mother while listening to her talk

What is an example of intersensory redundancy? a. Noticing the shirt your mother is wearing while listening to a portable CD player b. Observing your mother while listening to her talk c. Brushing your mother's hair while you talk to her d. Listening to several voices at the same time

b. Placenta

What is expelled during afterbirth? a. Fetus b. Placenta c. Cervix d. Ova

c. Parents and children

What are the "pieces of bread" on either side of the "sandwich generation?" a. Job and family b. Generativity and stagnation c. Parents and children d. Stress and coping

d. Dimensions/traits

What are the five factors in the five-factor model? a. Types of intelligence b. Abilities c. Stress and coping processes d. Dimensions/traits

c. Keep your emotions in check.

What basic premise underlies Chinese parenting? a. Love is more important than control. b. Scream but never hit. c. Keep your emotions in check. d. Children are not responsible for their actions.

b. A 23rd pair of chromosomes with one X and one Y

What combination would result in a boy? a. A 17th pair of chromosomes with one X and one Y b. A 23rd pair of chromosomes with one X and one Y c. A 17th pair of chromosomes with two Xs d. A 23rd pair of chromosomes with two Xs

c. Postformal thought

What constitutes the highest level of thinking in adulthood? a. Conventional thought b. Sensorimotor thought c. Postformal thought d. Hypothetical-deductive thought

a. The heart begins to pump more blood per minute

What does not typically happen to the cardiovascular system as we age? a. The heart begins to pump more blood per minute b. The arteries stiffen c. Fat deposits form in the heart and arteries d. The amount of muscle tissue in the heart decreases

c. Blindness

What effect is not associated with fetal alcohol syndrome? a. Slow growth b. Retarded mental growth c. Blindness d. Misshapen face

b. Early childhood intervention programs

What has research shown to be useful in preventing child abuse? a. Jail time and censure of abusive parents b. Early childhood intervention programs c. Encouragement of parents to use more physical punishment d. Removal of the father from the lives of the children

a. Heart rate

What infant response did Gibson and Walk (1960) measure in their visual cliff research? a. Heart rate b. Visual acuity c. Muscle tone d. Visual fixation

b. It does not account for variability in performance.

What is one of the more questionable aspects of Piaget's theory? a. It places too much emphasis on biology as the mechanism of change. b. It does not account for variability in performance. c. It overestimates the intelligence of adults. d. It overvalues the influence of the sociocultural environment.

b. "Be nice."

What is the best advice you could give to an adolescent trying to gain popularity among his or her school peers? a. "Be quiet." b. "Be nice." c. "Be subservient." d. "Be aggressive."

b. positive correlation

What is the best description of the relationship between strength of ethnic identity and self-esteem? a. spurious correlation b. positive correlation c. negative correlation d. no correlation

c. When societal attitudes change, the incidence of left-handedness changes.

What is the best evidence for the notion that sociocultural forces play a role in handedness? a. Only 10 percent of the population is left-handed. b. Right-handed parents tend to have right-handed offspring. c. When societal attitudes change, the incidence of left-handedness changes. d. In American culture, most desks and scissors and golf clubs are made for right-handers.

d. Saying "runned" instead of "ran"

What is the best example of overregularization? a. Saying "horse" instead of "hose" b. Saying "houses" instead of "homes" c. Saying "flunked" instead of "failed" d. Saying "runned" instead of "ran"

d. Neither are major causes of ADHD.

What is the causal relationship between food additives, sugar consumption, and ADHD? a. Both have been shown to be major causes of ADHD. b. Only food additives have been shown to be a major cause of ADHD. c. Only sugar consumption has been shown to be a major cause of ADHD. d. Neither are major causes of ADHD.

c. Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational

What is the correct order of Piaget's stages of development? a. Sensorimotor, concrete operational, preoperational, formal operational b. Preoperational, formal operational, concrete operational, sensorimotor c. Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational d. Preoperational, sensorimotor, formal operational, concrete operational

c. Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational

What is the correct sequence (from first to last) of Piaget's stages of cognitive development? a. Preoperational, concrete operational, sensorimotor, formal operational b. Sensorimotor, preoperational, formal operational, concrete operational c. Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational d. Preoperational, sensorimotor, formal operational, concrete operational

b. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance

What is the correct sequence of Kübler-Ross's original "five stages of dying"? a. Depression, acceptance, denial, bargaining, anger b. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance c. Anger, depression, denial, acceptance, bargaining d. Bargaining, denial, acceptance, anger, depression

d. engaging in minor criminal acts over a short period of time

What is the defining characteristic of adolescent-limited antisocial behavior? a. consistently engaging in violent acts b. engaging in minor criminal acts over a long period of time c. consistently engaging in a specific sex act d. engaging in minor criminal acts over a short period of time

b. increased levels of activity

What is the least common warning sign of suicide? a. change in eating habits b. increased levels of activity c. persistent feelings of helplessness d. gifting one's valued possessions

d. Keeping family members in touch with one another

What is the major role of a "kinkeeper?" a. Keeping track of the family finances b. Keeping a semiformal family history c. Keeping a sense of "traditional family values" d. Keeping family members in touch with one another

d. Nuclear family

What is the most common form of family in Western societies? a. Empty-nest family b. Extended family c. Step-family d. Nuclear family

b. developmental dyslexia

What is the most common type of learning disability? a. mathematical b. developmental dyslexia c. Down's syndrome d. ADHD

b. Count by extending one finger for each item and then counting the total number of fingers extended on each hand.

What is the most simplistic strategy for adding/counting? a. Simultaneously extending the number of fingers on one hand that corresponds to one number to be added and doing the same with the second hand concerning the second number to be added. b. Count by extending one finger for each item and then counting the total number of fingers extended on each hand. c. Count in your head after looking at a picture of the items. d. Count in your head without using a concrete example.

b. Secondary appraisal

What is the name for the process we experience when we evaluate our ability to cope with a challenge? a. Post-appraisal b. Secondary appraisal c. Primary appraisal d. Reappraisal

c. Diabetes mellitus

What is the name of the disease that occurs when there is above-normal sugar in the blood and urine caused by problems in metabolizing carbohydrates? a. Diabetic retinopathy b. Presbycusis c. Diabetes mellitus d. Pancreatic cancer

b. Autopsy of the brain

What is the only definitive diagnostic test for Alzheimer's disease? a. CT scan b. Autopsy of the brain c. MRI d. Blood test

b. Cell body

What part of a neuron contains the material necessary to keep it alive? a. Axon b. Cell body c. Dendrite d. Corpus callosum

a. The degree to which appropriate standards of behavior are clear-cut

What single factor appears to be most influential in determining whether an adolescent will "cave in" to peer pressure? a. The degree to which appropriate standards of behavior are clear-cut b. The degree to which you can get into trouble for engaging in the act c. The degree to which parents oppose the act d. The degree to which the act requires effort

a. He presented participants with moral dilemmas.

What technique did Kohlberg use to assess moral thinking? a. He presented participants with moral dilemmas. b. He observed moral behavior in laboratory experiments. c. He observed moral behavior in real-life experiments. d. He reviewed newspaper accounts on acts of bravery and acts of violence.

c. Young adulthood

What would Erikson say is the stage in life where the biggest challenge involves committing to another in a loving relationship? a. Childhood b. Adolescence c. Young adulthood d. Old adulthood

b. Feeding yourself with a spoon

What would be the best example of a fine motor skill? a. Crawling b. Feeding yourself with a spoon c. Running in a race d. Climbing to the top of a large hill

d. Driving to work

What would best be classified as an instrumental task? a. Taking an IQ test b. Teaching at a college c. Climbing Mount Everest d. Driving to work

b. He would dismiss the study as being flawed.

What would you predict would happen when Duke, a white supremacist teen,reads a scientific study indicating that Asians have higher IQs than whites? a. He would begin to reconsider his anti-Asian stance. b. He would dismiss the study as being flawed. c. He would now view Asians as more intelligent. d. He would now views Asians as even less intelligent.

c. regulating his emotions.

When Adam walks into the dark basement, he feels afraid but is able to calm himself down by saying to himself, "Don't be afraid. There's nothing down here that can hurt you." Apparently, Adam is successfully? a. engaging in solitary play. b. expressing complex emotions. c. regulating his emotions. d. utilizing social referencing.

b. life-cycle

When Alfonso says, "It would have been tough to be a father at age 21, but being one at age 28 is super," he is noting the important role that ____ factors play in human development? a. biological b. life-cycle c. sociocultural d. psychological

b. animism.

