Linux Unhatched

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...lists the contents of the current directory.

The ls command without options or arguments...


The mv command requires at least two arguments. True or False?


The ping command uses IP addresses to identify a computer on a network. True or False?


The ps command requires administrative access. True or False?


The rm command requires at least two arguments. True or False?


The root user can change the password of any user. True or False?

A user's home directory

The ~ (tilde) character is used to represent:

grep '^test' file.txt

Which of the following commands will return only lines that begin with test? grep '^test' file.txt grep '[test]' file.txt grep '*test' file.txt grep '$test' file.txt

grep 'test$' file.txt

Which of the following commands will return only lines that end with test? grep '$test' file.txt grep 'test^' file.txt grep '^test' file.txt grep 'test$' file.txt

apt-get upgrade

Which of the following commands will update all packages? apt-get update apt-get search apt-get install apt-get upgrade

File Type

The first character in a long listing ls -l indicates:


Changing the user owner of a file requires administrative access. True or False?


Commands are case-sensitive. True or False?


The cp command requires at least two arguments. True or False?

The current directory

The . (period) character is used to represent:

The directory above the current directory

The .. (double period) characters are used to represent:


The > character is used for which of the following file descriptors? STDIN STDERR STDOUT


Users can update their own passwords. True or False?

Command Line Interface

What does CLI stand for?


When entering a command, do arguments or options typically come first?


Which command can be used to copy a file? mv cy cp rm


Which command is used to copy files at the bit level?


Which command will allow a user to change the permissions of a file?


Which command will allow you to change your current directory? cd ch ls chdir


Which command will print your current location in the filesystem?


Which of the following commands can be used to display network configuration information? net ifconfig pwd netconfig


Which of the following commands can be used to print output to the terminal/monitor? ls echo cp chmod


Which of the following commands can be used to rename a file? rn cp name mv


Which of the following commands is used to change the ownership of a file?


Which of the following commands is used to filter text? dd regex grep text

apt-get update

Which of the following commands should be executed before installing a package? apt-get search apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get install

shutdown now

Which of the following commands will NOT shutdown the system immediately? shutdown now 'Goodbye World!' shutdown now shutdown shutdown +0

ps -e

Which of the following commands will display every process? ps --all ps -e ps ps -a

tail -n 5 file1.txt

Which of the following commands will display the last five lines of a file called file1.txt? tail -n 5 file1.txt head -n 5 file1.txt tail -5 file1.txt tail file1.txt

-r l

Which of the following is NOT a correct way to combine options? -rl -r l -l -r -lr


Which of the following is NOT an example of a relative path? home/sysadmin/Documents/School/Art Documents/Work /home Documents


Which of the following is NOT an example of an absolute path? / Documents /home/sysadmin


Which of the following lines would be NOT returned by the grep '[^0-9]' file.txt command? Hello my name is Joe. 3121991 My favorite food is avocados. I am 37 years old.


Which of the following lines would be returned by the grep 'b[oe]t' file.txt command? boet bet boot beet


Which of the following permission sets indicates the other owner has only the read permission? rw-rw-r-- r--r--r-x rw-r--rwx rwxrw-r-x


Which of the following sets is the group permissions? 1 2 3 rw-rw-r--


Which of the following sets is the other permissions? 1 2 3 rw-rw-r--


Which of the following sets is the owners permissions? 1 2 3 rw-rw-r--

apt-get purge

Which of the following will delete all of a package's files? apt-get remove apt-get trash apt-get delete apt-get purge


Which of these commands will create a new shell logged in as the root user? sudo su


Which option can be used to view status information about the current user's password? -S -s -I -i


Which option to the ls will sort the output by file size?


Which option to the rm command will allow a user to delete directories? -r -a -d -l

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