Lord of the Flies chpts 11-12 review

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Why did Ralph say he was an outcast?

"Cause I had some sense."

What was Ralph's reply to the naval officer's comment.

"It was like that at first," said Ralph, "before things-" He stopped. "We were together then--"

When they got to the beach below Castle Rock, why didn't Piggy feel safe? What did Ralph tell Piggy to do when Ralph moved away from him?

--He could hear the ocean and they were on the narrow 'neck' of land...he couldn't see. --Ralph told Piggy to kneel.

When Ralph climbs the wall to talk to Samneric, what do they tell him about what Jack (and Roger) are planning?

--They are going to hunt Ralph the next day. ---They will spread out in a line and go from one end of the island to the other. --Roger has sharpened a stick at both ends.

Ralph hopes the savage boys will just leave him alone, but he knows they probably won't because:

--because of his relationship with Jack...it's bad and Jack is the chief now --because they have killed Simon and now Piggy

What were the two tactics the savages used to get Ralph out from the undergrowth?

1) rolled boulders down through the area where he was hiding 2) started a fire

When the boulder hits Piggy the conch shatters. How has the 'role' of the conch changed from beginning of the book to now?

At first it was a symbol of authority. Now it has been shattered and its authority is gone.

How do the savages in Jack's tribe respond to Piggy's death?

At first there was silence but then jack screamed at Ralph and told him that's what he'd get. Jack hit Ralph with his spear and the tribe became like savages, screaming like Jack and advancing on Ralph.

What did the naval officer think the boys were doing?

He asked if they were playing a war game.

Ralph went back to the beach where the shelters were to eat fruit, but he didn't stay there. As he was heading back to Jack's end of the island, what did he come across and what did he do?

He came across the pig skull on the stake. It seemed to be grinning at him...He punched it and it fell to the ground. He took the spear as a weapon.

Why does Ralph want to spend the night near Castle Rock and not sleep in a shelter?

He doesn't want to be alone. He fears that they will come after him.

Ralph has a hard time believing Jack's tribe would really hurt him because:

He still pictures them as English school boys in uniforms.

Why does Ralph have such a hard time believing the savages will actually do him any physical harm?

He still pictures them as English school boys.

Why was this naive thinking by Piggy?

He thought Jack would respond to his logical reasoning and appeal to do the right thing.

What did the naval officer on the beach say to the boys about their appearance?

He told them he thought a group of British boys could have held things better together than they did.

What did Ralph tell the twins and ask them to do?

He told them he would hide in the thicket near Castle Rock and for them to guide the search away from there.

As they tracked Ralph across the island, he decided a good hiding place might be his best chance. Where did he hide? What happened?

In a very thick growth of vines (probably where Simon had been when he saw them kill the pig). A savage peeked under and spotted him. Ralph screamed, came out, hit him with the spear, and started running again. The savage gave the cry that told the others Ralph was spotted and the chase was on!

How does chapter 11 end...Samneric, Jack, and Roger?

Jack is hitting Samneric with the end of the spear and asking why they didn't join his tribe. Roger tells him, "That's not the way." "Roger advanced upon them as one wielding a nameless authority."

When Ralph blew the conch at Piggy's insistance, who showed up?

Only a few littluns....with Ralph, Piggy, and Samneric already there.

When it was agreed that the 4 would go and face Jack, why did Samneric keep mentioning that 'they'll be painted'? What was Ralph's response?

Painting their faces made them comfortable with their 'savage' behavior. That made Samneric afraid. Ralph: "Well, we won't be painted because we're not savages."

Who carried the conch?


Who said the following: "Which is better—to have rules and agree, or to hunt and kill?" "Which is better, law and rescue, or hunting and breaking things up?"

Piggy (He's asking which is best, to be savages or to be sensible.)

What happens when Jack appears out of the woods?

Ralph tells him he has to give Piggy's glasses back and calls him a thief for taking them.

How does Piggy die?

Roger leans on the lever and the boulder falls, rolling into Piggy and knocking him off the cliff. He falls to the rocks below.

What is the conditionin Ralph's camp when chapter 11 starts?

The boys are beat up, Piggy can't see because Jack took his glasses, and they can't get a fire going from the ashes of the previous day.

How did the savages know where Ralph was hiding?

The next morning Ralph heard Jack and Roger and one of the twins. They were hurting him and asking if he was sure Ralph was hiding in the grassy area.

Describe the 'fight' between Jack and Ralph.

They poked their spears at each other, but did it butt end first, not using the lethal points...at the beginning.

What command did Jack give that surprised the 4 boys facing him and his tribe?

To tie up SamnEric.

What does Ralph represent?

civilization, democratic process

What does Piggy represent?

intelligence and rational thought

Piggy insisted they go face Jack and tell him to give Piggy's glasses back because...

it was the right thing to do.

Where did Ralph end up and what did he see?

on the beach a naval officer and a ship

"with the heat beating on his left side" heat beating...personification, simile or metaphor? "and the fire racing forward like a tide." like a tide...personification, simile or metaphor?

personification (heat beating) remember personification gives life to something not living like a tide (simile) --remember a simile compares using 'like' or 'as'

What does Roger represent?


What does Jack represent?

the savage beneath the surface

What does Simon represent?

the spiritual side of man

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