When Andy bumps into a table, he says to it, "You bumped into me because you're mean." Andy is exhibiting? a. the cardinality principle. b. animism. c. irreversibility. d. egocentrism.

c. time-out.

When Esther misbehaves, her mother makes her go sit by herself in a small, quiet, unstimulating area of the house. Esther's mother is probably using? a. direct instruction.socialization. b. socialization. c. time-out. d. an indifferent parenting style.

a. exercise rates for both boys and girls declined between ninth and twelfth grade.

When Kann et al. (1995) asked ninth- and twelfth-graders about their exercise habits, they found that? a. exercise rates for both boys and girls declined between ninth and twelfth grade. b. exercise rates for both boys and girls increased between ninth and twelfth grade. c. exercise rates for boys increased between ninth and twelfth grade while the rates for girls decreased. d. exercise rates for girls increased between ninth and twelfth grade while the rates for boys decreased.

d. Authoritative

When Ki-Jana asks his parents if he can buy a car, his parents say no, but sit down and explain to him the reasoning behind their decision. His parents express affection toward him and tell him that they may consider the matter at some later time. Which parenting style best describes Ki-Jana's parents? a. Authoritarian b. Permissive c. Uninvolved d. Authoritative

a. increase her self-esteem.

When Molly hears that several people in her geometry class think she's great, it is likely to? a. increase her self-esteem. b. decrease her self-esteem. c. have no effect on her self-esteem. d. alter her ethnic identity.

d. overextension

When a word is used too broadly, ____ is taking place? a. scaffolding b. babbling c. equilibration d. overextension

d. Late adulthood

When are sibling relationships likely to be the most important? a. Early childhood b. Adolescence c. Middle adulthood d. Late adulthood

c. psychometrician.

When asked to describe his specialization, Oscar says, "I am mainly interested in developing ways of measuring intelligence and personality factors." Given this description, Oscar is most likely a? a. classical conditioning theorist. b. Freudian. c. psychometrician. d. social-learning theorist.

c. foreclosure.

When asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" ten-year-old Sanjay says, "My dad says I should be a doctor, so I guess that's what I'll be." According to Marcia, Sanjay is best thought of as being in a state of identity? a. diffusion. b. moratorium. c. foreclosure. d. achievement.

b. providing their children with a nonsexist, nurturing environment.

When compared to heterosexual fathers, gay fathers appear to be more concerned with? a. ensuring that their children do not become gay or lesbian. b. providing their children with a nonsexist, nurturing environment. c. raising physically strong daughters. d. encouraging their children to avoid sports and pursue the arts.

a. mobile.

When compared to terminally-ill hospital patients, hospice patients are more likely to be? a. mobile. b. anxious. c. depressed. d. avoided by a spouse.

b. avoidant thinking.

When confronted with a problem in his relationships with his wife, Frank scoffs it off, saying "Ahhh, that's not really an will work itself out." This is probably best classified as? a. cognitive analysis. b. avoidant thinking. c. passive-dependent behavior. d. problem-focused action.

c. report higher states of well-being

When coping with high levels of stress, individuals who rely on spiritual support tend to ____ than those with a small religious commitment? a. show lower levels of self-esteem b. demonstrate more discomfort with rigid church dogma c. report higher states of well-being d. add to their burden more

b. Infants pay more attention to infant-directed speech.

When dealing with young infants, why is infant-directed speech preferred over normal adult speech? a. Infants have an easier time producing infant-directed speech. b. Infants pay more attention to infant-directed speech. c. Infants prefer the rapid pace of infant-directed speech. d. Infants like infant-directed speech because it lacks the confusing changes of pitch found in normal adult speech.

b. assortative mating

When deciding on a potential mate, Fletcher says, "I just need to find someone a lot like me." This statement fits very well with ____ theory. a. sociocultural b. assortative mating c. crystallization d. blended family

d. discontinuity

When discussing child development, Olaf uses terms like the "terrible 2s" and the "tranquil 3s." These ideas are most compatible with a ____ view? a. context-specificity b. hereditary c. continuity d. discontinuity

d. intimacy

When discussing his new girlfriend, Mickey says, "I can tell her everything about myself." Mickey clearly feels ____ toward his girlfriend. a. commitment b. passion c. infatuation d. intimacy

b. morphine.

When discussing his relationship with his wife Amber, Travis says, "I have this very strong sense of commitment and tranquility." Researchers have suggested that the neurophysiological basis of this feeling may be due to brain chemicals related to? a. cocaine. b. morphine. c. alcohol. d. cannabis.

c. homogamy

When discussing their marriage, Meg and Ryan agree that what appears to keep them together and happy is the fact that they share many of the same values. This exemplifies ____, which is a good predictor of marital success. a. monogamy b. singlehood c. homogamy d. nesting

c. baby's head has just reached the vaginal opening.

When her physician mentions the term "crowning," Erica, who is giving birth, should realize that means that her? a. cervix has just fully dilated. b. uterine contractions are about to start. c. baby's head has just reached the vaginal opening. d. placenta is about to be delivered.

a. slower response rates.

When older adults are asked to respond to an ambiguous question, you can expect? a. slower response rates. b. mostly incorrect answers. c. pseudodementia. d. accurate and speedy responses.

b. presbyopia.

When someone hands Russ a menu to read, he has to hold it at arm's length in order to be able to see the words well enough to read them. This behavior indicates that Russ is experiencing? a. presbycusis. b. presbyopia. c. telomeres. d. neuritic plaques.

c. neurofibrillary tangle

When viewed through a microscope, a ____ would most resemble a spiral-shaped mass? a. telomere b. free radical c. neurofibrillary tangle d. neurotransmitter

c. a cataract.

When visiting your eye specialist, you are informed that you have large opaque spots on the lens of your left eye. As a knowledgeable student, you would know that this means that you have? a. presbyopia. b. glaucoma. c. a cataract. d. myopia.

d. behavior and affect are normal.

When you are at your "adaptation level," your? a. behavior and affect are abnormal. b. behavior is normal and your affect is abnormal. c. behavior is abnormal and your affect is normal. d. behavior and affect are normal.

c. Uninvolved

When you hear someone say, "Those neighbor kids are neglected.Even when the parents are home, they do virtually nothing," which parenting style should come to mind? a. Authoritarian b. Permissive c. Uninvolved d. Authoritative

a. reinforcement.

Whenever Roger says "please," his father gives Roger what he asks for. This in turn increases Roger's use of the word "please." Giving in to Roger's requests appears to be a form of? a. reinforcement. b. punishment. c. counterimitation. d. inhibition.

b. genital herpes

Which STD is most prevalent in the United States? a. HIV b. genital herpes c. gonorrhea d. chlamydia

b. Oregon

Which U.S. state passed the first law legalizing physician-assisted suicide? a. California b. Oregon c. Washington d. Idaho

b. Listing the possible uses of a marshmallow

Which activity best exemplifies a test of divergent thinking? a. Naming all the state capitals b. Listing the possible uses of a marshmallow c. Identifying the exact distance from the Earth to the Moon d. The test question you are currently reading

d. Zone of maximum comfort

Which adaptation level is associated with the greatest happiness and lack of worry about environmental demands? a. Zone of maximum performance potential b. The marginal adaptation level c. Average level of competence and press level d. Zone of maximum comfort

c. New, energetic staff each day

Which aspect of a local daycare's advertisement would be inconsistent with your text's description of quality daycare? a. Low teacher/student ratios b. Many educational programs c. New, energetic staff each day d. Regular, frequent parent-teacher meetings

b. Trust

Which aspect of friendship tends to be new to children aged 8-11? a. Sharing activities b. Trust c. Sharing toys d. Mutual liking

c. Jessica, whose parents tend to not respond to her crying

Which baby is most likely to be insecurely attached? a. Isabelle, whose parents play with her frequently b. Maud, whose parents are very affectionate toward her c. Jessica, whose parents tend to not respond to her crying d. Holly, whose parents often express happiness toward her

b. Unprovoked attempt to humiliate

Which behavior best describes hostile aggression? a. Provoked attempt to humiliate b. Unprovoked attempt to humiliate c. Provoked attempt to attain a goal d. Unprovoked attempt to attain a goal

c. When, before she writes anything, she decides that the point of the paper would be to make her psychology teacher mad

Which behavior indicates that Mandy is using a knowledge-transforming strategy when writing her psychology term paper? a. When she sounds out the letters to words that she does not know how to spell b. When she begins by writing down any ideas about psychology that pop into her mind c. When, before she writes anything, she decides that the point of the paper would be to make her psychology teacher mad d. When she considers how fun it would be to skip the paper and head to the beach

a. Highly developed

Which best describes a newborn's sense of smell? a. Highly developed b. Crude but effective c. Exists but is not very useful d. Nonexistent

a. Attempt to alternate as speaker and listener.

