Louis Armstrong

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How Scat Was Brought to Recognition By Louis

(1926): -Louis was recording "Heebie Jeebies" -To record music was very expensive -He dropped the music off of the stand and could not pick it up

Popular Recordings/Songs

-"1956 recording with Ella Fitzgerald of George Gershwin's "Porgy and Bess" was one of the most popular and best loved duets of the 1950s"-pbs.org -What A Wonderful World-1968 (#1 in England) (#47 in 1988 US) -Mame- (#81 1966) -So Long Dearie (#56 1964)

Ken Burns on Louis Armstrong

-"Armstrong is to music what Einstein is to physics and the Wright Brothers are to travel."- "Jazz" documentary producer Ken Burns -


-"My whole life, my soul, my whole spirit is to blow that horn." (1971) -"The music ain't worth nothing if you can't lay it on the public." -"There is two kinds of music, the good, and the bad. I play the good kind."

Quotes about Armstrong

-"The bottom line of any country in the world is 'what did we contribute to the world'... We contributed Louis Armstrong."- Tony Bennett (american singer; sings jazz) -"What he does is real, and true, and honest, and simple, and even noble. Every time this man puts his trumpet to his lips, even if only to practice three notes, he does it with his whole soul." - Leonard Bernstein on Louis Armstrong (07/14/56) -"If anybody was Mr. Jazz it was Louis Armstrong. He was the epitome of jazz and always will be. He is what I call an American standard, an American original." - Duke Ellington (famous composer, pianist and bandleader of jazz orchestras) -"Louis Armstrong is jazz. He represents what the music is all about." — Wynton Marsalis (trumpeter) -"He is the beginning and the end of music in America," -Bing Crosby (american singer and actor)

The Hot Chocolates (Musical), 1929

-1929 Armstrong recorded "I Can't Give You Anything But Love," -The popular song earned him a role in his first Broadway musical, Hot Chocolates -Thomas "Fats" Waller wrote What Did I Do To Be So Black and Blue -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3ok3fx3gGM

Pennies from Heaven, 1936

-A full movie -Classified as a comedy, drama and a musical -Louis plays Henry -Mini Synopsis; A singer gets mixed up with a grieving family and a haunted house -Louis performs "Skeleton in the Closet", in the Haunted House Cafe with Lionel Hampton on the drums -Armstrong shared billing with the three primary stars of the picture - something that had never before been done for a black performer in a mainstream movie -The billing along with his great performance (he has some comic dialogue scenes, too) majorly affected Armstrong's career. He became a regular in the movies, often playing himself

A Rhapsody in Black and Blue, 1932

-A one-reel short made by Paramount -In the short Louis has a part where he becomes the king of "Jazzmania, -Louis appears in two numbers: "I'll Be Glad When You're Dead, You Rascal You" and "Shine. -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUcQESVYlec


-Armstrong appeared in many movies -he mainly played himself -had many musical number -as he became more famous, the more movies he was in -sometimes his name was not listed on the posters because of racial inequality -later in his career, he was put on the main credits to pull attention to the movie

Popular Scat Artists

-Betty Carter -Carmen McRae -Sarah Vaughan -Joe Sims -Jelly Roll Morton -Ella Fitzgerald ★ ★How High The Moon ★said to be the ultimate master of Jazz scatting

Learning to Play Music

-Colored Waif's Home for Boys he learned to play the cornet -Peter Davis (the music teacher) taught him -He became the leader of the Waif's Home Band -When released one of the best trumpeters in New Orleans, Joe "King" Oliver taught him to play in an even better way -Mr. Oliver gave Louis his first cornet -By 1917 he was playing in nightclubs in Storyville (in Joe "King" Oliver's band)

Hello Dolly, 1969

-Dolly, a matchmaker makes her way to New York, hoping to find her new client, a millionaire a match. -Louis Armstrong plays himself, as a band leader in New York (important but not a large role) -The movie is considered to be a musical motion picture -Other famous actors: Barbara Streisand (dolly), Walter Matthau (the millionaire)


-Father William Armstrong (1881-1922) -Mother Mary Albert (1886-1942) -Younger sister Beatrice Armstrong Collins (1903-1987) -Grandmother Josephine Armstrong -Uncle Isaac


-First jazz musician to appear on the cover of times magazine -1863 oldest jazz star to hit number one on the pop charts -Armstrong shared billing with the three primary stars of the picture in "Pennies from Heaven" something that had never before been done for a black performer in a mainstream movie

