logic unit 1 exam

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Tu Quoque

"you also..." hypocrisy

what is an unsound argument

An argument that is either invalid or has a false premise or both

if a, then b if b then c if a then c

Hypothetical Syllogism

The sky is blue. The sky is cobalt blue only if it is blue. So, The sky is cobalt blue.

Invalid (affirming the consequent)

if a then b not b not a

Modus Tollens

The state cannot uphold the value of life by taking it. And if the state cannot uphold the value of life by taking it, then the death penalty should be abolished. So, the death penalty should be abolished.

Valid (modus ponens)

what is a cogent argument

a strong argument with true premises

what is a sound argument

a valid argument with all true premises

if a then b b a

affirming the consequent

ad hominem

against the person

begging the question

already assuming the truth of the point to be proved

what is an uncogent argument

an argument that is either strong with at least one false premise or weak

Ad ignorantiam

appeal to ignorance

Ad Misericordiam

appeal to misery/pity

ad baculum

appeal to power threat

Nowadays, everybody who is anybody knows that CrossFit is the coolest way to keep fit.

appeal to the people

As populum

appeal to the people/agree with the crowd

Getting good grades in college is like getting a plentiful crop from a garden. Dailyattention is required to produce a strong harvest from a garden. Just so, daily work isthe key to good grades in college.

argument from analogy

Having an abortion is like using contraception. In both cases, the intent is the same: toavoid having a baby. And plainly, contraception is morally permissible. Thus, abortion ismorally permissible also.

argument from analogy

Actor Tom Hanks stated that as many as 12,000 Allied forces died as a result of theD-Day invasion during World War II. So as many as 12,000 Allied forces died as a result of D-Day.

argument from authority

The word "obviate" means "to do away with or prevent" because that is what Webster'sDictionary says it means.

argument from authority

false cause

assuming some cause when no good reason exists for eliminating other possibly causes

slippery slope

changes topics


compromising circumstance


conceptual or interpretive confusion between terms or concepts

either a or b if a then c if b then d either c or d

constructive dilemma

Either the "eye for an eye" principle is interpreted literally or it is interpreted figuratively.If it is interpreted literally, then the state should torture torturers, maim maimers, andrape rapists. If the "eye for an eye" principle is interpreted figuratively, then it does notnecessarily demand death for murderers. So, either the state should torture torturers,maim maimers, and rape rapists, or the "eye for an eye" principle does not necessarilydemand death for murderers.

constructive dillema

if a then b not a not b

denying the antecedent

if a, then b not a not b

denying the antecedent

either a or b not a b

disjunctive syllogism


double meaning for grammatical reasons

Scientists have shown that a person loses a very small but measurable amount of weight at the time of death. This weight loss is probably due to the soul's leaving the body at that time. What else could account for this phenomenon? Here we have unexpected scientific evidence for the existence of an immaterial soul.

false clause

If you study hard, you refine your communication skills. If you refine yourcommunication skills, then your job opportunities increase. Hence, if you study hard,your job opportunities increase.

hypothetical syllogism

what is a valid argument

if all the premises are true, the conclusion must also be true.

What is a weak argument?

if premises are true then conclusion has a low probability of being true

what is a strong argument

if premises are true, then conclusion has a high probability of being true

complex question

illegitimately assuming a conclusion suggested

straw man

intentional misrepresentation

complex question

introduces irrelevant facts, long.

If I have the flu then I'll have a fever. I have a fever. Therefore, I have the flu.

invalid affirming the concequent

This lovely china plate is similar in size, weight, and composition to the one I justdropped. The one I just dropped broke. So, if I drop this lovely china plate, it will break.

invalid and strong

A porpoise is similar to a human being. It has lungs rather than gills. It is warm-bloodedrather than cold-blooded. And porpoises nurse their young with milk. Therefore,porpoises, like humans, are capable of speaking languages.

invalid and weak

No circles are squares. All circles are figures. So, no figures are squares.

invalid and weak

Eating meat is unhealthy if meat contains a lot of cholesterol. Meat does contain a lot ofcholesterol. So, eating meat is unhealthy.

modus ponens

if a then b a so b

modus ponens

Overeating is foolish only if it causes disease. Overeating does not cause disease. So,overeating is not foolish.

modus tollens

Global oil demand still lies well below the peak level of 1979. Improved energy efficiency and the expanding role of natural gas in many countries is cutting into petroleum's market. But oil is still the world's leading source of energy, supplying 40 percent of the total . . . . --Christopher Flavin and Hal Kane, "Oil Production Steady" in Lester Brown, Hal Kane, Ed Ayres, Vital Signs 1993: The Trends That Are Shaping Our Future (New York: W. W. Norton, 1993), p. 46.

not an argument

If corporations are people, then corporations have the right to marry.

not an argument

U. S. food producers feed livestock 20 million tons of plant protein per year that could be consumed by humans, and the livestock yields only two million tons of protein.

not an argument

We [Americans] had roughly ten thousand handgun deaths last year. The British had forty. In 1978, there were 18,714 Americans murdered. Sixty four percent were killed with handguns. In that same year, we had more killings with handguns by children ten years old and younger than the British had by killers of all ages. The Canadians had 579 homicides last year; we had more than twenty thousand.

not an argument

red herring

not extremist, just changed the subject to something arguable


part/ whole issues

Approximately 60% of college students do not engage in binge drinking. Maria is acollege student. So, Maria does not engage in binge drinking.

statistical syllogism

82% of democrats are supporters of abortion rights. Senator Casey is a democrat. So,Senator Casey is a supporter of abortion rights.

statstical syllogism

straw man argument

stays on the same topic

All observed emeralds have been green. So, the next emerald to be observed will begreen.


What is an invalid argument?

the premises can be true but have a false conclusion

false dillema

using a premise that unjustifiably reduced the number of alternatives or options to be considered

It is not wrong to kill spiders. But if spiders have eternal souls, then it is wrong to kill them. Thus, it is false that spiders have eternal souls.

valid (modus tollens)

Every serial killer is a psychopath. Some criminals are not psychopaths. So, somecriminals are not serial killers.

valid (unsound)


verbal attack


when a term has more than one meaning, undermining validity


whole/ part issue

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