Linux, CH.8-10

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At what runlevel does a Linux system have no daemons active in memory, allowing it to be safely powered off?


On Linux, the root user always has a UID of what number?


Processes are started with what nice value by default?


The file descriptor stdin is represented by the number ____.


What number indicates the lowest kernel priority (PRI) of a process possible?


What number indicates the lowest kernel priority (PRI) of a process possible?​


In Linux, runlevel ____ is also known as multiuser mode.


In Linux, what runlevel is also known as the multiuser mode?


What number represents the stderr file descriptor?


The GUI components and related software take up how much space on a typical Linux installation?


What is the default print job priority for all print jobs created by the lp command?


The System Log Daemon uses what TCP and UDP port to accept incoming requests from another System Log Daemon on a remote system?


The CUPS Web administration tool can be accessed via web browser by accessing what TCP port?


How many different kill signals can be sent by the kill command to a given process?


You can redirect a file to the standard input of a command using the ____ metacharacter.


The standard output and standard error from a terminal screen within the BASH shell can be redirected to a file on the filesystem using what shell metacharacter, followed by the absolute or relative pathname of the file?


Administrators most commonly use a(n) graphical user interface.


Given the syntax command && command, the command on the left of the && construct is executed only if the command on the right of the && construct completed successfully.


Most printers are Plug and Play compatible and must be manually configured when they are plugged into the system.


On most Linux systems, the logrotate utility is automatically scheduled to run weekly.


The /etc/rc.d/rc 5 script only executes files that start with S in the /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/ directory.


The init daemon has a PID of 0.


The killall command uses the PID to kill a process.


The ps command is the only command that can view process information.


The secure log file contains information regarding the last user to log in to a system.


Using one boot loader to boot one of several operating systems is known as multi-booting.


You are limited to using one pipe | metacharacter on the command line to pipe information from one command to another command.


_____ represents a text description of the user and is typically left blank.


The ____ kill signal stops a process and then restarts it with the same PID.


What kill signal stops a process, then restarts it with the same PID?


What signal name and number function as the absolute kill signal, and when issued, forces the Linux kernel to stop executing the process by sending the process's resources to /dev/null?​


The ____ kill signal terminates a process by taking the process information in memory and saving it to a file called core on the hard disk in the current working directory.


Which kill signal terminates a process by taking the process information in memory and saving it to a file called core on the hard disk in the current working directory?


What stage of the GRUB boot loader typically resides on the MBR / GPT?

Stage 1

____ of the GRUB boot loader typically resides on the Master Boot Record.

Stage 1

After a process has been started, you can change its priority by using the renice command.


Aliases are shortcuts to commands stored in special variables that can be created and viewed using the alias command.


Any command that can be executed on the command line can also be placed inside any environment file.


CUPS contains versions of the lpr, lpc, lpq, and lpm commands.


CUPS contains versions of the lpr, lpc, lpq, and lprm commands.


Each process can start an unlimited number of other processes.


If the /etc/at.allow and /etc/at.deny files do not exist, only the root user is allowed to schedule tasks using the at daemon.


If you are using a Linux boot loader to dual boot another operating system in addition to Linux, it is easiest if Linux is installed after the other operating system has been installed.


Logs from cron daemon (crond) can be view using the command journalctl _COMM=crond


When you print to a printer class, the print job is send to the first available printer in the printer class.


While a process is waiting for its parent process to release the PID, the process is said to be in a(n) zombie state.


You can use the sed command to remove unwanted lines of text.


Zombie processes are also known as defunct processes.


in a decision construct, you can have an unlimited number of if then statements.


____ is a freely available version of X Windows used in many Linux distributions.


Select the test statement that can be used to determine if A is numerically greater than B:

[ A -gt B ]

Select the escape sequence that is used for a form feed:


The ____ escape sequence represents a form feed.


In the process called _____, a user's user name and password are checked against a system database that contains all user account information.


the ability to extract, manipulate, and format text using pattern action statements belongs to which command below?


Name the three main types of Linux commands?

binary programs, shell scripts, shell functions

Name the three main types of Linux commands?

binary programs, shell scripts, shell functions NOT device calls

On Linux systems that use the traditional ​UNIX SysV init, what command below can be used to list and modify the runlevels that a daemon is started in?