Louis Armstrong and His All Stars

-Formed with help from Joe Glaser, his manager -The people who were in the band with him rotated -First included Barney Bigard, Big Sid Catlett, Earl Hines, and Jack Teagarden

Louis's Impact on Jazz

-He played many solos, (unlike many others which were usually highly orchestrated arrangements or in a more loosely structured "Dixieland") -Other musicians emulated his new way of playing -Lead New Orleans from "ensemble variations on a song melody to sustained solos"-The Twenties in America

Social Justice

-He publicly speak out against school segregation in 1957 (time of Little Rock) -In 1931 he planned to give a free concert in his hometown (New Orleans) for "his African American Friends" but a white radio announcer refused to announce it so it had to be canceled -Told hotels that he would not preform for them if he was not allowed to stay there, as a black man


-King Oliver (American jazz cornet player and bandleader) -Buddy Bolden -Bunk Johnson -Kid Ory -Buddy Petit

Colored Waif's Home

-Located on Park City Avenue in New Orleans -first known as the Municipal Boys Home -later merged with the Milne Boys' Home -Louis talked about how important it was for him to go there later in his life. -LA made donations to support their musical program

Weird Facts

-Louis Armstrong promoted "Swiss Kriss" (a laxative he apparently used daily) -Louis was only 5'6

High Society, 1956

-Louis has many musical numbers throughout the movie. -His name is pictured on the poster -Louis plays himself -The movie is about a woman who is about to get married again to a bland wealthy man, and her husband who wants her back -Other famous actors: Bing Crosby, Grace Kelly, Frank Sinatra -http://www.tcm.com/mediaroom/video/200550/High-Society-Movie-Clip-Now-You-Has-Jazz.html

The Swing Era

-Louis played almost 300 days in a year -This caused problems in his lips and fingers -Personal Life became turbulent b/c he was always on the road -Spent a lot of money and left himself without a lot of cash -divorced second wife-Lil Hardin -married girlfriend Alpa Smith (then quickly divorced) -settled down with 4th and final wife, Lucille Wilson

The Five Pennies, 1959

-Louis plays himself in many musical numbers -the movie is about a man who plays Dixieland jazz but at the height of his career his daughter develops polio. He quits his music and moves to LA. when his daughter learns of his musical past she persuades him to open a small nightclub which is failing until some noted names from his past come to help out. -Other famous actors: Bob Crosby, Danny Kaye -nominated for 4 oscars, won 2


-Often thought as the face of Jazz -Large influence on pop music -Icon of American entertainment -One of the most esteemed artists of the 20th century

Path to Musical Fame

-Played on a Mississippi riverboat -Played in pianist Fate Marable's band in St. Louis -joined Fate Marable's Orchestra in 1920 -Played for Zutty Singleton's Trio, the Allen Brass Band, Papa Celestin's Tuxedo Orchestra, & the Silver Leaf Band (1921) -played in a band with trombonist Kid Ory -1922 he moved to King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band in Chicago (AT THE END OF THE TOUR HE WAS FAMOUS) -in 1924 he returned to New York City (Harlem) to join Fletcher Henderson at the Roseland Ballroom (The Black Swan Troubadours as LEAD trumpeter)

Television Shows

-Series: That's Life (1968-1969); Episode: Our First Fight (season 1 episode 18) released: February 4th, 1969 -Series: You Are There (1953-1971); Episode: The Emergence of Jazz (season 3 episode 2); released: September 5th, 1954-------Louis was acted as King Oliver

Impact on Society During Lifetime

-So popular that warring sides in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Central Africa temporarily stopped fighting in 1960 to attend an Armstrong concert. -

Cotton Club

-The cotton club was a club that featured popular black artists who performed for white audiences -Louis performed there as well as Duke Ellington and Ella Fitzgerald


-Toured the world almost several times -America and Europe

Other Jobs

-Washing dishes -Collecting junk -Hauling coal -Cleaning Graves


-conviction for marijuana possession (in 1931)


-has the highest register in the brass family -has been used as a musical instrument since the 15th century -it's sound was first used as a signal in hunting or battles. -there are 7 different types of trumpets


-very similar to a trumpet -distinguished by its more compact shape + mellower tone -cornet in french means "little horn" -classified in the brass category

Hot Five & Hot Seven

1925-1928 -Bands formed by Louis Armstrong -Never performed live-only recordings -They recorded 65 songs -Their works is still considered to be a great jazz classic -1928 "West End Blues" is very famous

Other Talents

Acting (appeared in): -High Society -Hello, Dolly -Pennies from Heaven -Cabin in the Sky -Paris Blues -A Man Called Adam -Going Places -Glory Alley -Louis Armstrong: Live in Australia