Which best describes proper linguistic turn-taking behavior? a. Attempt to alternate as speaker and listener. b. Only speak when spoken to. c. The more you know, the longer it is proper to speak. d. Try to nod approvingly when another person is taking a turn speaking.

c. Dads have the greatest impact on the timing of early puberty, and having a highly involved dad appears to delay its onset.

Which best describes the "paternal investment theory" of puberty? a. Moms have the greatest impact on the timing of early puberty, and having a highly involved mom appears to delay its onset. b. Moms have the greatest impact on the timing of early puberty, and having a highly involved mom appears to accelerate its onset. c. Dads have the greatest impact on the timing of early puberty, and having a highly involved dad appears to delay its onset. d. Dads have the greatest impact on the timing of early puberty, and having a highly involved dad appears to accelerate its onset.

d. Irregular and without ovulation

Which best describes the early menstrual cycles of a typical teenage female? a. Regular and with ovulation b. Regular and without ovulation c. Irregular and with ovulation d. Irregular and without ovulation

b. It helps speed neural transmission.

Which best describes the impact of myelin on a neuron? a. It increases the number of dendrites it produces. b. It helps speed neural transmission. c. It prevents synaptic pruning. d. It enhances action in the terminal buttons.

b. interactive

Which best describes the relationship between biological, psychological, and sociocultural forces in human development? a. Unimportant b. Interactive c. Independent d. Non-normative

b. Parenting styles may develop as the result of temperament.

Which best describes the relationship between parenting styles and children's temperaments? a. Parenting styles cause temperaments. b. Parenting styles may develop as the result of temperament. c. Temperaments develop as the result of parenting styles. d. Temperament and parenting styles are unrelated.

d. Females worry more about appearance and are more dissatisfied with their appearance.

Which best describes the typical response to body image during puberty? a. Females worry more about appearance, but males are more dissatisfied with their appearance. b. Males worry more about appearance, but females are more dissatisfied with their appearance. c. Males worry more about appearance and are more dissatisfied with their appearance. d. Females worry more about appearance and are more dissatisfied with their appearance.

d. Difficulty in comparing and understanding quantities

Which characteristic appears to be the most critical element underlying mathematical learning disabilities? a. Mild intellectual disability b. Visual impairments c. Undetected reading problems d. Difficulty in comparing and understanding quantities

c. Popularity

Which characteristic is least associated with child and adolescent obesity? a. High blood pressure b. Diabetes c. Popularity d. Having overweight parents

a. size

Which characteristic is not an Apgar factor? a. Size b. Skin tone c. Breathing d. Muscle tone

d. A heavy emphasis on nonacademic activities

Which characteristic is not typical of a school that produces high-achieving students? a. Highly involved parents b. Effective monitoring of teachers' performance c. A well-defined goal of academic excellence d. A heavy emphasis on nonacademic activities

c. Sarah, a five year old, who is smart and loves to learn

Which child is most likely to be gifted? a. Julie, a two year old, who chooses the plate with the most cookies b. Geri, a seven year old, who scores 100 on intelligence tests c. Sarah, a five year old, who is smart and loves to learn d. Piper, a ten year old, who is emotionally troubled

c. Kara, who has a tall mother and a tall father

Which child is most likely to be the tallest? a. Kristin, who has a tall father and a short mother b. Megan, who has a short father and a tall mother c. Kara, who has a tall mother and a tall father d. Melissa, who has a short father and a short mother

c. Johann, who is playing a new, difficult song for the first time

Which child is most likely using private speech during a piano lesson? a. Wolfgang, who is practicing a very easy song b. Sebastian, who is not making any mistakes c. Johann, who is playing a new, difficult song for the first time d. Giuseppe, who is already a concert pianist

b. Insensitive mother and low-quality daycare

Which combination best predicts an insecure attachment? a. Insensitive mother and any daycare b. Insensitive mother and low-quality daycare c. Sensitive mother and any daycare d. Sensitive mother and low-quality daycare

c. High proactivity and high competence

Which combination is most likely? a. Low proactivity and average competence b. Low proactivity and medium competence c. High proactivity and high competence d. High proactivity and low competence

c. LDL level under 160 mg/dL and HDL level over 50 mg/dL

Which combination would be a sign of good health? a. LDL level over 160 mg/dL and HDL level under 50 mg/dL b. LDL level under 160 mg/dL and HDL level under 50 mg/dL c. LDL level under 160 mg/dL and HDL level over 50 mg/dL d. LDL level over 160 mg/dL and HDL level over 50 mg/dL

c. Two parents, one child, and one grandfather

Which constitutes an "extended family?" a. Two parents and one child b. Two parents and six children c. Two parents, one child, and one grandfather d. Two cohabitating (but not married) adults

d. -.82

Which correlation coefficient value indicates the strongest relationship? a. -.23 b. .57 c. .15 d. -.82

d. Harvey and Amy, who have just retired

Which couple is probably the happiest? a. Henry and Anne, who have just had their first baby b. Hank and Alice, who have two adolescent children c. Harold and Abbey, whose children have just left home d. Harvey and Amy, who have just retired

a. Identical twins whose IQ scores correlate at the +.9 level

Which data suggest the strongest link between heredity and intelligence? a. Identical twins whose IQ scores correlate at the +.9 level b. Fraternal twins whose IQ scores correlate at the +.9 level c. Biological siblings whose IQ scores correlate at the +.9 level d. Adoptive siblings whose IQ scores correlate at the +.9 level

d. Average tests scores of spatial ability are higher for boys than girls.

Which description of the sex difference in spatial ability is the most accurate? a. Most boys perform better on tests of spatial ability than the brightest girl. b. Girls perform better on tests of spatial ability than boys. c. Girls and boys score equally on tests of spatial ability. d. Average tests scores of spatial ability are higher for boys than girls.

c. alcohol

Which drug do high school seniors use most? a. marijuana b. cocaine c. alcohol d. LSD

c. Guilt and self-blame

Which emotions are most common to an individual who is experiencing prolonged grief? a. Relief and euphoria b. Euphoria and guilt c. Guilt and self-blame d. Self-blame and relief

b. The ejaculation of sperm

Which event defines spermarche? a. The production of sperm b. The ejaculation of sperm c. The original meiosis of sperm d. The implantation of sperm into an egg

c. The significant growth in the cerebral cortex

Which event is characteristic of the period of the fetus? a. The first beat of the heart b. The first neural activity in the neocortex c. The significant growth in the cerebral cortex d. The attachment of the umbilical cord to the placenta

c. The rapid increase in average WISC scores seen during the past 25 years

Which evidence best demonstrates an environmental impact on intelligence? a. A high correlation between the IQ scores of identical twins b. A low correlation between the IQ scores of strangers c. The rapid increase in average WISC scores seen during the past 25 years d. The stability of WISC scores seen during the past 25 years

c. The fact that the left hemisphere of the brain appears to be critical to linguistic development

Which evidence provides the strongest support for the "linguistic approach" to grammar acquisition? a. The fact that nonhuman animals can be easily taught to use language b. The fact that there is no real "critical period" for language acquisition c. The fact that the left hemisphere of the brain appears to be critical to linguistic development d. The fact that bilingual children struggle with grammar

d. Adolescents develop a more positive view of their own group and a more negative view of other groups.

Which explanation best explains the reason for changes in prejudice during adolescence? a. Adolescents tend to believe that members of other groups would never be interested in joining their group. b. Adolescents tend to believe that members of other groups would never be accepted by members of the other group. c. Adolescents develop a more negative view of their own group and a more positive view of other groups. d. Adolescents develop a more positive view of their own group and a more negative view of other groups.

b. Nutrition

Which factor seems to be most involved in timing of menarche in many industrialized nations over the past 150 years? a. Parenting skills b. Nutrition c. Education d. Genetics

d. Low preoccupation with the ex-spouse

Which factor seems to be the best predictor of healthy postdivorce relationships? a. High income levels b. An inability to forgive the ex-spouse c. Having children d. Low preoccupation with the ex-spouse

b. Males are more likely to comply with the directions of adults.