Most configuration files on Linux systems are delimited using ____ characters.


What character is used to delimit most Linux configuration files?


What two window managers is the Compiz Fusion window manager based upon?​

compiz beryl​

What option can be used with the ps command to display an entire list of processes across all terminals and including daemons?


What priority used by the System Log Daemon indicates a very serious system condition that would normally be broadcast to all users?

emerg or panic

A list of all exported environment and user-defined variables in a shell can be viewed with what command below?


Shell variables that are typically set by the system and contain information that the system and programs access regularly

environment variables

The /etc/rc.d/rc 5 script only executes files that start with S in the /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/ directory. true or false


After a background process has been started, it can be moved to the foreground by using the ____ command.


In a process referred to as ____________________, when executing compiled programs or shell scripts, the BASH shell that interprets the command you typed creates a new BASH shell.


What is the default target on a system with a GUI installed?​

To create an encrypted password for use in the /boot/grub/grub.conf, you can use the ____ command


After modifying the /etc/default/grub file, what command should be run to rebuild the grub config files?​


What command below can be used to re-install GRUB2 in the event that the boot loader becomes corrupted?​


What command can be used to configure the LILO, ELILO, GRUB, and GRUB2 bootloaders?​


The first line in a shell script, which specifies the pathname to the shell that interprets the contents of the shell script.


When viewing the output of the ps ax command, what does a < symbol in the STAT column indicate for a process?

high priority

In order to send a print job to a printer using CUPS, what command must be used?


To send a print job to a printer, you must first use the ____ command and specify what to print.


Which command should be used to restrict access to printers?


You can restrict who can print to certain printers by using the ____ command.


What option can be used in the journal configuration file to specify a file size limit to the event log?


Select the two window managers that have been used in GNOME:​

metacity ​mutter

The GNOME 3 desktop environment utilizes what window manager and toolkit below?

mutter ​GTK+ toolkit

To change the primary group temporarily to another group that is listed in the output of the groups and id command, you can use which command?


To change the primary group temporarily to another group that is listed in the output of the groups and id commands, you can use the ____ command.


The ____________________ can be used to affect the process priority indirectly.

nice value

Which utility can be used to modify runtime configuration files so that they start and stop daemons when entering a particular runlevel?


What can be used on a Linux system to trace the lineage of each child process?


A set of information that is sent to a printer at the same time is called a(n) _____.

print job

A(n) ____________________ refers to a program that is running in memory and on the CPU.


In the process state column, what does an "R" indicate?

process is running

In the output of the ps -l command, the ____ column is the most valuable to systems administrators because it indicates what the process is currently doing.

process state

In the output of the ps -l command, what column is the most valuable to systems administrators because it indicates what the process is currently doing?

process state

What command below is used to display the lineage of a process by tracing its PPIDs until the init daemon?​


What command is used to display the lineage of a process by tracing its PPIDs until the init daemon?


A system that uses and /etc/passwd file only can be converted to use /etc/shadow for security by using what command?


To convert a system so that it uses an /etc/shadow file to store the encrypted password after installation, you can run the ____ command.


What keyword tells the Linux kernel to avoid printing errors to the screen during system startup?​


Processes that have encountered an error during execution and continuously uses up system resources are referred to as ____________________ processes.


What log file contains information and error messages regarding network access generated by daemons such as ssd and xinetd?


Which command below can be used to start, stop, or restart any daemons in the /etc/init.d directory?


The environment variables that are set by default and their current values can be viewed with what command?


In a cron table entry, what field specifies the absolute pathname to a command that is to be executed?


The ____ field in a cron table contains the absolute pathname to the command to be executed.


​When using Systemd, what command can be used to start, stop, and configure daemons to start automatically when the system starts?


The amount of time a process has to use the CPU is called a(n) ____________________.

time slice

Any command that can be executed on the command line can also be placed inside any environment file. true or false


Each process can start an unlimited number of other processes. true or false


The BASH shell assumes stdout in the absence of a numeric file descriptor.


You can choose to use a window manager only, and not use a desktop manager. true or false


You can use the sed command to remove unwanted lines of text. true or false


Zombie processes are also known as defunct processes.​ true or false


​Much like the SysV init daemon, the Systemd init daemon is used to start daemons during system initialization as well as start and stop daemons after system initialization. True or false


You can create user accounts on the Linux system by using the ____ command.


