Lifespan development

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Object permanence

Ability to know that something still exist, even if you can't see it

Marcus is rather blunt when he speaks but he says, " that's just my personality". If People are offended by the way he talks, Marcus doesn't really care. He can't change who he is, so why not just except him? Which theory does Marcus belief describe


History has decided that all people are completely determined by their genetics



Fatty coating that surrounds neurons


Feeling Inadequate or less than someone else

But the beat of free will versus determinism

Has been waged since the days of ancient Greeks

The concept of free will believe that people

Have complete control over themselves


Tendency, inclination , or susceptibility


Tess that require responses to open ended questions


Test that requires self-report


The test measures what it should

Humans and animals alike have critical periods of development


Personality tests are a great way to learn more about yourself


The happiness in a elderly adult feels is largely based on how successful earlier events in her life were.



View of the world with you at the center of it

The concept of determinism believes that

We develop according to the genetics we have

What are differences between Piaget and Erikson's work

Both study different aspects of human development. Each has a different number of stages in his theories. Each has different ideas about how people progress through stages.

Children of what age category learn to master language and discover the correct way to structure sentences

Early childhood

Infants in Romanian orphanages who are uncared for often die. What term describes this

Failure to thrive

A genetic predisposition means that you will definitely be born with a certain gene


Because the critical period involves the development of embryos and young children, adults do not need to be mindful of their actions


John has the world figured out. He knows how everything works, is very confident he will succeed and knows that everyone admires him. What describes the adolescence way of thinking?

John has a personal fable


Long- lasting

Learning good work ethics will help you develop _____.

Sense of industry


Spectrum, range, or series

What happens if a pregnant woman smokes, drinks, or does drugs during her pregnancy?

The baby is very likely to be born with physical disabilities.

It's human nature for us to want to

Explain aspects of ourselves

Which is not a category of development in a lifespan?



Providing answers about yourself

Your environment can play a role in whether or not a specific gene is expressed



You are a born a certain way and don't have a choice

What are similarities between Piaget and Erikson's work?

Both are stage theorists

What does the Barnum effect demonstrate

People are willing to believe interpretation about themselves

What will possibly happen to a person who feels inferior?

Person will have a hard time getting along with others Person will have difficulty making friends

During what stage/age does a person feel either industry or inferiority

Stage 4 preadolescence

Failure to thrive

A situation in which infants don't grow properly and develop as normal


An organized way of viewing the world around you


A person who is energized by being social and around others


An aspect of ourselves that is stable and enduring


Devotion to completing a task

Chris talk to his grandma on the phone, and she asked for birthday presents he received. Chris picked up a toy bat and said, "this is what I got" fully expecting his grandma on the other end of the phone to see the toy bat too. What aspect of development is Chris showing?


Only humans have periods


Development begins at birth

False, development begins the instant you were conceived and continues on after birth and through the rest of your life.


Getting the same results time after time

Free will

Having a choice over your actions

What is a reason that Piaget became interested in children's development?

He listened to kids' wrong answers during IQ testing and was fascinated.

The fundamental similarity between free will and determinism is that

Neither believes and personal choice, neither believes in genetics, neither believes the people can make decisions., No choice is correct

Which is an example of a pop psychology test

The color test


The feeling of emotional connection a child has toward someone else


The onset of sexual maturation

What should you consider one taking a personality test

The results do not define exactly who you are. Some of the personality test available are not very good.

What happens to sparrows that don't learn their song during the period?

The sparrows have lost their chance to ever fully learn their song


To grow or expand

The period is ____

an important window of time for development often referring to the development of an unborn baby something that even sparrows experience

Accutane is a legal drug, but so severe to an unborn child __

that an unborn child exposed to this drug will have birth defects that a woman is required to take two forms of birth control while on this drug that after birth, the baby will have vision and brain damage, heart problems, and mental disabilities.


A person who is more self-contained and draws strength by being solitary


A persons unique way of thinking, feeling, and acting

What does the Myelin sheath do?

Help electrical impulses travel through neurons Cover of a neuron's with a fatty coating

What are the categories of development in a lifespan

Infant, early childhood, adolescence, young adults, middle adults, later adult.

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