Which finding is not consistent with research studies of sex differences? a. Males are more aggressive. b. Males are more likely to comply with the directions of adults. c. Females are less likely to have language-related problems. d. Females receive higher grades in math courses.

c. Latino Americans

Which group is most likely to perceive grandparenthood as a central role? a. Asian Americans b. European Americans c. Latino Americans d. Native Americans

d. Asian Americans

Which group of males in the United States has the lowest incidence of death during young adulthood (age 25-34)? a. Native Americans b. African Americans c. Latinos d. Asian Americans

d. Native Americans

Which group of teenage boys has by far the highest suicide rate? a. European Americans b. Latino Americans c. African Americans d. Native Americans

c. World's Oldest Human Celebrates 120th Birthday

Which headline concerns maximum life expectancy? a. Women Continue to Outlive Men b. Most Humans Retain Vitality through Age 90 c. World's Oldest Human Celebrates 120th Birthday d. Average American Now Dies at Age 80

d. achievement

Which identity status occurs after an individual has explored several options and has made a deliberate decision? a. diffusion b. moratorium c. foreclosure d. achievement

a. Donald, who wants to be a millionaire by age 30

Which individual best reflects a "social clock?" a. Donald, who wants to be a millionaire by age 30 b. Ivana, who has been married four times c. Melania, who can accurately remember her adolescent "coming-out" party d. Trump, who is presently going through puberty

c. Cindy, who has changed careers several times

Which individual is exhibiting a moratorium in the process of developing an identity? a. Greg, who refuses to consider different career paths b. Jan, who is doing what her parents want her to do c. Cindy, who has changed careers several times d. Bobby, who has been in the same career for 25 years

a. Wink, who is a game-show host

Which individual with a genetic predisposition toward being extroverted is demonstrating successful niche-picking? a. Wink, who is a game-show host b. Wilbur, who is a horse trainer c. Sebastian, who is a hermit who lives in a cave by himself d. Dexter, who spends a lot of time studying in the library

d. Deals with important life issues

Which is a characteristic of wisdom? a. Intent of the act does not matter b. Involves a narrow focus c. "Average" judgment or advice d. Deals with important life issues

b. Texture gradient

Which is considered a pictorial cue to depth? a. Visual expansion b. Texture gradient c. Retinal disparity d. Motion parallax

d. All of these events are devastating

Which is devastating for a parent? a. Death of a child before birth b. Death of a young child c. Death of a young-adult child d. All of these events are devastating

b. "Papa"

Which is most likely to be the first word that a one-year-old will utter? a. "Hot" b. "Papa" c. "Rattle" d. "Two"

d. Fluid intelligence

Which is not a "primary mental ability?" a. Number b. Inductive reasoning c. Spatial orientation d. Fluid intelligence

a. Teachers should provide answers rather than letting students find them on their own.

Which is not a Piagetian-based implication for teaching? a. Teachers should provide answers rather than letting students find them on their own. b. The best teaching experiences are those slightly ahead of a child's current level of thinking. c. In order to promote learning, teachers should provide materials with which students can make their own discoveries. d. Letting students make mistakes is OK, as cognitive development tends to occur when children become aware of errors in their own thinking.

c. Fear of isolation

Which is not a motivating goal of social contact, according to socioemotional selectivity theory? a. Information seeking b. Self-concept c. Fear of isolation d. Emotional regulation

d. Teach that medications have no place in the delivery room.

Which is not a typical childbirth class technique for reducing the pain associated with delivery? a. Teach deep breathing to reduce muscle tension. b. Teach visual imagery focusing on pleasant scenes or experiences. c. Teach a "coach" to attend to mother and help her cope with pain. d. Teach that medications have no place in the delivery room.

b. Twitching

Which is not an aspect of regular (non-REM) sleep? a. Steady breathing b. Twitching c. Steady brain activity d. Increased frequency as infants grow

d. Loss-oriented stressors

Which is not one of the components in the four-component model of the grieving process? a. Context of the loss b. Changing representations of the lost relationship over time c. Continuation of subjective meaning associated with the loss d. Loss-oriented stressors

b. Sociability

Which is not one of the three components of love, according to Sternberg? a. Intimacy b. Sociability c. Commitment d. Passion

c. Several adult lifelong friends

Which is the best example of a "social convoy"? a. A newly married couple b. Generation X c. Several adult lifelong friends d. A retired individual who plans to move to a community with other retirees

c. Knowing how to balance a checkbook

Which is the best example of a measure of practical intelligence? a. The MMPI b. The Stanford-Binet c. Knowing how to balance a checkbook d. Knowing the square root of every number less than 100

a. The consonant sound "d"

Which is the best example of a phoneme? a. The consonant sound "d" b. The overall sound of the word "dog" c. The words "the dog ran" d. The sentence, "The dog ran out of the rain"

b. Who taught you how to ride a bike?

Which is the best example of a question designed to assess autobiographical memory? a. What is the capital of Wisconsin? b. Who taught you how to ride a bike? c. Where is the queen initially located on a chessboard? d. When was Abraham Lincoln elected president?

b. Tommy learns how to grasp a spoon before he can successfully use it to eat.

Which is the best example of differentiation? a. Jimmy's legs have matured to the point where he is capable of walking. b. Tommy learns how to grasp a spoon before he can successfully use it to eat. c. Lisa combines reaching, grasping, and wrist rotation and successfully uses a spoon to eat. d. Rebecca learns how to swim before she learns to walk.

d. Referring to the family cat as a "kitty" but not using the same name for any other animal (including other cats)

Which is the best example of underextension? a. Referring to a train as a "choo-choo" b. Referring to all vehicles having four wheels as "trucks" c. Using a single-word utterance ("car") rather than telegraphic speech ("let's ride in the car") d. Referring to the family cat as a "kitty" but not using the same name for any other animal (including other cats)

a. Reciprocal relationships

Which is the last of Bowlby's four phases in the growth of attachment? a. Reciprocal relationships b. Attachment in the making c. True attachment d. Preattachment

d. Boys tend to favor constricting and girls tend to favor enabling.

Which is true of childhood play? a. Both boys and girls tend to favor enabling over constricting. b. Both boys and girls tend to favor constricting over enabling. c. Boys tend to favor enabling and girls tend to favor constricting. d. Boys tend to favor constricting and girls tend to favor enabling.

d. heredity

Which item does not constitute a "psychological force?" a. Perception b. Intelligence c. Personality d. Heredity

c. Higher maternal age

Which maternal characteristic is most strongly associated with giving birth to a baby with Down syndrome? a. Low levels of intelligence (i.e., mental retardation) b. Consumption of alcohol c. Higher maternal age d. Exposure to lead or mercury

d. Permanent and unlimited capacity

Which most accurately describes long-term memory? a. Temporary and limited capacity b. Permanent and limited capacity c. Temporary and unlimited capacity d. Permanent and unlimited capacity

b. Payton, who is 5 months old

Which normally developing child would be most likely to have just begun to experience the emotion of anger? a. Brett, who is 5 days old b. Payton, who is 5 months old c. Tom, who is 15 months old d. Carson, who is 5 years old

c. Hobbs, who is 8months old

Which normally maturing infant would be most likely to have just formed first true attachment? a. Calvin, who is 1day old b. Kline, who is 4months old c. Hobbs, who is 8months old d. Coolidge, who is 18months old

b. Conventional

Which of Kohlberg's levels places the greatest emphasis on morality as a function of the expectations others hold toward you? a. Preconventional b. Conventional c. Postconventional d. Unconventional

b. Intellectual differences

Which of the following impacts the development of social beliefs least? a. Generational differences b. Intellectual differences c. The challenges at particular life stages d. How emotion and cognition integrate

d. It provides a chance for adult children to give back to their parents.

Which of the following is a positive outcome associated with caring for an aging parent? a. It decreases unsolicited advice. b. It increases independence for the aging parent. c. It decreases financial pressures. d. It provides a chance for adult children to give back to their parents.

d. Caregiver's lack of control

Which of the following is not a possible contributing factor to elder abuse? a. Social isolation of the elder b. Caregiver stress c. Elder's dependency on others d. Caregiver's lack of control

d. Must involve individual in persistent vegetative state or whole-brain dead

Which of the following is not part of the definition of active euthanasia? a. Deliberate act of ending a life b. Based on statement by an individual who wants to die c. Decision made by someone with legal authority to do so d. Must involve individual in persistent vegetative state or whole-brain dead

d. A decrease in the ability to explain how one arrives at a particular answer

Which of the following is one of the outcomes of expertise? a. An increase in the ability to explain how one arrives at a particular answer b. Less flexible thinking c. Less focused thinking d. A decrease in the ability to explain how one arrives at a particular answer

c. They have more than one correct answer.

Which of the following is true about real-life problems? a. People are not motivated to solve them. b. Personal experience is irrelevant. c. They have more than one correct answer. d. They are very similar to traditional tests of intelligence.

b. Returning students tend to need more direction from instructors.

