Linux Chapter 1, Linux Test chapters 4-9

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Specialized computing devices, such as DVRs, cell phones, and network appliances, use _________ OSs


Slackware is unusual because it uses ________ as its package file format.


Ubuntu releases a new version of its OS every _____ months.



A _______ is a GUI program in which text-mode programs (including shells) run.

memory leak

A condition in which a program allocates more and more memory but doesn't use the memory it allocates is called a ______ ______ (two words).


A symbol found in the root shell prompt by default is __.


An Internet site that hosts software that you can install with yum, APT, or a similar tool is known as a __________.


An attempt to acquire sensitive data directly from victims by posing as a trusted Web site or authority is known as ____.

Which Linux distribution are you most likely to find in use on a cell phone?


Which of the following is not a function of the Linux kernel?

Displaying common GUI elements such as dialog boxes

True or false: The Linux kernel was developed as part of the GNU's Not Unix (GNU) project.


Core Unix tools include which of the following? (Select all that apply.)

GNU tool set X windows System

Linux runs on a wide variety of CPUs, including all of the options shown and many more. Thus, options A, B, C, and D are all correct, and option E is necessarily incorrect.

On which of the following CPU types does Linux run? (Select all that apply.)

(two words) software, such as Linux, gives the user greater control than proprietary software, such as Windows, does.

Open Source

Which of the following distributions use RPMs for package management? (Select all that apply.)



The /proc/______ pseudo-file holds data on your CPU, such as its model name and clock speed.


The _____ filesystem is very old but is supported by almost every OS, making it a good choice for interoperability.


The _____ library provides drivers to control scanners. (Provide the acronym for the library's name.)


The _________ option to tar causes it to back up only the specified low-level filesystem; if another filesystem is mounted within the directory you say to back up, those files will be ignored.


The character __ identifies a symbolic link in the 10-character symbolic permission string that's associated with a file.


The files afile.txt and AFile.TXT can both exist on a Linux filesystem because these filesystems are ____________.


The first process to be run by the Linux kernel is normally called _______.


The programming language that provides a direct one-to-one correspondence between human-understandable words and machine-understandable numbers is ________ language.


To display the last few lines of a text file, you would type _____ afile.txt.


To obtain a color-coded file listing, if your distribution doesn't produce one by default, you would type ls _____.


To refer to the file afile.txt in the directory one level above the current one, you would type ___afile.txt.

True or false: Because of Cocoa, GUI applications developed for OS X typically cannot be run directly on Linux.


True or false: It's possible for an end user to make good use of Linux without directly interacting with a text-mode shell.


True or false: The ls command displays the names of files in a directory.


True The carat (^) represents the start of a line, as the question specifies.

True or false: A carat (^) represents the start of a line in regular expressions.

False The Lynx Web browser is text-mode; you can run it in a terminal window or from a text-mode login.

True or false: All Linux Web browsers are GUI programs.

True Dependency information is critical for package management, and it works as the question specifies.

True or false: Both RPM and Debian packages can specify that they require other packages. The package system will then refuse to install the package unless these dependencies are met or you provide an override option.

False Most filesystems disallow hard links to directories, and mv won't let ordinary users create one even if the filesystem supports this feature. Soft (also known as symbolic) links, on the other hand, can point to directories, and ordinary users can create such links. Thus, the statement in the question is false; you must use a soft link, not a hard link, when linking to a directory.

True or false: If you want to create a link to a directory, you must use a hard link.

True The K Desktop Environment (KDE) is built using the Qt GUI library (widget set), as the question specifies.

True or false: KDE is built atop the Qt widget set.

False Linux supports a wide variety of USB printers (although you should check on support for specific models before buying).

True or false: Linux lacks support for USB printers, so you must use a parallel or Ethernet printer with Linux.

True The two types of output are standard output and standard error.

True or false: Linux supports two types of text-mode output to the screen, which you can send to separate files or display devices.

True You can assign one OS to reside on one partition (or set of partitions) and another OS to reside on another. This is one of several purposes for disk partitions.

True or false: Partitioning a disk can enable you to install multiple OSes on one computer.

True The M key in top works as specified.

True or false: Pressing the M key in top causes the display to change to sort processes by memory use.


True or false: Pressing the up arrow key in Bash reveals commands you've recently typed.

False Although /var/log/messages is a common name for a general-purpose log file, not all distributions use this name; some use /var/log/syslog or some other file for this purpose.

True or false: The /var/log/messages file always holds general-purpose log entries.

False The bzip2 program usually produces compression that's superior to gzip's. Both programs are surpassed by xz.

True or false: The gzip program generally produces more compact compressed files than does the bzip2 program.

True The ps program is one of the primary means of viewing the process table, which holds information on running processes.

True or false: The ps program enables you to view the process table.

False You can launch GUI programs in several ways, including using a desktop environment's menus or typing the program's filename in a terminal program.

True or false: To run a GUI program in Linux, you must launch it from a desktop environment's menus.