Select the two commands below that will provide the number of lines in a file, and the number of characters in a file, respectively:​

wc -l wc -c

The ____ option to the ps command displays all processes that do not run on terminals.


Once X Windows is configured, what command can be used to fine tune the vertical and horizontal refresh rate?


What file controls the default runlevel when using Systemd?​


On a Fedora based system, where are the shell environment and scheduled commands for at stored?​


What two processes below will show up as PID 1, depending on whether a system uses UNIX SysV or Systemd init processes?

​init ​systemd

The K desktop environment utilizes what window manager and toolkit below?​

​kwin Qt toolkit

When killing a background job with the kill command, the background job ID must be prefixed by what character below?


What option can be added to the userdel command to remove the home directory of the target user?


Under what directory is the Linux kernel stored?


If your system uses the implementation of X Windows, the mouse, keyboard, monitor, and video adapter card information is stored in the ____ file in text format.


In Fedora 20, where are user configured settings for Xorg stored?​


The skeleton directory on most Linux systems is ____.


To clear a log file, you can use a(n) < redirection symbol.


Users can create their own custom variables, called shell variables.


The two most common desktop environments that are used on Linux are ____ and ____.


You can choose to use a window manager only, and not use a desktop manager.


What System Log Daemon priority indicates an error that should be rectified immediately, such as a corrupt system database?


On a CUPS printing system, to remove a print job that is in the print queue, you can use the _____ command followed by the print job IDs of the jobs to remove.


The default BASH shell prompt is set by an environment variable. What command can be used to view this variable?

echo $PS1

In an if construct, what statements are optional?​

elif else

After a background process has been started, what command below can be used to move it to the foreground?


In the /etc/lilo.conf file, what keyword should be specified in order to provide the absolute pathname to the Linux kernel?


The _____ facility used by the System Log Daemon specifies message from the Linux kernel.


What command below can be used to uninstall the LILO bootloader from an active partition?​

lilo -U

what command added to the -t option to will provide a list of all printers on the system and their status?


Processes are started with what nice value by default?


To see a list of the environment variables and their current values on a system, you can use the ____ command.


What two BASH environment variables represent the current working directory, and the absolute pathname of the current shell, respectively?

shell pwd

Files that are typically used to create custom programs that perform administrative tasks on Linux systems.

shell scripts

What kill signal stops a process, then restarts it with the same PID?


In order to change keyboard layout if X Windows can't detect the layout, you should use what CLI command?


In order to create user account on a Linux system, what command should be utilized?


What can be used on a Linux system to trace the lineage of each child process?​

​parent process ID

What character, when appended to a command, causes the command to be run in the background?


When you append a(n) ____ to a command, the command is run in a background process.


In standard GRUB notation, select the option below that represents the first hard drive in a system, and the first partition on that hard drive.​


What option can be used with the ps command to display an entire list of processes across all terminals and including daemons?


When there are multiple background processes executing in the shell, the jobs command indicates the most recent one with which symbol?


A user account can be locked with the usermod command using what option?


The lp command uses the ____ option to specify the destination printer name.


What option should be used in conjunction with the lp command in order to specify the destination printer name?


To display an entire list of processes across all terminals and including daemons, you can add the ____ option to any ps command.


What option can be used with the ps command to display an entire list of processes across all terminals and including daemons?


What option, when added to the crontab command, opens the vi editor with a user's cron table?


In order to display a list of at job IDs, what option can be specified to the at command?


To display a list of at Job IDs, you can specify the ____ option to the at command.


What option can be used with the lpstat command to display a list of printers that are enabled?


What configuration file contains parameters that set the default location for e-mail, password expiration information, minimum password length and the range of UIDs and GIDs available for use?


What environment file is always executed immediately after login for all users on the system, and sets most environment variables, such as HOME and PATH?


After the entries in /etc/inittab have been executed, the ____ file is executed to perform tasks that must occur after system startup.


Where is the skeleton directory located on most Linux systems?


On a Fedora based system, where are the shell environment and scheduled commands for at stored?


Any line that starts with a(n) ____ character is a comment in the /etc/rsyslog.conf file.


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