Which of the following statements about returning students is false? a. Returning students tend to be problem-solvers. b. Returning students tend to need more direction from instructors. c. Returning students tend to experience conflicts between school, work, and family. d. Returning students often have life experience relevant to coursework.

c. A lifelong love

Which of the following would best reflect a life story goal of communion? a. Being a powerful CEO b. Winning a Nobel prize c. A lifelong love d. Being your own person

d. gonorrhea

Which of these STDs is caused by bacteria? a. genital herpes b. HIV c. hepatitis B d. gonorrhea

d. Uninvolved

Which parenting style is best characterized as "indifferent?" a. Authoritarian b. Authoritative c. Permissive d. Uninvolved

a. Authoritarian

Which parenting style might best be described as "low warmth and high control?" a. Authoritarian b. Permissive c. Uninvolved d. Authoritative

a. Kate and Allie, who encourage autonomy in their children

Which parents are most likely to raise a teenager with high achievement status? a. Kate and Allie, who encourage autonomy in their children b. Ward and June, who encourage conformity in their children c. Ozzie and Harriet, who discourage experimentation in their children d. George and Jane, who continue to strictly enforce childhood rules

c. Victoria, who is taking an SSRI

Which patient is likely to experience the fewest and least severe side effects from their antidepressant medication? a. Angie, who is taking an HCA b. Gloria, who is taking an MAO inhibitor c. Victoria, who is taking an SSRI d. Tiffany, who is taking L-dopa

a. Edward, who is trying to make a decision about turning off his wife's life-support machine.

Which person is struggling most with a bioethical issue? a. Edward, who is trying to make a decision about turning off his wife's life-support machine. b. Charles, who is in a persistent vegetative state c. Henry, whose wife recently died from cancer d. Arthur, who is giving a "farewell handshake"

a. The ethic of care

Which phrase describes the emphasis of Gilligan's theory of moral development? a. The ethic of care b. The ethic of justice c. The ethic of intelligence d. The ethic of obedience

b. "Hypothetically speaking ..."

Which phrase reflects a basic ability available only to a formal operational thinker? a. "Realistically speaking ..." b. "Hypothetically speaking ..." c. "Speaking from experience, I ..." d. "Speaking on behalf of others, I ..."

b. Ultrasound

Which prenatal assessment technique results in a picture of the fetus? a. Genetic screening b. Ultrasound c. Chorionic villus sampling d. Amniocentesis

c. Deciding that using flashcards helps memorization of vocabulary terms

Which provides the best example of cognitive self-regulation? a. Having a short-term memory for a phone number you just heard b. Realizing that some inanimate object may be capable of self-movement c. Deciding that using flashcards helps memorization of vocabulary terms d. Knowing that 4 + 4 = 8

a. Jim, who is studying several different-aged groups at the same time

Which researcher is most likely doing a cross-sectional study? a. Jim, who is studying several different-aged groups at the same time b. Joey, who is using several physiological measures in his study c. Jan, who is doing a correlational study d. Jody, who is doing an observation of first-graders

b. "Once I go to sleep, I sleep way too long."

Which sleep complaint would you least expect from an older adult? a. "I just can't get to sleep at night." b. "Once I go to sleep, I sleep way too long." c. "I only slept four hours last night." d. "If I don't get enough sleep at night, I am just worthless the next day."

b. Poverty

Which social condition appears to foster maltreatment of children? a. Fragile-X syndrome b. Poverty c. Alcoholism d. ADHD

a. Watching other children play without joining them

Which sort of solitary play would most likely be unhealthy? a. Watching other children play without joining them b. Sitting in a room, building an imaginary city out of plastic building blocks c. Drawing and coloring d. Completing a series of puzzles in a puzzle book

a. Physical symptoms may include loss of appetite and insomnia.

Which statement about depression is true? a. Physical symptoms may include loss of appetite and insomnia. b. In older people, trouble breathing is a very good predictor of depression. c. It is easy to diagnose as the symptoms are unlike any other disorder. d. It does not involve any significant impairment in daily life activities.

a. Marriage helps people deal more effectively with disabilities.

Which statement about marriage is true? a. Marriage helps people deal more effectively with disabilities. b. Over time, division of labor becomes more gender stereotyped. c. Older married women are much happier about the marriage than their male partners. d. Marital conflict increases significantly in old age.

d. Divorced single parents often experience feelings of failure and guilt

Which statement about single parents is true? a. They are financially better off than their married counterparts b. Trying to be a peer versus a parent has great benefits and few drawbacks c. Most single divorced parents wait at least two years before dating d. Divorced single parents often experience feelings of failure and guilt

a. Higher levels of spirituality are associated with better physical and mental health

Which statement about spirituality and health is true? a. Higher levels of spirituality are associated with better physical and mental health b. Higher levels of spirituality are associated with better physical but poorer mental health c. Higher levels of spirituality are associated with better mental but poorer physical health d. Lower levels of spirituality are associated with better physical and mental health

d. Sports involvement can lead to improved self-esteem.

Which statement about youth sports is true? a. Participating in sports and cheerleading seems to significantly decrease involvement in delinquent behaviors. b. When teens find a sport "stressful," they tend to compensate with greater effort. c. The greatest benefit of involvement is found with coaches who rely heavily on criticism and punishment. d. Sports involvement can lead to improved self-esteem.

c. Family needs are more important than individual needs.

Which statement best describes familism? a. Go forth and multiply as often as possible. b. Specific family members are responsible for discipline. c. Family needs are more important than individual needs. d. We want to remain childless.

a. Puberty occurs earlier in girls who have experienced chronic stress.

Which statement best describes the connection between environmental stress and maturation in girls? a. Puberty occurs earlier in girls who have experienced chronic stress. b. Puberty occurs later in girls who have experienced chronic stress. c. The onset of puberty in girls is determined genetically, thus stress has no effect on the timing of puberty. d. The effects of stress on maturation in girls are unknown.

d. The pleasure areas develop prior to the areas that control behavior.

Which statement best describes the neurological explanation for risk-taking behavior in teens? a. Myelination of the temporal lobe results in poor decision-making. b. Due to neurotic pruning, the pleasure centers of the brain become "super-charged." c. Estrogen and testosterone act like "cocaine" in the brain. d. The pleasure areas develop prior to the areas that control behavior.

b. Adolescents are much more interested in their own feelings than those of others.

Which statement best describes the thought process underlying adolescent egocentrism? a. Adolescents cannot believe that others have different perspectives than them. b. Adolescents are much more interested in their own feelings than those of others. c. Adolescents believe that everyone is ignoring them. d. Adolescents tend to do whatever their parents say.

c. Early experiences may influence behavior throughout one's development.

Which statement best exemplifies the basic premise of life-cycle forces? a. Biological forces play little role once a person reaches puberty. b. Unconscious desires are the basis for most human behavior. c. Early experiences may influence behavior throughout one's development. d. The forces that influence human behavior are too complex to identify through empirical research.

d. "Fish have a special 'fishiness' that allows them to breath underwater."

Which statement best exemplifies the concept of essentialism? a. "The purpose of popcorn is to make kids happy when they are at the movies." b. "If your parent says 'no,' then you should not do it." c. "A monkey raised by people will become a human." d. "Fish have a special 'fishiness' that allows them to breath underwater."

a. "When my job gets tough, I will succeed with effort."

Which statement best exemplifies the concept of secondary control? a. "When my job gets tough, I will succeed with effort." b. "You can buy your way out of any situation." c. "My friends help me when I need assistance." d. "Always look to professionals for help."

c. "I see myself as a Dutch-Asian American."

Which statement best indicates that a teenager is in the third stage of ethnic identity development? a. "I am curious about where my ancestors lived." b. "I'll think about my ethnicity when I am older." c. "I see myself as a Dutch-Asian American." d. "I need to match my identity to that of all others in my ethnic group."

a. "Help the children, for they are our future."

Which statement best reflects Erikson's concept of generativity? a. "Help the children, for they are our future." b. "If I have lived the good life, death will be welcomed." c. "I am comfortable with the love relationships in my life." d. "If you trust others, you trust yourself."

a. empathy.

Young Jim experiences the sadness of his friend Abdul when Abdul's dog runs away. Jim is exhibiting? a. empathy. b. altruism. c. cooperative behavior. d. sympathy.

a. Research findings can be important in shaping social policy

Which statement best reflects the views of the text regarding research in developmental psychology? a. Research findings can be important in shaping social policy. b. Research findings are useful only to scientists who study the same topics. c. Research findings may be interesting to nonscientists, but the information can rarely be used in the real world. d. Research in developmental psychology does not make much of a scientific contribution.

b. Adults tend to be more motivated by internal factors.

