logical fallacies

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ad populum

-BANDWAGON FALLACY -emotional appeal -appeals to the majority -AKA momallmyfriends...

post hoc ergo propter hoc

-after this, therefore, because of this -false cause -falsely linking 2 situations because they happened closely to one another -AKA lucky underwear fallacy

ad verecundiam

-appeal to authority or improper authority -appeal to authority of expert OUTSIDE his/her own field

ad baculum

-appeal to fear or force -relies on coercion rather than logical debate -INTIMIDATION

ad ignorantiam

-appeal to ignorance -no evidence is used for or against the claim -AKA gods, aliens, and elvis fallacy

ad natura

-appeal to nature -whatever nature dictates is good -100% natural: it can't be bad

ad misericordiam

-appeal to pity -favorite fallacy of basically everyone

ad antiquitatem

-appeal to tradition -asserts truth on historical precedent -AKA grandpappy truth

ad dicto simpliciter

-applies a general rule to all scenarios without allowing for exceptions -generalizing

petitio principii

-circular reasoning -when premise and conclusion have the same meaning

genetic fallacy

-discounting a claim on the basis of its origins

special pleading

-exempt oneself from a criticism applied to others

ad hominem

-personal attack -may involve name calling

false dilemma (black white fallacy)

-presents 2 options and demands one be chosen, rather than allowing additional options

complex question

-question that includes an unproven assumption -AKA loaded question

slippery slope (camel's nose fallacy)

-starts with premise and ends in an exorbitant conclusion -good dose of fear -conclusion leads to DEATH or DOOM

false analogy

-taking 2 dissimilar scenarios in order to make an argument about one

tu quoque

-turns an assertion back upon the claimant -calling people out for being a hypocrite -AKA and so are you fallacy


-using a word in a different way than the other speaker used it in the original premise


-vague language that can be interpreted in more than one way

For five generations, the men in our family went to Stanford and became doctors, while the women got married and raised children. Therefore, it is my duty to become a doctor.

ad antiquitatem

grandpa drove a ford, so I have to drive a ford because they are the best

ad antiquitatem

You know, Professor Smith, I really need to get an A in this class. I'd like to stop by during your office hours later to discuss my grade. I'll be in your building anyways, visiting my father. He's your dean, by the way. I'll see you later.

ad baculum

You must believe that God exists. After all, if you do not accept the existence of God, then you will face the horrors of hell

ad baculum

Exercise is good. Therefore everybody should exercise.

ad dicto simpliciter

Gary travels to Paris, where he vacations for several days. On his first day, he bumps into a Frenchman, who yells at him to watch where he's going. Gary concludes, "All Frenchmen are very rude."

ad dicto simpliciter

"He's not a great athlete; he's a fraud, a cheat and a liar"

ad hominem

"Hilary Clinton is a criminal"

ad hominem

If the Republicans are elected, we will have women dying from back alley abortions.

ad ignorantiam

Some Catholic priests have been pedophiles, so all priests are pedophiles.

ad ignorantiam

you've never seem God so you can't know he doesn't exist

ad ignorantiam

I should receive an 'A' in this class. After all, if I don't get an 'A' I won't get the fellowship that I want.

ad misericordiam

I'm positive that my work will meet your requirements. I really need the job since my grandmother is sick

ad misericordiam

"I shop at Natural Happy Sunshine Store (NHSS), which is much better than your grocery store, because at NHSS everything is natural"

ad natura

Cocaine is all natural; therefore, it is good for you.

ad natura

I read the other day that most people really like the new gun control laws. I was sort of suspicious of them, but I guess if most people like them, then they must be okay.

ad populum

Jill and Jane have some concerns that the rules their sorority has set are racist in character. The president of the sorority assures her that there is nothing wrong with the rules, since the majority of the sisters like them. Jane accepts this ruling

ad populum

John, a leading scientist in the field of neurobiology, told me that I put my comma in the wrong place. I changed it, because he must be right

ad verecundiam

The Pope told me that priests can turn bread and wine into Jesus' body and blood. The Pope is not a liar. Therefore, priests really can do this.

ad verecundiam

The anthropologists went to a remote area and took photographs of some native women, but they weren't developed.


court to try shooting defendant


Are you going to admit that you're wrong?

complex/loaded question

Have you stopped beating your wife?

complex/loaded question

how'd you get so beautiful?

complex/loaded question

non sequitur

conclusion does not follow premise

I want to have myself a merry little Christmas, but I refuse to do as the song suggests and make the yuletide gay. I don't think sexual preference should have anything to do with enjoying the holiday.


The sign said "fine for parking here", and since it was fine, I parked there.


Believing in the literal resurrection of Jesus is like believing in the literal existence of zombies.

false analogy

Not believing in the literal resurrection of Jesus because the Bible has errors and contradictions, is like denying that the Titanic sank because eye-witnesses did not agree if the ship broke in half before or after it sank.

false analogy

Bill: "Jill and I both support having prayer in public schools." Jill: "Hey, I never said that!" Bill: "You're not an atheist are you Jill?

false dilemma

Look, you are going to have to make up your mind. Either you decide that you can afford this stereo, or you decide you are going to do without music for a while.

false dilemma

either you let me go on the school trip or I will be the social pariah

false dilemma

Sure, the media claims that Senator Bedfellow was taking kickbacks. But we all know about the media's credibility, don't we.

genetic fallacy

i wouldn't borrow his notes, he's a football player

genetic fallacy

"I read about a pitbull attack. My neighbor owns a pitbull. My life is in danger."

non sequitur

"She drives a BMW. She must be rich."

non sequitur

Bill: "God must exist." Jill: "How do you know." Bill: "Because the Bible says so." Jill: "Why should I believe the Bible?" Bill: "Because the Bible was written by God.

petitio principii

The belief in God is universal. After all, everyone believes in God.

petitio principii

this painting is trash because it is obviously worthless

petitio principii

I had been doing pretty poorly this season. Then my girlfriend gave me this neon laces for my spikes and I won my next three races. Those laces must be good luck...if I keep on wearing them I can't help but win!

post hoc ergo propter hoc

Joan is scratched by a cat while visiting her friend. Two days later she comes down with a fever. Joan concludes that the cat's scratch must be the cause of her illness.

post hoc ergo propter hoc

straw man

reframing or redefining the terms of an argument to make it easier to defeat -MISREPRESENTATION

The US shouldn't get involved militarily in other countries. Once the government sends in a few troops, it will then send in thousands to die

slippery slope

We have to stop the tuition increase! The next thing you know, they'll be charging $40,000 a semester!

slippery slope

if you pierce your nose, you will end up in jail

slippery slope

Jane: "Turn of that stupid stereo, I want to take a nap." Sue: "Why should I? What are you exhausted or something?" Jane: "No, I just feel like taking a nap." Sue: "Well, I feel like playing my stereo." Jane: "Well, I'm taking my nap. You have to turn your stereo off and that's final."

special pleading

you wouldn't understand, you aren't from Williamson County

special pleading

A-"Teens should be taught about contraception methods so they can practice safe sex should they choose to have intercourse" B-"Proponents of sex education want to give kids license to have sex with no consequences"

straw man

we should not give women equal rights because feminists are just bra burners

straw man

Bob: "Smoking and alcoholism are well-known risk factors for cancer." Alice: "But you yourself smoke and drink a lot! You're wrong!"

tu quoque

Politician 1: Is it true that you were at a brothel last night? Politician 2: You should know better than I do, I was with you last night!

tu quoque

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