a group of wire used as a common word path by several registers
level clocking
changing output state of a flip-flop on the positive or negative level of clock pulse
edge triggering
changing the output state of a flip-flop on rising or falling edge of a clock pulse
combinational circuit
consist of logic gates whose outputs are determined directly from the combinational inputs without regard to previous inputs
going to switch to the opposite state
is a circuit that receives information in a single line and output it in one of the 2^n possible outputs. the selection of output line is controlled by bit values of N select lines
parallel adder
is a combinational circuit that adds two words of information
full adder
is a combinational circuit used for adding three bits, the outputs are sum and carry
full subtractor
is a combinational circuit used for subtracting three bits, the outputs are sum and carry
is a device with 2^n inputs and n outputs, only one input can be excuted at any one time. It generates on its output line a code corresponding to the input that was excited
is a device with n inputs and 2^n outputs, used in conjunction with truth table.
is a type of sequential circuit, is a system whose behavior can be defined from the knowledge of its signal at discrete instant of time.
is a type of sequential circuit, is a system whose behavior depends upon the order in which it's input signal change and can be at any instant of time
it is a bistable capable of storing one bit of information. also known as bistable multi-vibrator
binary adder
it is a logic circuit that add two binary number
half adder
it is a logic circuit that adds two bits, the outputs are sum and carry
binary subtractor
it is a logic circuit that subtract two binary numbers
half subtractor
it is a logic circuit that subtract two bits, the outputs are sum and carry
sequential Logic
it is a type of digital logic that have memory whose output depends on current contents of the input and the current contents of the memory
combinational Logic
it is a type of digital logic that have no memory. The same inputs always produce the same output.
memory cell
it is the basic unit of memory, it can store one bit of information. It can be a core memory of a flip-flop
timing diagram
shows how input signal interact to produce output signal
contact bounce
the making and breaking of contacts for a few milliseconds after a switch closes
hold time
the minimum amount of time the input signals must be held constant after the clock edge has struct
set-up time
the minimum amount of time the inputs to a flipflop must be present before the clock edge arrives
this is just a reverse of 2^n input there will be only output line here, which input line proceeds to output line on a bit combination n select lines, on a single n control lines called select line will determined which input line will be selected