Which statement between adult learners and their younger counterparts is true? a. Adults are more willing to learn about abstract problems. b. Adults tend to be more motivated by internal factors. c. Younger learners tend to have a larger variety of experiences on which they can build. d. Younger learners have a higher need to know why they should learn something.

b. "Go store."

Which statement by a 17-month-old best represents telegraphic speech? a. "Go." b. "Go store." c. "I go to the store." d. "Can we go to the store?"

c. "Let's play."

Which statement by a young child would indicate that she is using an expressive style? a. "Two lus two equals four." b. "That animal is called a horse." c. "Let's play." d. "Baba dada."

a. Inherited temperament may increase risk for aggressive behavior

Which statement concerning antisocial/delinquent behavior and biology is true? a. Inherited temperament may increase risk for aggressive behavior b. Chromosome 17 contains a gene that controls violence c. Twin studies indicate that antisocial behavior is often inherited d. Diminished levels of hormones like testosterone often lead to violence

d. The birth of a child is usually viewed as a positive event even though it is associated with a decrease in marital satisfaction.

Which statement concerning children and marital satisfaction is true? a. Couples with children show a decline in marital satisfaction while those without children show an increase. b. Couples who are child-free due to infertility tend to have high levels of marital satisfaction. c. African-American couples tend to show little increased conflict due to the birth of a child. d. The birth of a child is usually viewed as a positive event even though it is associated with a decrease in marital satisfaction.

d. Teens will tend to start smoking if they believe that it is okay to smoke.

Which statement concerning cigarette smoking is true? a. Compared with the rest of the world, American teens are heavy smokers. b. Most teens begin to smoke when they are in tenth or eleventh grade. c. Authoritative parenting tends to increase the risk of teen smoking. d. Teens will tend to start smoking if they believe that it is okay to smoke.

b. It can reduce the need for elaborate rituals aimed at having children sleep in their own rooms.

Which statement concerning co-sleeping is accurate? a. It is most effective in cultures that value child self-reliance. b. It can reduce the need for elaborate rituals aimed at having children sleep in their own rooms. c. It seems to negatively affect child-parent bonding. d. It is done exclusively with mom.

d. Working memory and processing speed are more adultlike than childlike.

Which statement concerning cognitive development in adolescence is true? a. Working memory and processing speed are more childlike than adultlike. b. Working memory becomes adultlike, but processing speed remains childlike. c. Processing speed becomes adultlike, but working memory remains childlike. d. Working memory and processing speed are more adultlike than childlike.

c. Grandparents frequently have to navigate a system that does not legally recognize them as guardians.

Which statement concerning custodial care of grandchildren by grandparents is true? a. Almost 20 million U.S. grandparents have grandchildren living with them. b. In the U.S., grandparents automatically are granted legal guardianship of their grandchildren. c. Grandparents frequently have to navigate a system that does not legally recognize them as guardians. d. The most common reason for a grandparent raising a grandchild involves the death of both parents.

b. Even if ethnic groups differ significantly in intelligence, the difference could be the result of environmental factors.

Which statement concerning ethnicity and intelligence is most accurate? a. The recent discovery of a "smart gene" has led most to believe that intelligence has a strong genetic component. b. Even if ethnic groups differ significantly in intelligence, the difference could be the result of environmental factors. c. Being economically disadvantaged is related to ethnicity but not to intelligence. d. If intelligence differences within an ethnic group are due to genetics, then intelligence differences between the group and other ethnic groups must be due to genetics.

b. Japanese and Taiwanese students spend significantly more time in school and have more homework than do children in the United States.

Which statement concerning math and culture is true? a. American children score near the top on international tests assessing math. b. Japanese and Taiwanese students spend significantly more time in school and have more homework than do children in the United States. c. American parents tend to set higher academic achievement standards than Asian parents. d. Japanese and Taiwanese parents more likely tend to believe that heredity (not hard work) leads to mathematic success.

d. Jobs that require the use of some skill tend to enhance self-esteem.

Which statement concerning part-time work and teenagers is true? a. The negative impacts of part-time employment are more severe in males. b. Teens who save money from working have a worse relationship with their parents. c. The number of hours worked does not appear to matter. d. Jobs that require the use of some skill tend to enhance self-esteem.

c. Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis come and go.

Which statement concerning rheumatoid arthritis is true? a. Individuals with rheumatoid arthritis need to avoid aspirin. b. Rheumatoid arthritis is inherited. c. Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis come and go. d. Rheumatoid arthritis affects large joints (e.g., hips) but not small joints (e.g., fingers).

b. Secondhand smoke exposure can lead to death.

Which statement concerning secondhand smoke is true? a. There is no evidence that secondhand smoke leads to any health problems. b. Secondhand smoke exposure can lead to death. c. Less than one-fifth of Americans have been exposed to secondhand smoke. d. Nonsmokers exposed to secondhand smoke are more likely to die from lung cancer than from cardiovascular disease.

d. A harmonious child-parent relationship tends to lead to higher levels of self- esteem in adolescents.

Which statement concerning self-esteem is true? a. Adolescents' levels of self-esteem do not vary by context. b. Parental rules lead to lower levels of self-esteem in adolescents. c. Levels of parental affection are inversely related to self-esteem levels in adolescents. d. A harmonious child-parent relationship tends to lead to higher levels of self- esteem in adolescents.

b. Males marry at a later age.

Which statement concerning singlehood, marriage, and sex differences in the United States is true? a. Males feel more societal pressure to marry. b. Males marry at a later age. c. Females seldom have unresolved feelings about remaining single. d. Females tend to "marry down" to males with lower social and educational status.

d. Their effects are the same regardless of the time when the individual is exposed.

Which statement concerning teratogens is false? a. They impact different genotypes differently. b. They impact specific aspects of development. c. Their effects may not emerge until later in life. d. Their effects are the same regardless of the time when the individual is exposed.

b. Lesbian attraction to other females tends to occur later than gay male same-sex attraction.

Which statement concerning the origins of sexual orientation is true? a. A "lesbian gene" has been found. b. Lesbian attraction to other females tends to occur later than gay male same-sex attraction. c. Gay males tend to reject anything that they classify as "feminine." d. Interest in the same sex tends to occur much later in males.

a. "Who cares if I am Latino?"

Which statement indicates that Margareta is in the initial stage of ethnic identity development? a. "Who cares if I am Latino?" b. "My ancestors were in America before white settlers." c. "I am Hispanic and proud of it." d. "I would like to go to the fair because it features dancers from my family's heritage."

a. A population is larger than a sample.

Which statement is always true? a. A population is larger than a sample. b. A population consists of a single sample. c. A sample is another term for a population. d. A sample is a cultural concept while a population is a social concept.

b. There is no strong evidence that TV watching by itself has negative effects on children.

Which statement is most accurate regarding the cognitive impact of watching television? a. Television causes children to have short attention spans. b. There is no strong evidence that TV watching by itself has negative effects on children. c. Children who watch television become lazy thinkers. d. Watching television leads to increased activity levels and stifles the creativity of children who watch it.

b. Generative concern relates to life satisfaction but generative action does not.

Which statement is true in middle age? a. Both generative concern and generative action relate to life satisfaction. b. Generative concern relates to life satisfaction but generative action does not. c. Generative action relates to life satisfaction but generative concern does not. d. Neither generative concern nor generative action relate to life satisfaction.

a. They are experienced by people in all cultures.

Which statement is true regarding basic emotions? a. They are experienced by people in all cultures. b. They have a self-evaluative component. c. Most of them begin to develop after 12months. d. They are not reflected in facial expressions.

c. It seems to promote cognitive development.

Which statement is true regarding make-believe? a. Children make-believe the same things in all cultures. b. It is a sign of emotional disturbance. c. It seems to promote cognitive development. d. It always involves imaginary companions.

c. Neuroticism changed over time for women

Which statement is true regarding the findings of the Big Five study conducted by Srivastava and colleagues (2003)? a. Agreeableness decreased over time b. Extraversion increased over time c. Neuroticism changed over time for women d. Conscientiousness was stable over adulthood

a. Environmental influences within a family typically make children within a family different

Which statement is true? a. Environmental influences within a family typically make children within a family different b. Genes cannot influence the kind of environment to which a person is exposed c. Behavioral consequences of genetic instructions are independent from environmental factors d. The impact of environment on heredity wanes with age

d. During puberty, estrogen and androgens are released at different levels in adolescent males and females.