BOOKS: -"Extraordinary People of the Harlem Renaissance" (P. Stephen Hardy & Sheila Jackson Hardy) -"The Twenties in America" (Editor: Carl Rollyson; Publisher: Salem Press; Passage By: Howard Bromberg) SITES: -louisarmstrongfoundation.org -jazz.com -satchmo.com (awards list) -"Harlem Renaissance" (Stuart Kallen) -pbs.org -biography.com -soultrain.com -louisarmstronghouse.org -brainyquote.com -britannica.com -tcm.com


Born: August 4, 1901; New Orleans, Louisiana (the black ghetto) Died: July 6, 1971; New York City, New York Raised: New Orleans (sent to live with grandmother when 5) Education: Fisk School for Boys (grades 1-5) Wives: -Daisy Parker (married:March 19, 1918 - December 18, 1923) -Lil Hardin (married: February 4, 1924 - [separated in 1931] divorced 1938) -Alpha Smith (married: 1938) -Lucille Wilson (married: 1942)

Important Facts

Early Life: -he left school to help support his family -loved to sing as a young boy (with 3 other boys he formed a quartet & sang on the street corner for money) -go into some trouble throughout his early years -At age 12 he was arrested for shooting a gun to celebrate New Year's Eve on December 31, 1912⇓ -He was placed in Colored Waif's Home for delinquent black children (for 2 years) -they taught him there to play the cornet and he joined the band and chorus -he left determined to become a musician Later Life: -conviction for marijuana possession (in 1931) -given the nickname "satchel mouth" shortened to "satchmo" (because his cheeks filled with air and tripled in size)

Earliest Scat Singers

Gene Greene: -King of the Bungaloos -1917 From Here to Shanghai Al Jolsen: -That Haunting Melody Gene Rodemich (St. Louis orchestra leader) -1924 Scissor Grinder Joe -1924 Some of these Days

Materials and Techniques Used

Instrument: Cornet then Trumpet Style of Music: -Scat -Blues -Aesthetic

Honors and Awards

List of awards is from: http://www.satchmo.com/louisarmstrong/props4pops.html -Statue of Louis Armstrong in Armstrong Park, New Orleans Louisiana -Satchmo featured on the cover of Time Magazine, along with a five page feature article titled "Louis The First." (February 21, 1949) -Armstrong inducted into the Down Beat Jazz Hall of Fame. (1952; Armstrong was the first honoree) -Louis Armstrong wins "Best Male Vocal Performance" Grammy Award for his Hello, Dolly! single. The song was also nominated for "Record of the Year". (April 13, 1965) -Armstrong featured on the cover of Life Magazine (April 15, 1966) -Armstrong honored with Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award. (1972) -Statue of Louis Armstrong unveiled in Armstrong Park in New Orleans (April 15, 1980) -Satchmo inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as early influence. (1990) -US Postal Service issues Louis Armstrong commemorative stamp. (1995) -Armstrong became initial inductee to ASCAP Jazz Wall of Fame. (Sept. 16, 1997) -Armstrong included in Life Magazine's "The 100 People Who Made The Millennium." He was #69 on the list. (1997) -"West End Blues," "St. Louis Blues" and "Hello, Dolly!" included in NPR's 100 Most Important American Musical Works of the 20th Century. (1999) -Armstrong named one of the "Top 100 Entertainers of the 20th Century." (Variety, 12/06/99) -Armstrong included in Time magazine's "100 Most Influential People of the 20th Century." (1999) -Louis Armstrong statue unveiled at Algiers Ferry Landing in New Orleans on July 4, 2000. (1999) -The New Orleans International Airport was renamed to Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport (2001) -Armstrong's "Hot Five and Hot Seven" recordings (1925-1928) were designated for preservation by the National Recording Registry at the Library of Congress (2003),


Music: -in 1923 Armstrong made the first of more than 1,500 recordings -in 1925 he was billed as "the world's greatest trumpet player" -Created the "hot five" and the "hot seven" -Played almost 300 days in a year -Introduced a genre of jazz "Scat" -Toured the world 7 times -A hit recording in every decade from 1920s-1960s Writing: -two autobiographies -more than ten magazine articles -hundreds of pages of memoirs -lots and lots of letters Miscellaneous: -Appeared in more than fifty films

Scat Facts

Scat is: improvised solos created by a vocalist using nonsense syllables for words -scat is in the category of jazz music


Skeleton in the Closet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ae5WtA_Oqfs When the Saints Go Marching in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyLjbMBpGDA High Society: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtfxSAnOgoU

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