False The specified command shows you all the files whose names include a dot (.), but there's no guarantee that all the files in the directory will include a dot in their names.

True or false: Typing ls *.* at a Bash prompt is guaranteed to show you all the files in the current directory.

True The mv command moves or renames files, and it works by rewriting low-level filesystem data without touching the file's data when the target is on the same filesystem as the original. Thus, it can work quickly when this is the case. When moving a file across filesystems, though, mv must copy the data, which can take a while when the file is large.

True or false: When operating on large files, the mv command works very quickly when the target directory is on the same low-level filesystem as the original file, but much more slowly when this isn't the case.

True Most distributions automatically mount removable media in their own subdirectories of /media. This practice is not universal, but it is very common, particularly when running desktop environments such as GNOME, KDE, or Xfce.

True or false: With most distributions, the contents of optical discs, USB flash drives, and other removable media appear in subdirectories of /media.

False Because of Linux's security features, you can only delete files in directories to which you have write access. As an ordinary user, you should not have write access to most of the system directories, so rm won't allow you to remove most system files.

True or false: You can delete any file on the computer by using rm as an ordinary user.

True The ImageMagick suite of graphics programs is text-based; you can use it to convert file formats, add frames to images, resize images, and so on, all from the command line.

True or false: You can modify graphics files from a text-mode login using Linux.

True Although grep is more commonly employed to search text files, it can search for strings in binary files.

True or false: You can use grep to search for strings in binary files.

True The term super server refers to a server that listens for connection attempts on behalf of other servers and that launches those other servers only as needed. The two most common super servers on Linux are inetd and xinetd.

True or false: xinetd is a super server.

Remote logins permit you to perform any of the activities specified

What can you do locally that you can't do from a remote login via SSH, provided both computers are configured to permit the actions?

An ampersand (&), placed after a command typed in Bash, causes the command to run in the background,

What symbol do you place after a command to run the program in the background?

Drivers manage hardware, and as such, they're most commonly part of the Linux kernel,

Where do most drivers exist on a Linux system?

The dpkg program is the low-level interface to the Debian package system; you can use it to install, uninstall, and otherwise manage packages.

Which of the following commands provides a low-level way to install software on a Debian system?

The Hierarchical File System (HFS) was used by Mac OS prior to Mac OS X. It doesn't support features required by Linux in its main filesystem,

Which of the following is an inappropriate choice for a filesystem to hold the majority of a Linux installation?

The login program handles text-mode logins, but it isn't a shell program,

Which of the following is not a Linux command shell program?

The Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (SATA) interface is the dominant type of internal hard disk interface today

Which of the following is the most common type of interface for internal hard disks on desktop computers today?

Of these languages, only C++ is commonly implemented as a compiled language

Which of the following programming languages is most often implemented as a compiled language?

Thunar is a file manager associated with Xfce, Konqueror is a file manager and Web browser associated with KDE, and Nautilus is a file manager associated with GNOME.

Which of the following programs are Linux file managers? (Select all that apply.)

The free command produces the information specified,

Which of the following programs produces a summary of the memory status of your computer, including the total memory available, the amount used, and the amount that's unused?

The >> operator appends standard output to a file,

Which of the following redirection operators appends a program's standard output to an existing file, without overwriting that file's original contents?

The ps and top programs are text-mode commands to identify running programs,

Which of the following tools can you use to identify running processes? (Select all that apply.)

LibreOffice is derived from, so options A and E are correct. GNOME Office and KOffice are independently-created office suites for Linux, while Microsoft Office is a commercial office suite for Windows and Mac OS X.

Which of the following two office suites are most closely related to one another? (Select two.)

The -i option does as the question specifies, so option E is correct. The --symlinksThe

Which option to zip can you use to encode symbolic links as such rather than including the linked-to file?

The -uid option to find locates files owned by a user with the specified user ID (UID) number, and the -user option locates files based on the user's username.

Which options to find can you use to locate files owned by a particular user? (Select all that apply.)

The .* sequence matches any string of any length,

Which regular expression string matches any sequence of characters of any length?


You can type Xorg ________, as root, to have X create a default configuration file that you can then modify.

The touch command updates a file's time stamps or creates a new empty file if one doesn't already exist. Since the latter case is described by the question, a new file will be created

You type touch afile.txt in a directory that contains no files. What will be the effect?

| (pipe)

You use the ___ character to separate two strings, either of which should match, in an extended regular expression.

--interactive or -i

You want to copy a set of files but be prompted before cp overwrites any existing files. You would use the ___ option to cp to accomplish this goal.

The -p option to mkdir creates parent directories if they don't already exist,

You want to create a directory called ~/Documents/papers, but you're not sure that the ~/Documents directory exists. What command can you type to create the desired directory and its parent directory if it doesn't already exist?

Symbolic links can point across filesystems, so creating a symbolic link from one filesystem (in which your home directory resides) to another (on the CD-ROM) isn't a problem,

You want to create a link from your home directory on your hard disk to a directory on a CD-ROM drive. Which of the following types of links might you use?

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