Which statement is true? a. Estrogen is found only in females, and androgens are found only in males. b. Estrogen is found only in males, and androgens are found only in females. c. During puberty, estrogen and androgens are released at the same levels in adolescent males and females. d. During puberty, estrogen and androgens are released at different levels in adolescent males and females.

a. HIV typically leads to AIDS.

Which statement is true? a. HIV typically leads to AIDS. b. AIDS typically leads to HIV. c. HIV and AIDS are the same disorder. d. AIDS and HIV are unrelated.

c. Part-time employment following retirement can be the result of a desire to stay connected to one's former life/career.

Which statement with regard to retirement is true? a. In recent years, the number of organizations devoted to assisting retirees has declined. b. Participation in leisure activities during retirement tends to result in declines in satisfaction. c. Part-time employment following retirement can be the result of a desire to stay connected to one's former life/career. d. Retiree volunteerism appears to have little positive impact on society.

b. Farrell, who is in the middle of his college career

Which student is most likely to ask, "Are there any truths in the world?" a. Ekoka, who is at the end of his college career b. Farrell, who is in the middle of his college career c. DaVon, who is beginning his college career d. Zell, who is a returning adult student

b. Writing her name in cursive

Which task would an average elementary-age girl perform better than an average elementary-age boy? a. Jumping over a bar b. Writing her name in cursive c. Hanging from the monkey bars d. Throwing a softball

b. Beth, who is 15 years old

Who would be most likely to have just achieved close to her full adult stature? a. Meg, who is 12 years old b. Beth, who is 15 years old c. Joanne, who is 18 years old d. Amy, who is 21 years old

d. Allow children to pick among healthy foods

Which technique is recommended for making finicky eaters more open-minded about the food they eat? a. Force children to clean their plates b. Talk about the correct way to eat during meals c. Use food to reward good behavior d. Allow children to pick among healthy foods

d. Support

Which term does not fit with the notion of "constricting"during play? a. Exaggeration b. Threats c. Contradiction d. Support

c. Super

Which theorist first linked identity with career choices? a. Erikson b. Freud c. Super d. Holland

d. Bronfenbrenner

Which theorist is best associated with an ecological approach to human development? a. Freud b. Piaget c. Erikson d. Bronfenbrenner

a. Operant conditioning

Which theory places the greatest emphasis on the relationship between consequences and the probability of a behavior reoccurring in the future? a. Operant conditioning b. Information-processing c. Classical conditioning d. Piagetian

d. "I think I have what they need."

Which thought has been shown to increase the odds of a child engaging in an altruistic act? a. "I think that this will cost a lot, but it will be worth it." b. "I think that doing this will make me feel better." c. "I think that this will make me a better person." d. "I think I have what they need."

b. Emotional

Which type of intelligence is best associated with Daniel Goleman? a. Musical b. Emotional c. Naturalistic d. Bodily-kinesthetic

d. Consistency

Which word is the best description of the meaning of the term "reliability?" a. Ethical b. Valid c. Cross-sectional d. Consistency

b. Death due to breast cancer

Which would have a terminal phase with the longest trajectory? a. Death due to a massive stroke b. Death due to breast cancer c. Death due to a car accident d. Death due to sudden heart failure

a. Consuming antioxidants like vitamin E

Which would most dramatically impact the levels of free radicals in one's body? a. Consuming antioxidants like vitamin E b. Getting an injection of telomerase c. Contracting sickle-cell anemia d. Engaging in aerobic exercise

a. infatuation.

While Victor and Victoria have very strong sexual feelings for each other, they have little interest in intimacy or commitment. This type of relationship is best described as? a. infatuation. b. friendship. c. consummate love. d. companionate love.

b. "I hope that you have all the children you want."

While at a checkup, 40-year-old Betty listens as her physician, Dr. White, describes Betty's current health. Which of Dr. White's statements would suggest that Betty is experiencing the climacteric? a. "Do genetic disorders run in your family?" b. "I hope that you have all the children you want." c. "The loss of memory will be slow but significant." d. "Some of your blood cells have begun to alter their shape."

a. Circadian Rhythms

While at a conference dealing with issues related to aging, Eve is interested in learning about how sleep patterns change in late life. She will be best served by attending a presentation entitled "____ and the Elderly." a. Circadian Rhythms b. Neuritic Plaques c. Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors d. Selectivity

c. glaucoma.

While at her yearly medical checkup, Martha is informed that she has extremely high pressure in her eye. This indicates that Martha likely has? a. presbyopia. b. cataracts. c. glaucoma. d. macular degeneration.

a. private speech.

While attempting to correctly answer this question, you notice that you are mentally commenting to yourself about its level of difficulty. Vygotsky would refer to these internal mental remarks as? a. private speech. b. scaffolding. c. an orienting response. d. overextension.

b. behavioral

While being treated for depression, 70-year-old Ian is encouraged to avoid situations that lead to negative consequences and to reward himself when something good happens to him. Ian appears to be being treated by a ____ therapist? a. cognitive b. behavioral c. psychoanalytic d. biomedical

b. moratorium

While in the ____ identity status stage, a person is examining numerous alternatives but finds none totally satisfactory? a. diffusion b. moratorium c. foreclosure d. achievement

a. synaptic pruning.

While observing brain activity, Dr. Smith proclaims, "This brain is definitely experiencing a downsizing in the number of connections between neurons." This indicates that the brain Dr. Smith is studying is undergoing? a. synaptic pruning. b. motion parallax. c. cephalocaudal development. d. dendritic expansion.

b. parallel; cooperative

While the typical 1 1/2-year-old spends the majority of time engaged in ____ play, the typical 4-year-old spends most of his or her time in ____ play? a. cooperative; simple social b. parallel; cooperative c. simple social; parallel d. parallel; simple social

a. emotional

While there are different types of dating violence, threats always qualify as ____ violence? a. emotional b. physical c. sexual d. spiritual

c. allow others to know one's preferences concerning issues like whether you want to be put on life support.

While they differ in some respects, both a living will and a durable power of attorney? a. identify someone to act on your behalf if you become incapacitated. b. make it legal for a physician to perform active euthanasia. c. allow others to know one's preferences concerning issues like whether you want to be put on life support. d. cannot be written until a person is about to lose the ability to make his or her own decisions.

b. Leon, who just learned to crawl

Who has most likely just developed stranger wariness? a. Betsy, who just learned to roll over b. Leon, who just learned to crawl c. Calvin, who just learned to walk d. Lisa, who just started school

d. Dmitri, who says, "To eliminate teenage pregnancy, we must limit access to contraceptives."

Who has the least effective plan for decreasing the probability of teenage pregnancy in a school population? a. Ira, who says, "We need to convince our young people that teenage pregnancy can happen to them." b. Denise, who says, "Teenage women should be more informed about how difficult it is to be a teenage parent." c. Afi, who says, "We must do a better job of informing our students about contraception." d. Dmitri, who says, "To eliminate teenage pregnancy, we must limit access to contraceptives."

a. Tina, who is 3 months old

Who is at greatest risk of falling victim to sudden infant death syndrome? a. Tina, who is 3 months old b. Leslie, who is 9 months old c. Bridget, who is 2 years old d. Jon, who is 5 years old

c. Howard Gardner

Who is best associated with a theory of "multiple intelligences?" a. John Carroll b. Alfred Binet c. Howard Gardner d. Jean Piaget

a. A 16-year-old high school student

Who is least likely to be considered an adult? a. A 16-year-old high school student b. A 22-year-old living with his or her parents c. A 22-year-old mother who works on a farm d. A 17-year-old college student

d. Deena, who has no control over her job

Who is likely to experience the most job-related stress? a. Tina, who has complete control over her job b. Lena, who has moderate control over her job c. Katrina, who has some control over her job d. Deena, who has no control over her job

d. 22-year-old Aruba, who just graduated from college

Who is most likely experiencing a "quarterlife crisis?" a. 82-year-old Dominica, whose spouse just died b. 62-year-old Kitt, who just retired c. 42-year-old Lucia, who just had a baby d. 22-year-old Aruba, who just graduated from college

d. Sherri, who can use combinatorial reasoning

Who is most likely to be a formal operational thinker? a. Kula, who thinks nickels are worth more than dimes because they are bigger b. Fran, who has just mastered conservation c. Ollie, who is capable of using and understanding symbols d. Sherri, who can use combinatorial reasoning

c. Patricia, who is 7 months old

Who is most likely to be afraid of heights? a. Noni, who is 3 weeks old b. Mandy, who is 7 weeks old c. Patricia, who is 7 months old d. Celia, who is 7 years old.

a. A four-year-old

Who is most likely to have the highest self-esteem? a. A four-year-old b. An eight-year-old c. A 12-year-old d. A 16-year-old

b. Lilly, an early-maturing female

Who is most likely to suffer the most negative psychological consequences as a result of the timing of maturation? a. Herman, an early-maturing male b. Lilly, an early-maturing female c. Marilyn, a late-maturing female d. Eddie, a late-maturing male

c. Aileen, who has a clear sense of identity

Who would Erikson say is most capable of true intimacy? a. Cindy, who is overdependent on her boyfriend b. Burt, who will go out with different people but finds it scary to go out with someone more than a couple of times c. Aileen, who has a clear sense of identity d. Harrison, who is 16 years old

a. Serena, who is 6months old

Who would be best at differentiating between two different monkey faces? a. Serena, who is 6months old b. Julie, who is 1year old c. Patti, who is 6years old d. Courtney, who is 12 years old

d. Latka, who is an information-processing theorist

Who would be most likely to emphasize the important role that changes in memory efficiency plays in cognitive development? a. Louie, who is a social-learning theorist b. Elaine, who is a sociobiologist c. Alex, who is Piagetian d. Latka, who is an information-processing theorist

c. Niv, who has high status in her school's most "in" crowd

Who would likely have the highest self-esteem? a. Vincent, who has high status in a clique of his school's most "in" crowd b. Kasen, who has high status with one of the most "in" kids in school c. Niv, who has high status in her school's most "in" crowd d. Namid, who has high status with teachers in her school

b. Gilligan, who is a social learning theorist

Who would most likely explain a child's maladaptive behavior by saying, "They probably saw some TV character do that"? a. Ginger, who is a behaviorist b. Gilligan, who is a social learning theorist c. Thurston, who is a Freudian theorist d. Mary Ann, who is a Piagetian theorist

a. Piaget

Whose theory of development is best exemplified by the idea that children construct their own knowledge and this constructed knowledge changes with age/experience? a. Piaget b. Bronfenbrenner c. Erikson d. Skinner

b. stronger family ties

Why do Asian-American and Latino-American teens tend to begin dating at a later age than European-American teens? a. fewer available partners b. stronger family ties c. less disposable income d. greater need for social isolation

a. They typically spend money immediately and do not learn how to allocate income well.

Why is part-time work among teens associated with misleading sense of affluence? a. They typically spend money immediately and do not learn how to allocate income well. b. The high pay they receive at these jobs sets up unrealistic expectations about "real" pay. c. They tend to save significantly more during these times than after they get a full-time job. d. The money that teens make today is worth less than the same amount will be in the future.

a. greater financial loss

Women who are recently widowed tend to have ____ than recently widowed men? a. greater financial loss b. less social relationships c. more physical/health problems d. less loss of social status

c. rooting

Winchester notices that every time he touches his newborn son's cheek, the infant turns his head and tries to suck. This behavior demonstrates the ____ reflex? a. withdrawal b. Moro c. rooting d. Babinski

a. temporary and limited in capacity.

Working memory is best described as being? a. temporary and limited in capacity. b. permanent and limited in capacity. c. temporary and unlimited in capacity. d. permanent and unlimited in capacity.

c. illusion of invulnerability

Your text indicates that many teenagers who smoke are convinced that cigarette smoking is harmless for healthy adolescents. Which concept does the best job of explaining this phenomenon? a. crystallization b. depression c. illusion of invulnerability d. imaginary audience

b. universal versus context-specific development

Yacef is interested in determining whether children develop virtually the same way in Algeria as they do in other parts of the world. Yacef's research deals primarily with the ____ issue of human development? a. psychological versus biological forces b. universal versus context-specific development c. nature versus nurture d. continuity versus discontinuity

a. role transition.

Yacef suddenly finds himself newly married and out of school with a new job. Yacef is experiencing? a. role transition. b. reflective judgment. c. possible selves. d. fluid intelligence.

c. social

Yasmine has excellent verbal skills and relates well on an interpersonal level. According to Holland, Yasmine likely has a(n) ____ personality type? a. investigative b. conventional c. social d. realistic

c. Osteoporosis

____ is the leading cause of broken bones in older women? a. Osteoarthritis b. Rheumatoid arthritis c. Osteoporosis d. Car accidents

c. Young adults

____ tend to have the most intense feelings concerning death? a. Young children b. Adolescents c. Young adults d. Older adults

c. mindfulness-based stress reduction.

Yoga and meditation are examples of? a. aerobic exercise. b. primary appraisal. c. mindfulness-based stress reduction. d. secondary appraisal.

c. toddler.

Yoko, who has not seen her nephew John since he was born, is surprised to see the 12-month-old standing upright and taking a few steps. In view of this accomplishment, Yoko realizes that John is now considered a(n)? a. neonate. b. infant. c. toddler. d. preschooler.

d. Teach the importance of resisting the social pressure to be thin.

You are asked to develop an effective prevention program concerning eating disorders in teens. What approach should you take? a. Utilize psychoactive medication. b. Aoid teaching about specific diets. c. Create a highly structured environment in which the teens have little personal input. d. Teach the importance of resisting the social pressure to be thin.

a. Chinese infants will cry and smile less than American infants.

You are studying the basic emotions of 11-month-olds from the United States and China. What differences would you expect in how these basic emotions are expressed? a. Chinese infants will cry and smile less than American infants. b. American infants will be less expressive than Chinese infants. c. Chinese infants will be more expressive of pain; American infants will be more expressive of "joy." d. Chinese infants are more likely to express disgust.

c. father.

You are the infant's "playmate." When distressed, this child does not prefer you, but when the child wants to play, she chooses you. You are probably the child's? a. mother. b. teacher. c. father. d. next-door neighbor.

c. episodic

You would expect the greatest differences between older and younger adults on tasks assessing ____ memory? a. implicit b. semantic c. episodic d. procedural

c. Dominance hierarchy

Yuri is the leader of a group called "The Wannabes." All the other members know that Yuri is in charge, and they respect that. What is the best term to describe this type of group structure? a. Clique b. Crowd c. Dominance hierarchy d. Friendship

b. interact less with Yvette because she is so lethargic.

Yvette is a malnourished child. If her parents are typical, they will probably? a. become upset with Yvette's hyperactivity. b. interact less with Yvette because she is so lethargic. c. take more responsibility for making sure Yvette grows socially and psychologically. d. stop trying to feed Yvette.

b. Sixty-six; 50

____ percent of US high school seniors report drinking alcohol in the previous year, and about ____ percent report having been drunk? a. Ninety; 50 b. Sixty-six; 50 c. Fifty; 30 d. Thirty: 66

b. independent variable

Zsuzsi is conducting a study to determine whether skateboarding causes a reduction in intelligence. In this experiment, skateboarding is the? a. control group. b. independent variable. c. dependent variable. d. cohort effect.

c. Practical

____ ability involves the realization that a solution will actually work? a. Analytical b. Creative c. Practical d. Familial

b. Neurotransmitters

____ are chemicals that transmit information from one neuron to another? a. Axons b. Neurotransmitters c. Terminal buttons d. Dendrites

c. Habituation

____ can be defined as a diminished response to a familiar stimulus? a. Orienting response b. Centration c. Habituation d. Attention

c. High-density lipoproteins

____ help keep your arteries clear? a. Trans fats b. Serotonin c. High-density lipoproteins d. Steroids

c. Practical

____ intelligence is defined as involving the skills and knowledge necessary for adapting to one's physical and social environment? a. Fluid b. Traditional c. Practical d. Unexercised

d. Myelin

____ is (are) a fatty substance that surrounds the axon of a neuron? a. The corpus callosum b. The neural plate c. Cones d. Myelin

c. Joint deterioration during osteoarthritis

____ is best explained by the wear-and-tear theory of aging? a. AIDS b. A misshapen blood cell in sickle-cell disease c. Joint deterioration during osteoarthritis d. Alzheimer's disease

a. Huntington's disease

____ is characterized by progressive degeneration of the nervous system? a. Huntington's disease b. Down syndrome c. Phenylketonuria d. Sickle-cell disease

a. The persistent refusal to eat

____ is one of the defining characteristics of anorexia nervosa? a. The persistent refusal to eat b. A cyclic binge-and-purge pattern c. A rational fear of obesity d. An inhibited basal metabolic rate

a. Phonological awareness

_____ is defined as the ability to hear the distinctive sounds of letters? a. Phonological awareness b. Elaboration c. Syntax d. Comprehension

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